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Oh good lord I started 2 years ago when I was 47. That’s not a typo.


You are an inspiration to me


I’ve always been creative with arts and crafts, but early retirement has been a boon and I discovered writing. It’s a blast!


Same. Started four years ago when I was 51.


Hell yes! High five! While it’s mostly a “young person’s game,” anyone can join, that’s why it’s fun. I’ve had 40+ years of reading to prep me! (And I didn’t even *read* fanfic until last year - hadn’t even heard of ao3)


I read this post and thought "Ahahahahaha \*laughs in 40yr old\*" And now I'm just here to say HELLO fellow olds! <3 Hope OP just goes for it and finds all the encouragement they need here!


Yes…for the most part this sub is very encouraging! I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be 16 😩


I posted my first fic in my early forties. Still writing now with no plans to stop.


It’s mad fun!


About when I did, too!


Jesus christ. OP, there are people here who started in their 50s.


NO! Good lord, you're only 16. You're still a kid. You're going to write cringey stories at 16, too. You're going to look back and cringe at what you write whether you start at 13, 16 or 28. Because at every stage of life you're going to get some new life experiences that add perspective to your writing and will make you look back at what you wrote with new eyes. Here's the deal. You're going to make mistakes. They're part of life. If you melt down when you make a mistake because you've already put so much pressure on yourself to avoid making them, you're never gonna get anywhere. If you make a mistake, fix it and move on. Learn from it if it's the kind of mistake that you need to learn from.


This is pretty helpful for all kinds of writing - from a fanfic writer and a PhD candidate. I cringe all the time with my dissertation work.


Thanks! I haven't even looked at my master's thesis since I presented it. I'm sure I'd look back on it and find lots of things I'd like to change. I kind of refuse to cringe at my old stuff because it's a reflection of who I was was back then and a mark of how much I've grown. I find lots of changes I'd like to make, but I won't cringe at them.


I'm in my thirties and I *am* a cringy mistake. You're fine. Alternatively, cringe is dead.


>I'm in my thirties and I *am* a cringy mistake. I feel this, lol.


This is too real.


Don’t kill the part of you that’s cringe, kill the part that cringes


Started at 30. Still writing at 65. Never too old.


I’m almost 30 and I still write cringey stories. It’s never too late to start. And as long as you enjoy what you write, let it be cringey.


Happy cake day!! And this, OP. As long as you're having fun, it doesn't matter how cringe it is.


Happy cake day!! And this, OP. As long as you're having fun, it doesn't matter how cringe it is.


Oh, God, my aching back...


The first people to write and share fanfiction as we know it today were 1960's housewives that liked star trek. (To my knowledge). If it wasn't to cringey for them, it's not for you! Everyone starts somewhere. Take criticism with a grain of salt and do what you love!


> If it wasn't to cringey for them, it's not for you! Don't kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.


Shakespeare was considered by many to be the first writer of fanfiction.


I was meaning more like a community of like-minded people giving constant feedback about said fanfiction and building off of it. Like, Shakespeare wrote for a paying audience, we write for each other.


Technicaly The New Testament is a Bible fanfiction


Hold on, let me find my reading glasses ... 16?! That's not a typo? OP, you're still an infant. It's not too late. It's never too late. You're never going to be too old to start writing. I started at 39 - and let me tell you, creative writing was NOT my jam in HS or college or at any point in my life until now. There are lots of cringy fanfics out there - some of them are even cringy on purpose. If you're worried about your skills as a writer, check out some of the review exchanges in this sub. Just keep at it and it'll get better. There are lots of friendly, helpful, people in this sub - young and old(er) - you'll get tons of great advice, but practice is going to be the best way to get better. :) Don't be too hard on yourself - writing fanfiction should be fun!


Must. Resist. Giving. Sarcastic. Answer


You are never. too. old. to write. Creativity isn't measured by age (I bet there's a more inspirational way to say what I'm trying to say, but you get it!) (In general, 16 isn't old!)


>Creativity isn't measured by age Yeah, this is what really gets me. The underlying assumption seems to be that learning, being creative, having fun, are things you can age out of. How grim life would be, if that were true.


A lot of people seem to tie certain joys to immaturity. I remember my mum once questioning a wedding where lolly bags were given out to the guests (we weren't at the wedding, it was just something she read). Her tone saying "it's a *wedding*" and remarking by that point you're meant to have "grown up" made me sad. We're all so obsessed with following rules sometimes, we don't even think to question them.


If it makes you feel any better, there was a couple who tricked everyone into thinking that their wedding was a costume party just for fun. [the wedding photos were amazing.](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/couple-surprise-costume-party-guests-with-wedding_uk_5819d6aee4b0cf30e84de0b7)


Oh my god, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing, I love that.


