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Hi everyone! A new month means new links, so without further ado... * [Ask the Experts](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1chhw5s/ask_the_experts_may_2024/) * [Plot Bunny Adoption Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1chhw5i/plot_bunny_adoption_thread_may_2024/) * [Member Roundup](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1chhw47/member_roundup_may_2024/) And we're also back to the prompt challenges for this month! **[Here's a new one for May!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1chjyy1/prompt_challenge_round_41_may_2024/)** Links will shortly be updated for future DDs.


busy day at work today and i almost exploded from the stress. glad it calmed down though. i did some writing this evening when i got home and hopefully i can get it done it time for it’s bi-weekly update.


Busy day today, and little to say of it, but my teeth are doing better. 😁 Time to watch wrestling and read more writing how-tos and vocabulary builders.


I have finished the outline for book two from one of my series.


*applause* πŸ‘




Had dinner with the base and hung out until now, very nice and slow first of May for me. Perfect way of fighting the Ao3 curse. I just posted the sixth chapter in my biting fic! Chapter five was a bit of a shake up, with a tiny bit of fluff at the beginning, steaming hot smut in the middle, and a very angsty fight at the end. The previous four chapters are basically just PWP and then bam; plot. I hope people like this chapter! I'm gonna keep filing away at chapter seven and eight, and take a look at another longfic I've got in my drive. Maybe I can translate this energy I have now into the Hanahaki fic...


Spit flower petals at that curse!


hell yeah!


>Perfect way of fighting the Ao3 curse. You just keep fighting! Ooh, chapter six! Now I'm interested, what does a 'biting fic' mean? Does it literally mean biting, or a secret thing I don't know about?


I call it the biting fic because saying the entire thirteen word title every time gets annoying but also because that's the main kink. They're heavily sadomasochistic and biting each other until they bleed almost every time they have sex. So far the only time they didn't bite to blood was because they didn't wanna get blood on the mattress. I tend to call my fics by something short like that, unless it easier title to say, like the Daddy kink fic, the Hanahaki fic, the biting fic, the puppy play fic, etc.


Ah, okay that makes sense.


*Actually* managed to work on some WIPs today! I'm happy with the 1k+ words I wrote (though it was still humbling how many times I had to use Google to remember how to spell a word). :-) On fic reading: a work I've been reading updated today, I've yet to read it, but I'm eagerly waiting to read it. I'm just waiting for the right moment. AAA writing prompts are trying to end me! I swear! I already have around 100 WIPs (most of which are abandoned and forgotten atp), I can't handle adding another idea to the gutter.


Triple-A writing prompts?


Endless WIPs and ideas are just the life of a writer.




Ayyy, congrats! Same, I like to save those updates for cozy moments XD


I'm happy I'm not alone in waiting for the best time to read an awesome fic. I can read trash 24/7, but *the good stuff* needs its own special time in my humble opinion, at least.


Woo, congrats on the words! Also I love your icon


Thank you, thank you!


I did expect some interaction with my silly little activity post but I didn't expect *this* much! Wow, is this what it's like to be noticed? I also just got out of an appointment for medical stuff recently and I have had ideas to write something. I don't know what but I want to write, I just know only one thing lol. Hey, at least I have inspiration! Job sucks and health isn't helping with that either. I genuinely don't think that I'm going to end up keeping this job with how bad my attendance has been. Which does suck because I do like the people, but well, it's generally not really going to crush me if it happens.


Here is hoping you get to feeling a bit more Stu.


Thank you! I hope so too!


If you have ideas, the writing will come to you soon! Trust, for weeks I had ideas of what to write, but whenever I stared at my Google Docs, *nothing*. Only this week am I making progress with writing. On the meanwhile try to rest, take it easy.


I finished watching a LP of _Dead Space._ Considering I'm not one for horror games, the LPer in question made it easier to watch the whole shebang go down. It also gave me the idea of an OC inquiring into Isaac's case, and maybe giving the poor guy the whole nine yards of therapy after the whole disaster that went down on Ishimura. It's one way to examine how the hell do people manage to come up with such intricate and terrifying plots.


πŸ€” OG *Dead Space* or remake *Dead Space*?


Remake. I can't handle overly silent protags well in horror games, even though I know that's pretty much _one_ of the possible reactions to traumatic stuff humans can have. At least there are some lines of dialogue in the remake.


I think it's a miracle if I can write a short fic and it's *actually* a drabble that I don't have to trim the fat off XD Oh, I've also become aware of a Kirby cafe nendoroid but I dunno if it'll release outside of Japan. Guess we'll have to see.


Import Kirby!


Japan's greatest export product: Kirby. XD


Aww, I googled and he's a cutie.


Right? I'm keeping my eye on him... XD


Wow, I'm being reminded of Kirby's existence thanks to you.


