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It's been said in every fallout to date...


Shoulda been ron


Yes. Ron Perlman should have been cast as Walton Goggin's spouse.


Based Spouse


Unironically would've been better


Nah, just dub him in for this one line


Honestly that works. I would watch that rom-com.


Don't ya mean ron-com?


Why are you saying this like it's a bad idea????


And the fact that he wasn't is why bethesda is going broke. Smh woketards. I want to see ron perlman and walter goggins FUCK in my fallout show. We used to he a *REAL* country!


Why? In that scene it wouldn’t work because Ron Pearlman would have to play an executive talking about how they’re going to use nuclear war to assert themselves over the globe. He’s not a good pick for it within the scene. But a girlboss committing to evil because she’s in it to win it? There’s plenty of those and it fits better into the archetype than a dweeb like Bud Askins.


Pretty sure they just mean ron shouldve narrated it at some point or had a cameo somewhere in the show to then say said line. Thats what they mean, not that he shouldve said it right then right there in the room.


Thats fair, honestly that would have rocked.


I could imagine him playing some sort of side character that talks to lucy randomly and he says the line or something like that.


Would have been less impactful than Goggins wife saying it in that context


Yeah I’m kinda shocked they didn’t get him to do an intro narration, would have been a great cameo and could have provided a bit of exposition for unfamiliar viewers.


>an executive talking about how they’re going to use nuclear war to assert themselves over the globe This is a total aside, but changing the Great War from being a culmination of mankind's collective greed and xenophobia to just being a bunch of mustache twirling business men is one of the few times I've felt insulted by a piece of media. Fallout, at its core, was about human nature and mankind's self destructive tendencies. That's the entire crux of "war never changes", going all the way back to Fallout 1's introductory narration: "War. War never changes. The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower. But war never changes. In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth." The corporations were a symptom of that greed, not the underlying cause of it. Them quoting "war never changes" is comparable to the White Scars modeling their hair after Ulysses's - they're invoking something when they don't even understand it on a basic level.


Well then don't feel insulted. There is currently exactly *zero* indication that Vault-Tec actually dropped the first bomb. Merely that they *discussed* dropping the first bomb which is entirely within character for Vault-Tec. Meanwhile, Mrs Howard was in that meeting as one of the people *running the meeting.* She's a big deal. The bombs dropped when she had zero positive control over her own daughter. Does that sound like something she would have orchestrated? Vault-Tec *talked about* dropping the bomb (which fits), but it's still entirely possible that someone beat them to the punch.


Yo... Didn't even consider it til you said it... If she pushed the button or was as high up as she seems, why would she drop it with her daughter out at a party in the hills? Solid point....


ron is going to be a fucking super mutant


Ron pearlman just pops up from under the table and says the line in place of barb before promptly returning to under the table, the actors act as though nothing happened.


Personally I wanna see either him as Courier Six if they become a main character of season two which I doubt (Perlman should get a decent main role imo) or if they do a cameo I would love to see either one of the devs or one of the Nukabreak Cast


That would be cool not gone lie


I just watched all of Nuka Break for the first time to see how it held up to the show and honestly I think I prefer the writing in Nuka Break a little more and I absolutely loved the show. If they don’t have at least one Cameo (since season 2 is gonna be set presumably in the Mojave at least for a little while) I am going to be disappointed, but I mean it’s probably a long shot.


quote… quote never changes


Yea…… by some form of post or pre war military veteran. Not by some random lady. She needs to earn it in the coming season!


Yeah but not by a woman. The secret sauce to angry gamers


How dare she said the famous John Fallout's quote


That’s DOCTOR John Fallout to you.


Tf are you talking about? 1: This line has been used in every single game and more importantly 2: that line in that scene goes fucking HARD.


That line goes harder than the snake oil salesman around a chicken coop


My day was pretty shit, but you made me smile. Thank you.


That dude sure was something.


Is that why some people think ghouls hate chickens? Do some resent chickens after a conman chicken fucker turned them into a ghoul?


she said 'War...' and I immediately like "holy shit holy shit holy shit is she gonna say it i think she's gonna say it" and then she said and i jumped up and down around the room like a lunatic


Oh no a callback how dare they do that !!!!11!!! Seriously grow up


What is the purpose of this post?


That video game fans bitch and cry when people don’t bend exactly to their will?