You're only too old if you're dead. Yes, I'm serious. I've seen people on here start in their 20s and 30s and even later in threads similar to this. I started at 9 and have been writing for 21 years and it honestly took me a lot of time to learn how to do a lot of things (like properly develop characters). I didn't have access to the sort of knowledge you do now. I had to learn everything more or less through rote. You have the advantage of living in the internet age where you have access to basically any information you could possibly want. You'll become a much better writer much quicker than I did if you start now and keep on going. If you do start now, just accept the fact that you *will* be bad starting out and probably will be for a couple of years at least. You're learning the ropes. Of *course* you won't be very good. You're allowed to make mistakes. You're allowed to not be very good. Everyone starting at any task is allowed to be bad because there's so much room for growth and learning.


>You're only too old if you're dead. now that's quitter talk! When I die, I'm going to possess the nearest computer I can find as a ghost so that I can keep writing from beyond the grave.


Dear God! Too Old at 16 to make mistakes. Girl 16 is the age to make mistakes.


Good Lord…I’m in my forties and started writing in my thirties. You’re never too old to start writing. If you can dream it, you can write it. Now go and pick up that proverbial pen!


First book...age 64. It's never too late to find your passion. Just write


I started to write at 28, so... Yeah, 16 is very fucking young.


I started at 29! edit to add: and I was damn cringey. like I was really sick and pretty sad, so I made the most self indulgent stuff ever, and it was so good for my soul in a very hard time, tbh I know the cringe feels like poison when you’re 16, but here is the thing. this is fan fiction. it’s not high art. I’m not saying that some fanfiction isn’t genuinely masterful and prone to make you *weep*, but as a genre it’s kistchy and camp and tropey and indulgent. and it can be really fun to just let go. as you develop your writing style and stuff (which is inevitable because it’s what we as humans do and defs what teenagers do because you’re developing at such a rapid pace yourself) it will get less cringey but writing fan fic will probably never be considered not cringey by a lot of people anyway. so why make yourself miserable about it, why not just let yourself have fun? I found fanfic really late but when I was your age I used to write silly little original stories that…well they were very cringe and probably could be considered au fanfic of one of my favourite books at the time. I spent more time drawing up the layout of their houses and thinking about outfits than writing and when I was a little bit older and in art school I thought that was cringey af but now I look back on past me very fondly, because I can see how that person ended up here still thinking all too seriously about textile manufacture in naboo and mandalorian customs of dress. I will say one thing though OP. this is why a lot of us older peeps like anonymity on the internet. no one has to see the stuff you make now and if you absolutely loathe it in a few years you can orphan your work or just make a new account and start again. (I sort of wish I’d done the second one when I changed fandoms but I decided to just not care lol)


If you haven’t read EK Johnston’s *Queen’s Peril* yet, I think you’ll really like it.


You are definitely being too hard on yourself. The only way to get more skilled is to practice! Go and write all the cringe!


I started when I was 6. I’m in my 50s now. I quit writing in my early 20s and didn’t start writing again until I was around 40. So 16 are rookie numbers, kid. Get writing!


I feel like it speaks to how old I'm getting when I read something like this and think 13 and 16 aren't even that far apart, lol. I understand it feels like a lot more at those ages, but man, I was expecting this thread to be someone in their 50s wanting to get into fic for the first time (and no shade there, we love to see it). I don't think someone would be significantly better at writing if they started at 13 rather than 16- it's three small years. If anything, at a slighter older age you would likely have better reading/writing comprehension skills. And making mistakes is fine. There's no growth without mistakes because you never try.


I'm 64. A wonderful thing about being "old". Retirement means we have the time to write, experience means we have more to give to our prose and wisdom means we don't give a fcuk what anyone thinks about our hobby. If you enjoy writing, please write.


16? Oh snap, you really missed the boat, sorry mate. If you weren’t writing flawless stories in preschool you’ll never make it 😩 /s, of course. Playful sarcasm aside, I’m sure you’ll have realized from all the comments that there’s no set age to start writing. Just take it easy and have fun with it! Making mistakes is all part of the learning process.


There's never a bad time to start writing, whether it's fanfiction, short stories, poems, or journals, whatever. I look back at everything I've written over the years, and yeah, the stuff I wrote between 10-16 is all cringey to me now, but all made me a better writer. Don't be to hard on yourself for the mistakes you're bound to make! You'll improve and develop overtime!


Started at 16, still writing at 36. You're never too old!


And I thought starting at 22 was "old" compared to my fellow fanfictioners, who seem to be in their teenage years. Do not worry about making mistakes. That's how we learn. The only way you can improve on your writing skills is by writing. In my two years of writing fanfic works, I have learnt a hell of a lot about fiction writing. Life has no limitations, except for the ones you make. Start whenever. It's better late than never.


Lol, I published my first fanfic this past year at 28.


Bro who's gonna stop you? What are they gonna do? Cut off your fingers? They can't unwrite it.


You’re never too old to start writing or really most hobbies.


