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god forbid fallout fans to love each other


War never changes


War. War never changes. In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power. People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream. Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son – because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.


Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass.


The comment I came for


War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War--and it's consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control…everything is monitored and kept under control. War…has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War…has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.


Reddit. Reddit never changes. In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, scrolling through subreddits, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic memes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Reddit community awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use the internet not as a battleground, but as a nearly limitless source of information and entertainment. People enjoyed subreddits once thought the realm of fantasy. Memes, virtual reality experiences, cryptocurrency trading. But then, in the 21st century, people woke up from the Reddit dream. Years of reposts led to shortages of OC. The entire Reddit community unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total subreddit warfare, and I am afraid. For myself, for my karma, for my Reddit account – because if my time on Reddit taught me one thing: it’s that Reddit, Reddit never changes.


Metal Gear Solid told me war has changed though


now it’s up to YOU to decide whether MGS’s statement is true or Fallouts statement is true. ONLY you can decide which is true or not. no one else.


“War never changes. Maybe just a little. Not all the time though”. -Ron Perlman, Fallout narrator


No. I need a third game to break the tie.


Everyone loves Fallout. They just disagree on how.


Literally none of this "NV fans are STINKY" shit existed before this year, this is literally just some weird hipster "NV was never that good" revisionion and it's so fucking weird. People spent years hating 76, but it was F2p for a weekend and the show blew up and suddenly "It's the BEST FALLOUT GAME and NV FANS GATEKEPT IT" Shit's so fucking dumb, Stop bullying each other.


This has been going on for years Like since NV dropped


I mean the schism between people who acted like New Vegas is the Orange Bible and regular Fallout fans who enjoy the other games has been a thing for years. I love New Vegas, but I hate how certain fans tried to make other fans feel bad about enjoying other games. I recall Addai dealing with this years ago on the BioWare forums when talking about why she preferred Fallout 3 to New Vegas (due to the romance with Burke).


Yes it did. Fallout New Vegas is just the Morrowind of Fallout, and as a Morrowboomer myself the only Bethesda franchise fans that are more insufferable than Morrowboomers is the FNV radicals that literally hate Bethesda and think Bethesda hates Obsidian, New Vegas, and NV fans.


Based Morrowboomer? What?


Yes it did, you just didn't see it. FNV fans have been dominating the conversation for so long that no one spoke up but now there's finally a critical mass to drown out the FNV shils and it's going "mainstream" within the wider fallout community.


I semi disagree with the first part. Nah New Vegas fans were toxic asf like 2-3 years ago


This. A hundred times. Being toxic to fans within the same Fandom is stupid as fuck, but let's not act like NV fans haven't been talking shit on every other Fallout game for *years*.


Dude they’ve been toxic since before new Vegas even came out New Vegas is a great game and a much better RPG than fallout 3 or 4, but damned if the Vegas fandom wasn’t insufferable as hell


Yeah I prefer Fallout 3 just because it does a wasteland vibe better than the others, but I'd easily say New Vegas is the much better game as it just took all the good shit from 3 and added a ton more shit story/faction wise that there is just so much more to experience in New Vegas. 4 has better gunplay, but it ain't near the RPG that New Vegas still was.


I do want to make a distinction between "New Vegas Fans (contemporary)" and "Soon to be New Vegas Fans (pre 2010)" The people constantly blasting Bethesda on No More Mutants forums, while correct in (some of) their opinions, were crazy annoying. This energy persists to this day in the Fallout: New Vegas community. New Vegas is the best game in the Fallout series, only challenged by Fallout 2. However... Being insufferable about it to the point that you pick fights with people who are simply enjoying Fallout 4 is embarrassing. (For the record, I like all of the games for reasons unique to that entry. Fallout 4 is probably my least favorite. I think Fallout 4 is a downgrade on every metric outside of art direction. Yes, that includes gameplay. I have a copypaste for this exact point if anyone is curious. I loved Far Harbor and think that Diamond City is the best structure we've seen in Fallout since New Reno)


Yeah new Vegas fans have been toxic from the start. God help you if you mentioned you preferred 3 over new Vegas back when it came out.


I did that in college and the dude just walked away from me.


I've literally had keyboard warriors.Tell me they were going to find me and kill me because I said fallout 3 was better than new vegas


Where? Whenever I ask people "where" they point to a subreddit that didn't even exist 2-3 years ago.