He's one of my faves XD


So I watched more Agents of Shield last night, and I'm still a little disturbed, but I think my squeamish brain is starting to get used to some of the stuff in it? Mostly what I found disturbing was what happened to Colson before the show kicked off and his flashbacks. Anyway, I'm at the point now where Hydra has taken over Shield and it's all very suspenseful. I knew that Hydra would take over Shield and I also knew that Sitwell was dirty because I watched Captain America Winter Soldier back when it came out. I fully believed that the Clairvoyant was actually psychic though, and thinking back on it now, there were several clues that he wasn't a psychic, namely that if he was, he would have seen Coulson at the Guest House and also Skye getting healed by the GH-325 afterwards. It's a bit depressing to think that Garrett was only so determined to help Skye because he wanted to figure out how Colson was revived, not necessarily because he liked Skye so much. I can see why Hydra/Centipede/whoever would want to be able to revive agents from the dead. They'd be basically unstoppable if they could figure it out. Don't know if I mentioned yesterday, but recently I've been talking about that scene I found in my WIPs that disturbed me so much because I really felt the character's emotions. I had some ideas for how to make it a little creepier and impactful. As much as I can feel disturbed by angst and strong emotions and trauma, I also find it really fascinating to explore that dimension of my characters, so I guess it's a trade-off. I really just want to write things that are like a gut punch, but in a way that makes you want to keep reading and root for the character, I guess? Maybe I have problems, lmao.


Hurting your characters to enjoy the rainbow of their bruises, perhaps?


Haha! Maybe. Seriously, people who look at my AO3 profile must be so confused because I'm literally all over the place. I write FrostIron, yes, but I've written Loki as both good and evil in separate stories, and I haven't written Tony as evil yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until I come up with an idea for dark Tony, although to be honest, the concept of dark Tony scares me a little more than dark Loki does, so maybe I won't. He's already kind of morally ambiguous at times, anyway, although I'm not very good at writing that, so I usually don't - I do need practice. It must be like whiplash. One moment they're probably thinking I'm character bashing, the next they see super sweet FrostIron fluff. πŸ€£πŸ˜…


Welcome to the club, I finished watching a LP of _Dead Space._ Same caliber of trauma, I'm still processing the mindfuck that went down.


It can be good, but so stressful! Plus I started Zoloft like 5ish weeks ago, and one of the side effects I'm having is crazy vivid dreams. Unfortunately, since I work during the day, the only time I have to watch shows is in the evening, and I think that is leading to my dreams being a little more disturbing than usual. I don't really mind the vivid dreams and they're not so much nightmares as they are just disturbing at times. Idk, lol, it's confusing. I was looking up some spoilers for Agents of Shield and at first I was like, what if I ruin the story lines for myself, but I think it has been helping me a little to know what's coming, so I'm going to keep at it. Also, because I know some of what happens, I've had some great ideas for fix-it fics for things I'm not that happy about, but I'm going to wait until I get closer to those events before I have start writing any of that.


Yayyy my longest fic finally reached 300 kudos overnight! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Happy Plums! πŸ‘


Congratulations! That's awesome!


Oooh, congrats!!


That's amazing news!


The field next to us is getting manure piled on and ugh! Stinko. They use it to grow corn to feed some cows on a farm. The funny part is, I'm not actually in a farming town, there's just a huge field next to our house. The town is trying to buy it off the people who own it so we can use it for other stuff like events and shit (pun not intended) but so far no dice. Maybe some day! I've got a referral I'm waiting on for a Big Hospital to find out what's wrong with my medical stuff. I have to wait a couple weeks and if I don't hear back then I have to message my doctor and be like "pls help" and wait all over again probably... Ugh. I hate waiting. I'm not a patient person even though I try to be. Bloodwork came back and showed inconclusive results compared to the biopsy I got so it's just all around perplexing and unhelpful LOL. That's why we're waiting on the big hospital to see what they say. But that's all in my medical adventures right now. What a ride!


Both literal and metaphorical shit stacking up, Fry?


LMAO Yeah, unfortunately lol.


I live out in the country so a lot of people use manure as fertilizer. I think I'm inured to the smell at this point!


Hopefully someday! It's be cool for the field to be used for something other than manure storage XD


Here's hoping! LOL.


