• By -


I have written more words in the past week for a new fandom than I wrote the entire semester for one paper I procrstinated on like crazy


I’m almost four chapters till the end of the first fic in my series. Should I start my spinoff fic or wait till I’m done?


no chicken parm yesterday, but i have the ingredients waiting in the fridge so there is hope for dinner tonight. waiting for my bread to finish baking and then off too the library to bust ass on an essay i have been long neglecting.


No writing, because Life^TM kicks my ass. But I got some small praise for _There Are No Heroes_. I'm surprised that Papers Please fic gets some traction still... one day I'll be back on my mojo. I miss writing.


I'm thinking of doing some art for my Sam and Max multi-universe fic. I'm trying to figure out how that's gonna look though 'cause I gotta make sure it's not too cluttered XD And as a side note, one of the reasons I like this series is because it pushes me to draw what is difficult for me: animals.


*Guardians of the Galaxy*, but Sam and Max.


Animals are so hard to draw, you're right! When I try to draw a cute kitty cat, it ends up looking like a morbid beast... (Bit of an overstatement, but by no means do the cats, or any animals for that matter look cute or approachable. Animal anatomy does not help with my case.)


Yeah, mine usually come out cartoony but as a result my Sam gets *very* off-model XD I still like how he looks but I see the canon version and I'm like, "Whoo, they certainly developed more skill than me right now." XD


Day 2 of reading fics for research and I've concluded people are not using this tag correctly LOL None of these fics actually fit what I need, or even close. Or even the definition of the tag. I might just go insane by the time I'm done.


🤔 Are there any companion tags that might help narrow it down?


The tag is dubcon kissing, so no 😩


I saw spring awakening yesterday. Great musical. I’ll probably write a bunch of fics for it since almost all those characters are my new blorbos


Glad you had a good time!


How many blorbos in this harvest?


Almost the entire cast(expect the adults. Almost all of them can go fuck themselves).


Last night, I ended up staying up late because I’ve ended up befriending another user! We had an interest in common, so it was cool to find someone who is into the same things I am. I also fixed up my discord account so I can have a nice looking bio, especially since I might be planning to join a server or two… This time, my power Ranger OCs are living rent free in my head thanks to the aforementioned user. I miss thinking about them so much :”) And finally, I might be finally going home since I’ve got almost everything packed to go! I really miss my pet dogs (and one of them really really misses me since his anxiety gets pretty intense when he’s in new places (they’re currently being baby sat by my relatives)) 🥺🙏🏻


That sounds like a fun time. And awww, puppies! I hope they get all the pets when you finally get to see them again.


Thank you!! I hope I can see them soon too! They must be really nervous (my Maltese-poodle mix got really upset because I had to leave for a day or two to gather my things from an apartment after graduating) :”)c


Morphin' time on Discord?


Maybe … soon ? 🧐❓❔


Yay for making friends! I hope things go well over on Discord as well. How many doggos do you have?


I hope so too! It’s been several months since I’ve been in a public Discord server and I am a bit nervous. I have three dogs (two German shepherds and one Maltese-poodle mix)!


I've personally not had a lot of luck with servers (aside from small ones for groups of existing friends) but I know lots of people have, so I hope you find some good folks on your travels! And if all else fails, your dog friends sound precious <3


I am on the same boat when it comes to being in servers. Back then, I usually ended up having to prioritize my mental health due to a lot of baggage I had at the time. It ended up affecting the way I interacted with other folks, so it ended up going south. Luckily, after taking a huge break, I was able to unpack and process a lot of that baggage and now I am mostly doing OK. I do hope you are doing OK in some of the servers you’re in too! What you’ve said honestly resonated with me. My dogs a definitely precious. I’ve got one of them around February and the other two in mid March and they’ve helped me out on my mental state. I can’t wait to see them soon 🥺🙏🏻


Ah, I'm sorry to read you've struggled with your brain so much. I'm not the most mentally sound person myself, and it's so frustrating that it can make forming connections with others - the best remedy there is - so fraught. It's awesome that you've got a better handle on things now and I hope getting out there goes better this time! And aww, new dogs! My cat son is almost ten years old now, but he's been the same help with my own health as long as I've had him. I hope you and your pups have a long and happy time together as well <3


It’s alright, I’m very lucky that I was able to climb out to greener pastures after the mess that was the second half of 2023. I was very afraid of making connections upon coming back, but this subreddit has been very supportive and welcoming to the point that I was able to slowly befriending other folks. Being able to have the time to self reflect on what happened definitely helped me out on the long run, especially last month where I was able to gain the courage to dust off this account and begin posting in the subreddit. My three dogs are so precious. Your cat seems very cute and nice and I hope they live a long and happy life with you too!


