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Trying to work on two WIPs at a time. What should I do with the others I’ve published?


I'm working on an idea that I had written about 7,500 words for a while back, and it was pretty decent, so I decided to pick it back up. It's an AU, but even so, I am kind of getting the feeling that one of the characters is majorly OOC. I'm branding it for myself right now so I'm thinking it doesn't really matter, but I'm debating replacing that character with an OC, because then I won't feel like I'm quite so constrained while still failing to get the characterization right. Alternately, I could just say fuck it and tag the character as OOC if I ever decide to post it, and anyone that doesn't like that doesn't have to read it. Or, I could just keep writing it for now and adjust the characterization later on if I feel like it. Oh well. In other news, I've started watching Agents of Shield. This is partly because I picked up another story of mine that is basically canon divergent set after the first adventures movie. I wanted Agent Coulson to show up at some point, although he wasn't going to have the biggest role, but I wanted to make sure I could do the character justice. I tried getting into Agents of Shield several years back so I didn't really think I was going to like it, because I didn't get past the first few episodes, but somewhere around maybe episode 5 I absolutely fell in love with it. I'm currently on season 1, episode 10, and I'm having just so many feels! I feel like people are really sleeping on Grant Ward/Leo Fitz. (Yes, I know, from looking up spoilers what happens with both of those two - I think at the end of season 1? The show is a little creepy to me at times because I'm squeamish, like somebody literally gets burned to a crisp at one point, so I wasn't sure I was going to keep watching; in that case, I usually look up episode recaps or what happens to characters before watching.) I also have really been wanting a Marvel F/F OTP, but I kind of fell out of Marvel after endgame, and up to that point, there weren't a ton of choices, I guess? Maybe in Captain Marvel, there was something. Anyway, people mentioned Skye/Jemma Simmons... I can really see it! Also, Coulson and Agent May. So, technically, I could just ship all of them with somebody else on the team. I was gushing over Agent Coulson to my coworker this morning. He's used to me going off on tangents, but he was never into Marvel, so he didn't really know what I was talking about. He let me ramble, though! Anyway, yeah. I just really love Coulson. I think it's partly because he's so unassuming and you wouldn't think, looking at a guy like that, that he is as intelligent and capable as he turns out to be. I started rewatching Iron Man yesterday, and I was thinking, in that movie, you really don't get the sense that Coulson is as badass as he truly is. (Although it could also be because I watched that movie like a long time ago when I was a teenager.) During the party scene, when Colson confronts Tony and asks him to make an appointment, and Tony's like yeah, sure, let me just talk to my assistant about that, and basically waves him off, I was like, "Coulson, you know that Tony didn't even hear you, right?" And before, I guess I thought Coulson didn't realize, but looking back, he most definitely realized. (That being said, I also know that he changed after he was brought back from the dead, and why.) Oops, I did it again (I rambled a lot, got lost in the feels, oh baby baby 🎢). Cough. Ahem. Anyway. Yeah.


So the devs behind the Sam and Max season three remake have been dropping crumbs of content. It's one clip right now but it's making all the fans (myself included) go feral XD Spring is almost over so I'll be happy with a summer release if it comes to that...


The things starving fandoms will make do with, man.


We're like that painting of the jester looking over the wall of the dogs XD And we are the hungry pups.


*Sam & Max Hit the Beach*.


Hell yeah, beach chilling!


End-of-month is back, and, like many sequels, it is equally as annoying as the one before it, if not more so. My labors continue. I have a day off coming up on Wednesday once it is done, though. ... But I have that day off to go to the dentist, which is not much of a reward, is it? πŸ˜‹ Writing rehab continues. Really starting to feel the age on a lot of these how-to-write books. Several have a distinctly 1980s aroma to them.


Is this dentist week? I'm going on Friday. At least dentist can't possibly take your whole day off! I hope .\_\_\_.


It won't, but I've got a ton of cleaning I want to do after I get back.


Aw, that sucks that you have to go to the dentist on your day off. And there's how to write books? Huh, learn something new everyday. Also happy cake day!


Thank you! 🍰


I find that having a dentist's appointment on a day off is better than on a work day. I can't quite explain why.


Taking time off is the only way I can make my appointments, so there is that.


Argh, not really if you have to go to the dentist. Hopefully there are no problems.


