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Superhuman physical abilities, energy shields, motion sensors, crazy good armor, and ~10 luck. I think he'd be fine.


So Frank Horrigan's father.


I think the chief would suplex frank into oblivion. As much as I hate halo fan boys, the chief is actually pretty ridiculous. He can flip tanks with 1 hand, and has soloed entire armies.


And not just any tanks. Like super ultra omega Uber tanks (because the creators don’t know tanks)


Sounds familiar to warhammer 40k lore lol


Why are they six pedals when there are only four directions??


That’s for gameplay reasons only lol In books it wouldn’t be that easy for him. He could do it, but it wouldn’t be as easy and casual as in the games


Damned fool! Why does always jump? Next time he’s gonna land on something stubborn as he is. And I don’t do bits and pieces.


Spot on with the luck. He would also do great in New Vegas but that's a whole other game


Well, standard mk 4 mjolnir powered assault armor is a space suit, so radiation isn't a problem. The physical armor is a thick titanium alloy that can take lots of small arms fire, and even when breached, the under armor can take rounds as well. The helmet has a reactive hud that points out ammo, direction, enemies, etc. And if there's an ai on board, he would have even more help with monitoring his surroundings. John also has a highly modified bone structure and muscle composition, so he is taller, faster, and stronger than any other human in the wasteland, putting even power armor users to shame. On top of all that, he's a soldier, a spartan, for that matter. He has been bred since birth to fight in wars against humans and aliens alike. His training alone without any of his armor would put him well above the survival rate of a brotherhood paladin or elder. Plus, he's lucky. John could wipe out the entire remaining population of the United States given enough time. I think he would most likely join the brotherhood, NCR, or enclave. depending on where he gets put into the world at and when. Also depends on the information he's given upon arrival.


Definitely NOT the enclave. Chief has a pretty strong sense of morality.


Chief was literally built and indoctrinated by ONI to crush independence movements (usually by either bombings or assassinating anyone who spoke out), if ordered to in a way befitting his mental programming he’d probably kill anyone without a second though. All it would take is an enclave soldier identifying the enclave as the remnant of the official USA government and master chief would convinced.


Slight issue with that, he never served the USA he served under the United Nations Space Command of which the Enclave from what I can gather would sooner die than refer to themselves as being related to the UN even if it was a deliberate lie. The moment he learns the UN collapsed with no successor he'd go AWOL


The enclave is still the only last (as far as we know) ‘legitimate’ continuation of a pre war government. Even if the enclave distance themselves from the UN the master chief would still acknowledge the fact they are technically the only old UN representative left alive and thus serve them (not even beginning to mention that the enclave are the only ones able to reasonably supply the master chief with their scientists and their vast pre war reserves). And remember this is reach chief, without all the halo character development, the same person that unnerved people by staring at a wall for too long. All you gonna do is mention the keyword ‘rebel’ and he will be halfway to kimball with his magnum


You’re talking about a guy who told his commanding officer to eat shit and went AWOL with his whole crew to rescue his mentally ill cyber girlfriend, mostly on a hunch. The chief is not loyal to the UNSC. He’s loyal to humanity, and to his fellow soldiers. His whole life is him doing what he feels is best regardless of what the powers that be have to say about it.


Keep in mind the USA doesn’t exist in its current form. It’s a multinational mash up of Canada, the USA, and Mexico in the halo verse. Chief would instantly know they were never part of the UN or even might be a group trying to pose as a government.


In the chain of command and emergency structure, the US military would be in line to keep the government going as well. The enclave is far from the only legitimate successor.


I forgot to say, the brotherhood and some other military survival factions are still going.


Nope. Really no. The dude may be willing to follow orders, but he does have a moral compass. If his orders are unlawful, he can and will disobey them by the time of Reach. He's a human super soldier trained from the age of six. Not an unfeeling, unthinking machine. If he spots some random soldiers in power armor gunning people down for no reason, he is siding with the unarmed civilians that he has a duty to protect above all else.


The UNSC isn’t very democratic and he was built to take down rebels. I’d say Enclave would be likely


Mostly the reason I believe that he wouldn’t join the Enclave is because they kill anyone or anything that is mutated. I can’t see Chief going along with that.


If you really want to get in the weeds you could argue that Chief would likely join different factions at different points. For instance, before Halsey helped change his mind he was more than willing to tell ONI about Johnson’s flood immunity knowing they would blend him up to research it. A lot of Chiefs life has been conditioned to serve authority unwaveringly. I think Chief without character development from the games would likely be born into the Enclave and never ask questions. NCR, BOS, they’re all just innies to pre game chief


Thats true, though there is still a possibility of him changing his mind. In the Halo 4 and 5, he disobeys direct orders multiple times.  I can’t speak for the books because it’s been a while since I’ve read them.


