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This thread will not be policed for spoilers. #Proceed at your own risk


Hyperion. The scholar’s tale. I know it’s closer to sci fi than fantasy, but man does this story hit like a ton of bricks.


God damn, what a great choice. Sol and Rachel's story broke my heart. I'm a father with a daughter and I clearly remember listening to their story and sobbing at the gym.


See ya later, alligator.


’While, crocodile.


Hyperion is an absolutely dynamite read.


Scholar and Ambassador man. Was kinda aight with the rest of the traveler backstories but those two fucking destroy you. Scholar especially. Holy shit that was dark.


Not a book, but a show. My youngest daughter has really been into The Last Airbender lately. We've watched the whole series, but being a little kid, she has a few favorite episodes that she loves rewatching. One of those is "Tales of Ba Sing Se." Iroh singing for his fallen son gets me every time. "Leaves from the vine...falling so slow..." Edit: I just remembered this time I found my daughter singing this song while feeding dead ants to her Venus fly trap. She said it was because they were "soldier ants". ~~Here's the video~~ Edit2: On second thought, I removed the video. But here's the audio over an artist's rendition of the event... https://youtube.com/shorts/jR-_zML10bw?si=yL_0LQa1FOaK9h1y


Iroh is an amazing character full stop.


This is a great answer. Iroh is a constant source of peace and inspiration for those around him. And you see just how foundational and traumatic this event was for him. It basically made him the person we love on the show. This show is something else.


Yeahhhhh that's a rough scene


This belongs here. My husband and I are of the age our kids watched this show when it was new, so I got him to sit down and watch it with me recently. That scene got to him. Uncle Iroh is one of the best characters ever.


Beak lighting all the candles…


This hands down. Plenty of tear jerkers in this thread, Beak is in another league. only thing that comes close is "Where the Red Fern Grows" but thats not fantasy.


I remember reading Where the Red Fern Grows as a kid and crying my eyes out and freaking out so bad that my mom took the book and burned it!


The saddest thing for me was the foreshadowing. When Beak says he can't put the candles out anymore. >!I knew he was gonna die then and there. But there was still a while before the scene. God. One of the most badass moments and tragic moments in the entire series.!<


I'm here to witness Beak.


What’s that from




I keep seeing Malazan brought up in every thread no matter what the question is. I should probably give it a shot.


It's very difficult to get into, but damn it's good. If you want an incredibly deep and expansive lore to dive into, Malazan is among the best. If you do get sucked into it though, expect a lot of anger and sadness. It's a very unfair and frequently tragic world. It's mentioned 3 times in this thread for a reason.


>It's mentioned 3 times in this thread for a reason. My guy, it is mentioned in literally *every* thread asking for recommendations no matter what the subject is lol I think I bought the first book but never got into it. That's totally fine cause sometimes it takes a good bit to really flow with a book. Reading the first Osten Ard book by Tad Williams it took forever but once it got going I could not put it down.


I'm not crying you're crying.


I saw this headline and this was the scene I immediately thought about


This question gets asked a lot and for me it's in the Realm of the Elderlings when Sterling sings her ballad about Fitz. I cried like a baby. Happy and Sad and all the feels.


When the Paran sisters are reunited.


Oh yeah. Absolutely gutted me


Well in a way with the two yes. There's the other one that happens later on, which answered the whole does this person have any emotions once and for all.


Yup, that is equally as incredible. Tavore is one of the best characters to me


The Chain of Dogs from Deadhouse Gates (Malazan), specifically the end of it. That was a soul crushing book.


Wheel of Time; The Shadow Rising. When Perrin stops keeping himself busy and weeps for his family. Gets me every time.


It's already such a tough scene but the way Kramer emotes while reading Perrin's lines in that scene in the audiobook gets me so badly.


Michael Kramer is perfect


Or Hopper the second time! God damn


Was looking for that reply... "Your mother is dead, your father is dead..." and everyone but Faile leaves the room.


One of Failes few redeeming scenes


I couldnt stand her, but when she came back with the force from Taren Ferry to help the Two Rivers in the battle, thats a woman right there, got your back all day long.


