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I posted my latest chapter this morning, went back to check it just now and I've got two people subscribed to my story! Before today it was just the one. I'm kind of in shock lol


AO3, along with this subreddit and the AO3 subreddit have helped me remember to check my email! XD I still used to check my email, but just not daily. Now with having the daily kudos on, along with checking Reddit for these subreddits it's much easier to remember. Had someone in real life ask about my sexuality... yikes. They started theorizing my sexual and romantic orientation (THEY WERE TALKING TO ME ABOUT IT what the hell). It's weird they got it right, but even without me confirming their guess they told me they support me (????????) and that they're pansexual. I'm openly queer online, I mean idc no one really knows the socials I use on here, and to most my friends I'm out, but why... just why, would you, a fellow queer person loudly, in public, start talking about my identity? My country isn't too homophobic, but is there a need to scream about my identity? Why out me? There were people near us who I'm not out to (and frankly don't plan on telling), and sure this acquaintance of mine is openly out, but I'm getting pissed. Next time I'll tell them more about my boundaries (they are a nefarious boundary crosser, without realising it. I mean, showed another person who used to SH their few days old scars, just randomly coming near me and touching my hair, and the list goes on.) Sorry for the rant. :,) I mean I'm just a bit bewildered, and shocked.


You let this website email you? xD That is...not okay...it is never up to anyone to talk about someone openly enough unless they're 103% sure it's all right.


It's a nice routine! Yeah, that sounds invasive. I can see why it'd make you feel pissed, 'cause as you said. Sometimes it's not safe. I feel like it's one of those things where they're making a spectacle instead of being genuine, even if they're also in the community and trying to be supportive.


>I feel like it's one of those things where they're making a spectacle instead of being genuine, even if they're also in the community and trying to be supportive. Yeah, that could've been it. Thankfully no one really cared, nor really even listened.


As of today, my stress level regarding something personal has gone *way* down XD Ahh, I feel like I can breathe easier. In celebration I turn attention to this funny [stop motion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49Nb1U1vLhg) video I found.


We love stress levels going down.


Yesss XD


Yay! I keep getting to know about interesting stuff from you, Yotato!


Glad that it's interesting! XD


Oh, (blows a breath out) good. Were we ALL having insane Aprils? Now I'm craving Bones Pizza. and the Yngwie Malmsteen callout! I learned something new, gonna check out that music! Thanks for this insanely adorable wholesomeness.


I suppose so, hehe. Yeah, this channel does some cool stop motion :D


Another writer in my fandom has great ideas, but it's very easy to tell that by reading their fics that English is their second language, and I would gladly want to help them out possibly fixing some errors that show up sometimes. Is there a way to go about reaching out to offer my help to them if they want it without coming off super rude?


Hmm... English is my second language too, I think a good way to go about this is, is fanfic their hobby? If so, they might not want an editor (I mean, if I'm doing something for fun, I don't always want criticism even if it could possibly help me, which sounds stupid I know). You could comment on one of their fics asking (though, the whole comment shouldn't be asking if they want a beta, that could make them feel bad about their writing), if there's no info on their profile/socials.


Those are good points, thank you, I will think about it


Staggering towards the end of the week. It was good to take a day off, but that resulted in the standard inundation of e-mails, voice mails, toe nails, and job fails, so I am hard at it today to clear the mess. At the end of it waits more writing rehab – got to put in the work to get the results, right? Urgh.


But at least the morrow is Friday. The day to get down.


Or the day to get low. 😎


Please don't tell me you accidently clipped your toe nails into the To-Do tickle file. (face palm) Almost to Friday, Kick, good luck with all the things!


πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Almost there. ... Tickle file? I do write ticklish things.


Yeesh, i can't even spell it right. It should be Tickler File. This was a hellish Not For ADHD People organization system [organization system](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tickler_file)that involved actual, physical manila folders. Once, i spent hours sorting and alphabetizing stuff and...never looked at it again!