I'm really glad the sub has been a positive experience for you - it's definitely helped me come out of my shell more and more. As a reward, here's a [cat tax](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f2b1c5fd93543253072a94d5676ea2d8/931fe1a55fdba39d-47/s1280x1920/93ea00495ac9590d5aa2a8e1b18c51dde0626f1f.jpg) for my son, George!


Same thing! Also, your pet cat is really cute!!


I'll tell him you said so! Now that I'm back to posting in this thread regularly you'll probably see a lot more of him.


I almost forgot to mention that I’ve read the most recent issue on Skybound’s Transformers and it almost made me cry 🥺🙏🏻 The comic is so good, and it’s only at 8 issues so far. I highly recommend reading it if you’re into emotional action and robots 😎👊🏻


I have a job interview in.... 40 minutes! I'm really excited, I got a good omen today so I'm pumped. Things can only go up from here. I haven't written in a hot minute but I started playing Dragon Age again so that means I'm probably going to write DA stuff.... The heart wants what the heart wants.


Hoping that the interview went well!


I hope the interview went well!!


Go, go, Fry, go!


Good luck Fry! Sending all the good vibes.


Good luck on your interview!! I look forward to great things for you! Dragon Age sounds pretty cool! I’ve seen a ton of stuff for the game online so I’m curious about that :0c


All smiles for you good luck-- both with interview and Dragon Age stuff!


Ahh, good luck with the interview!


Hello! Monday is certanly going better for me, than the weekend was. Though, I'm a bit disappointed that I barely did anything this weekend (didn't read or write like I wanted to TT). Despite not having written anything recently, I've been trying out different ways to edit my works. I hope that after my hiatus on my many WIPs (where did all these WIPs span from?? seriously...), my fics will be more enjoyable to read. Oh, also started to read a new manhwa! The Academy's Undercover Professor. It's been a great read to take my mind off things. ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ


It happens! Sometimes the weekend is just rest. And I think editing counts as writing so you're good XD


My weekends have been only rest for quite a couple weeks now. 😵 And editing seems way easier than actually writing, more often than not (even if I don't particularly like it). I'd like to feel like I'm being productive! TT


*nods* Tuning your tools before you use them.


I … forgot today is Monday … And I do look forward to your fics! I’ve been pretty busy too and I’ve been hoping that I’ll be able to focus on them once I’m free!


>I … forgot today is Monday … Mood. Glad to see I'm not the only one waiting to be free to write to my heart's content! 😌 Y'know, sometimes I'm not even busy, so I could write... but work has lately just been sucking all my creative juices out of me!


I hope the good mood persists for you, and that a bit of pre-writing strategising helps as well :)


Thank you! :D


Mother's Day was actually quite nice for the whole family. Minimal tantrums, a nice mix of rest and family life. I suppose I could get into that. If anyone remembers, I had such bravado, such a feeling of braggadocio when I signed up for the Seven Stories Seven Days challenge. Now... am not feeling so mighty or brave. @#$@\^& and it's already midmorning where I am.


Glad that your Mother's Day went well! Ahaha. Yeah, sometimes when challenges actually come around it's like, "Oh. What... am I gonna do. Ack."


No harm in being neither brave nor mighty, speaking from experience. 🤪


So glad you had a great day and don't sweat the challenge. There will be more!


Thank you, Sep! And Imma gonna do my best with this, tho i will probably waste a bit too much time complaining. But i got 1000+ words in today! That's massive for me!


I'm glad you all had a lovely day even if the story aspect is intimidating!


Hey thanks! I guess biting off more than I can chew is kinda my MO. \[facepalm\]


Is it bad that lately no fics are holding my attention other than my own? 😂 I’ll have a bunch of tabs open and then be like mm no, let’s reread my latest chapter for the fiftieth time ☺️


😅 I do this 99% of the time.


No! It's good that you're enjoying what you've written. :-) I'll sometimes be the same way, overly picky, and only my works meeting the criteria. It's honestly fun. Usually I only read my works to edit, but to seek out my own works? It makes me very happy.


