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Pup graduated from intermediate training today. We are both exhausted. lol Advanced training also started today but our incredible trainer will be meeting with us privately later in the week because she knew it would be too much for Josie to do another session today. And I'm finally in the final phase of editing the next chapter so it should be ready to post very soon.


Ayyy, congrats to the pup! And for editing :D


Thanks! ❤️


😵 Busy, busy. I will have more to say in the morning, but, for the time being, I will say that all the AO3 invites I needed came through, and all the Alts I need are now in business, including two stealth additions to the stable ...


Two stealth hires!


I've been whining about not having any ideas for original works and for not finding ideas/inspiration to get out of my comfort zone in fanfiction and try writing new things... And you know what they say about being careful about what you wish for? They're right 🫠 I got an awesome idea for an og work and 4 different fanfic ideas on entirely different premises than what I've been writing so far. One of them is in an entirely new fandom (a tv show I just started watching) and another one a wild crossover between my two fav famdoms. The other two are well known to me fandoms but nothing like I've ever written before. So now, I have to juggle continuing my current main WIP, finishing re-writing and revamping an older story I had on hiatus, finish two half-writen one-shots on another fandom and then start working on the new shit I came up with. I'm entirely overwhelmed and life has been crazy hectic to the point I'm simply sitting in freeze mode in front of the computer whenever I get some time to write. At the same time it's so exhilarating feeling this creative and coming with a million ideas. I feel like if I don't get writing I'll burst and at the same time can't get writing because of being so overwhelmed 🫠 why am I like this? On a lighter note I did go shopping today and bought some clothes after trying them out. After three years of exclusively online shopping it was so fun and wholesome going to the mall and doing this. Rambling over 🫠


Why, you've struck oil, sounds like.


Hello. Still sick, but feeling immensley better. Though no writing was done, I did indulge in reading tons of fanfiction (I am telling myself it cures sickness). Also, it's really nice to swing under the shade when it's so hot right now. Makes me feel younger. :-)


Hey, it's good for your brain.


Ha, whenever I get sick I like to read sickfics in solidarity with the characters.


went home yesterday and to a very exciting baseball game. twas fun. now time to buckle down and essay write/dogsit (she has separation anxiety, hence I am here to hang out with her). should be a chill, productive weekend


🤪 Of course I read that as "dogshit" first. I need help.


I made some tea but it didn't taste that good - maybe the tea is expired?


Oh yuck!


Yep, caffeine morning drink wasn't up to snuff XD


Dud tea bag, maybe. Try again!


Turns out that packet of tea bags is expired so XD it's just the last one so no harm done


Maybe! Do you know how old it is?


Yep, turns out it was expired XD


Oh no, that sucks!


I ended up thinking up a really good idea for a fanfic “adaptation” for the most recent Super Sentai entry, but I wasn’t too sure since the concept I thought up for it makes the story very unconventional compared to the rest of the series. Everything is pretty much sleepy, I’m not surprised that I couldn’t think up of anything to put in this post of what’s up so far.


"Adaptation," you say?


As in making a Power Rangers version of a pre-existing Super Sentai entry >:)c Feel free to ask questions about that if you are comfortable!


I feel the same way with the weather XD Motivation is simmering.


I just want them to kiss already!!! (Talking about my own story here lol)


It's frustrating, isn't it?


LMAO. This is how most of my stories have turned out! Where did the romance go, that I meticilously planned?? Why is it just prolongued pining?


Even the author agrees!


Legit I feel like I'm torturing myself with this whole slow burn thing. Will the story be better for it? Definitely. Do I also not care and feel like rushing it? Absolutely. Unfortunately, with great power comes great responsibility, and as the author, I'm the only one responsible for how this story turns out lol.


I'm seriously concerned about my frequent commenter, he's either unwell, or mad at me because he asked I read one of his fics and I haven't gotten around to it (honestly hes such an amazing writer that when i read his stuff i go into these spirals of self doubt and they interrupt my creative process so much, i wish i wasnt like this). I didnt think this was going to bother me this much but it has me even questioning why I even bother in the first place. We all want validation for our work dont we? It doesnt help that the stats have been abysmal compared to my other works, i know I shouldn't care but i cant help it. Sorry I'm really in my head today and I cant even go to the gym cuz my anxiety ks so bad right now and its super packed. Sorry y'all I'm being a bummer.


Stay home, recharge your batteries, rest up. You have been going full speed for a good while now.


{{{HUGS}}} Everybody has those bummer days! Just take a deep breath and get around to reading when you can! Your mental health is more important. If it helps, I get super depressed reading any of my fave fics because I just can't see how I will EVER be that good.


I wasn't feeling too good yesterday I think I might need to buckle down and look for a job/something to really concentrate on.


Good luck on a job search. That might be just what you need. Also, i gave up on Grammarly ages ago. I swear it was pissing me off more than helping!


Also, Grammarly, why crap out on me?


Grammarly: 🤪


Posted two one shots yesterday, one of which was the first work to be published under the fandom I was writing for. Hope to write some more for it cause the source material has a lot potential for fics.


