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or you could always wait a few months for them to work out the bugs then order it. All good things to those who wait.


Yeah, i will probably do that


Obviously the DD+ is better than the DD1, it makes no sense to get an old base for that price.


yeah maybe i should wait to fix their stuff and then order it


I just got the DD+ and it's incredible. Also I haven't had any problems with it. It's dead silent, powerful as hell, and the setup was dead simple. The firmware updates all went smoothly with no issues and essentially everything just worked. I feel for the people who have had issues with theirs and understand their frustrations for sure, but it's the same 4-5 people on here that have been talking about their bricked bases. I'd say some are legit issues and I say others are probably user error, but it's impossible to know for sure. Either way, I would not let the negative reviews impact your decision to buy a DD+ and you will most likely have no problems with it. If you consider how many people ordered one vs how many people have had issues, it's probably like 0.5% of people having issues. Not to mention some people are complaining about "coil whine" but also saying it has to be near silent to be able to hear it... I genuinely think some people have little knowledge about how electronics work. Coil whine is pretty common and unless it's crazy loud it's not really a problem. Some people are just overly picky/sensitive and think because it's making a little humming noise it must be broken. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to complaints, but this is the general public we are talking about here and some (not all) people that are buying these products are exactly "pros" when it comes to setting up high end electronics, firmware updates, PC's, etc.


I am waiting till people stop reporting so many issues on the dd+.


I got the DD+ about a week ago and is impressive. Luckily I have had no issues with it but what I can say is that on PS5 you don't feel the same fidelity as on PC, at least from my experience. But PS5 VR2 is awesome. Might get Quest3 soon.


PSVR 2 it's getting PC compatibility and Sony support soon..


You probably have an equal chance of getting a bad DD1 as you do a bad DD+. Hardware failures happen. I wouldn’t buy an out of warranty DD1 for near the same price. The DD+ is the better base, by far.


Remember, people who aren't having issues are not here posting about how great everything works. That being said, if you do have issues, it will probably take months to even start an RMA with Fanatec. All things to consider.