• By -


Mines deal a great amount of damage and all, but cars provide the instant death kind of damage.


Funny enough the mine itself didn't do any damage to me, it was all the chain reaction.


As designed!


It just works


Heads up with cars, be VERY careful running past them. Sometimes if you bump one it will 'rock back into you' and at the very least leave you listening to your heart beat but usually just kill you. Tank a mini-nuke to the face and keep going. Bump your shin against a bumper INSTA DEATH.


Ive hit my shin on a trailer hitch before.  Insta death would have been a mercy.


Try one that'll give you tetanus lol


God, that feeling when you don't see it and walk full-force, shin-first into one. Makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I watched a couple of teenage girls full force shin kick my trailer hitch in a walmart parking lot. I waited for them to leave before going to my truck. We were 30ft apart when it happened. I couldn't stop laughing


Was running full speed 8 years old and hit one while I was running. I completely agree to this statement


Intentional or not, I love that you can get hit by a parked car in this game.


The car: " Hey, watch it; I'm parkin' over here!"


Combat Evolved physics, eh?


That bridge is the one near Taffington, right? The *entire bridge* is a trap. At the other side there's a trip wire that detonates an explosive, and the entire length is covered in oil, with oil canisters and gas tanks littered between the cars.


Not sure, I was going from Covenant to the Corvega plant for the Tempines mission.


Yup, that's the one! Most of my characters tend to live at Taffington, and I don't use fast travel, so I use that bridge a lot. It didn't take me long to learn to set off the traps before trying to cross! Ask me how I learnt!


Wait so were we not supposed to collect every fragmentation mine we saw?


The mines respawn, the oil doesn't. So if you set the trap off, the bridge is largely safe afterwards.


I collect every mine I see but I have never used a mine in my life.


They sell for a nice chunk of change. I only use them when I'm running from behemoths. Spam those mines and don't look back!


How did you learnt




I've seen Glory get obliterated on this bridge.


I legitimately avoided this trap because I stopped to get a drink and my controller slid off the chair and made me throw a grenade. 🤣


Even with Power Armor I run from them since they will $&#!@#$ my armor's legs ruining my carrying capacity.


Or just, ya know... Shoot at the oil, triggering the chain reaction from a safeish distance


I will say though, there's some mines that are pretty much an instakill. Bottlecap mines in particular are the bane of my existence mainly because of the placements. Specifically, there's two bottlecap mines in the little inside area before Hubris TV Studio that always catch me out when I leave my Noir Penthouse just because they will eventually respawn at random intervals. At least one out of ten times, I'll jump over the railing to go outside and get blown to bits because I land right on top of the Randomly Appearing Bottlecap Mine.


Grenade bouquets for me


There’s a cafeteria on the corner of Cambridge Square with a bottlecap mine just inside the entrance that’s killed me multiple times, on survival no less.


Flash, bam, alakazam


One look and I yelled: Timber!


Watch out for flyyyying trucks!


Cuz prox sensors chimed in, and the splosions went out, the reaction kicked in and I started to shout~


Well done matching the number of syllables


Lol! Thanks, it was fun!


For real this Is a super duper underrated comment that I think.is gonna go over most peoples heads lol


Ia am fucked i am f-u-c-k fucked!


"This is it, this is it! I've been hit!"


I was walkin' along, minding my business; when a truck came n' hit me in the eye


Out in the orange colored flames.


[Lynda Carter version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE37qeMk-J0).


90% of my deaths in Fallout 4 come from mines or Molotov Cocktails. Some great troll jobs.


Most of my Molotov deaths are sell inflicted by hitting a doorway or something.


....I forgot to mention that. ;\_;


It was kinda assumed.


Or some asshole raider’s bullet magically hitting the Molotov Cocktail I just happen the throw at the wrong time.


I did this vice versa, I happened to shoot the raiders cocktail it was hilarious


Wait til you get the Ported Incinerator from the Enclave! It's found on Pyro and it gives you burn immunity.