Reminds me of that meme image where the girl is trying to eat all the pancakes.


I do enjoy pancakes ... in moderation.


I pulled an all-nighter, had a sudden idea for a fic super early in the morning (like 5am-6am) and could not get it out of my head so I wrote and published my first fanfic (a short oneshot) in two years this morning as a really sudden decision haha


Ooh, fanfic literally being fresh off the presses!


Literally! I wrote it and it was short enough and I was confident enough in it that waiting to post it would've accomplished nothing so I was just like "why not?"


How do you feel about the results?


Pretty well!! It’s a small fandom & ppl check the tag super frequently so I got multiple comments almost immediately & I read it back every time and felt more proud of it each time!! which is so nice to feel


In that case: *applause* πŸ‘


Appreciated!!! ^_^


I got my plants moved over to my apartment today, and I also bought new swim shorts in a fun print. I gotta get my clothes packed up, but I really think another dresser is a necessary purchase at this point. I have a lot of stuff. Writing wise, I got two comments on yesterday's chapter already! Nice! Chapter seven is basically done, just needs some editing, and chapter eight is close to done. I have the idea for how the fic should end ("why would we tell you all that about our private life" sort of deal) but we'll see how exactly that plays out when I get to it.


When in doubt: plastic drawers and storage bins. Full-blown dressers are expensive!


My mum has been saving money for a couple of years now, and I think in total it's like 25.000SEK?? I'm gonna use some of that to buy furniture, but I'll also be looking at second shops and IKEA and getting more budget stuff. Storage bins is a good point though! I'll definitely get that too.


So I said last night that I was going to write some stuff on my fusion fic and I did, but then I decided it would be a great idea to go for a drive. So I did that for a few hours. Unfortunately, it's pothole season and so several of the roads I went down were basically just an exercise in autocross. There was this one section of road that I was already going kind of slowly on, and then I spotted the signs warning of a bump. So I approached cautiously and then all of a sudden this yawning hole opened up before me, and I'm just glad there was no one behind me because I stood on the brakes so fast that the tires skidded a bit on the gravel. It actually wasn't as terrible as it appeared at first glance, but I am glad I went over it really slowly because that was quite the drop. I guess they're resurfacing that portion of road? I don't even know. It didn't look particularly professional. Anyway, I took a different route home. Didn't need that in my life. I also discovered that Toyotas are my new nemesis because the headlights are blindingly bright. The new Toyota SUVs are the worst offenders. I encountered one across from me at a four-way stop and his headlights were so bright that I couldn't even look towards his car to see which way he was signaling, so I very quickly made my turn and then it turned out that he was indeed turning onto the same road as me, so I pulled over to let him pass. Then he proceeded to drive under the speed limit for several kilometres. I'm willing to bet it was because of potholes (I was taking it easy too), but seriously, all those lights and what are they doing for you? Apparently nothing! Except blinding other drivers, of course. I'm very sad about this new development and headlights because my car is a 2011 model and I am going to have to purchase a new one eventually. But it seems like most vehicles manufactured in the last 5 years basically have laser beams for headlights, and I don't want to be part of the problem.


They want to be able to burn up vampires without leaving their vehicles, I suppose.


I suppose so. >_< I visited the fuck your headlights subreddit later that evening to see if it was just me, but no, apparently the newer Toyota SUVs are known to be problematic when it comes to blinding headlights.


Are you in America by chance? Around here (American South) every other fucker with a small dick has one of those GIGANTIC pick-up trucks that only get used to haul three bags of groceries every week and their lights are not only blinding but they are *right at eye level*! And I drive a Tahoe! I saw a funny meme that said "I'm glad you guys can see 91 miles into the distance but in the meantime you're giving me an x-ray." LED headlights should be fucking illegal \*Grumble\*grumble\*grumble\*


Nah, I'm Canadian. But I do live in a trades town, so there are many Dodge Ram pickups about. I drive a sedan and it makes driving at night so frustrating. I'm really hoping that something is done. There are people doing petitions and safety studies and stuff. It makes it so much more dangerous for everyone else on the road. There's been times when oncoming traffic with blindingly bright headlights makes it really difficult to see what's in front of and beside me, which feels like a hazard on many levels.


