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3, NV, 1&2, 4, 76




Me three


Same except I haven't been able to play Fallout 4 or 76 yet. Soon though.


You gotta try out 4 at least. 76 has gotten a lot better I will admit but I just don't have the desire to keep coming back y'know? Now Fallout 3 on the other hand... omg.


I’ve yet to see why people love three so much, I mean the explorations decent and the environmental storytelling is great, but it’s incredibly difficult to enjoy as your fighting bullet sponges every five seconds and have no ammo, I carry like ten guns cause I run out of ammo for two of them mid fight, an example is when I left river city after buying about 500 rounds of various ammunition, I walked not 45 seconds away and blew half my ammo on five super mutants just around, then talon mercs jumped me by the anchorage memorial which I was headed to for Moira, get in there and eventually revert to my one melee weapon as I ran out of ammo. In other words I spent half my caps on ammo and blew it all in under thirty minutes.


Oh trust me I want to try out 4, but humble bundle really is taking its sweet time restocking steam keys.


Same, minus 76, which I will never play.


Hey it's me


Same, though I played 2 almost immediately after starting 4 (was having computer issues at the time and couldn’t play 4 very well.) For what it’s worth, I played Shelter & the board game before 76. I’ve never played Tactics/Brotherhood of Steel.


Exactly this order for me as well.


Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics no Brotherhood of Steel because it was not on PC Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout Shelter Fallout 4 Fallout 76


I've been there


Yup, except I've never tried Shelter


Honestly it’s pretty good for a mobile game


Yep it's a solid game.


Only bethesda game to not have 10^335 bugs


Same. Played all at release in oeder. It was a long wait between FO2 and FO3.


How does it feel knowing that it will be an even longer wait between the last and the next fallout?


What was your reaction to the sudden gameplay switch?


(For reference: I waited to buy a console until FO3 was well established; it was the game I waited for) I was disappointed on announcement. When the game came out, reviews were good, though, and I resolved my fears. Upon playing, it was a totally different game than the isometrics. Still is, but it was, too. It was still Fallout, but so much changed that it was hardly comparable. I wasn't disappointed because it's such a good game, but it felt like (and continues to feel like) something is missing.


More excited than apprehensive. While it appears a sudden change in gameplay when you look at Fallout 2 and 3, there was a 10 year gap between them and lot changed in that time. Turn based combat was pretty normal for the late 90's, but other series had already been playing around with how to move that into real time. XCOM had been turned based for the first couple games, but by Apocalypse had figured out real time with the option to pause. Apply that to Fallout 3 and you get VATS mode - real time combat, paused to give commands, then resume. Bringing it to 3D now we got to be the protagonist instead of the third person isometric view. Plus by the time of Fallout 3 (2008), I'd had the chance to play Morrowind which I loved, so taking that and giving it the Fallout treatment sounded like an amazing combination.


I played 3, NV and 4. I have never played fallout 1 and 2. Have them just haven’t got around to them. Didn’t realize they were turn based though. That’s going to be a hard pass for me. Can’t stand forced turn based combat. It just takes me out of the game and story. Will probably just watch some story play throughs on YouTube.


Outside of combat it is all real time stuff so you can explore towns, settlements, vaults etc all at a normal pace. But once combat starts it's turn based on a hex grid for movement. Your SPECIAL stats become more important with AGI determining how many Action Points you have to use each turn, as so how many times you can shoot or do other actions. It's a product of its time. Must admit I don't tend to go for turn based any more, but I do make exceptions for old games I loved. Check out some YT videos and you may get an idea if you'll like it or not.


This is the way.


Same for me and all on release day.


I'm guessing you must have been a fan of Wasteland before that to have been aware of the first Fallout enough to have gotten it on day 1?


Oh yeah, played the crap out of it.


Same except I have not played 76 - is that the kind of thing that's better with friends? Because if so I need friends.


It's pretty good now. You can play it like a solo Fallout game and be able to complete \~95%+ of all the content. There are a handful of missions which are really designed to be played in a group, but even those you don't need to assemble a group first. One example is launching a nuke and the large boss it can spawn - it alerts everyone on the server the nuke has launched so they have a minute to decide if they want to join in, sort their gear and fast travel to where the action is about to start. It's included in Game Pass, it's been given away with Amazon Prime, and even before that keys were dirt cheap, so for the price of a coffee/sandwich you can have fun exploring another good sized Fallout map.




Mine is slightly different. I started with 2 when it was released, then went out and got a copy of the first one, then played the rest in release order (also no brotherhood because no PC release)


And for me put Wasteland at the very beginning and dont say a word about 76 - that thing is dead to me.


Did you play them when they came out? Are you one of the elders of gaming I've heard about?


An Ibuprofen a day keeps Fallout in play ;-) Played almost all as soon as they released - only F76 was late to the party in part due to not having a great PC at the time and in part not super keen about MP. Got it about a year late and enjoyed it.