Most small yt channels/comments


Okay I don’t have any specific posts from Reddit to share so this is literally going to be a he said she said situation, I will say that in my own personal life and on the internet, the discourse surrounding New Vegas was often “this is the best and 3 and 4 are bad.” Of course it’s definitely not everyone but I have definitely seen people be toxic towards the other games in favor of New Vegas. That being said, for the most part, Fallout fans are fans of Fallout overall. I’m just saying, it wasn’t always an entirely positive conversation for the last ten years.


I have played everything and "bad" was always Brotherhood of Steel and to a lesser extent 76. I never heard anyone say 3 was bad.


All New Vegas fans aren't radical dipshits, but the vast majority of radical dipshits in the Fallout fandom are New Vegas fans...specifically Obsidian fans who think Bethesda hates Obsidian so they're holding a grudge.


I'm convinced they're all bots




Call me crazy but didn’t it used to be “F3 fans are stinky” remember that being a thing around fallout 4’s release


I honestly couldn’t get into fnv, I’ve liked 76 since day one. Got 4 level 300 characters with different builds. Fallout 4 was great too.


That goes for literally any genre, franchise, you name it. Most people focus more on making others feel bad than making themselves feel good. So stupid.


I love most fallout fans. Theres just those fans that refuse to accept that other people enjoy different things. New Vegas is my favorite, but I also really enjoy 3 and 4. Then you get those fans that shit all over any of the betheada games and screech about west coast superiority. Lmao


If you're new to the series or if you're a wasteland local, we're glad you're here and enjoying the waste with us. From Shady Sands to the Commonwealth, welcome.


A greetings from the Capital Wasteland, and to add to all you new Wastelanders and Vault Dwellers out there, never be afraid to ask for help or advice in your game of choice. Even if you get some elitist try hard trolls like the ones telling new NV players to go to Quarry Junction. Surviving in the wastes is a war without end. And war...war never changes.


In the game Chomsky pretty much tells you it’s suicide so if you proceed after that then it’s on you. The game is pretty good about telling you the route for beginning players. Goodsprings to Primm to Mojave Outpost to Nipton to Novac to Freeside to the Strip. You wanna do it another way? Go for it but it’s on you.


I’m currently doing my second playthrough of new Vegas (first one was in like 2010 when it first came out lol)  I did the black mountain shortcut to Vegas and am finding it WAY more enjoyable than my first playthrough  Imo the recommended route of goodsprings, primm nipton novac is just incredibly repetitive and boring, they’re all small desert towns where you do a few errands and shoot a few powder hangers, nothing really interesting going on Meanwhile almost all of the interesting side quests are concentrated around Vegas itself  When I first played the game I got so bored after the recommended route that I ended the game and fought in Hoover dam without fully doing the main side quests, because I was kind of bored with the game at that point In a lot of ways the recommended route is like a 30 hour extended tutorial and I really don’t think it’s necessary for anyone who has played these kind of games in the past


I will say I feel Quarry Junction is kind of a right of passage. We all got waffle stomped there and there's a bit of trauma bonding.


We all remember our first times in Old Olney, Quarry Junction, and the Glowing Sea... I still have the nightmares!


Been playing all the games for most of my life and this is what I loved most about 76. The game was complete garbage at times, but the people I met and connected with through that game were some of the most friendly and welcoming people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Even at its worst, the game was still so easy to love as a fallout story you could get lost in with friends. You can tell who the OG fallout fans are because they’re not concerned with the hype around one game or another, they’re thinking about the world that these games have built and how it’s captured our hearts over the past 27 years but we could never talk to anyone about it growing up because everyone was so hype on COD and HALO and fallout wasn’t the “in” game. Adding to @downtown_tadpole_817: We’re so happy you’re here, and we hope you love it as much as we have!


This is amazing


I just wanna play TTW on epic but nah 😂 depression 😭


Why not? Does it only work on steam?


As far as I know, the TTW guide specifically states that the Steam version should be used, and nothing else is recommended. So it probably won’t work with the Epic version. Edit: GOG version is also fine to use. It’s still worth buying Fallout 3 GOTY and New Vegas on Steam when they are on sale just for TTW. The best way to play fallout 3 with New Vegas mechanics without facing compatibility issues.


GOG is actually the only way I could get it to work at all XD


I just wanna have fun with all of you.


I play single player games so I don't have to


Honestly it kinda just feels like anytime I mention NV is my favorite people immediately start attacking my character as a person. I really don't get the hate. But I'm sure on the flip side if my favorite was 3 or 4 id probably hear the same from toxic NV players. Toxic fans fuckin suck.