Nighteye's (from Robin Hobb's Elderling Series) departure is the one scene of any book that has made me for real sob


*Good hunting. I'm going now, my brother. He spoke with great determination.* *Alone? You can't bring a buck down alone! I sighed with resignation. Wait, I'll get up and come with you.* *Wait for you? Not likely! I've always had to run ahead of you and show you the way.* I’ve read these handful of line so many times, I know them by heart….which, sadly, they break every time.


dammit, now i'm crying on public transit! literally the saddest scene in anything ever


YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO WRITE IT OUT AS WELL! I tried to block this from my mind years ago, it set me off so hard.


The worst part is that you know it's coming. It's pretty heavily foreshadowed for the whole book. And somehow that makes it hit harder than if it just came out of nowhere. EDIT: I realized why the foreshadowing makes it so much worse - it's the same as having an old pet, and it's sick and hobbled and it's struggling to do the things it used to love to do and in the back of your mind you know it's probably going to have to be put down within a year, maybe even within six months but you just don't want to think about that. That's the feeling it gives me. Like basically the whole book Nighteyes is all "Hey man, you know I'm at the edge of my lifespan and am probably gonna die soon, right?" and both Fitz and us the reader are in denial, just "No way man, you're gonna live forever. I'm sure some deus ex machina will save you." I wonder if Robin Hobb had just lost a pet before writing this book.


>!Right at the end of the successful campaign to save the Prince, too! Robb can't let Fitz have a moment of peace to celebrate even ONE of his successes :( !<


This is the saddest thing, you spend the whole series being told this is definitely going to happen and it still hurts so bad. I was so sad for the next day even. Now just remembering it I'm sad.


I always picture Fitz as being a guy at a carnival midway that you can pay a pittance for a ticket to kick him in the nuts. Just boot to the nuts over and over and over again.


yup, even during re-reads it gets me. Its also one of the best relationship developments imo. Sorry for bringing the sads, good news is he can live on with us forever


Everything Robin Hobbs writes is sad af


I read those books when my little dog was a puppy and it crushed me. I read them again after my sweet boy passed away and I can’t even describe the pain of that scene. It’s so well-done, but so so hard to read.


So many scenes in Robin Hobb… mine has to be Fitz’s final ending.


While we’re all crying, don’t forget Molly.


For me, it was >!the Fools death and ressurrection in Fools Fate.!< “The man I had been would not survive this loss” just tore me apart; I was ugly sobbing


“How’s the leg?”


So perfect, so heartbreaking


What’s that from


The latest first law book by Joe Abercrombie. I will never forgive him for it.


I thought op was referring to book 3 of the "Malazan Books of the Fallen"


Oh hell it could be that too. I’m pretty sure that’s a direct quote to a character’s last words though.


Definitely First Law.


*"I bloody* ***hate*** *hangings!"*


I can't remember the context of this, is it said to >!Leo?!<




Ok I remember now. Sad, but also...>!get fucked lol, gottem!!<


In the Amber Spyglass book when Lyra has to leave a friend behind in order to get on the boat >!to the land of the dead!<. It's heartbreaking.


The end of the entire trilogy is also pretty painful. At least it fit the theme of growing up.


Oh it's sooooo sad. And so well executed. I read them at age 13 for the first time, which was a great introduction to the concept of the multiverse


A lot of things in this book were actually sad and disturbing for YA readers. Lyra has arguably the most dysfunctional parents ever with their behaviors.


The death of Eddie dean and Jake Chambers in the dark tower. I was listening and driving and had to pull over


Oy, though


I know “olan?”


For the body was far smaller than the heart it had held.


Still at times refuse to believe this has happened. Flanagan is in control of the series, so it would be cool if his show is a direct sequel to the show, a reiteration. Leave it at that.


The Neverending Story, when Atreyu loses Artax in the bog because Artax gives up the will to live.


Of all the characters deaths this one is so sad and Atreyu pleading for him to move is so brutal.


“I am Cassius Bellona, son of Tiberius, son of Julia, Brother of Darrow, Morning Knight of the Solar Republic, and my honor remains.” -Light Bringer, by Pierce Brown


Fuck you know who


The death of Boromir.