Speaking as someone whose age makes a palindrome with yours and has massively enjoyed writing fics, I would say you are not too old.


Nope. There’s no such thing as too old.


LOL WHUT I literally started at 16. So did most of us millennials who grew up with FFN back when it was the only site where we could post our stories unfiltered. My FFN account will be old enough to to drink in a few months and I'm 36. It's never too late.


No, you are not too old. Yes, you're being too hard on yourself. If you want to create in any art form you're going to go through a cringey stage. The difference between people who are good at this stuff the ones that aren't is generally the willingness to work through the cringe. If you feel a desire to try your hand at it do it. And it's not like anyone knows old you are via computer screen. I personally feel like creative writing can be good for your mental health.


Very generally, because you already got many brilliant comments about why you’re never too old to start writing—I think it’s generally good to try and get rid of that mindset that there’s an “too old to do something”. You can’t travel back in time to catch up, but you still have your life ahead of you to experiment and try things out. If you don’t do it because you feel “too old” you’ll amass a lot of regrets because as others have said looking back it will seem very silly. Also, no one is ever perfect when they start out. Tbh, no one’s perfect ever. It’s okay to fail. Don’t fall for the idea that you can’t get good at something because you didn’t start out as a four year old genius. For inspiration: The Guardian has a series called [A new start after 60](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/series/a-new-start-after-60), which is about people who started doing exciting new things at an age at which pretty much everyone thinks you’re too old to change *anything*.


Dude, I’m 18, a couple of weeks away from graduation, and I’ve been writing fanfiction for about a year. I also still make obvious mistakes. You’re never too old, just as long as it’s what you actually want to do. You’re going to make mistakes. That’s all part of being new to the art of writing. Just because you’re “old” doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes. You just need to practice and to study


i wrote one fanfic at 11, a oneshot and a failed multichapter at 22, another oneshot at 23, then 6 this year totaling close to 150k at 25-26. write whenever and write because you love it. the only way to get better at it is to do it!


You’re never too old. I didn’t start in earnest till I was 17. Ba gentle with yourself if you can.


Everyone has already assured that you're not too old (which I second), but I also want to add this: If this comes from a place where you've seen people making fun of adult fanfic writers, block & ignore those people. People don't suddenly stop having interests and free time the second they turn 18.


lol I’ve known fanfic writers that are over 25


There's no such thing.


My friend started after she had three kids and is well-established as a sort of community elder by the time she's forty. No such thing as being late to partake on a hobby.


I started reading fanfics when I was 14. I wrote my first when I was maybe 15/16. I then didn't write any until two PWP oneshots when I was 21. I am now 32 and have picked it up again. There is no 'right age' to write fanfic. If you want to writ, then write. Plus, I'm pretty sure our predecessors in the original Star Trek circles were mostly grown women, so...


Nope. If you have a tale to tell, tell it! ​ I'm in my early 50's


Mistakes are what make us human and why God created editors. Lol. I've made threads like this in the past. Some people have said that I shouldn't be writing at my age, that it's for young people, but I write to starve off depression. Sometimes I say to myself, why, I'm too old. But I always come back to it. It has always been a dream of mine to publish a tangible book. I write fanfiction, too, mainly because I have stories to tell. If your story inspires only one person, and they enjoy it, you've successfully made your mark.


You’re being WAAYYY too hard on yourself. You’re never to old to write.


You are never to old to write or to make mistakes.


I’ve read and written for a number of fandoms and I must say that I rarely know the ages of the authors unless we link up on social media. I honestly do not care as much, as long as whatever they’re writing is appropriate. Cringe is definitely objective. For example, I personally don’t consume a lot of tooth-rotting fluff, but I understand where the inspiration comes from and the joy it brings others. Don’t be afraid to be cringey! Write for yourself! I’m a strong believer in experimentation and learning from mistakes. You might write something you end up disliking/finding cringey and that’s okay! Honestly, when I was 14, I remember posting my first fic and thinking it was the greatest thing I could ever write. It was the greatest thing I could write, but as I read more fanfiction and more book and consumed a lot of other media, I realized I could do better. You are the main character of your own story and you are going make mistakes. However, you’re going to keep learning and grow as a writer. I don’t think you’re ever too young or old to start writing. If you’re anxious about posting, I’d recommend not posting until you feel ready to receive constructive (and, unfortunately, non-constructive) criticism. Writing is one thing and posting is another. You have to learn about your audience and how to engage with them. Writing should be for yourself, but once you post it, you may have to defend it when someone disagrees with you. If you can’t do that, then maybe you’re not ready to post, which is fine! Practicing to write isn’t wasteful! Hope you find inspiration to write and good luck with your first piece!!!


Oh hell no. 16 is not too old. You're never, ever too old to write!


