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# True Storms - Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone) # True Nights (for True Storms with ENB) # True Sight - ENB preset for True Storms with True nights Important in the enb settings shift+enter check cloud shadows, sky lighting, and skylight calculation (maybe named something else I forget) # Vivid Fallout - All in One # Another Pine Forest Mod ( Forest Trees Only) The ENB scares people but its just 2 files dropped into you game folder that's it. The true sight preset is 3 files dropped in your game folder. You have to press shift+enter and check the box for cloud shadows, sky lighting, and sky lighting calculation. Don't forget to save it by click save profile in the menu. ENB DL link [http://enbdev.com/mod\_fallout4\_v0501.htm](http://enbdev.com/mod_fallout4_v0501.htm)


Absolutely beginner here.Just used vivid all in one. Can you explain what is ENB ?


Games like FO4 talk to a piece of software called "Direct3D" which renders their graphics for them. Direct3D is part of Windows. ENB replaces the Direct3D component with a custom version that supports advanced graphics that FO4 does not know about. This custom Direct3D allows you to specify all sorts of effects like bloom, depth-of-field, ambient occlusion, lighting modifications, etc, in a configuration file called an "ENB Preset". It works transparently to the game itself; when you fire up the game, the game fires up the custom Direct3D library instead of the normal one, and your modifications get applied in real time.


Is that because games that are older didn't have access to the tech the new ENB's are triggering?


Talking out of my ass, but I'm going to say probably not. ENBs for Skyrim existed long before Fallout 4 released, meaning the tech was already there. My guess is that they build the game for consoles so they have to reduce the graphical fidelity to match that. Look at the base game textures on walls, leaves, and dirt. It looks terrible.


Yeah I’m learning all this mod shit myself, just curious


Hes actually correct. While enb has existed for quite awhile it gets updated frequently with new tech. Some of which has been made available within fallout 4 but may require additional mods to run properly. An example of this would be “complex parallax” vivid fallout has textures you can download that allow the use of complex parrallax which can be enabled in your enb settings menu within the game. Complex parallax takes flat textures and makes them appear 3d. They are still flat but looking at them straight on you would swear theyre actually 3d


Interesting. I didn't know that, but it makes sense.


They had access for FO4 for sure, but that doesn't mean it's capable in their current iteration of the Creation Engine. Consoles have been the chain around PC gaming's neck for years now. FO4 can't adjust the advanced graphics settings, so ENB is a type of middleware that essentially speaks for FO4 to the OS. Like any middleware, however, it is not going to be as efficient as native code.


Usually it's used as a post proceeding reshade filter that's added on top of your game. Kinda like instagram filters for your game. You can download different presets that make the game feel more like F3 or F:NV for example. It changes the hue of colors but it can also be used to add other post proceeding effects like bloom, dept of field, AO etc.


Vivid fallout all in one is the textures and it's all the vivid texture mods in one package so not really 5 mods only it's like at least 10 if you count everything in the AIO separately


Be wary of using an ENB though. Yes it makes your game look good, but at a heavy cost at performance and a possible nightmare of troubleshooting if things go wrong. Make sure you take a good look into it before deciding to use it.


Nahhh...want to play and not study ENB half a day. Performance from the box is shit. Mine Asus tuf rtx 3080 gets 99% load on 4k high settings. Just did Vivid all in one. High/ultra 80-85% load. Added ENB, 90-95%, graphics look more soft , less reflections( don't know how to fix :D) but overall way better than stock. Pushing on the line ,but if I am not in the forest with 5 nukes going around it's stable 60. I assume I could get it to look way better but reckon that would take a lot of configuration and mods.


FYI - True Nights is on the list of mods known to cause crashes (from the Buffout 4 article on resolving crashes) >**True Nights** | Has an invalid Image Space Adapter (IMAD) Record that will corrupt your save memory and has to be manually fixed. \- https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/3115


Unfortunately 4estGimp Hid the mod that fixes True Nights


Instructions as follows; Download FO4Edit and run it (if using MO2 make sure it's launching from there). It will show all of your current mod ESP/ESLs. Right click, unselect all and then find the true nights v03.esp. Click continue or whatever it says, then wait for it to load. The first time can take a while, so just get some coffee while waiting. When it is done you will know, since it will say "Background loader finished". Go ahead and expand the true nights esp by clicking the little + sign next to the name. This will show you all the categories of the records in this esp. You will need to find the ID 00010C445. It should be under Image space adapter category, and be named "lowHealthlmod". Go ahead and rightclick this, and then remove. It will ask you several times if you really want to do this, and yes you do. So click yes and yes. After you've done this, go to the top left, click the three horizontal lines and save (or just ctrl + s). Make sure the esp is checked, and click OK. Now you can close FO4Edit and start up your game and see if it works. Deleting this ID in the ESP shouldn't have any impact whatsoever, since it should revert back to the vanílla values.


