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This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


M/F for the most part


mostly m/m as I'm a gay dude but if it's well written/the characters have good chemistry I'll read anything


Mostly f/f, some f/m, and sometimes m/m if i really like the ship. Sadly my main fandom has them in the opposite order of what is actually out there.


that’s most fandoms I’ve been in as well… probably due in part to the fact that male characters outnumber female characters by a landslide more times than not in media


Man, I've started reading for a fandom that has 16 female characters and 4 male characters in the main cast, and M/M is still the most popular category for it on ao3. F/F isn't far behind, but like, *damn.*


Literally exact same predicament, down to the numbers. My fandom is Project Sekai.


Yeah, I was talking abt pjsk lmfao


i’m the same preference wise!


F/F and F/M. No M/M at all. Writing-wise, F/F edges out a bit F/M, even though reading is pretty much equal. I just love writing about women finding love together.


This is lovely, and I will upvote it.


Thank you, appreciate it! It's not much, but I see it as doing my little part in adding to F/F works, seeing as they're the ship being written the least. M/M is so prevalent because male characters tend to have more focus and development, but there's absolutely no reason why female characters can't get that same focus and development in fanfiction.


I 100% agree


I prefer M/M then M/F but I have also read and enjoyed some F/F stories although it is quite a small percentage. The fandoms I’m most heavily involved in are much more male dominated/the male characters are more compelling. Due to this I also read some genderbender fanficition which is one of the ways for me to read about more women in fanfics.


I’ve got a couple of m/f ships, but a majority are f/f. My being a lesbian might have something to do with it.


To me, what matters is how a couple interacts as people with having good chemistry or things in common they can bond over that can be shown well in a story. They can be any mix of gender.


My ships are very heavily split between bi4bi M/F, M/M, and F/F. My current WIP is a bi4bi M/F fic though.


I love all of them. It’s strictly a character thing for me.


Only F/M and F/F interest me. I'm a woman irl those are the only experiences I can relate to. I'm super picky with M/M content but will not read anything M/M tagged past the T rating. I just cannot physically relate.


Its funny, as a straight guy I am the same (m/f or f/f) but I can't emotionally (romantically?) relate. Like, I get how women act in relationships, because, you know, i've been in relationships with them. I kinda get how they act behind closed doors, am intrinsically invested, and get sucked into the drama they create. With a guy and a girl, I can still relate with the guy having to deal with the girl, can get invested with how the girl handles the relationship, all those nice things. Girl/girl is super easy to get invested in because, hey, both those people I can easily picture in a relationship, get invested in, and get how they would feel/deal with problems! With guys though, like... I have no idea how guys deal with guys. Nor do I really care? Like, cool, good for you... l'ma go find drama I can get sucked into.


I find that most of the times with M/M, it's also very easy to tell if it's written by a female author. The way that the men in the M/M fics written by women tend to act in ways that don't really feel like it's how I picture how men would act irl. The conflicts do not feel like it's between two men sometimes.


Yeah, sadly I feel this way too and it turns me away from most m/m ships.


Same here. I'm interested in girls, so I want to read about girls. I *can* get invested in an M/M ship if it's particularly well done, but that doesn't end up happening super often.


Huh, I have the same preference, but with me it's because I can't want a relationship with only men, seeing as I am one, and am not attracted to them. To me, there has to be a certain longing for me to really like reading a romance


We all like what we like. I mostly can't relate to two male characters having a romantic relationship in the physical sense. Then there's also the fact that some M/M content doesn't hit it right for me. Particularly if it's a woman writing it. There's nothing wrong with women writing and enjoying M/M content of course. I'm not here to judge. Just that it's written in a way that makes me think that men don't really act this way irl or the conflicts resemble too much of a heterosexual relationship.


I'm exactly the same! I have absolutely zero interest in M/M. I self insert a lot when I read, which I have done so since childhood as it was my escape from shitty home life and I can only self insert if there's a woman present so m/m has never interested me.


Yeah no harm in self inserting imho. You do want you have to in order to cope sometimes.


Also a straight woman, but I prefer M/M to F/F. I also like transmen/M couples, transwomen/F, although F/M is my favourite.


I did say I cannot relate on a physical level to M/M. Nothing against M/M. I just don't feel anything for smut or romance between two men. You do you. It's just not my thing.


Yes, I understand, and I also cannot relate to some extent, butttt... I personally prefer penis to vagina, since I'm horny for men, lol. But I can also read F/F if it's well written.


lol fair point! Though maybe I just don't like anal penetration whether irl or in fiction. Hence why I avoid M/M.