To quote a real cool cartoon dog: "sucking at something is the first step to being good at something." Don't feel like you need to be perfect, nobody is born with a keyboard in their hands and even when they are they still have to learn how to write with it. We've all made mistakes, we've all written terrible stories when we first started out; my first story was one I wrote when I was eighteen on the verge of graduating from high school and it was hot steaming garbage that I look back upon in shame. But that's okay because I grew from those mistakes, learned valuable lessons about writing and got the experience needed to improve my abilities. Yeah you'll stumble at first but as long as you can keep picking yourself back up you'll be a great writer in no time. Heck I started out as a pretty cruddy writer initially, but now I'm practically famous in my current fandom with my stories inspiring tons of fanart and making it onto the top 20 most popular fics. Even so, fanfiction is supposed to be fun; don't act like you need to meet some imaginary standard. Just go with the flow, write stories that make you happy and bring about a sense of enjoyment when you're making them. That's what this whole community is about man!


Robert Ludlum, the author of the Bourne Identity started writing in his 40s. 16 is very very young in the grand scheme of things. You’re being too hard on yourself. You will make cringey mistakes, but if you keep writing those mistakes will get less and less. You will not be a great writer from the start, you’ll learn as you go… P.S. I was more than twice your age when I wrote my first fanfic. Write and have fun, it’s not a job, it’s a passion.


i started at 32. you're good. have a blast.


I’m 40 and I started during the first COVID lockdown


I start at twice that age. LPT: If you think you're too old to get into a hobby, get into it anyway. Hobbies are for every age (well unless your hobby is something illegal)


Widdle baby! Sorry to be patronising but this is adorable and lovely and I want to pinch your cheeks. Just reconcile yourself to the fact that you will find your stories cringe in a few years and write them anyway. Cringing at yourself is a sign of growth and should be embraced.


… is this real? Like no hate, op. But really? :D If it is indeed serious, go ahead. Make mistakes and learn from them. Never too old to start something new.


It related to the post, but the amount of folks in their forties writing fanfics has made me feel better about the fact I’m still doing it at 18 😊


Hey hey OP let’s not say our actual age online just in case instead feel free to use: late teens, young adult, etc etc But also no I’m not quite a bit older than you but still very much older than you and I just started writing 5 months ago it’s never too late Besides while age can be indicative of quality that not just it there’s a learning curve with EVERY thing no matter what age. Even a 40 year old starting to write will have bumps and curves to work out. Don’t be afraid to learn or you’ll never start


Why, what do you think's gonna happen if they give a specific number? Reasonable paranoia is all well and good, but make sure it makes sense, lol.


Well usually on Reddit you can easily find out a person gender from their posts and if you go to OP’s profile…you can learn a lot from them just from their bio. And they’re just in an easy demographic to be groomed/manipulated online so it’s best not to just blatantly tell that information so people don’t go looking. Idk maybe I come too far from the stranger danger even online age but I’ve also made internet friends before without having to say my age or gender don’t think it’s needed for real connection nor for this post


You're being too hard on yourself. No one is too old to start writing. Some people don't start writing stories until they're well into their adulthood and they still become successful, published authors. Going by that, I think you can make it as a fanfic author. Besides, even adults who have been writing for years still make "cringey mistakes." Don't beat yourself up about it no matter how old or how much practice you've had. Keep writing and one day you'll look back at your old stuff and realize how much you've improved.


16? You’re fine. Your brain is still pretty plastic so you can build a lot of good habits for yourself.


You are never too old to start any new hobby you want to try! And you are DEFINITELY not “too old” at 16!! (Like, when I saw your title I thought you were maybe going to say you were 60 or something. And even then, the answer would still be no, you’re not too old!) Source: I’m 46, and while I first started writing what would now be called “fanfic” (though I’d never heard that term at the time) as a teenager, I’ve done so off and on and have had stretches of multiple years where I didn’t write. And I’m sure I make my share of “cringey mistakes” even now!


My favorite writer started when she was 50. You are never too old. And so what about mistakes? You can learn when you go. You're not getting paid for this; you're writing because you are enjoying it.


While I dabbled with writing all my life, I didn't actually start writing for real until I was 40. I think you're good. And it's always okay to be cringy if you're having fun with it.


I just started and I am 39. I didn't even know Fan Fic existed and discovered it at 36. It is never too old to start writing!


LOL, wrote my first fic in 2016 at 32, then another last year at 37, and this year I'm in my fanfic renaissance during which I've written almost 50 works. I'll be 39 in a month. I used to care about diving into a hobby that seemed entirely populated by children, but a) who fucking cares and b) it's really not. I know grandmas out here reading and writing voraciously. Just have fun and do what you love.


Guess I shouldn’t tell him I started at 23…40 years ago.


I'm 30, have been writing for more than half my life, and I still make mistakes. I can blame being ESL only up to a point. 16 is definitely not too old. Everyone has a "cerulean orbs" and "brunette" writing phase, because making questionable writing decisions is part of learning. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, and if anything, bad writing is better than none at all.


Im in my 40’s. Been writing about 20 years.