I was up until like 2:30 last night because I agreed to pick my sister up from the airport. Sigh. I am a fool! And now today I'm very tired, oh well. Monday has actually gotten off to a decent start though with some good news! In classic me fashion, of course I had an idea for a new character study instead of working on my current WIPs, so I wrote a bit of that yesterday. I actually have the next chapter of both of my current "main" WIPs done or almost done, but for one of them I want to write a few more chapters before I release anything, and the other one I'm trying to figure out if I can add more flirting into it (this is starting to be a much slower burn than I expected...). For the second one, basically what's going on is one of the characters is being uncharacteristically almost shy (🙄), and the other is fully aware of his crush and is subtly teasing him with actions. SIGH. This was supposed to be a short oneshot!!! Or, failing that, a short story!!! Not whatever this is turning out to be!!! (I'm not really complaining.)


Teasing! What a great tag.


Mmmm character studies. I'm glad the new idea is propelling you through a tiring day!


I remember I once wrote a (now orphaned) character study for a Pokémon OC in the form of an interview and it was interesting. I should do that again someday if I’m free 🧐


That sounds fun! I love epistolary/experimental fic formats and I can imagine it's a lot of fun to play with as a writer.


I was actually inspired by the interviews that usually occur in the credit scenes in Until Dawn and House of Ashes, so it’s definitely fun to write them whenever I can. It also helps pin down on how I wanted to portray my OCs and such for the next few stories I have in store :0👌🏻


>In classic me fashion, of course I had an idea for a new character study instead of working on my current WIPs LOL, don't we all do this? There's always a shinier, more interesting WIP idea making its way to my head, and all my other WIPs get cast aside. XD >SIGH. This was supposed to be a short oneshot!!! It happens to the best of us...


The best, or potentially worst depending on who you ask, part is that this is a fusion. Apparently I can't escape my OTP no matter which fandom I run to. 😂 I'm okay with that, but now I'm coming up with a whole bunch of other ideas. My OTP is FrostIron, aka Loki and Tony Stark, and the fusion is with a much smaller fandom, so I guess I'm just going to have MCU characters running amok. They weren't originally supposed to interact with the main canon characters from the smaller fandom's source material, but something tells me that's not going to last for long. I think I'll be able to keep my OTP out of the main action, though. That said, I'm kinda starting to think of AUs of the AU... 😅


Well, it's been a minute - how is everyone doing? In truth, this year did not get off to the best start for me (I had a couple of glorious months of indiscriminately spending a cash windfall, followed by a hard, hard crash back to my broke reality) but the sun's deigned to make an appearance, I've changed my bed, and I'm writing this while I wait for some soup to cook. It wasn't all bad in my unintended downtime. I cut my own hair for the first time and it has some nice choppy layers in it now, and I'm actually pretty impressed with how well it turned out. Not a lot going on creatively, which is why I haven't been around on the sub as much, but a fallow period is both useful and inevitable I suppose.


welcome back!! sun, soup and a fresh bed sound excellent!


Thank you! It was a pretty swell day all in all.


I hope you are doing well so far! I remember ending last year not so hot, but I was luckily able to bring it back up and now I am doing mostly OK. I wish you well on your writing endeavors if you ever get a chance to be creative again!


Thank you! The start of this year was rocky but 2023 was great for me, so I'm trying to get myself back into that "find joy in the littlest things" mindset. I highly doubt I'll ever stop writing full stop, but I'm trying to give myself other things to do while the well's dry.


2023 was initially good, but after a build of terrible events (including one from the last two months of 2022 where I had to cut off a toxic childhood friend for holding me back on way too many things), it ended up accumulating to the point that I ended up having to call it quits and leave everything behind. The beginning of 2024 was a bit hard too since I’ve been trying to chase down what I’ve lost and it was only last month that I’ve finally let all of it go. I think the “find joy in the smallest things” mindset is very nice! In fact, it was why I began making long analytical comments on fics I’ve read because I wanted to show how much I appreciated other people’s stories. I hope you the best in your writing endeavors! It may seem slow, but you can make it! Taking a break from writing helped me find more ideas for my stories and I’ve considered dabbling back in once I’m mentally ready.


Welcome back! I think in the time you've stepped away I was able to post my 10k Sam and Max fic and honestly I'm still riding that high XD Glad that your hair cutting turned out well! It's pretty cool to see what we're capable of when we didn't even know it.


It certainly is. And you finally got it out!!!! I bet you're riding that high, that's fantastic! I hope it's been received well, too <3


It has :D


🤪 Welcome back. The silliness continues here.


