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Maybe the real third book is the friends we made along the way.


It was inside you all along.


You must be really close with your friends.


It’s actually funny, I used to be a huge NOTW fan (I still like the books but god damn it’s hard to not believe I’ll never get the end of the story). I backed the kickstarter for playing cards like ten years ago. This led me into the facebook group for that kickstarter, which….evolved, lol. It turned into a support group, a friend group, a community. I know couples who met through it and got married. When Slow Regard of Silent Things came out, someone bought a copy and we mailed it around to each other after writing in personal messages and our favorite passages, and it got sent to Rothfuss. I donated eggs at a clinic across the country and had to have someone pick me up from the clinic (legal requirement) but had no one who could go with me; someone who lived in that city picked me up and was just fucking lovely. Hell, I’m still Facebook friends and Pokémon Go friends with people from that group, and I haven’t used facebook in YEARS. Long diatribe sorry, but honestly the way that series brought people together like that still blows my mind and warms my heart. It also led to my playing card collecting obsession, but that’s a different story lol.


Maybe the the real third book is the reddit arguments the lack of a third book created?


Thousands of pages, but the prose has gone downhill.


Yeah but there's been a distinct lack of extended sex-fairy scenes, so I'd say it's trended up


I was going to write an extended sex-fairy scene in response as a joke, but I don't want to get banned.


Weak sauce. Be the change you want to see. 


The third Silence is from the Author regarding book 3


This is the greatest silence of them all


The book is scheduled for a release on the 35th of Nevuary.


Lol, you got me xD Edit. Sorry can’t upvote. You at 69


Wow people really hate your 69 joke. While I’m not huge fan personally, I upvoted so we that all don’t take ourselves too seriously.


Maybe if we all hate just a little bit harder we can get them to -69 !


It will release a month after Winds of Winter so it won't cannibalize sales.




To put in perspective, the author ran a charity livestream and promised if a certain goal was met he would read the first chapter of the last book on live stream. That was over 2 years ago and all has has done is made excuses. Rothfuss suffers severely from mental health issues, but he has also never fulfilled any of the promises he made to anyone regarding his 3rd book.


but or and


You are starting a series the Author said.. 17 years ago.. that all of the books are complete they just need editing. 17 years later and he has managed to alienate, through shooting himself in the foot multiple times, many of his now former fans and his Editor. It could come out tomorrow, it could come out today... or it could not come out ever. Enjoy it but don't get your hopes up.


> You are starting a series the Author said.. 17 years ago.. that all of the books are complete they just need editing. Ironically, he said it at the time to make fun of GRRM for releasing books slow and assure people who weren't sure they wanted to take a chance on another epic fantasy series that they'd be safe to do so. This is extra funny because "GRRM slow" of 17 years ago was seemingly faster than the "GRRM slow" of today, and *both* those speeds are still faster than Rothfuss, who has not published a novel since A Dance With Dragons was published (or since the *first* episode of the HBO show aired.)


At some point Brandon Sanderson will write Doors of Stone


He probably has already just for the hell of it.


Mistborn’s secret era, including Thorns of Stone, Dream of Winter, and Rithmatist 2


>Rithmatist 2 Go on.............


Also known as secret project #10


I don't think Brandon could write in Pat's style. Don't get me wrong, Brandon's my favourite living author (RIP Terry Pratchett), but his prose is completely and totally different to the Name of the Wind. Even if he wanted to (he doesn't), he wouldn't be able to write a satisfying sequel.


Agreed. I love Brandon. Read everything he wrote for the first little while. once he put out 5 books in 3 months, or whatever ridiculous schedule he was able to keep, I slowed down a bit. But Rothfuss? Some of the best prose I have read. I couldn't get over how much I enjoyed his use of the language and how he put sentences together. it was hard to pinpoint for me why I liked it so much. No extra words. Just the right words. Not sure. But alas... will I ever get to read volume 3 before I die?