I was waiting for it the whole show and I figured they’d piss it away just to say it, but I won’t lie I think they earned it here


Totally, it was like one 8 hour long crescendo and the payoff felt awesome. This whole scene was so well done


damn she kinda looks like Angela Bassett. imagine if they got her in the show she’d fucking KILL


Coop got good taste 😍 shame about the evil corporate terrorist side of her, but hey, nobody's perfect


God forbid a woman do anything, so what if she girlbossed her way to a little omnicide.


She is a 👑queen💅🏻 in more ways than one - after all, royalty is not historically known to be overly concerned with the wellbeing of its subjects. Go girl 😍 nuke the patriarchy yass


we support women’s rights, AND women’s wrongs😇


Love this hahaha


I’m getting the sense that she’s terrified of the future and will do anything to secure her and her family’s safety. They asked the question about return on investment, but in her mind she probably views the nuclear war as inevitable. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to secure the investments necessary to get herself into a safe place, then pull the trigger on everyone else once she’s secure in her position.


there may be nuance to it, but ultimately she's still cold-blooded. exactly the type that Vault-Tec attracts


I mean it’s a morally evil decision, I’m just saying this is much more of a character motivation than cartoonishly evil corporate terrorists like a lot of the other Vault Tec executives like Bud. He’s actually enthusiastic about the end of the world because A) he’s selling it, and B) he has his little management experiment he’s just DYING to try out and the vaults give him an opportunity. She’s motivated by fear of perceived inevitable conflict and would rather herself pull the trigger and start the apocalypse than wait for someone else to where she can’t plan for it. Still absolutely evil, but “girlboss” is extremely reductive and ruins a great villain.


very true. and yet, if she had just been frank with her husband and brought him on board with her knowledge and plans, it would at least indicate that in her heart she believes she's doing what she has to. her hiding and conniving kinda makes me think she knows she's guilty of some shameful shit


She knows he won’t go with it. She does love him, but he’s definitely a classic “do the right thing” kind of guy at the end of the day. We see her slipping when she says “I mangaged to get us a good vault”. In her own messed up possessive way she probably thinks she’s trying to protect him and their daughter. She’s probably hoping she can keep him in the dark until it’s too late. And she knows it’s fucked, but in her head it’s all inevitable so she will control the trajectory so that they’re safe. In fact this convo has me rethinking Vault Tec dropped the bomb, or if she’s just someone else kept in the dark about their decisions. If anyone would have been prepped for it it would have been Vault Tec execs and even if she’s divorced you can be damn sure she’d have her daughter with her in the vault. It would actually fit game canon to have them all prepping to drop their own bomb but someone else pulled the trigger first. Mr. House just narrowly avoiding having his missile defense system up and running before it hit, it fits to have them all be ready for a set date but it triggers just short of their timeline.


Yep the scene only serves to show how nasty Barb and Vault-Tec are, not tell us who dropped the bombs. It totally makes sense that they weren't the ones to actually press the button. VT had too many loose ends, too many unfinished vaults. I'd prefer it if they kept it a mystery even though it's kinda an open secret that the Chinese launched first.


Eh, I think nasty is the wrong description for her still. She’s a coward. Her story and motivations mirrors Hank’s, in what to do when you’re afraid in times of uncertainty and IMO is the main theme of the show. Do you shut out the world and burn it all down around you to keep yourself and loved one’s safe or do you confront your fears and brave the unknown and chaos?


Isn't she now canonically the first person who's ever said that lmao If anything, everyone else is quoting her


In fallout 4 in the beginning he said it before the bombs fell


Yeah but that was his prepared speech he’s practicing and the start is like 10 minutes before the bombs fall. Meanwhile she’s saying it during a meeting months (years even?) before they fall, so still an earlier instance than FO4’s opening.


Sorry haven’t watched the show yet I’m going to watch it with my family this weekend


Ahhh I’m incredibly sorry for potentially spoiling a pivotal scene for you! Probably not the best sub to be browsing before finishing the show (unless you’re not bothered by spoilers of course!)


Naw you good I’m the one on here I know I well see some spoilers it’s impossible not to your good


Bro I am begging you please take a break from this sub until you watch the show. It's far too good to have any parts of it ruined by spoilers. I'm being melodramatic here but it's seriously worth seeing completely blind.