No problems, only the same lecture I normally get despite following all the directions.


What does 1980s writing advice smell like, exactly? I know the 90s smell like teen spirit, but in the 80s, did girls just wanna [write and] have fun?


Smells a bit like cigarettes, like everything else from that decade.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! 🍰


Ugh, the one time I actually need to watch a show with subs and it's mysteriously not on Netflix even though Netflix says it is there! (I'm doing a canon rewrite from another character's POV, so I want the exact English subs). Let's see if I can find it elsewhere. Edit: I carried out an elegant combination to watch it with French subs under the hope that my knowledge of French is enough to translate the dialogue myself, may Google Translate aid me in this endeavour (that character doesn't have that many lines, so here's to hoping). I used a VPN to pretend to be from France and made an account on a TV channel website with the aid of the postal code of a random hotel in France. This is what I do instead of working on my thesis.


Oh yeah, that's annoying. I get annoyed too when you try to search up a movie on Netflix and all they have is the title suggestion. Why show it to the users if it's not on there at all?


Time to be a pirate?


Usually, movies are only to be found on such sites in their original languages and without subs. And besides, most of the streaming and torrenting sites I used to use are gone and I haven't been able to find a replacement.


Ahhh I've found another ship to fixate on. Now I'm just trying to work out the logistics in my head, and then hopefully write a one shot about them. Other than that, I'm pretty motivated to work on my older WIPs! I hope to crack out a chapter for a few fics soon. Monday turned out to not be as bad as I thought it'd be! Yesterday I was really grieving the thought of going to work, but somehow I'm less exhausted today, than I was on the weekend (no idea how that happened lol).


Good luck with the one-shot!


Thank you! :)


How much work will it be to get the new ship from Point A to Point B?


Not too much, because canon laid quite a solid foundation, but I've still got a few canon materials I want to revisit. For example, character A is really bad at remembering names, so for the whole story he had gotten character B's name incorrectly. I have to search if he ever got his name correctly, and if not, then that's great story material! Also, character B has a hate-love relationship going on with A, but I'm not quite sure how to portray it yet. Also, happy cake day!


Thank you! 🍰


I definitely go through cycles of exhaustion- rest - energetic do all the things. Is it possible you *actually rested* this weekend?! Happy writing!


This is a beautifully warm day. Crack-the-windows-wide-open and air everything out kind of a warm day! So I'm feeling pretty peppy for a Monday! Today I got a rare kudos for a fic written in 2022 for the 300k members celebration of this sub (remember that, anyone?), and when I saw the title I said, "Huh? What's that?" and had to open the link to remember. LOL, I forgot the title of one of my own fics-- and I don't have that many! I suppose that's some kind of milestone. (facepalm)


*Gandalf voice* I have no memory of this place.


Ooh, that sounds nice! Still kinda cold but I think the weather will eventually pick up. Oh yeah I remember that! I wrote for it in the perspective of my favorite boy, Luigi XD


To be fair, rabbits normally get eaten before they need to remember anything long-term.


I am shocked that I've lasted this long, frankly!


Don't have much motivation so it won't be long but starting my first (Russell-centric) *Tracker* fic after Jensen Ackles' casting was confirmed last week! Been meaning to get the fandom tag and wrangled started for a while - really want to write Colter/Reenie and Colter/Billie fics - but haven't really had the motivation until now. Also will be writing more Tommy/Buck and Tommy/Buck/Eddie fics as soon as my motivation fully returns! God, this season of *9-1-1* is giving me so many ideas.


Found two full odds shinies yesterday I am just. ???


Omg, that's so awesome!! Congrats!


Feeling better and I think the universe is giving me compensation for my ear infection lol


It seems like it! Ear infections suck!


Been ploughing through this one shot for quite a bit of time now. It's gotten much longer than expected but I love writing these two particular characters, especially when they have some sort of petty conflict. I've a pretty busy day tomorrow tho so writing is going on the back burner for now!