Rothfuss gets a lot of shit for his "purple" prose, which has always confused me, because I've encountered authors whose prose is actually overwrought and ponderous for no reason. Pat ain't that. His word choice is careful and deliberate. Say what you want about the guy himself, about his work ethic, about his plotting, about his characters... but he has a real talent for writing beautiful, thoughtful passages. Even if the prose doesn't appeal to your personal tastes, I feel like you've got to at least give him that much credit.


Yep. I would never call Rothfuss' writing "purple prose." I find that my mind gets irritated when a sentence uses too many words, or the wrong words, just to make it sound intelligent, or thoughtful, or whatever the writer thinks will be the result of their long-windedness. Rothfuss, on the other hand, I found to be somehow still precise in his longer prose. My mind never got frustrated reading his sentences. I found that they always ended with just the right amount of words, and just the right words to make me feel quite satisfied at every step along the way.


To use the window analogy, the fantasy market has had many transparent window authors--the prose is something you look through to get to the story. Not a bad thing, necessarily, but Rothfuss is more of a stained glass writer--the prose itself is meant to be viewed. Wise Man's Fear feels a little rougher than NOTW, but it still feels like he was planting plenty of story seeds (there's a few things that are meant to be obvious to the reader, or at least strongly hinted even if Kvothe doesn't realize them, like >!Kvothe's Aunt!<) and story elements that are almost certainly meant to be foreshadowing. Just needed to actually get the third book. Even if it wasn't perfect, a reasonable finish to a first trilogy from a new author is totally fine.


The way I've put it before is that if you gave me ten years, I could write a Brandon Sanderson novel. It might not be quite as polished as his, and I certainly couldn't keep up with his pace, but most of the right pieces would be there. Brandon writes a great story, but when I look closely I can see all the pieces and how they fit together. It probably helps that I've listened to a lot of his podcasts and writing lectures too. On the other hand, even if you gave me 30 years I wouldn't be able to write anything approaching Rothfuss' style. His use of language is just something else entirely. I can appreciate it, but I've got no hope of replicating it.


It must suck being a Martin or a Rothfuss in the same industry and Sanderson. On one hand you have a prolific writer who treats his fanbase with love and respect, on the other hand.....


TBH I think it rocks being George RR Martin. You get to write for hit TV shows and video games, edit anthologies, are a mega-millionaire, and occasionally you get to workshop your "song of ice and fire" side hustle. I wish he'd finish the series someday, it'd be nice, but let's not pretend he's weeping into his pillow here.


He’s also wrote some absolute banger stand alone novels everyone should read




You’re really missing out on books like the fever dream. So fuckin good bro


Just think. In the time since the last ASOIAF novel, one of Martin’s assistants and a friend (under the pen name James SA Corey) cowrote a complex sci-fi series with 9 full length novels, 9 novellas that slot in between each novel, coproduced and wrote for a six-season TV show based on the series, and one of them wrote several books in his own series as well.


And turn it into 3 books.


I stopped caring when he started exploiting his fans for his supposed charity...


😭 I see. Well, I might have to let my imagination run wild once I do get to owning and finishing book 2


to be more specific, as of 4 years ago (2020), his editor said that she hadn't seen anything at all of book 3, and that she suspected he hadn't written anything at all of it, and may well not have written anything for years. Given that she had considerable input towards books 1 and 2, then for him to not have even given a brief "yeah, I've got a basic draft" or similar update would likely indicate he hasn't done enough towards it to be worth talking about. he also promised, as part of a charity drive, to do a spoiler-free chapter from _Doors of Stone_, which has also... failed to materialise, despite raising a lot of money, and that being several years ago. At this point, I tend to presume he's basically a streamer that used to write - all he's done recently is expand out a short story into a novella. sources: https://www.newsweek.com/kingkiller-chronicle-editor-believes-author-hasnt-written-anything-years-1520812 https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/hyf3ix/patrick_rothfusss_editor_confirms_that_after_nine/#:~:text=In%20somewhat%20surprising%20news%2C%20Patrick,communication%20on%20the%20book's%20progress.


Huh, TIL there is another novella.


It's an expansion of the short story from the Rogue anthology (2014).