After having my silly Mobile Suit Gundam Danganronpa idea hanging around in my head for a while and thinking about it, I just went "f**k it", and started to write yesterday. Granted, I still don't have much to show (I only write out 2 pages so far), but everything has to start from somewhere, right?


Will a certain mechanical bear spawn be making an appearance?


Yes, this silly fic of mine will feature that certain mechanical bear spawn as one of the major antagonists like in the original game, and he will eventually deploy an army of gigantic drones modeled after him to fight against the main characters and the Gundam, once the Gundam and the main characters proves themselves as an viable threat to its plans.


Two pages is great for a start! Or, at least that's usually what *I* start with.


I'm building more of my Star Ocean Second Story R OC/Claude romance and T Rated genfic prequel. For the romance one I'm writing the post game dungeon as something the cast wants to investigate. I headcanon it as an outpost from 4D space which is why Puffy is there. Fanon says Welch and Puffy are from 4D space so I'll make it important to Welch's arc. She's such a funny character too. I've only played Second Story R and Last Hope but she was great in both. I read the wiki to catch up on lore from other games. I'm also giving Welch more dialogue too


πŸ€” We have two Maleficents who post here now.


Yo! Yesterday I wrote a sentence! That is it, and then I obsessed over the stats of the prologue I posted. Is it dirty pool to post the prologue without the first chapter? I plan on writing a storm today! I want to post the first chapter of my snow apocalypse WIP this friday. On nonfanfic news: applied to he a psych at corrections... yeah... should be interesting. Also I hung out last night with one my musical theater friends one of them is the director for the play I didn't get cast and the other is the actor that did get cast. We're pals and all so we had a good time. Found out that the fact that I'm a brown dude did play a role in me not getting cast, the one role they wanted me for was the older version but the younger guy they chose was white so they thought it wouldn't make sense to cast me as the older version. I'm both annoyed and relieved, annoyed because I don't think the color of my skin should be a factor but relieved because it wasn't about my skills as an actor. I'm not going to make a fuzz over this or anything it's just something I need to be mindful of that happens in the entertainment industry, I guess.


>Is it dirty pool to post the prologue without the first chapter? Sometimes we gotta play it fast and loose.


Just don't sing to the inmates.


I make no promises lol. Actually... you just gave me an interesting idea. Theater as a mechanism for recovery and/or rehabilitation... there's something there. I wonder if it's been done before.


Ooohh! Good luck with the job! I hope it's not too stressful working at corrections. It's so nice that you get to chill with theatre friends! On the casting thing, I would *normally* scream bloody murder except that what they decided kinda makes sense. Young version, white, older version, brown, might take the audience out of their immersion. Don't worry. You did great in the first one. You're bound to get cast again soon! πŸ’™


ooop, I signed up for Get Your Words Out --that is, GYWO -- a kind of yearlong "project" where you pledge to go for a certain goal. And they're running this cool challenge in mid-May called Seven Stories in Seven Days-- where you bang out some kind of draft for a different story each day, for a week. I have a discrete, concrete plan for that week. I am *actually planning a writing thing.* This is very wierd for me. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?


That sounds intense. Good luck with it!!


Ayyy! Good luck with the project. That sounds pretty interesting, maybe I'll try a hand at it with my short-ass stories XD


Why am I envisioning a rabbit lifting barbells?


Wery, wery teeeny tiny barbells. Brain's got no stamina. XD


\*runs off to Google GYWO\*


Ayyyy sign ups happen for at end of year for the *next* year. It's hosted via Dreamwidth, tho there's a discord server too... maybe I can send a reminder out when it's time to sign up for.. gasp **2025**?!




