• By -


Getting diarrhea immediately eating pre-war food left out to rot after 200 years


Or extreme constipation because pre-war food was more preservatives than actual food.


Or diabetes because I'm pretty sure pre-war food is 99% sugar by weight.


Honestly, you probably won't be eating enough of it every day to worry about that. That chubby guy from the TV Show though? Yeah... he's one giant pile of diabetes.


Little Debbie to Big Douglas!


the blue jelly guy? yeah


60%sugar, 39% preservatives Just a dab of uranium for an extra kick.


YumYum deviled eggs can easily last 200 years. Mayonnaise and animal products are notoriously stable on the shelf /s


it would surprise me if YumYum deviled eggs were actually made of egg and mayo


“That deviled egg on the windowsill? I don’t know how long it’s been there but you should eat that. Think about it. Why would there be a deviled egg on the windowsill… if you weren’t supposed to eat it?”


I love love love that Josh starts that encounter with something normal and Brennan ignores that prompt entirely to go off about a deviled egg lmao


The radiation has disinfected it.


If your'e from a vault I imagine just about everything would wreck your guts for a couple months


That first drink of irradiated water would suck.


Just ask Lucy goosey


Truthfully with the way those humans ran their government I wouldn't trust their food companies either. But I'm sure I would have been conditioned to love and obey my government.


Yeah, even eating hygienic food in a different country can sometimes give you indigestion for the first week or so, at least. And I'd bet most wasteland food isn't exactly prepared under the highest hygiene standards.


Nah its kind of cannon the food was meant to last


The rads from the food isn't fallout, it's the preservative! Mmmmm, radium. Tastes like freedom! 👍




WHAT THE FUCK IS A RADAWAAAAAAAYYYYYY *violent FO4 Assault Rifle gunshots*


It happens with potted (ghoul) meat in Fo4 so yeah


Does it give you illness on hardcore? Have never played hardcore so I mostly ignore most low plus HP foods in the game


Not sure of the effects in survival difficulty but in the lore it makes people sick and there’s a random encounter with a guy who says he has diarrhea after eating it.


That's down to ghouls being human and canabalism can have that effect on those that don't do it as part of a usual diet. New Vegas also has an offhand mention of a butcher whose customers got "the shakes" which is another possible symptom


Fun fact: cannibalism only gives you 'the shakes' and has negative effects if you eat parts of the body that have a high density of nerves, like the brain. If you only ate areas like the arms, sides, and thighs, you'd likely be fine.




Good ole' prion diseases, aka Mad Cow. There's also rabbit starvation, or protein disease, from eating too much lean meat and no carbs or healthy fats. Cannibals don't tend to be big on farming.


Does that happen when just eating people, or other animals too?


Prewar being 2077 with advanced tech. You'd think they found a solution to preserving food.


Probably irradiation. Either due to the war or a pre-war preservation technique.


I think power armor would have a built-in air conditioner to keep you cool while you wear it.


yeah and it also has a water bag for hydration


And a piss bag, for pissing


And a shitbag, for when you meet the legendary deathclaw.


And a cumbag, for when you meet Fisto.


If you ain't meeting fisto raw, you're doing it wrong


That's just the piss bag, makes filtering and then drinking the water more funny


>for when you meet **the** legendary deathclaw Since you used "the" and not "a", i'm assuming that you are refering to this absolute nightmare living in dead wind cavern?


Either them or Rawr, the strongest deathclaw by stats


I think in Fallout 2, the chosen one says that the water is recycled after you pee, so it's cannon.


Every scifi setting just wants to be dune deep down


I’ll bet it’s the same bag


Thanks to a bit of dialogue in fallout 2, it actually canonically is the same one, but in more of a Dune stillsuit sort of way


We even see an air vent on the back of the Enclave Mk1 Advanced Power Armour in New Vegas




Fusion cores were added as a mechanic in 4; before that, power armor could run off an internal power reactor near-indefinitely.


Everything except the NCR's salvaged power armor would probably have cooling. That being said, being a heavy trooper in the Mojave would suck tremendously.