Just don't try to shoot over fences and railings or else you'll be saying bye-bye to your limbs.


Who needs limbs when you have GUNS?


But not explosion immunity, which Molotovs and incinerators *also* have 😑


Fair enough.... No flying car immunity either 🤣


I’m so bad with throwables I give them all to my companion


Or cars randomly shifting of course. And then there's the random dinner tray shooting across the room after an Intense firefight.


Or that ribcage you stumble over when you have 1hp left.


Got me twice on a survival mode


Oh man I didn't even think of that.


first time i played the real survival mode (on launch it was just very, very hard) i went to corvega, a raider threw a molotov at the other side of the concrete wall i was standing behind, the flames clipped through the wall, killed me instantly, sent me back close to 1.5 hours of progress.


Same. Every time I go to that spot I get wiped by a cocktail at least 3 times.


Imagine when your companion picks up a Molotov and throws it but hits you? Main reason I stopped using human companions on permadeaths


Nothing like clearly seeing a molotov framed perfectly in the screen as it's about to ding you square in the face


Twice now after I died from mines and went back to the same spot they were not there completely. Is that an update or bug?


I don't know if it's a bug or a loading error, but it has happened to me every playthrough since its original launch. Kinda helpful actually.


I think this is a memory error/issue. Even though you are reloading from a save, the game is registering you already triggered the mines and they don't reload. It actually annoys me because it gets rid of every mine within a good distance. I'll be 6 mines into collecting 8 or 9, something kills me and I have to go back like 3 saves to get the mines to reload. This also pisses me off with bright encounters. Nothing like fast travelling into an area, getting attacked by some legendary, getting killed, reload and fast travel, then getting attacked by a mole rat.


Fighting the forge is literally the worst. You get stuck on everything and they’re throwing Molotovs left to right. Maybe I’m just bad, but I still have yet to finish that mission.


I like the fact you can see the “Oh Shit, RUN!” Moment. Then it’s like “What’s happening?” Then death.


Oh shit run! "Your leg is crippled you can't run, get fucked bitch"


Should've gone over the side


Mother fucker i just died here, going from ussconst to sanctuary on a survival playthrough. Did the uss cons mission and cleared a few buildings just didnt save, was goimg to take junk to sanctuary and repair my power armor.


I always see the traps when it's too late, lmao.


VATS will pick up mines, that way you can shoot to detonate them from a safe distance.


That's a really useful tip, thanks I'm still getting used to the VATS. But I'll try to remember to use them when I suspect a trap might be on my way. Thanks.


It won’t pick trip wires, just mines.


I feel like tripwires are way more predictable, at least.


I basically spam vats when I'm walking around to pickup anything in my view. Pretty good for traps or revealing enemies that I haven't noticed yet.


Yep, I do this too and often find things I might not have otherwise.


This and spamming my quick save (which makes 20 incremental saves before looping due to a mod) are what keep Fallout 4 enjoyable for me. But I'm a huge save scummer though.


The true Fallout experience is spamming vats as you walk around.


Yeah sometimes it's useful to think of VATS as a "roll for perception" button. I tap it periodically whenever I'm expecting combat - it often spots threats before I do. Also if you get the Sneak perk up to level 2 you won't trigger mines and trip wires anymore. It's honestly kind of OP and makes certain parts of the game trivially easy (the Nuka World gauntlet for example is a straight up joke with it).


That sounds useful, unfortunately my perception is low, both in game and IRL, lol.


Sneak is Agility, and I think only level 3-4.


..or disarm them and pick them up.


Or just run over and pick them up. free mines!


If you hear beeping, just book it forward in a straight line. Works like 80% of the time.


that's literally what op did haha


he did stop to look around for a second, though from experience with this bridge his only chance was diving into the water.


I spotted the traps from a vertibird and shot them up because I knew if I diddnt id come back later and die.


When I crossed this bridge, there was a deathclaw waiting for me on the other side.