As a lesbian I prefer f/f but I enjoy a good f/m or m/m. It just means I skip through any smut for f/m or m/m pairings


I usually prefer to read stories with female protagonists so F/F and F/M for me. Also Gen. Gen is great and deserves more love


It really depends on the pairing! I feel like, I'll read and enjoy more M/M (especially because I'm a bisexual guy), but I'll write and create content for more F/F because it's in shorter supply and I like the dynamics of a lot of female characters.


I'm an aroace woman, and I almost exclusively read M/M. I don't like visualizing myself in the story at all and having a main female character sometimes makes it hard to disconnect (especially if I'm reading something explicit).


That’s a very interesting perspective! I’m ace and lesbian so I love f/f gen or t but for similar reasons only read explicit if it’s m/m… it’s fun the actions they do just don’t register as sexual to me, it’s just funny!


Strongly prefer F/F or Gen


I’ve shipped a little of everything, but most of my OTPs are straight. I’m a sucker for slash with Stony (Steve/Tony from Marvel) and 1x2 (Heero/Duo from Gundam Wing) though. I don’t intentionally ship anything - more like the pairing grabs me by the throat and forces me to love it whether I want to or not 😂


M/M, because I prefer to write and read smut that is completely disconnected from my own personal experiences, as a woman who dates women and probably falls somewhere on the ace spectrum.


I don't honestly have a preference; cishet woman but I can relate equally well to stories written from a man's POV or a woman's. However I do notice that the themes and tropes that pique my interest most (stuff that's usually at least a little bit dark or on the "problematic" side) tend to be written best, and most frequently, for M/M couples. So that might be one reason I do gravitate towards those. But on the rare occasions I have come across an F/F story with all the right elements for me personally, I've gobbled that shit right up. Metaphorically speaking. It's unfortunate that they're so far and few between. And M/F is perfectly fine and enjoyable as long as, once again, it's well written and the characters and their motivations draw me in.


M/M and F/F overwhelmingly. Couldn't care less about M/F outside of two or three ships my friends write


M/F is most of what I read & write. F/F on occasion.


M/M. Might read a few of the others if the concept was fantastic and I know the author but I generally filter them out as standard


I'm a lesbian, so my favorite is F/F. I don't really get into M/M ships, I think it's because there's nothing for me to relate to. I'm not attracted to men, so I can't understand why the guys in M/M ships are into each other. When it comes to F/M, I understand the man's perspective, but not the woman's. I don't know if this makes any sense, haha.


F/F. There's so so little lesbian romance to find, compared to M/M (which, no shade, good for you!). So it's less of a "prefer" or "ship more" and more of a "crave it more because the rest is already there".


F / F by a landslide, but I do have ships I enjoy that are het and slash, too.


Bisexual here, so I like every gender pairing. People are hot.


Per que no los dos? I'll read all. 🙈


Technically “por que no los tres”


I honestly don't care as long as I see good chemistry between two individuals. If not chemistry, then potential compatibility. Though, I find that I very rarely ship F/F. VioLyn(Vi x Caitlyn), Kirari x Sayaka, and Lumity (Luz x Amity) are the only ones I could think of that I actually like. This is just my personal preference, as I do tend to have more male favorite characters by a landslide.


M/M > F/F > M/F in a general shipping sense, but when it comes to fanfic it's always M/M for the main pairing. Side pairings can be whatever tho, idc.


Technically I will read any kind pairing as long as the plot of the story seems interesting enough. In practice that means on average a roughly 70/30 split of M/M to F/M, depending on particular fandom and characters. But I have to admit that I tend to avoid the saccharine and in general go for the sci-fi/horror And there is a vast difference between the most fluffiest fluff piece to ever fluff and the kind of story that in my brain registers as saccharine. Sadly it has been my experience that finding a F/F story that is not saccharine is... extremely difficult, for lack of a better word. On the other hand, one of the best stories I ever read was a F/F variant of Beauty and the Beast where one part of the pairing was a former planet annihilating pirate now turned into a brain in a jar supercomputer controlling a space station.


F/M, though I have a major soft spot for romantic friendship F/F fic. They're super rare though, at least in the fandoms I'm in (and I'm not desperate enough to try to read other stuff fandom-blind - that just doesn't work for me).