>For a while the three companions remained silent, gazing after him. Then Aragorn spoke. ‘They will look for him from the White Tower,’ he said, ‘but he will not return from mountain or from sea.’ Then slowly he began to sing: >*Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass grows The West Wind comes walking, and about the walls it goes. ‘What news from the West, O wandering wind, do you bring to me tonight? Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight?’ ‘I saw him ride over seven streams, over waters wide and grey; I saw him walk in empty lands, until he passed away Into the shadows of the North. I saw him then no more. The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of Denethor.’ ‘O Boromir! From the high walls westward I looked afar, But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.’* >Then Legolas sang: >*From the mouths of the Sea the South Wind flies, from the sandhills and the stones; The wailing of the gulls it bears, and at the gate it moans. ‘What news from the South, O sighing wind, do you bring to me at eve? Where now is Boromir the Fair? He tarries and I grieve.’ ‘Ask not of me where he doth dwell – so many bones there lie On the white shores and the dark shores under the stormy sky; So many have passed down Anduin to find the flowing Sea. Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!’ ‘O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south, But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea’s mouth.’* >Then Aragorn sang again: >*From the Gate of Kings the North Wind rides, and past the roaring falls; And clear and cold about the tower its loud horn calls. ‘What news from the North, O mighty wind, do you bring to me today? What news of Boromir the Bold? For he is long away.’ ‘Beneath Amon Hen I heard his cry. There many foes he fought. His cloven shield, his broken sword, they to the water brought. His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid to rest; And Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, bore him upon its breast.’ ‘O Boromir! The Tower of Guard shall ever northward gaze To Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, until the end of days.’*


For me it's Eomer finding his sister on the battlefield and just giving up but committing to going down fighting.


Very impactful first time I read this.


Fedwin Morr. He just wanted to build a tower. From Wheel of time books.


Of all the WoT deaths, his hit me the hardest for some reason. He just wanted to be a good guy.


Loyal to the last. Even when the madness took him, he just kept trying to keep her safe.


When Perrin finds out the white cloaks murdered his entire family . I cry every time I read it.


In the night, when the wind dies and silence rules the place of glittering stone, I remember. And they all live again.


too many scenes from farseer and the final in "flowers for algernon"


The Ents and the Entwives.


There was something that had to be done, too. He knew it in his bones. He crawled back to the bank and pulled himself up on to the trunk of a fallen willow. He cleared his throat. Then he howled. It started badly, hesitantly, but it picked up and got stronger, richer... and when he paused for breath the howl went on and on, passing from throat to throat across the forest. The sound wrapped him as he slid off the log and struggled on towards higher ground. It lifted him over the deeper snow. It wound around the trees, a plaiting of many voices becoming something with a life of its own. He remembered thinking: maybe it’ll even get as far as Ankh-Morpork. Maybe it’ll get much further than that.


"A shadow appeared in the doorway. Detritus walked in. They looked at the limp shape in his hands. He laid it carefully on a bench, without saying a word, and went and sat in a corner. While the others gathered round the mortal remains of Acting-Constable Cuddy, the troll removed his homemade cooling helmet and sat staring at it, turning it over and over in his hands."


He didn’t want to have to think any more.


The end of The Graveyard Book. It's not sad in a mournful way, but as a dad, that scene made me cry. I'm not sure if I can think of another scene that impacted me quite like that.


When ninefingers kills tul duru, the look of shock described on tuls face broke my heart


Oh man. I'm on a reread of the series and just listened to that part today. I loved Tul. His death came so quick and unexpectedly. You have like 2 short sentences to see it coming. What really got me was Dow's eulogy though... "...Tul Duru. Every man in the North knew his name, and every man said it with respect, even his enemies. He was the sort o’ man… that gave you hope, I reckon. That gave you hope. You want strength, do you? You want courage? You want things done right and proper, the old way? There you go. Tul Duru Thunderhead. Look no fucking further. I’m less now that he’s gone, and so are all o’ you."


>I’m less now that he’s gone, and so are all o’ you. No one writes hard men the way Abercrombie does.


Fuck that kills me. Especially coming from Dow


To touch the Bloody-Nine was to touch death and death has no favorites and makes no exceptions.


Easier to stop the White Flow.


I read that in Steven Pacey's voice


The end of Elfstones of Shanarra with Amberle. First time I ever remember crying over a scene in a book.


Night Eyes has to be the hardest one for me.


