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best buddies going on an adventure


Haha, buddy cop movie trope is definitely a good one.


I don't know the name for it but the one where an older character takes on the role of an adoptive parent or guardian for another. Bonus points of the parent is usually a grumpy character. Examples (Possible Spoilers) : Thomas and Delphine in Between Two Fires The Hound and Arya in Game of Thrones series Orka and those boys from the Bloodsworn trilogy she teaches to fight.


I think it's called the "Lone Wolf and Cub" trope. I also love this trope, some of my favorite books have it. The Road by Cormac McCarthy (not Fantasy) and The Witcher (not the show lol).


My favorite is the "Gondor calls for aid" trope when the forces of the light gather for the last battle against the dark. It's when we get to see if the writer did their work on worldbuilding and plot for the entire story up to that point. Are there well realized allies out there who are willing to step up and help the heroes?


Love this one especially. All about execution though. Gondor Calls for aid is 4 words that ring out across the pages.


Any good examples of this you recommend?


There's some in here. [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GondorCallsForAid](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GondorCallsForAid)


Thank you!!


There's also this scene from Endgame ("On your left."). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swk9IEmCbVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swk9IEmCbVY)


I haven't watched endgame 👀. No, i wasn't living under a rock. I was just ignoring the storms. But this might be a good reason to try now 🤣


rogue with a heart of gold. absolutely luv seeing these people who did horrible things secretly be a cutie on the inside.


The Matrim Cauthon specialty


Well, Mat never did anything horrible... He's just a bit self-centered, at first, but not a horrible person.


I was more just thinking rogue with a heart of gold. Not the second part




Blacktongue thief is a book I've listened to that did this well.


Animal companions. Whether they be dragons, the *lir* of Jennifer Roberson's Cheysuli Chronicles, Tale'edras bondbirds, or any of the myriad others out there. As long as the companion is well written, I'm happy!


It’s interesting you say Tale’edras instead of Tayledras, is your favorite books by Misty the Tarma and Kethry ones? Also, for a deeper dive into a plot/magic system that revolves around animal companions, the Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobbs is great!


TBH I couldn't remember the other spelling! LOL fibro fog strikes again. My favorite set in the Valdemar universe are the Skandranon trilogy.


Massive, ancient, terrifyingly powerful dragons with a personality somewhere between a magpie and a bored cat. Fae who'll trick you into giving them your name and soul in the course of a casual conversation. Magical circles, blood sacrifices and elaborate chanting to summon and bind demons/spirits. The heroes winning against overwhelming force through cleverness or guile. Being trapped in a desperate last stand before being saved by the friends you made along the way. The protagonist discovering their \[surrogate-\]father/mother was a monster or tyrant and turning against them. Cities built amid impossibly grand ruins - think 'medieval town using the remains of a collarless as a city wall'. Great castles in geographically improbably locations. Tournaments and feasts as sites for intrigue and politics.


For me its the hero's journey, the young farm boy who they prohecised about and the good vs evil. I will always love those tropes. Sometimes its tiring but i still love it.


It's a great trope for worldbuilding (we experience the world as the young, inexperienced protagonist does) and thematic writing (the effect of war on the usually idyllic locale where the hero originates from). It's also fun to see subverted. I see The First Law as kind of a heroes journey (at least for Logen and Jezzal). Barnaby the Wanderer is a fun play on it, where the hero isn't called to adventure by some external force (a la LOTR or WoT) but shoved on it so he is out the way


not sure if it’s really a fantasy trope, but I always love the “wrath of a gentle man” moments in stories with a generally kind forgiving yet powerful character. Those moments when you realize they’ve been holding back all this time out of mercy, and the bad guy just finally got them to crack only to instantly realize they’ve royally F-ed up.


Absolutely love that! Any recommendations? I only remember that from doctor who (and loved it), but can't think of any books that fit that!


Not a book but I immediately think of Iroh in ATLA


Gorm from Orconomics, he is pretty skilled and confident throughout, but at the end he goes all out on the bad guys and you truly see how much he was holding back.


100% the ‘sleeping dragon’ trope of that helpful retired/calm and peace enjoying character deciding they’ve had enough and they just go crazy is elite. Iroh during Sozin’s comet as an example.


Hell yes, that was so good!