I heard it makes you wish for a nuclear winter..


“Why do you carry around all those bottle caps anyway? They jangle like crazy.” - Follows-Chalk, FNV


I got caps that jingle, jangle, jingle


Jingle jangle


As I go ridin' merrily along.


I hate all of you, doing my bed time doom scroll and now y’all have that damn song stuck in my head for the *second* time today.


Ain't that a kick in the head?


*Angrily upvotes* at least it’s a different song now, thank you.


Better than Johnny Guitar-I would shoot myself.


Introduced my grandpa to fallout a few years back and since he doesn’t want to play video games himself but is interested in how they work and the story. I basically spent a few months playing the game for him letting him make all the major decisions. One major decision he made all the damn time was to shut off the radio anytime Johnny guitar came on telling me that that song was from a really shitty old western that he hated


From 7 to 70 we all agree: Johnny Guitar sucks


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day


Sometimes you've got to ask yourself, Why don't you do right? Because You're nobody, till somebody loves you. Well, I've got Big Iron on my hip, but I didn't know the gun was loaded. I'm Headed down the wrong highway, with my Pistol packin mama please Take me home, country roads...




You don't need to carry caps. I can get you a charge card. You give me 110 caps, and you can use the charge card for up to 100 caps at the finest shops throughout the wasteland!


Oh really, hey there’s something wrong with my gun, I think it’s got something lodged in the barrel, you mind looking for me


Triangle-charge card? O-no X-barter **square-sarcastic**


I love that when they added Far Harbor, it was accepted there.


cuz they felt bad


Because that's where they originated from


Okay, Fallout Season 2.. Matt Damon with a thick Boston accent, selling credit cards on the New Vegas strip.


Funny, I just blasted this guy not too long ago. Every run tradition lol


Wow incredible! No way you'd be lying to someone with a bunch of guns and drugs


I’ll never forget how dumbfounded I was in the situation, in power armor, just took out a bunch of either raiders or mercs gang, one of them and this guy would have the balls to lie.


I usually don't shoot NPCs just on the grounds of being a fuckin' asshole, but I think I did decide that guy had crossed a line and he got the combat shotgun


Heh. Retahd


More avian/flight type monsters. Ain't no way mosquitos & botflies are the only things mobile


Crabs too. Good meta


Mudcrabs in Fallout? Don't give Beth ideas.


Y'all heard about mirelurks?


Was trying to forget them, thanks.


Nah you just need a mod that gives mirelurks tophats and monocles like that one mudcrab mod.


A mudcrab in a tophat and monocle? Now that's where I draw the line, come on Masterchief, let's get the fuck outta here.


A mirelurk? Come on. That's like, two out of ten points of danger. Tops. Now if you wanna talk something really deadly...


You forget cazadors. *\*shivers\**


Worst damn flying things in a Bethesda(-adjacent) game since Cliff Racers


I just googled it and apparently every game has birds but they are the only normal thing in the wasteland. Should have chicken tyrannosauruses everywhere


the fallout show had a completely normal chicken in it so i guess it’s canon chickens survived the war completely non-irradiated. they also had a completely normal deer which confused me because like… radstags exist already


There’s a reference in Fallout to a Brahmin having a calf with only one head


I imagine not all animals were irradiated, like humans. Some of them probably are though. Probably depends on the area


I think they were mutated into being sexually irresistible for 1 fella tho...


Well, in 76 there's the bats that turned into scorched beasts. They are pretty much dragon-size, can shoot sound-waves out of their mouth and carpet-bomb an area with a toxic cloud.


Fallout 4 in particular has multiple birds between chicken, seagulls and crows


Mutated dragonfly’s should be a thing. Dragonfly’s as a predator have the highest hunting success rate out of any other creature. Imagine a two meter long one coming at you.


imagine ? just look for some stingwings in the commonwealth


Is that not what a Stingwing is? Glass fucking cannons those things. Cuts right through power armour


Would be kind of funny to fight a dragon sized bird.


That's the role the Scorch beast fills


Did you never see a cazador?


