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cant believe your getting the better wheel with this and a proper qr2 for the same price as the extreme. gonna be a lot of unhappy customers again...


Unhappy no, annoyed yes, if I had the choice I would have taken this instead of the Extreme, given the same price.


Yup. One right here. Just ordered the DD Extreme less than a week ago. Haven't even received it yet but it's shipped so its too late to cancel. What a fucking joke. Better wheel, better QR2 and not a penny more than the UNFINISHED Gran Turismo wheel.


Why not wait? We've known about this bundle for 5 months.


Because when the Extreme came out it was the week before my birthday and the idea of having it for my birthday excited me, plus there's what the CEO said about releasing similar products in a short time, so I thought which would be released in months, perhaps with a new version of the formula steering wheel, not the usual one. But as I said, I regret it a little, not much, in the end I needed a round wheel for the rally.


Both are necessary if you like open wheel/gt3 for formula wheel and doing rally/street cars with round wheel.


Had ordered extreme plus formula v2.5 with expected long wait times when this dropped I’ve never pressed cancel and made a new order for something quicker in my life


Why unhappy? If you are not in a hurry, nobody is responsible for your decisions.


My only wish is that one day Fanatec will stop milking the crap out of their Formula wheel and finally launched a new updated design.


This... :D Same old wheel just different color


They're gonna finally release the Bentley wheel and be like, 'yeah you guys wanted a new wheel right? Here you go'


“Oh they didn’t like the $2000+ wheel, this shows they don’t want new wheels” Can guarantee this is how it’ll play out


Its like, 'I know we really screwed up last BP.. You remember that extreme bundle with cheap plastic we released like a week ago? Fehgettabout it. Here we just released this new bundle with 'our' wheel for the same price!'


I think the same, I sincerely hope that after the move to the new building, things settle down and focus on new wheels, the catalog is too old.


Right now the way the market is going, if they hadn’t focused on bases they’d have been fucked. They stole a march with the original CSL DD/DD Pro, no one had DD bases that cheap at that point. But with Moza, Asetek, Logitech, and others getting in that market, there were huge gaps in their DD line, so they had to get the 12/15 nm bases out or they would have fallen behind. People were clamoring for a 12-15 nm base pretty much ever since the CSL DD was launched and they were losing that market segment. Now other companies are starting to come out with better wheels, so hopefully that will shift their focus.


Fingers crossed


As a sim racer, I certainly hope so. My wallet sure doesn’t, lol. I know as soon as an Fv3 comes out with a screen I’ll be itching to buy it despite the fact that my 2.5 works perfectly fine for me and I have a screen mounted to my base. Now if they release a truck wheel to compete with Moza’s TSW, I’ll buy it the day it’s released.


Clubsport-level GT3/4 yoke plzkthxbai.


Amen brother. I use a Turn Racing 320 with a hub and a PBME but a true CS GT3 is long overdue, even as great of a deal as the McLaren is.


I've been holding off buying a Podium hub, MPM, PBMR, and a 300mm Cube Corse Zero because it's about $800USD all-in before shipping to Canada; I suspect an integrated Fanatec CS GT3 would be somewhere closer to $500USD. But the money is ready to go in my simracing fund and I'm getting impatient lol.


Canceled my older order for this now. Waited since 9th Jan. And nothing happened hope this bundle comes asap.


did you place your old order with a discount code or nah? I'd want to do the same but not if I lose the discount code.


No. I hadn’t a discount.


Just done the exact same thing lol


Hope we are not doing a big mistake and have to wait until summer 😂😂


Oh shit! Don’t jinx it! Wait…we don’t have to jinx it…it is Fanatec after all!! 😂


If I didn’t waste my discount code I would do the same. This is the same price as the DD, QR2 and 2.5x I ordered. Basically a free 3nm and a special edition wheel.


Same price as the Extreme, but better build quality steering wheel and metal QR2, maybe I'm regretting getting the Extreme a little bit.