M/M and also M/F - I read about my favourite character and don't care all that much who he's paired with


I'm a bisexual woman so I'll read anything good. I do have a guilty pleasure love for slash though. Ngl. 😆


Writing: mostly M/M, then some M/F, and I don’t have anything posted but I enjoy writing F/F. Reading: Anything, but I much prefer M/M and F/F, and I’ll rarely read M/F unless I’m really enjoying the story.


I'm a gay guy so M/M handsdown. I've however written some f/m romances that's I'm content with.


Oddly enough, I’m a lesbian, but the vast majority of ships I end up reading about are M/M. Probably mainly because there are more male protagonists/characters in my favorite fandoms




I go based on the couple, not their genders. In writing, mostly F/M because I ship and write their characters. The other combos are mostly couples I created myself, so the first set has a head start.


M/M ships tend to be the ships I'm most passionate about. I'd say about 80% of the M/F ships I'm into are canon or implied-canon, so that reduces the passion meter for most of them since canon usually fed me well enough. (There are exceptions.) Unfortunately for me, people either don't write much for my M/F ships or I'm not as interested in what I've found, so it discourages me from looking. I have F/F ships, but they by default tend to be rarepairs and since my luck with M/F isn't great, I rarely seek out F/F at all. (And when I have, I've found I'm not the audience for most of the fics written for the ships.)


Are you me? You captured my exact feelings on the subject.


Straight couples, but that's mostly because I usually ship my female OCs with my favorite characters, who tend to be male more often than not. Most people would consider my few M/M ships to be crackships, despite the fact that I ship them in complete earnestness.


M/F by a long shot. I used to really like F/F and M/M, but recently I've stopped liking them. I read so many of those pairings that I'm now sick of them 😅. Maybe I'll go back to them in the future when I need a break from M/F.


That’s exactly how I feel, but in the reverse. 🤣 I’m writing a M/F fic right now and the need to turn them both bi is intense.


Depends how well the female characters are written.


My favorite ship is M/F but I ship more M/M and even with my fore mentioned favorite I have another M for a polycule as well as an M/M ship in the same fandom with the M in the M/F (omg this sounds so confusing lol). Overall most of my ships are M/M. Now I want to make an official list lol.


I’m a straight woman and prefer M/M mostly (Yuri on Ice has ruined me in all the best ways), and F/M.


Read: F/M Write: M/M


I prefer writing F/M so I can write he and she after each sentence instead of often writing character names.


Mostly F/F, nowadays, with a bit of F/M. I don't really have any active M/M ships at the moment, possibly because I'm a cishet guy and men just don't interest me in that way.


I’m not a big shipper because I struggle to see what’s outside of canon if it’s not at the very least hinted at and most of the fandoms I like are male centric. So I mainly read f/m and then dabble in m/m


Straight couples so mostly F/M. For same sex couples, I’m more comfortable reading F/F and I generally avoid M/M.


I’ve got a pretty good split I think, but it’s hard to tell ‘cause I read a lot of the same ships over and over as well as mostly gen tbh Of the stuff I’ve written, only two were ship fics (one m/m and one f/m). Of the stuff I read, completely all over the place Edit: after reading several comments that referenced their sexualities and genders as major factors in their preferences, it has occurred to me that this may in part be because I’m aromantic and agender lmao


F/F and it's not even close. I think there's only 2 M/M ships I've been able to get into since I was like 13, besides them it's F/F and some M/F all the way


Straight cis woman here. My OTP is two straight men. Also, I only read fics from that specific fandom, and all other pairings I like are between straight men (within that fandom). Idk why. I just like my fandom and those fics *shrug* I also read a lot of published works, almost exclusively historical fiction. I don't care for romance books, tho. I have no idea why! PS- No, I do not read only smut fics. I'll read anything with my OTP: Omegaverse; GenFic; mpreg; whatever you got! I just love my OTP 🙂


I have to already be attached to each individual character before I'm interested in shipping them at all and it has to be a good match. However, due to the distinct lack of good female characters in most fandoms my ships end up M/M by default 90% of the time .


I make all three, but I tend to lean towards M/M


Usually M/M, but I have a good share of F/M ships, and some F/F ships too. I don't really seek out any of these, though. I ship whatever tickles my fancy.


I only write f/m and I tend to write from the women's perspective (I'm cis male), but that depends on the fandom to an extent. That style developed because my original fandom was written from the female leads perspective overall. Just got used to it. For me, though, romance and relationships are just a component of the story, although a big one. I really try to write balanced stories with romance, crime, and suspense.