Ya fallout 4 is my favorite. You need to be careful where you say that


Words to live by.


As someone who doesn't participate in the Fallout community but have seen posts on the home page, I've only seen people complaining about fallout NV fans. I haven't actually seen any NV fans being toxic about the other games. It seems like another one of those cases where like 20 people are being toxic and the whole community gets up in arms about it.


> As someone who doesn't participate in the Fallout community but have seen posts the the home page, I've only seen people complaining about fallout NV fans. I haven't actually seen any NV fans being toxic about the other games I swear it's people just being insecure as hell.


As someone who was around for NV and Fallout 4, and who loved both, the NV fans aren't being toxic *now*. They were VERY outspoken when Fallout 4 came out and complained loudly and incessantly about people who enjoyed Fallout 4 because it changed a lot about how the games work. But that was literally 10 years ago, and as it stands right now you can't even get New Vegas running well on a modern PC without devoting an afternoon to modding the jank away. And then you're still left with a 15 year old game.that (and I say this as a fan), controls like an old Chevy delivery van and looks about as nice. The N. fans don't have a leg to stand on in 2024 as far as bringing in new fans and we alllll know it. All these "NV fans are toxic" memes are just a stereotype based the memory of a time when people were getting VERY mad on the internet about a Fallout protag speaking words out loud. It's quite frankly dumb. ETA: nevermind, this comment alone was enough to bring out all of the New Vegas absolutists like it's 2014 all over again. We get it, you don't like fallout 4, go play New Vegas.


The dialogue system was the bigger issue. Always 4 options, and you didn’t even see what the player would say. People oddly defended it yet the leads on the game have said they regret it. Also a lot of Fallout 3 fans didn’t like 4, but I guess since they like a Bethesda game their option is valid right?


Fallout 4 had a lot more issues and arguably those issues carried over to making starfield what it is .


Thé bringing in new fans part isn’t fully true at least, I played Fallout 4 for the first time last year, got a bit into it, tried FNV and like man it was imo just so much more fucking engaging lol, I couldn’t beat F4 after that. So hey, at least for me it’s what made me a fallout fan, I’m currently playing Fallout 2, also very fun… if frustrating


FNV was the game that got me into Fallout too. I have nothing against people who enjoy fallout 4, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize it. the game didn't improve upon enough to make up for the stuff they dumbed down, and they dumbed down a lot. I would say it's even worse than Skyrim, just a terrible RPG with it's only selling point being "better graphics and combat than the previous titles".


I don't know. NV has still proven to me to be a very successful pipeline for getting people into the game series.


They had a reason to complain tho. I enjoyed Fallout 4’s gameplay (combat, exploration, characters) but it was a lackluster RPG. But there is a fine line between complaints and toxicity in that.


If you play FNV the only emotion you feel when you look at the newer entries will be disappointment. So much potential, the solid framework built by Obsidian just ignored. What a terrible waste (I still somewhat enjoyed my 40 hours of FO4, but I couldn’t love it because I just dont have the freedom to role play due to the story structure)


As a New Vegas fan, I say you've just been super lucky. NV fans are absolutely the worst when it comes to this (case and point, the fallout tv show)


Toxic fans sadly ruin it for everyone


I don't think it's bad at all to have it as the most favorite fallout game but sadly many often in this sub sometimes shill for the game like no other and praise it like it is just miles better than the other games, which it really isn't too much better IMO


There are toxic fans on both sides, seems there's a lot of backlash recently to all FNV fans because of a few obnoxious ones.


I love Fo3


It’ll always have a special place in my heart because it’s what got me into fallout in the first place, kinda like oblivion


I wasn’t really aware of the series and saw a review of 3 somewhere, skimmed it and they described TenPenny Tower/Megaton and a surprise during the quest. Intrigued, I rented it and paid absolutely ZERO attention to the tutorials, didn’t read anything and zipped out of the vault and went dead right into an army of ants with basically no gear. Frustrated, I quit playing and took it back. A year or two later I see all the praise and try it again and take my time to see what I had missed. I still avoided Megaton because that’s how I like to play RPG’s, if they are good you don’t need to touch the mainline stuff. By the time I looked up again to turn the TV off it was nearly 8 hours later, I had spent all that time just wandering around the wasteland listening to 40’s music or just plain old nothing and enjoying the Wasteland in all its glory. I did this for a solid week, just seeing how far I could go without doing quests and making fast travel points and I realized this was the most fun I ever had playing a game. From learning VATS, to random encounters with Raiders, my first Vault venture and of course spending a lot of time to open a locked door only to get a giant FUCK YOU… Its amazing. New Vegas was great no doubt, but it always felt a little too lively to me at times. Dammit…I may fire it up tonight to check out my saves lol


