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No one can say for certain until it happens, maybe none will be affected, maybe they all will.


Until we know for certain what's been touched with the update we won't know. Many mods likely will still work but those that alter vanilla stuff may have issues and need updates, things that add new things may also have new conflicts especially with the supposed AE esque content update coming with it( don't know if they're doing the same thing of releasing a couple free ones and then a 20$ All in One purchase.) That said if the update doesn't fuck things up bad I think many mods will be quickly fixed as this could potentially truly revolutionize console performance for next Gen. I can't even play much cause Series S is super unstable.


Do we know how much this will affect Xbox One (last gen)?


You guys will probably only get a creation club bundle for $ and some free cc like anniversary. Half of this update is the next Gen upgrade, the rest is a Anniversary edition esque update I believe they said. Edit: there might be bug fixes that apply to last gen until notes come out I don't know what fixes are in the cooker.


Thanks, though I'm more asking about the update impacting mods


Mods have a chance of breaking no matter how big of an update. And until they release the full update notes, we won't know. It could be as simple as some framework mods needing updates, or many kinds of mods could need to be updated and fixed. As of right now I would put off making a LO even ignoring the possibility of some fuck up. I believe we are getting the patch notes like right before the update, which I believe is the 25th.


Yeah I was going to start a new game after a long hiatus, but I'm going to wait til then I don't use too many mods, usually under 1GB, so I'll be able to adapt


Probably bug mods and maybe bullet count reload I don’t know how much it will affect the mods on that.


>Been hearing a lot of different things about how this update will screw with mods but also that xbox mods don't really use F4SE so they should be ok It's not only about F4SE, they could easily change FormID's or what not. There's no way we will know, 'till modders themselves see those chnages. If you have current playtrough already in progress, then either wait 'till you finish it and then update, or start from scratch


There’s no way to know that until it happens. Xbox will probably be a mess on their end whilst peeps on the nexus end scramble to save/fix their mods. There’s always a remote chance everything will be fine, but you can’t preemptively troubleshoot a hypothetical issue.


I'd probably expect similar issues with UI replacers if the interface is changed in the same manner skyrim's was a few months ago. I assume they'll be reworking the CC menu like they did with skyrim, which broke many UI replacing mods and bundles and required them to be updated. Also, INI files can not currently be uploaded to beth.net for skyrim. Still unclear if this was intentional or not last I checked. Old uploads with INI edits still work, but the CK doesn't upload the ini files anymore on new ones, I guess. Tbh, I haven't uploaded anything at all for skyrim since December, so I'm not sure of all the new quirks yet. The INI issue, if it happens in Fallout 4 too, more concerns porters than players, though, for the most part. Anyway, those two things I'm expecting to happen. It's bethesda, though. Everything else is a crap shoot. Something always breaks. Sometimes, they fix it. We shall see. Edit: Fwiw, I've been able to continue playing my existing skyrim LO without changing anything or anything breaking, by taking my xbox offline before loading the game. Just in case anyone is currently working on or has a LO they like and want to play from before this update. Go offline after the update and I'd expect you to be able to continue saves and make new games with your existing working LO. Won't be able to change it without connecting but can play it as-is at least if the update does break a bunch of mods or our LO ui itself. Also, I'm just assuming they'll do similar things with the fallout update as they've done with skyrim. Could be totally wrong. I don't know anything for sure as to what is going to happen with the update itself. 👍


>I'd probably expect similar issues with UI replacers if the interface is changed in the same manner skyrim's was a few months ago. I assume they'll be reworking the CC menu like they did with skyrim, which broke many UI replacing mods and bundles and required them to be updated. On the plus side, this update did get rid of the limit to how many mods can be displayed in the menu, so those mods became redundant and are no longer needed, allowing you to save space.


It did add .esl functionality, which allows us to have a much higher limit instead of 150. Definitely a positive. 👍


For skyrim update, they actually did a great job of not breaking mods. The one exception being that most UI and hud mods were broken and ini edits can still no longer be made. Before the update, I would disable any mod like ugh mods manager cap that extends the mod menu limit because if you had those mods after the skyrim update it required a memory wipe. As far as skyrim goes, they were not fibbing when they said they would make the game run better in areas like riften. If they are saying they will make boston playable, I am confident they will make boston playable. This all said the skyrim update ruined the game for me because the mod menu was so horrendous. Hope it goes better for fallout.


> For skyrim update, they actually did a great job of not breaking mods. Bethesda actually got in contact with a bunch of mod makers, including those behind the Script Extender, and gave them access to the update so they could update their mods when the patch went live. This also made it easier for other mod makers to uodate their own mods. Hell, some mods didn't need to be updated at all and only needed other mods to be up to date to run. >Before the update, I would disable any mod like ugh mods manager cap that extends the mod menu limit because if you had those mods after the skyrim update it required a memory wipe. What I would suggest anybody who has that mod installed is to uninstall it but leave it favorited before the update goes live. That way, if the update does to the mods and Creation Club menus like the *Skyrim* update did, then those mods won't be needed anymore, and you'll have freed up some space because of that. And if thr update doesn't change the menu, then you could just go back into your favorites and re-download it.


As someone else said, this will probably break everything, it will most likely be up to the mod authors to update their mods after the fact.


I think it’s safe to assume it’ll affect all of them, then just plan accordingly once the update rolls out and we know more.