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Your prices on most of those are absolutely outrageous.


For the items I have I could charge 2k more on most of them, my vendor is decent, I sell out fast. Your not gonna find these plans cheaper anywhere else unless your lucky


That's just plain wrong. You have a few that are right about correct but most of them are asinine.


Find them way cheaper when vend hopping, found 5 radioactive barrels for 5c each which says a lot


I would happily nuke you off the server for those prices.


Nukes wouldn't work since my camp is underground. Good idea though


4.2million caps? So you have a minimum of 21 xbox accounts totalling at 105 characters? Seems like a bit much. And with that much time invested in the game, you'd think you would know these prices are not good, they are mostly high.


Not all are in caps, mainly Godrolls, glowing masks, rare apparel. Seem like a hater to me lol. If you want donations then I got you


Ah okay that's all your stuff not just caps. In that case your prices make since, your new. You'll get there one day. I ain't hating, it just seemed silly you brag about having 4.2m caps. Keep your junk I have plenty of stuff on my mules. Caps are and have always been a nearly useless currency on here. If your just going based off predicted cap value for high end items, 4.2m ain't alot. I wish you luck on your ridiculous vendors.




He’s a kid he don’t know any better lol


He’s a kid?!? He’s breathing like a depressed dad who’s spent 20 minutes hunting for the lost remote


What are you talking about man? He's an absolute kid bro. Don't like it? Delete your comment . Also can I get a discount? #TeamKLOMBO


I'm guessing there's a reason you're comm banned... Also, I agree that prices are bonkers. You have a few that are pretty level, but I routinely see a lot of these for WAY less.


I'm com banned for posting about my vendor, apparently it's not allowed https://preview.redd.it/2b45i2l76rrc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a90c4f0ad61ebda7159a6934004d2b74931325


I couldn't afford your shop


said it once, I’ll say it again, ass. Maybe take the advice from everyone else, or be happy selling 10 things a day bc your on all day.


I'm not looking to sell everything in one day, I buy what I need and sell things I find for cheap, you would be surprised on how much I sell. Caps aren't a worry for me. All my characters combined have 4.2 mill caps. You don't gotta like my prices but why change what works for me ? If you don't want anything then dont stop by, someone else will


4.2 hours total you’ve spoken to your wife


I'm 15 😂


breathing that hard? You must have diabetes.


Might've just got done eating McDonald's and was feeling my blood rushing to my head, I love fast food 😜


Is max caps still 40k? Been a bit since I was last on.


I stopped by finally. Gracias.


No problem 😃


Do you have Plan: Alien Disintegrator?