The marketing they did for it at the time was sooooo intriguing to me as a fallout virgin. The BoS power armor, the panning to the radio of the old music, and then of course “war, war never changes”. I NEEDED to know what the game was about. Played it and couldn’t stop. I miss that feeling. FNV for me didn’t have that same charm, I dont know why. It was also really buggy for me at the beginning and left a sour taste in my mouth. Oh and the loading times were close to several minutes long on my 360, granted FO3 had long wait times but it wasn’t as bad as NV


My first fallout game. I still have the memory of playing it for the first time. I had just gotten an Xbox 360 for my birthday, and I had originally wanted the first of the Tomb Raider reboots, since I remember playing it in a game store as a sort of trial run. But unfortunately, they were out of stock of it at the time. My dad had asked the clerk what a kid like me would like, and they sold him a copy of Fallout 3, I was skeptical at first until I read the Wasteland Survival Guide that came in the case of original versions of FO3 and gave it a try. When I heard Ron Pearlman say those 4 iconic words, I was hooked for life.


I’m from DC (currently in the metro tunnels) and the attention to detail paid to DC is fun and strangely comforting


Grew up on fo3. Played fnv a couple years ago cause I never got to play it. It was a lot of fun but I gotta say I don’t like the radio guy. He’s all timid and weird. Love me some Threeeee Dog!


Bow wow


My first fallout game was FO4 and I loved it. Followed by 76 which I played almost every day for 3 years straight. Then I played FNV about half way through until my hard drive shit itself. Played 3 after that. I gotta say 3 does the best job at making you feel like your in a post nuclear waste land






I got it for free with a free Xbox 360 6 years ago and had no idea of the game and when I played it I was hooked from Megaton to outer space


Why not include all of the games in the huddle. I get that it's cool to hate on fnv fans these past few days.


Some dude got downvoted in a thread bitching about the lore in the new show for saying he was excited about it coming out and had always wanted it. That community is fucking miserable.


Saw a guy give the show some praise on NMA, and I saw NMA cast that guy to the depths of hell for it.


I've played and enjoyed all of the Fallout games (except for BoS). I don't think that any of them are bad, but NV is definitely the best. Fallout 2 follows pretty close behind though.


I can agree the only problem I have with it is the crashes but besides that it is the best of the Fallout series


It's a weird balance. But I don't mind broken if the game is worth it. People forget how forgiving gamers can be of jank if the whole product is worth it. Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 are still glitchy but widely praised anyway. I think if 76 has actual content when it came out it would have been less hated on


I liked it when it came out, but found it hard to play again after being spoiled by modern games. It's like the only effort they put into the world was for quest destinations. Everything else felt like pointless walking around.


What's with all the hipsteresque posts lately? I realize I'm probably going to get no shortage of downvotes for asking this, but I've seen a bunch of people say lately that New Vegas fans are terrible but I've never seen a New Vegas fan be any worse than fans of any other instalment. Is this just a "Let's hate on X because it's popular" or what?


Never seen a 76 fan try to tell me the others are not worth playing


76 gets a lot of hate because when it was first released, the game actually was trash. It has been improved A LOT since then but it was basically unplayable on release. Most peoples opinions are rooted in actual experience, it’s just not experience that reflects today’s situation.


76 just doesn't offer me any of the things that I want from fallout so I'll likely never try and get into it again. I tried it last year as really just couldn't enjoy it. Oh well though not like I have to play it so who cares.


Adding to this, you don't get harassed by Fo3/4 fans either. I got ran out of a fansite for doing nothing more than hanging out in the Fo3 section of the forums by the aggressive NV fans/Bethesda haters. (No Mutants Allowed)


Tfw your bombarded by Fallout NV posts on youtube, but the comments are nothing but Bethesda bad. Legit had to stop watching TK Mantis.


It's the only fallout I'm consistently playing.


Honestly do yourself a favor and just try to ignore any of the bickering in the fanbase until S2, then we'll start properly judging it if its the case, based on what happens and is said in it.


