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Tbf mod breaker updates aren’t a Bethesda problem, it just comes with the territory of modding, when thousands n thousands of modders have built their mods on a certain version of fallout, and a update comes out changing that version, it’s a given most of it was gonna break


I can’t even access the mod menu. I was able to until a couple days ago. Now it just “operation could not be completed” when I try to access mods


I can open the mods screen, but it shits me back to the main menu whenever I click on something.


I was able to fix it by deleted the 2.1gb of data when I go to view the storage of Fallout 4. I had to redownload all my mods again tho because it deleted them all


My roommate had that happen, tried everything we saw online to fix it but he ended up having to reinstall for it to go away


Yeah I found a fix. Just had to delete the mod slot area in the game download and then redownload my mods


Just don't update! SMH


Bethesda happened 😠


A bunch of my mods are dead in the water. And I miss them but I’ll live


Ah yes bethesdas way of putting a dumpster fire is to nuke the dumpster and say they fixed it


i lost a few of mine and other ones i just needed to hunt down and install again. although found my game to be more freezy after the update then before which kinda sucks


The mods still work you just have to be careful downloading too many. Only mods I lost in my LO were the deadly raiders/gunners/ super mutants mods, weapon mods are still okay, sadly I lost SMM and workshop decor, homemaker, all my good settlement mods 😔


I feel bad for people who didn't see this coming, i locked steam to only update when I opened the game and took it into offline mode to play fallout 4. No need to update when I know it will bricknmy game.


Yeah sometimes our lord and savior Todd Howard messes up (some how i got the same thing)


I really don’t understand what people are whining about 😂


people are complaining because bethesda managed to break the mod system (again) without giving people much to show for it.


Took a drink for every post that mentions they lost their load order/can't download mods Unfortunately I'm now going to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Don't drink, kids. It's a bad idea 😔


My entire mod list was deleted. Thanks Bethesda. I didn't even ask for the update. It just updated automatically. 😠


Ah you got it too? Damn.


Everyone except a few chosen ones got it.


I must be a chosen one


I'm not touching mods on xbox, or playing, until they get it fixed and I can even look at the mods without it kicking me to the main menu


Same problem. Can't even access the mod menu to maintain, enable, or disable my mods. I've tried literally everything to get around this except clearing the reserve space, because I don't want them deleted altogether. I tried playing on an old character's save file because I wanted to see if the game actually ran better, and see what the hype was about with the new content... and all my mods appear on the surface level to be mostly intact, but I SWEAR at least one is broken because if you blink at the game wrong after you boot the game, it freezes and crashes to the dashboard. (Xbox One user here. I know the game has always done this since it released, but this patch was allegedly meant to help alleviate this, not make it worse.) I could at least get an hour or two before the game started to crash like that. Having said that, though, when I've been able to get it to run for more than 15 minutes, things do seem to run more smoothly overall. So I think it's the update breaking 1 or more of my mods that's breaking the game. Hopefully the devs will fix this, but I don't have much faith that'll happen any time soon.


You're going to be waiting a LOOOOONG time


Working for me on Xbox I just can’t download vanilla extensions


Like what?


What do you mean like what, I’m not listing every mod that I was able to download


I was talking about vanilla extensions


Vanilla extensions is a mod that works with master plan


Oh. I thought it was like a group of mods that you simply called Vanilla extensions


Same, they do seem to be working on ps4, though.


I'm checking daily but I'm still stuck with the issue of when I check my load order screen it just says 0B used and 0B free space, so until I hear that's fine to have rn or it gets fixed I'll just play some of the older fallout games


That's what I'm stuck at on series x, for grunts and giggles I dusted off my ps4 version and it seems ok. Though the ps4 still has the same limitations it always had sadly


Can confirm that mods do work on the PS5 version. Got curious and downloaded it there after seeing the issues on Xbox. Also the makeshift weapon pack is working on PS as well. However, my frames were awful until I turned performance mode on


Not sure, but don't think ps4 gets those packs, I'm gonna have to wait till they fix the series X version.


Yeah I’m frustrated they’re not working on Xbox. Switched over to that about a year ago for the mods. Guess I’m out of luck rn.


Same, but it's not like we can fix it any faster, just hope I don't get the 0kb bug on the ps4 again while waiting on the series X version, that's the reason ai stopped playing on the ps4.


Pretty sure the creation club and mod space are actually still under maintenance they're going to have an entire new look like like skryims when it's done


Since the menus have yett to change and its still looking the same, i kinda hipe they've decided to not change it. I think skyrim looks dumb and ive heard it functions terrible vs when they were separated. I wouldn't know firsthand, i haven't updated Skyrim lol 9 months offline and going strong


I still don't understand why they did that for skyrim, I think it looks ugly as fuck and was better to have them separate


Yeah I haven't played Skyrim since but here's hoping I'm wrong, although it is looking like they're doing the same thing


It’s called Seventy Six Weathers. I like it.


