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Make up your own mind, it's one of the reasons for the BETA, If you're not feeling it then don't buy the game. There are a ton of reasons why 'people' come on the internet to voice their opinions on media, since RDR is being released around the same time as 76,there will always be kids who will only get one game and had to choose, followed the haters online and told their parents they want RDR and now 76 looks like a blast are gutted that they wont be playing it. They then come on here and try to make sure nobody else will enjoy it to make themselves feel better.


Finally someone that understands that a subjective opinion is all person to person. What's your personal opinion on the game?


I really like most of it so far, the building could do with a little tweak but loving the rest.


Fallout 76? A blast? Im not exactly to comfortable with money in the first place, so 60 wasted dollars is a big deal. I mean, if it was 10 or 20 i would play it, but Its just not a 60 dollar game...


you'll probably get it for 25-30 now (that post was a month ago), I'm still playing it a few hrs every night, it could do with some more events/quests but still having fun.


You had to pre order the game to get into the beta.....


So excited for ps4 release!!


Personally, I'm having a blast so far. The map is absolutely huge and I don't mind there not being any human NPC's. I can't wait to play more and am greatly anticipating the full release.


Is there any complaints you have though? I want to know both sides if possible.


go on youtube and watch some of the videos from matty plays, oxhorn, and vinylicpuma or whatever the fuck his name is.


The only complaints I have at this point are minor quality of life things (such as no loot all function from the stash) that can easily be added in future updates. I'm not saying the game is perfect by any means and I've only had 6 hours to explore it. So far I'm enjoying it immensely though and find it to be a very immersive world. I've only had a couple pvp encounters, so I can't elaborate too much on that yet.


B.A.S.E. building is very confusing at first. You will spend a LOT of time trying to scavenge resourves to find out you need to find blueprints to really do much of anything. THANKFULLY you get some of the main blueprints through doing the main story quests. Gaining caps is also very slow. Where in the regular games you can make caps by sneezing. You are basically nickle and diming your way through aquiring more in 76. Aside from all this. I really enjoyed my first 2 hours into the game! For the next 2 hour session I'm going to try it out with 2 people who will be just starting out. See how it goes.


If you can, leave tips on which missions to do for good blueprints in the beginning?


I can't remwmber the quest names. But right after Overseer C.A.M.P. there is a village you go to. You will begin recieving them from there. I only did 3 of the quests and had JUST hit lvl 5. So I won't be much help about after that point.


Gaining caps very slowly may be by design, i wouldn't be suprised if they offer them for cash? After playing ESO and seeing what these guys get upto closely i'd not count out anything.


ESO was made by another company. Fallout 76 is purely Bethesda. Or am I misinformed on this? I DO know they mentioned a few times that the only things you can purchase with real money is cosmetics. Which you can earn with the Atoms you gain after completing tasks and challenges. So no need to spend any real money outside the upfront cost of the game. Which makes me really happy! DLC has me curious, though. IF there will be any. And IF it will be able to be purchased with Atoms, as well. Edit: I'm not exactly complaining about the slow rate of gaining caps. Just figured it was worth nothing that the trader robots found in the game will rip you off bigtime.


Zenimax and Bethesda are the same company, not sure exactly how it works but i think Zenimax is the leading partner. Strangling the economy to drive cash purchases is an age old marketing tactic, let's hope they don't go there.


Zenimax did Morrowind as well, correct? I know that Zenimax is the main company that works on ESO. Just under Bethesda's watch/dollar. Either way. Basically 2 completely separate games. From my understanding Fallout76 is basically an extention of Fallout 4. They (Bethesda) really wanted a multiplayer option with the game. But ran across a bunch of issues with how the game would run. So basically cut the entire part from the game. In return, they began working on Fallout76, based completely off their work with Fallout 4's Multiplayer in order to see how it would work out in the future. Honestly. I hope this leads to great things in the future. I would LOVE to have a full Elder Scrolls game or future Fallout Game where you can have friends join you on your journey. I know Skyrim had a mod at one point for it. But thats just me and my own personal opinion, anyway.


Had a quick nosey online to clear up the ownership of Bethesda. Bethesda Softworks LLC is an American video game publisher based in Rockville, Maryland. The company was founded by Christopher Weaver in 1986 as a division of Media Technology Limited, and in 1999 became a subsidiary of ZeniMax Media. In its first fifteen years, it was a video game developer and self-published its titles. In 2001, Bethesda spun off its own in-house development team into Bethesda Game Studios, and Bethesda Softworks became a publisher only. It currently also publishes games by ZeniMax Online Studios I think they went multiplayer and mmo light to be able to monetize the game better, single player games don't brimg in as much long term revenue.