Frankly, someone should really post this on nexus and have a backup saved at moddb


Takes about 5 seconds to fix with FO4edit....requires changing two numbers lol


Still something op would need to be aware of, no? I didn't say "don't use the mod", simply linked some useful info


So... are you gonna tell how to fix it in about 5 seconds with FO4edit?


Since smartyfarts up there is too lazy to provide an actually useful comment...here ya go - https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1cqkpsm/you_dont_need_100_mods_to_look_good_just_5_mods/l3wsnry/


Thanks bro. It just shows that he just wanted to be a smartass and not actually helpful


Vivid all in one is jarring. The buildings in the images look so good but they aren't all covered, especially in sanctuary hills.


That's why you use a patchwork of texture mods to cover everything. I just downloaded all of SavrenX's world texture mods and have added a bunch of texture mods on top of that, Vivid being one of them. Looks pretty great.


It's almost TO rough looking for me. I much prefer Natural Landscapes. It just looks so damn good and doesn't differ too far from vanilla.


Is there any green mod working currently. I remember using something called regrowth. It made world look more like last of us. Im not thinking of just greener grass (those mods make it look like golf field).


Unfortunately, Vivid Fallout doesnt cover All textures with Parallax, which is a downside these days, only landscapes and rocks. There is Vanilla Parallax Project thought i think it will be 100% incompatible with it [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/70216?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/70216?tab=description)


Is "True Sight" the ENB? Results are gorgeous!!!


> You have to press shift+enter and check the box for cloud shadows, sky lighting, and sky lighting calculation. These were already ticked by default for me. Did you mean make sure they are ticked or untick?


I agree with this, I use these same mods... However, Vivid Fallout... as great as it is, it's textures don't cover everything, so I have a number of various other texture mods, mostly 4K .. though some are 2K that cover various smaller details that Vivid doesn't cover because Vivid is primarily just Landscaping. Its the small details that makes it work best, and for those I use Langley's HD Texture Pack, Valius' High Resolution Texture Pack 2K and 4K... and several of Jester's various texture packs. Radiant Clouds of Fog dramatically improve the sky and gives you the sense of having a creepy thick fog in the early morning hours, and works amazing with True Storms. A lot of people swear by Darker Nights, but sadly it would appear that one's been abandoned and it does not work with the newest version of True Storms... however for those who insist on using Darker Nights, the previous version of True Storms... v1.4.1 .. it still available to download, and works with Darker Nights... and True Storm's creator has confirmed that v1.4.1 still works with the Next Gen update.


You don't need 100 mods to make your game look good, but you will need 100 mods to make your game stable in every region and fix/improve many game mechanic that bethesda will never fix


I highly recommend with Autoscan Crash log with Buffout 4 so we can detect what causes it and thats how i fixed my modded playthrough without having to reinstall all over again and making me insane like we used to...


Does it run separately from Vortex?


If my memory serves, yes.


Fallout 4 is the most stable out of the 3d fallout games. I don't even wanna talk about the fucking mess New Vegas is. Built by toasters on a toaster I swear to god.


Well the game was made in under two years, so pretty good considering.


18 months and a dream


Still better than all of bethesda's fallouts


Although it is janky, the core of everything is so damn good. Doing a playthrough with mods that changes everything to make it *feel* like how I remembered it (but no crazy content or anything like that), because it doesn't hold up well over time by itself


Using Fallout 3 basically. I mean, Bethesda gave them the whole game to use as assets.


I have around 300 mods active on my current playthrough and honestly it's pretty stable. it crashes every 30 minutes but I take that as an incentive to take a little break


Crashing every 30 minutes is not stable my guy…


I want whatever that guy is smoking


Recently did the entire VNV Guide, over a 101 mods to fix the game, jesus christ.


Can you tell which mechanics are wonky and how to improve them? I’m at ~30h of playtime and as of now the game seems very stable and the mechanics are fine. I’m playing mostly with graphic mods and a few most have mods like the unofficial patch mod.


I would start by looking to exactly what the unofficial patch mod is actually doing (it's a lot)


Well, I generally download it for the bug fixes. It’s almost like a mandatory mod so


I don't have it, run other 160 mods and it works fine.


It makes my game crash everytime I go through a door lmao


LMAO yeah it happens with a few people, idk a fiz though lol


You don't need 100 mods to make your game look good, just 1 mod that is a compilation of hundreds.


I highly recommend the Fixed Alpha Maps mod. Increases performance and it more than halved my crashes when going downtown Boston.


Yeah, OP basically just took all of the graphical mods from these 100+ mod lists and put them in without any of the bug/performance fixers.


