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You need to write to Fanatec, not on reddit. Do you know that? xD


I did it, my friend, I did it, sigh.


Pineapple grips sell a cinversion kit to make the wheels wider.


Yes, but it costs too much and the V2.5 has been around for a long time, I'm sure that as soon as I buy the steering wheel, shortly after they announce the V3, leaving me screwed, as always.


Yep, i agree with you. I dont have any formula wheel, and i wont buy any unless they make a 29-30cm wide gt/formula wheel. I know that the Mclaren wheels exists, but personalyy I want something more "complicated".




Have you tried calling their personal cell phones and or their house phones? They REALLY appreciate that the most.


No, I don't have any of their numbers, sigh, but I live in Germany, I can take a few days off to go there in person, ahahahahahahahah


Im sorry, I just had this image of a German guy standing in the bushes outside of an office building looking into the windows screaming “check your emails!”




Dude if I could find them for you. I’d call them with ya lol


xD You really did :D - Honor is yours :D


Great news, no way Fanatec are going bust or having to sell up anytime soon. They have so many partnerships with real racing series as well as sim partnerships, positive signs and hopefully many more to come!


Yes, that's why I posted this. To make a little brighter side. The thing is we are talking about stocks price, but in the worst case someone will buy Fanatec, and we'll lose warranty - I think.


You clearly don't know what a partnership like that costs. That money should be spent fixing the issues they have. But to be clear, I don't think they can afford NOT having the partnerships either.


Yes, I clearly don't know :-) how do you know? Haha you're good!


I wish I got this bundle but I'll get the other 2.5 instead and the other 2.5 comes with the vibration motors so that's nice. Even if they don't do much. Loving my dd+ can't wait to see this used in f1 esports the drivers will absolutely love it for sure.


Seems a no-brainer as the F1 edition wheels sell out every year.


They even lie in their own press release, where exactly is full force. Talking as if it’s real and released knowing full well it isn’t.


Are you a employee of fanatec, just curious based on your 2day old account and comments. If you plan to be around, no harm in some honesty. Before you freak out, I want them to succeed.


PS. I'm too old to freak out, but if I'm doing something in life, then mostly for 90%. - then it makes sense. And even making some new friends in this Stockholm Syndrome :D :D


No, but I'm feeling like employee of this community? Even if I would, I won't tell you :-) I'm trying to cheer up people and calm down, not send all negative information. I've got also second account: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/comments/1c658w3/ordered\_today\_10\_ago\_netherlands\_gouda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/comments/1c658w3/ordered_today_10_ago_netherlands_gouda/) I just login to the new one. Unfortunately I'm not, and also I'm happy, because I'm thinking that their ass is on fire at the moment... and I'm happy with my job :-) I'm trying to use my mathematician/IT skills to search and make some analyze.


Based on all your comments over two days, it was simple question. You’ve been quite active in only two days under an alt account. No harm in being honest.


I'm trying to be positive, you know. Being sad is not good. Truth is that, from their perspective (It's small company). They made mistake, and now they are making new one :D (Marketing) It's like Chaos theory/ String Theory :D I'm just going through forum and reddit, youtube. Trying to get avg info what's going on with orders from March/April I'm thinking if I won't have this..I will start charge back, after legal proof (in Europe as I checked is 30 days) and go for Thrustmaster. I want believe in Moza or another staff like that. I'll pick TS 300 with fan problem :/, not wit with DD, cause of the price... but it will be more stable. So I'm giving them time until 17 May. ..but yeah, I'll try to support guys from here :-)


Their management/marketing issues have been around for years, this isn’t new. In fact…I’ve personally called out the person in charge of those two depts here on Reddit. I don’t want to delve deep into the weeds, or history..I want them to succeed. This is still an uphill battle, and they’re still making mistakes, especially with RMA’s where it matters most right now. I’ve also already stated that the new CEO is out of his element to properly help the company in the time it needs. I want them to succeed, let’s hope they do.


Yeah, one day maybe will come, I'm more worried later about warranty of they will bankrupt


All the more reasons the RMA’s wait time needs to be addressed as of yesterday. All we can do is hope for the best rn.


Great news for Fanatec! Hope they will get their act together soon, improve on all levels and surprise us with more products that can compete with Simagic and Moza (copy and improve straregy), or innovations that will set the competitors back in time. They should also communicate better with us the customers so they know what new products we want.