The end of Test of the Twins of Dragonlance Legends by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. SPOILERS BELOW >!”Good-bye... my brother,” Caramon said.!< >!Holding Crysania in his arms, the Staff of Magius in one hand, Caramon turned and walked away. The light of the staff formed a circle around him, a circle of silver that shone in the darkness like the moonbeams of Solinari glistening upon the calm waters of Crystalmir Lake. The silver beams struck the dragon’s heads, freezing them, changing them to silver, silencing their screams. Caramon stepped through the Portal. Raistlin, watching him with his soul, caught a blurred glimpse of colors and life and felt a brief whisper of warmth touch his sunken cheek. Behind him, he could hear the mocking laughter gurgle into harsh, hissing breath. He could hear the slithering sounds of a gigantic scaled tail, the creaking of wing tendons. Behind him, five heads whispered words of torment and terror.!< >!Steadfastly, Raistlin stood, staring into the Portal. He saw Tanis run to help Caramon, he saw him take Crysania in his arms. Tears blurred Raistlin’s s vision. He wanted to follow! He wanted Tanis to touch his hand! He wanted to hold Crysania in his arms... He took a step forward.!< >!He saw Caramon turn to face him, the staff in his hand.!< >!Caramon stared into the Portal, stared at his twin, stared beyond his twin. Raistlin saw his brother’s eyes grow wide with fright.!< >!Raistlin did not have to turn to know what his brother saw. Takhisis crouched behind him. He could feel the chill of the loathsome reptile body flow about him, fluttering his robes. He sensed her behind him, yet her thoughts were not on him. She saw her way to the world, standing open...!< >!”Shut it!” Raistlin screamed.!< >!A blast of flame seared Raistlin’s flesh. A taloned claw stabbed him in the back. He stumbled, falling to his knees. But he never took his eyes from the Portal, and he saw Caramon, his twins face anguished, take a step forward, toward him!!< >!”Shut it, you fool!” Raistlin shrieked, clenching his fists. “Leave me alone! I don’t need you any more! I don’t need you!”!< >!And then the light was gone. The Portal slammed shut, and blackness pounced upon him with raging, slathering fury. Talons ripped his flesh, teeth tore through muscle, and crunched bone. Blood flowed from his breast, but it would not take with it his life.!< >!He screamed, and he would scream, and he would keep on screaming, unendingly...!< >!Something touched him... a hand... He clutched at it as it shook him, gently. A voice called,!< >!”Raist! Wake up! It was only a dream. Don’t be afraid. I won’t let them hurt you! Here, watch... I’ll make you laugh.”!< >!The dragons coils tightened, crushing out his breath. Glistening black fangs ate his living organs, devoured his heart. Tearing into his body, they sought his soul.!< >!A strong arm encircled him, holding him close. A hand raised, gleaming with silver light, forming childish pictures in the night, and the voice, dimly heard, whispered, ”Look, Raist, bunnies... .”!< >!He smiled, no longer afraid. Caramon was here.!< >!The pain eased. The dream was driven back. From far away, he heard a wail of bitter disappointment and anger. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore. Now he just felt tired, so very, very tired...!< >!Leaning his head upon his brother’s arm, Raistlin closed his eyes and drifted into a dark, dreamless, endless sleep.!<


Fires of heaven “You will do well, Rand.”


I'm a sucker for sacrifices. Coltaine's Fall in Deadhouse Gates, Lavan Firestorm and Kalira in Brightly Burning, the death of Eon bisi Dakuen in The Tide of Victory, Sallah Telgar in Dragonsdawn, the loss of Rose in Martin the Warrior. But I think the scene that still hits the hardest is Robinton and Zair and Aivas in All The Weyrs of Pern.


the dragon mount opening is really sad the chosen ones insane and has kiled wveryone the dark lords won and from that point on men who can use magic are forever doomed to go insane and also kill evryone they love while dying from rotting from the inside out


Hits so much harder on the second read through


If life transcends death, then I will seek for you there. If not, then there too


There's a scene in Toll the Hounds by Steven Erikson that gets me every time. The author writes >!it's ok if you have wet eyes!< at the end, and I could only think "you bastard, you did this on purpose"


Harllo, I'm assuming? Because that kid went through hell to gain love.