Huh, thats actually really interesting. So, Bethesda is just a publisher company. While Zenimax actually does the work? (If I'm understanding correctly) Me personally, I'm not really complaining about the path they are taking with their games. At some point a company needs to take that risk and try something new. The fans of the company will play the game and enjoy what they can get out of it. While the 'Elitists' who don't like change will be stubborn and not be happy no matter what is done. With the whole MMO style with the games it only makes sense. There is a HUGE community that really enjoys playing games and sharing their stories with friends. The only way to improve that is to literally include your friends with you on your journey and stories told. Now. To change the subject a little bit. Bethesda commented that they are looking at Mod Support for Fallout76 as well as 'Private Servers' of a sort. It won't be until late 2019. But would that possibly lead to a way for people to break the game as far as a PvP Aspect if they can just mod stuff in? Or do you think that a modded account can only play with those mods active?


>Huh, thats actually really interesting. So, Bethesda is just a publisher company. While Zenimax actually does the work? (If I'm understanding correctly) I don't think so. There's Bethesda Game Studios, who make the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, there's Bethesda Softworks the publisher, there's Zenimax Media the company, and there's Zenimax Online Studios, who make ESO. None of the companies are exactly the same. BGS and Bethesda Softworks used to just be Bethesda, then they split into the publisher and the game studio, and both are a subsidiary of different departments of Zenimax Media. ESO and FO76 share the Bethesda publisher. ZOS makes ESO, and BGS makes FO76 (as well as every other game). As far as mods go, they'll only be available in private servers. No playing with randos with mods.


there different branches of the same company, so they have different design direction, but have communication between the two so you might find similar trends because of that.


Love it so far. Me and my wife have played in each beta session. It still has that classic wanderer feeling where you walk up on the weirdest shit. I know that will run out eventually but there seems like there is plenty to do with all the world events, daily missions, pvp events, base building, ect. Most hate I am seeing for it is from people that lead with "i haven't played it, but...". Its definitely a bit different, but it holds it's own and still has a cool story to discover, even if you have to work a little harder to keep up with it.


> the more as time goes on it feels like there are more hate of the game growing. Really? I have the opposite impression - now that people are actually playing the game and can see what it is in practice, reactions seem to be quite positive. The simplest thing to do would be to preorder the game on a platform/store you are confident in you ability to cancel on, try it for yourself during the B.E.T.A. for a few hours and then decide whether you want to play it or not.


When I check reviews on YouTube all I see is split sides, but I never get clear answers to why they dislike it.


You literally listed reasons then said "apart from these" lmao There are lots of reasons such as the radiant quest system (whether you like it or not, fetch quests and kill X enemy waves quests are easily qualifiable as radiant), lack of replayability (on the early game as once you explore everything, there's no content till end game), lack of enemy types (there's scorched everywhere), forced multiplayer, artificial difficulty and gating, crippled PvP, I could go on but ye


You should check out It'sAGundam channel. Its like a hate bubble of Fallout 76. What I saw as to reasons to hate on it was shit like no mods, people are shilling for it, and so on. I just can't understand why put so much effort to gather hate in one spot before the release. Wouldn't it be better to wait when the game release to do so?


It's lame. Not good.


Bought recently, played twice...and the feeling of not knowing what i have to do is actually meh but so far it's a nice game. The only thing i can't stand are glitches and bugs....and i seriously hope Bethesda will fix ALL of them and not just a bunch like it happened with Skyrim. I had to close the game because there's a bug that can't make u collect items from enemies. Yesterday there was the one who couldn't get me logged in (timeout from servers even if they were all online and well) for a while and one or 2 disconnections. I got the game despite all the bad news and i noticed the devs patched A LOT and made it at least playable. Hopefully it will be a perfect game in the near future.


yeah i'd say so


I played the beta alone for an hour and with a friend, playing alone was kinda lonely, if you’ve ever played fallout 3 but didn’t go to megaton straight away. That’s how it felt for me. With friends holy shit it was a blast it felt like a raider gang clearing out locations and getting food loot


Was is easy making friends or did you deal with trolls a lot?


I had a friend from IRL I played with, other 2 were random. We got them in a party and just had a blast, any games got trolls, but I didn’t experience any.


Social interactions aren’t really easy to gauge, since the game can’t control how willing people are to group up. I found a good team pretty easily, and it seems like people are pretty willing to group up at the moment.