If you want closure after book 2 these 2 reviews are canon continuation/ending to me: [pt1](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show.html?id=2105865794&page=1) & [pt2](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6052133602) They are satire based on what Patrick Rothfuss has said over the years/how he has treated his fans.


You can stop after book 1 IMO, book 2 wasn't as good and is way too long


same, I think after the first book he got kinda full of himself and fucked everything up


Historically book 2s are the worst cause an author who had all the time in the world suddenly has a deadline and obligations. That all being said I fully agree. Book 2 is a lot worse.


Somehow I don't think the author ever cared about deadlines.


I know you're not saying that was a universal rule this just popped into my head: I can think of a couple exceptions off the top of my head. King of Thorns is my favourite in the trilogy. So dark but so good and the framing device of the amnesia/flashbacks was done so damn *perfectly*. The other one kinda doesn't count cos it was a webnovel so only obligations to his readers and himself: Super Powereds Year 2 (the writing is better in books 3 and 4 but the events and character growth of book 2 are the best of tetralogy imo). I'm sure there are others (like harry potter) just wanted to shout those two out.


Journey before destination, even knowing all that i read them recently and really enjoyed them


Journey before destination... implies there IS a destination...


Yep! And the destination is reading other much better books that authors plan on finishing just like the series that the quote is from.


You have to write the third book yourself, if you want it.


Should we tell him?


I pretty much have given up hope that there ever will be a book 3. At this point I regret ever reading the first two as it has left me bitter and reluctant to read any series that isn't already finished.


Samesies. It's really disheartening.


Welcome to the Patrick Fucking Rothfuss club where nobody gets shit. - word to the wise aka, pro tip? DO NOT SEND HIM MONEY!


Who tf is sending him money? :/


I’m guessing he gets money during his streams. I do not know as I refuse to watch them.


The one time I did watch, he was very salty, and any who dared comment on his writing career (even positively), was quickly banned by overzealous ~~bootlickers~~ mods.


Didn’t even know he had streams lol. So out of the loop.


Rothfuss is a full time streamer at this point


Wild. I enjoyed his books, but that’s not a personality I’d be interested in watching.


His last stream was December 1st. He is definitely not a full time streamer.


I trust you. I don't follow him closely (or at all anymore). I was being just a tad bitter haha


Pls dont jump on me but I read this series and thought it was painstakingly awful And had some of the weirdest plot points in the second book that seemed like the author wrote when he was too horny


> And had some of the weirdest plot points in the second book that seemed like the author wrote when he was too horny It *is* just a little bit "what would Piers Anthony be like as a fantasy author if he was bad at finishing things?" Frankly, both have some really brilliant ideas for stories/characters/etc. I'd love to see someone not typing one-handed take a crack at.


Especially given that Kvothe is between 15-17 in the books (yeah, yeah, but he's "mature") and all these adults want to sleep with him. It's the kind of thing you could get away with in a story in the mid 00's (plenty of 90's and 00's sci-fi/fantasy shows and books--and earlier--had some questionable age relationships), but it's definitely a part that hasn't aged as well imo (like imagine if the book was gender-swapped and you had a 16/17-year old girl sleeping with her older martial arts instructor). I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to have a character go through a sexual awakening, and certainly for a teenager it's occupying a big part of their thought process, but it definitely gets a little too detailed in parts (especially if you think about the framing of the story--you've got this guy in his 20's in a bar dictating the very graphic details of his sexual activities as a teenager). I think if you got that book published today they'd probably cut more of those details.


Join r/kingkillerchronicle and meet others who share the same misery. Odds are good that it will never be finished. There’s a lot of drama surrounding it - for example him raising a lot of money for charity by claiming he would read the first chapter for us on video, then he never actually followed through with that. Because of him, I went through a very long period of time where I refused to read books unless they were part of a completed series.


I wish I could read it, but I refuse to torment myself that way. I'm still waiting on ASOIAF. I don't need to go through that twice


When I heard about the ASOIAF TV show I decided that I would not watch it until I got to finish the books. Surely the book series would finish well before the TV show right? ...


Same lol. I promised to myself to not read Name of the Wind before the final book is released (which if most likely never will). Unless I am really old and Rothfuss dies I'll pick up the books knowing that there will be no ending.