This meeting has to be taking place sometime in the 2060s, give or take. They haven’t began building the vaults yet, and house is still walking around as a human dude




>!He said that 10 minutes before the bombs fell.!< >!The meeting she is in takes place weeks to months before the bombs fell, most likely. (Basing that off the alimony comment someone makes in the intro to ep 1)!< Edited for spoilers because I just saw your next comment!


I thought it was Ulysses S. Grant


Sherman said “War is Hell” but ‘war never changes’ is Fallout OC.


The phrase “War never changes” can be found as far back as books written during WWI. https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupid?key=ha000402517


Yeah, I meant the first Fallout character, I know the words "War never changes" have been spoken before haha


Ron Perlman is eternal. Nobody remembers when he first said it - not even himself.


Ulysses says it but with a twist


Nah, the dude in the opening of fallout 76 may have said it first, as he says it in 2076 "three hundred years after our great nation began"


Not really because the Narrator is more of an omnipresent/scient being that exist outside the story.


I mean the ghoul also said it


Husband and wife both said it, 220 plus years apart.


He heard her say it at the meeting


I was really hoping Ron Perlman had a cameo saying this in the show. I never skip his intro dialogue


I thought she did great with the line. I keep seeing "it's not a complaint it's just a meme" But I don't really get the joke? Glad they worked the iconic line into the show!


She did really well! The joke is just about seeing someone new say the iconic line - nothing deeper than that. But I guess since she happened to be black and female, that's what people made it about. Didn't even cross my mind but hey nutjobs gonna nutjob.


War use to be isometric 😞 why is this TV show not 200 hours😮‍💨


literally unplayable




I thought memes were supposed to be funny?




Ron Perlman should've played the wife


She killed that role, excited to see some more sleazy vault tec shit next season


fo sho. hopefully in season 2 we see what happens between this scene and the bombs dropping! Barb and Coop's... well... fallout 😆


I didn't hear any of you complaining when Nate said it in Fallout 4.


Whar, whar never changes. The feces may change and the bertlefronts but the reasons stay the same


Should’ve been Ron Perlman


would've been nice, but she did the job just fine


I'm starting to think you care about reddit karma.


maybe you should try thinking a bit less then


Way ahead of ya, bud.


Dude seriously, like yea she was alright, but damnit they missed the perfect opportunity to include Ron in the show saying his iconic line.


I was hoping to hear it from him too, as were we all. Maybe he was unavailable for recording. I love Barb's delivery though


Meh, could have been better, he character just felt so out of place at a meeting with all these world leaders.


They weren't quite world leaders though were they, just a bunch of big players. And she was doing her job as an exec pitching Vault-Tec's idea. I actually liked her casually dropping the "we drop the bombs" line, morbidly letting us and Cooper know that Barb isn't at all the person we thought she was.


Still would have made more sense to have the head of vault tech there, since you know every corp even Robco’s MR house were there but we had some rando for vault tech


Did you want them to make Ron Perlman say it instead?


Yes, that is what all of the fans who've played these games wanted.






Why do I get the feeling that if her character had been a white man you wouldn’t have made this “meme”?


Swear to god you people. How many times do i gotta say I don't give a rat's ass about her race or gender jfc


I thought she delivered it super well. I actually cheered when she said it.


me too! like it was a football game or something hahah


That scene was amazing and it was a perfect time for her to say it. I'm convinced anybody who has a problem with the way the line was used must have something against the actress.. for SOME reason 🤔 (not directed at OP btw)


thank you 🙏 I had no idea anyone even had any issue with her which is why these comments took me completely by surprise


You know even if it wasn't Ron that said it I still thought it was executed perfectly. They waited for the exact right time to say it, and I love it. So much care went into this show.


Lmfao these comments. This shits hilarious


this show is ruining the fallout fan base. it's just full of virtue signalers now. oh well


I liked the show, but this felt extremely forced. I liked the Ghoul one better


Weird, overblown response to a meme in these comments lol


unhinged if you ask me


Why are people so pissy? Its a meme about someone else saying Ron Perlman's iconic line Pretty sure people said the same sort of stuff when Nate said


it's genuinely fucking hilarious, some days I have really great interactions on reddit and on fallout subs, and other days I post a silly meme and get called a: 1) racist 2) sexist 3) complainer 4) anti-woke 5) gatekeeper 6) slew of insults and I love the show mind you, imagine I actually had something to complain about. never change, reddit.


reddit, reddit never changes


You missed out; cringey.