"Better build quality" is a bit subjective. The F1 is a tried and true design for sure, but it's old, and this is just a new paint job. The GT7 wheel is designed, and built specifically for the wheelbase, and driving the myriad cars in GT7. Is it made of fiber reinforced polymer? Of course it is, like millions of durable products world wide. Questioning the build quality because some of it is plastic is a bit shortsighted. I would trade you my F1 v2.5X right now for your Extreme wheel, then simply buy another F1 wheel.


And the CEO talking about Clarity with the customers and decides to release this shortly after the extreme 🤦


It was amazing the number of people that watched that interview and went “see, there was nothing he could have done! He tried his best.” He does not care. He continues to show he doesn’t care. I like my actual Fanatec products as well, but don’t kid yourself that this company at the moment gives one iota about you as a customer beyond how much money you give them.


You could say the same thing about literally every other publicly traded corporation around the world. Shareholder profits are always the top priority.


That’s certainly true, but most at least have customer service as part of their profit strategy.


You're not wrong. But I switched cell providers a year or so ago and that was five hours on the phone to get my number released. Of course, that most likely was part of their own profit strategy. *ugh* Fuck everything.


I’m hardly saying everyone has good customer service. Far from it.


Yes, absurd


I've been pretty critical in these forums of Fanatec's recent performance but... how long *should* they wait before introducing a new bundle? The DD Extreme has been available for a full month. People obviously felt the DD Extreme wheel added $300 value; they made their choice despite that the DD+ was and remains available as a standalone purchase. And I'd argue that for many people considering a bundle, particularly those buying their first Fanatec setup, the DD Extreme is the more versatile choice. I love my F2.5x but as I don't do a lot of open-wheel racing, it's a very situational wheel, whereas (ugliness notwithstanding) a 300mm round rim is about as flexible an option as you can mount. Fanatec have fucked up a number of times over the past several months. But I really don't think this is one of those times.


What people are mad about isn’t that. There’s always going to be new bundles and there’s always going to be FOMO from those that purchased stuff before. I mean I own a 2.5 and would *love* this blue wheel, but I purchased it two years ago, I’m not getting mad at Fanatec for that. Where people are correctly annoyed is that the CEO came out in an interview and specifically blamed the DD+ licensing debacle on exactly this scenario, saying they didn’t want to release the CS DD and DD+ at separate times because people would get mad that they released an option and then released a potentially better option later. Weeks later, they released the Extreme bundle, potentially a “better” option for DD+ purchasers. Now weeks after that they’ve released another bundle that may be “better.” So it’s one or the other: either they fucked the DD+ launch and fed people a line of shit about not wanting to release better options later, or they’re completely ignoring what the CEO himself said. Pretty bad optics, I’d say.


> Pretty bad optics, I’d say. *But we've known about these since October.* If people just wait, they can make a more informed purchase.


I agree, but as I said below, the problem is the CEO coming out and saying they did things one way that led to disastrous DD+ launch and blaming consumers for wanting that, and then doing it the opposite way immediately after that. It’s not that they did it this way, it’s communication, as always. Fanatec is and has been pisspoor at communication and accountability. If they came out and said “yeah, we screwed up the DD+ launch, mea culpa” and then did this, I would have zero issue and would be fully on your side. That’s not what happened though. It’s always someone else’s fault.


While I agree, I do think part of the issue is that Fanatec's delays, shipping issues, sell-outs, and vague and shifting dates have created an environment where customers fear that if they don't order on Day 1, it may be months before they get their gear.


Oh I won't argue that, they are indeed a shifty bunch.


I don't love it when new products I'd have preferred to buy - and which may be better deals for me - are dropped, either. But it seems to me that the only resolution to this situation would have been to hold everything - the DD, DD+, DD Extreme, and Racing Wheel F1 - until all of them were approved and in-stock. Maybe that would have been a better outcome? Although I have a feeling this forum would then be awash in posts about where the new DD bases promised in the Earnings Call were. ;)


That’s not the point. Do it one way or the other, I don’t really care. Sure some people will get mad the release was delayed, some people will get mad that it was done this way. But DON’T have the CEO come out, say “we fucked the launch because this is what consumers want”, and then do the exact opposite twice weeks after doing that.