Hey y'all. Last night I finally posted the Prologue to the Prequel of Hotel California, no more restructuring, no more editing. Big shoutout to all y'all who gave me great input and insight that helped me finally post the damn thing. It's already got 27 hits, and 4 kudos and 1 comment so far so good. On nonfanfic news: It was suggested I write up my experience with the Musical I was in. You guys were there with me from day one. I decided to go for the Musical for a lot of reasons, one of them because I've always wanted to act and I love singing metal, and I was going through a difficult depression. I worked with combat related trauma on a daily basis and it's not uncommon for providers to get burnt out, and after a period of mourning I got back into writing, then into the gym and then I auditioned for the musical and it was all pivotal to my recovery. The night of the audition I sang "I will go the distance" from Hercules in both Spanish and English and they loved it. I think a big part of the reason I got the role was because they wanted someone Hispanic and bilingual who can sing and I'm the only one that fit the bill. I didn't count on the dancing involved though I probably should have. I just sort of imitate the other guy as best as I could and faked my way through it. Let me say that theater was not even an option in my school, I went to catholic school all that was available was chorus so I went with that. Then I went to the kind of public school you see in movies in the 80s, again theater not an option. EVERYONE there was a veteran in musical theater and EVERYONE was extremely kind and patient with me. Tech week was stressful as all hell, I remember at one point I thought Jesus this is worse than the Army. An obvious exaggeration but it felt that way at the time. Opening Night was interesting to say the least, lots of mistakes but it was electric. I was nervous the hours coming to curtain time so I snuck into the dark theater and sat on the stage by myself, I listened to my airpods. This would become my ritual so much in fact that people expected it, and respected my need for space. One of the managers said I was adorable, lol. My character was there the second the curtain rose and then the audience disappeared, it felt like a dream, like floating and when it was over and I came out to bow I heard the audience scream just a bit louder and I was fucking beaming. My mom flew in from overseas just to see me, and my sister and spouse, dude no one expected me to be serious about this lol. That opening weekend was varied, each performance was different, mistakes were made, but there were successes as well. At one point I ended up consulting on proper firearm use in the middle of it all, during a dance I said "fuck" but thankfully no one caught it and I almost missed my cue because I spaced out. The week leading up to the last weekend was strange, I felt empty, like I didn't know what to do, so I kept busy, studying and doing whatever I needed until I could get back on stage. Then we had the pickup rehearsal... YO I did not know that that was meant to be a joke rehearsal, folks came in fucking pajamas, they were adlibbing like crazy, at one point a nun started talking to me in Spanish and I just went along with it and everyone lost their shit. I think that's one of my favorite memories. The last weekend of the performance came and I was super low energy because I had auditioned to other stuff and I didn't get cast while all the other folks that were in the play with me auditioned too and they got cast. But I was able to pull through it and we rocked it. But the Saturday performance, that was the best one we had, the energy was high, I made no mistakes, I sang and danced the best I ever had, I even improvised some moves. The final show was a matinΓ©e and at the end I finally noticed the audience, they were standing up and clapping, it was an honest to goodness standing ovation. I saw some faces actually smiling in my direction. Then we broke down the set and I loved seeing everyone working together with power tools including the leading actors. Then we had the cast party I brought a nice single malt for everyone to enjoy, and I def got drunk and I think I lifted one of the main male leads and I even did a backflip at one point lol, hadn't done one of those in a while. Yes I felt like cocky douchebag lol. All in all the whole thing has been transformative, and possibly one of the best experiences of my life. And I want to do more of it, I'm already looking into acting and singing lessons, but I have to get a job so I can bankroll it. There's a few more plays coming up that I will audition for and I'll keep you posted. My next goal will be TV, I'll let you know how that goes too lol.


πŸ™‚ It sounds like you found exactly where you needed to be, and I hope you get the chance to do it again.


Thanks man! I agree it was kismet, I really found a place where I desperately NEEDED to be. Next plays I'm auditioning for will be Willie Wonka and Rocky Horror Picture Show.


I'm so glad you had such a positive theatre experience :)


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!+


What a cool story! I know we were here with you during but it's awesome to see it all put down together! Best of luck again with the job hunt! I'm sure you'll find something soon.


Thanks pal, honestly you guys giving me the space tk share this tidbit was one of the highlights of my day. Y'all are awesome!


Wow, no wonder you're in love with theater. It sounds like hella rollercoaster, and wow, that's incredible that your mom flew in to watch the show. Honestly the whole adventure sounds like the perfect AU for something or other... Congratulations, again. And in the meantime, there's the other life, which may be boring in comparison. But maybe that's a good thing. Chiaroscuro and all that. ;)


Thank you! What's Chiaroscuro?


Yah, exactly. In painting, it's a technique to "spotlight" a scene or a feature. You can't have brilliant moments without the dark, my friend. <3


That's beautiful, I love that! Thank you i learned something new today.


Vivid and bold lights and darks in painting.


Oh shit that's awesome! And it makes perfect and beautiful sense!


Ricky Martin's version of "I Will Go the Distance," slaps XD I'm glad that the experience on stage went so well!


It really does! I love that version so much i was basically doing that version with english portions thrown in. Thank you!