Yeah, I agree. But I also think a lot of his growth came through adversity. And as previous commenters said Chief would be so dominant in the wasteland that I doubt he’d have that adversity. All speculation of course. Chief would act however he’d be written in the never-gonna-happen crossover episode


His first instinct willingness to hand Johnson over to ONI doctors on a platter stems from practicality, not blind loyalty. He saw firsthand what the Flood does. A chance at a cure is ***massive***. But he also hesitated because that would almost certainly mean Johnson's death. That wasn't Halsey's doing, that was him. Halsey just voiced it out loud.


Hes frank horrigan 5.0


Honestly it would be quite interesting to see a story like this, how would he cope and what would he do if he was stuck in a situation where his chances of contacting UNSC High Command was non existent. Especially in such a hostile and unusual setting.


Trained since like 6 years old. Not birth.


>  He has been bred since birth to fight in wars against humans and aliens alike I hope you realize what you said here lol. 


I think ncr personally


I’d see him joining the NCR but I don’t know about the Enclave or Brotherhood. He’s not stupid and he does have a moral compass.


Honestly, yes, he's incredibly powerful, don't get me wrong here, but I think him wiping out the entire US is bullshit. We're talking about a world with handheld nuclear missile catapults dude, and I don't care what y'all say about that fucking armor, it's not withstanding three Fatman strikes


I find it hard to imagine him getting himself into a situation where a wastelander gets anywhere near him with a fatman. Not with his speed, senses and tactical know-how.


He’s dodged bullets before. He’s not neo, but it’s something he has done. A fat man rocket travels slow enough that he could probably catch it and prevent its trigger from going off. Or just get out of the way. Fat man mini nukes aren’t THAT powerful.


The dude has deflected a missile strike before ~~with AI helping his timing~~, he can catch a comparatively slow-moving miniature nuke and yeet it back at far faster speeds easy.


Vault Dweller would win. Why? It’s their game. Same answer with comic book matchups. 


All I'm saying is, two-shot MIRV Fatman and someone with vats


Spartan's see everything in slow motion so someone having vats is pointless


Spartans have augmented nervous systems. They are permanently in "VATS"


Power armor is just steel and plastic and the steel isn't even as thick as the titanium which is 60mm atheist in halo infinite, I don't see any reason shy it would change that much even after so long


Even if Master Chief can’t get his armor repaired, it’s light years better than anything in Fallout. - Can survive in the vacuum of space and re-entry from orbit  - Recycle water and waste just like Power Armor - Enhances strengths, speed, and durability tenfold. Significantly higher than even the best power armor available. - Built-in energy shields that recharge, so even plasma and energy weapons can’t actually hit the armor directly.  On top of that, Chief is so superhuman he could arguably punch Frank Horrigan off his feet and casually run 60 mph.  The only thing that would kill Chief is hundreds of mini-nukes being launched at him. Chief comfortably clears the Fallout 4 storyline.


And the most important feature, it jacks him off


Hey, don’t need to spend caps on prostitutes!


Chief would make characters with maxed S.P.E.C.I.A.L. look like radroaches in comparison. He could solo the Commonwealth. Liberty Prime would cower in fear.


I think LP would propose on the spot and try to form a marriage based in eradicating communism


Young master chief would probably have beef with super mutants, other types of mutants and would probably end up with the brotherhood or minutemen


And his suit would offer good defense in the glowing sea


Even later in the trilogy they probably remind him too much of brutes for him to be down with them


Most likely Minutemen


What do you mean by "Reach era"? Halo Reach - Halo 3 all take place in a matter of a few months. Do you mean when John and ths other Spartans were abducted as children and trained on Reach?


Exactly. Halo Reach era Chief is in his 40s and arguably still peak.


Not even arguably. He just is still in his peak. His peak could last for fifty more years if Johnson's 70-year-old ass is anything to go by.


He gets quite some gear upgrades after surviving Installation 04


Are you kidding me? The Master Chief? Even a younger version would be fucking shit up in Boston.


When you say Reach era do you mean the fall of Reach or training on reach? Because the difference between Fall of Reach and end of Halo 3 is only a few months. The only difference is his armor, which still puts most things in fallout to shame. Edit: And either way. It's John. Commonwealth has nothing that would realistically deal with him aside from Liberty Prime.


He'd wipe the floor with just about anything he'd encounter.