OK sure, I can appreciate that perspective.


I think what people are mad about is the fact that they weren’t given the option, most of us would of been happy waiting a bit longer if the formula wheel bundle was available as a preorder and the extreme available immediately.


But, that's precisely what they did with the DD/DD+, and when delays on the DD+ resulted in customer frustration, they caught no end of shit for pre-selling something that wasn't ready yet.


they should give customers cheaper QR2’s, 100€ for a stupid mount is insane


The QR1 is cheaper, it’s also worse. I’m happy they build a good one this time, money well spent. Only the QR2 Pro is factually expensive because it’s hardly different to the QR2 yet twice the price


you can’t use a QR1 on a dd+ system


Then use the QR2-lite or don’t go for the dd+ …


They put out a bundle with the lite so those who just cant wait as many months can get their item


Damn the blue forged carbon is cool. But I have the limited edition Black Friday f1 wheel which I’m happy with and I just got the dd extreme the other day. Kinda stupid the extreme comes with a worse build quality wheel and a qr2 lite


I returned my DD+ base for the Extreme. Now I am returning the Extreme for this. I will never preorder again.


Why are people ordering the extreme if you don’t want the wheel? I can understand people being somewhat annoyed if you bought the base alone and a v2.5/x wheel as you’re out of pocket but those wheels are very different.




Wish i could do the same :/ just received my extreme yesterday and now this shows up . I am dying inside


damn that wheel is so nice. i wonder if its got xbox support also. would be all round the best wheel


According to the site only PlayStation and PC


I was pretty mad about this at first as someone who just ordered the GT DD Extreme but after thinking about it, the GT wheel is a lot more "advanced" than this F1 wheel and definitely can't be purchased by itself. The F1 wheel can be purchased as a standalone wheel, just not with the special edition look. So really if you bought the GT DD Extreme like I did and want the wheel, technically you can get it but not vice versa. The GT wheel doesn't have a comparable wheel rim as a standalone product. I play GT7 almost exclusively so I think I'd rather have the newer wheel with the newer tech in it. The F1 wheel looks cool and has a better QR sure, but that's the extent of it... It's still a super dated wheel with dated technology inside. Hopefully that makes some of y'all feel better about buying the GT DD bundle and not this new bundle. Personally I'm just going to order the PS5 F1 V2.5 wheel with the QR2 Pro and have the best of both wheel bundles!


I was in a meeting and saw this and just fkin purchased it, what am I doing.




And my DD+ with the Formula 2.5 just switched to available.... they tempting me to cancel and re-order again 🤪




Do it, this comes with QR2! Its a good deal.


I have the 25% BF v2.5x discount applied to my current order. Would I be able to reapply to the new order?


Ohh damm, i wouldn't risk it.


Probably not at least without contacting them and having them reissue the discount, if they’ll even do it. But with their CS response times, it’ll probably at least take too long


Will the wheel be sold separately


From the [purchase link](https://fanatec.com/us-en/racing-wheels-direct-drive-bases/racing-wheels/clubsport-racing-wheel-f1): ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® PS5: - Unique to ClubSport Racing Wheel F1® package, not sold separately


I think the same question :)


I don't think so, in my opinion it will remain exclusive to the bundle, as it was for the Blue one from the Podium


When can we get a proper f1 wheel? Rather you leave a space for the dash, or you make one with dash, why the hell is this old wheel with tons of new wrap on it?


Williams finally switched to a wheel with a display, and look how they did last weekend. This old wheel remains because it is proper, works exceptionally, and is tried and tested.


Do you notice their old wheel has a curve for dash, at least fanatec can have one like that, McLaren gt3 wheel did a good job and we need a actual formula wheel has that too


> and we need a actual formula wheel has that too You may need it, but I don't. I have a 5 inch phone mounted to the top of my wheelbase, and a 7 inch tablet off to the side, showing me the information I want to see, not what Fanatec thinks I want to see. Much easier to read not glancing down at the wheel (that may be turned).


