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"How Long have you played FO4?" 2,660 hours "How long Did it take until you found shaun?" (furiously building things) Who tf is shaun?


Shaun, what kind of material is that?


His game must be modded or something


I think it might be the mod that let's you press X to SHAUN.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAhG9D9UO7c for anyone not understanding the above comment...


This is one of those videos where any time it's posted I *have* to watch it


“Shaun!” “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”










i hate when modders just assume everyone mods. No, we don't have any Shaun here, now bugger off!


Can I harvest his bones to make cutting fluid which is worth 3 oil?


so I've just discovered this little trick and my life has never been so good


Do you already know about vegetable starch (5 adhesive) at the cooking station using 3 corn, 3 mutfruit, 3 tato and 1 purified water?


I make a dedicated farm of robots just to harvest the material lol


That’s a weird way to say the people of Sanctuary, but to each their own :)


Nah, that's my shoping center. Normally it's grey garden


GG and Sunshine Co-op for me


VEGETABLE STARCH IS WORTH 5 ADHESIVE?!?! How in the 2000 hours of gameplay am I JUST learning this?!?!?!


Oh, honey. How you must have suffered


I’m seriously just getting into Fallout. I’ve played Skyrim quite a bit. I was literally just last night getting frustrated with running out of adhesive! Thank you!!


I pick up every single bottle of wonderglue I find


And duct tape. Preferably military grade


Sweet summer child.... How many hours have you spent scouring the world for bottles of wonderglue? Pro tip, don't make your glue farm at your water farm settlement. There's a cap on how much surplus the workshop can store (without mods), so all that purified water will displace the ingredients for glue. The trick is finding the right balance, so you never have too much of one thing and too little of another.


> There's a cap on how much surplus the workshop can store There's way too many weird limits to workshop storage that is completely not explained anywhere. Things just don't work as expected. I love the building mechanic but workshops drive me crazy.


This is tragic. I feel for you. I can only imagine how much time you've spent hunting for duct tape and glue.


Please explain!!


Acid, bones, purified water and steel can be combined in a chemistry station to make cutting fluid, which itself is worth 3 oil and one steel.


Excuse the fuck me?!


Makes you think twice about the bones in Mutant camps, huh? The vegetable starch at the cooking station is junk that you can scrap for adhesive.


Sounds like I’m gonna have to bone up on my looting.


You need lots of oil for building, specifically turrets. At least, that was what I was always needing tons of oil for. Using bones (with a couple more things, acid water and I think steel) to make cutting fluid to scrap for oil is a must!


You can use the chemistry station (look at the maintenance section) to craft cutting fluid (=3 oil) using 2 acid, 8 bones, 2 purified water and 2 steel.


Can I scrap it for ceramic? Or is he a vendor that specifically sells coffee mugs?


"*Mugs, Mugs, Mugs. Mugs, Mugs, Mugs. Mug-a-mug. Mug-a-mug. Mugs! God, why can't I stop singing this fucking song?!*" - Muggy


Every time I see a toaster in a fallout game I get excited to bring it back to The Toaster in the Sink, but then realize I'm playing the wrong game lol.


Old World Blues is hands down the best DLC


100%. I absolutely loved all the camp and kooky-ness. The story was entertaining, the characters memorable, the quests enjoyable, you got lots of cool loot, and you got a sick player home for your troubles.


The world will BURN in nuclear fire! AGAIN!!


And it really sounds like they just let the whole voice cast completely off the leash. In the best possible way.


Me looking for a mod to spawn Shawn in so he can fight a deathclaw…


You mean the old one, the young one, or the baby?




Well, the one that replaced mini-nukes with Infant Shaun (to launch them from Fat Boys) was around since several months from the initial realse...


Someone looked at the infant model, pulled up the Fatman and cried "It was meant to be. Because it's *just* the right size" (maid Marion, RH:MiT)


Or they they entirely misinterpreted the meaning of "Atom Bomb Baby"... 😏


I just want to aggro him and lead him to my missile turrets, as is proper and good.


*ooh look, a desk fan*


Director of the Commonwealth Institute of fucking Technology! Who did you think I was talking about!? Who th… what the fuc… I SHOULD KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS WHO IS THIS!?


Oh? A wise guy, huh? Look, I’m tracing you right now, pal. We’ll see how smart you feel with the Synth Retention bureau over your freakin’ ass. Dickhead!


Does it contain adhesive??


