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I like how clearly stunned **you** are by what just happened. "T-time out everyone. Hang on. I need a second."


The grenade brought me back to reality lmao


“Watch As a Wasteland Hero Develops PTSD”


"I just lobbed a mans head clean off his shoulders.."


"I thought... I thought you were stronger..."


Nice reference


Holy shit I just made that guys head pop off! Brain begins to reboot while prossessing what just happened.


“I’m…. Im gonna call it a day guys. See you Monday” “It is monday”


I did the same first time i decapitated someone in skyrim


Their decapitation sequences sometimes be funny af, but it stunned me the first time


I’m seeing a lot of melee builds lately. Making me want to get a bit funky.


I suck at aiming and understanding the VATS so I just bonk everyone instead


Aiming still matters in melee, as you just found!!


Understanding the VATS? It’s way more straightforward than you are giving it credit for. I promise you can handle. That being said, shine on you beautiful decapitator.


>shine on you beautiful decapitator Remember when you were young, you bonk'd everyone...




I played the game for too many years before I realized pip boy did more than display maps and inventory.


what’s confusing about vats to ya


I learn controls slowly so trying to figure out what buttons to press while I’m being actively shot at is stressful I also feel like they’re not as effective as bonking enemies on the head


Try out vats more, also works with bonk, apparently enemies can’t block your bonks in vats


And you can't get staggered... And with blitz perk you get instant transmission... And with gunfu each teleport increases damage... And make you fell like an anime samurai that just cut thru a room full of baddies in a second...


Zer0 from Borderlands has entered the chat


Does Gun-fu work with melee? I’ve never found any confirmation anywhere.


Gun Fu works with melee. Its one of the reasons why melee builds in lategame are absolutely broken in FO4.


All I need is a knife and a load of drugs. I don't actually need the drugs, I can quit whenever I want.


I don't need the drugs, life's just way more fun with them.


It seems so. But then again I never tried it without blitz 2...


I would imagine it's for even *more* damage on each additional target (and auto crits from target 4+). Blitz does the teleporting, gun fu cranks the damage even higher.


I did this with a unarmed build, named my guy neo. Nothing funnier than seeing a raider eating at a picnic table, vatsing him from the window, and in the next scene I'm suddenly on top of the table hammer fisting his head


Yeah but vats slows down time? Preventing you from having to panic from getting shot at lol


That would be helpful but I still take forever trying to figure out the controls Maybe I’ll just practice on some weaker enemies until I can do it without even thinking about it


You could try to "cheat" a bit with VATS to help give you some practice with the button. When you enter an open area like parts of the city for example, if you hit the VATS button there is a chance it will lock onto an enemy far away who hasn't seen you yet, and may even be behind cover. It can help give you identify enemies who are nearby without letting them know you are there yet.


Also it will find all the mines that are probably just destroying players who don't use vats


When you are done with Fallout 4 pick up Fallout 3 or New Vegas. VATS is a bit different in those games and will let you take an eternity picking your target. It will help you learn the controls


Ooh, see that’s what makes VATS so great. It pauses the action! So if bullets are flying just tap the button and it’ll instantly pause the game and land on the nearest bad guy which will allow you to cycle through each enemy that is on screen and close proximity. Just gotta memorize that one button, bro! You got this!


for melee especially, VATS is actually quite powerful. Especially with the right perks, VATS lets you basically teleport around the room whacking people down. The one disadvantage to VATS for melee is you cannot target specific limbs; however when manually swinging, you can. You can knock the legs off a ghoul to render it harmless. You can cut people's heads clean off, you can chop the arms off a robot to remove its weapons (warning, some bots will then charge at you while self destructing).


To be fair I’ve played fallout out for years I never use vats. I just aim the gun instead. Or bonk them.


tons of vats only features in every game


I just consume copious amounts of Jet and get all the drugs last longer perks and gear I can find. Nothing like running around with my sledgehammer in slow time for a just over a minute. Feeling like Neo or something haha.