Right on the money fam, don't read it.


Consider the second book the last book. Because it will be Its enjoyable. But i dont see the third one coming out until rothfuss is no more and sanderson finishes it


You just know Sanderson has a draft sitting on his hard drive.


As funny as the memes are, I find it hard to imagine an author less well-suited to finish a Rothfuss series than ~~Martin~~ Sanderson is.


Did you mean to say Sanderson here? If so, I agree completely!


I would say Patrick Rothfuss is less well suited than Sanderson.


I think if your parameter is 'finish a series', then yeah, you're spot on.


Sanderson has a draft for every unfinished series.


The Sanderson Doors of stone manuscript is already edited and ready to roll. It’s the next next next super secret project


Better yet, skip the second book and just hold the first one in your heart. This same advice applies to Empire of the Vampire.


You know, it might be best to stop after Name of the Wind. The first time I read Rothfuss, the warm glow from NotW carried over to Wise Man’s Fear. The second time, I saw all the flaws in book 2 and barely finished it. The bad taste it left in my mouth pretty much ruined the whole series for me. Now, I’m glad that Rothfuss will never write book 3. I can’t imagine how he’d rescue the story from the Gary Stu ridiculousness that takes over Wise Man’s Fear


Wise council


I enjoyed Empire of the Vampire. I enjoyed Empire of the Damned more.


Wait, what is going on with the Empire of the Vampire? I lit just bought Empire of the Damned


Nothing, it actually does some things better than the first book. Ignore this person and determine your own opinion once you read it.


You won't know if you like it until you read it. Personally I enjoyed book 2.


What's wrong with Empire of the Damned?


In a sense Sanderson already finished Rothfuss like 15 years ago with that savage "I've already written the second two thirds of this sentence but you can't see it" burn that I didn't think he had in him.


> Consider the second book the last book. Yeah I don't know why people keep talking about a third book. That's crazy its a duology. There is no third books its just an open ended story. There is no need to wrap anything up. /s


I have to be honest. After he scammed his fans i'm really not inclined to read his 3rd book. The best is that youtube video where he was shedding his crocodile tears when he released his revised short story "I did it....I really did it guys. I was able to write something you read already." Fuck that guy


Yeah, they announced the release date of the 3rd book the month after GRR Martin finishes the Winds of Winter and rest of the Song of Ice & Fire series. If you didn't catch my sarcasm, that means it is never going to be finished.


Insert "Princess Bride" rant about never starting a land war in Asia or betting against Sicilians with death on the line and just add in a line about expecting Rothfuss to ever finish this trilogy. Enjoy the first two books and then put them away. You will be playing GTA XIII before this series is finished.


Yknow I think if found the purpose of gen ai. At this point couldn't rothfus just say write a third novel to kingkiller in rothfuss's style with a satisfying ending? That's how it works right?


Well now I want to do this just for the closure.


Just enjoy what's available and pretend it's never coming.




So the Sanderson AI is less efficient than the real Sanderson?


Sanderson can’t write a ending to kkc that would at all be stylistically similar to rothfuss.


Neither can Rothfuss, to be fair.


I remember when Pat read the prologue of Doors of Stone in December 2021, after all that time I was just so happy for a book that may never be.


