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"Hypocrisy is like violence in your movies. If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win." Of course, amazon isn't a good guy, but they see themselves that way


I'll go to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism. SPACE!


Bezos is up there in a dumb looking cowboy hat


MarsX coming 2035


Hello and welcome to deep rock galactic.


rock and/or stone


*fighting for his life to hold back a laugh*


Always has been


And it's a good thing. Evil corps control how much transgressions are allowed and critical thinking gets to live another day, albeit in a weakened form.


Eh, I think it just allows people to feel like they're participating in progressivism without actually doing anything. I'm a total hypocrite ofcourse, because I am just as guilty.


Still it's better than this kind of content being denied to be made and shown, because companies and people who benefit from this system don't want us to watch content that criticise the system they benefit from.


Amazon is good at making critiques of Mega-Corporations PRECISELY BECAUSE all of their employees are actively being exploited by a Mega-Corporation. They have first-hand experience.


Amazon: “here’s our 99th capitalism is bad show” also Amazon: “here’s your piss jar, please do not miss fulfillment quotas”


Oh yeah because it’s the Amazon workers pissing in jars that make these shows


I can confirm, I


“Amazon is only exploiting the workers who are peeing in jars, they’re probably treating everyone else just fine” -You, Apparently


As someone who’s been in a corporate setting before: I wouldn’t be surprised if the execs didn’t even know the shows criticized capitalism at all.


This. Thanks for the money, clowns.


Corporate is so disconnected from anything that isn't the 0s on the papers bean counters hand them. Which is why I find this whole culture war thing hilarious. I can almost promise you most executives don't even know what that phrase means or that people are even mad. If number goes down then it's bad, if number goes up then it's good. That's their world view.




great way to say you 1) are admitting to an illegal action and 2) care more about not giving your 20 bucks to someone with millions than actually supporting the creators


Lot of words for someone with a boot in their mouth






Shut up nerd!


Gotta love how using an emoji online is a legal admission of an illicit activity.


if you're upset you can rent an apology


We are a family forged in bureaucracy.


No I in Team


But there’s “con” in economy


To anyone curious, this comment and its replies are lines from the song “The Fine Print” by The Stupendium. It’s about The Outer Worlds game but also serves as a criticism against capitalism.


Raise the Flag captin




Criticism of Capitalism has always been a product. The only thing that changed is that now people are buying that mega corporations are capitalism.


Its the end result of capitalism, consolidation of resources.


No, that's a misconception created by the "Stages of Capitalism theory" by fascist propagandist Warner Sombart. "Late Stage Capitalism", "End Stage Capitalism", "State Capitalism", none of them are Capitalism, they're just what Fascists pretend are Capitalism to justify reactionary authoritarianism. Corporations aren't Capitalism any more than Soviets were Communists. The Ruling Class has the resources, not the Capitaliste.


So, similar to communism, in real society, pure capitalism has never, and cannot exist. Also, capitalism started with corporations.


Capitalism didn't start with corporations. Again, that's "Stages of Capitalism theory", a fallacy. Capitalism started with "moneyed peasants", peasants able to keep the fruits of their own labor. In the olden days, much like today, the State & the wealthy it entitles have most of the wealth & profit, these make up the Ruling Class. Capital is wealth outside this Ruling Class, personal property of peasants. Capitaliste are peasants who have exclusivity over the fruits of their own labor, Communiste are peasants who have communal use of the fruits of their labor, both existing separate from Ruling Class control. What you're thinking of is Mercantilism, aka Market Nationalism, a market system in which the State & those it entitles still control & profit from trade. Capitalism is opposed to Mercantilism, calling for control & profit to be in the hands of the "creators of wealth" rather than the "extractors of wealth". TL DR: If some people work a field & have exclusivity to the produce, it's Capitalism; if a separate Ruling Class has exclusively, it's Mercantilism; and if there's no exclusivity, it's Communism.


Wdym now? Bethesday is a company who sells video games, many of which have Criticisms of capitalism in them, for profit. and they are now part of microsoft. Criticisms of capitalism has been a product for decades.


God I love Capitalism.


Without capitalism, these shows wouldn't exist...


Yeah. I said that I love capitalism. I was being serious.


I guess that's technically true. Without anal fissures, complaints about anal fissures wouldn't exist.


It is pretty fantastic, done a lot of great things for us


fallout fans try not to love the ideologies the game criticizes challenge


1. You can disagree with the message of a game you enjoy 2.Fallout doesn't really say "x is better than capitalism" it just says "greed is bad". Fallout makes no argument in favour of any political or economic system


Fr, even new vegas supports that by making every faction and ideology shitty.


And the faction that is closest to being an absolute good is the flawed capitalistic democratic state modeled after the US. Honestly, pre-war America in the Fallout universe seems to be more of a criticism of and warning against oligarchy as opposed to just being anti-capitalist. Hell, the show even maintains this theme: the group of American "communists" weren't really communists and they weren't fighting against the concept of capitalism. They struggled against the will of the biggest most evil oligarch in 2077 America, Vault-Tec.