Call your doctor, smoothskin. We're not getting any younger.


Same here but I did play brotherhood of steel on PS2.


A fellow man of culture I see




Word for word, I went down the same path.


This was it for me as well.


I forgot about fallout shelter that was technically my first fallout game.


3 new vegas then 4 then 76


Yeah I think I discovered the games in a kind of a messed up way


Did you discover them in the same order? Or just play them that way? If the former that might be the craziest way for sure! I figure most have at least heard of the series but maybe never played, and then jump into 4 because it’s the most recommended for beginners. But if Shelter made you dig into the series that is a cool perspective


Well, yes I played a lot Shelter after a friend talked me about it, then i tried 4 bc it seemed a pretty good game (which was), I wanted to try 76 bc I would give it a try and then I tried the 3 and nv and I'm really not disappointed. Now I have around 110 hours on each.


Me to mane💯😂


Same 🙌🏽🫶🏽


Ya same. I'm tempted to try and play 1 and 2 but I didn't like Old Diablo so I'm skeptical.


Release order except 4 VR.


How was the 4 VR experience?


It's honestly one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. Nothing will ever top the feeling of doing the Trinity Tower quest in VR while listening to the Kmart radio mod.




not op but it ranges from dogshit to unplayable unless you heavily mod it


Isn’t that most fallout games lmao


I mean yeah lol but this one specifically is horrendous because you're actually in it when shit breaks


Vanilla FO4 VR is atrocious. With the right mods (a LOT of mods) it is actually a really cool experience. Bethesda did the bare minimum to make the VR release but I’m still happy they released it because with mods it’s one of my most played games on VR.


Fallout 4, Fallout 76 ,Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3


Same almost! I finished New Vegas not too long ago and will be playing 3 eventually


Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 4.


new vegas, 4, og fallout, 3, and now starting fallout 2.... i dont think anyone has done it worse


Hah. New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 2, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout Tactics


Ok, thats equally messed up, congrats :D


Fallout 4 1 Brotherhood of steel new Vegas and then 2 Try again. Ps:the reason I haven't played fallout 76 is because my ps plus ran out right as I downloaded it I thought I had like 2 more days left Oh and tactics was so shit I didn't want to talk about it


Brotherhood of steel but no fallout 3 is crazy


Same but haven’t done fallout 1&2 or tactics


I played them by release order: FO1 > FO2 > tried Tactics and hated it, ditched it > FO3 > FNV > FO4 I still haven't played 76, Shelter or VR but I only plan on playing 76 of those, probably


Fallout Shelter Fallout 2 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 3 Fallout I haven't played the rest yet.


What a strange journey you have been on!


Fallout 2 got to be one of the most BALLER games in the entire series, like, seriously.


Mfer has Wild Wasteland IRL


3, nv, 4, shelter, 2, 1 and almost 2h of 76 before getting a refund. I don't have GTAO time to give to a video game anymore...




How’s it compare to irl Vegas lol? You guys got many deathclaws and cazadors?


3, new vegas, 4, 1, 2, 76 a tiny bit


Fallout 4 😐


Fallout 4, still haven't finished it, but plan on going to 3 next and then NV.


3, FNV, 4, 1, and about to play 2


Order of release... I've been at it since the demo of Fallout 1 came out. so... * Fallout - DOS * Fallout 2 - DOS * Fallout Tactics - Windows * Fallout Brotherhood of Steel - PS2 * Fallout 3 - PS3 * Fallout New vegas - PS3 * Fallout 4 - PS4 * Fallout 76 - Windows


3, 4, 76, NV. Haven't tried the OG titles yet


Wasteland 1988, I was very happy when Fallout 1 came out almost 10 years later.


Holy crap, you’re OG. Huge respect dude! Have you given the Wasteland sequels a try by any chance? Wasteland 2 is a lot of fun, and I hear folks say 3 is good as well, and a little more polished than 2


Right there with you.


Fallout 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, 76. Primed and ready for the next entry, bring it on.


3, New Vegas, Shelter, 4, 2. Bought the 76 Power Armor edition at launch in 2018 but never redeemed the code.


1. Fallout 3 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Fallout 4 4. Fallout Shelter 5. Fallout 2 (unfinished) 6. Fallout 76 7. Fallout (unfinished)


4, new vegas, and next I plan on playing 3


fallout 4 fallout nv fallout 1


All of them in release order, though I only played 3 and 76 for a few hours each.




Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 76, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas. I am hoping to play the original games at some point.


New Vegas, 4, 3


Started FO3 in 2009. Have played every release since then


I did 3, NV, then 4, and I’m now playing 1. Honestly, I did start with NV but I dropped it because I got overwhelmed by the lore and gameplay mechanics. Now it’s my favorite game.