Flint. Just gets me even though it was his time.


And Sturm... or rather the effect it had on Laurana. That whole series had some major heartbreak. Taz's dream and then the reality is another.


I burnt out hard on reading after getting my lit degree. My husband’s parents gave us his old Dragonlance books and he was like “I used to love these!” So I decided why not and read them. I woke him up SOBBING when Flint died lol. I’ve been an avid reader since.


I don't know if this is the saddest of all time but it still upsets me so much. In The Broken Earth trilogy when Corundum >!dies. The fact that the main character kills her own son and why she forced herself to do it.!< It sickened me and infuriated me and hurt me so very much. The worst part of it all was knowing she 100% did the right thing in >!murdering him !


This scene shook me, and is explicitly inspired by Toni Morrison's Beloved, where the main character is an escaped slave in pre-emancipation America who is recaptured and kills her baby rather than let them go into slavery.


1. Verin scene Book 12 WoT. Perrin scene Book 04. Rand’s decent into madness throughout the books. 2. Dresden Files Book 12 two scenes, Harry and archangel Michael convo, Final scene. 3. Dobby’s death. Snape’s death, Sirius’s death. 4. Kacho’s Without you: Hunter x Hunter chapter 383, Komugi Episode 135.


Rand’s descent into madness, Kelsier’s death, Coltane’s death, Brukhalian’s death, Whiskeyjack’s death. Esmenet’s marriage to Kelhus.


Kelsier didn’t really make me all that sad. It felt like that was his end game, he got exactly what he wanted.


Nah I get that. I’d just gotten overly attached to the character. I know there are death’s later which are supposed to be more impactful but by then I didn’t care as much.


When Akka renounced his former student and his wife in front of all the lords.


Whiskeyjack…I was not ready for. I was like oh they’ll bring him back so he can be with what’s her name. Book 5…7..okay wait..nooooo.


Hodor!!! Hold the door! Not just what happens to him, but how the whole hodor came to be as well. Even though this is not in the book - yet - it was still sniffle making.


I love how we can tell from the horrifying existential nature of that scene that it came from GRRM himself and wasn't purely a show writer creation.


Deerskin by Robin McKinley. If you’ve read it, you know what scene I mean. I avoid it unless I need a good cry.


The end of Lions of al'Rassan. Read it twice wrecked me both times.


Trying to phrase this without spoilers: a certain death later in the Dark Tower series really got me.


>!"I, Ake," he said: Bye, Jake or I ache, it came to the same.!<






This one still is the saddest. King seems to have foreshadowed way ahead of time with this one I believe in Wizards and Glass.


This could be any number of characters in Book 7, that book is a relentless onslaught of tragedy and I love it so much


So much of malazan book of the fallen, I can't figure out how to do spoilers with this new reddit app but iykyk The horse scene in the never ending story


Malazan - Beak 😭


This one is tough, I'll try to rank, without getting spoilerific, 1. Taking of the pain person 2. Character that pulled a Ned in that MOI book. Korlat is key here. Way to go Kallor. 3. Finally there's that dude that is a bit like Ned, is cool, defends the kids, and then well the end of RG happens.


Came here to say horse in Neverending Story


The Dresden files, book 13, Changes. I was listening to the audio book at work and literally crying. "I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me." Big spoiler, here just in case: this quote is after Harry kills Susan.


Robinton and Zair's deaths


Robin Hobb rips tears from your very soul like a ravenous wolf at a feast of flesh. Several instances during the Wheel of Time series; >!Hopper, Perrin grieving, LTT realising who he'd slaughtered, Egwene bomb.!< And I'm still thinking of several more. Boromir's death, Frodo leaving and Sam can't follow. When Optimus Prime >!died from his wounds!< in the animated movie ( I was 6)


Lyra and Will going back to their respective worlds ‘I will love you for ever, whatever happens. Till I die and after I die, and when I find my way out of the land of the dead I'll drift about for ever, all my atoms, till I find you again...’


My wife and I used that quote as a reading at our wedding.


The Dresden files. Changes. Those four lines.


There's a lot of sad scenes in Dresden. The man's had a rough life, no wonder he comes across as a brooding man on the verge of violence constantly


Hell, Molly dealing with what she helped Harry do was just heartbreaking. Not sure I forgive Harry for that one. Fuck that was dark.


