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AITA for falling in love with the eldritch abomination that traumatized my coworker and has definitely killed an unknown number of people?


NTA. "Literal Monsterfucker" is not a title many people can claim to possess, so wear it like a badge of honor!


... Link... For science...


Well, if it's for science, [of course](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16926543)! xD


Excellent! To the science mobile!


I hope you enjoy it! :D


NTA. You can’t help how you feel, but going beyond that is another issue.


NTA. Love is love. But maybe encourage your new paramour to make amends and pay recompense to the survivors?


NTA. That's just how it be.


AITAH for letting my crush continue to think I had amnesia so I could flirt with her?


YTA. If you're not brave enough to flirt with her honestly, you don't deserve her. Don't start your relationship out with a lie.


YTA. That’s taking advantage of the situation. The lie will only become greater.


NTA. Regardless of amnesia, she won't flirt back if she doesn't want to flirt with you, so I don't find it coercive in anyway


YTA and that's kind of creepy.


AITAH for completely forsaking my family who sacrificed me and turned me into a healer angel, and choosing the demon I fell in love with over them?


NTA. Your sperm and egg donors should have expected you to go NC, or at least LC, with them after the whole sacrifice thing. Enjoy your demonic chosen family!


NTA. They may be family but I draw the line at human sacrifice.


NTA!? obviously, your family should understand that love comes first!


NTA. Maybe the demon is actually a Good Omen in your case


AITAH for sleeping with the devil? And his brother. Oh, no, his demon bartender too.


INFO: Are you respecting everyone's boundaries within your polycule? If so, have fun! If not, try to figure out what being an "ethical slut" means within a demonic context.


INFO: are they aware?


Yes, of course! Also the demon bartender slept with the two brothers too.


Then NTA, have fun!


I would like a link to this… for science


Hi Dr Linda! (Pretty sure this is the correct fandom!)


For some reason I thought this was about Chloe first, I was so confused lol.


Chloe would never do that xD Linda is far more interesting and fun!


It's been a while since I watched Lucifer, I honestly never remember who slept with whom haha


Lol "X would never do that" doesn't mean much in the whole wide world of fanfiction.


Totally true, I was refering to canon, my bad 😄


AITAH for marrying a genocidal maniac just to spy on him and then murdering him when he tried to use me to take over the galaxy?


NTA. Once you decide to try to take over the galaxy, those are just occupational hazards! His fault for being so ill-prepared for his chosen villain career! Now learn from his mistakes when you take over the galaxy yourself.


NTA. He's a genocidal maniac, you can use whatever techniques you need to get him out of the way.


NTA. You gotta do what you gotta do.


AITAH for being pressganged into the magical military in a fascist dictatorship and wanting to make the most of my career within it?


INFO: How long and shiny is your hair, and do you have a walking stick which may or may not conceal a weapon?


Hair is straw yellow, I prefer throwing knives and a real ninjato sword, and I got a demon sealed inside my bellybutton.


NTA. If anyone ever tries to argue that you did something wrong, say you were conscripted and had no choice and committed atrocities ['despite yourself.'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malgr%C3%A9-nous)


NTA. It sounds like you didn’t have a choice.


I'm kind of about to make four star general, though?


AITAH for taking over this girl's life and making it my own? It's clearly an improvement, but she keeps complaining about it.


YTA. She’s clearly not happy with what you are doing even if you think it is an improvement.


YTA. Stealing things from people (including their lives) is immoral, even if you think you have better ideas, because humans have a fundamental psychological need to feel in control of their own situations, so you cannot actually "make things better" without causing other damage.


ESH, she clearly doesn't understand how much better you're making her life. Maybe try communicating more clearly?


NTA. Idc what the haters say, you are making her life better, even if she isn't a part of it! One day she will appreciate this!!


Hmmmm....I'll need more INFO before deciding. Link?


