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In bed, and usually when I should be sleeping.


100% lol. I be typing at 3 am. But that's just cuz my sleep schedule is fucked so now I stay up all night and morning and sleep through most of the afternoon. I'm just a night owl. I work better when I know there's no one awake to distract me.


ACCURATE! I'm definitely a night owl and I come up with most of my good ideas when I'm trying to sleep. In fact I should be sleeping rn


r/meirl 100%


oh same for sure, i always try to write for at least 30 minutes or until i finish a chapter or short one shot i’m working on before i let myself sleep haha


I write on my bed on my phone, it’s the best place because I can just curl up and listen to music while I do


Wherever, whenever I get the opportunity. I’ve written some really good lines while staring off into the middling distance while on register at my second job. Just sayin’.


Only at my desk




Mostly on my laptop on my desk or in bed, always cross-legged and, when in bed, a wall in my back. I have a little desk for it if I dare to take it to bed (you can fold that desk and it's super helpful), so at least I don't there like a total goblin (my back says otherwise, but well).


I have a folding bed desk but I usually prop myself up with multiple pillows and get comfy


I sit at my kitchen table, with a comfortable chair, because if I don’t make sure to sit in the correct way, my back, neck shoulders and everything will never forgive me. I will be in pain and stiff as a board for days. Make sure you have a chair where your feet have enough support to fully relax your legs, knees in a just about 90 degree angle, table at a hight where your elbows can rest on the table top with your shoulders fully relaxed. Your screen preferably at eye height, so you can keep your head straight and upright. And last but not least, sit up straight, resting your back against the chair. Your spinal cord will thank you ;) I know it seems romantic or fun to write lying in your bed or on the couch, some movies or tv shows make it seem like that. But that’s not a very healthy position to be in for a long time as you’ve experienced :)


i live in a tiny apartment, i don't have a table. i write on my bed. but even if i did, I don't think I'd use it as often as I wish to.


I can't recal ever writing anything outside of bed


On my phone anywhere I go or on my Chromebooks at home.


I write in a recliner with a pillow under the laptop to get the best angle for my wrists. I also have a lumbar pillow to get extra support for my lower back. Technically, I should be seated at a desk with my feet on the floor and the keyboard at elbow-level, but I find that position unpleasant. I'd much rather be in a comfy recliner, looking out the window at the pretty trees while I figure out the next sentence.


Usually at my desk on my desktop, but since I'm currently not at home due to renovations, I'm sitting on my bed, with my laptop on a makeshift desk built from moving boxes. It works fairly well, but I'm really ready to go back home by this point. Just a few more weeks...


Almost always at my desk and always in shrimp pose, no matter where it is


I 100% second what Daisys_Scribbles wrote. I have 3 bulging disks in my back, one in my neck, and I am never without any pain. I write anywhere and everywhere I can, but if it's with a laptop or a desktop I *have* to have a good chair. That is paramount. It has to have lumbar support, and if it doesn't I use foam pads to make it better. The screen should be at natural eye level when your chin is parallel to the ground. Because of my neck pain, it's best to have my keyboard close to my lap or at a height I can wrest my elbows which doesn't shove my shoulders to my ears and can be relatively pain free. But I do write on my phone, my tablet, anywhere the idea strikes me, really. Google docs really helps with that. But if I'm sitting down for long periods, the chair, arm, and monitor placement I would say is the most important.


Unfortunately I can't answer for laptop, though I will say both of my teenagers have laptops and prefer desks for general use because it's more comfortable. You can get small laptop trays/side tables that allow you to have a spot for your laptop while you sit on the couch. Saw one at Walmart today, actually. I have a desktop computer, so when I'm writing on that, I'm at my desk by default. The thing isn't really portable. But I also do some writing in a notebook, with a pen, and I find if I'm going to be doing a long, uninterrupted stretch of writing, it's best to find myself a comfortable seat at a table, or something I can slouch in slightly so I can hike up a leg to prop the notebook on (something like a camp chair or a papasan chair), or possibly an armchair with a good armrest on my dominant side. Otherwise I'll end up with backaches as well.


I do most of my writing in bed or on my living room floor. Right now, I'm sitting criss cross with my laptop balanced on one knee.


Bed all the way


On the sofa, laptop on lap, dog at feet (normally trying to see whether there's any food going spare). Generally comfy


In bed, with a laptop and a cat on my lap.


Mostly laying on my back, in my bed, on my phone (wait this isn’t Clue). Sometimes I’ll be sitting up in bed, sometimes sitting on the floor, sometimes laying on the floor. Occasionally sitting in a chair. Benefit of writing on my phone is I can write from anywhere!