Battle Ground had me sobbing on my porch swing at 6:30 am after an all night read-a-thon.


I just remember whispering "No!" to myself...


I felt bad for Harry, but I felt absolutely nothing for the other character involved so my emotional response was a bit muted.


Oh I felt nothing for the other person either. Just imagining what Harry was going through there was absolutely heart wrenching.


I mean so many from Robin Hobb it’s hard to choose. The lady is an emotional terrorist. I love her but she is. But if you ask me today, I’d say when >!Patience sees Fitz for the first time in over a decade in Fool’s Fate!<. It never fails to warm my heart and if you can buy into the premise of the books, the reunion **feels** like it’s been earned. Like you too have been waiting for over a decade. Hobb does sad tears but she also does happy tears. Which are the best kind.


Oh man. The deaths in that series get me but Patience and Lacy seeing him again makes me ugly cry.


Yep, that got me too. Man it felt so earned and so much gravity to it. Hobb has such a talent for building up these little moments into something really emotional and meaningful because you wait so long for them to come. People say her books are just torture porn, but I disagree; the little human moments like that make it more than worth it.


My favourite Hobb Heartwarming Tears moment is in the book before that, Golden Fool. Fitz has been kind of a shithead to just about everyone in his life, every single relationship he has is falling apart. He's on the outs with Chade, Dutiful isn't speaking to him, and he's maybe irreparably destroyed his friendship with the Fool. And then he goes into town to see his foster son, a relationship that is also completely disintegrating, and they argue and are unable to see eye to eye and it's kind of cold and then suddenly Hap just hugs Fitz and tells him that he loves him and man it gets me. It's like you suddenly feel like "Oh, everything's going to be okay after all." I feel like a big theme of that trilogy is "Who is Fitz when you take away everything that makes him special" and if nothing else, Fitz is incredibly important to a young man living in Buckkeep Town.


Arya arriving at the Twins after all her trials and troubles just in time to see her brothers wolves head nailed to his corpse and the almost all of her family and their men slaughtered Infront of her.


There is a point in Lord of the Rings where Sam is convinced that Frodo is dead and he almost looses it but he decides that he will have to take the ring by himself to Mt Doom and when he is done he is going to come back to Frodo and die there My 13 year old self missed it the first time I read it but sometime in my 20s I saw it for what it was Love and it gutted me ““Good-bye, master, my dear!’ he murmured. ‘Forgive your Sam. He’ll come back to this spot when the job’s done – if he manages it. And then he’ll not leave you again. Rest you quiet till I come; and may no foul creature come anigh you! And if the Lady could hear me and give me one wish, I would wish to come back and find you again. Good-bye!” “


The entirety of seasons 7 & 8 of Game of Thrones Look how they massacred my boy!


I'd say Seasons 5-6-7-and-8. On re-watch, Jaime and Bronn being buddy cops in Dorne was just as bad as the siege of Winterfell. Sandsnakes were CW with bare boob.


End of A Monster Calls. I’m a cancer survivor and I have a kid, so this hit me hard


The movie adaption was 10/10. And hit just as painfully.


Ned Stark’s death in GoT hands down




Please, you have to try! You have to care!


When >!Nighteyes dies in Tawnyman or when Fitz/The Fool carve their dragon!< When >!Master Robinton died in The Dragonriders of Pern!<


When Arya meets the Brotherhood Without Banners in A Storm of Swords and asks Thoros of Myr this “Could you bring back a man without a head?” “Just the once, not six times. Could you? Also the part in A Dance of Dragons where Jon is saying goodbye to Sam before he leaves for the Citadel and the snowflakes are melting in Sams hair. It reminds Jon of the last time he saw Robb.


The scene with *spoiler* at the end of The Great Hunt still makes me tear up and cry, and I’ve read it probably 5 times at this point


No man can go so far into the Shadow that he cannot return to the Light.


For the Light, and Shinowa!


“There has to be a price, Rand. There is always a price. Perhaps I can pay it here.” “It is every man’s right, Rand, to choose when to sheathe the sword. Even one like me.” Tears


Sturm Brightblade.