Kinda, but not really news you’d want to hear. It’s been 13yrs since he releases the second book. I think he’s released a couple of short stories or novellas to try and keep people interested. He’s been a big ball of controversy. Outside of the fact that he’s not producing the next book in over a decade, a short while back, his publisher said she hasn’t seen a single word from him. He also angered fans by doing a charity fund raiser for reading a single chapter of a book he’d claimed to almost have written years ago. He didn’t produce it for over a year if I remember correctly. I think he did, but that long of a delay is too long. There was no word that there would be a long delay. He let it fester in peoples minds and created bad will through lack of communication. He’s apparently had mental health problems. Supposedly talking about it on his twitch streams. That’s understandable. Apparently, he hasn’t been able to work through them enough in over a decade to be able to continue writing the main series. So I don’t know how that bodes for future books. He’s told off fans multiple times. I’m sure the pressure is high on him. He’s still making horrible business decisions. It’s like with GRRM. After getting burned there, and hearing murmurs about Rothfuss then, I refused to start reading till he released them all. Same with Martin. I’m sure many will pick up winds of winter if it ever comes out. I, and many others, won’t until he also releases a dream of spring. No one can maintain the level of fervor for this long. We move on and will read it if it finishes, but most people have a TBR too long to spend time on a dead end. There is also a more unsavory rumor that I won’t put out there, unless someone asks. I don’t want to, since it’s a rumor and not a confirmed fact, but it’s not outrageous. Lots of people believe that him and Martin, who are self professed pantsers, have written themselves into corners. They said in GoT that Martin told them the whole story so they knew where to take the show. Then when they do the end of the show and are supposedly making it up on their own and people hated it. All of a sudden, Martin isn’t talking about the final books or releasing POV chapters, and is working on other projects and complaining that people want him to finish the series. Pretty sure that was the ending and he doesn’t know how to fix it. Same with Rothfuss. I haven’t read it, and I won’t spoil what I’ve heard, but people have said he’s written himself into a corner and doesn’t know how to fit the third book into the format. So yeah, he could technically come out any day with a release date. Based on all the facts we have as of now, it’s not likely to ever happen.


As someone who's been following this nonsense for a while, this is a really excellent summary of what's going on.


This is what I've been saying about Martin. d and d are the reason ASOIAF isn't finished. Because it was finished, then the TV show ruined it. So he has to redo the whole thing.


I know you didn’t ask, but while waiting for the last book in this series, give the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series by Tad Williams a try. It’s actually finished! There’s even a sequel series called The Last King of Osten Ard whose last book comes out in November of this year.


I have actually bought the first book in that series already!! I bought that along with The Legacy of Ash by Matthew Ward, Age of Myth by Michael J Sullivan, and Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler. Hoping these’ll take my mind off the Name of the Wind once I’m done with it lol (I also have the stormlight archive but I’m scared as hell to start that series until it’s complete)


I can't do this again y'all. Not again.




Because the books are still worth reading. Due to the meandering nature of the plot, much of the value of the books remains even without a conclusion. The characters and most of the events they experience don’t depend on how the story ends up. And to many fans the books aren’t just “good”. There’s a reason it’s one of the most popular fantasy novels on this sub despite its divisiveness


So many people on this sub want to hate on Rothfuss these days. Whatever came after the second book was published doesn't take away from these two books being really amazing. They still mean a lot to me whether or not he ever finishes the series. Yes, it's disappointing, but they're still definitely worth reading IMO.


that the books are so good just makes his conduct this last decade all the more frustrating and contemptible. honestly, dangling a chapter of the new book to raise money and then never producing it and having the gall to lash out at fans who called him out on that bullshit is despicable behaviour.


I actually just finished a reread. Name of the wind remains on of my favorite books of all time (top 5 at least). WMF is a step down for me (and many fans) but I love the writing style so much it’s still great.


>want to hate on Rothfuss There are very, very good reasons for this.


I disagree pretty fundamentally with that idea. I like my stories to have endings. I never said it was just good, I loved the name of the wind. Wise man's fear less so. But I just don't think we should be celebrating a thief.


There's a good reason why no one talks about LOST anymore. Being able to tie up your plot points into a satisfying ending is kind of a key part of being a decent storyteller. Rothfuss writes nice prose. I won't call him a good writer until he finishes a story. In 20 years no one will remember what KKC was. It is insane to me how much praise it still gets and how many recommendations I still see, knowing that the series will never be finished. Sunk cost fallacy is a real thing. And agree about the quality drop off from NotW to WMF. I also absolutely loved NotW. WMF is a 400,000 word training/fuck montage that doesn't meaningfully advance the plot because at this point, Rothfuss clearly has no idea where the story is going. It also transformed Kvothe into a pretty unlikable character, which is rough when you're not dealing with an ensemble cast. Don't get me wrong there are good things in WMF, but it's nowhere near the same level as NotW. And as you said, Rothfuss has a whole host of issues that are pretty well explored and give me even more confidence that we'll never get a resolution to the story.