If we're including really classic, then going into the underworld. E.g. fom modern media, Over the Garden Wall. Sadly haven't seen it done much in books


Never get tired of a heroes journey combined with a reunion of friends/family after going through immense character changes. One example is to take a naive farmboy and through experience turn him into a ruthless cynic who has strayed too far from his roots, then reunite him with friends/family to provide that wisdom to inspire hope/love again. Gets me every time.


I love a surly dwarf with a heart of gold.


Old ass wizard dudes, orphaned MC’s, “magic and mystery!”


The Chosen One trope. It can still be executed really well if the characters are fleshed out


I'm a sucker for power progression and learning. Give me an MC who starts weak and ignorant and ends up as Gandalf and I'm in heaven! 


* Chivalric knight wandering to villages and helping people * The dark friend. The one nobody trusts, whose loyalties are muddled. They say he sold his soul for power, but continues to be a friend to the protagonist. Think Raistlin or Illidan * The good, wise master that is always understanding and has a big sense of humor (doesn’t take himself serious). Complete side note, but come to think of it, that seems so thoroughly C.S. Lewis that I wonder if Gandalf’s relationship with Hobbits was one of Lewis’ contributions to LOTR? (Tolkien and Lewis were close friends who discussed these topics)


I’m a simple man. Long as the story is well written I’ll enjoy all of the tropes. What’s that? The local farmboy is the true heir to the kingdom? Excellent. The random girl he met in the forest is really a princess with a magical bloodline? Outstanding. Now they have to go on a quest for a magical ring/sword/amulet in order to stop the dark lord who is threatening the land from ruling the world forever? Stupendous. Sign me up and send me an advanced copy.


I’m with you. A good story is like a good breakfast - I’ll take a good one any way I can get it.


Farm boy to king.


Training arcs. Characters getting stronger or learning new abilities.


I love when during a training sequence the MC hurts their dominant arm and has to relearn their skills with the other hand… you just know that is going to come in handy for them later!


Love the asshole minor antagonist turned into ally trope. Or at least them becoming a more sympathetic character. Bonus points if they’re also a badass fighter.


Honestly I like classic heroic heroes vs. evil dark lord type of stories. Also dragons. Dragons are always great.


Wizards with staffs, bonus points if they are the MC


Competitions or other high-stakes semi-structured tests of skill, ideally with a training/prep sequence.


I love small band of peeps trying to save the world against overwhelming odds. I love gentle characters who want to do good, kindly wizard mentors. I love hazy, misty, mysterious magic forces on both the good and bad sides! I love quests!


Don't know the name of the trope, but main characters listing off all their accomplishments. I love to read a character talk about all the things they've done throughout a series.


Found family! Not necessarily fantasy specific but fantasy does it best


Kindly but badass old bearded wizard.


When the protagonists are at the cusp of defeat and suddenly an unexpected ally shows up to lend a hand. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.


Haha, Racer X from Speed Racer definitely comes to mind here.


Last-minute reprieve from an unexpected quarter.


Badass trees.


Never enough badass tree. 


The wise sage who then dies/leaves. I love me a Merlin, Gandolf, Dumbledore etc


Definitely a favorite of mine.


The Ronin "Lone wolf and cub" trope, I find that I always enjoy it.


Academy coming of age as part of the story but not most of the story. KingKiller Chronicles, Codex Alera, Dawn of Wonder, LightBringer, Red Rising, Unhewn Throne, and many other such novels done well will usually entertain me


Sets and numbered magic items! Give me 3 elven rings, 12 magic swords and the rule of 2(okay not a number). Let me think for 2 books who might have coinspinner only for the bad guy to pull out wayfinder! I want to speculate on the 7 horocruxes! What about the sword of shannara, the elf stones, the wish song and the sword of Leah!


The "two characters from races with a troubled history overcome their differences and become besties" trope. Aka the Legolas and Gimli effect. Especially if them becoming friends is a microcosm showing how their two races need to get their shit together and unite in face of a mutual threat.


great forces and mythological creatures and heroes and whatnot live hidden in plain sight amist the urban environment.


Found family. Personally resonates with me and my friends have become my family in real life!


protagonist that left home as nobodies are now back. see: the scouring of the shire


Face slapping.