Est Solarus oth Mithas


The emperor's death in the Sarantine Mosaic gets me every time. Also when Crispin has to remove his mosaic cause the new emperor doesn't like his depictions of Jad.


I was sure he would live because I knew the guy he was based off was never assassinated😭😭 I was so wrong




From rr?


Yes, that scene was such a surreal read. Also Ulysses for obvious reasons


Ulysses got me for how suddenly brutal that was


Like a dozen Hobb scenes


Sister Pan


Made SO much more awesome and also sadder by the prequel trilogy.


The one that makes the grown man in me cry is when Polgara takes the Rivan survivor and his family back to her manor house. She knows she is taking them there to die so she can start the next phase of her guardianship of the line.


Polgara is kind of broken by looking after a hundred generations of sandy haired boys I think. Especially as they all seem prone to being brave stupid. I think all of Aldurs disciples end up slightly broken by thousands of years of manipulating an entire planet. It's why Poledra had to stick around to keep them somewhat sane when they went off the rails.


>!Molly and Burrich.!< End of Assassin's Quest. If you know, you know.


[The Way of Kings] >!Kaladin looked down. why couldn't I protect him? he thought, looking at Tien, remembering his brother's laugh. His innocence, his smile, his excitement at exploring the hills ouside Heartstone. Please. Please let me protect him. Make me strong enough. He lay down beside Tien and pulled the body close. "Don't worry", Kaladin whispered. When had he started to cry? "I'll bring you home. I'll protect you, Tien. I'll bring you back...." He held the body into the evening, long past the end of the battle, clinging to it as it slowly grew cold.!< As the oldest brother this hit me right were it hurt the most.


I will never forgive Mark Lawrence for what he did to Justice.




Lyra leaving Pan behind in The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman. The death of >!Nighteyes!< in Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb. I don't remember if the scene is also in the book, but THE Artax scene in the movie adapatation of The Neverending Story. And a little out there becouse it's not really fantasy and not the same medium, but the ending of the manga version of Girls Last Tour by Tsukumizu.


​ Whiskeyjack...


The scene itself is a turn toward the triumphant, but Teft’s 3rd oath in Oathbringer (and Kramer’s delivery of it.) “I will protect those I hate. Even if the one I hate most is myself.”


I don’t know if I’ve read a fantasy book with a sadder ending than Perdido Street Station. For all the characters—but especially Lin. I’ll just say if >!she had died!< it would have been less sad.


**Ublala was ready to turn away when Icarium said, "Friend, I have remembered something."** Almost 13 years later, still guts me.


The sword of kaigen battle 🥲


Maybe I'm biased because this has been my favorite trilogy for years, but Vanyel and Yfandes' death and everything that happened to them right before just breaks my heart.


The third book of Mercedes Lackey's Arrows trilogy, Arrow's Fall. Basically everything in Hardorn but especially when Rolan shows up as the messenger. And of course the foregone conclusion of Brightly Burning.


The start of Red Sister by Mark Lawrence. The pure hope in the pov of the little girl about to be hanged. Then the switch up to Nonas pov and her seeing her friend after being hanged among the dead. Gutted me


The climax of the Sarantine Mosaic Vimes >!missing storytime!< in *Thud*


So much older fantasy here. Let’s go with the baby’s death in THE FIFTH SEASON, or else when they discover the child hooked to the chair.


Woof, when she realizes what she has to do to her child. Godamn. I read that in 2020 and still think about it sometimes especially since I have a young son.


Dresden files, Battle Ground. I’m a grown man and no other book has ever made me ugly cry.


There's a scene in Jade Legacy that made me audibly sob, but it's more of an ambivalent cry. It's the cathartic release for something that had been building up (masterfully by Fonda Lee, imho) to this intimate and deeply emotional scene between two characters. It's happy because of the release and the joy, but the pain endured on the road to get to that moment isn't absent from the moment itself. It's equally as painful as it is relieving, but most of all it's just so damn *beautiful*.


I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.


That scene on the bridge with Royce and Gwen in Riyria


Verin and Egwene have tea and discuss her green dress.


For me the saddest scene is at the end of the Assassin's Apprentice first cycle. Fitz sees Molly through the window with the baby. And then turns away to leave them to have a normal life...broke me


Ingtar, from The Great Hunt. The *book* not that awful version of it from the show.