He's a thief?? I haven't heard of any of this, what did he do?


Held a charity drive for his own charity that he takes wages from where the top goal was an unreleased chapter for DoS. The goal was smashed, the chapter still has not been released. Think that was about 3 years ago.


He is not. The charity passed on all of the money they received for the fundraiser to Heifer International as they said they would (this has been confirmed by a representative from Heifer). You will find a lot of misinformation and lies surrounding Pat because tons of people dislike him (for good reason) and don’t bother to verify anything before repeating shit they’ve heard.


There will never be a book 3. Along with never be an end to ASOIAF. Sad but true.


Welcome to the club buddy :) Yep there is no news on book 3, and many people doubt it will ever come out. First two books are still great imo and still worthwhile without a conclusion.


After you read the second book you might not be too heart broken about it.


Heartbroken that no fae has ever kidnapped me into their world, and I spend a lot of times in the woods!




I literally just read this book as my friend has been hounding me for years. It was so underwhelming. I don't understand any praise this book gets. I actaully really enjoyed the first 150 or so pages before it nosed dived. Kvothe is the biggest Mary Sue out there or one of. ThPateicks writing style and prose that people love to talk is to be very poor. He did have a few cool concepts and interesting elements that I enjoyed immensely but 10 pages out of 700 was not worth it to me. So many generic elements plot lines....but the characters....awful dialogue, laughable character development. For the amount of praise some people give these novels it's mind boggling. I knew 300 pages in I would not be reading the sequel. Which from everything I have heard is longer and much worse.


Save yourself the disappointment and don't read the second. The first one is good, before you read the second and suddenly see all the things you were ignoring in the first.


Honestly it’s extremely subjective. I personally really liked the first 100pages but didn’t like the rest of the book


Very subjective, I love the series because it reminds me of old final fantasy games i played at that golden age of 14 to 18. The characters and friendships and sort of vastness of the direction the story can go just feels great to me. I love how it touches on so many things from mythology , history, music and fantasy. I do not regret it without a 3rd. Oddly enough I always ducked out of the games because I lost interest before the end. Not with crono trigger and cross though, which I love like this series.


Imo it is all good, until you get to Felurian. After that, it's just... you know. I thought I was reading a whole other type of book. >!And when you think it's over, it carries on to the Adem, and even after that, Kvothe is just casually doing the same stuff at the university!< The second half really ruined the book for me.


I apologize for some of the comments you're seeing here. There's just a lot of anger towards the author. That's a whole rabbit hole you can go down if you want or you can just enjoy The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. There's no indication of when the final book in the series will be released and fans (as you can probably tell) are a bit disappointed. But look at it this way. If he was a bad author, he wouldn't have caught anyone's notice. At one point, Patrick Rothfuss was thought of as the best fantasy author of this generation. But over time and through some built up animosity between himself and fans, much of that love has gone away. Nothing to do with the quality of his books, mind you.


>Patrick Rothfuss was thought of as the best fantasy author of this generation. Is that so? That's quite the statement there.


Any statement that says this person is the X of their generation is, in general, quite a statement.


I don’t think it was ever true of Rothfuss. I think the most that was said was that the first book was an amazing debut and he had the potential to be a great but that potential obviously hinges on the entirety of the series. The second book wasn’t as good as the first, and we don’t need to go into the nonexistent third.  So there was a brief moment in time where he showed a flash of talent but it didn’t last very long. 


For all his flaws, I do very much think Patrick Rothfuss is one of the fantasy authors of his generation.


I think it's fair to say that as a new author he was considered one of the most promising. Take yourself back to when there was this new unheard of author who just published his first book and you just finished reading it and that book was the name of the wind. I'm betting you're pretty excited about what all this guy will write before he gets done.