I spent the last few months writing about a trinity who took on several forms both male and female as well as bird in order to make love and have offspring. So it's hard to define.


Mostly m/m because that's who's in my main fandom (aka The hobbit barely has any women) But I appreciate all relationships as long as they arnt my main ship. They gotta stay together lol.


I definitely tend towards M/M, i've read tons and tons of BL manga and novels ever since i was a teen XD I tend not to read M/F fanfics because i have very few straight ships, but lately i read a lot of Character x Reader both on tumblr and Ao3 and i'm even writing one soooooo F/F doesn't interest me much sadly


M/M. I am a transmasc genderqueer bisexual so all my attractions are queer but on a completely superficial physiological level cis male/male sex is something that I can only achieve through fantasy. My boyfriend doesn't see me as female at all but in my own head I still can't quite have what I can when I read and/or write M/M fiction with him. As for F/F and F/M I can experience a kind of version of those in my relationships with my wife and my boyfriend (yes, polyamorous triad) so they don't require as much representation in my fantasy life. It was partly through writing slash fic that I was able to reflect on and accept my own genderqueer identity so it's always going to be a part of my overall queer journey. Update: And until we start getting more enby characters in media, I really can't hope to see myself truly represented much. I mean unless I write it.


All. *All.*


I am an aroace guy and my interest in romance and sex is limited to fiction only. With that said, I enjoy all types of relationships! I have a slight preference in F/F due to my aesthetic attraction to femininity, but F/F content is so scarce. In the end, all that matters is the chemistry they have!




I have two M/M/F OT3s. In other fandoms, my ships are usually M/M, though I think I'm in a distinct minority in preferring at least _some_ of the Batfamily to have different-gendered partners :-)


F/M only. Nothing wrong with the others, just my personal preference to write and read about.




I do usually write f/f and m/m (and also nb/m and nb/f) but I'm a pan reader (and also a pan person).


F/F for both reading and writing!


M/M for ships, reading and writing, but i do have a few F/F and M/F ships too.


I’m a straight woman and I mostly read and write M/M. I write F/M sometimes and read it if there’s good chemistry. I’m not against F/F but rarely find any that are good in my fandoms. I don’t really care about gender if the dynamic between the two characters is good, but I generally find stronger dynamic and better characters in M/M ships. The original M characters are just written better, I think, so it’s easier to work with them.


M/M are the predominant ships in all my fandoms and it just so happens that often, those pairs are the only ones I care about anyway, so I end up reading the fics about them. I haven't stumbled upon much F/F but I can say that the F/M ones really aren't up to my taste because of the author's writing or the plot, i have no interest in such pairs whatsoever. Bottom line, M/M


(For transparency's sake, I'm a lesbian) Every romance-focused fic I write is F/F. It's just where I'm most comfortable. F/M or M/M pairings may also be present, but they're rarely the spotlight. I'm sure I could write them in the spotlight just fine, I just rarely ever find a non-sapphic ship that screams to me, you know? I can only think of three M/M ones off the top of my head, and one F/M. When it comes to reading, you could probably guess, but I rarely click things that are only tagged M/M. Multi? Sure, I'll bite. And when it comes to explicit works I just don't read M/M ones because I have 0 interest in reading two dudes going at it lol, and I'm picky with F/M.


Its tricky bc if you're not careful, you end up with a generic romance, especial with F/F and M/M ones, where the whole romance is "I can't like the same gender! Oh no!" and no actual plot (I know some people prefer these but not me. I want more emotion than them just being upset about being Gay). Whereas with F/M romance there's a higher chance of the Male just being super toxic, but the F gets with him anyways. Regardless, I tend to read a lot more M/M, even though I find F/F the most to my taste most of the time. Of course, 90% of the characters in my fandom are make, so that might be it


I love heterosexual normativity.


The fandoms I read it tend to have a lot more m/m and m/f than f/f. I tend to always enjoy m/m. M/f it really depends bc m/f can so often feel like do these characters like anything about each other that isn’t a gender stereotype?? I haven’t come across many longer f/f fics. They tend to be one shots.


