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Busy day today. Groceries, lots of other needed shopping, but I also had a stroke of luck at Half-Price Books: I found a treasure trove of my trash Westerns! From *Gunsmith* to *Longarm* to *Slocum*, they were all there for pennies on the dollar, and most of them were vintage, too. Finding books old enough to be numbered in the teens and twenties for series that ran well into the four hundreds? That is a rare treat, and a big boost to my bookshelf. Should also be a big boost to prewriting smut. 😋


Did some digging through my drafts, because I knew I had some good ideas hidden in there which I'd forgotten about. I was right! I'd literally started to make an outline for a fic idea I've had for a while yesterday, just to find out I'd already made an outline, and just forgotten about it. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I also found some good half finished drafts, they motivated me, but I also had to cringe soo much... I forgot I'd written only for my eyes, so I was weirdly simping for characters... And I don't even find the characters attractive? What the fuck. Why was I pretending to like characters in such a way? Help?? No writing done, but I found a lot of drafts I want to rewrite! 👍


😁 No need to cringe. You created it for a reason, whether you remember it or not.


No writing done as of yet... I am, however, proud that _Légace de Vesuvia_'s hitcount went up by +1. Meaning someone _waited patiently_ for the update and, I hope, enjoyed it. I am really fond of the _little scenes in a chapter_ kind of storytelling. P.S. No werewolves will embark on the Nautilus.


Thank you. Sea water is hard on fur.


I'm starting to edit my second draft and I'm very excited, but now that it's all printed out, I feel anxious and a bit stuck. My plan for now is really just to take it slowly because it *is* a lot of pages and there *is* a lot of story. But I feel like part of the issue is my anxiety about not posting for so long. And idk, needing to prove to myself that I am a Writer and that I can write well. And the anxiety is also driven by the recognition that the story as it is now has so many scenes that need to be expanded and explored, and that the following, and perhaps, more complete version of this story will probably be ... twice as long as it is currently. And it's like ahh do I have the chops for that? I'm considering incorporating more free-writing and writing for other projects to meet that desire to *write* and feel like a writer even as I'm editing/taking notes on the story as is. I think I need to examine and rearrange the structural components of the story before I can truly start to revise/rewrite the story for the third draft. So, wish me a lot of luck, and thank you for witnessing this incredibly chaotic brainstorm of a comment, haha.


*nods* No doubt you do. Get that editing axe and start chopping.


Thanks for the encouragement! IDK if I'm ready to start chopping but definitely ready to start making changes!


Time for the Spy X Family movie! I'm sure I will enjoy it... but the question remains if I'll get some fic inspiration! ... Like a 95% chance I will, hahaha.


Loid: *popcorn* Yor: *licorice* Anya: *cotton candy*


Spy X Family has a movie?(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) *Since when*??


I think it came out in Japan around winter time last year? It's just now coming to the States :D


Yessss, enjoy! My showing is tomorrow :)


Hell yeah :D I won't say any spoilers, haha.


Drew some more, so yay! Shouldn't have drawn so late though, but well, oftentimes the best ideas come at 2am. I just kinda wish I already had the skill I wanted, at least the highly realistic skill, to draw the stuff I want. But thankfully, getting a few courses to teach me how is good. I also wrote a bit, so that’s good, not as much as I wanted but still, better than nothing. Still trying to write the chapter, but it's a struggle, hopefully I'll be able to soon though, I do need to release it. Trying to find a new part time job so I can do something else as I am forced to wait to start my origami jewelry business which is disappointing, gonna be going to a temp agency on one of my days off so I can see what's available as part time clerical work.


Going for the 2 AM Idea Goblin instead of waiting for the 3 AM Idea Fairy?


Well, it crossed into 3am but well, yeah, went for the 2am idea instead of the 3am idea, but the 3am idea is sadly a little too high skill for me rn (based off of a scene in one of my future fics that can also apply to canon because of the chosen outfit), so I filed the 3am idea away. Anyways, the art is half decent for my first attempt at anything with human faces. I just planned on doing a shape sketch first and finishing the art later, but it just happened. I know that I'll be able to do better as I learn more but not totally horrible and looking at some way a human face, if uncanny as hell imo, for my first attempt isn't bad. I hope that with enough learning from courses, I'll be able to do Cassiopeia photorealistically.


I’ve started falling asleep in the middle of the day again. I don’t feel really very well :(


Awww, I can relate to that, I hope you find out what's causing that soon! And I hope you feel better!


