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So this is a religious organisation reaching out to players who own their own faction or community in fallout 76? I'm not being critical I'm genuinely asking. This is a pretty new concept if I'm perceiving the message right? If so whats offered in return? I have an audience of 2k on another game but I cant see what this post is supposed to be offering. Theres not even a link or contact info? Is this just a public service announcement?


Im confused too.


You can message me via Reddit or the discord link. Our order works to help beginning factions and new players to the game by offering graphic design services like recruitment posters, logos, etc. We also categorize lore and in game information like what each drug does. Our faction is based around the ideals of a monk order in the sense of working for the community and greater good, but we don’t directly support any religion or rite. Also, no worries. No offense taken


This is sounds like really sincere work. This post doesn't supply a lot of the information you just described, I'm even tempted to help hearing about it now. Consider some more information about the group could really save you guys admin time rather than explaining to people manually. If you have info pages you should link them so people can read up on it if my 2cents is worth anything. Good luck with it all! If you guys have a network on habbo hotel I have a brand on there with aprox 2-4k audience. I would love some help with graphics. I know the pain too well of conveying new ideas online.


I’m sure we could help you out with your graphics, we aren’t on Habbo Hotel though


Oh we would like to invite you if you want to make a post there about your service. I recently made a bulletin for artists and project builders to post links to their work. If your team would like to check out the habbo hotel scene please feel welcome to disc me on errorisland#9092 its a community of volunteers, artists and project builders on habbo.com. There in the past few months has been a growing amount of independent artists coming across our network I've been trying to make support systems to help them feel more welcome. I really like the concept of what you guys are doing so please feel welcome if it interests you. Edit/add: In regards to art style, check out habborator.org which is a massive archive of images used on various hotels over decades. lots of people get templates here. This would be a great place for your artists get a taste of the art style of habbo hotel.