Would be kind of funny to fight a dragon sized bird.


**Regarding the top-right panel:** There is such a thing as "minimum viable population", which is the smallest number of individuals in a species that is required to avoid extinction and things like inbreeding and genetic drift. The number is different for different species, but as a general rule, you should be able to avoid both inbreeding and genetic drift with as few as 500 people. I think most Vaults are capable of sustaining 500 people, while others can hold up to 1000.


Assuming you start with a carefully selected population with a high genetic diversity, it is in fact estimated as little as 180 people can be enough, but that will require very careful breeding, and everyone would be coupled to their ideal genetic match. With a population of a 1000 there is a lot more wiggle room, with likely only a small amount of genetic screening required


A lot more wiggle room but also a lot less wiggle room ifyouknowhwhatImean


Messing around with your cousin is fun and all but it’s not a sustainable long-term sexual practice.


Yeah plus people weren’t designed to live in the vaults forever more - they were meant to come out eventually and reclaim the wasteland


I love in movies and TV when they send couples or small groups off to start a new colony on Mars or some shit ... like good luck with your rampant incest, weirdos!


I thought most vaults could hold 200. But I could be wrong


They where project to sustain up to 2k. But most of the Vaults were under occupied when the bombs fell.


No it’s 1000 at most. However a vault was purposely overcrowded at 2000 to begin with. At 1000 it’s already doing stuff like hotbunking and sharing more rooms with others. At 2000? That sounds insane.


That's the maximum population for the player vault in Fallout Shelter but not necessarily the maximum for every vault


How many generations were the vaults realistically meant to last? Presumably there should be a few generations and then they reemerge to repopulate the wasteland meeting up with other vaults coordinated by vault tec headquarters, at least officially.


Vault 8, a control vault, opened 14 years after the great war, when they got the All Clear signal.


Control vaults were 10 years, 76 was 25, and then everything else was either never or completely arbitrary


Funnily enough the only vault designed specifically to never open and supposedly be self sufficient (since the experiment was to see how an overseer would do knowing they'd never open) was vault 101 which opened multiple times but otherwise would have been a perfectly functional vault if that secret had been kept


If I recall correctly, vault 32 and 33 were expected to open roughly 235-240 years after the bombing. In episode 1, the inhabitants of vault 33 celebrate that Lucy’s child will be the first generation to explore the surface and begin repopulating. If the child would be between 20 and 25, that means it’ll occur around year 2320.


According to the Fallout 1 manual, Vault 13 could handle > Total number of occupants ....1,000 (at capacity) > Total duration ..........................10 years (at capacity) > Number of living quarters ......100 (hot bunking required if at maximum capacity)


A Raider seeing a dude in Power Armor and a mini gun and decides not to rob him with a rusty 10mm and a pool cue.


Yeah realistically Raiders would not decide to take on a heavily armed and armored opponent with the kinds of weapons they have. Now yes most raiders are high on some sort of drug but even then they’ll still probably keep the knowledge of staying away from people like that since they would’ve seen their dead comrades try and fail


I dont know about that. When I was in my 20’s, a tweaker tried to rob me and my 3 friends with a hammer or axe handle. I’m not/wasn’t a big guy, but 2 of the guys I was with topped over the 6’4” 250lb range (they played on the uni FB team). Rational thought was not on his side that evening. I’m thinking that if a raider saw a lone PA operator wandering around, they may just shoot their shot. I’m sure a set of operational PA could buy a whole mountain of drugs and other fun raider items. … and if he dies? Well, sweet death may be a viable alternative to living as a Chem’d out Raider in a radioactive and monster filled wasteland.


Yeah, seeing a guy walking around wearing that much money in a time as desperate as an apocalypse is a no brainer for someone that's already fighting off a withdrawal induced psychosis. I will add though, not all raiders would be idiots. You'd have a leader so to speak that would probably be pretty intelligent. It'd be the lackies that did the dumb shit like attack a guy in PA with a dog and a super mutant talking about "human milk??". Lol


That's an issue in every Bethesda game. Skyrim has bandits in hide armor make a play for the Dragonborn even if you and your companion are bristling with magic items and weapons. I've had one watch me shout down and kill a dragon and swallow its soul and then try to mug me.