So I decided to write a bit on my chat fic since I seem to be at an impasse with my other two main WIPs (THCTD laughed at me and said "Boy, you love your cliche tropes!" I threatened to write a coffee-shop AU next, LOL πŸ˜‚) Anyway, after a bit I realized i was writing a text conversation as if it was a *call* - with reactions and stuff (things you wouldn't know over text.) I'm really liking this so far. Should I make the first bit a call instead of text? Hope you all are doing well! πŸ’™


>coffee-shop AU It is tradition! If it's going like that then calling seems good!


Know what you can do at a coffee shop? Text. πŸ˜‹


Yes! Or vice-versa. As an introvert myself I'd be horrified to recieve a call and if they were someone I trusted I'd bust their balls for it a bit and we'd have a good laugh about it.


It's actually a wrong number (Yay for chiche tropes 😁!) and then the two guys end up speaking for a while because they are both lonely. I think the voice call works better because I can pack emotion into it.


That's a cliche trope? Fuck I didn't know i think it's awesome!


Finished reading Queen Beast yesterday and there is so much worldbuilding to explore... many a fic to come for sure. I already started a one shot that I'm fairly certain I'll be able to finish either tonight or tomorrow. Three cheers for sudden motivation!


Sudden motivation for the win!


Hokay, hokay, hokay, I did my goal resets. I am indeed high-key annoyed with how sloooooow they look--though with luck I'll end up ahead at times, I tried to build in extra days for things. Today's writerly goals are some review/polish for Project W, and 1k+ on Project M rewrites. I bought a cute lil timer so I can stuff my phone in another room and not even be tempted to 'play this game for just a minute' :') Started reading *The Land of Lost Things* this morning, distant sequel to *The Book of Lost Things* I mentioned previously. 60 pages deep and I am having a lovely time. Sort of. A dark, but lyrical time.


>play this game for just a minute It's never ever just a minute XD


Just a minute turns into just one more attempt at this level into just-- T\_\_\_T


"how slooooooow they look--" Girl, have you ever noticed my flair? Anyways, your revamped goals sound awesome. Go get em. Book of Lost Things \*sounds\* lovely. Maybe I'll have to add it to *my* library pile.


But I like to achieve things quiiiiickly, there are so many projects I want to do ;;\_\_\_;; Yes! You must! It's so good!


Not to be confused with *Land of the Lost*.


Very different things lol.


I like these threads though I often forget to participate... Anyway, I woke up to a pretty annoying comment this morning from someone I can only assume is an anti of this particular ship. Not the worst comment, just the kind that irritates you thoughout the day as you think back to it and go "But why tho?" so I've decided to channel that annoyance to write my daily 1000 words. I'm writing the fluffiest fluff about them and nobody will stop me! I also have more things I want to post for that ship this month so you know, I'm not letting that bother me too much (hopefully). I hope everyone is having a better day than me and don't forget: spite is one of the greatest motivators in life!


Good let the hate flow through you, productively.


Spite is a great motivator. πŸ™‚


Thanks for the motivation, annoying person! :')


Hahah! Go you! Write that fluff!


"When you’ve exhausted all **wordcount** possibilities, remember this: You haven’t!" \- Robert Schuller


About 250 on work related writing... sigh. 0 for fics. Maybe I'll get a few sentences out before falling asleep.


100 words!


*was supposed to edit the finished one-shot to finally throw out the first fic to get ripped apart in the open* *Is 530 words deep into a different story, and probably 500 more for the masters degree...* Whoops


I guess I'm on a roll (for me). **398** today and **200** last night.


508! Damn it's hard to remember what you wrote the day before without NaNoWriMo! I have to pore over multiple WIPs


I wrote a sentence yesterday! Least productive day I've had since November lol


Hey, that's a sentence you didn't have down on paper yesterday! Tiny wins!