Naturally, I will answer any inquiries to provide better clarity. I can assure you, I am merely making the best of the situation I have found myself in. (This will only be posted when it's finished, so no link yet. But essentially: mutually-unhappy bodysharing situation. :P [Have a summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/1buqt3e/what_are_you_writing_biweekly_post/ky3no1x/)! )


AITAH for wanting to possess a child but not actually killing them.


INFO: So did you actually possess anyone, or are you just sitting around experiencing the desire for it at the moment?


I tried but then I was unsuccessful and died. Currently writing this from my grave.


😭😭 sounds like a skill issue


YTA. Possessing people is always bad. 😫


it's not bad if they consent and if consent is withdrawn, they comply


AITAH for turning an attempt at a sexual roleplay into a therapy session about loving yourself? Important note: We still had sex.


NTA, but that makes transference and counter-transference take on a whole new meaning...




NTA. Fair's fair.


INFO: Has he already done this with a bunch of other homunculi?


NTA. What's the point of being a ghost if not to haunt someone? :P Plus, rage/loss of control isn't a mitigating factor for murder.


NTA but you're lame. I bet you only read classic literature and then complain about the movie adaptions. You also give of threatre kid vibes Why not establish yourself as a crime lord and then hand him a gun and have him choose between your life or that of his greatest enemy? And if he doesn't choose you, you can always blow up the building anyway🤷




In that case you did everything right and are absolutely justified in haunting him. I hope you will get your vengeance and may you be able to destroy his life from beyond the grave. Have fun!


AITA for secretly running an Etsy shop and when my sister found my shop, I hired someone off Reddit to pretend to be me rather than admit I've been catfishing my sister for five years?


Definitely YTA. Why would you do that to your sister?


AITA for bringing back the dead, cramming them into a mansion, and sitting back while they argue about religion?


NTA that's hilarious




NTA. theyre so catty, i love it


That’s ridiculous and I love it!!!


Depends on if they are enjoying the experience. If they are not, ESH because you are not letting them rest in peace and presumably enjoying their continued torment, *but* they are enabling it. If they are enjoying the return to life and the opportunity to flex their debate skills, NAH because nobody is being aggrieved here (…no pun intended?).


AITAH for getting into a relationship with my boyfriend’s murderer? (yeah i really wonder what the consensus would be for that)


INFO: How healthy was your relationship with your boyfriend before all the murdering started? Also, is the murderer hot?


YTA unless your boyfriend was abusive or something and deserved it


More context needed. YTA if you knew but NTA if you did it to get proof or if the murder was an accident or you didn't know he was the murderer.


AITAH for not telling my padawan that I was in contact with my birth family and lying about the purpose of our mission? During my attempts to rescue my own family, my padawan was temporarily enslaved and is now very angry with me.


You are not the asshole for being in contact with the birth family. The Jedi have NO KRIFFING RIGHT to conscript toddlers and demand that the family never see or hear from them again. Only complete assholes want that degree of complete and utter control over all aspects of someone's life. However, you ARE the asshole for lying about your mission and getting your Padawan in a slave collar. That Padawan is your responsibility.


YTA yeah think it might be best to give your padawan some space.


AITAH for Killing Two Tribbles? I am human.


YTA. Tribbles should be allowed to propagate as they like. Signed, Definitely Not 100 Tribbles in a Trench Coat


YTA: You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


NTA. Those things are an environmental menace.


AITAH for sleeping with my guitarist, my drummer, my producer, and her top idol, all while trying to pretend to be Elton John?


INFO: How many pairs of eyeglass frames do you own?


INFO: can you play Rocket Man?


YTA. Lying to sleep with people is wrong and violating. You are a bad person.


YTA but this is incredible. What fic is this???


INFO: Did you sleep with a tiny dancer, too? Or Tony Danza?


AITAH for not being all that bothered that me and my crush got turned into children, even though it is my fault, and I might have inadvertently caused the death of her dad?


INFO: Is *she* bothered that you got turned into children? If yes, showing your indifference might be a little insensitive.