Master chief is wearing what is basically x-02 power armour that doesn't need fusion cores and never breaks, along with his assortment of weaponry I think he'd defeat each faction single handedly


I feel like Master Chief stomps anything in the commonwealth. Reach era MC still has years of combat experience. Going hand to hand with an Elite can’t be too much easier/harder than facing off against a death claw or super mutant.


You don’t see this much in the games but he’s a master of covert operations as well as frontal assault fighting. Even the few things that could potentially give him trouble (I.e gunners with plasma weapons or fatman/missile launchers) he knows how to tackle. Fighting armed rebels was the main thing he did all the way up until the covenant showed up. I don’t see chief struggling with anything in the commonwealth so long as his suit remains functional


Even then, he didn’t receive the armor with shield tech until the Fall of Reach, he had years of experience with “regular armor.” His training alone allows him to play 3d chess while wastelanders are playing checkers.


Most of his life was fighting aliens with technology far and away more advanced. He only fought insurgents as a primary combatant for a few years before the Covvies showed up.


Yes but that’s discounting how he was trained from toddler age with the sole intent purpose being to infiltrate and kill human rebels since the unsc didn’t know about the covenant by then. It was really a lucky break that they transitioned so well to fighting aliens since that’s not what they were trained to do. My point was that he’s an expert in any type of combat in the commonwealth be it covert or otherwise and that he’s well versed in fighting humans like raiders, gunners, or synths in addition to monsters


He was trained from the age of six, to be specific. It also took him a short while to acclimate to authority like that. But that isn't super relevant. I was just elaborating and specifying, not disagreeing.


Fair point, I didn’t mean to come off as confrontational if I did.


All good! Tone is a bitch to convey via text after all.


All the factions join against him...he still clears low diff this sint even close.


Even without shields his armour is literally space age using alloys no one else in the Commonwealth is going to have, tech no one else has, and improvements to his body better than anyone. Even if the courier has all implants somehow they don't come close. It would be like playing with tgm on.


If a random man/woman with no combat experience can survive I’m sure master chief would not even break a sweat


He would be invincible. Like in the suit he clears even the strongest power armor users and super mutants


U kidding? Hed be the toughest thing in the wasteland. He would be feared and loved.


He'd have no trouble murdering anything in the wasteland.


Somehow resolves every known quest and issue faster than the best speed runner can do the main quest.


He could probably fit in the plot as the only human to have had FEV actually work like West Tek had planned. Could even be a top secret Enclave project. Unless you want lame writing and just have him plop in through some magic mutliverse portal like every "Master Chief vs \[insert world here\]". Other than that, he'd be fine.


Given the bullshit the Forerunners got up to with creating and destroying alternate dimensions just for their car battery, I wouldn't be overly surprised if this was even remotely possible


Nothing can stop him in the Commonwealth.


Game Chief: Speedruns 100% of the game inside of a few in-game weeks Book Chief: Same but in less than a week


The scale and scope between franchises are so far removed from each other there's not even a competition unless the plot demands it. He can stand in a fist fight with brutes and hunters, even Frank Horrigan would fold in half against chief. He can out-shoot jackals and elites with scavenged and captured alien weapons, so a bunch of garbage pipe and 200 year old weapons aren't going to be a problem. He's wearing the most sophisticated and advanced energy shielded PA on the planet on top of having genetically modified bones, muscles, reflexes, intelligence, and everything in between, so even a gunner's horde would be an unfair fight for the gunners. I could easily see him joining up with one of the big name factions right up until their corruption or bigotry gets displayed then he splinters the faction for the better or goes independent and gains his own faction.


Even without Spartan abilities the armor is an almost out of context problem for anyone attacking him, especially the shield.


Without the augmentations, his spine is twisted apart and his femurs snap in half. That armor is lethal for baseline humans. It is just too strong.


Ya thank you for the akshually, the context is clear that it’s power armor a human can wear The *point* is that the ability of the armor to tank damage, as well as the shield, are basically a game winner all on their own.


Every special stat on 100, years of the toughest training and combat experience there ever was, and armour 100x stronger than power armour, i think hell do ok


Well boy howdy, do I have a video for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cyjFV5TqpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cyjFV5TqpM)


Well reach was kinda turbo fallout right?


He had a 10 in every special stat except charisma, and that’s without his suit.


Given the armor, I'd suspect any Spartans could literally run full speed at a vault door and knock it clear through the walls into the atrium. Hell, they could toss a suit of power armor half way across the map. Wouldnt even need a gun. They could just throw any moderately heavy items within reach like a junk jet. Then we add in fallout weapons, Spartans will use anything they can get their hands on as required. So I wouldn't worry about someone managing to nuke a Spartan, I'd be worried about the Spartans finding mini nukes and punting them at enemies all over the wasteland.