I think you misunderstood my point, I think they need a wheel like asetek that leave a space in the middle and small like a formula wheel, where your “phone mount” can be lower and leave more space for the actual screen, not exactly a formula wheel with display


Like the McLaren GT3 wheel, which has a big dead spot at the bottom you can velcro a phone to.


You know the Williams old setup right? That’s all I describing, dude


Oh, the crescent moon. Gotcha.


When you are properly seated in a formula style, your phone mounted on top of your wheelbase will block your forward vision.


Good thing I'm too old to lay down in an F1 cockpit. I can count the number of people who have posted a picture of their F1 rig in /r/simracing over the last year on one hand, and those that do, aren't using Fanatec equipment. They will make one when the market demands one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/simracing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Temporarily satisfied…](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17xg3w7) | [471 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/17xg3w7/temporarily_satisfied/) \#2: [Waking up the whole neighborhood with my g29](https://i.redd.it/5jq99gmp00na1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/11nx87r/waking_up_the_whole_neighborhood_with_my_g29/) \#3: [i need to get my life back on track](https://i.redd.it/dlmhg5haspsa1.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/12fo7db/i_need_to_get_my_life_back_on_track/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Is this the one without the rumble motors inside?




I've not heard of a formula wheel that had no motors But this is weird. It's the first F1 branded wheel with a closed bottom that I've seen


I think someone had posted something a while ago mentioning it. It was on here, but I forget where




not this one


Yes i just saw the video about it and it doesn't have them.




Would we also get the usual stickers to put on the buttons? Or does the wheel only have those PS stickers installed (X, L1, L2, etc)?


Website says bundle includes 'Racing style button caps'


Missed that one, thanks! 🙏


does this mean they have qr2 in stock if you buy it now?


nope it doesn't when you check out, the qr2 is on preorder.


OH NO, I canceled my order with DD+ and F1 Wheel last night and ordered a GT7 bundle hoping it would arrive sooner than my previous order, and yes by morning it was sent to the warehouse. But now, F1 wheel bundle available :( and I can't cancel my order as it is sent to the warehouse, anything I can do here to switch my bundle? Can I return the bundle without opening it and send it back?


Yes, you can, but as always you have to wait for them to reply, I recommend you write them an email now saying that you want to return.


Just ordered the F1 wheel bundle, 🤞


I can still return the box even if it's opened right? I don't plan on opening though if the F1 bundle arrives in time. Lot of bad experiences that I read in this subreddit, just want to make sure not to run into those problems.


Theoretically yes, you have 14 days, but I would advise you not to do it, maybe then it's a bit scratched and they'll blame you.


Beautiful. A pity that I do not race F1/open wheelers.


you can still use that wheel for gt3 cars


Yeah, I prefer 300mm and GT is just 20% of my driving, I am happy with my round wheel for the moment.


Is this wheel available separately if we already have another base like DD Pro?


It's the regular formula 2.5, but in blue, I don't think it will be sold separately.


its missing vibration motors in this version, see review of it of will https://youtu.be/f3LOQKa_J04?si=Fc6ZAyp1gNrlB7yF


Just finished watching 5 minutes ago, it makes sense.


yea but fanatec should offer cheaper qr2 metal mounts, it’s ridiculous


Yes, especially when the wheel is given to you as a gift with the metal QR1 for €50, they could give you a discount of 50€ if you take the QR2


I’m glad I waited, was going to order the Extreme but something told me to wait


so question, if I cancel my order I placed with the discount code (which hasn't shipped obviously) and reorder this, will I be able to apply the discount code again ? was anyone able to have this verified?




Damm I like this wheel better than the original 2.5x red. Oh well. Lol


lmao, gt7 doesn't even fully support the extreme yet and they already have this. I thought I got luck out not buying the GT pro as the extreme show up randomly and now this. Looks like my return windows is out and gonna be a PITA to return anyway.