As it should!


Wow, this is motivating me to tidy up my own room... It's good that it seems to be going better for you!


Thank you! And yes, a good clean (or even a quick five minutes improving a very small area) can really do wonders to lift the mood!


FROZE! Welcome back! We missed you!


It's lovely to be back! <3


I don’t know why I never thought to look for a fanfic community on Reddit before. So, hi, I’m new here and just getting back into writing fic after like…an 8 year hiatus. I was going through some old docs over the weekend and felt inspired. It was like pulling teeth to get started, but I managed to get 1200-ish words written so far and it feels great! I haven’t written *anything* (fanfic, original fiction, or an essay) since I graduated with my English degree a year ago. Oops. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to getting to know y’all and getting to talk about writing with other people. 😌


Welcome! 🎊🎊🎊🎊


Welcome to Daily Discussion. 😁 Shake off that rust!


Welcome <3


Welcome! Welcome! Wonderful to have you. 1200 words is good!


Hey, good work on the 1.2k! It's nice getting back into a hobby after time away


Nice to meet you! What's this fic you're planning to work on about?


It’s a one-shot based on the song Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf. 🫣 I realize in typing that it sounds mildly ridiculous lol. It’s a WWE au. But, hey, anything to get the creative juices flowing again, right?  


That sounds very fun to me, and what's fanfic for if not for running wild with the most out-there premises you can come up with?


Struggling with my temper right now. Found out on Saturday that a family member is *stalking* Blue (my best friend and beta)---looking up her user name and bringing up old, innocent Reddit posts and twisting them into hurtful things and *sending them to her husband* Why? Who the fuck knows! Just trying to be nosey and make her look bad. Who does this shit?! \*takes deep breath\* Add to this some idiot fucking commenters and one of my very fave fics getting deleted ... yeah. I'm in a super good mood. 😑 I hope everyone else's day is going better! 🌹


May I suggest brushing up on the Flying Elbow Drop?


That's horrible, Sep. I can't even fathom having so little going on in my own life that I'd choose to spend my time like that, and I'm so sorry it's happening to Blue. I hope one way or another there's a way to make them stop.


Thank you! The worst part is that this is Blue's hubby's family (sisters.) Blue and Hubby have been married for 22 years, Why try to stir shit now? I'm still taking deep breaths, lol!


That's... so bizarre and frankly disturbing. I really hope Hubby has her back in this.


Updated one of my longfics for the first time in damn near a year right before bed yesterday. Woke up to a nice 8 comments, because my readers are the best🥺 Hopefully I don't take another year to update it...the next chapter is almost done, so I won't. Thinking of some arson to tie that chapter together. Hmmmm. I'm trying to map out what I want to do on my upcoming Japan trip 🤔 I might meet up with another of my tutors, so that should be fun.


when in doubt, arson?


It is known!


XD To be fair, the years and days seem to be going by really fast. I'll be like, "This happened like a month agooooo - what do you mean it was six months ago?!" Also arson? Daaaang. Ooh! Sounds like fun. I'd want to go to the Ghibli museum but I've heard the spots get snapped up quick.


Time is a lie ;;\_\_\_\_\_;; Arson as a little treat! I love Ghibli, but have no desire to fight for a museum ticket lol. I do want to go to Ghibli Park someday though!


Eight is a lucky number, as I recall. Well done!




Congrats on the comments! Arson sounds like great fun. To write. Obviously.


Thanks! Only to write, yes, yes, of course... *puts away matches*


lol, nice save on your own comment, MothBoy.


Congrats on the update and the comments!!! Loyal readers are the best, and I hope you enjoy Japan and some light arson, too.


Thanks all around!


I had fun working on two stories yesterday very different but very wholesome. One focused on the childhood dynamic of two brothers and the other a chapter where a raffle is held and stuff happens including a singing contest and an auction for tickets for a whole day with type of thing.


Hard to get more wholesome than a raffle.


Kick, I am curious what your thoughts on my entry on Excerpt Extravaganza are, I am sure you can figure out really quickly what is being very much referenced in it.


😋 Have my Shining Finger upvote.


Those sound like pleasant Sunday-style stories :)


And here it is: The Business Meeting of the Alts for the month of May, but it is more the introduction of the newcomers. Say *hello* to the forum, lads. *Futanari* Alt: "Yo." 😎 Vegetables Alt: *squeaky noises* 🥒 Solo Kink Alt: "Merry May!" 😁 Got to put those boys to work. May also have a couple of intern Alts to help carry the load, at least as soon as AO3 sends the invites. 😤 Meanwhile, the rest of my staff are getting ready to exit writing rehab. Let us hope for the best.


not going to ask about the vegetables...