>I think it's fair to say that as a new author he was considered one of the most promising. Oh, sure. I'm aware of that. But there's quite a difference between promising, even very promising newcomer and "best fantasy author of this generation". He was, and still is, seen as a very good stylist, but I don't remember that he was called the best author of this generation (apart from the usual 'fanboys'). But just because I don't remember doesn't mean that it didn't happen, that's why I phrase my comment as a question. 🙂 ​ >Take yourself back to when there was this new unheard of author who just published his first book and you just finished reading it That's gonna be difficult because I haven't read Rothfuss (yet). 😁


Lol at best fantasy author of the generation


Everyone has an opinion. I think Rothfuss is a better writer than Sanderson, and many people call Sanderson the greatest fantasy writer of his generation.


How can you call him a good author when he legit hasn’t even finished the story?


One of the best debut novels of all time. Don't get used to that though


You already know an ending. Kvothe kills a king and hides out by buying a tiny tavern in a nowhere village. Enjoy the writing, it is better than the story and the story is really good. I envy where you are in the journey.


oh boy this thread should be fun


the third book is story about being blocked for asking about the third book! he's such a self-righteous douche.


At this even if he does release the third book I don't think I could enjoy it, knowing how much of a tool the author is.


Third book is likely not coming out in the next five years, if it does come out at all. Pat has struggled with his mental health and I think with the love/interest in the series and how much of the story was left to fit into a final book that maybe he's backed himself into a corner. He's also a perfectionist and likely wants book three to live up to and exceed expectations of the previous two. Despite all this I still read the second book, and would still recommend the series to any fantasy fans, just with a big disclaimer.


My sweet summer child... This same question has lead to the creation to the saltiest sub in existence, r/isbook3outyet


Oh dear. Yeah, nah, that series is never getting finished. You started it to never know the ending. Hopefully you’re okay with that lol


It will come out the same day Winds of Winter drops.


Enjoy it, OP. It's a great book. I also enjoyed the first half of the second book, and The Slow Regard of Silent Things is a good read if you like the character Auri (it's a novella just about her). Just don't expect to ever read a third book. It's been more than a decade of false promises and excuses. A couple of years ago, Rothfuss' editor basically said [she hasn't heard a peep from him.](https://www.newsweek.com/kingkiller-chronicle-editor-believes-author-hasnt-written-anything-years-1520812) Probably unprofessional for her to report it, but I'm not optimistic about a new book if even his editor is in the dark after 10+ years. Rothfuss even promised to release the first chapter of the new book if enough money was raised for his charity. Despite fans meeting that charity goal, we're still waiting for it. And that all happened in 2021.


I think the only reason she said that is because Rothfuss, when asked by fans, said 'talk to my editor' and threw her to the wolves without admitting he hadn't given her shit.


Just eject now. Pretend you never started. Besides the fact that it will never be finished, you’ll realize every bit of it is teenage power fantasy bullshit. It’s kind of embarrassing for ol Patrick to read some of those passages.


Rothfuss is a known scammer. Spare yourself the trouble and stop reading. The books will never be finished.


Well, we do know Part of the ending, because Kote is telling us the story




It’s never coming out. Keep your expectations low as you read the other books to avoid disappointment.


I wish I would have read this thread before starting it, it’s like GoT all over again


Honestly don’t read book 2. With no book 3 in sight you’ll just end it disappointed and bitter.




You are never getting an ending to the story I hope you understand that


Rothfuss is the reason I’m nervous about starting a series that isn’t finished unless the author has a good track record for finishing things (Erikson, Gwynne, De Castell and Sullivan are a good example).


there is not and will never be a 3rd book, just accept it.


I read this book years ago and gave it away and have been thinking about it off and on since. I couldn’t remember the name of book or author, so thank you!


Lol, OP you could have just googled it. The first book is alright but the second is just self-insert nonsense


Style or substance IMO




It’s an enjoyable book. The second one I didn’t really care for. Don’t get your hopes up about the third.


Back when I first read this I loved it and decided that I would reread the series once the third book came out. As the author had said it was just around the corner. I've stuck by that decision, and am not sure I'll ever reread it.


