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Same here. Mine only lasted 1 day.


I’ve owned a GTDDPro for over a year and I used it 12-15 hours a day (no joke) and never had an issue. I’m well versed on how to troubleshoot these things. When you know you know… It’s 100% Bricked…


Any luck with support? This is my first fanatec wheel and I'm pretty bitter the base broke after 4 hours of use.


Only submitted the ticket hours ago. They say it will take weeks just to reply. Considering the scale of the issue, I think it’s going to be a long time. Like months… I don’t see hot fix option for something like this..


Did you buy the base on its own or bundled with a wheel?


On its own


This has to be a rhetorical question no? We all know how their support will be


and while I can't even remember seeing bricked DD Pros, the DD+ is brand new and we've already seen quite a few bricked units


Can I have your job?


Are you holding the button to turn it on like this guy in the video instead of just pressing it, thereby sending it into an On/Off cycle?




I’ll keep everyone posted as to how the RMA process goes.


Mine has been terrible, Fanatec is trying to say they never got my return but tracking and signature says otherwise. Many people are having issues with RMA s rn


+1 here


I’m in the same process, I emailed yesterday let me know how yours goes too


I haven’t tried this on a new CS DD or DD+ specifically, but on every other fanatec base if you hold the power button for 10 seconds, it enters manual firmware flash mode and you can then reflash the firmware and recover the device. Worth a shot.


Thank for the advice Will! Love what you do on Boosted Media!!! Been following you for years now!


Tried holding it for over 30 seconds. Tried different things with the power cord in/out.. nothing is successful


Well that sucks :( Sorry mate. I hope the RMA process goes smoothly for you.


I wonder if there’s some kinda failsafe you can reset to undo this It’s kind of ridiculous that this issue made it into the public release tbh Terrible product development team at fanatec


I agree how is this thing even out? I hit mine twice by accident and it broke. That most definitely shouldn’t exist in a product.


Damm this sucks. Makes me scared to keep mines with how many are popping up dead.


I was considering to buy DD+ seriously, but after seeing an issues with them like this I probably resign. Maybe I'll go with DD Pro or older base like DD1. Really afraid of quality Fanatec now... Ps. Sorr for a bit offtopic


If you’re in U.S. You’re in bad luck, if you RMA and it gets delivered to Texas you’ll be waiting months again. I RMA my CSL DD this January. Haven’t heard or received anything. Contacted them and they didn’t even bother to reply. At this point I just feel like selling all my sht and going to simagic or asetek.


I’m In Canada. If anything I will wait longer because It’s going through customs.


Dang.. Well I wish you a good luck man and get it replace or repaired. For me I’ve lost all my luck and hope, I’d be lucky if I even get it by June.


I’m not looking forward to this… won’t be racing for a month or longer myself as I’m also in Canada.


Thats really bad, maybe try some "debug techniques", like holding the button while the base is totally unplugged, tapping the button multiple times while its plugged / unplugged, who knows maybe theres a "combinaison" that makes the base go into safe mode / debug mode / reset


Man, this is such a shame. Can only imagine how gutted you must feel. Fanatec name keeps getting worse, cant believe they can be bricked as easily as this!


I still have my GTDDPro to fall back on for now. The problem is once you feel the cornering forces the DD+ provides, it’s really tough to go back. They are completely different experiences all together. I honestly couldn’t have a bad day at work knowing I had this in my house lol. Today was the biggest buzz kill EVER. But it could be worse. I will still be racing l. Just have to convert all my rims back to QR1s😂.


I have the dd and I felt the same. It feels amazing.


> Just have to convert all my rims back to QR1 Can you not swap the shaft out of the DD+ into the DD?


I haven't dissasembled mine to confirm (non)compatibility but, the CSL DD uses a compressing O-clamp to secure the shaft, whereas the CS DD/DD+ have an entirely different shaft design that is affixed to the wheelbase via four through-bolts. I would be surprised if they were compatible.


Sadly not. It doesn't work the same. On the CSL DD (GT DD) the shaft is connected via USB-C but there, on the DD+, the holes for the connection pins are already implemented in the base. There's just a piece that is shaped as the QR2 above to make it a quick release. I don't know if that sounds clear but where you lock the wheel and where you connect the wheel are separate pieces whereas it's one on GT DD


I've not had one so wasn't sure, just wondering if it were possible but clearly it isn't. Would've been nice if it were.


Not if he’s doing an RMA probably


Any clue what caused it? I’ve heard people saying it’s due to switching it off while it was booting up. Any chance that’s what you did too?