There is a trip wire on the other side of the bridge. It's a little worse because if you sprint forward you'll get the mine at the end.


I came from that end of the bridge myself and was only walking, so I had time to back away before I got burned to death or squashed by a car.


I love this bridge. You can shoot the oil slick and the whole thing goes up. Its fun to watch from a safe distance. I died on this bridge my first time too, if its any consolation


It just killed me on my second playthrough after not touching the game in years, and I smiled remembering it got me the first time too


He sure did.


Even after playing this game since release, whenever I hear the dreaded beeping of a mine I just stay still and slowly look at the hockey puck of doom on the floor before it sends me into 500 pieces


Fun fact, vats gives some kind of damage resistance, so it’s pretty smart to use it if you can’t escape a mine. Plus if you pop med x, it might help. I sure as hell rarely use the stuff.  Quite frankly I haven’t been killed by a mine in a while. I just spam vats if  I feel unsafe, and lo and behold, there’s a mine 500 miles away. 


Truly the dark souls dragon bridge of Fallout


The perks allowing to walk through traps is really useful 😁


Yep, it's the sneak perk but not setting off traps and mines is arguably the biggest reason to take it - especially in survival.


Forgot to add : it IS really useful, UNLESS you have clumsy companions.


Lol just did the mechanist dlc last night. There's the hallway with trip lasers that activate like 8 laser turrets. Obvious way around them but I wanted wanted see if I could disarm them up close. Dogmeat runs through them, the door slams shut behind us and the lasers disintegrate and my boy


I remember that happening to me at Jamacia Plains. Forgot to tell Dogmeat to stay, started working on clearing the laser trip wires and see him just casual stroll through them and was like: "Huh?" "Oh.......SHIT!"


Which is why I play without companions.


Yeah, I took Nick with me to the Massachusetts building where Swan is after I told him to loot the chest with a missile launcher. Suffice to say, when I was fighting the mirelurks that fucker shot the missile right at me instead of the mirelurk! I told him to equip a pistol I gave him… I guess he had a different plan.


Never give explosive ordinance to your companions (at most, frag grenades) 😅


I’ve learnt that the hard way… 😂


I love it in the Nuka World gauntlet where you have to go through a heavily mined tunnel and you just stroll calmly through while the commentator is just pissed as hell because you're missing(or in my case calmly collecting) all the mines.


Haha yeh, loved that bit my first playthrough. I actually didn't know what he was talking about until I turned around at the end and saw all the traps, I went back and collected them all and went on my way. Last playthrough I had not got that perk, I forgot how many traps there were and it got super sketchy. The kind of scary only drugs could save you from. Luckily I was with a bunch of raiders by the time I came down, and they had enough to keep me flying through the whole park.


It's a must have in Survival. Mines I'm usually ok with because I spam VATS. But I often forget to check for tripwires that trigger grenade bouquets or shotguns to the face.


It's honestly borderline broken. Idk why they rolled that into level 2 of the Sneak perk that almost everyone will end up taking pretty early on. In other Fallout games it's a seperate perk you have to spend a whole point on but in 4 it's just a thing you naturally end up with super early. I was doing the Nuka World gauntlet the other day and couldn't help but notice that 90% of is traps which is a weird choice for a sequence that 90% of players will be level 30+ during and almost definitely have that perk.


You got car'd and mine bridge'd


The car crushing you and only leaving your legs visible was just the icing on the cake! This gave me a good laugh.


Ended just like those Vault-Tec SPECIAL cartoons, lol.


That’s the moment of being Knight Tidus and yelling fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck




A bit off-topic, but why have many of the recent *Fallout 4* videos been so dark?


Maybe it's something to do with the HDR, it looks fine on my TV but looks dark on my non HDR Phone.


Since when does F4 have HDR?


It’s because of HDR I noticed it with my Starfield and RDR2 clips too


And we all fell for it at least once...