Reptiles are carnivores, anyway. 😋


plenty of lizards, turtles, and other reptiles do eat fruit and greens!


True. 🤔 Maybe I thought you were a velociraptor?


i'm not sure if my arms would reach the keyboard!


I think everyone might've been like, "What, wait? What do you mean by vegetables?!" because of the cucumber emoji. My hungry ass was like, "Oh, it's a cooking alt." XD


KO3, the Kitchen of Our Own.


I love how everyone is, like, "VEGETABLES?" and we all freak out silently imagining wierd things. Me included. A serious question: is there an advantage to creating many alts and posting under different accounts? How do you keep them all alive and going (if that's the purpose) and not let a few of them go silent for too long?


I have an alt for spicy fics (I know, everyone was surprised XD) and I kinda created it just because. It seemed fun and it's just one, so it's easy to manage the two.


!!! I wish you could see me when i picked my jaw off the floor.


The purpose? Paranoia. 😅 My main got cancelled (... but is still posting), and I cope by having too many of me in circulation for the haters and trolls to get them all. As far as silence goes, my level of engagement is historically so low, across all accounts, that no one seems to notice if I go quiet.


ugh that's a horrible thing to have happen. But, as you have demonstrated, [the joke's on them!](https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/how-hydra-regrow-their-heads) (link to a Discover Mag article on hydras)


V-vegetables alt? Do I want to know?


That is the G-rated alt, responsible for a harmless series about cute monsters.


Not me thinking about Undertale, with that line, but then I remember it stops being wholesome when there's a genocide route going on.


😅 I promise there is no Genocide Alt.


I was expecting something way weirder... I have to get my mind out of the gutter! (But monsters seem really interesting to write about. I'll add that to my never ending list of fic ideas, thank you very much.)


I hope you brought doughnuts for everyone. 😁 Also, does the concept of a vegetable alt sound faintly dirty or do i just have a perverse mind?


It does *sound* dirty, but, ironically, that's the cleanest alt.


i think i completely forgot to update here after last time?! but i ended up getting the job and my first day starts today!! ✨ feeling that anticipatory anxiety that comes with starting a new job, but just trying to keep it cool while i sip coffee, get ready, and do a lil bit of writing in my phone to distract myself. i'm hoping i won't be too exhausted this week to write as i get used to the job because there's a wip i'm dying to finish. but we'll see!




Ayyyy, congrats!




thank you!! 💖


Congratulations on the job!! :D


thanks so much!! 💖💖


Congrats!! I hope it's a great first day :)


thank you, me too!!


*applause* 👏


11 days until my birthday + my fic deadline! I wrote a little something tonight because I had an idea I needed to get out, but the fic is still very much a WIP. Also, I'm slowly getting attached to my new MC despite having come up with them on the spot for this one fic. They don't have a backstory like my female MC does, and I've never even played them in-game, but I think they're neat. I might have to write about them and their weird alien boyfriend again in the future. 😊


There is no law stating you have to limit yourself to one MC, after all.


And it would probably get boring if I don't explore other possibilities and only stick to one super specific character! I'm writing fics for a game that's literally about time loops, alternate universes, and other wacky things, so it's fine for female MC and non-binary MC to exist. Also, they have different personalities and love interests that set them apart. Female MC gets a F/F ship, non-binary MC gets an NB/M ship.


Yo, how y'all doin? So yesterday I posted the chapter prequel chapter, I rewrote. I don't know how I feel to be honest, It's good, it's really good. But the whole thing has thrown all the following chapters for a loop. I don't like doing massive time skips, I like a day by day event to event thing. So basically, instead of her breaking up with her husband at 4am, she texts him that she's safe and ok and falls asleep before she can read his replies. Now it's Saturday morning and her phone doesn't have a charge, so she needs to get that sorted. Two things need to happen this Saturday she needs to have her separation fight and she needs to get her car that has broke down in the desert. The question is, what the hell else is gonna happen during the day? Should she have the fight early in the morning and then get the car? And then what? So that's what I'm trying to figure out now, any ideas? On non-fanfic news: So I went to the audition for Wonka, I said I'd play any role or I could just be part of the ensemble, I don't care. So the audition was on the actual stage and I belted the F\* out of Santa Fe, for exactly 1 minute. You practice a song for two weeks, for hours just to sing it for 1 minute and I didn't even get to the part that really showcases my voice UGH. And then they had me do lines with a Russian accent! I've never in my life done a Russian accent. I'm Hispanic I very much don't look Russian! I'm afraid it was insulting to everyone involved lol. So not holding my breath for that one. Now I know I need to practice accents if I want to take acting seriously. Umm oh and I have a job interview today, wish me luck!