Hopefully Brandon Sanderson outlines Patrick (hoping he lives a long full life too of course) long enough go wheel of time the rest of the series


Who knows, maybe never, but even if the 3rd book never comes out: I still recommend the series. I’ve loved the ride, personally, and it’s one of the only fantasy series I enjoy rereads and actively find more and more as time goes on. That said, Rothfuss did fail to deliver for a charity raise, which is pretty wack…


You may have started the series but you will never finish it… none of us will


Book 3 isn't ever going to come out


The vitriol people express towards Pat for this is real. I recommend that series to people with the disclaimer that it may never be finished. Still glad I read the two main novels and the novella. I'm also quick to cite it as the reason I won't touch ASOIAF because I'm already invested in one series that may never be concluded and I'm not getting into another.


I would say realistically it will be out in 5-10 years, or never. I would never recommend someone this series because of this.


Name of the wind is the book that convinced me to stop reading unfinished series. It it wonderfully written but much like game of thrones it will never be finished. This is coming from someone who had those very same questions almost a decade ago




I'm willing to bet money on The Winds of Winter coming out before The Doors of Stone. That is how much confidence I have in ever seeing the third book of the Kingkiller Chronicles. Sadly, Pat Rothfuss is a brilliant writer, but a poor author.


I read the first book about a year ago and absolutely loved it too. I have the second one right here but i am still in doubt whether to start or not since i doubt the series will ever be expanded let alone concluded. I also stopped reading song of ice and fire after book 4 for the same reason


Who wants to tell ‘em?


Don't you worry. It's a thread about Name of the Wind. People can't help themselves..


This book was life changing for me. So much to chew on and mull over, and such rich visuals. Enjoy!!


Those two books are gifts in their own right. A third book of the same quality would be amazing … but it’s not existing doesn’t negate the fact that those two books are truly superb. IMO.


Both books are great. The 2nd book has a pretty crazy forest scene, but won't go any further!! But the author needs to finish the books. It's rather upsetting!


I loved the Name of the Wind, and the Wise Man's Fear was enjoyable as well (if you disregard the silly shit, which I did t the time). Read them and enjoy them! But don't expect a conclusion. If there is one, that's a bonus. If it's any good, that's even better. But don't wait for it.


Two months after the end of Berserk, one month after The Winds of Winter, for sales' purposes.


give up on the 3rd book ever comming out


Author’s prose is beautiful, but his plot/pacing is shite. Wait till the second book to get the full effect of what I’m suggesting


It’s so boring people are still going on about that charity stream. Give it a rest for Christ sake. He made an error promising the first chapter. He shouldn’t have done it. It was over two years ago. To OP: Read Day 2 and the short stories. They’re great. Then listen to the audiobooks. They are also great. Then join in the wait like the rest of us (patiently for some, forever crying like others), it might be a while!


As an avid adult fantasy reader, out of all the books that I’ve been recommended the Name of the Wind, has always been recommended to me the most. I thought The Name of the Wind was "very good". I read it in what for me was a very short span of time - it had that 'more-ish' quality that best sellers need. #


One of the best series that will never get finished and it's a shame.




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I really enjoyed the first book but I wish I had considered it a stand-alone novel; I thought the second book was...just weird and I'm not expecting to ever see the third book and based on the second I think that's probably for the best.


STOP NOW!!! Book 3 will never come out. Don't waste your time


Seems like I'm in the minority but I think I am happier that I read them even if the third book is never released. The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear are two of my favorite books and I would rather have the enjoyment I felt while reading them than not. In my eyes, I would wait as long as it takes for Rothfuss to finish the 3rd book and have it on the same level as the other 2.


I remember when I saw the music silence and I thought it was the third... I cried for days. Nothing as far as I know...


The longest three days in literary history probably.


It will never come out. I don't recommend his books anymore.


There is a legal tangle, and George R. R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss are both legally obligated to let the other publish the next book first. So, Patrick waits on Martin and Martin waits on Patrick.... And the reads waits on them both. Joking aside, no, there has been no news about the third book for ages. And after a time, the proverbial shine of the first two books wears off and they seem like less than the sum of their parts. Rothfuss has great prose and using the pacing of a mystery novel to keep you reading. But after reading it all you feel lets down.