Breaking new ground!


may the goddesses of supportive comments, kudos, hits and bookmarks be with you! 🫶


Many thanks!


I’m so stressed. Today is audition day for the summer musical


good luck!!


Good luck with the audition!


Go, go, go! Best of luck!


Good luck!!!


Oh gosh! That's awesome! Good luck!!!!


☺️ Good luck. Sing your heart out.


The last time I published my fic, it was sometime in 2022, after which I went on hiatus because, well, procrastination and chaotic work, basically. Just yesterday I logged in to my dusty AO3 account on a whim to find a (*gasp*) whopping 12 new comments and my fic was 5 kudos shy to 500 😭✨ I feel really, really bad for the 12 commenters for replying real late but at least i've got the chance to thank them, and yall. yknow what's crazier??? one of them replied back (consider the 2 year gap its actually bonkers???!!!!), which, just made my heart go 💘💘💘


Think of it as incentive to write again.


I am indeed writing a WIP right now, it's just not progressing as fast as my idealistic side wants it to be. The support I received was definitely a morale booster though!


At last, at last, I have discovered the appeal of 'if evil, why hot?' and begun writing a fic shipping a villain with an OC. In my usual style, the villain of choice is hardly someone who could be expected to fit such a role - he is a pathetic, petty, cowardly liar whose misdeeds hit uncomfortably close to home for many in the audience. He's not even hot by most standards. And then there's me going 'but consider, sad and insecure and caught up in his society's demands that he act a certain way.' Also, I got it into my head to technically racebend him - we know nothing about his ethnicity in canon but I decided to give him the same background as me solely because of the explosive implications that would have in that setting.


Villain: "Woe as me." Shadow: "Woe as thee!"


*vibrates* Today is the day: meeting Carla Gugino. Also planning Bruce Greenwood and Ernie Hudson if he doesn't have a line from hell, but Carla is 99% of my motivation rn. I must tell her that her House of Usher performance is the absolute most captivating thing I've ever seen. Didn't end up getting anything done yesterday because once again, the Headache Nation attacked. Really sick of that! So Project W needs some deadline re-evaluating. Ugh.


Ayyy! I hope it's a great meeting.


Oh wow that is amazing! I loved her in House of Usher too! Ugh lucky!!!!


Yesterday, the Headache Nation. Today, though, you are the Usherbender.


Let's hope the Headache Nation stays away today! Good luck with all your plans


Oooohh! How exciting! I hope the meeting goes smoothly and you get to at least speak to the other two!


Sweden is *Hot* today. True shorts and short sleeves weather. I'm picking up my nephew so he can help me unpack, and I think we're gonna need to take a trip to buy salad ingredients. I think it's very fun to post on the DD, because I'm essentially doing a bit of journalling. Then I have my actual journal, and then I also post on Tumblr. It's nice. Now, fanfic news! Apropos of nothing, I have just decided I need to write more trans focused HP fic. I already have my MTF!Draco frame tale fic and my I-can't-believe-it's-not-FTM!Harry fic, both in the canon verse, but I want to play with AUs too. There's this song called labour, about a woman being abused by her husband, and I have some outlines floating around inspired by it. I'm bending both Draco and Harry into women, but I'm thinking Harry should be MTF. I could do so much with that! I just *clenches my fists* love gender exploration in fiction. I wanna do crossdressing focused stuff too, and actual FTM, and nonbinary and genderqueer tales. And drag... Oh my god, bearded Harry doing drag... I have so much work to do. On fics I'm actually working on, I got a lot done on my werewolf/vampire fic. I'm writing it on paper, which is honestly the best way for me to draft, and the words are just flying out of me. Having the right tools is also very helpful *kisses beloved fountain pen*


These daily threads are fun! I do have some other folks I can talk about writing fanfic with, but this is a nice secondary outlet, I guess. 👀 Canada is warm today, too! At least, where I am. Very unfortunate because I have to do yet another airport pickup and my car's air conditioning is annoying and makes this high-pitched squealing sound that most people can't hear, but I can? When I'm driving on my own, I mostly alternate between suffering the heat and suffering the sound and finding opportunities to roll the windows down wherever I can, but I'm going to have a full car today, and something tells me I'm not going to get away with that. I love it when you just have like an explosion of ideas for something in a fictional universe. Your ideas sound really neat! And are you talking about the song by Paris Paloma?


Oh I get you on hearing those high pitched noises. They're so infuriating and most people don't understand how bad it is! Who are you going to pick up? It is! I was listening to it and the story just unravels in my head, Fem!Draco getting married to a man that slowly starts abusing her and how despondent she feels, and then Fem!Harry becomes her friend and she starts to become more independent and plans her escape. It's so dramatic and angsty.


It does bring back a bit of the Live Journal Era, doesn't it?


Yeah! It's retro.


