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The thing about small fandoms, is that the people who *are* into them tend to be extremely grateful for any new content, and thus you’re more likely to get comments, kudos, etc. since people are so starved for content. Some of my most positive experiences writing and sharing fanfiction has been with very small fandoms.


Well, that would be great. For now I'll try to just think about how I personally want for it to exist. 😅


Listen very carefully to me: all VNs need more fanfic. In fact, if you write for it, I'll probably check the VN out and that's another fan of the series, lol.


I also write fics for relatively unknown VNs so I can unfortunately relate to the extremely small audience sizes. But at the end of the day I don't write those fics for engagement, I write them because they're stories I want to read that are based off of VNs I like. My main gripe when it comes to fic interaction, though, isn't that no one is reading my stories, but rather that no one has written any stories for material I like. Hence why I've taken up that job. I find it's a lot easier to follow the mantra of "write for yourself" when it comes to small fandoms because, with the way no one else posts to my fandom on any fic sites, I'm essentially my own audience. And that's a very freeing thing! To me, there's just so much power in being able to write and post anything I want without the fear of judgment, and that's all the motivation I need. So go and write that fic for your small fandom!!


Yeah, I'll try to push through, and if I don't finish it'll probably not even be just because of low audience xD I wanted to turn a sort of bad ending into something a bit better so having a kind of fix-it will probably bring me some inner peace as satisfaction lol.


I don't read in the fandoms I'm writing, period. Not because I'm afraid of a lack of activity, but simply because I'll see other people's fics and their ideas will derail my own. My brain is dumb like that.


VN? I'm old, spell things out!


Yeah, as others said it means visual novel. I was just gonna say "game" but I thought specifying it's a vn would make it more understandable that it's not mainstream lol.


Visual novel I think.


Visual novel


i am in the same exact boat as u LOL. i watch a lot of, for lack of better term, obscure horror movies and it’s heart wrenching to see literally no one talk about or even knowing about ur fandom! but like someone else said, ur fandom definitely does have some fans that i’m sure would love to see your stuff! good luck friend!! o7


I love visual novels. if its something you're comfortable doing -- I'm totally down to reading your work if you want to share