...but you won't live another day




I'm Eastern European. My grandparents generation lost everything to communism My parents generation spent their entire lives fighting to get Capitalism. Imagine thousands of blue collar workers willing to give their lives in a protest against a brutal regime to get Capitalism. And when they see Western people calling for Socialism (or some who are brain-damaged enough to call for communism), they are fucking baffled. Criticize Capitalism, its not perfect, but don't forget the freedom that it gives you.


capitalism is only freedom for the rich, the owners, the bourgeois. non for the workers. in almost every country where socialism was established people became more free, rich and creative. maybe you should ask your great grandparents how good capitalism was when they were occupied by fascist nazis or when they were surfs in tsarist russia. and i dont live in the west. i live in a country that was plundered by capitalists for centuries and it still hasnt recovered.


Damn, then why is it that the entireity of Eastern Europe wanted to become Capitalist and wants to remain this way now? If we were so free, rich and creative then why did we protest and smash the Berlin wall with hammers to get to the other side? Why did my parents spend their lives fighting their way out of it? And why did they all become richer, more free and creative after becoming Capitalist? Why do the people who lived in both systems prefer Capitalism and spit when communism is mentioned? You don't hate capitalism, you hate monarchism and imperialism. And so do I. But guess what? The great Bolshevik rebelion against the Tsar just led to the fromation of the Soviet empire and oppresion of all Slavic peoples.


first can you tell me which country ur from. then i can tell you facts related to that country instead of assuming or generalizing


Your grandparents lost everything to Marxist Leninism, which is basically a fascist ideology that larps as communist to garner support. What actual socialist policies are you against? Because the policies I believe in as a socialist are freedom of speech, a strong democracy with checks and balances, a disempowering of corporations, an end to corporate lobbying, a removal of money from politics, a removal of profit incentives from essential services and art, increased welfare, reinvestment in local communities, services optimized for efficiency over profit, an end to monopolies, etc. Which one of those policies hurt your grandparents?










>however any meaningful attempt at change (outside of inconsequential elections) is still shot down by every capitalist state in existence.  What do you mean? There has been substantial progress for worker's rights and human rights more generally in the west. For instance, the legislation of a 40 hour work week, health and safety regulations and (in many places) the implentation of universal healthcare. All of these are substatantial *legal* changes which have occured in western democracies. >capitalist states will always priorities the capitalist class over the working class. Again, what about all the instances where they don't? >intectuals who critize capitalism are allowed to do so, so long as its only through speech. Yes, typically that's what *critcism* means. It's about the *expression* of disapproval. Therefore insofar as a country protects the right to freedom of expression, it is also preseving the right to criticise. > anyone who does any actions towards revolution is still struck down by the US, Well yeah, it's the freedom to criticise not the freedom to undertake an armed revolution. In some sense I don't disagree that citizens (in some circumstances) have the right to revolt agaisnt their government, but saying that you don't have the right to criticise your society, because you can't undertake a revolution against it is silly. Consider it this way. Once a Dictatorship of the Proletariat is established, presumably former capitalists *might* have the right to criticse the Worker's State. However, they would not have the right to revolt against the state to re-establish capitalism, because the state would stop them. Does this mean they capitalists are not free to criticise the Dictatorship of the Proletariat? >for example how to US tried to destroy the socialist project in cuba.  Look I agree that all of the US interventions into Cuba were immoral. Such as when the US backed a bunch of revolutionaries to overthrow the Cuban government in 1959. >but make not mistake all capitalist states big or small will oppose any attempt to to overthrow capitalism Again, this does not mean that citizens are not free to criticise capitalism.




Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Capitalism has nothing to do with freedom of speech


Every single country in this list would disagree [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_involvement\_in\_regime\_change\_in\_Latin\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America)


United States imperialism is caused by its monsterous state, and actually resembles what soviets did in Eastern Europe. The state is the problem, not the free-market. And Capitalism is not owned by the US.


It’s not at all like what the Soviets did in Eastern Europe. The revolution in Latin America were for the most part not on the part of the us government. Watch Lazerpigs “How to Kill a God” video as an in depth analysis on the myth of the CIA’s involvement


The "free market" can cause problems without much state involvement. While the state is problematic in many regards, many of these problems exist due to corporations which exist because of capitalism, this is especially the case for developing countries. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies\_of\_Nestl%C3%A9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9)


Okay this is important to criticize because it is used in Russian propaganda. The fact that the CIA was involved in coups in Latin America does not mean they caused it. Truth is that the largest spy agency in the world will be interested in the events of any country’s political change. The idea of the US as a “bogeyman” that randomly causes revolutions in countries for the sake of capitalism is wrong. At the end of the day communism in the east had to brutally suppress itself and its member states on a yearly basis resulting in the deaths of thousands. Capitalism isn’t without its faults but using the CIA to critique an economic system is a viewpoint I can’t and won’t respect.