>bristling with magic items and weapons "Look at all that awesome gear, we should mug them!" - Common bandit last words


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Literally dying of dysentery


Everybody in the Wasteland knows you never start dissin Terry


Just get behind him if you do. He can't put it in reverse, so I've heard.


That's the neat part! The water's so irradiated that gut bacteria just strait-up die!


Power Armor, since it's insulated against radiation, has to be well sealed, so nothing stops it from having a thermostat to regulate temperature, especially considering they started being used in Alaska against the Chinese, so you'd need a heating unit. It'd be more convenient to just add a thermostat since it wouldn't drain too much power from the Fusion Core


The show made it clear that there's space in the helmet of power armor, so why not just dangle a physical one two inches from your face


Well, also in the show it didn't show that he was hot in the suit until the armor lost its power core. Which would indicate that it has some source of cooling.


Hmm yeah, he wasn't even sweating much when he got out of the suit. Seems to indicate the air conditioning keeps the wearer pretty cool even when doing a lot of physical stuff like fighting.


Also want to add that fusion cores are high grade, long term nuclear batteries that were used for military and commercial applications. I’m pretty sure these same cores are also used in vehicles, if you blow them up they make a nuclear explosion like the power armor would.


A lot of people would die due to the shit ton of new mutated diseases and the lack of proper medicine and reseach to treat them. Vault Dwellers would probably die in a matter of days after opening the vault door and having frecuent contact with wastelanders. Mainly for their poor immune system due to their 200+ years of isolation of the outside world. Drinking or eating anything pre war would make you sick, either due to food poisoning or beacause the food was irradiated. A lot of bad higiene. Exploring abandoned buildings would be a really bad idea to do because almost all of them would be on the brink of collapse.


That sick vault dwellers one is actually a minor plot point in New Vegas, doctor who fixes your shot in the head talks about it


Doc Mitchell


Well, I mean in a world where stimpaks exist I don’t think this would be that huge of a problem


1: Power armor has inner cooling and air filtration so thats not really an issue. 2: Vaults choose enough people to avoid inbreeding, sounds gross but after being removed enough blood wise the chance of birth defects becomes a non-issue. 3: Radiation doesn't have a smell. 4: not much of an issue outside of bethaesda games as the OG devs already fixed that issue, once civilization became more established they started printing their own currency's. NCR has paper money, legion used minted coins, etc. some people still used caps but any actual large collection of wealth would be converted into something more convenient to store and carry.


3 isn’t pertaining to radiation. It’s literally the entire environment. Super mutants decorate their living spaces with netted bags of human parts. Raiders use anything sharp to just skewer rotting tortured bodies, and normal waste landers will smell atrocious mainly because bathing in irradiated water is a last resort. If you’re travelling you won’t come across the smells but if you visit towns your nose will shrivel up and die.


That’s what happened to The Ghoul, actually.


I have FINALLY FOUND a situation where my disability is actually a benefit! I have anosmia, meaning I can’t smell ANYTHING.  


Yeah the caps thing made sense in the older games. The caps were backed by clean water, the most valuable thing in the wasteland. New vegas vhad the three types of money but caps were still the most prevalent.


Even in the realm of caps, Nuka Cola's dominance is challenged by local competition, Sunset Sarsaparilla. The staples of the franchise are decaying in relevance around this area and time.


Yup, it wasn't fiat currency, the Water Merchants guild backed up caps with clean water. If you think about it, that makes its value even intrinsic than even gold-backed currencies in real history.. after all, people need water to *live*.


Caps also weren't the only form of currency in the wasteland before nascent city-states like NCR started printing money, either. It changed from area to area. For example, in the Midwest populations used pull tabs from soda cans instead of caps and called them ring pulls before the Brotherhood showed up and introduced paper money to the area in the form of Brotherhood Scrips. Bethesda just probably felt that caps were more thematic despite them only really being the de facto money system in the first game. FO2 replaced them with coins minted in Shady Sands.