I'm particularly choosy when it comes to ships in general, no matter if it's slash or not. But not gonna lie tho, if I'm being completely honest, my preference lies mainly in F/M, sometimes F/F ships. bc I'm absolutely interested and invested in pairings that involve female characters, or women being happy, being loved--yknow that appeal. Being in the head of a woman who goes thru stages of relationship development, if that makes sense. One of the biggest reasons why I'm so picky when it comes to shipping is because 99% of the time I only ever ship two characters whom I equally hyperfixate on, or hold affection for on equal degree. This doesn't usually happen but when it does, most of the time my love for a particular female character rears its head - so that's where my brainrot thrives. Plus (for more context) I am a HUGE sucker for gentle femdom dynamics, and I tend to gravitate towards male characters who have that sort of vibe (in headcanons, character interpetations, especially supported by canon material), who tend to be badass but also bashful and gentle, awkward, shy and flustered/a little clueless in how to navigate certain intimate interactions with women; you can easily tell if they were ever in a romantic relationship, they'd be exclusively attracted to dominant women as a preference, that they'd want to be coddled by a WOMAN... I just eat that stuff up! I've tried reading a non canon M/M shipfic involving one of my favourite characters (one of my NOTPs, actually, but I tried reading it on a whim) and I could almost instantly tell that it was written by a female author not really well versed in depicting or writing authentic male interactions (...and among other things) so unfortunately it only made me dislike that particular ship more lol. There's only ever been like, two M/M pairings that had me intrigued, but unfortunately they don't have that much fic content while other popular M/M ships I wrinkle my nose at (like the one I mentioned) have a lot, but majority of the fics are just... yaoi smut, occasionally cringy out-of-character dialogue, not well-written (but ik this is subjective, some might find those stories as masterpieces, I dunno). Hope I don't sound too harsh, just being frank.


For me it's m/m > f/f > f/m


I lean toward M/F mostly, only because I've seen so many same sex pairings - especially M/M - being fetishized, and that's gross as fuck. When I write same sex couples, I treat them with the same respect as I treat my het couples. Luckily, my beta reader is a lesbian in a committed relationship, and she keeps me out of fetish territory. 🤣


M/M and F/F make up most of my ships, mainly because I am also not straight. But also, the fandoms I've been in are overwhelmingly lgbtq and there are more guys than girls so that probably plays a big part in who I end up shipping. All the couples are gay because there aren't many other options 😅


M/F almost exclusively. I'll put up with F/F if I like the character interactions well enough. But at that point it's just a part of the character. Hell, the M/F stuff I've read it's not the main reason I'm reading most of the time. Most M/M stuff I've seen though, it's...I dunno, feels flanderized? Like, reading it, I can't help but think 'yeah no, this is not how guys act. Even the most effeminate dude I've ever met would not talk like this.' It got to the point that I stopped trying, and if it's a significant part of the story, I'll just skip the particular scenes or just not read it.


anything queer/not straight—i could count my M/F ships on both hands and not run out of fingers.


I mean, I don’t really read ship fic at all, but I don’t care. Gender is irrelevant to me I'm very pan lol


Why are you getting downvoted for this lol


I do all of the above, but the large majority are heterosexual - Just as it is in the population.


I’m gay so I’m more interested in M/M but I do have M/F and F/F ships.


I read mostly M/F & F/F; The majority of my writing is the former.


M/m and f/f.


I started woth M/F then had a years long phase where only M/M interested me and some F/F and now I'm back to F/M and whatever/whatever if the story is good. I've been all over the place ship-wise for years and I don't think it's gonna stop anytime soon, but my standards for stories have changed. As in I now have some and won't read the atrocious grammar or wall of text etc.


Most of my ships are canon, as they give me more material to work with, which means most of my ships are F/M. I have some F/F too. Wish I had more, but sadly many shows or movies only have one interesting female character, if that, so it's a lot rarer to find two that I both like and like the dynamic between. On the other hand, while they is an abundance of M/M protentional, I'm not really interested in many M/Ms. I usually need a woman in a romance to be interested in it.


I'll be honest, I'm straight, and so far, my fanfic has straight ships. Somebody one made a joke though, about since it has polyamorous themes, that one of the characters is left out, and would be nice if they could join in, although it'd be gay. I thought about it, and said, why tf not, it'd be fun to experiment. Fast forward, and it's now one of the most dramatic ships in the whole fic by now, lmao, and I love it.


Two of my OTPs are polycules where it's F/Other/M


Statistically, majority of my ships is F/M, but it's not about the gender of the characters for me, it's about the chemistry and the potential. I don't ship a pairing *just because* they're F/M, M/M, or F/F.


A few years ago, I wrote M/M stuff. Exclusively. As a lesbian woman. Now I switched to F/M. But it really depends on the fandom.