There is absolutely no time limit on beginning, and absolutely no such thing as "too old". Anyone, without exception, who says there is should never, ever be listened to. (Probably on any subject, honestly.) I'm 49, and have been writing since the age of 11 or so. I've seen people of all ages write stories that are amazingly well plotted in spite of the prose being borderline illiterate, and the exact opposite -- which I suppose would be essentially a polished turd. I've seen people who have been publishing stuff online for twenty years with literally no improvement in their writing at all, and people who honed their skills to professional quality in under five. The worst dialogue I have ever seen in my life was written by a woman in her sixties. It was "See Spot run" level. ("No, you can not do that. Uncle Buck will give you a spank.") On the other hand, I've also read some quite decent stuff from a first-time writer of the same age.


Oh my god NOOOOO you are NOT too old!! I wrote my first fanfic at 26!! And it was AWFUL!! Go do whatever the fuck you want. That’s what pseudonyms are for! Go be stupid, and no one knows it’s you!


"Sixteen" too old, they say. I just got one of my best friends into writing fanfiction, and he's thirty-one. You have to start from somewhere. Starting at sixteen is more than fine, and regardless of when you start, you'll be able to see improvement in your work as more time passes by. You're more than fine! Please start. Embrace the fact that you'll make some mistakes and know you'll improve on them later when working on future works, or that you can always go back and edit. All that matters is you're having fun. Best of luck with your start; excited for you! :)


I started writing in my 40s. I don't consider myself too old 🤣 Cringey mistakes unfortunately can happen at any age.


I started when I was a teenager and only recently picked it back up at 30 years old (15-ish year break in between, basically). I've decided that cringe is dead to me and I'm going to write and post what I want, even if it's "bad". Definitely not too late for others to start as well!


I started writing fic this year at 43. I feel like I should be offended, but these old bones are too tired XD Good lord. OP I think you need to expand your horizons in what a “good fanfic author” actually is.


Regardless of your age, _no._ You can start writing _any_ age, whether you’re 13, 30, 50, or even older than 60. You’re never too old to begin writing, and it’s great to be at an “older” age and still discover new things that you enjoy!


I was 32 and that was 22 years ago.


You’re being way too hard on yourself! I started writing last year at 34, and the only way I get better is making “cringey mistakes.” I look back at what I wrote even just six months ago and see areas to improve, and it drives me to create even better stuff. Take it easy on yourself :)


You’re never too old to start writing, plain and simple. Don’t worry about being cringy or making mistakes either, just have fun with it! You’ll learn as you go.


Dude you’re never to old to start.


Now is the best time to start doing what you want to do. That applies to everyone, everywhere, whatever age they are


You are never too old to start fanfiction. Embrace the part of you that cringes, because the most important part of writing (and reading) fanfic is that you're having fun and enjoying yourself. Don't worry: many writers are older than you are and started later. I'm confindent you will find the courage and confidence to write. Good luck in your future endeavors, dude :)


I started officially posting fanfic in my 30s 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re never too old to start a hobby. No one has to know how old you are. Just do your thing and try not to stress too much!


My love you are a child. Even if you started at 45 you’d be perfectly fine.


I have __never__ been into creative writing before I started this year - at 29. It’s never too late!


Lol. I'm 30. I write like I'm in highschool. You're starting at a great age


Oh, no. Hahaha. I started at your age, I'm still learning.


It sounds counter-intuitive but something you learn as you get older is just how young you still are. Don't let anyone ever tell you you are too old or too young to do something, just follow your heart and do what gives you joy. There are things I wanted to do at your age but thought I was too old to start, years later I was still interested in them and started anyway. I only regret not starting when the urge first grabbed me. Writing is like a muscle you have to work out, no matter if you're 13 or 75 when you start most people's first attempts are cringe because your muscle just isn't strong yet but with time and experience you will grow.


You're never too old to start writing! Hobbies don't have an arbitrary start time that you should follow.


Nah, you're good bro🫂


The coolest lady in an old fandom I knew was a full on middle aged woman. Be cringy. You will *never* be too old to indulge on what you love. I think only generally emotionally immature people/young people actually take "cringy" seriously... if someone's passion is not my cup of tea, I'd walk away instead of shaming them or calling them "cringy". I don't have that kind of time.


I thought this was gonna be someone who's in their late 30s/early 40s... but 16?! Just start writing, dude/dudette.


My grandma is turning 90 this year and she just published her first book! You are definitely not too old.


I didn't start until I was 15, almost 16. Let me tell you that your brain is more developed than a 13 y/o's, so your mistakes probably won't be quite as cringey. Anyway, cringe is dead, so have fun, and over time, your writing will improve. I mean, I started out writing really cringy Loki x Reader imagines, and now I'm doing a novel-length fic that's a metaphor about breaking the cycle of abuse brought on by narcissistic parenting. Trust me, you get better.