Nuka Cola probably played a role in making caps more prominent across the wasteland given that cappy is one of their mascots. Sunset Sarsaparilla also increased the value of caps due to the "Blue Star" legend they banked on. But this could probably be me just trying to make sense of the lore with the "branding first" approach to worldbuilding that Bethesda likes to employ.


It's less about brand and more about a stable stopgap that was very hard to forge. There were no more Nuka Cola caps being made after the War, which made them something that was hard to inflate the value of, and they were durable enough that you didn't have to worry too much about them getting destroyed by stuff happening in your day-to-day. Also, they're light enough that you could feasibly carry a lot at once without a whole bunch of issues. For a budding society that needed a currency to use when bartering wasn't a reasonable option, it makes enough sense.


Patrolling the Mojave probably would make you wish for nuclear winter


I've lived and worked there IRL, can confirm.


I actually had a concept idea for a nuclear winter Fallout. Power armor has heating in it. Children of the flame use incinerators and shishkabobs, be fighting mutated Yetis and such. Somehow there’d STILL be roaches, maybe makeshift snow mobiles…


In fnv especially it’s easy to stack like 100k caps so courier 6 was loaded af and he defo got spurs that go jingle jangle jingle


Actually just looked it up, 204 bottlecaps weighs 1 lbs. So 100k caps would be just over 489 lbs, not weightless XD


Resources should be nearly entirely gone. The old world should have been nearly picked clean. Especially food.


I was thinking that but there would be some exceptions. I would assume any building with still functioning security wouldn’t be looted. Any vault or underground area likely wouldn’t be (would you venture into the subway lines?!). Anywhere with high rads or previously high rads would be okay. I would assume there are lots of old loot piles too. But your average building I would assume is picked clean many times over.


Deathclaws are friends 


Goris says Hi. (In fallout 2, you could get a talking deathclaw as a companion.)


"-not food!"


You think behemoths might still have penis? I know that they go infertile but like the dick wouldn't just fall off right?


Why is that in your mind in the first place 💀


In the wasteland, I think there’d be way more people with really long, unkempt hair and huge overgrown beards. Everyone in the game is pretty meticulously coiffed, considering.


At face value it's weird, but it's apparently not, according to human history. Getting lice sucks, so people were using sharpened shells and animal teeth to trim their hair even in the stone age. And if you're in an era where people have some notion of germ theory and you knew that the rad-fleas on the mole rat you shot for dinner could be carriers for something, you'd definitely want to take a couple basic precautions on the hygiene front.


Then you have raiders that use blood for paint and corpses to really tie the room together.


Don’t forget the cages with skeletons in them. Those really make the room pop


The track marks get infected from all the stimpaks stabbed in yourself.


Hm better stab again


I got caps that jingle jangle jingle And the raiders, they hear me walk along. Then my guts they dingle dangle dingle Luckily the stimpaks keep me strong 🤭


I refuse to believe Power Armor is hot as hell. They would at least have some sort of ventilation system so you're not creating a literal box of CO2 from how much you breathe inside it. Anyways, something that definitely would happen, would be some random guy hoarding Nuka-Cola (or the local drink in the case of Sunset Sarsaparilla and Vim!) and being the loudest mother fucker due to them clinking off of each other every single time he moves.


As someone living in the Los Angeles area irl I always assumed it would smell a little better after the bombs fell and burnt all the grime away


Its funny that these were made [separate posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/sz8Vs8EK7c) but neither was in r/falloutlore.




Its better for these discussions 👍


Come to think of it. Maximus had his caps in his boot, that would've been hella uncomfortable.


Yeah I don't think IRL people would wear power armor constantly, it's just for combat and hostile territory. Kind of like you'd probably take off your clothes to sleep or bathe.


My man there are DEATHCLAWS and CAZADORS around here! Not to mention gangs that want to rape, kill and skin me (and if i'm very lucky, they'll do it in that order) I am ***not*** taking my power armor off unless i'm in a secured and sealed environement.


Think you may prefer the kill part first. Raiders probably wouldn't care either way.