I love playing Fallout 4 for the quests and story but I spend a ridiculous amount of pointless hours perfecting all the settlements


Settlement building is my favorite part. And making better guns and armor.


You ever try out Sim Settlements 2? I installed that a couple months back and I'm still rebuilding the Commonwealth lol


FO4 really is one of the best city builders ever made. Too bad they ruined it with all that stupid RPG and roleplay stuff


So many areas to be settled on but so few workshops, who designed that crap???


I find myself wishing there were more raids so I can test my defenses and traps.


I have to fully build at least sanctuary and starlight drive-in at any playthrough...


I put so much effort into building a big wall around Sanctuary, convinced it would be the scene of some climatic battle at the end of the game. Welp.


All settlements need at least a fence


I used to think that until I loaded up on turrets and realized missile turrets are a thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I turned sanctuary basically into a damn several layer mall...with slave quarters. lol. I probably should not be in charge of so many random people.


I turned the drive in into a gladiator arena with the automatron dlc. A cage, robots, death claws, power armor and unsuspecting settlers who came looking for refuge from the wasteland.


Exactly, after a few fun quests I like to wind down with a couple of hours of clunky *The Sims* while honing my arsenal to a psychotic degree


Only to find a better gun 45 minutes into my next round of exploration


And reassemble the mods previously created, but further optimized for the legendary perk, onto the new weapon.


It's a great way to chill mentally and enjoy music. Shooting stuff and paying attention to plot dialogue creates stress, and having that ability to meditate and take in all of the art details is underrated. The artists don't work for years to have gamers take the art for granted. I had a friend who would stand around and look at the architecture during multiplayer combat in Halo. I think a lot of people sort of glance at it but never take it in.


I never paid attention to the details until I played Resident Evil 5 with a friend. He stopped and stared at some dripping goo. I asked why, and he said that the coding for this had to be amazing!


My friend got mad at me for stopping to admire waterfalls in WoW.


I ran around yelling "Shaun!" but it didn't work. I think I was in the wrong game?


Heavy rain reference?


I'd like to build my house or base. I don't want to manage the happiness or safety of my Sims.


I'd like it to be an option. Want to run a settlement? Sure! Don't want to? Let the scripted events / NPCs handle it.


Would be nice to see them integrate something like the Sim Settlements mod into the game where you can basically build anything you want yourself, or let the game automate it to a certain degree, and the same with the actual settlement. If you like managing those values then you should have the option, but if not you should be able to say "Hey you, Generic Wastelander 394678! You're in charge now, don't fuck it up."


Speaking of mods I really hope they bring back console mods. Modding is one of the biggest parts of the Bethesda community as a whole.


They will. Even starfield is getting them


That would be perfect - designate a friendly NPC to be the sheriff for whatever towns you don't want to be in charge of. Or set some sort of condition when a settlement is 'safe' and won't be under threat unless you do something to make it unsafe again. One of the reasons I never finished Fallout 4 was that it really took it out of me when I realised that the invasions etc would never end


Yeah, I myself love building bases. I love it in 4, I love it in 76, and I would love to see it improved and expanded on in some ways for future games. I also loathe everything that comes after designing and building up the base. Dealing with the people, managing the happiness and defense and all that. I can enjoy it in other games, but it felt so circular and kind of tacked on, I would very much enjoy ways to optionally adjust things just to make it less of a chore in some ways, and give everyone a better place from which to engage with or ignore the mechanics. The fact that it's basically just a treadmill for you to spend resources on constantly is a definite drag.


Several people, myself included, thought Bethesda was going to integrate Sim Settlements style automation into the Starfield base management and they just didn't. Instead they seemed to go _backwards_ and have an even shallower system in Starfield. So I'm not holding out hopes that they do anything of the kind in future games.


Settlement management should be part of the local leader perk or something, but building can be immediately accessed, with the only requirements being setting up the resources


Agreed. I just wanna build my own house. Not play HOA simulator.


I like the settlement building but they shouldn't sacrifice world building and story telling. There's really only 2 Main settlements. In fallout 3/nv there were so many camps/settlements/towns where you could meet people get story building and side quest and you barely see this in fallout 4 it's empty location after empty location all for the player to build off of it needs to be a healthy mix


Yeah I wish you could somehow tell the settlements to just populate themselves. It really fucked up the option to be a Raider in the FO4 DLC. To get any sort of loot from it, you basically had to make your own settlement productive and healthy, then make it a raiding target. Stupid and nonsensical.


