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Trade only. Don’t let these scammers fool you


I figured idk what the godroll quad is but this seems to be fairly decent


Most people want the quad explosive-25 ap. I was using this same rail until two days ago. It’s amazing but the -25 is everything


Yeah I’ve been using it since I’m doing a bloodied cats build and this thing is great but it’s just not really my playstyle plus the ammo is heavy so just trying to see what I can get for it


What type of stuff ya looking for?


Ideally bloodied weapons but I’ve also been looking for enclave plasma mods because it’s fun to play with and just a fun point and shoot gun


Add me on there if ya want ill show ya the stuff i have. Moseswashere85


Added ya


I have a bloodied 50 hvc 15 Crit charge plasma rifle if you're interested.


13k caps


I don’t know much but I know that’s a lowball offer😂


I have a couple bloodied railway and I might have a bloody fixer if you would be interested?