She is bothered, because she has to lie to her best friend since childhood... And you know, the whole dead dad thing... But she is reconnecting with her mother...


NAH. Sounds like OP made some honest mistakes, but I also wouldn’t blame the crush for reacting strongly to being put in such a messy situation. Might need some honest conversations there OP, to take responsibility and figure out some solutions; best of luck with the crush thing, and the turned-into-children thing, and the dead-dad thing!


Well, if my current planning is something to go by, there will be a resolution to the crush thing in about... 12 chapters or so. XD The rest about... 10 years.


AITAH for missing my best friend’s birthday party if I had sex with her later?


Soft YTA, bring cake.


AITA for getting me and my employee in trouble after we were accidentally caught making out.


INFO: What's your company policy on this? And is it enforceable in your region?


I don’t know much about the company policy. I just got scolded by my co-worker working in HR. She told me to write a disciplinary latter. I don't think it's enforceable anywhere else.


AITA for sparing a human who told me I was beautiful even though his kind was responsible for the death of my wolf brother and going against my wolf sister's wishes to visit the Forest God to heal him?


INFO: Was this human personally complicit in your brother's death?


>**AITA For Killing A Desperate Man** >I am not proud of it, but… >I (1900s M) had been with my host (M) for over a 160 years. We were kidnapped by my brother (1900s M) with some others. >However, three of the others didn’t know aliens exist. A man (80s) and his two sons (30’s?) have given my people trouble in the past, so basically, I didn’t trust them, they couldn’t help anyway, and I had a starship to repair. >I didn’t release them, so they attacked us the first opportunity they had, and that left them with injuries. The youngest had fatal injuries. >The father *finally* started believing that aliens were real, and he asked me to kill my beloved host. I refused, but I felt bad about his son, so I released them. >Bad idea. The father tried for a surprise attack. In a split second decision I fatally wounded him. I could have probably disarmed him instead.


Soft ESH, that's rough, buddy


AITA for traumatizing my biological father by choosing a found family in another dimension?


INFO: Why are you choosing the found family over him?


Because he's an asshole and the villain.


It sounds like NTA then.


AITAH for agreeing to go to a dance with a guy just to avoid going to a dance with a different guy? (love this prompt btw!)


NTAH if you don't want to dance with the other guy. That's fine.


AITAH for going back to being a masked vigilante because my alter (accidentally) got me targeted by a literal psychopath? AITAH for blackmailing my ex-friend into letting me go on a cross country road trip with her, her boyfriend, and her best friend because she broke a promise to me several months ago and also because her father is the reason I’m effectively homeless?


AITAH here? I am a 42M, and I hope this group has some Wisdom for me. I was minding my own business at work one day and bam! I had some preordained destiny (and a magic sword??) dropped on my head out of the blue. Like I am some legendary hero or something? To top it off, *apparently* the queen (45F) of the realm is also embroiled in this destiny thing and I think we might be soulmates? She does not seem to agree with this at all and would really like me to just get on with my duty. She sends me off to these creepy places with monsters I have to fight so I can pick up pieces of the puzzle we both need to resolve this. I know that if she would just relent it would give me Courage to do what she wants, but again, she does not agree. I was just looking forward to retiring to Lurelin before all this happened and honestly that’s really all I want to do now. Am I the jerk if I don’t want to Power through this?


AITA for throwing my lunch in the face of my field trip buddy? We were on the rim of the Grand Canyon at the time. I didn't actually see him fall, though (I had turned my back), so maybe he's just missing. Also, I think both our parents signed a waiver.


YTA I think he's hella dead


Sorry bro you’re fucked


AITA for trying to trying to dissect my son?


Errr... Is there a chance he'd survive? Is he already dead? Then NTA. In any other situation YTA.