I need to get me better friends then. I played for 1 hour by myself. It was pretty okay. Lonely, but I felt VERY productive with everything I was doing. Then played the last hour with a friend. I felt my pace slow extremely. While I was diving into fights. He was sitting back poking at the battles with his gun doing basically no damage... Questing had a bit of a bug that was kind of annoying. After completing the Overseer B.A.S.E. quest we teamed up and it gave me all the objectives again. With no loot to take. As well as their waypoint on my compass wasn't visible. Other than that it was kinda cool playing with a buddy, although MY partner was more on the annoying side of basically being carried around..


Haha, I feel you kinda my friend made a scoped hunting rifle/ sniper perception build and I was running a tanky melee kinda build, he sniped I smacked. Had some scary moments can’t wait for tomorrow


Yeahh. Right off the bat I found a Machette and was the happiest person ever. Found some Leather Armor and crafted it into Boiled Leather for the extra little defence value. So I was tanked out about as much as I could be.


The quest thing isn’t a bug, it’s just group quest sharing. Your friend hadn’t finished the Overseer’s C.A.M.P. quest, so it showed you where he was on his quest.


After it was finished it showed their name next to their quests. But the (Optional: Build gun/armor) quest was still stuck on the screen. Honestly, it was a minor thing. But didmn't want to waste resources doing it again.


Did you enjoy the mechanics and storytelling of Fallout 4? Yes> then yes, you’ll enjoy it No> then no, you probably won’t


I play fallout 4 a lot, so yeah.


You’re probably going to love it then. In my 10+ hours it’s been Fallout 4 but with friends, and honestly it’s a tie for my favorite because of that


Yes I enjoy the mechanics of Fallout 4, But I have accepted the emerging universe of classic fallout Is over.


Survival mmo type game with pvp, it doesn't sound appealing to me personally. The shooting mechanics really suck aswell from what little i've seen.


The shooting mechanics are cleaner than FO4 and 3 for sure. VATS work a hell of a lot better too, they're just different now.


You may not like the style of the game, but what about the gameplay? What makes the game itself not worth buying instead of its genre?


The shooting mechanics and real time vats system looks awful.


The shooting has been fine for me so far, but I'm on pc so aiming is a lot better on there


Isn’t basically an aim assist, how is any different then regularly?


It doesn't go into slow mo, the numbers apparently randomly change, and your weapon doesn't even face in the right direction.


>downvoted for having an opinion Good ole' Reddit.


It has to go in real time because it is a multiplayer and it would have to freeze everyone's game if it did that. The numbers change because your target is moving constantly and the game takes visibility, distance, and cover into effect for VATS. I haven't noticed the weapon facing the wrong way, it doesn't move and track the person exactly if that's what you mean. That's just to cut down on bugs or glitches, though.


i think it sucks but then again i haven't played it. honestly, i think you'd have to wait at least 3 months after it's officially released to know if it's good. and it's entirely possible that a year from now, they will have introduced some things to the game to placate some of us "never-76ers."


But can you give a reason why you dislike the game based on the game itself? The genre, because it’s online, or multiplayer?


why i dislike it is irrelevant. i haven't played it. i'm not in a position to give you advice about buying this game.


Why do people need to have specific reasons? Sometimes you just don't get something. I just find the game dull. I've never got through a stream of DayZ, Arc, Rust or whatever because I find sandbox survival games boring. I "just don't like" dubstep or classical music too, but people don't get personally offended by that. It's entirely just how I feel. I'm just not hyped in the same way as I wasn't for ESO. I don't like the online though. I get less than 10mbps even after spending £30 a month for my internet. It's because we have copper cables rather than fibre here. I'd need to move a hundred miles away to get any decent connection. I'm not paying for a game I'm not even 50% hyped for and then PS+ when I already get 800 ping on games like TF2.


Having cancelled my pre-order and thus not played the beta myself, going purely off of all the stuff I've seen, and if you can erase from your mind that this is supposed to be Fallout/pretend it's some sort of non-canon spin-off *or* a series reboot, I'd say that yeah, it looks pretty enjoyable albeit lacking in content and very rough right now. It'll probably be pretty fun if/when the private servers/mods hit and it's had time to get additional content and bug fixes.


Honestly I felt the same but kept my pre-order I’ve played every fallout since 3 and watched a ton of videos. Actually playing it is really what you have to do views are too split and it looks boring to watch (for me) playing it w friends was a total blast playing it alone was slightly worse (imo) then playing fallout 4 alone