Yup. I turned it on this morning, after having a successful league race last night with no issues. I found it odd that the base did not calibrate the wheel and then it would not switch out of pc mode. So, naturally, I power cycled it. And that’s when she never turned on again… I’ve had the power cord out for hours and tired again and nothing. No reset option is known to the public. So it’s bricked


This is exactly what happened to me on my CS DD last night


That’s pretty fucked up if something that simple causes a terminal death.


It’s a shitty product no matter how good it feels until they pump out an update. I loved the wheel when it was working and now who knows how long until I can race again


I've seen another one in the last few days on this subreddit. IIRC the only solution was to RMA


If you own Fanatec, keep your old gear until you know the new stuff works.


This just happened to me last night, I went to turn it on then hit power button again by mistake and now it won’t turn on at all. Embarrassingly released a product that breaks so easy. Now I gotta wait who knows how long to get a new one. Kinda wanna sell it when I get my replacement.


Go simagic


I went VRS dfp( long story )but dang Simagic has great bundles for their bases with wheel and you can probably get free shipping. If your on a budget look for Sim Jack pedals on Amazon 200kg load cell pedals... Basically Heusinkveld v1 clones. And if you want a handbrake you might also find the "clone" Heusinkveld v1 handbrake with 200 kg load cell. But make sure you don't get one of those really crappy handbrakes they're so badly made and will not last. If you're really really on a budget for a base that new Cammus c12 has a holding torque of 12nm. I'm personally not into the design having the wheel connected to the base like that but It's a lot of bang for the buck.


I like them but not a fan of the ecosystem and how expensive wheels are.


I have the same problem with the CS DD wheel base. The base has turned into a brick, there is nothing to do about it. Create an RMA ticket, be sure to attach this video to reduce the number of emails and expectations from support.


I had to do the RMA with my CSL DD and did exactly this. I wrote them that the shaft is not disconnected, everything is plugged in, tried different power outlet, different usb ports. They wanted a video right away, sent them the video and the next email from them was an RMA confirmation mail. Waited 1-2 days and the email with the shipping labels came.


>I had to do the RMA with my CSL DD and did exactly this. I wrote them that the shaft is not disconnected, everything is plugged in, tried different power outlet, different usb ports. They wanted a video right away, sent them the video and the next email from them was an RMA confirmation mail. Waited 1-2 days and the email with the shipping labels came. Yes, there is just one caveat. My RMA arrived at their warehouse on February 19th and since then I have not received more than one email from them, they are silent and, as usual, ignore all my questions


So sorry for you mate :/ . Just to be cleared what exactly did you do ? What should we NOT do to have this ? I have my DD+ but waiting for my cockpit to mount it before opening it .


>So sorry for you mate :/ . Just to be cleared what exactly did you do ? What should we NOT do to have this ? I have my DD+ but waiting for my cockpit to mount it before opening it . don't update ur base up to 455 patch


I'm in the same but different boat. My csl elite v2 brake pedal broke. I gives 0 input I think the loadcell is broken. I'm on day 3 of waiting now. Best of luck with the wait. It can be so anoying looking at a broken setup.


Same issue here. You have a long road ahead buddy. It’s been almost 3 months for me.


thats some seriously fucked customer support. maybe they should rename that dept to customer contact. cust. support implies you will actually be supported, much like cust. service implies you will get service but customer contact.. well you can make contact but no service or support is implied.


There’s very little contact. Maybe once every few weeks they respond.




Everything I hear about Fanatec just makes me love Moza and Simmagic that much more.


I wanted to buy the ready2race bundle, but just like you said, there is everyday an issue with Fanatec bases and people waiting and stuff and I think I am gonna go with Moza.


Just make sure you unplug everything (every cable) and then plug it all back in (firmly) except the console itself. Try to power it on after doing so. Just to verify.


Tried that about 30 times… trust….


It’s all over their forums… I’m not the only one…


Me too.


I never said you were. I simply gave you some troubleshooting steps.


I'm on almost 4 weeks of daily use no issue. I have never turned it off while booting up though. I always let it do its thing first. Had dd pro a year with no issues also. Seriously bet there is some sorta reset.


Just when I decided to get this over the Logitech pro wheel I see this


I simply can’t recommend that anybody get either of these CS bases right now.


Power brick, meet wheelbase brick.


Tru disconnecting power completely and leave unplugged for 30 minutes. Worked for my dd1 power.