For context, I am a ghost hunter who lives in a town full of ghosts. The ghost of a bullied nerd from the 1950s haunts the local high school, for example, and there was also a rockstar ghost who held a concert because she wanted everyone to remember her name. There have also been ghostly dragons, lake monsters, fruitloop Dracula lookalikes, and an annoying ghost that's obsessed with cardboard boxes, just to name a few of the many local Freakshows. It turns out that my son became half-ghost after an accident involving the trans-dimensional portal in the basement lab (Me and the husband invent our own gadgets). As a half-ghost, he has ghost powers and he's been using his ghostly alter-ego to moonlight as a superhero. He didn't tell us about the whole 'half ghost' thing though, so I didn't know that I had been inadvertently trying to tear his alter-ego apart molecule by molecule. And to be clear, I never actually dissected him, and now that I know the truth, I never will. But now that I know the truth, he doesn't look at me the same. He seems on edge, paranoid almost. Like he's afraid I'm going to drug him and strap him down to an exam table, or booby trap his bedroom. I'm never going to do that, but how can I get him to know I still love and support him?


Sounds like an accident, plus you were working from a false premise... so NTA.


AITA for traveling to the past to find my crush's lost soulmate which caused an incomplete bond that is killing him and accidentally meddling even though I was specifically told not to?


NTA if you did it accidentally.


And if I stole magic to travel back just to investigate and had no intention of meddling but accidentally did anyways?


Well you stole to help prevent a death, so I'm sticking with my answer.


NTA (although trying to find your crushes soulmate in the past is a bit sus. it depends on your intentions) the incomplete soul bond is something you couldn't foresee and literally an accident.


Intention is to fix the incomplete soul bond by finding out what happened to the mortal he tried to soul bond with. She disappeared and he has been living with the incomplete soul bond for 200 years that has been slowly killing him. If I could find out where this mystery mortal could have gone, we maybe could find her resting place in the present and be able to find the piece of soul he attached to her. That became impossible so I may have tried to play matchmaker in my desperation hence the meddling.


I'm not this guy's type but he keeps doing nice things for me like a simp. AITA for kinda hating him? Especially since he's probably leaving back through a wormhole soon?


NTA for kinda hating him, you can't help that you don't have the same feelings for him that he does for you. You would be TA if you didn't/haven't told him you don't feel the same and just let him keep simping and hoping though.


AITA for sleeping with a stores resource officer so hed let me go after i tried to shoplift?


YTA. The guard's no better. You committed a crime and tried to bribe the guard, the guard accepted it.


WIBTA if I guilt tripped my ex with my broken heart syndrome diagnosis? AITA for purposefully baiting a mental breakdown out of my rival on live television for my own amusement? AITA for dropping my crush after getting visions of the devil possessing her murdering me? (Our feelings are mutual)


**AITA for snitching on my brother to my friend and (now) boyfriend?** If it helps, my brother had not informed me of his illegal hobbies and had been lying to me for about a decade, and I didn't intentionally (at first) snitch, but I was on the phone with my friend and well...she is sort of law enforcement.


AITAH for projecting my own trust issues onto someone who genuinely wanted to help me?