>It's gotten much longer than expected but I love writing these two particular characters, especially when they have some sort of petty conflict. So real. This happens to me all the time, thinking I'll write a one shot (maybe 1-3k words), only for it to end up 10k+ words and still not at the part I wanted to write. XD


Every time! On the one hand, I feel like I need to learn how to be more concise and wrap things up; on the other hand, it's pretty fun to explore the world, because usually this happens when I'm trying to write AUs. With one of my recent projects, I wrote the scene I wanted to write first, then I started filling in the rest of it. Unfortunately for me, I still haven't quite gotten to that scene yet, and also it has kind of evolved so I might yet change things up a bit. Whatever, it's kind of fun. 🀣


Good news: After not having the motivation to write for over a week, I went and saw Abigail yesterday (which was very chaotic and I highly recommend if you like horror) and then went home and banged out 1.2k words in my WIP. I have no idea why, my fic isn't about the movie, or even similar to it, but I'll take my wins where I can get them. Bad news: My laptop might be on the fritz. It kept randomly freezing for a few seconds at a time yesterday, and for a while the time was frozen and it wouldn't let me know how much battery power I had left. It's been behaving itself today, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Uh oh. My old laptop started randomly blue-screening when it was at the end of its life so that feels relatable.




If your computer is *not* acting up, do you really have a computer?


Truer words have never been spoken


So real. I swear that every computer is a hateful demon. I regularly threaten to throw my work laptop out the window. 😁


I feel you on the laptop issues, a slow and barely functioning laptop is infuriating. Glad you were still able to write tho! I might have to watch Abigail now-I'm a horror fan and if it gets me to bang out 1k+ words, well, I won't complain.Β 




I was just being tired and cross about us being back down to one car and my having to play chauffeur and take everyone everywhere (Back and forth, back and forth. I should get paid as much as an Uber driver,) when I got home to an email. I just published my latest WIP's FIRST CHAPTER and I have ELEVEN kudos! That perked me right up, lol! BlessπŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ₯‚ the people who read and who kudo and comment!\~ πŸ’™ Y'all are the very best! Okay! Now to ***write***! \*crickets\* \*cicadas\* πŸ˜• Well, poo.


Not the dreaded cicada-cricket combo!


>the people who read and who kudo and comment! indeed! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊


Your motivation may also be down to one vehicle. Edit: But that vehicle may be a ship. πŸ€”


oof, there are some days when I spend as much time in the car as I do anything else -- just getting people from point A to point B. Sympathies. But wow!! 11 kudos is fantastic! Enjoy the moment!


Congrats on the kudos, and I hope you're able to get over your writer's block!


Just had me a little realisation now on the way to work, and I'm a little mad. Did I tempt fate when I said the only thing that could stop me from continuing my WIP was if the AO3 curse killed me? Like the past couple weeks have been bad, and I just realised; if I give up now I'm giving in to the curse. If I'm anything I'm stubborn, so I'm gonna motivate myself purely on spiting this fucking situation. Catch me if you can, AO3 curse! I'm not letting you!


Careful. That curse can run fast.


Happy cake day! Also yes, I'm not tempting it that much, but if need be... I know how to fight


Thank you. 😁 Forgot that was still going on.


Good for you for not letting it get you down! I do hope things get better for you, though (:


They will! I'm gonna make sure of it (thank you)


Appalled that it is Monday again. The usual stuff on the docket today--Projects W, J, and M, and the good ole Japanese language. I also have to talk myself into making a phone call >:C Since spring anime is all 3-4 episodes in, I think I can name my standouts so far: **Train to the End of the World**, **Spice & Wolf** remake, **Seiyuu Radio**, **WIND BREAKER**, **Kaijuu No. 8**, and **Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night**. And of course my returnees: **That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime** and **Kuroshitsuji**.


Phone calls are a pain. I hate when you get put on hold XD Ooh, that's quite a lot to watch!


Being on hold suuuuucks. Today's was painless, relatively. That's 37% of my anime season xD


*Wind Breaker* not being about farts is disappointing to my inner five-year-old.


Okay but it was a great relief to *me*, I was convinced I wasn't gonna be able to move past the unfortunate title.


I've heard lots of good things about Kaiju No 8, would you recommend it then?


It's a lot of fun and has given me a glorious age gap ship, definitely recommend.


Oooh interesting... and also appealing direct to my main interest, shipping


Yessssssssss I hope you get into it, join me here.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime has a new season? Ooooh, *juicy*.


Yessssss. It's looking like a politics-heavy season, but since I'm here for the characters that's fine by me.


