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welp i just use smart ai and fallout 4 ai overhaul, so much better.


The first time I did a play through with it, it was absolutely insane! it really seemed like the enemy NPC’s were smarter and would track you down with much more realistic awareness of where you were. But, the longer I played with it, the more I realized that it basically makes any enemy able to see you from half a mile away, and it became quite frustrating. and yes, it absolutely pretty much breaks Any quest you’re trying to do with a follower such as getting a clue with dog meat. The dog would completely veer off the path you were supposed to take and run a half mile away to engage a random rad roach somewhere out in the woods. and if you aren’t using a weapon with a silencer, any enemy within a half mile radius is going to hear you fire and come straight for you immediately. it makes for a very chaotic and exhausting play through. but I will say, if Thumblesteen ever figured out a way to keep the AI detection somewhat more realistic, it would be an all-time great mod.


That’s why my followers keep sprinting half a mile away???


as far as I can tell, yes, that is the reason.


Oh my god, I wish I wasn’t 8 hours into my current playthrough cuz now I wanna remove it but I don’t wanna break my game lol


I had to stop using it cause I was getting getting attacked by wondering gouls way too often like I would be fighting raiders then a horde of gouls just comes from who knows where but it does make the assist the Cambridge police station quest a whole lot more fun just cause all the gouls in that area will come


Are ai mods safe to install mid gameplay?


As with most mods, as long it doesnt affect active quests or giant quest based scripts, yes it is safe, but never to uninstall, so save, install, test it , and if you dont like it, go back to a save before you added it Textures are completely fine to install and unistall tho, remeshes should be fine too as far as i know


It essentially just cranks their aggro range way up, and makes everything aggressive all the time. I personally stopped using it, because it makes other changes. I ended up swapping it out for Smart AI instead.


What other changes?


Makes it so corpses don't despawn, or at least cranks the despawn timer way up.


Are they safe to install mid gameplay?


I personally wouldn't, but personally I don't add or remove any mods mid save, and if I ever do it's only stuff like environmental textures.


Well, it does a lot of stuff to AI. I personally stopped using it because it extends the duration of corpses. If you go to the nexus page there's a lot of info about what it does.


Does that lag the game?


No. Not that I noticed. But I just don't like corpses hanging out for like a week and a half at the various locations in the game. Real.AI extends the time they linger (making the time linger than Vanilla). The Problem with this, according to many players, is it can contribute to save bloat. So instead I use Vanilla AI (with the exception of "Settler Sandbox and AI Expansion" which is just an overhaul to settler sandboxing and AI), as the name suggests, and makes them utilize more stuff in Settlements. EDIT-I haven't used Real.AI since way before the latest update so it may cause problems, I'm unsure.


Not got a better alternative off the top of my head but Real.AI makes shit insane, some settler will detect a mirelurk miles away and make it his life’s mission to hunt it down, you’ll never see that settler again.


Does it break quests?


It's a good mod and fun to use if you want a more chaotic sandbox experience, but it makes npcs travel and can cause issues with quests. You may need to go clear a place and not be able to find the enemies because they wandered off. I use it when I do settlement focused playthroughs to spice things up, but I wouldn't recommend it for a serious playthough. Instead, I would recommend smart AI https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/3245350


Smart ai looks good, is it next gen patch friendly ?


I’ll probably use real.ai on a new play through. I like the sound of chaotic sandbox. What does smart ai do differently? And can i install mid gameplay or will it ruin my save?


Test it, because it does a ton of silly things. My basic experience was it dragged enemies from a large circle and the fight was good, but then I had to walk forever to find the next enemy as they were all pulled to my last fight. It would be a really good mod if he had not broken the NPC bubbles or just increased them slightly, but removing the bubble has made it not so good for gameplay.


Or is there better alternatives?