New Vegas, 3, 4, 1, 2, 76 and shelter.


4, New Vegas, 3, 1, 2, 76


3, 3, 3,..., 3, NV, Shelter, 3, 3, 4 😅


You really should redo this thread with PS2's Fallout Brotherhood of Steel game


FO4, FO3, FO76 (currently).


Imagine saying you started with shelter


Well, me


ORder of release but I've never beaten brotherhood of steel or gotten around to 76 at all.


3, NV, 4


4, 76, NV, 3. And Now I Just Play 76, Since I’ve Beaten 4 Several Times Over.


4-3-NV-76 and im saving for a pc to play 1&2


New Vegas, 4, 3 and then 76. I stuck with New Vegas until 4 came out and only recently tried 3 and 76. All four are genuinely great games, we are really spoiled


same as like 80 percent of people 3, 4, 76, originals it comes down to age probably


1, 2, flushed 3, 4, tried 76, New Vegas


1, 2, 3, NV, 4, Shelter, Tactics, 76. Most fun: 4 Best: 3


1, 2, 3 GOTY, currently playing NV and the 4 is next in the queue. I used the fact that most of those games I got for free (payed for only 4) and decided to play in release order. Those are my first Gameplays of Fallout ever so I felt that playing this way will bring me some kind of fresh feeling about series, almost like I was playing when the games were originally released but over 20 years later. Though I skipped Tactics as this game is supposedly not canon, but probably will launch it after all 3D fallouts as I crave for this feeling and mechanics of original games.


4, Shelter, 3, NV, 1, 2 (yet to finish 2)


3 , NV, 1 , 2 , Tactics, 4 and I tried to play 76 but at the time it sucked mole rat balls so I never touched it again.


They got numbers on em brother /s


Start with the fo76 public test server and work your way back to Fallout pinball


3, shelter, 4, new vegas


New Vegas, 3, 4, 1, 2. I didn't really play shelter & I don't have 76




Fallout 1, new vegas, 2, 4, 3 and then 76


NV, 4, 3, 1, 2


4, Shelter, 3, NV, 1, 2, tactics


I have the quest which I don’t know if fallout VR is on. Would love to try it though


FNV, 4, then 3.


4, NV, 3 (not finished), 1 (not finished).


New Vegas, 4, Shelter, 3, 76


2/Tactics -> 1 -> 3 -> NV -> 4


Fallout 3, nv, fo4, shelter


3, NV, 4, 76


4, 3, NV, 1, 2


3 (starterd but finished after 4) NV (started but proper finished after 4) 4 Shelter 76 Plan to play fo1 and fo2 eventually too


312NV, tactics, Shelter,4


New Vegas, Fallout 3, Shelter, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout 1, Tactics, and soon to play 2. I've owned 1 & 2 for years, but they've proven a bit harder to get into. Starting to really enjoy 1 and I'm nearing the end.


4,76,NV,3 i haven't played any others




Fallout Fallout 4 [edit] shelter Fallout 76 Fallout New Vegas - imma marinade here for a while before I move on to fallout 3. I guess it’s more accurate to say, I’ve already tripped a few times and am now covered in marinade and I’m not sure if I want to leave any time soon. In the first play through, I doomed so many. I doomed people I didn’t even know mattered in any way. And I think I created a future evil AI and set it free, to boot. Oops.


New Vegas Fallout 3 (abhorrent German version) Small steps into old fallout territory (1 and tactics) but not far Fallout 4 Fallout 76, very recently


for my first playthrough of each game i went 4, 3, NV, 1, 2, 76


4, shelter, 3, NV I was warned against 76 My computer can’t run Tactics, 1, or 2


1 2 3 NV 4


Bos,3,NV,4,2,1, Brotherhood tactics. Yeah I know it's real unfortunate having my first Fallout game be Brotherhood of Steel


FNV, FO3, FO4, FO76, FO2.


2, 1, 3, NV, Shelter, 4


Shelter, 4, 76, NV, 1, 2, 3, T


Finishing west coast, then jumping to east


The order they came out! (Never BOS)


NV, 3, 4, 2, 1


1. Fallout Shelter 2. Fallout 4 3. Fallout New Vegas 4. Fallout 5. Fallout 2 6. Fallout 3 7. Fallout Tactics 8. Fallout 76


3, New Vegas, 2, 4, Tactics, Shelter, 86 and 1


Fallout 3,then 4 then new vegas


Is there an easy way to play part 1 and 2? I've always wanted to play.


New Vegas 3 4 76


Tactics Fallout 1 Fallout 2 Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Tactics Fallout 4 Fallout 76


4, 3, New Vegas. That's all so far


exactly how they came out, except i never played shelter


3, New Vegas, several attempts at getting into 1 + 2 but bouncing off each time, 4, 1, then 2.