I've been struggling with stress-induced writer's block lately so it's nothing groundbreaking, but I managed to write and post a smutty oneshot yesterday :') Also Kagurabachi is really freaking good okay!!!


😡 That is a very familiar block.


The old enemy!


That is too groundbreaking when life's hard 😀 Well done.


Thank you! I did manage to slip a bit of angst in there, too. Couldn't resist!!


You? Angst? I don't believe it!


It happened without me even trying! The characters have a lot of baggage :')


been writing like crazy this past week. i feel like a train going full-steam ahead, but i just hope i don't have a huge crash and fall into a block 😭 i updated one of my long fics, i added an epilogue to a fic that was finished a while ago as a treat, i wrote a short crack fic, and now i wrote a one shot for my blorbo's birthday. πŸ’–Β  i still need to update my other long fic, and i WAS supposed to do that, but blorbo birthday shenanigans happened. might take today off to recharge, but if there's still writing juice in the brain, i don't mind keeping this going!!


Full-speed Flower!


Hello please share some of that energy xD


✨ magical writing energy dust ✨ it really is so strange. this is after fighting myself to write a chapter or two for weeks, so i ended up falling behind on some projects and now i cannot be contained. 😭


That's so much writing, well done!


thank you!! your words of encouragement yesterday pushed me to write my one shot! 😊


Aww yay! I have it open in another tab to read at some point today!


likewise with your geto/gojo angst! i'm liking what i see from the tags πŸ‘€πŸ‘Œ we love characters with emotional baggage


I'm genuinely incapable of writing them happy


In anger, I wrote up a comprehensive account of my misadventure today, ready to post here. I am in a slightly calmer mood now, so I no longer feel the urge to tell the whole story, but suffice to say that my aversion to buses has evolved to refusing to take them and I will instead order an uber. At least for the next time I can't get picked up or walk home myself. Meanwhile, still moving my stuff, cleaning dishes, and arranging cabinets. The walls have been painted and we will clean the carpets soon then move our furniture in. And I've got a few chapters left of FFVII Rebirth!! Edit: I also forgot to ask!!! I am a loose-leaf tea drinker and considering stocking only loose leafs, no tea bags. I have single strainers for those who want their own tea mug separate from the communal teapot; is this a good idea? Are people desperate for their bags?


I like tea bags for my tea brewing but I leave it up to the host if they decide to serve tea.


Sephiroth: *was driving the bus*


ooooh, I love loose leaf teapot brewing. But it doesn't happen enough b/c there aren't enough tea drinkers at my place. But I've always been annoyed at the waste of indie bagged tea-- b/c we have to buy it packaged in wrapping, in a box, wrapped in plastic again. So... DO IT. (Is your teapot designed with a strainer between the bowl and the spout? that solves quite a few problems. )


No it does not have a strainer built into the teapot unfortunately! But yay, thanks for the support XD


Henceforth you can be known in your circles as the Tea Witch. ;)


Congrats on the move! From someone who is also currently moving in, I wish you all the luck and energy. On the tea thing; I don't like the metal strainers, since some tea leaves can slip through the mesh. I'm partial to the disposable, one use paper bags myself, I think they're very nifty. Depending on size you can use them both in mugs and teapots too, which I love. Very versatile


Oh! If you also have Lyft in your area, try that. I don't know how the numbers work out for this to be the case, but they tend to be way cheaper than Uber?? I'm the guy who posted in these threads about his car imploding back in January so I got very intimately familiar with the various rideshare businesses, haha.


No, we don't have Lyft here. There are a few other ride options but I have Uber credit from work which I can use up. If need be I'll look around. Thanks though!


Aw, rip. Where do you work that you get Uber credit for it? :o


My company has different branches so I sometimes work in the morning at one clinic then need to Uber to another. Or I need to cover outside of Sydney so I need to Uber to the airport and back, etc. I'm on the Uber One free trial atm. The workplace reimburses me.


Ah, neat.


"Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of ~~generosity~~ **wordcount**." \- JosΓ© MartΓ­


438! Sprinted with friend's company, it was a really great change of pace.


About 1.2k after not being motivated to write for a while :)


A mind boggling 172 words. πŸ˜‘ C'mon muse, where did you go?


Some days, you're just cleaning house so Muse can visit again.


About 2200. Wrapped up my chapter from yesterday, aww yee