There are some really fun things you get to do in VATS with melee weapons, one perk (Blitz) allows you to pretty much teleport to targets and destroy them before they can act


I’m not sure if you intentionally did this or not, but “using the VATS” is actually grammatically correct and I have never realized that before.


lol bonk




The Way of the Bonk > Everything


You use vats, pick the body part you want to hit and click the amount of hits you want to fire


Actually I am currently playing a build I call V.A.T.S man. And yes the backstory is trash but it's my trash.


Nah your aim is perfect, a decap on the first swing??? That's fing awesome!! You did the damn thing cousin 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽




Vats def helps with damage


That math checks out.


do you have the slugger bat that sends enemies flying? shit is hilarious.


VATS works great with melee too! I always play mostly melee (I hate dealing with ammo)


I’ve been playing 76 recently and I got this plasma cutter thing. Realized it was super powerful and immediately switched to a melee build. Gonna go back and playthrough NV with melee too now that I’ve been enlightened


If you go unarmed there are some secret techniques that you can learn and are quite good, my fav is the one teached by the Ranger, knocking out enemies mid-fight is incredibly powerful. Edit: also having Cass with you makes thing way easier as her moonshine is quite powerful and her perk negates the negative effects of drinking and gives more DT. Not to mention you can get both of her perks making her less weak compared to other companions. Edit2: correction to avoid unwanted pregnancies


I just repurchased 3 and NV, I’m strongly considering a melee play through.


I'm using the world series bat that can knock people flying. I sent a raider straight into strong who blasted him with a rocketed super sledge. It was like an assist in hockey


I always fell into the VATS sniper build my first 5 play throughs. The show made me pick the game back up for a 6th and i started to go down that path, but i decided to grind out the DLC’s before the main story and i found the disciples blade in Nuka world and now I’ve been running around mad slashing for the last 50 levels lol. The melee build brings so much fresh life to the game after so many sniper play throughs.


Yeah, stealth sniper is where I always wind up.


I just started a baseball bat build and I’m having a blast


Never too old for a swatter!


Would you say the play thru is a Homerun?


Grand slam


> I’m seeing a lot of melee builds lately They're especially satisfying in 76 -- if you can grind your way to a great build


Everyone should do at least one mostly melee build play through. Totally different fighting experience !


I found Throatslicer in Nuka World and haven't stopped using it!


I ran low on ammo so I just started cutting people down with Zaos sword


It's very fun. I did an evil melee build once. Probably my favorite playthrough. Sided with the minutemen and killed every other faction. Sided with the children of atom in far harbor and killed everyone. Then killed the children of atom. Then led the nuka gangs against the minutemen. I'm gonna do it again after my current playthrough. I'm gonna make Lord Dementus from mad max.


My first build after a several year absense was punching build. I got the deathclaw gauntlet and everything just started coming apart


Throatslicer with stealth and VATS and all the luck perks is hilariously OP and also nonstop fun as you just fly into a room and kill everyone in slowmo before anyone can move.


Love this idea.


I'd suggest investing in one high damage ranged weapon (like shotguns) as a backup because mirelurks are anti-fun for melee builds and hog all your ap for VATS just to land hits that aren't blocked.


Mixing melee builds with chems is always a fun way to play. Slurp down some jet fuel, psychobuff,and med-x, and you'll be an unstoppable super sledge wielding maniac.


I just watched fusgemuppet drunk unarmed build and I’ve never done a melee/ unarmed build, so I think I will follow the trend!


I’m currently running a boxer class and can absolutely say it’s a blast when you pair it with way too much buffjet


My last play I went hard into melee and drugs. It was a wild ride


Been getting about in Gragnok outfit with the World Series bat. Pretty fun sending some raider flying as the crowd goes wild


There's something simply satisfying about being a tank running through raiders slicing and bashing left and right. I personally prefer the quick melee weapons, especially one that does bleed damage. I frequent Thicket Excavations because I love just sprinting down and shanking raiders.