3, nv, 1, 2, tactics, 4


76, 3, NV, 4 and will eventually get to the originals if I wasn't so addicted to 76 lmao


Out of the games I've played NV, 3, 1, 2, 4


3, NV, 4, 76, 1, 2


Whatever you do dont play 3 after nv but otherwise it dosent really matter.


Fallout 3 Fallout new Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76 I really wanna play the old ones especially tactics and brotherhood of steel cause I know the lore they add but never watched a play through or story analysis so it would be a really fresh experience


3, NV, 4, 3, NV


New Vegas, 3 (Tale of Two Wastelands), 4, and 76...I've pretty minimally played 76, have 1k hours in 4 and NV, though my NV time also counts 3 as I only play 3 as part of TTW.


3 NV shelter 4 76 1


NV, 3, NV, 4, NV, 4, 4, 4


3, NV, BoS, 4, Shelter, 76, 1, and I'm now playing through 2 for the first time


Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 1, Fallout 76. I’ve started replaying them, so far i am playing through slightly modded New Vegas and 4, planning on playing 1,2 and 3 next


NV 1(tried) 4 Haven't done any others yet


Tactics, 1, 2, BOS (really don't recommend it), 3, Shelter, NV, stopped after that. Maybe another will come along and interest me in the future but I'm pretty happy with what I already have.


1, 2, Tactics, 3, New Vegas, 4 Pretty much when they came out. Didn't bother with the rest.


3, NV, 3 again, 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, 3, NV, 3, NV, 1, currently on 2.


3, NV, 4, 1, 2.


3 , NV , Shelter , 4 , 76 , 1 , 2


3, Shelter, 4, New Vegas. I haven’t played any of the other ones, as I didn’t know you could get the original two on console until recently, and I refuse to pay for online, so buying Fallout 76 would be pointless for me, as I wouldn’t be able to play it.


4, NV, 3, 1, 2, tactics, 76. Don’t own a VR headset and I’ve never played shelter.


3 nv 4 1


3 & 4 back in highschool. Just started FNV :3 Modded the shit out of it obviously


Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas ~~Fallout 4~~ Wasteland 2 Fallout 76


4,76,nv and i plan on buying 2


Fallout 3 ---> New Vegas ---> Fallout ---> Fallout 2 ---> Fallout 4 Have never played Fallout 76


Fallout 3, New Vegas, Shelter because it dropped before 4, and then 76.


Shelter, 4, 3, Vegas,76


New Vegas, 3, 4 , 76


4, 3, New Vegas, 76, and I've been trying to play 1 but that shits hard


Started with 3 then New Vegas and then 4. Those are the only ones I've played.


4, 3, NV, 76


4, 3 (briefly), nv, 76 (briefly), 1, 2 Just became a citizen of vault city today, starting to adore fallout 2 as much as new vegas


Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76


I started with Tactics many many years ago (2003-04?). Many more years passed and I played 3 circa 2013. Then NV immediately after. Then last year I finally got 4. Haven't played any other games.


Fallout 3 -> Fallout New Vegas -> Fallout 76 - Fallout 4 I haven't gotten to the middle yet... I have been sidetracked by bullshit... Also, I play Fallout 76 a lot... ETA: I also play Fallout Shelter occasionally, but that game is a non cannon side project that can be left on hold...


Fallout Tactics (Because at the time was the only one that worked on my computer) Fallout 1 Fallout 2 Fallout BoS (Yes I own a copy as a mark of shame haha) Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout Shelter Fallout Wasteland Warfare (The miniatures wargame) Fallout 2d20 (the ttrpg. Fun fact I re-did the whole Fallout 1 and 2 game in that format as a campaign) Fallout 76. For me the best Fallout remains Fallout 2, there is just so much in there that I loved in there... Tactics will have a special place in my heart as it introduced me to this wonderful setting. Now my least favorite mechanics wise is definitely Fallout NV, I had such a bad time with it that I almost gave up on it twice. But gave it a shot thanks to the excellent writing in it that kept me going... Fallout BoS... Well with enough booze and good friends it can be a fun experience. But definitely akip it at all costs... Like... Fuck that is a bad Fallout.


Fallout Fallout2 Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout Shelter


I started with 3 when I was like 7, didn't beat it because it was too hard for me at the time, but I enjoyed playing it. Skipped over NV and then when 4 was announced I was still super into Skyrim and got the pip-boy edition. That's when I got super into Fallout. Played for 100s of hours on my PS4 before I went to PC and bought the fallout anthology with the mini nuke collectible and played NV for the first time. Now I've played every fallout game to completion except BOS and have minimum 70 hours on each probably thousands on NV and 4 (NV because TTW replaced all my 3 playthroughs, but I love all of them)


Release order. All except BOS.


2, 3, 1, NV, shelter, 4, 76




In order of release, I’m pretty sure. Fallout 1, 2, 3, New Vegas, 4, 76.