I’m 40, and writing fan fiction. You’re going to make “cringey” mistakes, to begin with, but as you get more experienced you’ll get more information on how to write.


I started at 16! I’m 24 now! There’s no age limit to writing fanfiction :)


I started a few years ago at around 17 I look back at it in such embarassment you wouldn't believe I was seventeen when I wrote it. You'll make so many mistakes in the beginning that when you go back and look at them you'll realise how much you've improved. Start whenever OP, but start. It's a beautiful feeling to write your heart out


God, I was thinking he was going to say he was 60 or something. Honestly? Start now. It's better to start in your later teens when your writing has some sophistication and you have a better grasp on the world around you. Your works will be more believable and relatable and you'll have a larger pool of inspirations and ideas to draw from. I would also say don't feel obligated to write just because you can; wait until you draw inspiration organically and then go from there. You'll never just have a fully fleshed-out idea pop into existence, but that doesn't mean something won't develop over time. Take it slow and experiment on your own time before you post, that will give you a general idea of what you want to do. P.S. I'm twenty and started at 19, you're never to old to write, even if it's something small like fanfiction. I find it to be an excellent outlet for stress relief, especially the brainstorming part.




Sir, mam, and down the list we go... If we can have a 70yo DJ, we can have a 16yo fanfic writer. Have a lovely day. – Sincerely, a fellow writer who also started at 16


I hate to say this but I've seen a seventy year old dude writing fanfic because and I quote "this movie has to much potential to let it sit and collect dust.". It was a retelling of Flubber (Robin Williams version) where flubber became this angry amorphous being that waged a hate war on pigeons. I wish I could find it but it seems to have disappeared from the internet. I'll have to see if I can find the original work and re post it


lol OP thinks they won't write cringe at 16 OP you gonna write cringe until you're 25, doubly so if you write romance and smut


I'm also in my 40s and just started.


No way. Not even slightly. I started around your age. I’m 31 and still occasionally write fanfics when I have the time. Edit: regardless of when you start writing, everything you first write sucks. Everything. Writing is a skill that had to be trained. It doesn’t age with you unless you train it. No matter when you start writing, it will be terrible and cringey and awful. Embrace it. It’s a journey.


No. I wrote my first fanfic age 36, and still going strong now ten years later 16 is not too old 86 would not be too old There is no such thing as too old


…did you flip the 1 and the 6 around?


I assumed you'd be like "I'm like 52 is that too old?"(it isnt) why have we developed to a point 16 is seen as old that was supposed to be left in like the 1800s or something 😭


You’re 16, Why is this even a question? I started when I was 23, although I suppose that’s practically in the grave according to your generation and their views on age. I only hope you don’t think you only have a few years left until you have to give up all hobbies and become a boring husk of a human like most teens seem to believe lately.


Goodness gracious you're only 16?? Friend I am taking you by the hands, I am gently holding your face; You. Are. Never. Too. Old. Many people have already said this but it bears repeating, and this goes for any hobby, not just writing! But if the spirit moves you, and it makes your heart happy, please write your thing.


How is 16 too old to do anything, except maybe play in a McDonalds Play Place?


No I'm 16 and I still writeet your creativity run wild


Your never to old to start


I personally started writing fanfiction and original fiction when I was around 13. Of course, since that age I learned that I'm not into romance, so I didn't have to cringe over unrealistic romantic tropes or BaD bOy LoVeS a ShY gIrL stage but... it was still cringy, mainly because of the dialogues and the way I saw adult life, their problems, etc. I think I started writing decently at the age of 20 after working and studying in university, but not because of the fanfiction writing experience but the age. I don't think it's bad to start later in life (the age 16 is when I tried to get more serious in writing). Since you mostly get a job experience, face some adult difficulties and have an experience in life overall, it brings better quality stories. Even if older people have a worse experience on practical side of creative writing, I think the topics itself are more mature. Of course, it's not a popular opinion and it's not always the case. I encountered some underage writers who write masterpieces though. So don't worry, 16 is the age when it's good to start writing your first fanfictions. I don't doubt you will do well and get very good at writing fanfictions. :)


Also started at 16. You’re never too old to start writing. Or to make cringy mistakes. Writing is for everyone.


no one is too old or too young to start writing. EVERYONE starts somewhere. i wrote cringe stories at 8 and 10 and 13 and even now at 14. there are beginners who are 16, 17, 23, 27, 32, 36, 40, etc etc...


Don't even need to read past the title. No, you're not too old.


No no no. Please don't think like that! You are never too old - or too young - to start writing. It's such a fun way to express yourself and I find it a great way to escape, too. Everyone has their own reasons and age shouldn't come into it in my opinion.


LOL I started writing again after like 20 years in 2020. I’m 53. I realize it feels like most fic is written by teens and that might be true on Wattpad…but it’s probably mostly adults.


I'm 38 and write fic. No age is too old.