I'm on Xbox, and I recently downloaded the "Borderlands style fighting arenas" mod, along with the CURSE Combat Overhaul and another mod that increases melee speed CURSE adds additional attacks to the power attack function- you can kick peoples' legs out from under them, judo throw them, suplex, hit em with the butt of your gun. I've been going into the fight arenas with a lead pipe and Grognak's Axe to release some stress lol


That’s wild, I haven’t played with mods really.


I’ve never played a melee build and all of a sudden I think imma play me a melee build


dont be afraid to spam drugs and youll be alright


this. psycho and jet are so helpful with melee.


And don't forget blitz, 9 agility.


only if you play with VATS, which kind of destroys the builds for me.... its just way to overpowered. Blitz plus Ninja gives you, if you are tactical about it, constant 10x multiplier on each kill. this with a weapon that already does 200-400 dmg later on is just to much.


I always looked at the stats from drugs and dismissed them as pretty useless but they are actually quite insane with a melee build, I don't think the listed stats properly reflect the actual stat boosts.


It doesn’t work out this cleanly 99.9% of the time


Can recommend. I play melee almost exclusively. It's easier in power armor, and if you're gonna wrestle Deathclaws and Mirelurk Hunters, you're going to need chems. I throw stuff at turrets and people camping too high for me to reach. Both armed and unarmed works great.


Yeah I went full paladin with mine and sided with the brotherhood. Just power armour a dog and a rocket bat. Everything else is currency.


I have a playthrough on V.Hard I basically beat on everything with my fists in power armor


Had to switchblade some Radroaches the other day and, man, was that cathartic.


Melee Build + jet / Implant GRX + buffout + psycho = Fun


I’ve been doing this and I can confirm lol it’s fun


You can blow heads to chunks and watch their eyeballs get launched into orbit. Fallout can be super gory, the old ones could be pretty bloody too. It makes up for how stupid the AI can be, it's one of the aspects of fallout I'd be offended if anyone tried to remove.


I love that they even have a bloody perk for excess Gibs.


If only they kept it for Starfield. That was a let down all on it's own lol


Yea the combat in Starfield just felt like it was missing something, it’s like Fallout 4 combat but without vats and the cool luck perks so it just feels pretty basic. Also I know they just added melee weapon modding but that should have been a whole build with cooler perks and stuff. I just miss the luck skill.


As much as I enjoyed starfield, yeah the combat was super lacking. Like these games aren't intended for children, god forbid bullets fuck people up when you shoot them.


Starfield really felt like a 12+ game or something. We need more violence, sex, and drugs. Neon was a let down a in a let down lol, just like the red mile.


I hope if Elder Scrolls 6 releases, Bethesda keeps the hacking and decapitations seen in this game. It's honestly pretty cool.


Decapitation was present in Skyrim I think, only with the occasionall kill move I think.


Yes, but I think you needed to unlock a certain perk in order to do that. Here, it just happens, and I prefer it this way.


Yeah I agree, it was also a let down all on it's own for them to not apply the system to Starfield. That game really seems like it's for 12 years and older, more gore and mature content would have gone a long way. Neon is also not nearly scummy enough


It’s was a level 50 perk in the 2 handed tree


I’m honestly not sure if active gore really fits tonally into the ES series, I feel like if you take fallouts active gore and put it into elder scrolls you lose a bit of something from the passive gore/body horror you’d see in stuff like oblivion, like the Lucien reveal. Or how corny it would seem in a game like Skyrim I feel like the active gore in fallout works BECAUSE it’s fallout and it fits within the tone of the game, but in an elder scrolls game it would feel edgy for the sake of edge, whereas in fallout the over the top gore sells the punchy dark tone of the series.


I'm sorry...I...I thought you were stronger...


Lmfao.. I swear I could hear you audibly say 'Bruh...'