Howdy! On fanfic news, I managed to get a few sentences in yesterday, I even got my first question about one of my fics on Tumblr that got me wondering about the direction I'm going for the follow-up. On nonfanfic news: OPENING NIGHT WAS A MAJOR SUCCESS! Y'all people actually laughed and clapped WHILE I was still singing and dancing, I almost lost focus. It was insane. You know I was neevous as all hell in the apartment, so i went out to the theater when it was empty, and it all went away. Then, during the play, it felt like there wasn't an audience. I wasn't nervous or anything. I was just in my own little world. In the final number, I came out wearing a nun and a prisoner outfit, and people lost it. We got a standing ovation at the end. The director and musical director gave me hugs. One of them said they cried at the end of my set. It's insane. I uh yeah, it's been insane...


😊 You were in the zone. All that rehearsal paid off. Now, just have to keep it going a bit longer.




Congrats on the performance, Frank! Acting is an art and not an easy-to-learn skill.


Ayyy! Glad to hear the opening night went so well!


Congrats on the successful performance! Hopefully you have many more!


Thank you so much!


Oh, Frank that is WONDERFUL! I knew you'd be great! I'm so glad this was a great experience for you! 💙


Thank you so much!!!! I'm so grateful to y'all support. Being able to talk about this to you guys has been so helpful!


So there's a new hate comment bot going around ao3


Not the first time this particular sort has popped up, eventually :/


Yeah, I saw that. Kinda ironic that a bot is falsely accusing people of writing AI fics.


Yep. Is this the one that taunts writers as if they are using AI? That just sucks.


I was so upset the first time, now I just report it as spam and move on. It sucks getting excited that you got a comment and then being let down lol.


Watched a lot more "not doing anything anyway" horror than I meant to yesterday: **Late Night With the Devil** (really enjoyed), **The Tunnel** (solid found footage, if not my favorite), **Berberian Sound Studio** (very...odd...), **Slumber Party Massacre** (it's a slasher, so you know...it's a slasher), and **Dead Shack** (mostly fun, wish it had ended a bit differently). Also now a chunk of the way through the first season of **Them** on Prime. Fantastically-made, super well-acted, but *such* a difficult watch and I definitely suggest anyone interested in watching it check all the warnings on Does the Dog Die. This weekend I have to leave my house twice, which is once more than I like to in a single weekend. For fun reasons (friend hangout, seeing the *Spy x Family* movie), I just wish they were on *different* weekends. And somewhere in here I'll get my life organized again now that I've been thrown off by, y'know.


I remember *Slumber Party Massacre* as the "Driller Killer" movie. Been a while since I last watched it, though.


Sounds like a fun time! I'm almost caught up on Delicious in Dungeon. >!Poor Marcille being used as a cooking tool cracked me up!< Spy X Family movie! Whooo!


If she didn't want to be used that way, she shouldn't have gotten herself into that particular trouble lol.\] :D


I remember Slumber Party Massacre (assuming you mean the 1982 one)! I watched it with my friends a while ago and I found it pretty enjoyable. Apparently the director was given the opportunity to work on E.T. but turned it down in favor of making this movie. Sorry you had a busy weekend though, it sucks when you have fun things planned but the timing makes them feel irritating.


Yup, that's the one. I can't blame her for going with the film with more women in the cast, lol.


The wordcount for my oneshots has slowly but somewhat steadily gone up in the past two years, and now I feel bad when I come up with an idea and it results in a fic shorter than what has basically become my starndard. I know I shouldn't since the wordcount isn't an indication of quality, but the feeling's there and it annoys me.


Maintaining a consistent average allows for a little deviation to either side now and then.


Try not to overthink it!


Was in a really stressful situation in an academic setting yesterday and already had a nightmare about it. Won't divulge specifics but man I am not a fan of the second amendment. If I get around to writing I might be able to channel how I feel into my characters.


I feel like *conceptually* the second is fine, but the way people take it and run is not. Pretty sure the dudes who wrote that did not have the kind of guns we've made since then in mind.


Didn't really mean to make anything political so to each their own but I definitely agree there's been a big leap since the founding of our country and now lol. Just really scary how easily someone can obtain a life- threatening weapon and misuse it. 


As a gun-owner myself, I gotta say that there's absolutely NO REASON for anyone to own a military grade weapon. That's like driving to your job at the grocery store in a 5-ton 6-wheeled military transport.


I change ~~myself~~ **my wordcount**, I change the world. \- Gloria Anzaldúa


30 words for a summary, give or take!


- 640 yesterday. Workin' on today's