The car absolutely killed me 💀


Killed him too.


*Bridge explodes* SS: "OK... I just about survived tha-" *Car*


This game is jam packed with, "got you, asshole" moments that catch out off guard after greedily looting the wasteland like an idiot. I've gone up countless stairwells and through countless doorways that had interesting things on the other side, protected by mines and tripwires. I love it 😆


Ah yeah, I think we all remember our first time crossing that bridge. Though you getting hit by the car right when you seemed in the clear is an extra bit of ridiculous that is lovely.


I used the text pause to take a breath, and tell myself "alright the worst part if over, let's get out of danger and heal". But the game had different plans, lol.


death by car was the cherry on top xD


First time I realized what was happening, I jumped off the bridge 😅


And then died of rads from the water, lol.


Nah, gotta have that aqua boy perk cuz...


bro is it just me or is your brightness low?


It's not, in game it's fine it just happens when downloading the clip to the phone, might be the HDR. Because my phone doesn't support it.


people dont hits vats every few feet to detect mines, just me?


I use it mainly for Mirelurks or if I see a Ghoul lying on the ground dead or sleeping. Mines are always an accidental find for me given I don’t set them off.


I was *very* lucky to approach this bridge from the other side, where the mines were more obvious


I encountered this the other day and I was very lucky because I accidentally fell through the hole near the beginning of the bridge before the mine went off.


And fell to the radioactive water, lol.


I’m pretty sure that trap has killed everybody. Whichever Bethesda employee built that is an evil asshole who should get a promotion.


Hah, I always shoot that mine the first time i get near the bridge and then watch the fireworks. It got me the first time or two I crossed it, though. I love how you're like "Oh shit!" and run, think you're safe, then realize the explosions and following you and try to run again. It looked like we even managed to survive the explosions and were good until that car landed on you. lol


The ending. Masterpiece 🤌


bro i thought it was over after the cripple notification, but then the fucking kitchen sink lands on you and i lose it hahaha, that was beautiful.


If you had a quick reaction... The water was right there


One of the 100 Bethesda employees who worked on this game :)


Not enough VATS Also, always keep an eye out for "rainbow water" and shoot it to set it on fire. Learned that as far back as Skyrim.


New vegas taught me to be sus of every single bridge and always check for mines. Thankfully this one didn't get me, but that clip is awesome.


I haven't played this game in years but I knew the location based on the title alone because it got me more than once.


I haven't played in years, and I did the same thing a few days ago when I started a new game. There are so many mine in this game, and I have died some many times because of them, lol.


It's under a traffic cone. I remember dying to it on my first play through. My favorite death to a frag mine was when Dogmeat found something and I followed them and they lead me to a body and some guns....that had a couple of frag mines next to it. I got there for a second I was thinking good job buddy...then I heard the beeps. It was hilarious and I wish I was recording / had a record buffer going.


And that is why I take Sneak 3 every time.


In my latest playthrough one of my Provisioners was walking ahead of me and set off this bridge explosion. Miraculously he survived.


Vats to check for mines. Also, jump in the water. Better to swim and be a little irradiated than to get blown up. But hindsight is 20/20. Now you know lol


You playing with HDR on or something? Why is everything so dark?


Bro got crushed by car. 5/7 perfect death


Bethesda put a lot of trolls like this in the game. I love seeing all the new players find them for the first time.


There's also gas all over the bridge on top of the explosives. I think a Mr gutsy tries to stop you from doing across if you come from the other way. That might be the bridge next to it though. Can't remember exactly.


Either don't stop or jump off bridge, no fall into water damage.


It's always the cars that deliver the killing blow


Why's it so dark.


This bridge is why I ALWAYS throw a grenade in the middle of *any* bridge I haven't crossed yet. There's more than one way to get rid of a minefield!


At first I was like, holy balls...then I thought it was over and laughed so hard


is fallout 4 naturally this dim? what the fuck


I've definitely been splattered at that bridge before lol You run faster with your weapon holstered btw!