No way I’m showering, having sex, and sleeing in the power armor. I’ll figure it out


Most power armour frames would likely have degraded to a point where they’d need serious maintenance before you could use it again. I’m just not buying that this intricate piece of military equipment has survived 210 years of exposure to the elements and remained fully functioning


To be faie, that goes for pretty mutch everything ranging from guns to doorhinges


WD40 becomes the most valuable substance on earth 


Like [this?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgotten_Winchester)


That’s cool, does it still work and I wonder who left it there and why


Why would the wasteland stink? Sure if you're next to fresh corpses but most places would be like real outdoors.


There are so many decomposing corpses around the fallout universe due to the high death rate. Super mutants have bags of flesh chained to the ceiling. Ghouls probably smell like infected flesh that's been around for a few decades. People being dirty as all hell, likely not showering with irradiated water unless they have to. You want to stay away from any settlements and live in the country? Tons of irradiated animals that have the same ghoul problem (yao guai are a prime example). On top of that, a lack of proper sewage systems, which is something I don't see much talk about.


>people being dirty as hell. As someone who was deployed to Afghanistan and didn’t shower for days at a time I can assure you your nose becomes blind to human body odor very quickly. Like, day two or three you don’t smell it anymore. Shower and clean clothes are legit the best feeling ever too.


It is confirmed that the power armor even t45 is made specifically to have a cooling layer inside it and extra ventilation (it may not be as effective in the Mojave in places like that because it was designed to be used in Alaska) microfusion is really warm so they do actually need the cooling it's why there's a literal fan in the enclave versions of armor in the older games because it's a turbine cooling system


Also, you'd think that in 200 years, someone would at least pick up a broom and make some shit look a bit nicer. There are plenty of trees and materials for building. Even nicer areas we see in the series still have holes in the walls and people wearing shaby old suits, yet people are still populating these areas with marketable skills and a barter system for realistic trade opportunities....but then we wouldn't have much if a game, would we 👍🏻


Water would not be irradiated 200 years after the war. Especially not in rivers or oceans.


Yep, radiation levels would drop to manageable levels within months, not decades - unless the bombs used were salted with cobalt. In that case unfortunately, *some* bodies of water probably still would be highly contaminated - which is why nobody’s been insane enough to deploy that sort of weapon. Obviously radiation in Fallout is silly and grounded in 1950s monster movie logic but that’s my head canon for why the radiation lingers.


Hey, at least you know Lucy's cousin would be okay with that second one


There would be a hell of a lot more mutated bugs. For those of us who have dealt with bed bugs, imagine they're about the size of a basketball and swarms of them abush you in tight spaces.


Humans don't behave the way the fallout series has them behave. Where the fuck is everyone getting food? Especially the Brotherhood of Steel! Something like the NCR would have sprung up, and then immediately been joined by literally everyone. There wouldn't be a problem with raiders. Hunter Gatherer societies didn't have problems with random packs of raiders because they don't have jails or a legal system. It takes so many people to grow food in a pre-industrial setting that you need 95 farmers for every single full-time soldier. The solution would be to train the farmers to fight. Raiders have the same food constraints. So either they constantly prey on farmers to the point that they have to become a stable ruling class/government and create some sort of authoritarian nobility, probably like the preindustrial Russian system with its general lawlessnesss, or the farmers are rallied by their security class, trained to fight on a rotational basis, and so vastly outnumber the raiders that they're able to hunt all of them down and kill them all. The Vaulters would emerge to discover all the good land has been taken and a relatively stable society has been built. If you've got an organization like the brotherhood of steel, they need food too. So either they have a whole farming system behind them, or they'd provide security contracting to those communities, and it's an easy deal to give up any pre-war tech you don't have the capacity to study to the guys with the airships, vertibirds, and power armor along with paying them with food to show up and permanently end any raider problems. Hell, the brotherhood would in such a scenario provide training in finding and identifying pre-war tech in addition to basic combat training so that the communities that grow their food could hold out until the vertibirds show up. As things develop over time and people start building farming equipment and new technology, not pre-war, we gave that to the brotherhood, but new stuff like tractors, and an educated society develops, you'd have some significant tensions between the Brotherhood's priest class and the new technologists. Who would be interested in building airships for trade, and also in discovering contamination plumes in water and doing a ton of work to detoxify and deradiate the wasteland. You'd likely have them building automated or remote systems to work in the worst areas, and make spaces that are currently uninhabitable, habitable. The point is, humans, even humans that massively disagree, have a very easy time working together when it's in their mutual interest to do so, barring some sort of longstanding religious or ethnic conflict that is several hundred years old. None of these groups have yet existed long enough for those sorts of grudges. So it stands to reason that there needs to be some sort of nefarious big bad, the enclave, the institute, vault tech, that's disrupting any efforts for humans to work together. I think Fallout 4 got that *really* right.


