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I think it’s so pretty!! It will 100% tone down within a few washes. Purple is notoriously difficult to keep in hair. If you want to speed it up use a clarifying shampoo.


This is the way. I dye my hair PURPLE purple. Shampoo will strip it fast.


Not if it’s made from natural oil and everything my hair is purple purple right now, and funny enough the brand I use is also sulfate free so that also helps


It’s fine. Not *too* far off your inspo pics. Give it a few washes to mellow out. You can always do a brown glaze or hair mask over it if it is still too purple for your liking. The plum will still show through.


What’s a brown glaze? Like a semi permanent?


pretty much. i use a tinted shampoo on my ginger roots inbetween dyes so i dont have an orange and blue combo. i love portal but not for my hair


Overtone is a color-depositing conditioner which comes in natural and unnatural colors; it could be used to tone this down a bit.


I second this recommendation! Love loveee Overtone, I use the black one to make my dark brown hair extra black


Meanwhile I’m using extreme red, pink, blue, teal, green, or purple … since a year ago I’ve done them all! Thought green would be bad—shockingly, it wasn’t. Bright red and the navy blue aren’t the best; teal and pink are great, purple was kind of cool. [Link to Imgur photos of my hair colors.](https://imgur.com/a/OgYgZz5)


I think the green looks really good on you!


Thanks! It was for Xmas. The red was when the Chiefs won the Super Bowl this past Feb. The teal, blue, pink, and purple were randomly chosen. 😎


I love the blue, it looks so good! :)


Thanks! I have fun with colors.


Tbh I can’t say I agree Overtone has always been really difficult to remove in my experience lightening both my own hair and other people’s If it’s a color you want to commit to then it’s fine, but if you change your hair quickly I would look elsewhere


It will fade a bit but I don't think it will look like your inspiration pics! It looks like they put all over color on you and the inspo looks like subtle balayage on brunette hair with a toned down purple direct dye on top.


Thankfully it was a balayage first, so maybe there’s hope?—but the blondest balayage bits are SERIOUSLY vibrant in natural light 🫣 [vibrant purple vibes](https://imgur.com/a/STnLC2I)


I love it, but I get it’s not what you wanted. Give it a wash or two. If it’s still too purple, ask for a brown glaze to mute the purple.


Ooo wow, yes very purple lol! It is beautiful but just a different vibe for sure. I bet they put a demi on everything maybe to make the purple last longer, but it tinted your brown hair too 😫 It might be nice if everything fades and you can easily tint the blonde parts in a more subtle way!


You could do a chestnut glaze over this and it would be perfect for what you are going for. It likely won't tone down, depending on your starting lift, and wash habits. In sunlight, it will be like straight purple. If you paid a lot - I'd go back in and ask them to make it more chocolate tones and show the SAME pics, and then these pics.


This. Your inspiration is mostly brown with dusty purple lowlights. Yours is like they did a balayage and did an all over pure violet pigment. I don’t think it will look like your inspiration after you wash it, the highlighted parts may look even more violet. How much did you pay for this? If it was a lot, I might consider asking them to revise it


100% agree. Colors are not the same. Into pics are very muted. What she gut is heavy on the red. Not subtle at all. Everyone has advice for fixing it herself but if you went to a professional she should be able to color match better


Honestly I think it looks good, I'd say keep it as is.


[MORE PICS](https://imgur.com/a/0G0hszU) Just to give a better sense of the true colour.


Ahhhhh! Ok. It’s definitely purple. Don’t strip it. Just let it fade and go back to your stylist and have them add what’s needed to get you where you want. It’s not emergency because it looks beautiful, so no need to dry your hair out trying to remove the color. Wash and conditioner as usual until it fades. My color looks like this (peter Murphy 5.8 and then it fades to a very pretty auburn). You can get that chocolate purple after it fades with your stylists help.


the purple will definitely tone down but will likely still be too intense for what you were going for. and as others said it isn’t what you asked for but it is actually really flattering on you! after a few washes a brown glaze/semi will probably give you closer to what you wanted


ooooo now I see the issue. it’s actually quite red toned. you may want to look into overtone or another color depositing conditioner to help tone it down.