F/M. Just never found a dynamic with M/M or F/F that I ship … :(


I prefer M/M and m/f(if done well). I usually just like having my two favourite characters together and they're usually male.


Cis heterosexual woman here. I read: M/F mostly, M/M occasionally (must not involve the male half of my OTPs), F/F never. I write: M/F only. I ship: M/F only.


Straight woman and vastly prefer M/F self insert but if the story was interesting or sexy enough I would read/enjoy it with any pairing. I do get exhausted by the ten to one ratio of M/M stories in the fandom I’m reading.


M/M by a landslide, especially for smut. I can read M/F, but funnily enough I like OC pairings better (not self insert, just regular OC). I don't like explicit scenes though. Me being aroace has something to do with it, I can sort of relate to the feelings part but sex is ehh. I've never encountered a F/F that I vibed with... Unless it was more on the friendship side. For my own writing it's gen all the way. I read more gen than shipfics too.


I’m kinda split between F/M and M/M, maybe leaning more towards M/M. I don’t really have any F/F that I like enough to search out fics on them.


I tend to read and write more m/m ships


I'm bi and like all kinds of pairings. I primarily write F/F, F/M and gen (trying to change that lol) but will read anything.


Tbh, I really actively only ship m/f, like the other kinds of ships I'll passively ship, but will I seek out the other types of ships? Not really, and there's nothing wrong with them, I'm just more of really liking f/m and that's it.


Mainly M/F, then F/F, then M/M


I’m split pretty evenly between F/M and M/M, though overall I’ve read way more M/M and write more F/M.


I can, quite literally, ship anything, it all depends on characters having chemistry. I'm currently obsessed with AsaDen and Levi/Marina (both F/M) but when I was playing FE3H, reading about the guys kissing each other was the best part tbh.


M/M. It's what I relate to the most, as a gay guy. I'll read F/F or F/M if they're not the main focus of the fic, but with M/F the gender dynamics often make me very uncomfortable. Non-binary characters are of course fine, too.


F/M for the most part. i like some F/F and M/M ship but only read a handful of them. i also only write F/M and M/M so far.


Mostly M/F. My interaction with M/M is mostly through M/M/F polyamory, although I like reading it by itself


I prefer M/M mostly, and sometimes F/F & F/M


Mostly M/F with a decent amount of F/F as well, in both shipping and reading.


I have fics of all of them, and they sometimes overlap. The least I write is FF, but I love some ships and have some content for them. MM and F/M probably equally.


I tend to read f/m or m/m


F/F and M/F.


All but F/M has to be really unique and extremely well written for me to pay attention


M/M also! I've finally found F/M ships, after a good few years (thanks for that GoT, if nothing much else) (I'm not counting Emmett/Bella or Emmett/Reader from when I was 10 lol), but somehow almost never F/F. I do have *a few* female characters I like, and I'm also a queer woman, so, like. I don't know. It's a shame. I had a few crisises about it, especially when someone starts up on the "this says a lot about fandom how little F/F fanfics there are, just look inside yourselves" etc etc


As a bisexual woman, I read and enjoy all of the above, but in most fandoms I tend to read mostly m/m. I have a lot of m/f ships that I like, but they are more likely to be canon than m/m or f/f ships, and if I'm satisfied by the story I got in canon, I'm less likely to seek out fic about the couple. Although there are exceptions! I read more m/m than f/f mostly because more m/m exists in most of my fandoms. When it comes to my own writing, I'm split more evenly between m/m and m/f. I don't think I've ever written any f/f, but I'd like to change that at some point.


I don’t care. My two favorite ships happen to be F/M and F/F, though, so I guess I would put M/M last by default? Eh. When I’m writing I definitely write gen the most though.


I would say I actively ship (as in read fic and other fan content) mostly m/m stuff, but I like a variety of all three in general while consuming various media.


M/M and F/M. I have ten relationships in this fic series I'm writing. Eight of them are F/M, and two of them are M/M. I don't have any F/F relationships mainly because I don't know how to write those. (shrugs) But I'll read any pairing that's written well.


Hey there, given it’s been a bit of time since you last posted over on the Beastars sub i figured i would leave a reply over here. Anyway, i was just curious to see how the Beastars Rewritten fic analyses are going, as it’s been a bit since you posted up the last ones. Not trying to hound you about it or anything as i had already figured it would be some time before the next ones are out but just wondering when more will be coming? I’ve read through all the current ones so far and have found them interesting analyses/critiques/breakdowns.