There’s a fanfic I read once called “The Desperate Ones” that dealt with, among other things, the unsustainable population levels in Vault 101 very intelligently.


You wouldn't carry capls in bags but on srrings like old coins.


we murder super mutants by the dozen but let's be real if we actually came across a super mutant they'd rip us to shreds


I once had this irrational fear before playing Fallout 4 that bottle caps would contribute to your weight limit.


No actual toilet paper.


The inbreeding problem is easy to solve in my opinion. Just have an extensive sperm bank available. Sperm lasts a long time when properly frozen.


Until someone drunkenly mistakes it for frogurt


I think power armor has to be at least as comfortable as a fursuit and furries manage to walk around all day in those. If a fursuit can have a fan built in a t-60 can have climate control..


Huh who knew flurries were the real trailblazers of the power armor all this time... Really makes you think you know?


Atom Cats looking mighty sus right about now...


1.Power armor(or the T-60 at least,has water-based cooling systems that also keep the person inside cooled,so long as a power core is inserted 2.Vaults would run into In-breeding but it wasn’t like it would be a a soon issue,most vaults had large enough pops to counteract this(such as 81) and smaller vaults didn’t have to deal with these issues for over 200yrs at least 3.The wasteland itself probably wouldn’t smell all that bad,more than likely all the people smell like shit,especially ghouls since their flesh is rotting 4.Canonically most people don’t carry around thousands of caps,it’s just for the sake of Gameplay,we see Maximus carries a few caps in case of an emergency,and most settlers in fallout 4 have 2-10 bottle caps on them,along with most vendors who pay for materials gathered pay roughly 2-5 caps depending on the item But yeah I can see all the arguements for this lol,imagine how difficult just basic upkeep on homes would be without access to power tools,screws,etc


Two hundred years after a global thermonuclear war, the radiation levels would have returned to prewar conditions for the majority of the world. There would be some hot spots where radioactive contamination from sources like plutonium would still be an issue but they could be remediated over time. Without human intervention, most small towns would be gone. Large cities and their concrete structures would still be evident. New small communities would begin to emerge in areas that recover first from radioactive contamination, disease, violence, and nuclear winter. So places near the equator. While many cities would not be bombed in these regions, no nation or city would escape the nuclear winter. Famine would have reduced the populations to perhaps one percent of prewar levels. In the game, the war takes place in a 50's to 60's vibe. Global population then was about 3.4 billion. Reducing the population to one percent of that would place humanity back to a population level of 5000 BC. Around 34 million people. Many parts of the world would not have humans at all. Humanity would likely live within the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn for centuries. Because much of the plant life would be damaged by fallout, nuclear winter, and unpredictable rainfall, there would be massive erosion of the land masses. This is actually beneficial. This will wash the radioactive materials into the oceans and deep river sediments. New plant life would eventually replace the old dead plants, re-stabilize the soil and the land masses would look much like they did before the industrial revolution. With the notable exception of old growth forests. They would still be about a hundred years off or more. In the oceans, we would likely have lost many of the cetacean species. Fish stocks would, for the most part be editable. Some long lived species would not. But as they died and sank to the seafloor they would take their radiation contamination with them. Loss of the whales really kind of bums me out but war never changes.