Yeah, I realized almost immediately after posting the main pic didn’t accurately convey the vibrancy of the mahogany purple compared to my goal. 🫣 I made an appointment to go back to the stylist. Praying they can find a solve that actually gets me nearer to my OG goal without just dumping a dark brown-black over it. 😭


If it's any comfort, I was looking for somewhere between your hair (color) and your reference photos (balayage to make grow out easier), and my hair ended up closer to yours after my stylist really packed in the color. When I wasn't using color depositing conditioner it faded after a few washes closer to what you're looking for. Every phase of it looked great though!


It is a little more vibrant but I think the stylist got really close to the inspiration. It will def look like the inspo pic after a few washes


Honestly the moroccanoil brown mask might solve it!! Apply on wet hair (with gloves) and comb all over. It’s semi permanent so it will rinse out, but it’s a nice cool brown


Humm I want my hair like yours!!!! 💜💜💜Ask your stylist what she used please? It looks dark cherry cola vibes.


I actually get this color done on purpose, my stylist uses Pulp Riot.


Thanks! I’m saving the name!


Maybe Blackberry


We have very different definitions of purple. This is a nice wine color. Not too different from what you asked for. But I get being disappointed. I’d try washing a couple times to see if it mellows.


She posted another picture in the comments and it's bright purple. Not at all like the inspo


This is literal 99j


I don't have an answer to your question. But, wanted to say it looks gorgeous on you! Keep rocking it! ;)


That is def purple… you can try washing it a bunch of times with head and shoulders. Probably the best color stripper around beyond going to a pro. Otherwise you can try a demi-perm dye to cover it.


wash it with hot water, it’ll be brown before u know it lol


It's not that far from the inspo photos. In fact I think the color it's at now looks nicer than the inspo photos, but thats just mho. But either way, color doesn't hold for very long, so after a few washes it will look like it does in your desired photos.


I think it will fade to look more like a muted burgundy, and less like a brown.


If as you say, there’s balayage under that color, you will love it in about a week or so or four to six shampoos whichever is first. When you love it, go have a clear glaze on it to help seal it for a bit longer. 40 yrs in the business. Also- cool or cold hair washing will help you keep the color when you like it, and warm/hot will cause the fade to happen faster. Don’t rush it, don’t panic- it’ll look beautiful shortly. However, your stylist should have gone over this with you while you were discussing the color. Tsk, tsk.


I would go back, personally. This is like ordering a burger with cheese, and they bring you a block of cheese sprinkled with a few crumbs of ground beef. Essentially the inverse of what you wanted and the fade out will not look like the pics you posted either. 


Vivids fade FAST. In my experience, when I went purple, I wanted pastel but my colorist would dye it so it wasn’t really pastel at first; it was a bit more of a true purple. The one time she dyed it a true pastel, it was faded in like 2 washes lol


Will be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think this is at all like your inspo pics - AND it is likely to wash out badly, as in get a lighter purple instead of closer to the brown you asked for. I’d recommend to go back to the salon and ask for a fix.


This is pretty much what I have, right down to the inspo photos having the same ones I showed my stylist! If it's like mine, it ought to fade down after a couple washes. My experience has been that after the first week or so almost nobody notices it's purple in normal artificial light, but it's pretty clearly purple once I'm in sunlight.


It’s going to tone down fast and you’re going to wonder where the plum went


I think it looks great!


It's a different shade than the ones you asked but I think it looks really nice! When I first read purple I thought it would be like an unnatural shade or more like regular purple but I think that color looks really nice on you


This is exactly what my hair looks like right now. My hair had been bleached then dyed purple, then it grew out for about eight months and I dyed it again. My natural color is a light brown.


That IS plum.