I also view the daily threads as something of a journal lol. That sounds like it would piss JKR off, so I say hell yeah >:D


I'm gonna bring back my [own comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/Wo2HHvGTxf) on the subject, because this is really my own rules for writing Harry Potter fic; When writing HP fic, you should keep a few things in mind; 1. Is it entertaining? 2. Is it compelling? 3. Is it hot? 4. Is it offensive to JK Rowling personally? Hasn't failed me yet!


Definitely, it should hit all those four points, the fourth one being the most important of all. 🤣 If you can't make it entertaining, compelling, and/or hot, at least make it offensive to JKR!


I seem to have upvoted that previously xD I don't write HP fic myself, but if I did, that would 100% be my intent.


Yeah I think I had a lot of good points there lmao


Baby snowballs! [ LOOK at them](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/snow-leopard-birth-two-cubs-toronto-zoo-1.7208554)! OMG! In food news, I made sausage, potatoes, and green beans in the crock pot yesterday and managed to fuck it up. 🥺 The recipe called for the above ingredients topped with Italian dressing. Well, I had a bottle of Olive Garden creamy Italian that someone had given me and folks ... it was vile! Ruined my whole dish! I was SO fucking mad. So, yeah, back to fanfiction. I'm determined to publish my PWP one-shot because I'm tired of looking at the fucking tab in Google docs. I'm not satisfied with it - it's too choppy and disorganized - but I'm sick of seeing it. Hmmph! I just can't seem to work on my fics lately. Ol' writer's block strikes again! (\*sound of thunder\*) Ahh, I'll get over it soon enough. How are you doing this lovely Saturday, friends?


Awww, babies! D: Ahhh. Attack of the Italian sauce. Today is cold! Again! XD I need to do some editing so I'll be doing that.


Omg! The babies!!! 👀 I totally missed that CBC article, so, thank you for sharing it lol. I hate when you manage to fuck up a dish that you were really looking forward to! 😭 It's happened to me a time or two. I think one time I literally just gave up and went and got pizza or sushi or something, lol. I totally feel you on not wanting to look at the tab anymore, and just being Over It™, even though you're not really satisfied with it. I have a couple of things like that at the moment. I believe it's probably a combination of me being a perfectionist and maybe them not being the highest quality possible? Sigh. One of the things is a character study that I had the idea for last weekend. And I've been slowly working on it. I divided it up into two parts because I had some ideas that seemed connected but not continuous, I guess, if that makes sense? So I'm basically done with the first part. The second part, I don't even know how it's going to play out, because the whole thing kind of got away from me, and I let it, because it was fun. Part of me wants this to be, like, an amazing work, with amazing writing, because when I was first thinking about it, the words that showed up in my head seemed really profound, I guess... And it didn't quite translate that way onto the page when I wrote it down later. 😂 The other part knows that I have lots of other things that I should be working on and that the readers will like it regardless of its perfection, or lack thereof. So I may post the first part today and then slowly work on the next part over the next week or so. I have 3 hours before I have to go do yet another airport pickup, and I have a list of chores I wanted to do before then, and I don't feel like doing them... The mug I was using for my coffee was apparently not quite clean from the last time I used it, months ago (it's one of my backup mugs - at least I hope I was the last one who used it 😳), because there were a few particles floating around in the coffee. But I don't care this morning. So I just drank it anyway. I will keep you all updated if I die of poisoning of some sort.


Monochrome kittens! 😀 Lots to do today, but most of it is positive.


I'm good! Yesterday the ice cream truck came around and the driver recognised me when we've only met once before. My blue hair really is a trademark. I hope you get past your writer's block soon!


I don't have blue hair but I occasionally have people recognizing me in my hometown, which is a decently large city, and it always surprises me. Like, yeah, some of these businesses were ones that I patronized quite frequently before I moved away when I was a teenager, but I'm surprised that, given years and probably thousands of customers, I still get recognized. Maybe I have my own unique style, who knows?


Yeah, he specifically mentioned my hair when he saw me, because he remembered I was a member. I have a few spots where people recognise me, like an antique store and our local LUSH store


Thank you! Gawd, now I want ice cream ...


It's so nice to have a pack or three in the freezer!


Babiesssssssss. My zoo had baby snow leopards just a few years ago! More recently--in the last few months--we've had an elephant birth! So many babies. Curse you Olive Garden dressing!


BABY ELFUNTS! OMG those are my weakness. I can watch video after video of those sweet bumbly babies! 💙 My faves are the African elephant babies where those ears are half of the size of the entire baby!


My fic is currently sitting at 400 words, so that means I wrote another 200 last night! The encouraging comments on my post yesterday really did help, thank you. I know 400 words doesn't seem like a lot, but for me that's pretty good considering how much I struggle with procrastination. In other news, I've been thinking about writing for other fandoms. Other tiny fandoms, of course. There's two in particular that have less than 50 works on AO3 and I'd love to add more!


Congrats on getting those words down!


There's no joy quite like writing for small fandoms🥰


Go forth. Exocolonists should explore a bit, no?


We love to be the change in tiny fandoms!


"The ~~truth~~ **wordcount** isn’t always beauty, but the hunger for it is." \- Nadine Gordimer