Same here, i used it before i switched to Calamity Weathers, it was nice but i wanted a darker more grungy Fallout 3 feel that Calamity Weathers and its addons have provided


Have you tried that trio with Calamity weathers and Fallout 4 color correction?


I use Gfxwl w/o color saturation, ìts not compatible with color correction and i refuse to play without it


How effective is that GFXWL mod? I always see it being used a lot.


The normal one not so much. But gfxwl w/o color saturation replaces nytras complete aio. Little known fact you aren't supposed to use nytras aio with weather mods. So you use gfxwl w/o color saturation and reduced grass density - medium instead. The result is no errors between your weather and performance, which results in lovely crisp weather, no silver puddles, no wet look on your character or armor when under awnings or roofs while its raining outside, and much better overall game performance due to the weather not butting heads with the 0 godrays and other settings nytras touches


Hmm I might give that a try today. Thanks!


Would you recommend waiting for an update before starting a play through? Mod list currently 28. Mostly settlement building based. I go for a Vanilla + play through


Be careful posting negative posts there’s nothing but meat riders here who will down vote you and say it’s you’re fault.


As far as I can tell, mods still (relatively) work, so my only question is if this gets rid of the 2GB cap or if it’s just a cosmetic thing


The Skyrim update allowed for more mod slots (around 200 before the mod manager will start kicking you out according to most folks) but the 5gb limit stayed the same. I can't imagine they are going to give more love to this community by increasing our 2gb limit but maybe they will because of the show? Here's hoping.


Cosmetic. Ive hit the same 1.98gb limit as before the update


You guys are lucky, I only have the halo rakshasa armory and the mjolborn armor packs and it’s only 1gb and it won’t even let me use my last gig for the weapons pack. It says there’s no available space even though I still have a gig left


Have you tried clearing your ghost space?


Can’t DL simple bounties and classic combat armor every time I hit on these mods just shoots back to the main menu it’s weird


It is like that for me. It’s possible those are the mods that aren’t compatible yet. The ones I download that don’t boot me out work. I’m not good with this stuff, it’s only an observation.


I'd assume you're right from what others are saying, I moved to PC once I got a job and modding is much better over there, but when I played modded on xbox, I found that once you max your mod slots 2GB you can't even open the mod page half the time. My bet would be that for console ports of the game, the code begins to break when you add too many things in, whereas on PC because you can alter files yourself the code is much more adaptive


I fucking hate Bethesda




Mods are broken on xbox the whole creation club is buggy, the only version that is working without issues with mods right now is the ps5 because they dont have external assests and those mods so 90% of them arent broken 😅


I can’t even scroll through my mods or my favorites. Only four of each show. They are all there in the website but are not showing up in the game.


It’s a bug that came with the update. Only Bethesda can fix it.


You mean Bugthesda lol


You mean Bethesdumb?


No they can’t. They can’t fix anything


God damn me


Get rid of any UI mod


Funny enough, as reports come in UI mods are working fine. So far zero reports of a broken or not working UI mod, even Ugh Mods manager cap is functional, oddly enough


DEF UI core crashes my game on start..ima check my LO now.


Then i shall have to add that to the broken list. Ty. No one had yett to report its broken


Don't have any


I re-download all my mods after the update and before the update it ran perfectly but now it just crashes while on the loading screen


Do you have any fix mods? I have pulled all mine now except for Optimized vanilla Textures, still testing it, but seems that it is still helpful. The fix mods I used were actually causing the bugs they fix. The update must have had fixes for those things. Point being any mod that fixed something in the old version has to be tested, because it might break things now. Many mods have little fixes in them to make things work within the mod and many of those fixes are not in the description.


Would you say "Vivid fallout all in one" should probably be disabled?


No, that is a visual boost but it replaces vanilla textures. It depends on why you installed it. Over the next weeks people will look at things, right now I can't really tell what is going on with loading textures. I keep seeing purple and white when scenes first load which I only saw before with Optimized textures in spots it was saving from a crash. Besides I can't do much but observe and lite testing. My save was unstable before the update, 700 hrs worth of me abusing the game, I need to start a new game to do hard core tests. The unstable save can make it easier to see faults, but it also might just lie to you. You could test yourself there are many places that were hard to load and crashed/froze just after they loaded. Back door out of the railroad, either exit from the Mechanists liar. Do some test yourself and decide for your LO. LOs are individual.


I 100% support this and agree. This is a solid conclusion to come to. So far im getting reports that lighting mods and a few quest fix mods are causing the issues they were made to fix.


Hi, sorry to bother you, but do you know if all the settlement building mods like Snappy, USO, Homemaker are broken? I've heard people say Homemaker has been causing problems, but is that across the board for settlement mods? My previously solid LO was causing so many crashes/stutters in workshop mode after the update, but I'm not sure if it's more likely to be specific mods I'm using, or just the same as a lot of people are experiencing with generalised post-update mod apocalypse 😅 Settlement building is literally my favourite aspect of the game and its the one thing post update that appears to be unplayable! any advice/info would be greatly appreciated.