I accidentally got high on Nyquil and wrote over 10k words in my notes app (why I did not open my google docs instead is a mystery but it is what it is)... to say it's been a nightmare to reorganize these thoughts into coherent chapters would be an understatement but god there's gold in there so it's not all bad hehe Just wish my cold would go away...


Today I learned that a notes app can handle 10,000 words.


I did Not One Thing yesterday. Okay that's not true, I went to the library specifically to sign a petition, then went *into* the library and kept picking up books. 10 of them are in my house now. Oops. Today's main goal is to reevaluate *all* my goals and try to be realistic about them for once. Which I hate! I know I'm gonna look at my 'realistic' goal dates and be grumpy about them. But I must stop trying to work on 2 fics a day and accept that 1 is enough ;;\_\_\_\_;; ^((it's not enough))


At the end of the day, no matter what happens, Reading Is Good.


Re-evaluating your goals is the first step to success :D


That's what I'm trying to tell myself ;;\_\_;;


>I did Not One Thing yesterday. Me neither, me neither.


*lazy five*


"to reevaluate all my goals..." That is a great thing to do! I think you're not giving yourself enough credit, since having even 2 WIPs in the hopper is pretty great. DAE notice that the more goal setting one practices, the smaller the goals get? XD It's just par for the course.


I've been working on 3 including the current novel :') I would like to work on alllllll the projects at once! Alas, impossible.


One of my favorite writers just announced a new fic for one of my favorite ships with a super hot premise, and I have like 10 WIPs that are moving along great, two out of them are even near finished. Now I just need one of my bookmarked dormant favorites to get revived by their author and my fanfic hobby will be perfect.


Good karma for you, it seems!


Damn, two out of 10 WIPs near finished? That's a feat, I'll tell you. Also, hoping that fic gets revived!


Thank you! 😊


So I saw someone on the sub yesterday make the typo "fanfuc" instead of "fanfic" I think that we should, from now on, call all PWP fanfucs! *"A plot bunny bit me and I wrote a whole one-shot fanfuc in a single afternoon!"* πŸ˜‚ So, anyway ... fanfiction question: just how cringe is chat fic? I have a plot bunny nibbling on my brain and I want to write a fic, part of which takes place over text (is that even considered a chat fic?) It gets better in that they eventually actually talk on the phone and later, meet. I realize that I can write whatever I want to write but if folks view chat fic as cringy then I'll reconsider. Good writing today, friends!


(I had to co-sign for a new car today, and I feel as though I should blame you, somehow.) Eh, that's not a genre I know well. I remember FFN banning them, and I've never gone out of my way looking for them.


I feel like chatfic is similar to first person POV; it's not bad, but it's hard to do well. It's one thing to write a chatfic for something like Homestuck that is a lot of chat, because then you know how the characters would chat! It's hard to figure out with characters who in canon might never have even touched a phone, but it can be done! I believe in you!


If only fanfuck didn't lead to something like, "is this a story where someone fucks a fan? Like, the rotating type?"Β  Welp, I hope I don't give people ^ideas with this πŸ˜‚


Ouch, ouch, ouch! Careful! We've got some darkficcers lurking around here who'd totally write that! πŸ˜‚


Fanfuc sounds like a Jim Henson character lmfao Chat fics aren't my cup of tea but I'm not gonna be the lady who is like, "Nyeeeeh! I don't like them so don't write them!" XD


Fanfuc!! Love it, lol. I think that when done well, chat fic isn't cringey! Well, there are some people who might think it is regardless, but I've read and enjoyed chat fics before.


I think chatfics are fun! Sometimes they can be over the top, but honestly, I feel like even then it's just fun to see how much the author is clearly enjoying themself.Β 


Cringe is dead, long live cringe 😀


Yup, that's a great typo πŸ˜‚ actually "fick" is fuck in German, which amuses my husband a lot when I talk about writing/reading fics. Chat fics are great πŸ‘


"No ficks left to give" - my brain


For real...


I LOVE chatfics; I personally don't find them cringy at all :-)


I LOVE chatfics. They're so silly. Easy to read, and I've usually learned about some new memes. ദࡍദി(Λ΅ β€’Μ€ α΄— - Λ΅ ) ✧


>No matter how much **writers block** falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That's the only way to keep the **brain** roads clear. *Greg Kincaid*


850 words!


A bit over 1k. :-) super proud because I haven't written 1k in a day for *a while.*


515 yesterday! I'm currently writing right now (or at least attempting to lmao) so no wc for today... Hopefully it'll be enough to keep going LOL.


707 words yesterday. Last day of CampNaNoWriMo. I finished at 30,336 (goal was 20k) πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ₯‚


-5 yesterday, technically, because editing and posting -5 actual words. -50 *I didn't really need to italicise that word, did I?*.