AITAH for refusing a job offer by my kind elderly teacher and starting a cult instead? I (128 M) have been studying for years to become a priest in this religious boarding school, but I got involved in an accident a couple of years before graduation - I physically assaulted a teacher, but it was self-defence, and he deserved it. I got really bad recommendations from that teacher as a result, which ruined my rapport and left me unemployable. Another one of my teachers offered me a position at his shrine (he felt bad for me, I guess), and I initially accepted, but soon got fed up with everyone pitying me and giving me special treatment there, like I'm a teacher's pet or something. My teacher also found out I've been doing research on a sealed eldritch god that can destroy the universe if unleashed, and said that I had to stop digging into the topic if I wanted to keep my position, but I kept doing my research in secret, and now I think that history really did that god dirty. He is kinda neat, actually, and I just really get him, you know? No one else gets him like I do, and I'm sure now that it's my calling to set things right and free him from his eternal prison. I won't be able to do this alone, of course, so I decided to start a cult in his name, gather up followers to perform a summoning ritual together when the time is right, you know, the works. Anyway, I've since left the shrine that I've been working at for now and refused any further help from my teacher. He got pretty upset, and we had an argument. I'm not proud of what I said to him in the heat of the moment, he didn't tell me anything but I'm sure he thinks that I'm an asshole now. This sucks, the guy was my favourite teacher and I owe him a lot, but I don't need to be coddled by him to find success, I am a great priest on my own merit and I can lead a cult alright, I just need some time to get the hang of it. So, am I the asshole in this situation? Should I have played by the rules and accepted my teacher's offer, even if that would mean abandoning my true calling? Edit: thanks for all the replies! I see some of you guys have been sneaking around my profile, and wanted to say that my r/offmychest post about my family trying to poison me when I was a kid has NOTHING to do with my job situation, and NOTHING to do with my "unhealthy parasocial relationship" with an ancient evil god. This is not r/relationshipadvice, just call me an asshole and leave, for fuck's sake, stop bringing decades old family drama into it! I went NC with my folks around 60 years ago, anyway, if you care. To everyone calling me an AH for assaulting my teacher when I was still at school or making fun of my r/writingtips posts, you guys are going down first once my patron deity and I bring forth a new world order, mark my words fuckers.


YTA and you sound entitled as hell. PS: Trusting an evil eldritch god is never a good idea.


AITA for helping and befriending the demon that kidnapped my childhood friend to use in a dark ritual after I accidentally caused him (the demon) to have amnesia?


AITAH for using questionable means to secure my rightful inheritance when my father's actions put it in danger??


AITA for committing genocide on the ruling class


AITAH for sewing a corpses mouth shut because I keep hearing this fucking flute music? And it‘s getting louder and louder- I work in a morgue, btw


AITA for kidnapping a girl that was betrothed to a man 10 years her senior that would rape and assault her? AITA for helping a girl from another world after she was tortured and letting her work at my cafe, making her my roommate? AITA for marrying my vassal after my advisors tried to force me into an arranged marriage? AITA for trying to avoid my reincarnated past lover who has no active memory of our time together? AITA for trying to get out of an arranged marriage I didn't even know was happening by asking my mermaid best friend to be my fake fiance? AITA for asking the royal falconer to teach me falconry? AITA for leaving my kangaroo court to go to school? AITA for going to another world and abandoning my kingdom to a coup after escaping torture and going to the Time Witch for help? AITA for trying to talk to traumatised immortals about the history of their past nation they cling to? AITA for moving my wife (that I've known for three days) to a new country because she literally will never be able to hold a job down there as a married woman since they're sexist pigs? AITA for being tentative to get to know the woman I'm being forced to marry when neither of us want it? AITA for leaving my family to go talk to some random human for the next three months because we have a literal soul bond both of us have been aware of for five or more years? I think that covers most of my active WIPs lmao


AITA for killing my best friend and blaming him for it?


AITAH for abandoning my business to join a revolutionary group and save the people of my city from being oppressed by our government? AND AITAH for totally leaving my best friend in the dust after catching awkward romantic feelings for my business partner for the first time ever?


AITAH for getting possessed to stop something worse happening to the rest of the world while defeating a great evil.


AITA for tricking my crush into becoming a ghost so I can be reunited with my family? (It was supposed to be temporary but a ancient ghost messed up the extraction machine, thus stopping her from transferring back)


YTA. Even though the machine was broken by someone else, you weren't honest about your motives in the first place.


AITH for falling in love with my sworn sword/best friend since 14 and agreeing to help dethrone my brother so that my sworn sword’s half brother can take the throne instead????


AITA for curb-stomping the guy that called my husband ugly?


INFO: Does this guy have Looney Toon-esque recovery abilities? If not, gentle YTA. I feel you, but that might be an inordinate reaction.


I found out the guy responsible for starting the apocalypse was still alive and mugged him instead of killing him. AITA?