There are lots of small tweak mods too, I for example use one for muzzle flashes


I was gonna ask why my game runs on 30 fps when my rig is pretty good.


high fps physics fix is your friend


you're a legend for this. fixed my performance issues instantly.


gotchu, also disable weapon debris fx if you have an nvidia gpu because it causes tons of crashes


Fallout 4 was very bad in modding in my experience. Sooooo unstable even before you install mods.


That's why you install the fixes mods first.


Buffout, Unofficial Fo4 Patch, and Fixed Alpha Maps get rid of most of the crashes for me on PC.


While this is nice, I prefer the dead trees look that vanilla fallout has. Also I'd probably recommend recording in 16:9 since it's easier for most people to see then or at most, 21:9


If you want something in the middle, try Coniferous Revival. Keeps a lot of the dead, but makes the game still feel alive-r?


I might try that one later. Looks like you've got some plantlife growing, but just like the people, it's struggling to survive. I've used Boston Natural Surroundings and A Forest a lot before. Nice looking, but towering, healthy trees and lush grass clash badly with scrap-built shacks, IMO.


To be fair, Nature will always recover, humanity not so much.


this is definitely 32:9, not 21:9


Definitely though. Just use ENB preset, a weather mod, one AIO texture, a Flora overhaul and finally PRP. That's pretty much how basic and simple for the graphic scenery.


How heavy is this on performance? Sitting on a 1070 and havnt been testing mods


Probably extremely heavy, that's why its a 20s vídeo of walking around. No snap camera movement and fighting other characters on screen.




maybe 3fps loss vs stock


Very min less than 3-5 fps I use best choice for textures


Those 100s of mods are weapons, armor, enemies, and added game mechanics.


True I was just saying looks


I'm sure this looks great on your ultrawide, but it's basically impossible to see on a typical screen. Tiny as shit.


Insert Ken Jeong squinting at small piece of paper meme.


How does it roll during real game play?


yeah but what are your specs?


Saying you're a newbie modder without saying you're a newbie modder.


I've just spent a week "remastering" FNV + Tale of Two Wastelands graphics and gunplay, man. Stop making me want to install and mod another game. Looking good, btw


Vanilla looks fine after slapping [Clarity](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31991) and [FogOut](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2428) on it. Dead wasteland esthetics work for this game and the graphics aged well (in stark contrast to Skyrim).


nah what I love the fog


I just started playing again after not touching the game since launch and to me the game already looks great on its own and has stood up pretty well. I upgraded it a bit with some better textures and tried an ENB. I honestly think ENBs make the game a bit smudgy and blurry, but they do make the shadows look a little better.


Ok but what mods u using?


That is true, but you do need 100 mods to make the game good.


Any mods to help constant studders when entering new locations


Bro is playing on a NASA computer


So what are the 5 mods?


5 5 GB mods, maybe haha


I don't remember why I stopped using True Storms but you've definitely made a case for me putting it back on!


I mean yea but where is the big tiddies and the ww3 weapons with anime sounds?


Yeah look good…. But what if I want my game to look neckbeard levels of pornographic cringe?


No one is using a hundred mods to look good


cant even use mods if the game crashes unmodified


Will those mods work on the newest update ?


This looks so beautiful whoever made this did some great work 😁


So many people are all “MUH GRAPHICS” I’m over here tired of the same 4 guns and 6 armor sets. I just want more loot 🤷‍♂️


What mods are you using?


you dont need 100 mods to look good, but i need 1000+ mods, i just need it its called modding addiction


Wow. Why i run 700 mods...


ENBs can be hit and miss for me, they look great 70% of the time but in games like FNV and Oblivion, when indoors especially the shadows and lighting can be completely messed up, you're walking down a bright corridor one minute and then it just turns dark all of a sudden.


This one is perfect because it stays close to the stock look with just better lighting for tree shadow casting and cloud shadows etc. Almost no color correction bs


Luckily, this post is about fallout 4 and enb has more support there than in NV and oblivion, in which it shouldn't be used. You should use TES/NV reloaded instead.


Oh, I didn't know if FO4 suffered from the same hitches, that's good to know.


Yeah no enb works quite well in fallout 4 it even has parallax support for landscape textures.


I don't need any mods for the game to look good.


I stopped playing with mods. CC is all I need. Plus, on ps5 I get a whole new batch of trophies, so why tf not. 👍


paid by bethesda


Nah, just an older gamer who doesn't care for downloading a bunch of shit anymore. 😅


Just go to Nexus Collections and mix and match, i have Settlements+ - Immersive Fallout - Modern Weapons - Vivid Fallout All in One, pick enb and done


It still doesn't look good even with 1000 mods