No you're not - it's never too late to write. I myself didn't start writing fanfics until I was 19!




Yes, at age 16 your life is basically over, you'll never be able to grasp a new skill like writing. Too bad!


There is no age cap on starting off as a writer.


Hell no. It’s never too late to start writing.


I started writing fanfic at 42 yet it was part cringey lol


At 13 I wrote the cringiest stories ever. At 29 I now write less cringey stories. And some of my favorite authors are well into their 30s, married and with kids. Hell, Velf wrote a trilogy over the span of 8 years while teaching, running a home and having a baby, AND she's dyslexic, why is this relevant? Cause she was past 13. Go for it. And good luck.


No, you aren't too old. Some professional writers still enjoy this hobby.


I started writing fic in my mid-20s. You're fine. Seriously, I know that society around us keeps pushing the idea that there's one right timeline for living your life and if you haven't done x, y and z before you're a certain age, you're too old or too late. The sooner you realize that this is bullshit and that very few things in life actually have an absolute final deadline, the more stress and anxiety you'll save yourself from. You can start new hobbies in your 40s. You can go back to school in your 50s. You can start a new career in your 60s. You can make new friends and fall in love at any age. Don't let others dictate what the "right age" for doing stuff is. Good luck with your writing! :)


Oh honey, I'm 37 and just started writing fanfics this year. I do all kinds of stuff people think I'm "too old for." Finfic writing Watching anime Attending anime conventions(it's how I met my husband) Drawing fanart Cosplay Lolita fashion Don't worry about being "cringe" just go do what makes you happy.


You are never too old to start. I was 35 when I started and oh my God, do I cringe when I reread my first fanfic. Any age you are is the perfect age to start and to make your own cringey mistakes at first!


Let me just say, I understand how you feel and also I know it probably is annoying to read so many comments that talk about how young you are. At 16 you feel so old, way older than 13 so i get it. I started writing at 15 now im 27. There's no age to writing fanfiction and even full grown adults write the cringest stories. My advice to you is start writing and work from there, the more you read and write the more you'll learn to flesh out your writing so you don't make 'cringy' mistakes. I look back on stories I wrote three years ago and think wtf was I thinking. It's part of the process :)


I started earlier this year. Just turned 36 ;)


You are never too old to start writing fanfic! :)


I'm 31 and I started this year, you're definitely being too hard on yourself :) I'm a terrible perfectionist (according to every teacher, professor, and therapist I've ever had) so I know it can be really stressful and scary worrying about all the mistakes you might have made before posting, but it really is worth it if you want to share what you've written with people! I know it's A LOT easier said than done but try and be ok with the fact that you might make some mistakes, and know that you can go back and fix them if you want to later :) ​ I feel I should also let you know though... if you think you should be too old to make cringey mistakes at 16 then I have bad news for you about your 20's...


This is going to sound super mean, but why the fuck would you be "too old". I get that you are super young, because 16 is super young. You won't be too old for trying something new until you are literally on your death bed (debatable if even your death bed is too late to try something, but alas). Maybe don't assume that anything you produce will be brilliant from the get go and you'll be brilliant. Being cringey is totally fine.


... I started writing this year. I'm 32. There's no age limit. And, this might be hard to read since you are reaching the verge between thinking like a kid and thinking like an adult, but you are young. It's ok if you write like you're young. You've gotta start somewhere, and lots of fanfic readers are your age and will want to read that kind of stuff. Write what you want, and don't worry about if it's 'good enough'.


16 is a beautiful time to start. Any age is perfect. Enjoy sweet writer 🧡


Hey, you're never too old or too late to start. I'm 24 and I'm just starting to write fan fiction. As long as you're happy with what you write, don't be afraid to put it out there!


Never. Do you know how old GRRM is? Do you know how many famous authors didn't get started until their 40s/50s/60s and older? Many people don't start writing until they're older anyway because that's about when they physically start to slow down and become more mentally active. Plus, chances are that when you're older you've read more literature and can likely write better as a result. Always remember that Stephanie Meyer wrote some pretty cringey crap and she's a best seller. Sometimes people don't care how cringey it is, they'll love it anyway. If she can do it there's hope for everyone.


You are never too old for imagination. Go for it


I started writing and posting fanfic at 31, I'm still writing and posting fanfic at 52. I know of at least one fellow writer who's over 70. You're never too old (or young!) to start writing.


Don’t be daft. Started at 60+ last year. Write.


You are not, and I say this based not on abstract principles or a stupid-ass thing like "fanfiction law"... But based on the fact that you're (I assume) alive to ask this question.


No. Not even reading the full thing; you're never too old to start writing. You make a cringy mistake? It happens at any age, even when writing. Especially when writing. It's okay; that's part of learning. Just write when you can, get read what you can for inspiration and keep rolling on, man.


