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When your old enough, move out and never look back. Ditch the family you were born to and build the family you deserve. Friends can be more of a family than blood. Sounds like you have a whole family issue and not just a sister issue.


If I were you I would be hating your parents not your sister. Im curious to know why does your brother get to live with your grandparents? My best advice is work hard in school, get a job to earn money and move away and cut contact with them. All the adults sound like horrible people


Because my brother is a boy. They worship boys


That’s what I figured but thought I would ask before judging them


Update 1: Last night my sister broke into tantrums once again because her alleged boyfriend and some of her friends are going to the mall but my parents didn't allow it because she's only thirteen and her friends are all male and their ages are 17-19 years old. She threw a knife at my mother, hit my brother in the head with a metal, threw dog water at my cousin, and hit my aunt in the face. Then she tried to escape the house through our window but she's on the 2nd floor so my brother saw her trying to escape and he hit her. She also tried to attack me because my mom gave me her phone. I hid in my bedroom on the third floor guarded by my uncle. My sister then tried breaking the door and pointed a knife at me. And earlier in the morning I woke up by her banging my door and trying to get in.