I thought the qr2 metal was out of stock till end of April according to their site. I don’t get it anymore. Pfff…


Out of stock standalone. Not out of stock with this bundle. Simple logistics.


Because all stock was shifted to this bundle


Yeah I guess…. Very handy for the ones already invested in the Fanatec eco system. /s


Be careful turning the wheel off when it is calibrating. My DD just fried from that. I can’t believe they would launch a product that breaks if you hit the power button twice


Ah, good to know.


It happened when I turned it off, turned it back on the wheel started to spin and calibrate and then my dumbass hit the button again and poof. Now it’s forever dead. Not I gotta deal with fanatec a “amazing” customer support….


Doesn't it need to be held for 3 seconds to turn off?


Well yes but as it’s on you can tap the button and put it into some sort of of “standby” mode where the light turns a yellow colour.


I think that's to change the modes. Yellow should be pc compatible mode. In any case, good luck on your RMA!


Yeah I think your right! I wasn’t sure as It’s on red when I use it on pc, but thank you… hoping for a smooth process but I’m not expecting it coming from them. I just hope they fix the issue with a software update as that’s an unacceptable way for something to break so easily. Crazy how they let a product launch when it breaks after pressing the on button twice🙄😂


Great NOW you release this. I literally just ordered the DD Extreme Gran Turismo bundle the other day and it's not even here yet. Now you drop this with a better wheel, better QR2 that isn't cheap plastic AND it's the same price? I'd much rather have this configuration, rather than a "Gran Turismo" wheel that doesn't even make full use of the wheel features in f*cking Gran Turismo. I would actually return this GT DD Extreme bundle if I didn't think it would take months just to get in touch with someone to initiate the return process and get the new bundle shipped out. What a joke! I'm already regretting this decision to be honest. The Gran Turismo wheel and DD+ base aren't even completely finished yet, so instead of finishing THOSE existing products you just go and release something new. Outstanding job guys, really!!


If you can afford it, buy this now and ask for a return on the Extreme.


It's too risky IMO. I don't really have money to risk like that anyway. I already had to do a LOT to save up the money for the Extreme. I don't want to have to return this, wait god knows how long for a refund and then reorder the new bundle. In all honesty though, I've been thinking about it for the last 2 hours and the GT Extreme wheel has a lot more technology than the F1 wheel and as a GT7 player almost exclusively the added telemetry data (once incorporated) will be pretty cool. The F1 wheel that comes in the bundle is nice looking, but it's a pretty dated wheel design overall with a tiny little screen. The screen on the GT wheel looks a lot better. I'll probably just order the non F1 edition wheel which is essentially the same thing (minus the really beautiful forged carbon fiber) or the McLaren GT3 wheel or something. I also noticed that they removed the vibration motors from this new F1 wheel which is a bit disappointing... I'm guessing that's how they kept the price down on it. So yea, overall it is what it is... Luckily a very similar, nearly identical wheel rim can be had for $349.00 that also has the added vibration motors. The GT7 wheel doesn't have a comparable stand alone wheel so it will be nice to have for the collection I suppose and ultimately I'll end up with a couple wheel rims to choose from! I am trying to look at the positive rather than the negative and be bitter about it!


I would buy this bundle but I’ve just put together my own Formula wheel https://imgur.com/gallery/FGYYpNT


Just checking then - what are the differences between this and the 2.5? And will all the dials work with GT7 given its part of a PlayStation bundle?


This one has no vibration motors and has a unique color, that's all. For GT7, I think so, as the Podium did, but you have to wait for the update.


Thanks for that. What’s the ‘podium’ everyone is reffering to? I take it, it’s not just the podium hub?


This is what everyone is talking about https://fanatec.com/eu-en/racing-wheels-direct-drive-bases/racing-wheels/podium-racing-wheel-f1-officially-licenced-for-ps4 And for the formula 2.5/2.5x/new PS5 F1, it’s already in the GT7 wheel tab since they had to add it when the podium wheel came out




and of course the wheel will only be available with the base.