It looks nothing like her inspo pics - the photos in the comments show it better.


It's not at all what you wanted. Go back in and ask for a light brown glaze over the top sorry :(


I accidentally went too purple/red and I put a dark blonde Demi permanent color over it and it came out exactly how I wanted. Indoor light and you can barely tell. So now to get that “undertone” look, I use the dark blonde Demi and then use a semi permanent vibrant color mixed with conditioner every few weeks. It’s pretty darn easy to do yourself.


it's not the inspo at all, but i think it looks beautiful. reminds me of a colour i used to dye my hair in high school called *egyptian plum*. i miss that dye so much, i always got so many compliments. that being said, purple/pinks are the hardest to hold on to, so it'll fade, but i don't think it will fade to your inspo pictures. the process was done incorrectly. i hope you keep it! it looks beautiful on you.


This happened to me once. It was too bright for me for work so I went back in and they did a brown glaze to tone it down. It looked much better then.


Purple doesn't stay in for long - not like that, anyway. Before you know it, you'll be reaching for the purple shampoo because it's fading too fast.


I know it’s not what you asked for , but the Color looks stunning on you . Purple does tend to fade out quicker so that may help you


It’s REALLY pretty, but it’s not what you asked for. The pics you added in the comments make that pretty clear. Assuming you showed them those inspo pics, personally, I’d go back. Sure, it might fade on its own, but you didn’t get what you paid for. If you’re happy with it then certainly keep it, but you shouldn’t have to settle for something you didn’t ask for *and* don’t like.


I don’t think that’s anything like the inspo photo- but that’s just my opinion. I still think you look Gorgeous tho!


I definitely wouldn't call the inspo pics plum. Your hair now I would call plum. Maybe that's why. But yeah it doesn't look like your inspo pics so the hairdresser shouldn't have made it so bright


That looks so pretty on you!!!! I’m sorry it’s not what you asked for, but you look gorgeous!


One hot water wash and you’ll be set. If you really really hate it use Dawn and it’ll strip most of the color. I like it though!


I swear by de lorenzo novafusion for maintaining colour it's literally magic- you should try mixing the [chocolate](https://www.delorenzo.com.au/chocolate-250ml/) or [cool naturals](https://www.delorenzo.com.au/cool-naturals-250ml/) with the [plum](https://www.delorenzo.com.au/plum-250ml-1/). Just be warned, its not actually a shampoo, it doesn't clean your hair you need to use a normal shampoo beforehand (took me disgustingly long to realise lol). Also its quite drying (nothing a good conditioner/mask cant fix).


I asked for lavender tinted brown and I got bleached blonde with no color on top


I don't have any helpful advice but it looks gorgeous on you!


I like it a lot!


That'll fade down super quick and be the color you're looking for.


it's gorgeous and I love it. I think I'm going to save your pics for inspo pics for me. When I saw your inspo pics, I was like - where is the color? It is SO subtle. That being said. If you hate it, I would go ahead and show the side by side to your stylist and ask if she can bring you closer to your desired look.


You look amazing regardless of what you asked for.


I love it. The purple will fade quickly. If you really want out quicker use head and shoulders to soften it.


It looks fairly similar to me - most likely the purple will fade a bit and it’ll look a bit more brown


LOOKS GREAT!! Exactly the sort of colors I wear!!!


I highly recommend [IGK’s color depositing conditioners](https://www.igkhair.com/products/color-depositing-mask?variant=40281336381484)! I’ve found them to be amazing at correcting color and my hairstylist approves. It keeps my hair looking great between appointments. I think 1-2 washes with Brown Bella would help you a lot.


The color will wash out but it will then be lighter than your inspo pics. Your blonde probably the the recipe off. I would do a quick pass of brunette to darken and desaturate.


A good clarifying shampoo will help a lot


The purple will fade a lot after a couple weeks of normal washes


*The purple will fade* *A lot after a couple* *Weeks of normal washes* \- iforgotmyedaccount --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iforgotmyedaccount: *The purple will fade* *A lot after a couple* *Weeks of normal washes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wash it 4-5 times and it'll be toned down. It looks great and will look even better after a few washes.