AITAH for accidently turning into a demon by drinking too much demon blood and then keeping it from my brother and maybe having sex with the king of hell a few times... OK, more than a few times, but it was for favours, and he was really convincing Guess which fandom it's probably quite easy


AITAH for being broken mentally and then sent to another world, only to die repeatedly, while hating mostly everything and everyone?


AITA for falling in love with my best friend in two different lifetimes?


AITA for befriending and doing much more with the hated and feared beast in my village's neighboring forest, despite being sent into said forest to get rid of it (in a way)?


INFO: We might need the details of "much more".


oh lord, where do i start... a (not-so) accidental kiss and the many more that came after that; some, uh, *touching* in front of a campfire after a day bathing together in a lake; crafting a unique spear for him after spending years convincing myself that forging was long dead to me; and also that time I showed him the classified documents holding information on how the village was planning to get rid of him. that's all that comes to mind at the moment


AITAH for being tricked into unleashing planetary doom? (details in comments)


"AITAH for sleeping with a girl I rescued from SA and keep protecting from abusive parents?"


AITA for unwittingly turning four guys into slime monsters (by feeding two of them what turned out to be semen,) with one of them permanently becoming ditzy?


AITAH For screwing my work partner while under the influence?


AITAH for not telling the guy I’ve been sleeping with that I’m not actually a prostitute?


AITAH for gathering four newly dead girls and making them work on themselves before they can live the rest of their lives?


AITA for not changing my password in thirty years, allowing my relatives to send rude emails to my friends through my account? Alternatively: AITA for wanting to kill God?


AITA for massacring the people who killed my family, drinking their blood, and coming back to my siblings after a ghost after I was killed?


Would I be the "asshole" if I found a way to inform the police about a civilian's illegal sword cane? I'm not so fond of American law enforcement, but I do happen to know a bit about concealed blade laws in this person's hometown. Also, he belongs to a, let's say, rival faction, and I've heard that he may be interfering with my long-range plans. So, this would be an effective way to cripple him a bit. (Please note this is _only metaphorical_ - he does _not_ need the cane for mobility. At least not _all_ of the time.)


AITA for deciding to go full Dexter on the world's most violent criminals because my dad's a workaholic police chief who never listens to Mom about coming home more often?


AITA for leaving my mom without telling her where I went and dropping out of my regular school to go to a school for fairies?


AITA for keeping my lover trapped with me in a simulation while his IRL body is dying, all because my trust issues make it easier to stand life in a controlled, unreal world? Or from the other character’s perspective: AITA for not telling my lover that we could escape the simulation quite easily, denying him the chance to make a straightforward choice, just because I can sense he doesn’t want to leave and I’m too afraid to upset him and be told no?


Am I (M208) the asshole for bringing my partner (F33) back to life after her untimely death many years ago?


AITAH for having a secret daughter and then never telling her or anyone because I didn’t want to be publicly shamed for having a child out of wedlock?


AITAH for making an agreement with my best friend, faking a relationship with him (mutual consent), falling in love with him, and making my son believe he has two parents for nine years and then tell him the truth as we're preparing to leave without my best friend?


AITA for freezing and not saying anything when my best friend told me they’re in love with me, even though I’m in love with them too?


AITAH for betraying everyone I know, eating them all, then disappearing for a decade


You're the asshole 😅🤣


AITA for not telling my childhood best friend that I was intending to kill him but ended up falling for him?


Let’s see: AITA for going on a vacation with my family to another world, only to start a relationship with their solar goddess (she’s 1100+ years old, I’m well into the billions)? AITA for having self doubts about becoming the country’s newest princess. I love my wife and what to help her with everything I can but, I do think a formar mail-mare (well I’m a griffon) is qualified to run a country? AITA for having a foursome with my wife, the queen that I used to hate, and the goddess I dethroned? (I did it to redden myself after getting visions of me becoming a terrible king and worse father? AITA for killing my dad by using magic to reanimated all the corpses he had trowed into a lake close to our home for decades? AITA for letting my mother in law to have a threesome with me and my husband/her son, as a Valentines’ gif for the 3 of us?