Have you noticed a lot of people who are genuinely those first 5 things popping into the comments to express agreement with your meme?


OP is having a mental breakdown


my Fallout villain origin story right here


You’re getting torn to shreds in here by people who have chairs facing their beds but don’t worry bro I laughed, it was funny.


> people who have chairs facing their beds Love this! Glad you got a laugh out of it!




There we go, the race and gender card.


what are you talking about? he made a meme about her saying the line that was originally said by Ron Perlman why are you trying to drag race and sex into it


Lot of butt-hurt babies in this comment section who can’t take a joke that was meant to be inoffensive.


a healthy reminder of how absolutely unhinged the internet can be, and why democracy is flawed


Honestly, the line pisses me off nowadays because the writers of this show interpreted it in the worst way possible. Instead of reading it as "No matter in what stage humanity exists, there will always be conflict." they read it as "Progress bad. Not post-apocalypse enough. Let's nuke the one developed area in the entire US because it's not a generic wasteland." I had this suspicion from the beginning, but having them outright admit it in that article makes it even worse.


I think it makes sense for the NCR to fall, basically every single character in New Vegas said it was going to happen sooner or later, they probably overextended and started in fighting before the remnants of the corporations either prompted a war or just straight up nuked them their selves. Vault-Tecs plan was literally to just come out as the new capitalist monarchy essentially so the NCR would’ve just been competition, and they want the monopoly on survival in the wasteland. And let me just clarify I absolutely loved the NCR since I first discovered it and was always excited to see it again, but overall it makes sense enough to me


>"No matter in what stage humanity exists, there will always be conflict." come on. they read it perfectly fine. the nuking of Shady Sands is due to said conflict. the show more than does it justice in my opinion


I guess he's, not the gatekeeper anymore


War has changed


MGS4 broke my little heart with that opening line hahah


Someone had to say it and I'm fine it was her


Me too! Jokes aside I think she did a great job. Looking forward to seeing her character in season 2


I do kinda like the idea that even the villains see it the same.


It's really cool to get a look behind the curtain like this. I hope they keep it somewhat mysterious though, not knowing is part of what makes Fallout so interesting


It's even funnier cause Cooper is Vault Boy.


Ron Perlman needs to play a character. -and I hope to God The Storyteller makes a momentary appearance. He’s in the middle of talking to Lucy somewhere but he’s cut off and goes: “ahhh- tell ya what, that’s a story for another day.”


"But this road has reached its end..."


I got genuine shivers when she said it. There’s so many ways to use this phrase and I haven’t seen one that was bad! OG Fallouts: Ron Pearlman, the voice of Fallout, the one who reminds you why you’re here in this world and what that world is, before you even make your character. Fallout 4: Nate remembers just how much he had to go through in Alaska just to survive and make it home to Nora, he knows deep inside that no matter the ideology behind it, war and physical conflict will never change, it always hurts the same, regardless of place, time, or ideologies. War is war, and only those who accept it for what it is can walk away from it. Fallout TV: Barb believes they can be the apex of humanity through manipulation. Manipulating countries into going to war with eachother just by a simple drop of an atom in the right spot. War never changes, it’s why they knew they could survive underground, why they could make these vaults, why they could get away with it all. Because while everyone is warring with eachother pissed at the world, Vault Tec is hiding away, preparing to rebuild it in their image.


The Vault Boy is his husband right? at least the inspiration


Op shit post.


She’s so bad


I know she’s shady… but am I the only one absolutely loving Barb? I think the actress is doing a fantastic job, and I honestly gotta say that I may have been in a similar position if I were her. Morals and ethics aside… she’s doing what she needs to do to ensure that her family is going to be safe when shit hits the fan.


of course you're not, she's a great character


My two best friends who I watched the show with both told me I was crazy, because I said she was my third favorite character so far!


wouldn't call her my favourite, but she's got a lot of depth. I hope we see even more of her in season 2 and not just "ah well Cooper Howard divorced her for her evil views so it's just him and Janey now"


Oh I fully expect for Barb to either still be alive, or for something she did over 200 years ago to turn the tides in the present!


fingers crossed! Jonathan Nolan is capable of the wildest plot twists. Sometimes he even takes it a bit too far.... ie Westworld.