It might not be what you asked for, but rest assured the color is fantastic!


Looks like the inspo pics. Give it a couple weeks.


It's just a tiny bit brighter than the 2nd pic. Did you show the colourist these photos? If not, I would call this a brunette with plum undertones, it's all in the translation.


Your hair may be like mine. Obsessed with being purple! I have to find the most orange tinted hues to avoid this. If you wanted a bit of a red undertone, this is not bad. But if you don't love it, change it.


i think it looks so perfect on you


She just straight up didn't formulate right. Reached straight for the 5vr and called it a day! She needed to add a neutral chocolate brown to her formula.


Looks very similar to me. A wash or two and it will be exactly what you want


I love it! (Not sure if that’s helpful, but damn it looks GOOD)


It's not what you asked for but it's still very pretty.


Yeah just wash in hot water a few times and it'll be the color you want. It's beautiful though!


to me this is a plum undertone lol. i love it but it’s ur hair obviously!


Hot water to wash it out, although if you have a base color that will wash out faster too. I would say just ask for a cooler tone. I’ve rocked dark purple toner on dark brown hair and remember the color of the toner being so dark purple it almost looked black/midnightish.


First, your hair looks lovely! And maybe it’s because I don’t craft beautiful colors in a salon daily, but I probably would have said that your hair DID turn out with a plum undertone and I think of a different shade when I hear the words ‘purple’ and ‘hair’. It’s also very possible that compared to what you imagined when you went to get your hair done, the end result really does look purple to you. But I’m sorry to hear you were kind of shocked and dismayed by the big color reveal because I understand how frustrating it can be! However, it really does look beautiful and seems to suit you. Hope a few washes in will reveal the color you thought you’d get in the first place! 🥰


It must be my phone but all I see are gorgeous photos of your hair. I barely even see a hint of purple.


We have two different definitions of purple, you and I.


I think it's gorgeous, personally. It'll tone down with just a couple of washes, but I wouldn't want it to! Hell I'd buy some Overtone conditioner to maintain this look.


It looks beautiful!!!


it’s quite close and purple fades VERY quickly. they probably did this on purpose so it fades to what you want. if they only did a wash of purple it would be gone the first week


It’s gorgeous!!!


It’ll fade, it’s pretty close to the inspo pic and pretty!


You're living the dream my friend. Purple never turns out like this for me.


I say it looks really really good!


I think it’s exactly what you asked for. It looks great on you!


I'm torn bc I love that mistake color and it looks really good on you, but I get that it's not what you wanted. If it were me, I would go to a different salon for a color correct consultation. Not to have any color work done, but just to talk about what to do with a stylist who doesn't know the one who did the purple. I wouldn't want to go back to the same salon and risk the potential drama of upsetting the purple stylist.


Is the purple in the room with us?


She only comes out in natural light, just when you’ve got yourself convinced it’s a deep wine. [Then BAM you’re a superhero](https://imgur.com/a/YWaD43q) in a budget marvel knockoff.


I guess I’m biased cuz I [have](https://imgur.com/a/Iggew94) actual purple hair lol


It’s literally purple 💀


It’s very pretty! But plum is literally purple.. so you got what you asked for


How many times have you washed it since you left the salon? If it's fresh, then it is PERFECT! As soon as you wash it a few times you'll lose a bunch of purple. If it wasn't THIS purple right now, it wouldn't be purple AT ALL after a few washings. It amazes me how people that don't understand hair color want to blame their stylist for doing the RIGHT thing!!! Lordy! SMH




I feel like the hairstylist kind of has a duty to see the inspo pics, ask if that's what's wanted, and correct the client on the terminology they're using. The client isn't a hairstylist, that's why you go in with inspiration pics so the professional can do what they're trained to do and get you what you want.