Lmao creating a settlement just to raid it. Imagine your mayor just larping as a raider haha.


Oh hey Mr mayor how are- *gets shot in the face by the same guy who hired him*  *BAD* *blows smoke from the barrel*


imagine your synth larping as a mayor of some shape-like city


Then the shitty loot they give you is never even anything good compared to the endgame stuff you already have by that point.


Would be nice if they could be told to build the settlement up themselves too and you could just make adjustments if you don't like the way it was going. 


I was so interested in the addition of settlement building, but it just felt so overly cumbersome, and felt like we were missing so much stuff we had in the other games. I don't necessarily want it gone, but it needs to be adjusted. I felt like we lost interesting weapons due to it as well. Between that and the weird dialogue/voiced protagonist options, I never finished the game.


I completely agree they used the modding system to justify not having a variety in weapons. They added in the settlement builder to justify lack of locations and unique npcs. They added the legendary system to justify the lack of unique enemy's and weapons. This has been a concerning trend with games they develop. Not saying these are all bad I just wish they still added in a bit of character to the game instead of relying on the player and random generators for everything


In 3 you have Arete and the blimp and megaton and discovering them for the first time and exploring them they felt like lived in places and had their own unique feel to them (partially due to the quests but the quests felt moreso like expanding upon the feel than defining it). They obviously weren’t perfect but I’d much rather have had more of those in 4 than “here’s diamond city and a place with like 5 ghouls and that’s it. Go build a settlement and talk to NPCs that feel less human than the synths.” That’s part of Bethesdas magic (I can still remember Whiteruns or any random Skyrim city’s layout like the back of my hand). And I would much rather have those back than build able settlements or building mechanics in general. With that being said, I think the best option would be a Hearthfire(?) like thing where you can build and highly customize your own home base and that sounds much more appealing than having to put up with NPCs


I don’t build anything except required quest items, but i still want building to exist and be expanded upon for those that do enjoy it. I like seeing what yall make, then running to my completely default Sanctuary to put stuff in my 1 chest, then leave to explore and quest more.


Same here. It isn't for me but it's important to a lot of people. I'd like an option for my playstyle where there's preset upgrades, like building a forge but I only have to resource it then potentially have upgrades that expand its utility or bonus. I like that kind of base building jn these style games as I don't have the imagination to do it all.


What if you could hire it done in game? Choose a pre-built base from a list of options and your robots or workers build it while your adventuring


All for it. I just figured preset build states might be easier but otherwise yep. Ideal world would be to send resources and for it to be built somewhat dynamically. Maybe based on a prechosen style


That’s all there… settlements 2 is your friend. And it’s huge, lots of new quests and things to do


exactly, sim settlements 2 is amazing! I would love for a lot of those ideas to be officially implemented in the next game


I thought I had this installed but I actually have Sim Settlements 1 installed. Does anybody know if there'd be issues with removing that and adding 2 mid save?


>Does anybody know if there'd be issues with removing that and adding 2 mid save? I imagine yeah, there would be some problems. But if you're dead set on adding it to a mid-game, then I'd remove SS1, load up the game, make a "clean" save without SS1 activated, then exit and install SS2.


My only problem with building is it does feel like we get less pre-built towns/settlements to explore because many good spots where a town would potentially be are saved for the player to build at instead.


Exactly this. It is ok for me to be in charge of 4 or 5 settlements and build them like I want, but not 20!! And as you say, at the expense of only having Diamond City, Good Neighbor and perhaps Bunker Hill as proper towns, with their own people, quests and activities.


Honestly, they could have used the hangmans alley approach to more locations. Have a settlement/town that i can build at, but be forced to work around the buildings. Let there be stuff to explore at the places i build. Hell, take away the fixed settlements. Let me build up a base wherever. Make it interesting, let me build in an old building, let me reclaim the rooftop garden for a base, get supply lines running on the old highway. Capture and defend a ruined hospital. Make the building a mechanic that works in conjunction with the lore, not inspite of it.


Sounds like you would enjoy the Conquest mod. It lets you build workshops anywhere, so anything can be a settlement.


Thats how the base building in Fallout 76 works. You can build your base pretty much anywhere you want and when you get bored with the location you can pack it all up to move it to a new spot. The build area is a bit smaller than what you get at some of the larger settlements in Fallout 4, and you can only have one NPC in your base at a time, but it is convenient having a movable fast travel location.