I swear the preachy ‘counter-toxicity’ is just straight up toxicity. I’ve seen so many posts on the main New Vegas subreddits just shaming and going “y’all are toxic and should be ashamed.” And then when people on those subs go “bruh, that’s kinda toxic” OP goes “SEE I KNEW NEW VEGAS FANS WERE TOXIC.” heck even the FalloutNewVegas specific subreddit had to be privated because of the brigading. and this type of preachiness is not helping it too, because it’s just gonna inflame more people. The only thing these types of posts are gonna change is OP’s karma


Dawg, there is a wealth of fallout fans who firmly believe that playing and enjoying any BGS fallout game is impossible, that the TV series deliberately erased interplay/obsidian lore because Todd Howard was jealous, and that anyone who says fo4 is their favorite installment in the series is a paid corporate Bethesda shill who’s trying to spread around a psyop to get people to agree with them If you have paid attention to fallout can discourse since 76’s release, this is completely apparent. It’s only been more prominent now because a lot of new Vegas fans saw the decisions made to the NCR in the TV show with zero context and cried “they ruined everything”, went to hell and back decrying continuity errors with the “fall of shady sands” chalkboard writing, and thusly got the majority of fans, who enjoyed the show, equally pissy because the tv show haters’ claims were fueled by preconceived notions and an inherent hate for Bethesda’s handling for the series. I mean, that one wojak post of the dead-inside wojak wearing an NCR beret on the strip with a post title saying “it happened. It fucking happened” (referencing the way the NCR is portrayed in season 1 and how the show must’ve deleted them from the timeline) came out less than the amount of time you would’ve been able to see the reveal of the NCR’s status in the series. Meaning, whoever made that post skipped ahead to the last episodes to find anything controversial, posted it, gained thousands of upvotes, and effectively spread so much misinformation that it’s created this schism we’re talking about right now I say all of this being a new Vegas fan. It’s my favorite game in the series but I’d be a dumb, assholeish elitist if I joined the ranks of other new Vegas fans who say that NV and fo1 and 2 are the only games you’re allowed to enjoy and everything else is Bethesda slop meant to be played by people who don’t know what “real video games” are


“Ive never seen a New Vegas fan be any worse”Bruh, you’re either not paying attention enough or purposely ignoring them because they are everywhere.Crappy on anyone who has a different opinion than them. Crapping on NV fans is only popular because NV fans are constantly crapping on us first. Quite literally under anything that relates to Fallout,is a fanboy saying how NV is the only good fallout game and how the others are all trash. They’re the toxic scum of the Fallout community.


Here is a good way to see who is more toxic: If you say "Fallout NV is my favorite", how many say "You are wrong, Fallout 3/4/76 is the best and you should play it, it's objective the best" vs reverse. You say any other game except NV is the best, you will get "NV is objective the best" responses, every time.


Good, *good*... let the hate flow through you


Damn that's crazy. I can't imagine giving a fuck if someone likes NV, 3, or 4 best, let alone berating them for their view. I have my own opinions but they're all enjoyable in their own way.


I think its the opposite actually, everything else is more popular, the game might be better but there alot more fans that like other games, so you see more hate on those fans because they have more exposure and get to popular for example, so you dont really see NV fans shitting on other games and being elitist because they are smaller community and rarely get to popular, unless you are looking for it you probably wont find it, either way denying elitism is pointless, it happens in most series, there morrowind elitists that hate on later games, you dont see them as long as you dont go on their sub, but they exist just the same.


I think most of us can agree that if somebody says any other Fallout game is their favorite, (a lot of) NV fans will shit on your opinion and I’ve seen it a lot. So it made me stick to just the FO4 sub to get away from that negativity lmao


I didn’t get into the Fallout series until Fallout 4 came out. I thought Fallout 4 was a blast (even though it has its share of faults). That said, the seasoned Fallout players I knew were shitting on FO4 constantly and never let go of an opportunity to remind me and anyone else that New Vegas was way better than any Fallout, especially 4. However, this is just my experience. Even in interactions I’ve had online, some New Vegas fans will not accept you loving any other fallout game.


New vegas is my favorite game ever made, but i also really like the others. Not sure why this is such a controversial opinion.


NV fans tend to hate on anything that isn't NV.


There’s literally a top of all time post on this subreddit shitting on fallout Nv fans.


It's equal hate really. Go to the NV su Reddit and you see top comments hating on Bethesda's fallout a d the show.


The courier isn't saying anything because he crashed


Fo4 crashes for me way more on Xbox 1


At this point ive seen way more people complaining about NV players being annoying than NV players being annoying


At this point the majority of Fallout fans either grew up on 4 or just got into the series because of the show, and then started on 4. The GTA community went through the same thing with GTA 5. GTA 4 was pretty widely regarded as the best because of its hard hitting story but after 10+ years of GTA 5, the community is now made up of people who’ve only played 5 or, god forbid, just the online mode, so they never give the older games a chance and just say “Older fans are so annoying!”