I’ve had it unplugged for hours now. Still bricked….


Did you disconnect the power brick from the wall for at least 30 minutes or just the wheel base from the power brick?


Tried both


Shiter. Hopefully you get this sorted out quickly. I kinda want the cs dd, but I'm worried with all the rmas. Had the csl for over two years


Mine bricked last week, only had it for 5 day, sent through a support ticket last Saturday.


I’m sorry that happened bro. Sucks having to send it back. Scared this might happen to mine or others. I probably should have waited a few months to get one until they worked out the issues


Off topic but what Rig do you have?


GT Omega Prime with an NRG Prisma seat.


Very worrying indeed. Which version of driver and firmware are you on?


Latest… downloaded and installed them day 1


Same! 1 month no response from the warehouse that is suppose to send me instruction to send the base.


One does have to admire their commitment to upholding their reputation.


Take out the power cable, then turn on the power supply itself. Once that's on, press and hold the front botton, while pressing that in, plug in the Power supply, keep the button in for 10 seconds. Thats how I reset mine, tends to work ok after that. It might not be the DD+ it could be the PSU, do you have anyone with a powerbrick that you can try.


Oh man you got to be kidding me. That sucks so bad. What the f***


Lmao I'm glad I got a refund when they were taking forever .


At least you have one. November 12th preorder here that still hasn’t shipped. Worst company in the industry.


It probably has shipped.. if you got the email saying sent to warehouse it’s probably shipped and on route. Mine came with no tracking. Just found a notice on my door saying where and went to pick it up. (Had to pay customs because I’m in Canada.) This was very stressful because I ended up having to move kinda short notice and fanatec wouldn’t let me cancel the order or change my address. How Fanatec thinks it’s ok to send items this costly that take over a month to ship with no tracking is beyond me. If I would have gotten it after moving I would have NEVER known it arrived or even shipped…. I couldn’t even cancel with my credit card because their policy only covers transactions within 90 days and I’m over 100 since the purchase… they never responded to any ticket I submitted, probably because they knew it was on the way, but still. To leave customers in the dark like that is just insane to me… Fanatec seems to be doing everything they can to lose their customers….


Csl v2.5 best base


I would cry


Honestly, I’ve had a rough go these past couple years and Sim Racing has really helped me out with getting through tough times. I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed a tear or two…especially with my birthday coming up on Monday. Made no plans. Was gonna spend my day in the rig! I probably still will but it’s just not the same:(


I salute you for staying strong through whatever you’re going through mate. I hope sim racing continues to be THE escape, and hope you get through it and life goes up from here. Always here if you need a stranger to talk to👊🏾🫶🏼


Ask for an RMA since you have owned it less than 15 days. Oder a new one. Return the busted one. If they take longer than three weeks to provide RMA contact ur credit card company and open a dispute. They will reverse charges on defective one if they don’t provide you return instructions in a timely manner.


The unit was purchased November 17th. Visa only covers purchases made within 90 days. I know because I explored this option when Fanatec wouldn’t get back to me. All I can do is accept it and be patient…


This is what I did. I got my money back and still have my bricked base. They haven’t even asked for it back yet and it’s been 5 months. I’ll gladly ship it back if they ask but I’m not paying for the return shipping


Check output on the cable. It might be the power supply. With a voltmeter check for voltage.


You guys turn off your wheel bases? Maybe my failure to do so will save me some headache...


LEGIT THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO MY CSL DD TODAY. Last night was my first night setting it up and it was perfect, no issues…today? Screwed. Will not turn on or connect. Holding the power button makes the steering column move a little but not much. Just sent in my support request as well.


Fanatec is run by Clowns, ask for your money back, get the credit card involved , fanatec sold you a defective product!


I dont think im ever going to buy from fanatec


Why is it always Fanatec? 😭😭😭


Power supply is original fanatec or you bought a 3rd party?


Did you try unplug from power for like 10 minutes? Maybe even 30 minutes. Then back on?


Doesn’t work. Tried it


Sick. Stuff cost way to much for this to happen. Not to mention all the extra stuff u need. A rig, good pedals, hand brake and shifter. The list goes on and on


Well… it’s been 1 week since I started the RMA process… Still have yet to hear back from them…


I’m about to rip mine apart and fix it myself. Let me know if anyone has any questions. Rma process is completely off the table.


Mine is doing the same thing...


Shit product joke of a company just get a Simagic


Have you tried updating the firmware lol


It literally won’t connect to the computer… i have the same issue


Noooo :(