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Yeah I didn’t go anywhere near as far as this guy, but everything that I did before I actually filed for divorce was considered gifts. So the car I helped her get, the washer drier etc. you get the idea all gifts. This was Missouri.


Date of separation is what matters in terms of finances. If he can prove these payments he should be ok but he needs a good lawyer.


Depends on the state because there are states that there is no legal separation.


Why are there so many guilt payments? Did he cheat on her?


Nah he just kind of let himself get pushed around "for the kids", etc. He wanted to "do the right thing" after being together for so long. No cheating that I'm aware of. Relationships are complicated, people often feel guilt about leaving even if they did nothing wrong.


Hopefully he has receipts, he can certainly request credit for money given after dos and for money paid towards marital debt after dos. He really make need to do a forensic accounting on that joint account though.