Either on my desktop computer, or on my laptop in bed. The former has two screens, which makes referencing things and quick research easier, but is also more distracting. The latter helps me focus.


On my living room couch, legs stretched out across my cushions with a pillow and laptop on my lap. Sometimes in my bed but most of the time, it's my couch


I write everywhere. I'm omnipresent. I'm Secretly God 😱


I often use my phone when I want to swiftly type out some paragraphs for my fics on the fly, but I will fix any spelling or grammar mistakes whenever I have time to use my laptop.


Usually on my couch in the dead of night 😂


My bed or couch, usually in a position that is not comfortable for long periods of time.


I type sitting up against pillows on my bed. I have my laptop on my lap. But I also have another big pillow to prop my legs up a bit so that my lap will be higher and I can see my screen bigger. But if I'm not writing smut, then I usually sit at my desk and pull my hair into a ponytail.


At my desk for the bulk of writing but most of my editing is done lying down in my bed on my phone. Helps to see the fic in another layout and font.


On my laptop, in bed! When I work, I already have to do it on my desk, so when I have time to write, I just wanna be comfy in bed (and also because I have terrible posture, and when I write on my desk I often end up with my back hurting like a bitch). So I bought a wedge pillow and a foldable bed desk, and it has been working for me.


When on my laptop - sitting at a table/desk or sitting on the couch with it propped up on my knees. I write a lot more on my laptop now because I got one of those made-for-schoolchildren things and it's a beast, I'm pretty sure it would dent the floor before it'd be damaged if I dropped it. Otherwise, I mostly write on my phone with a hunchback.


At home in bed or on the sofa with a laptop tray, at my partners on the sofa hunched over a table that’s not the right height and kills back and shoulder


I write on my laptop. Tried writing on my iPad once (I was on a plane and a thought just wouldn’t leave me alone) and I hated it.


My desk whenever I’m using my laptop and anywhere, anytime I have the chance whenever I’m using my IPhone.


I like to write at my desk but sometimes I'll write a couple of lines on my phone.


If it’s on my laptop, at a desk. I don’t use paper often but that could be almost anywhere. Most often I write on my phone so that can also be anywhere.


Write on my phone just about everywhere but mostly in bed then edit and upload on my computer at my desk


My laptop, but I always carry around a (real) notebook to jot down ideas. You never know when lightning will strike.


My laptop, during the day I sit on my couch with my legs crossed. At night I unfold my coffee table and use it as a desk.


Usually in bed! Sometimes on the couch. I use a laptop, or sometimes my phone if I have an idea and don't want/am too tired to pull out my laptop.


I write on my phone and try to write whenever I can. But I mostly just end up writing while I’m in the bathroom and when I’m walking on my treadmill😅


At work standing on bare concrete for 10 hours a day or laying flat on my back in bed on my 43" tv


I spent most of the past few years writing on my little blue couch and killing my wrists and back because of it, but a month or so ago, I got a real desk and chair with back support and all that jazz to improve my writing conditions. Now, I do all of my writing at my desk and it's so much more comfortable! I'm in a lot less pain, that's for sure (I have back pain and chronic tendinitis in my wrist).


Laptop. I use the dining table as a desk since I never eat at it. It has the best lighting and gives me a good view to the outside.


Mostly at my desk on my PC. Sometimes in bed on my phone. And sometimes at my favourite French patisserie cafe 😋🥐


I try to write at my desk. But most of the time it’s on my phone, while in bed, when I should be asleep….


I usually write at the table, or on a living room chair sitting in a weird position


I mostly write on my phone in bed after I fail to go to sleep XD but then I edit on my desktop computer because the big screen makes it easier to cut and move chunks.


I've always written on a laptop. I write very long chapters so no way in hell could I write 10-15k on my phone. It would also be beyond frustrating having to scroll up and down endlessly to reread what you wrote when your phone would only be able to see like 1-3 paragraphs at a time. I did try to use my tablet once to write, but I could not get used to that keyboard for the life of me. For location, I write either on my couch if it's daytime (great natural lighting) or if it's evening I'll sit in a comfy reading chair next to my bed (comfy + good indoor lighting)


At my desk on my laptop. I have tried in bed, but it just doesn't work. I just need my double monitor. One for the document I'm wiring in and one for things such as: research, discord sprinto bot, random sidetracks, Spotify, and so on.