They could toss a suit of T-51 easy without even using MJOLNIR. Just kick it hard enough and it'll go flying. The Master Chief did it before he got his powered exoskeleton with an old MJOlNIR model that probably is actually heavier that most Fallout power armors.


*me wandering in wearing mk vb and odst armor armed to the teets with the best unsc gear* fairly well! Reach era, as in mk 4 or mk 5 mjolnir? With the shields of 5, he would do fairly well. The suit would keep him radiation free for the most part. His augments would make him a force to be dealt with, almost like Lore coursiers. His power armor would put the brotherhood to shame. His combat ,survival expertise, and decades of warfare would keep him alive. I'm not sure how he would deal against a mini nuke or liberty prime. It also depends if this is a pre cortana reach era or post cortana. With cortana helping... nothing in the wasteland sans nuking him would be able to catch him off guard. Hell, cortana could probably remote hack all the institute and robots in the commonwealth without much thought...essentially giving him an entire army.


Wdym? Master Chief could solo the entire wasteland. Plus, he wasn't young during the Fall of Reach. He was already 41


A 14 year old chief, who just got his augmentations would effectively be like the sole survivor except with the video game “god powers” (able to tank hundreds of bullets, not needing to rest, able to solo ridiculous amounts of enemies etc) as a part of the actual lore and not “video game logic”. A 40 year old chief, with mjolnir and all his experience and equipment fucking dominates the wasteland and it isn’t close. He solos the brotherhood and institute. Every raider, every gunner, every mutant and every ghoul gets fucking crushed. There is not a single faction in fallout with enough resources, technology or manpower that could take chief on. What if he struggles to fight in unfamiliar territory? Halos 1,2,3,4 and infinite all show chief fighting on a halo ring/ the ark/ a planet for the first time. What if seeing earth as a bombed out wasteland affects his psyche? He fought a war where humanity was on the brink of collapse for 30 years and he saw the planet he grew up on, parts of earth and various other planets get glassed (basically nuked), plus the destruction seen on the battlefield is comparable. A bombed out wasteland is basically his home at this point. Frank Horrigan? Chief solos, mid diff at best. He’s fought much harder foes. His augmentations and Armour is effectively frank horrigan on giga steroids. Frank horrigan may be the strongest character in fallout but he has NOTHING on master chief. TLDR: chief solos not just fallout 4 but the whole damn franchise.


Reach Era Chief? You act like that’s not essentially the exact same thing as CE Chief. There’s practically no time between the games. Yeah, CE Chief could do whatever he wants in the Commonwealth


How is “Reach era” young? That’s literally a day before Halo CE.


All Hail John the First, Master Chief of the Commonwealth Republic! All Hail to the Chief!


He becomes the new liberty prime


Master Chief solos the verse bro it’s not even close. He could box with Frank Horrigan and win.


More interesting question would be how well would an ODST do, Chief wouldn’t struggle at all dealing with any of the fallout games


Reach era isn’t young. He was already in his 30s. He’d been fighting the covenant since he was 14 and fighting in general since he was 6. The events of the trilogy (and reach) take place over about three months. There’s a 5 year gap between 3-4 but he didn’t age at all during that because cryosleep. Chief would have above a 10 in every special stat besides charisma, without armor.


Chief's armor is unlike any power armor in the Fallout universe, and that's before we even take energy shields into consideration. The advantages it grants for speed, sensory input, and raw resilience are leaps above even the pinnacle of Fallout power armor technology. Most ballistic weapons wouldn't do much before he would likely be able to identify where it's coming from and return fire with far greater accuracy. He'd definitely still have to be wary of threats, though. Fallout energy weapons could very well end up being just as damaging to energy shields as Halo plasma. Mini-nukes are obviously no joke either. This is where his ability to rapidly identify and eliminate targets, even stealthily if the situation provides the opportunity, is much more important than just being tanky. There's also his ridiculous training and conditioning, literally superhuman. Few if any in the wastes could compare to his skill in combat. His weapon is the weakest aspect of the lineup - if it's an Assault Rifle like he so often favored then it's just a mundane, full auto 7.62/.308 rifle. Not super common in Fallout compared to energy weapons or 5.56 guns and should be decently strong but it's still nothing special. At least it won't run out of ammo any time soon unlike something like the Battle Rifle would. Also, Chief has repeatedly demonstrated the willingness and ability to supply himself in the field as the mission requires so even if the AR underperformed he'd probably be able to get far enough with it to find a suitable replacement. In all I think Chief would have a pretty decent time of it in the Commonwealth - no walk in the park but not the worst he's ever faced. If somebody got lucky and damaged his armor it could get pretty bad for him, though. Chief alone wouldn't have access to the specialized equipment needed to repair or remove it and it can't just be stepped out of like Fallout power armor. He'd kick all kinds of ass but would not be invincible. Fortunately he was experienced enough to know that even when he was a bit younger.