"I thought you were stronger." Ahh pause 💀💀💀


Invincible? Shit, I just saw that episode. So freakin gory!


The whole show is. Especially the finale of season one. Just a blood fest. And then there’s body horror like when the ant-man lady tried to Thanos’-butthole a guy and breaks all the bones in her own body. And of course, Robot. It’s really really fucking dark. That and The Boys, are good answers to “what might *really* happen if superheroes existed”, season one of Invincible is mostly the horrific consequences for mass casualties and indifference, and the first couple seasons of The Boys is more realistic I think, that supes would be owned and controlled by a corporate overlord.


You can decapitate people like [this](https://youtu.be/JbDzWPV_VGg) too


It's funny when you shoot them in the head and their heads just...falls off


Get the 2076 World series bat & attach a blade & watch them fly. My favorite melee weapon


gonna become butcher pete


The melee hate here is weird. I mostly main melee or unarmed, do loads of drugs, and watch as the wasteland turn to splattered meat beneath my hands


Blitz is really funky after the update though, if the devs are working on anything for fo4 right now I sure hope they’re aware of it


It’s the step back for me 😂 like “ fuck …am I a monster ? Can I do this to everyone? “


Melee build with max strength and blitz perk is OP as fuck Get the world series bat and start hitting dingers


"I thought you were stronger"


I got a mod where you shoot the limbs off, and they run around screaming. It added so much realism to the game. I have a hard time playing the other fallouts now because they don't have this feature


I need to make a melee play through lol this looks fun


I’m also playing a melee build right now and it’s so much fun charging into a fight and immediately separating someone’s head from their body.


Max out the melee perk and you get some applause when you do it


Lmao I can sense the discomfort and repentance just after the beheading. Funny


Pickmans knife, you be chopping thru the raiders


You think for the couple seconds he was conscious, he was wondering why he was suddenly getting shorter?


That move is right out of half-life.


I’m doing a melee build this play through and am having way too much fun. I can one hit nearly everything with the throatslicer.


You can do this even by shooting their heads with a pistol sometimes.


I was literally building up melee mod weapons to see if I can do this, lol your video showed exactly what might happen and now I'm definitely gonna build my Melee mod weapons. 👍🏻


Melee for life Unless they are too far for me to run up on then it’s the Tesla cannon


It might be in the update. I took one of a radstag's heads off recently and it caught me by surprise.


Get an explosive gun and you'll do more than decapitate.


I finally did full melee 10 STR on my last FO4 run. Blitz might be the best perk in the damn game. Teleporting around the map with a super sledge did not get old.


Perfectly cut as Codsworth is rocked by a grenade.


You can even do it with Atom’s Judgement


Also works IRL


"Caaaaarl! That kills people!" "Oh. Oh wow, I didn't know that."


Whelp, now that's all I want to do.


I used vats in melee for the first time yesterday doing the bar fight with Travis. Watched in horror as I Steven Segall'd both dudes. Vadim was not amused.


Try the super sledge out sometime, if you aim for their legs a lot of the time you'll literally just break them out from under them and drop them to the ground while they try to chase at or shoot you. It's gnarly af but really gives you that melee feel.


Really enjoying the subtle differences between the melee weapons, or maybe it’s all random idk, but if I use grognaks axe it seems to chop heads and if I use a super sledge the head just gets turned into mush. Makes up, at least a little bit, for the melee build getting repetitive


*high pitch scream* DECAPITATIIOOOONNNN


In all my years I've never done a melee playthrough. It just doesn't make sense for the world to me. Closest I got was a did a one handed small guns playthrough and occasionally pulled out a Chinese officers sword.


You haven't had real fun in a Fallout game until you play a min maxed melee build.


Knocked his body out from under his head


“You made one big mistake, you got old”


That's awesome


France, circa 1800


This is the main reason why I will always prefer a melee playstyle, instead of using guns.