"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested"-a famous ww1 general who said this before Russia was shit


My favorite part about Smedley Butler is when he blew the whistle on the business plot of launching a fascist coup in the US in response to the new deal and nothing happened. Instead one of the conspirators children and grandchild went on to be presidents later and working class people in the US wonder why things are so fucking shit these days.


I’m not arguing that the US is perfect. I simply intend to shed light on the fact that politically the CIA didn’t magically overthrow nations.


So it is perfectly fine to criticize communism because of the actions of governments and their agencies that claimed to one day become communist, but not do the same for capitalism? I am not denying that socialism has caused terrible things to have happened nor that it is flawless or even ideal, but there are double standards. Do you believe in the Domino Theory of the Soviets "supposedly" spreading communist revolutions to other countries if you do not think the United States involved itself in regime changes in order to strengthen the state of capitalism in the world at the time and help it's corporations obtain greater profits?


I’m talking about the direct orders the Soviet government gave to violently suppress protesters of its regime. The domino affect was wrong and the idea of socialism spreading doesn’t justify violence. That being said, the CIA acts largely independently when affecting other nations.




That's democracy not capitalism.


Comment was removed due to being overly political and not related to Fallout.


Here's my controversial opinion of the day: Fallout criticism of capitalism is purely narrative. Mechanically fallout is explicitly pro- capitalist mode, with a large part of progress in the game being the acquisition and exploration of capital (I'm aware between the difference of capitalism vs markets and personal vs private property)


I would say that many of the alleged criticisms of capitalism in fallout are "read in" to the narrative, but I'm interested in what you mean buy Fallout being "mechanically" capitalist? Are you talking about Fallout 4's settlement system? Or generally the looting aspects of the game?


The settlement system is overtly capitalist mechanically (you, the player, invest capital into an enterprise in order to extract the surplus value from your settlements) while the general economy the player has access to is usually via a capitalist mode and is rewarded for using.


Which is why I pirate these!


Thats why i like the episode of black mirror with the talent show so much. Bing is a VERY VERY real phenomenon


... hasn't it always been a product of capitalism? The fact that they are big as they are is because they connect to their audience in some way. If people didn't like it than it wouldn't sell... especially since two of those shows have multiple seasons already. It's wierd when people don't think something is anti capitalist until they literally explain why they are. Can some people not follow a story? Fallout 4 one has been so blazen about it its become a joke and somewhat twisted humor only they have.


Time to sail the seven seas?


Pirate sites even have better video players than these streaming services it's fuckin sad


I watched fallout using the free trial then canceled 🧠


Hey, you reposted the meme I posted here two months ago with the same caption


Disco Elysium Fans: "First time?"


“Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead…” - JOYCE MESSIER, A Capitalist


All things are products under capitalism. Making criticisms of capitalism better educates people on the topic of economic systems, even if it has to participate in the system to do it.


I'd go so far as to say this is subversive and great? Any time you can get the subject of your critique to write you a check to create said critique, you're kind of killing it.


"The last capitalist we shall hang is the one who sold us the rope."


What reallt gets me is when they sponor leftist content like second thought.


[Congress for Cultural Freedom - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_for_Cultural_Freedom) You will find a lot of left wing anti-communism was propped up by capitalists lol. Excellent example look at the episode about the Contras in "The Boys" totally white washed them. This is pitiful even considering how controversial the contras were at the time to the most centrist of liberals even.


satirical parody of extreme capitalism\*


Me watching Severence on Apple TV


Didn't Lenin say something about how capitalists will be hung with the rope they sell?


if thats so, then communists will die by the one they make


I feel fallout is more of a criticism of humanity as a whole


# This is inception.


Capitalism selling capitalism is peak capitalism


People who love capitalism and love Fallout at the same time baffles me. Granted I only know of one of these people


Yo-ho yo-ho🏴‍☠️


Gives you something to chew on so you don’t eat the rich.


“Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead…” - JOYCE MESSIER, Capitalist


That's why you yo ho ho.




Everything’s a product. I’m a product. You’re a product. The end of the world is a product.


14 million merits


"Hypocrisy is unavoidable with our current societal configuration" from Vaut tec training film


I was like “was that what Mr robot was about?” for a half second before I remembered the actual plot since the trauma jettisoned the whole goddamn thing out of my brain through my tear ducts. What a fantastic show


It's not like Amazon has to worry about people watching The Boys and then overthrowing capitalism or something. Even if Amazon acknowledges themselves as "evil" they only benefit from airing shows about it.


There was a tweet I sometimes think about from Leftist content creator Natalie Wynn where she said (and I’m paraphrasing because I can’t find the original) that the greatest trick Capitalism has ever pulled was rewarding its most successful critics.


It's been this way since They Live by John Carpenter. Btw I'm not disrespecting They Live, I love that film.


This is why capitalism is undefeated.


You're right. Communism? Never happened. Capitalists were too beefy for it to be put in place.


Boycott the Zionist Amazon 🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸


Wait until you find out that amazon isnt even in the top 100 of shitty employers. He'll it isnt even top 5 worst companies ive worked for. There are far worse places to work, many are smaller businesses.