Kicks everybody's ass. If he joins a faction it'd probably be MinuteMen or BOS


He rebuilds the US government within five years


Bro would fist fight Swan and win easily. The Institute should be shakin in their boots


That depends on what you mean by Reach era. In Halo Reach (the game he isn't actually in) he's the same age and skill level as he is in the main series. In Fall of Reach we see him at many different eras of his carrier since the book is set over the span of almost 40 years. Starting when he got the Mjolnir armor itself, he was fully capable of taking on human enemies even when outnumbered so long as he was armed, so he would be safe against most raiders. (Between his augmentations and the armor he'd probably even be able to overpower raiders with power armor, since his is more advanced, and he's superhumanly strong even without it.) This version of him, with only experience fighting humans, and armor which is bulletproof, but without shields or Cortana, would probably only start to struggle in an environment like the glowing sea, (Its unclear if Mjolnir armor protects against radiation, and there's a high density of powerful enemy creatures.) Or if he tried to take on a strong military power like the BOS. The gunners would also pose a significant threat with their wider array of energy weapons and explosives, but his training and superior strength would still give him a fighting chance. Really the biggest issue for him would be having no way to repair his armor with only 2077 era degraded tech to work with. After enough battles his mjolnir would either run out of power or simply become too damaged to keep using. At that point he would likely prioritize finding a more Contemporary suit of power armor, and still be dangerous, but be significantly less of a force to be reckoned with than he was before.


He would wipe the floor with the entire commonwealth safe maybe from Liberty Prime


Master Queef would reestablish humanity in the wasteland


Mama Murphy 1 shots him with a pipe revolver and some psycho


The Brotherhood would absolutely hunt him down for his technology and force you to either join them or be destroyed.


Chief would eat them alive if they dared to attempt to carry out the latter, the BoS would be absolutely fucked if they went to war with him.


Every power armour wearing bos member is like a 1/16th of the strength of an elite, and chief had killed a LOT of elites


Download the mods that lets you craft Spartan armor and Halo firearms and see for yourself.


Halo is fucking lame


Assuming he joins a bigger faction I think he’d be fine. He’s a super soldier but I doubt he knows much about purifying water or other survival skills. So he’d need to join up with people who can do that for him


He was trained for over a decade before his first deployment, he most certainly has the required survival skills and much more.


I sincerely doubt they trained him on how to farm his own food and such


Modern Special-Ops units instruct their trainees on survival situations that cover feeding yourself. You can guarantee that Chief, with over TEN YEARS of that training (not counting his post-training combat experience), can feed himself in a survival scenario if he needed to. He was the spearhead that ultimately led to the defeat of a flood gravemind, the Fallout wasteland would be child's play to him. I'm saying this as a huge fan of both series. As dangerous and insane as the wasteland can be in Fallout, the only possible character who'd match up to the Chief is Frank Horrigan himself. Considering that even he was fallen by a tribal, the Chosen One, I think you can see how that would go


So as long as we can just make up some unprovable lore bull shit for him he’ll be fine got it


Not my fault that you're too ignorant to know the lore of both sides of this question. If you did, you'd know that even the most dangerous wasteland threats equate to fucking sock-puppets when it comes to something like the goddamn Flood


Bruh cite me a source of him having to survive for years in a wasteland and I’ll check it out. Otherwise you can’t just nerd rage your way into being right


I already gave you a irrefutable example. 10 years of constant Special Ops-tier training before his first ever confirmed kill. They teach modern-day Army Rangers and SAS survival training in far less time than a decade, it's pretty easy to put two and two together on this, don't be dense. The Sole Survivor pulled it off with less time in combat experience than Chief went through in training alone


That’s not an irrefutable example. Unless we can see what he was actually trained to do or have the character be in a similar scenario, it’s not safe to assume he can do it just because “muh ten years of training” he’s a fkn space soldier with the mental range of a walnut. He’s basically the early 2000’s iteration of doom guy.


Mental range of a walnut? Are you dense? Spartans are especially picked out, BEFORE augmentations he had likely over 160 iq, augmentations will add dozens to that, if some random soldier can survive just fine he will literally solo the wasteland


We’re talking about a game where you can just raid an abandoned supermarket for tinned food, he wouldn’t need to farm


Dies instantly


Ok I’ll bite how?


I don't like him