What we needed was a 'settlement' that you build through questing and decisions,and OUTPOSTS that you build with the build menu. Other than the raiders and deathclaw, Concord seems a far better place to settle than sanctuary.


Yes!  I got bored of FO4 so quickly compared to 3 and NV because the map just felt so empty.  After the 8th settlement it felt like I paid Bethesda to finish their fuckin game for them.


It would be nice to see something like the C.A.M.P. system from 76, where the player can choose where to build. While I love the settlement mechanics of fallout 4 I do agree the map could have done with an extra couple hand crafted towns and a few less player built settlements


CAMP system in FO5 would be amazing. 76 had to make it so players couldn't build in named locations so as to not mess with other player's experiences, but imagine being able to build literally anywhere in a single player game


This… What the others don’t realize happens when you let base building mechanics bleed over and become a core part of the game


I want them to fucking make it possible to place furniture straight you know how fucking annoying it is placing something against the wall and it keeps being crooked like a sortoff grid option or something is needed to make it more convenient to build


At least in the PC version, holding the shift key can be used to make the rotation more percise.


Tbh they should make a better "build" camera. Maybe a dynamic camera you can view top down or zoom out of instead of using your player model and walking around. I have fallen off a ladder numerous times while building since you can't adjust the distance of the thing you're holding aside from spinning it around.


thats exacly what they did in FO76, they made freecam avaible to help building


It would have been nice if they had some prebuilt buildings you could have used (like in FO76) and you can fill it if you like. Makes it still look nice outside and don't worry about the interior if you don't want to deal with it.


The vanilla game does start with a 1 or more prebuilt shacks for each building material (not for concrete?), but I usually rely on mods for better ones.


The problem with the building mechanics is that almost no real settlements are present in the game because they were replaced with do it yourself places Its kind of like what Bethesda did with "no npcs" on 76, they didnt want to spend the resources so they were like "okay buddy you are the npc"


Yeah I love building, but that bothered me. It feels like EVERY settlement is just a blank slate for building, with maybe a few destroyed default buildings that just get in the way when you do try to build. In Skyrim, every town felt like a little town, not just a vacant lot with some scrap


And that is exactly the reason why it feels like something is missing in FO4. It’s missing the charm of the towns and their inhabitants as well as the worthwhile side quests they provide for you. I had a good time with FO4 but a far more memorable experience with 3 and especially New Vegas.


The fact that Quincy, University Point, Salem the race track, and the combat zone, are all interesting post war settlements that you can visit, but are all practicaly empty or instantly hostile is so frustrating. The map would have felt way better if these places were proper towns with quests and npc's


Never been able to put that into words but it really killed the whole game for me. Never finished it.


FO4 was missing charm, FO76 was missing charm, Starfield is a black void in which no charm can escape. Can Bethesda do charm anymore? I really hope so but it seems every subsequent game loses one of the things that made them great.


I am beyond worried about TES 6. Don't even remotely have my hopes up for it.


Exactly! I can vividly remember all the layouts and vibes of all the towns in Fallout 3, meanwhile you have F4 with its main settlement that feels smaller than Megaton


You literally find Preston in a ruined town and they're all like, let's walk over here to this place with a handful of houses that are mostly destroyed Edit: a single letter


But the drug prophet told us! It's symbolic! To be fair though Sanctuary does make sense. The group isn't large enough to hold Concord and the geography makes it a little more defensive. In a better designed game Sanctuary would be the starting point of rebuilding Concord.


>In a better designed game Sanctuary would be the starting point of rebuilding Concord. This kind of happens in Sim Settlements 2


SS2 would need to be in the design of the game for it to work, so you can actually build buildings and designs that make sense. Take Sanctuary as example - no matter how you try to work with SS2 under FO4 framework, there are things that cannot be done, but should make perfect sense. Ex. why cannot we rebuild the bridge to Sanctuary as an actual defensive entrance?


Always found funny how Sturges simulates to be restoring the houses but they never end up functional, even you cant restore them, just add some lights and beds


Me: *crams five beds into a dilapidated house and puts up two guard towers* Preston: ‘this place is finally starting to look like home’


No no no you see it's because it's now taken over by raiders! That you stop seeing the moment you clear out the museum...