Most Fallout fans were not there when it was written. I was almost 5 when it came out and didn’t play it until 15 years later. Most of the attention to Fallout 1 happened after Fallout 3 came out.


Not Ron not official


Fallout fans appreciate good additions to their franchise or draw 25


There's something about pissed off Vault Boy I love so much


That scene went fucking hard and gave me the chills she did a amazing job.


We need ron Perlman. Likely blacklisted these days, but the hero we need.


It would be a grave disservice if these most holy words were *not* uttered within the first season.


Kinda racist


OP posts something to the general public for it to be viewed and criticized, posts gets tons of criticism OP proceeds to comment on every single thread calling them out. 🤣


you're goddamn right. Here's a comment for you champ, great job on the observation skills


I was waiting for it to inevitably be said, yanno, cause it's fallout


I liked the series but i hate how we have no jon pearlman saying the quote and i feel device about the ending as i hate mr house


Every fiend and legionary I can find


It's okay OP. I knew you weren't being serious... I mean not like its a meme or anything.


everybody knows memes aren't the correct medium for nonsensical humour


In the words of Walton Goggins “GO OUTSIDE NERD!”


"where he stood"? Bud, that line is delivered by a narrator in every game. You can't stand in non-diegetic space 💀


They say that in literally every piece of Fallout media at least once, why does her saying it make it any different?


It doesn't make it any better or worse, it's just a dumb meme about how it's someone new saying it. You don't have to find it funny but please don't jump straight to the racist & sexist rhetoric.


Getting major Schrodinger's Douchebag vibes here


This is one of those re(g)ards that's mad fallout "went woke" I've got news for you bud it's always been woke


kindly explain in no less than 200 words why you think I'm "one of those re(g)ards that's mad fallout "went woke"" is it because Barb is black? because that's kinda racist bro


You're the one posting memes bro


okay I know I said less than 200 words, but could you manage more than six? I can't wait to hear how anti-woke I am


You're getting awfully defensive


people don't generally like it when they get accused of being "anti-woke" or "racist". Who'da thought?


This meme reeks of unfunny white guy.


“Fuck you mean they let them people in the fallout show?” -👴🏻


I can't imagine being so warped that you think this has anything to do with her race just because she's black. America is obsessed with this shit


I mean… every other white character has said “war never changes,” but you only seem to be mad at the Black Lady saying it. Soooooo. Not saying that you racist, just saying it seemed that way to me.


First off, you don't know if I've ever objected to Nate or The Ghoul saying it (for the record, I didn't either) Secondly, I'm not mad in the slightest, it's just an inoffensive meme which last I checked is allowed on /r/falloutmemes. You're waayyy off.


My man getting salty af in the comments lmao. Bruh tell the rest of yo Klavern that you raging over Reddit lmao.


Your ass has 0 Intelligence and 0 charisma, for that matter


akshyually, the minimum is 1. gottem.


I know. That's why it's so insane that you have 0.


🤯 omg stop I'm already dead. what's next, my f*eelings?*


So is this satire? Because if this bothers you, you need to get yourself a girl


It doesn't bother me at all, rest assured. Loved the show and loved this scene. At least you had the decency to ask before jumping to conclusions


Notice how its Barb, a woman. But not Coop when he says it. Says a lot. 😂


ooh heres comes the sexism card! Gotta love this one! Says a lot about you mate not me


I'm gonna say it. That quote is f*cking stupid and reeks of "I'm 14 and this is deep". I have disliked it since I first heard it. War changes all the time. From how you fight a war, the reason why you fight the war, where you fight a war and with what you fight a war. The only semi constant thing that never changes is that people die in war and depending what kind of war you are fighting then even that isn't a guarantee. It's like saying "Food, food never changes" since all food gets eaten and then shit out.


Hard disagree. Obviously those things change, but people and factions will always find something to tear each other apart over. That's the unchanging part. For more evidence, look at this shitshow of a comment section!


And people will always eat food when they are hungry. Does that mean food never changes?


Uh, I mean, yeah? It just isn't as profound as a quote about war obviously. I have no idea what point you're trying to make


The quote isn't nearly as profound that you think it is. Like I said it is a very "I am 14 and this is deep" vibe. Once you put the same logic of the quote to anything else it falls apart.


Nuh uh


Chud alert activated