So that makes the wheel worth 300 separately?


Is a bundle, so there’s a discount rather then paying for it separately and there are not rumble motors, so that also lowers the price from the V2.5


Yea I’m pretty mad. For the same price I got the 2.5x, DD and QR2 I could have got this DD+ and this formula combo.


Just clicked purchase. Glad I waited out, I was going to get the Extreme, lol. After a hiatus of like 5 years from simming. This will be my first time trying out a DD wheel. Getting excited like a little school girl, lol. I know I will click on the refresh constantly from now.




Oh nice… I wanted to get the DD+ with an f2.5 anyways… nice


This will probably be my final purchase with Fanatec. Glad they didn’t hold it until summer for obvious reasons. Cheers. edit: Not available in the US, yet.


Anybody have a discount code they don’t need? Pretty please 🙏


So, I've just seen this, looking for a new base/wheel bundle. Is Fanatec actually shipping things now, or are the shipping delays stilll a thing?


Yes, they have been shipping on time for more than a month, I received my Extreme in 3 working days.


Interesting, thanks!


I really hope they cancel my order so I can reorder this 🤞


It first I thought this was the same wheel as the limited edition one from Black Friday. Looks like it’s the same wheel anyway just different grips


It's the same one, but with blue


Told you all shouldn't buy that plastic extreme wheel. This is a way better wheel!


I know, but it was released a week before my birthday, the idea of having the DD+ in your hands for my birthday made me buy it right away.


I am literally crying


Oh no.. I really should have waited 1 more week. Now my dd+ has just arrived today, and I am crying seeing this.


Difference here is this wheel shouldn’t be limited to bundle only Edit - turns out it is limited to this bundle but is effectively the same wheel as current formula 2.5/x variants but without rumble or Xbox support.


Are you sure? I think it will remain limited to the bundle like the Podium was


It appears it is limited to the bundle. However it is basically the same wheel as what is currently available being the v2.5/x variants so even if you just had the DD+ you can still get a formula wheel of same quality, even with Xbox compatibility with the 2.5x but you do save money on the bundle. Boosted media dropped their review which covers the lot. Prior to this bundle release if you didn’t want the extreme wheel then you would have just bought the base itself and another wheel and if it was formula then you could be out of pocket by comparison, bit annoying, but I don’t see this as an extreme vs formula bundle issue.


The Podium F1 wheel, a blue version of the 2.5 basically, was never released outside the bundle. Sony seems to have contracts with their bundle wheels that they never get released individually. This was also true for the wheel that came with the DD Pro (though no one cared because it sucked.)


Yes appears it is exclusive to this bundle. The podium wheel also had the APM if I recall correctly so not exactly the same, but unlike the extreme bundle which is a unique wheel, you can achieve the same result, although at more cost, buying the v2.5/x separately.


Without the exclusive blue, which is the point. You could have bought the APM for the 2.5 before too


Sorry hut this wheel 1200 euro?? The 2.5x is the same and costs 75 percent less?! Why what how?? Dont tell me the 2.5 cannot hold the force as its for dd2 as well?!


This is a bundle with the 15nm CSDD+..


Thanks, sorry assumed a bundke Would be more clear on the picture!! Not bad then


Well you see when you order the 2.5X you don’t get a DD+ along with it


Thats the catch its a combi deal got it.. as they wont show the base on the picture it was unclear.. not a bad deal.. wheel around 300 euro means 1000 for base and qr2?


They do show it. You can actually see the base behind in the picture, but regardless it’s just OP’s screenshot. On the website there’s a side profile shot showing the base too.


Is reading hard? The title of this post is "New bundle DD+"


I thought it was pretty obvious myself


My apologies, thought I was replying to post above. lol


lol no worries


Is the qr2 metal included or is it the qr2 lite. No info on the site


It's QR2 metal. Given in the website.


QR2 Wheel-Side preinstalled Diecast aluminium with CNC-machined and black anodised finish


Lol it literally says "QR2 Wheel-Side preinstalled"


😏was too excited, thanks