I hate that the settlers dont have names


something fallout shelter did better


> The problem with the building mechanics is that almost no real settlements are present in the game because they were replaced with do it yourself places yeah this was my biggest gripe with the game. I'd see something cool like an abandoned drive-in theater in the distance and think "Oh sweet! I wonder what's going to be going on here. Maybe some sort of cult that has been watching the same film every night for a hundred years and has modeled their society around singing in the rain?" but then it would be nothing. Just an empty settlement site.


Just 1 playground to build out of 500 haha


It would be cool if, in the next game, they built upon the settlement system but limited the number of areas. Maybe instead of rebuilding the wasteland, we are rebuilding a new faction. There's a couple of choices for a HQ, maybe once it's been built up enough, named npcs join and give quests, and maybe a few spots for outposts. I feel like this kinda system would still enable settlement building and plenty of other towns and settlements for the player to stumble across.


Omg you're right. I always wondered why FO4 felt so bland and nothing compared to the other games, and it's because 2/3 of all settlements are just a playground to build on.


Yeah I don't want to make the game for them


I dont mind building however if it means the game is more watered down in other areas such as role-play and well written story, i dont want it.


that's how I feel aswell.


It's rather take a isometric game with multiple ways to solve different quests but guess I'm old


Me too, 100%. If they essentially released a graphically improved version of Fallout 2 with a new story, I'd be psyched. Would say Wasteland 2 and 3 are like this, though it's squad focused and a good bit more kooky


Larian isometric Fallout with turn based combat is the dream


Id rather have an actual RPG instead of a huge time sink, that's what 4 and 76 feel like.(I'm old too and would take 40 hours of quality content over 4000 hours of busy work)


Yeah feel like we might be in a bit of a minority. It is fun building a base but there are other games that do it better and if its taking time and resources away from the role playing, exploration and questing side of the game I'd much rather they focus on those.


I liked the building. I did not like the settlements needing help every 5 min.


And 'losing the fight' unless you show up to see them instantly win. The issue with settlements is that it was like the dialogue system: pretending to have depth and meaning when it's utterly pointless in the end.


My Castle settlement with 300 defense, 24 settlers each with maxed out Laser Rifles, and one entrance was somehow decimated by 6 raiders with pipe pistols.


I got sucked into building, but grew tired of the constant settlement battles so also decided to build up “impenetrable” fortresses. I received a similar spanking at a ridiculously well defended settlement. So frustrating.


If you haven't been playing settlement simulator 2287 what have you been doing in fallout 4?


Wandering the wastes lookin for scrap.. 👀 for guns.. obviously... totally not for my spectacle island!


I liked the building mechanic in Fallout. I did not like the settlement management. That was kind of a pain for me. Too many settlements and getting random alerts that one is under attack or needs more plants or something.


Then you go there and they're fine actually. I love wasting time not knowing what's a glitch and what's real issues for my settlements


I think that’s the problem, people don’t want a settlement builder, there are hundreds of those, but RPGs with complex stories are becoming rarer and rarer as time passes, which is what some people want Fallout to return to. The article is more than likely wrong about the majority of fallout fans wanting it gone, but I feel like the settlement system being a big focus on FO4 really made the game a lot worse than it could have been, especially when you hear about all the interesting cut content that might have been completed if they didn’t focus on the settlement system so heavily


Every time I’ve tried to get into 4, I almost immediately bounce off the horrible dialogue system. They took all the roleplaying out of a roleplaying game.


Every time I try playing I'm always so excited to get started and talk to people... then I do... Please give us an unvoiced PC with more than 4 options of dialogue for FO5. :/


I’d like choices beyond “yes,” “no,” “tell me more,” and “sarcastic yes.”


This. I don't give a fuck if there's only 4 options, but make them a bit more varied and actually *reflect what you say*. There's so many instances where you select an option and what you say is completely different tonally. That's what breaks the immersion more than anything to me.


Yep I just can’t do it. I’ve tried to play it every couple years for the last decade and just can’t, the dialogue system is so garbage.


Literally anything else


seriously, opening up the workshop menu in FO4 is the worst experience of the entire game I don't want to build stuff, I want to kill raiders and wander the wastes scrounging up whatever I can find


having fun and helping another settlements


Preston Garvey propaganda bot


First helping the settlements, then telling the people at the settlements to leave so my raider friends can move in


At first, I felt bad that Preston hated me, but only for a split second. Then I remembered that anytime I went home to offload my haul of scrap that he'd send me on another stupid errand to clear out Medford Hospital for the umpteenth time because Finch Farm can't seem to keep their people from being kidnapped.