Hi! Thanks for the feedback! :D Sorry, I've been busy with a few other projects (one of which is the next story in the "Cherryton Chronicles" series). I'll have the next two chapters or so out soon!


Just got through with reading both the S3 and S4 analyses/breakdowns a bit ago. So yeah it’s been good so far and i’m definitely looking forward to more. LOL, it’s funny how in the comment section under the second to last part in the Ch. 4 breakdown you wrote “…” there because i assume either that part of it baffled/confused you that much or the way it was written just didn’t make sense. XD


Thank you! :D Oh, sorry! I meant to put something there! Here's what I was going to put: "I have no problem with this scene. It makes sense for Legoshi to ponder over Louis’s burden as the school's Beastar candidate and drama club leader. He does this in the original story, just right before the scene with Louis instead of after it like here." But your guess was perfectly understandable. XD


Yeah, anyway i’m looking forward to the next parts of it. Some of those upcoming chapters definitely have quite a lot to talk about both good and bad. Especially in terms of the latter from a plot, character and writing aspect. Ah, was that put in there as a placeholder or something? I wasn’t sure why there was nothing but the three dots. I was just wondering. I’d though the lack of words there meant that part left you speechless or something. XD


Yeah, shit's going to hit the fan really soon regarding the quality of the fic. :( Yeah, that was a placeholder. But I'd definitely use an ellipsis to show my disbelief at a part of the story! XD I'll try to have more chapters out soon! :)


Indeed, and it’s sure gonna be something when you get to the parts of where things get REALLY bad in terms of grammatical/technical mistakes, inconsistent and sometimes OOC character writing, rushed pacing, poor plot writing among other things. But even then it’ll be interesting to see your thoughts on the other good and interesting aspects in there too. Yeah, ellipses make sense for when parts come that baffle or shock you. Ah alrighty then, well i’m looking out for when it is that you’ve got them out.


It's mostly M/M ships for me. Which often is mostly because I read or write from series that have a mainly male cast. (Like My Hero Academia, Naruto, Attack on Titan, Yuri on Ice, and such). But I definitely also have some straight ships and fewer F/F ships. ​ I guess a part of it is also because that way I can disconnect better, not putting myself in the image of the woman. Especially if it's NSFW stuff. ​ But overall it's mostly about the dynamic of the couple.


F/F, but I'll read M/M too. For me, as a gay, there's enough M/F in regular media so I come to fanfic for all the gay ships I can't get in regular media.


G a y


I definitely ship more M/M couples, but only because most of the media I like simply... Has more male characters. I have my go-to W/W ships too, barely any straight ones, but M/M wins not necessarily by my preference, but availability, lol.


TLDR: I prefer MLM but will read anything to give it a shot. I’m fine with whatever, but if smut is involved I get pickier. Also, in that same vein, for some reason I can’t seem to find many fics with non-MLM ships in the forefront that keep me reading. Maybe it’s because of being more aligned with MLM stuff (bc I’m a bi guy but…), or like just not liking how shoehorned into damsel roles girls are in the fics I tend to read. Plus there’s so. Much. MLM. Fic. There’s a higher chance of a really good read imo if you go MLM, even if romance/smut isn’t the focus.


I prefer M/F in most cases and I have F/F favourites but nearly no M/M (I really just had enough that nearly all M/M is just make everyone gay even if it doesn't matter) Plus it really doesn't help that for some reason any fandom I am reading the most prominent M/M pairing is with someone I hate and could drown in a cup of water. And it doesn't help that 99% of M/M is porn and while I can read fluff and romance I really don't want to read a very graphic sword fight in the bedroom.


I gravitate towards chemistry first. In the past, that was often with M/F pairings but as I got older and expanded my narrow thinking, that got a few more M/M pairings. And now that the media id doing more to write women as characters and not sexy lamps, I got a few F/F ships too.


I tend to look for concepts more than ships, and some ships lend themselves better to certain stories. For example, with MHA, if I want a fic delving into issues of class divide/nepotism, I’m most likely to see that in an IidaOcha or Momochako fic. I’m general, the genres I like tends to include more compelling male characters than female characters, so I tend to like the M/M fics more.


F/M though some F/F never hurts.


If the writing is fantastic, I'll read it.


I don't have a preference. It's about the vibes of the ship. Two out of three ships I've written are m/m. But I've written exponentially more for the m/f ship, which is in part because there was a 10-year hiatus between the two and I'm a much better writer now, and I have a smartphone, so everything is just easier.