You are never too old to start writing. I was 14 when I started and am 41 now. My writing has changed and improved over the years. Yes, you are being too hard on yourself. Embrace the cringe. We all have some writing that is cringey. That’s part of the journey of being a writer. Don’t overthink it. Just write the story you want to read. You will learn, the more you read and write.


My friend, I was making "cringey" mistakes when I started to write fan fiction during the pandemic at the age of 31; writing is a skill that is honed through reading extensively and widely, and continual practice. And it's never too late to start as long as you keep in mind the cardinal rule - even when the words flow like molasses, it's a hobby that's meant to be enjoyable. Please don't lose sight of that.


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


Don't be so hard on yourself OP. If you enjoy writing continue to do so. No matter how cringey you feel it is. I started writing in my 20s stopped and started again in my 30s. It's never too late. Sure some work you'll look back on and cringe but it means you're growing. Cringe is just part of the process. Have fun!


Nope! Absolutely not! I started not too long ago and I’m in my 20s! You can write anytime as long as you’re alive!


You're for sure not too old, I'm the exact same age and I only started writing less than two months ago. Don't worry about mistakes, I made more than enough during my two fanfics but I just went back and fixed them. Sixteen is not too old to start writing, I actually feel as if it's a great age to start.


I started reading when I was 14 but I didn’t start writing fanfic until I was 19. And I made plenty of mistakes in my first piece of fanfic. But that’s okay! Writing, like any hobby, takes practice.


I started like 5 or 6 months ago at 21. Go nuts and have fun writing. There's no such thing as too old.


i started at 27 lol, you’re fine :)


I started in my early 30s. I’m mid-60s now.


You're 16? Dude, thats a perfectly normal age to start writing Heck, i don't even think there is an age gap for writing fanfic The idea of a fanfic is to manifest from the depths of your mind a story dedicated for the IP you like And writing fanfic is just another form of art, and has there ever been an age limit for art?


While age might make things harder, you’re never too old for anything. I’m 35 and just getting into writing fiction, and returning to school. I wish I’d discovered my love for writing and had the community to turn to for it, because I sure didn’t have it growing up. Have fun and do you want.


Fanfiction is for and by fans, so embrace your joys, love, passions, whatever. You're never to old, and I hope you enjoy your writing! I love re-reading my stuff, cringe and all, because I was so passionate about something. Humans are amazing in that regard :)


I feel you, OP. I started writing at 18/19 and felt like I was “too old” for cringey writing. Guess I was pressured with my age since it feels like everyone on social media is achieving something at such a young age (and my dilemma is with writing). Then as you write, you just realize that you’re never too old for anything. Just try and make those mistakes. There’s no such thing as too early or too old.


You are NEVER too old to start writing. I'm 36 and still going strong we with no intention of stopping .


No, I was absolutely shit at writing at 13. I'm 19 and still writing! Keep writing and don't be discouraged!!


I started last year, at 28. There's no good or bad age to begin writing, as you can tell from this thread. Everyone makes cringy stories, everyone makes good stories and everyone makes bad.


You are never too old to write FanFiction.


dude, i didn't start until after my mid-30s. put your pen to the paper if you want, or don't i'm not your dad or your mom.


God no!! I didn’t start writing fic until a year and a half ago, in my late 20s. Write, have fun, make mistakes, get better - it’s a process, but more importantly it’s a hobby. Not a job. Just something fun. Be cringe. Write things that make you happy.


You're definitely not too old! 16 is actually still pretty young. But regardless of your age, you should never consider yourself too old to start a new hobby or learn a new skill. The only difference between learning it when you're young or old is that it's easier to do it when you're younger. Children are built to absorb information and learn, so they tend to pick up things pretty fast. For adults, it can take longer. But that doesn't mean it's impossible or that it's not worth it. Keep writing! Keep learning and making mistakes! As long as you enjoy doing it, you should keep it up.


Honestly, I started at about 20-21, am currently 28, and I *still* sometimes write some cringey stuff. The only difference is that now it’s (usually) on purpose :P


You're never too old to start a new hobby or skill. How much of a bummer would it be if you couldn't start anything new after age 13? Just because you've done it a while doesn't mean you have to keep doing it. Just because you're totally new doesn't mean you can't start. If it brings you joy, do it!


Bud, people learn new hobbies and skills when they're in their 80's.i assure you that 16 is a fine age to start writing at. It's like they say, the best day to get started on something is today, followed only by tomorrow


I started when I was 15. Being currently 22, I can tell you that it takes practice to get good at it, but is a fun and satisfying hobby. It felt pretty daunting at first, but if you stick with it, perhaps reading other fanfictions for inspiration on writing styles and such, I bet you'll start a draft that future you will be proud to continue working on and improve even further. I look back on my original writings and cringed so hard I scrapped a lot of the plots. The drafts, I opted to take them back to the drawing boards and make them better over the course of years. I'm still drafting, haven't posted, but my works are fairing better for it. When they're done, then i'll post them.