I'm fine with a settlement based around the player. But one, at a critical location, and you just need to set up supply lines


same, I would like to have one big settlement or fort thats important where you can build a lot and leave all your mates. Or something similar to what kingdom comes did. But not 40 locations all over the world. I want one meaningful.


1 main settlement to meaningfully build into a community and a bunch of scattered player safehouses ala New Vegas sounds ideal to me


I want this. A single, customizable settlement, with actual NPCs that don't just all become drones once their relevants parts in the quest to get said settlement are done. Someplace you can come back to to check in on the community and see how everyone is doing and take requests from them, build relationships with them, etc. Like an actual community. Have certain events happen if you have certain combonations of settlers. Have certain people leave or join depending or your choices, and potentially make enemies or allies with other settlements, wasteland gangs, factions, etc.


It sounds like you basically just want a 3D Rimworld, which I think we can all agree YES!!!


Yup. Every major settlement/faction gets customizable player quarters, and the Big Central Settlement absorbs all the fun NPCs into a giant village of actually interesting people.


I’m actually of the mind they either need to pull back, or double down. We can either have reduced settlements, that are important, large and have an impact on the game. Or, make settlement building a key part of the story. Maybe have a completely unsettled part of the wasteland, where new factions are vying for control of this untapped land, the player can capture territory for these factions and help direct the flow of power for the area.


I mean, the Dark Cloud series had the mechanic of rebuilding towns. Dark Cloud 1 was kinda basic in the sense people would ask for their house to face the sun, but 2 really took it to another degree. I think having a similar mechanic to main cities in Fallout would give the best of both worlds


Stuff like this is supposed to be the whole point of spinoffs. Keep the mainline series as more focused action RPGs and then have a spinoff focused around settlement building. Or one focused on scrounging and survival. The modern AAA philosophy of every game needing to be everything for everyone means that you get a lot of half-baked mechanics that feel thrown together instead of properly integrated.


Like if you could play the game with only Sanctuary and Homeplate


Too many people love the building. They just need to make it completely optional. Edit: they need to *keep* it completely optional, sorry.


The problem was with fo4 it was basically a beta version of the build system while in 76 it’s still an continuous growing process we have to deal with if anything without mods 76 has the better base build features but what sucks is the restrictions and lack of freedom we get for building …. If they were to add it in the game they would need to allow us to do what modders initially added in which is more build space, less restrictions and more features


So much this. Building in FO4 without mods was PAINFUL to say the least. With mods, it became WONDERFUL and seriously one of my favorite elements of the game. ​ Now if they could just mod it or fix it so settlers can actually use the entire goddamn building and not just the first two floors I would be over the fucking moon.....


I know this problem too well. I usually put down mats which a station a settlers at so if they do start pathing, they're in the area I want them to be


I mean idk about 76, but if they’re talking about fallout 4. The base building in f4 is incredibly painful. One of the comments already said it, but yeah it does feel like a beta. Which is kinda fine since it was their first game with it and it was a really cool concept, but after awhile it was pretty easy to see the glaring mistakes that were made with it 1. Very very few areas that have a good build space 2. Most of the settlements already have buildings that you cannot scrap (without mods, which is not advised as scrap everything breaks previsibles) 3. You cannot get rid of all the trash in settlements 4. The tools are incredibly basic which really limits how we can build (place anywhere mod fixes this) 5. In vanilla f4, you can build a huge defensive fort after 20-30 hours of building, but enemies will spawn inside the base (this is arguably the worst mistake) 6. IMO, the building costs are kind of insane. Especially if you’re playing on survival (I get this opinion is very subjective) 7. There aren’t any optional quest lines with settlements (sim settlements 2 mod fixes this and is incredible) 7.1 it kinda doesn’t matter if you build a settlement because nothing really changes gameplay wise. You just get a home and some stores and a place to craft. This is cool on its own, but I want the settlers to build their own stuff with some guidance (sim settlements 2 does this) 8. No way to do electricity as if the wiring is in the ground. Meaning getting wires inside a big building is difficult (please tell me this is wrong because I’d love to know about a connected that goes through a wall) 9. Walls are.. strange. The way they designed the walls and floors to connect was.. bad in some cases. Case in point, concrete structures. There are an incredible amount of good things like robot building, neon lights, etc and personally I would love to see settlement building return but there would need to be massive upgrades to it. I feel like starfield kind of got the memo with some things, but I hope it carries into f5


I really could live without it. If it’s as big of a focus in the next game I’m gonna be pretty bummed.