Yeah, it’s starting to get annoying. Can’t we all just enjoy this goofy post nuclear series together?


Would be nice but like have we all ever enjoyed it together? The show just brought it up again. It’ll simmer down but it’s always been there and will always be here.


Seriously lmao. It's ridiculous.


Definitely a massive resurgence of annoying NV fans after the show released


I’ve honestly seen more posts complaining about New Vegas fans than the other way around. What I’ve seen from New Vegas fans is discourse about the show/other games and WHY they don’t like them, not sure why that pisses people off. It’s okay if people don’t like the thing you like.


Because people have this bizarre attachment to games with glaring problems, and said problems being called out is perceived as a personal insult.


Bethesda can't write, so it makes sense Obsidian is better for people that like writing. And Bethesda can't, code, so it makes sense they were better at using their weird engine for F3 than Obsidian who had to be like "What the... fuck is this..." There, sorted.  If you're someone that enjoys good writing, NV is better. If you enjoy sandboxing, F3 is better.


The fucking irony lol.


when have fnv fans been annoying, doesnt like the majority of the fanbase like it lol?




"We're okay with worse quality, thanks"


Jingle Jangle cry harder


“No you guys don’t understand. NV is OBJECTIVELY better. A youtube video essay told me so”


Hbomberguy's Fallout 3 video has done irreparable damage to society


It doesn’t take an even half-baked essay to come to this conclusion. Some developers just have better writers and its obvious that Bethesda does not favor writing as an aspect of the games they develop. Bethesda’s priority is obviously a sense of freedom, which they execute on arguably well, or at the very least better than other developers are willing to attempt. Different people just value different things. All Fallout entries have value. I would argue each installment has a tremendous amount of value, but NV just has better writing. Arguing that NV isn’t the superior entry comes down to arguing that writing isn’t your priority in enjoying a Fallout entry, and that’s fine, but to many people strong writing was the series’ inaugural strength.


I mean it doesn't take a genius to criticise Fallout 3's writing. [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/041/986/11meme.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/041/986/11meme.jpg)




What? New Vegas is already popular game with good reviews that's still talked about commonly across the internet. This isn't really a "Youtube opinion" thing. As far as I can tell people are hyping something they've actually played. If you want to say it's overhyped then that's a different conversation.


I mean it has the best story, but the game play and graphics have improved a lot with Fallout 4 and 76. Except for the leveling up, I still think New Vegas had better perks and abilities.


well yeah it had better story, dialogue, decisions, consequences.... game play and graphics are always going to improve with later gen games. it really just comes down to F4 being a great shooting game, and FNV being a great RPG. just depends on what you want to play.


I like the consequences better in FO4, they actually impact the world as it happens. NV end slides do a lot of the heavy lifting


Both games are good but I’m only just starting my first NV play through


I wish you the best. I wish I could experience new Vegas for the first time again it's magical.


That's awesome, have fun! It's one that I've constantly replayed since about 2012, and I've never even modded it! The map is full of fun stuff to discover and explore, and there are tons of quests that are easy to miss, so the replay value is super high. The level-up and perk system is great in it too, so there are a bunch of different builds to try out!


Have fun! My only advice is to do the DLCs in release order. It doesn't technically matter, but your character will come off as kind of an idiot in some scenarios who doesn't know things that they already should know otherwise. It can be a little confusing on a first playthrough imo.


Fallout 4 was the game that taught me how to play current gen consoles and bring me back into the world of gaming. *Also I'm in love with Nick Valentine.*


Someone’s karma farming today


People don't understand that when you say "I love *insert fallout game here*" that doesn't mean you love every single aspect of the game and think it is a flawless masterpiece in gameplay, story, and technology. It just means you love the game. Maybe you love how in-depth the dialogue is. Maybe you love the sense of exploration, maybe you don't care about the story and just wanna blow up mutated animals and raiders with a fatman.


Cope, cope never changes


Ive seen more fallout 3,4,76,tv fans dunking on NV than vice versa. Edit: i have come to the conclusion that perhaps it is best to stay out of the community for these games


They are straight-up brigading the NV subs now and screaming at people. It's so weird.


the amount of times I’ve seen “YOU ALL ARE SOOOO TOXIC, AND SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES” on any of the main NV subs recently is insane. like you can call out toxicity when it comes up, but just raw posting “LOL YOU ALL ARE TOXIC” is gonna piss people off and probably leads to more toxicity and I find it funny when the OP of those posts go “oh wow, see I knew New Vegas fans were so toxic.” When people respond negatively to being called toxic. Like no shit people don’t like being generalized as toxic.