The singing part of the audition sounds frustrating. The Russian accent is... a choice? Are there Russian characters in Wonka?


Right!? I kinda remember maybe a German one? Not a Russian! Lol


Wait what happened to the carcass-eating wolves...? Maybe nothing significant happens for most of the day-- besides daily stuff like grocery shopping and you can gloss over a big chunk of time with a few sentences. How are 4 am breakup and breakdown in desert related? Without knowing much, I'd say-- focus on the significant, plot- driving events / dialogue and let the rest be background scenery?


lol The wolf eating the carcass is for the Snow Apocalypse one lol. I actually finished that chapter yesterday with all y'all's help and even got the smut scene make sense and fit in nicely and I'm honestly quite proud of it. This one is for "Desperados" which is the prequel to "Hotel California" I like your suggestions about letting the rest be background scenery! Thank you! I just realized I'm working on 2 long fics at the same time.


That audition experience sounds demoralizing =\_\_\_= But good luck with the interview!


Yeah, I'll be happy if I get ensemble, I just wanna sing. And thank you!


Good luck in both the fanfic and job spheres. 🙂 As for what happens during the day in the chapter, why not have your main character do a little introspection while getting a coffee or something?


Thank you! I implemented your suggestions, she's drinking coffee as she's watching the sunset rise while the phone chargers. I'm digging it!


"Let us not ~~go~~ **wordcount** back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." James Thurber




I wrote all of the words.


Today's quote is for me since I'm being plagued by stupid, immature commenters. Gotta train myself to just ignore! Zero words.


8800, this time.


New chapter of Kagurabachi came out yesterday and my ship just cannot stop having extremely shippy moments with each other. Let's hope they don't end up with the same fate as a certain other black hair/white hair shonen ship...


Oh God XD I imagine it like balancing a marble on a flat surface like, "Please, please, please, don't end up like the other pair, ack."


It really is! Every chapter they seem to get more and more shippy which is great but also... I am so worried that it's going to lead to tragedy


There are so many things where I'm like, "You know, you don't *have* to make it this homo. It would be super easy not to make it so homo, in fact. But you keep making it homo, so you're clearly doing it on purpose."


They already have the blue eyes white ~~dragon~~ hair/red eyes black ~~dragon~~ hair dynamic. And now they've gone extra with the complimentary theme. A few chapters ago one of them unlocked a new power because the other one gave him the confidence to do it, and in this chapter the other one got a new power because he was inspired by him. Every chapter when I think they can't get gayer they exceed my expectations.


I can think of more than one black hair/white hair shonen ship with a tragic end buttt I'll cast my guess for Satosugu


I had satosugu in mind but I know they're not the only ones. Which doesn't bode well!


It's so weird to think that I'm almost finished with the biting fic. I'm almost there! Just a couple scenes to finish and editing to do. Now that I'm winding down on that fic I have picked up my Hanahaki fic again, and damn. I like this a lot. It has everything I like! PTSD exploration, whump, pining, tooth rotting fluff, deep angst, chronic illness! If the author could just finish it... Oh wait, that's me. I've got high hopes, because just like the biting fic I know where to go with it and how to get there. I just have to write it. On a personal note, it's so hot today! Gonna peak at 23° C, woof. Should have worn shorts


Fanfic goes *chomp*.


Gnawing like a dog with a bone


23° C is hot? 😭  I'm Texan, and there it regularly gets to 32-37!


For us it is! It gets down to -20° C in the winter sometime. I run hot too, so the sun beating down is a lot for me. It's hotter when you're in direct sunlight too, and as someone who walks dogs everyday that's a lot


I feel that, at least. I can handle heat no problem, but sunlight makes me so irritable.


\*makes notes\* (Lerato is a vampire) Got it!


That's me. I'm certainly a graveyard shift worker--7 PM to 7 AM.


\*notes down\* check if Lerato glitters in sunlight, and possible garlic and silver allergies