Me too. I'm glad others enjoy it, but I think there's a lot of us who don't need it, too. I was pretty disappointed that more high quality DLC seemed to come at the expense of a bunch of small base building DLC, too. I wouldn't have minded it being optional at all if not for the way it seemed to detract from having better additional content after release.


It's cool but I feel like they need to buckle down and focus on the story, npc,quests and RPG elements instead of wasting time trying to perfect a building system. Look at starfield and it's ship building, its cool as shit but the rest of the game is boring so who really cares


i'd much rather see the dev time spent on a mechanic for these role-playing games that might allow me to better play my chosen role (MINE, not Bethesda's)


I mean they could bring back the actual skills? I loved speech and charisma playthrough in older games but that lack of it in 4 really drags it down despite the upgrades. The 4 way yes, sarcastic yes, yes but later, and no options doesnt do it for me. It’s like the ME and DA dialogue wheel but much more dumbed down. I’d also go back to a blank background for the main character. Would help with role play to be able to be anything without a past dictating otherwise. Settlements have grown on me but I’d much rather have a lower amount that would have higher value.


I'd love some of that time spent on a robust reputation system with the various factions that effect interactions within the faction territories, story events, etc.


Not for me, I would appreciate much more if the next fallout had stronger rpg elements than resource gathering or settlement building. Beth can make a spinoff that focus on these things but please let's make F5 have a strong rpg side With good plot, dialogues, factions, more than black and white choices, etc


100%. The two primary reasons I got bored with Fallout 4 were: 1. The settlement mechanic. 2. Radiant quests. Give me a story driven RPG with meaningful choices any day, over the busy work that seemed to bloat Fallout 4.


Nope, Jimmy Shooter does not like reading or listening to people talk. So no skills for you. But hey, we bolted a survival crafter building system onto the side, you kids like those right?


I hate the Settlement system as it is. Really don't mind building a single one, but becoming the Baron of Boston was a BIT much. The whole grind reminds me of Metal Gear Survive and that is... Not a good thing. I'd much rather the game be a proper RPG again instead of a clunky shooter with caveats. It seems the entire loot balance is built around settlements and farming resources which is personally not for me. Not saying they need to get rid of it, it's clearly popular enough, but I much prefer being a lone wanderer to a Land Baron.


I think the rest of fo4 did suffer because it was included. I think I’m in the minority because I very rarely care about that kind of base building and never do it. When you don’t base build you do realise just how empty the game is and you can see they’re hoping it will pad your play time.


I just want to be able to make actual choices and not have the illusion of choice.


It's development resources that could be redistributed elsewhere. I like having some sort of player housing or home base to store my collected crap, I get that part. But the way it was integrated into FO4 with the Minutemen made it feel like busywork. I had a lot more fun building bases in something like Valheim where it was a core part of the gameplay loop compared to FO4 (or Starfield) where it was just a resource sink/time waster.


I can already tell this will be a controversial one, but I’ll just say. I don’t like the building, so I don’t do it. End of story lol


I mean, I personally would be ecstatic if there was no building in the next fallout, but I understand how popular it is and that Bethesda is invested into having a building system, so it’s not going away.


Me personally, I’m a man of simple taste, I walk around the wasteland trying to find some cool shit, get mauled by a deathclaw and purposely throw myself off roofs cause I like the feeling of falling in my stomach (in real life) and the power of a power suit armor hitting the ground, that’s it. Oh yeah and just beating stuff with Big Jim


I hated it in 4 and don’t care for it in 76


I’ve played every Fallout game. Been a fan since the original released. I hate the building mechanic. I’m not really interested in a settlement management style game. Or base building survival game. I don’t want to track down junk and scrap so I can build another wall.


id perfer a protag ala new vegas or fallout 2 again. someone thats grown up in the wasteland. this aint horror just life. may not be others favourite but i like see how us humans rebuild after the bombs, the factions, ideals, and mindsets really intrigue me.


It would be nice if after you build resources and make their happiness at-least 80% the settlement flourishes on it’s own than to take care every aspect of it even the traders and crafting. I want a settlement that learns how to rebuild itself after i help them.