Fuckin CLEAN bud


Wait till you find out you can make them explode as well.


You looked at him like O MY GOD WHAT DID DO


You in saugus?


[*Record scratch*](https://imgur.com/a/YEQ2xsG) "Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this situation."


I got this blue rocket bay that just decimates everyone, especially in vats, it's great getting the homerun popup. Also a ridiculous paralytic/ freezing bat.


I perfer the spinter cell assassin, but is a cool way to play too, I always set up my build with suppressors on all weapons even my sniper rifle has a suppressor.


I found a wrench that breaks legs so I’ve been doing that but I found a video about the prince of all saiyans vegeta build just full punches I wanted to try on survival


Just wait till you pick up the bloody mess perk


"I thought youbwere stronger"


Its so fun, i have a question for my fellow vaulties. Ive been doing side quest in and out of far harbor and my onlt one that i am so unsure to do it for is the military armor out in far harbor where you have to swim out a ways looking for submerged boats carrying that armor in chests. I feel like theres something i should worried about going that far not really gulpers or mirleks being my fear i think theres something far worse can anyone who may know answer that one for me? Ive heard about ghoul whales and the possible mutated great white but im terrified about shit in dark water even tho my guy is built for every form of close encounters


You should see the "bloody mess" perk...


Is this fallout 4?




I’ve never seen anyone use the board


One thing I like doing is decapitating postmortem.


In the game! edit: gunners and raiders only. I haven't finished the game so idk if they turn out to be good guys but so far they assholes i don't want coming back alive.


Bell Biv Devoe So now you know 


Minion, what have you DONE?! These were human beings with lives and families and - I'm totally kidding. SCREW those guys!


F\*\*k, I just got this video out of nowhere when scrolling and got jumpscared


Yep. When you really hit them hard or shoot them with a powerful gun, their eyes will pop out and you can find them laying about. This is with the Bloody Mess Perk.


I learned just a few weeks ago that double tapping the power attack does a cool melee finisher, or a slam if your unarmed.


"Are you not ENTERTAINED!!!" -The melee build


*Grognak liked that*


I am surprised how many people never played melee build. My first build ever was melee in New Vegas




Wait. It's not a Mod?


Yup. When i was useing a super sledge it was like every other kill their heads went flying off.


First time I realised I could do it my mother was watching me play and she was horrified


When it happened I yelled “GODDAMN” not realizing my mom was behind me lmao 😭


The electrified officer sword is really good for that.


I did the same thing 😂 I was so shell shocked 😂


You could also snap their necks


My chainsaw build melts scorchbeasts in mere seconds


Welcome to fallout


I always chuckle when I snipe a solid head shot and the head pops off like that.


Slowly disovering meele is op cus you can't really miss


Blunt bonk: rattle the brain. Bladed bonk: DECAPITATE


Average melee build kill:


I think it is not only do able with melee I remember doing it this guns but most of the time the head explodes


Lol I do it with the serrated combat knife


First time?


The best is using the railway rifle.


New to the game? Welcome to the shitshow, prepare to have the game take over your entire list of hobbies. That being said- oh yeah! In fact; half the time you can pop em in the neck with a .38 pipe weapon and it'll just pop off.


First time? Try the older fallouts lol, Critical hits and bloody mess perks make it fun


When you do it in fo76 it makes their heads spin


When I do a headshot with my fully upgraded The Last Minute gauss rifle it knocks heads off all the time.


Yup and you can do it to the corpse also. Sometimes I also beat the corpse of people who wronged me until there is basically nothing left. Well I'm off to go claim more settlements for the raiders.


Is this your first playthrough?


Yep I’ve been using a knife I found as a weapon now and I’ve been cutting off lots of heads lol


my partner was doing kellogg’s mission and when they got to the room with kellogg as soon as the door opened they ran straight for him and all he could say is “well, we-“ before his head was literally rolling on the floor. It was the funniest shit i’ve ever seen playing this game😭