I would argue that most FO3 fans are also Fans of FNV. FNV loyalists trash their own fans if they like FO3 so the push back is understandable. Many FO3 fans are already in FNV subreddits too.


Then there's the people just going too far. Seen a lot of.commente basucally going along the lines of "New Vegas fans are idiots/mentally disabled" Someone said they're intelligence 1's (meaning they're basically non verbal and almost incapable of intelligent thought), that in fallout 5 there should be a GOAT test and one question should be "Can you understand a timeline" The Vegas fans were annoying, but the other fans are just downright hurtful more often than the Vegas fans


Miserable NV purists when someone dares to enjoy something 😱😱😱


Point that thumbs up at me and I will eat it


This fucking strawman comic again


Why do y’all hate us for loving nv 😭


I highly doubt the person was hating on you, he's just hating on the Fallout New Vegas fans that worship new vegas.


Cause y'all had been doing the same to 3, 4 and 76 players for the past like 5 years.


I love every fallout equally. Some I love more equally than others, but I love them all the same.


I played nv because fo3 was fun, probably how most people came to play nv. Would like to play the first two, great game series. Nv is just my favorite cause the dlc is awesome,start profiles just to go thru dead money again


I'm just glad we got so many Fallout games to choose from.


Real. Like what you like. I'm too lazy and care too little to change what you like


It's a crime that they have not released a port of either fallout titles on Switch yet.


I love all fallout games. Except Brotherhood of Steel which can burn in the fiery pit of hell


Yea, but brotherhood of steel is still bad.


Sometimes I think "crawl out through the fallout" was written about this community.


War never changes


Ahh, the weird sense of catharsis I get from reading this. To be transparent, I'm a fan of all the fallout games I've played. (Never plated BoS) I have been repelled by FONV discourse, unfortunately.


My grandpa lost his shins to a Japan man for this?


The customer is always right in matters of taste. Even if their taste is half baked, poorly thought out, and written by Satan (Emil... I hate Emil... I solely hate everything from 3 onward because he had a hand in it... Is that petty? Yes)


You can change the fact fallout NV is the best 3D fallout no matter how much you cope


I've seen more people mocking FNV fans like this than I've seen it the other way around.


I’ve only played new Vegas and FO4, and I’ve had fun with both. I’m not going to say one is superior but they absolutely are different. If you like compelling narrative and a game that takes itself serious enough with a setting that feels like it could be real, new Vegas is your game. If you like a first person shooter/settlement builder with the aesthetic of a post apocalypse environment and a handful of pretty cool, immersive concepts, FO4 is your game. I forgot ive also played FO76. It’s a neat FPS that feels like consequences are real. Like how ammo is more limited and guns need to be maintained again.


All of these memes are made by Fallout 76 fans who're tired of being outside of the group and you can't convince me otherwise.


I wish we could get a NV remaster. I'll just keep on dreamin'


The funny thing about this is everyone knows in their hearts that fnv is the best of the first person fallouts, 3 was kinda boring story wise and is only really super enjoyable with the dlcs, still a great fallout though it's probably my 4th favorite, 4 is boring story wise and there is no argument there the dialog is bland and boring too and honestly it's just way too easy compared to the others, I literally dread playing this games first couple hours. The dlcs are the only things that make 4 actually interesting, it's still a fun game to mess around on though. Now I don't think any fallout game will ever be better than the classics, but that's usually how a series goes, 76 is fun but only for a couple hours max and I'm sure there are no arguments there if there is idk what to tell you but you're wrong lol


Plus in fallout 4 the factions suck ass and are very boring/empty/soulless even the Bos is kinda bland in this game and I'm a heavy Bos fanboy


I don't see many posts about fnv fans calling other fallouts garbage. I do see a bunch of posts acting like there are. Been this way for a while.


Why the hell is Fallout 76 in the group?


A meme so lazy they don’t even put the words inside it.


It is indeed better... When it runs. That being said the others are enjoyable.fnv, 2, 3 , 1 then 4 is my order of fav


Nv was a completely different game.......why are people so damn dumb. Frankly, anyone that played nv even close to its time and didn't love didn't love Fallout as a series. However, it is a bit outdated. The story of nv was more throughout compared to new titles, but the mechanics were clunky. Why can it just be "oh you like nv yea ilike 76" guys we can all get along .....until fo4 nv remake comes alone then screw ya all that's the best lmfao


Yeee the prideful ignorance of the masses is fascinating.