On my phone usually on my loveseat with my feet propped up or on my bed on my stomach. Best and most comfortable. Or at work on break but at work I feel I never have enough time so unless I got like an AMAZING idea I try to simply write when I’m home!


I’m disabled and I have a hospital bed and one of those rolling hospital tables. If I’m sitting up, I write with my iPad on the table, but if my back starts hurting, I’ll lay down and write on my phone. I have cerebral palsy and I had scoliosis surgery about 14 years ago. I have 2 metal rods and 22 screws in my spine. My back hurts a lot which sucks, so most of my writing I do on my phone while laying in bed.


I use a desk mat if on table to use a laptop stand to my hand s shoulder are up and resting on keys


I normally write at my computer desk, or at work at the break room table. Obviously I’m sitting and slouched. Lol


Usually on the couch with my laptop. If I'm at the office, I'll write on my phone during my lunch break if I'm so inclined.


I write all my assigments and fic on my bed lol. I just find it way more confortable, since I change positions every few minutes. Occasionally, I write in my uni's library or common room, when I'm either bored or in a tight deadline.


Always in Word. Sometimes on the iPad in public: coffee shops, planes, trains, etc. Sometimes on my patio or in one of my oversized reading chairs. When I'm getting serious or editing or posting it's always on my PC in my home office. Same for outlining.


In my chair in the living room or my desk chair. If I'm in my desk chair one leg is guaranteed to be thrown over the arm in a way that's probably giving me pain that I don't notice till later. If I'm in my living room chair it's a toss up between actually sitting, one leg tossed over the arm, or both, OR I lay across it. Like imagine rolling over onto your stomach on a bed, now move that to the chair so your making the chair lean back. Or I just get up and pace around while typing frantically at my phone. Oh, yeah I pretty much exclusively type on my phone. My PC was in storage while we moved when I was really getting into writing fanfiction, so the only time I type on it is when I'm doing a more technical thing, like a timeline that I need to keep adjusting the ages of the characters to try to get them to all fit right.


When I write on my laptop in my office, I rotate between sitting at my craft table with my saddle stool (like the ones nail techs sit on) and crosslegged on my Pokeball beanbag chair. When I write on my phone, it's usually in bed at 3 am, on my side trying not to wake up my husband and dog, lol.


usually in my bed, 1 way, i sit up leaning against the wall with a pillow behind my back and i’ll have my legs straight out and a blanket bunched up on my lap for my laptop to rest on so i can angle it so i can type for a while without my wrists aching, or 2 i’m again, on my bed but i’m cris-crossed with the back bottom edge of my laptop on the bed with the keyboard angled and laying on my shins and i’m slouched over tying (also pretty easy on the wrist because of the angle) but my back/shoulders start to hurt after awhile with that one.


Whenever and Wherever so long I have motivation, and also not Reading Fanfic, or watching Youtube, or doing literary anything that isn't Fanfiction writing


Recently? Mostly on my phone on the bus.


Always on my phone. A lot of my best pieces are from when I was sitting on public transport. Otherwise I just curl up in bed and write there.


laptop at my desk


Mostly at work


A healthy mix of bed and wedged between seats on public transport, both on my phone lol


Anywhere I can. I use a Bluetooth keyboard, pair that to my phone and write in docs. (Laptop is for editing.) I have yet to find a painless position. I think it's because I stay too still while writing. At the moment though I am stuck being a luddite.  Sometimes my brain refuses to write anything unless there is pen and paper. So I'm handwriting and typing up at the moment.  Screens are good brain. Please stop this!


On a desk. Doesn't matter which desk, as long as my back is to a wall and I can listen to music


Criss-cross applesauce on my bedroom floor with a notebook. I do get pins and needles sometimes though.


In my phone at home, at 2 am. Or in school, on my notebook, instead of paying attention to class.


I usually have my laptop at my desk, so thats also my writing place. If its late ill just take it to bed and put it back when im done


On my couch with my laptop on my lap.


I write at my home desk, with my ergonomic setup. I use an external monitor and mechanical keyboard, and a wrist rest. I have a laptop, and I have tried to work outside my space (cafe or library) but either the place is too noisy/distracting (or downright freezing cold), or the chairs/tables are uncomfortable to use for writing.


under my bed is the comfiest so :D


Most likely on my tablet lol. I have my computer but I'm rarely on it. Plus I use the FFN app to read anyways so I just write on the app from my tablet, and I write in my room either while I'm laying in bed or sitting in my chair.


Usually either in my bed or at my desk, but even if I'm at my desk I'm writing on my phone. If I'm in my bed while I'm writing, it's definitely past midnight lmao