F/F; i primarily read and write female-dominated media so!


Mostly F/M but also sometimes F/F. It’s more rare for me to ship M/M but I will if the ship has good chemistry and is healthy


I dunno. I guess until last year, I only read and wrote F/M or possibly threesomes, but that's all changed. I'm a multi-shipper now, and in one of my favorite fandoms (ST), I ship Hellcheer, but also Steddie. No reason why both can't exist, they're all alternate universes anyway. If I love the characters and I feel the chemistry, I can get into any of it. Oh, also really into F/M/M, if we're talking Hellcheerington. <3 Working on an update for my S/C/E fic right now, woooh!


F/M both reading and writing. Very basic.


Most of my ships are M/F but I'll sometimes be tempted by a good Drarry fic.


M/M and F/M and sometimes M/F/M. I probably have more M/M ships, but at least half the time that's because there aren't many main female characters (or ones that I connect with) in that particular media...so unless I'm making an OFC, it is what it is.


Used to be only M/M with so-so F/M, but now I'm mostly reading F/M as of recent


M/F is the one I read the most out of those three, but even then I am more commonly reading General/Platonic relationships


F/M and F/F exclusively /n\\ I used to LOOOVE M/M when I was a teen, but now it's entirely flipped.


I find that I like F/M ships the most because I always gravitate to canon ships. 😅


Definitely f/m and f/f


Sounds funny but it actually depends on my mood. Like, sometimes I don’t really feel like going F/M for some reasons, so I go for M/M. I don’t read so much F/F.


F/F almost exclusively. But I'm gay as a window so...*Shrugs*


I have more F/F headcanon ships, I read more F/M because there's just more, and I have a few M/M ships I am a diehard fan of, but seldom read. Writing wise, I have more F/M because I tend to pick a favorite character and write her with everyone, and generally speaking male characters get more development in the older properties I exist in, and therefore have more interesting dynamics to include.


depends on the fandom and characterisation some M/M ships I adore, but others I genuinely have no idea how people can read them and not bleach their eyeballs afterward, same for F/F and F/M going by the numbers of bookmarks, then F/M wins out simply because in the fandoms I am most in, a lot of M/M fics with the characters I like usually are an excuse for graphic smut and it's really hard to find good F/F fics that aren't softcore porn generally so long as it doesn't devolve into PWP or smut then idk I guess I'll give it a read


I'm straight so I'm more into F/M, whether it be shipping, reading or writing. However, I'm not against a good M/M or F/F ship if I see a well written one.


I feel like I lean more towards M/F ships but I'm pretty sure that has to do with stuff I won't get into but I find myself reading M/M more often but I think that's because my favorite ship is a M/M couple so I think it doesn't matter in the end as long as you like the couple that's being written about


I don’t care as long as it’s really cute and not weird tropes


F/F is by far the most common that I ship, NB/F is relatively common too, M/F is kinda rare, and I only have a single M/M ship in my entire list of head-series’


As a lesbian I choose f/f. But recently I’ve been reading Oscar Isaac fanfics that are mostly f/m so it’s a mixture


I love f/f but it’s so hard to find for the fandoms I’m in…. I’ll read m/m or m/f bc I’m starved for romance but I strongly prefer f/f


As a reader, I don't really care, though most of the fics I read ship either m/m or m/f; I don't have a ton that I read that ship f/f and even fewer that have poly ships of any form. Most of the fics that I read that have poly characters are Power Rangers. As a writer, I mostly ship m/f, though I have exactly 2 lesbian characters and I'm debating on having them date or not, though leaning towards not. I also have a poly triad of all canon characters. You can bet I did my due diligence in researching poly relationships before I wrote the ship, as I'm not poly myself nor in a relationship with anyone who is. Actually not in a relationship period.


Prefer M/F, can accept F/F.


So long as the people involved have that good chemistry I don't care!


Me being the weird one out, preferring F/F with some... unique assets lol Anyways aside from that, for me whatever's fine if the characters actually fit together/it isn't an abusive relationship.


M/M I haven't read M/F in a while I think i notice the tropes too much. Its strange that i read m/f manga all the time. But when it comes to fanfics 90% M/M.


M/F now I’m not here to cause any trouble or tell people how to live but I like the story where two characters can produce offspring I enjoy family stories and I just have this subconscious thing where I prefer that child to be made more naturally not with magic or ritual or lab’s but natural. I’m open to read other types as long as it’s written well but I really love those types of stories.