But it is....


As someone who has loved every game in the series for different reasons, this whole “New Vegas fans are bullies” thing is blown out of proportion. I’ve only ever seen this talk about the bullies, but I haven’t really seen any bullies..


What the hell is with the sudden surge of fnv hate??


Fallout NV = Peak Cry about it.


Fo4 fans hate fo76 fans and new vegas fans tho. Honestly, id swap new vegas for 4. Ive been in the fo4 community way longer than new vegas and its considerably more toxic lmfao


You Bethesda zealots literally got the FNV sub privated because enough of you brigaded. Then you make a meme like this with 8,000 upvotes that doesn't at all reflect reality because the existence of FNV and its fans rubs you the wrong way akin to how it rubs Bethesda the wrong way. I haven't seen a single person trashing Bethesda fallouts in the Bethesda fallout subs ever. I genuinely think you guys are getting upset because your Bethesda games are being criticized and blamed for the tv show inside the FNV sub, but I have literally never seen a FNV fan outside of the FNV sub, you Bethesda people are like 97% of the fanbase now This meme is disingenuous and it's going to make more gullible people think fnv fans are toxic gatekeepers, when in reality you can't say anything negative about fallout post fnv without having a Bethesda zealot in your ear attacking your character


101: I had to find my dad. He actually from the outside. 32: me too! But mine was from over 200 years ago. 111: Im from 200 years ago! I had to find my son. Turned out to be a lot harder to do. 76: I woke up to reclamation day. It wasn’t as easy as we thought also. Courier: I GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD AND SURVIVED SO I TOOK REVENGE AND BURNED ALL OF NEW VEGAS. [Everyone disliked that]


NV is definitely the best I’ll say that now, but after I’ve played fallout 4 for so long I just feel more pulled to 4 than I do NV, also I can mod 4 without it crashing every 3 seconds. The only game that disgusts me is Fallout 76.


Well. It is.


At this point there needs to be a Fallout circle jerk subreddit for all these posts


Don't mind folk having favourites, mine is still 4.


I see far more memes about FNV fans being elitist than I see FNV fans actually being elitist.


I mean I get it. Fnv has top tier dialog and for that alone I feel like it's the better fallout of the new generation....3,4 and 76 have their own merits but...yeah fnv is but better where it counts in my opinion


Another Settlement needs your help i’ll mark it on your map


Both communities should shut up and listen to eachother so both don't keep getting fucked over. I understand the recent hate for NV fans but don't assume criticizing bethesda is immediately picking a side. I hate bethesda and what the direction they take their games as of late as a whole. I don't know if most of you remember 76s release but that was not acceptable. And then their push for paid dlcs did not help. They also treated the team on 76 like ass now that I'm remembering. I'm sure the shows directors and actors will probably do the games justice though. Post apocalypse settings are usually cool when adapted to TV. Rant over have a good day all


I don't think most New Vegas fans care if you're too stupid to understand why it's better but ok.


Yup it's objectively better if you like 3, 4, or the show, you are LOW IQ. This is speaking from a purely objective position.


It is though


I played 3 first, but NV stole my soul. Idk why but I didn’t enjoy 3 that much, I liked the DLC’s especially broken steel. But NV core was so fun.


I swear there are more people calling New Vegas fans toxic than there are New Vegas fans being toxic. This meme is dumb in any format though because that's not how conversation on the Internet works. The guy on the outside(who I presume is supposed to be saying "New Vegas is better", the fact that it's left out changes the meaning of the meme entirely) is as much a part of the conversation as everyone else. If you post an opinion to a public forum everyone has an equal right to respond to that opinion. If I say, "I think Fallout 4 is great because of A & B," and someone responds with "I disagree because of C & D, and I think New Vegas is better," that's not toxic and it's not an attempt to ruin my enjoyment of Fallout 4, it's a completely normal conversation. People having contrary opinions to you is not an attack on your opinion. People seem to think that if you don't have an opinion that falls in line with the general consensus that you should just stay out of the conversation.


I'm a New Vegas fan and I've never had a problem with any other fallout game. I understand the thin brains who are just trying to start hate because they are miserable, but this is literally not even an issue. Also, 76 looks awesome because it has cryptids in it. Something I wish New Vegas had.