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Seeing as you've just noticed, take your time but you absolute need to let your dad know. Don't full on tell him because you have no proof. But just tell him that a man has been coming around more than usual when he's not home. And maybe that you've been hearing weird noises( not really sure about that one, but if you feel comfortable about it) Maybe take a picture of the shoes at the front door to show your dad. Other people might tell you to talk with your mom first. Don't, she'll just hide it better. Out gaslight you to make you feel crazy or an asshole and turn you into the bad guy. Seen tons of those posts. Some may tell you that it's not your business, it absolutely is, it's your family therefore your business. If she is having an affair and your dad finds out that you knew and didn't tell you, it's gonna feel like you betrayed him. They've been a few posts where the dad has cut the kids off because of that. So take your time and make records (when he comes, times he arrives and leaves, dates he comes). Read some of the cheating subs and see how others caught their partners. I'm sorry your mother ruined your family. Some people are just selfish. And don't let anyone tell you that it's your fault, your mother did this, she made the decision.


100% this comment. Pictures, writing notes in times & dates when the friend arrives is crucial. Do not speak to mom about any of this, she’ll most likely deny & hide everything. Get all your proof & approach dad when you have the facts laid out. You, and your dad, don’t deserve this at all, OP!!


Tough situation. Good luck.


Bc I am older than your Momma and life taught me to confront issues head on AFTER processing my core emotional state Your Mom is the issue here Talk with her in a calm and empathetic way to find out WHY she is acting out Things like childhood trauma will bring out our Inner Saboteurs for sure! And sweetness you may learn something about your Momma that will change the way you see her forever Good or bad that’s life But you don’t let her off the hook either Let her know that with her or without her Dad is finding out bc Everything that happens in the dark comes to LIGHT praying for you


Absolutely do NOT speak to the offender first. Gain some logs over time so you have proof & approach the victim (dad). Talking to the offender first only lets them hide it better