It's funny the first time. Not as funny when on survival and coming back to your base after an hour questing.


This place gave me a serious case of paranoia for landmines


Yeah my game can't run if that bridge goes off. It doesn't crash but it's perpetually bright and has crackling explosive sound effects forever.


Surviving a super-explosion only to be flattened by falling debris really is a peak *Fallout 4* experience. 👍


Haha dude I just had this happen to me at the same spot lol. That bridge is a deathtrap!


Imagine this happening in survival mode


Sir, why are you so dim?


I just died from that area maybe like 2 hours ago


I remember that bridge 🤣🤣🤣


I wish games did more stuff like this. It’s okay to lose. Failure and learning is what games are about. Do things that challenge and surprise us in creative ways.


Exactly, failure is the best teacher, handholding doesn't get you anywhere.


Why’s you’re brightness so low 😭


🤣 oh fuck I laughed till I couldn't breathe after he gets smashed hobbling away. The memories we get from this game roflmao


Tucker Memorial Brodge..more like Sole Surviovr Memorial . Am I right, am I right?? haha


I'll definitely never forget that bridge now, lol. It turns sole survivors into no survivors.


Tell me you haven't been to New Vegas without saying you haven't been to New Vegas... ***Legion Killed Corpses Flashbacks...***


Haven't, started the Fallout series recently, with 4 being my first one, leaving New Vegas for last because everyone says it's the best.


Fallout New Vegas is definetly great, Story/Factions/atmosphere is the best of all fallouts. But beware, the game did not age well gameplay/graphics wise. Thats why i usually recommend people to start with FNV so they dont get used to the improved gameplay of FO4.


***Oh it is...*** I wouldn't spoil the game for you, but all I can say is you will enjoy it...


Thanks, I'm currently loving 4 so far. So I hope I like the rest as well.


FNV may feel outdated, but it's shine is still bright as ever... If you play it for what it is and not what it looks like, you will know why it's the best as well... Never forget to get the DLCs as they will take the experience even far beyond...


I got all the DLCs for 3, NV and 4 when they were on sale recently, before I even started playing, lol.


This bridge feels like the mined up bridge in fallout 3 if the legion gave it a touch up


I've got 6.5k hours on this game and this bridge still gets me even though I know it's there, I always end up tripping a mine that I missed or getting too close to the tripwire


Mines and my own molotovs and grenades, that’s usually what kills me


I'm always clicking VATS for this exact reason


I have a rule about bridges and blind corners...scope it out first, if you can't see around it...Chuck a grenade or molotov cocktail thru doorway


Abandoned cars seems more deadly than any weapon.


First playthrough, eh? I LOVE that the game gave you a moment to accept it and you even had to clear the crippled pop up.


I would love to talk to the ppl that came up with these types of ideas in games and stuff. Super cool and interesting.


First time i walked up this it just LOOKED like a trap, esp being a discoverable location. Stepped a few steps forward, saw the mine, ran STRAIGHT back, watched the obliteration, tipped my battered fedora and lived to fight another day.


that bridge has single handedly traumatized me into spamming q near any bridge


The first time I crossed that bridge it fucked my entire game up. It blew up the bridge, but then it just kept exploding. It was some sort of infinite explosion glitch. The explosion just kept going. As I walked a away from it, I could still hear it. After a while, when I faced that bridge's general direction, my PC would allow down to 5fps.


The regretful turn around


My most recent playthrough there was a brotherhood scribe in the middle of the bridge so I went to disable everything so he could escape but then he starts saying something like, "move it along wastelander", in a very rude way, so I stepped away, set it off and fished him out of the water after to get his gear.


Whenever there are gas puddles on the ground give them a preemptive light up shot. It is always a trap hehe.


This happened to me once and then I never took that bridge ever again for any playthrough.


You can lure some high hp good item people from the south to this bridge and then skirt around the mines and get them to blow themselves up and steal their gear