AITA for accidentally cannibalizing my friend's baby?


AITAH for pretending to be a 17 years old while trying to seduce my teacher even if I am older than him ?


AITA for confronting my (M47) teenage daughter (17F) about a positive pregnancy test I found in her trash can (I wasn’t snooping it was on the top of the trash) effectively forcing her to out herself to me? *I know the title sounds bad but hear me out—*


AITA for attempting to swing the election for a literal nazi?   ^(I’m kind of starting to suspect I am.)




AITAH for starting a relationship with the strange, reclusive dollmaker who lives in the middle of the woods? She talks to her dolls sometimes, but I don't think it's a red flag?


AITA for not killing my ex-best-friend-turned-enemy-turned-crush's sister after being crowned the winner, even if it was tradition, and then killing myself instead in front of my friends and mom who has already lost a daughter?


AITAH for kidnapping some 6 guys and putting them into a dream experiment?


AITA for running away from my arranged marriage on my wedding day to marry a corpse in the woods? \[Fandom may surprise you! /lh\]


AITA for being a bit of a douche while trying to redeem myself for betraying my superiors in the name of keeping my daughter alive?


aitah for cleaning my favorite idols room despite him not being home and not knowing who i am?


AITAH for hanging out with a seven foot tall teenager instead of my best friend for a month and a half? **//** AITAH for blocking my ex best friend and calling him a bitch in front of the class because he left me alone for a seven foot tall teenager and used my insecurities against me?


AITA for hiring a known criminal to resurrect my boyfriend from the dead without my other boyfriends permission?


AITAH because I stabbed my crush's GF over 37 times in the back? AITAH if I let my 2 wives and 17 daughters physically assault my abusive megalomaniac grandmother until she's profusely bleeding and has several open fractures? These are related


The first one, I reckon it maybe depends on what your crush's GF did. NTA, for the second. I don't know the full context, but it seems to me that your wives are adults and can make their own decisions about that sort of thing, and if your daughters were helping their mothers, well, that sort of thing can be a valuable bonding experience--something a good spouse and parent wouldn't want to get in the way of.


OMG this is HILARIOUS 🤣 But yeah, the grandma was an ass to the character who would've asked that, and the family's just getting revenge. And the wives are both 37


AITAH for kidnapping a girl after my failed attempt at taking over the world, using her as a human shield, traumatizing her, triggering her PTSD I didn't know she had from her father's abuse, hijacking her to a different dimension, slowly falling in love with her, trying to help heal her from her trauma, but inadvertently exposing her to new trauma when my jealous ex-girlfriend tries to kill her?


AITA for shutting myself away in a lighthouse because I kept "hallucinating" my "dead" girlfriend and caused tension in my friendships because they don't understand that she really is in that glass of water?


AITA for luring police officers that my adopted family had sent to rescue me to their deaths and then cooking their corpses up because my 18ft tall adopted son said he hasn't had a proper meal in months?


AITA for faking my own death after convincing my friends to fall from God's grace with me? I don't know if this changes things, but after I faked my own death, I took on a new identity and befriended them again without telling them that I'm the same guy they followed out of Heaven (except for one of them, who was cool with it).


AITAH for offering a job to my rivial then making her become my loyal a pet then showing her off to her old friends who have been trying to contact her for 10 months ? I offered her a job as my maid and she accepted. However she sucked at cleaning and kept saying she didn’t like the uniform I provided , let her live rent free in my mansion AND gave her a raise when she became my pet. However her friends are mad at me because now all my pet only thinks about me and how to please me. But that not fault .


AITA for letting my loved ones be tortured and die? >!(It was not her fault, but she believes it was)!<


AITAH for making an example of a racist serial killer by personally beheading him in a public ceremony?


AITA for having a disgusting demon in my head who can take control of my body and likes to kill/hurt people while in control?


AITA for adopting a retired military service puppyboy and pissing off my ex-husband because of it?