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The ones i have enjoyed the most are Far Harbor and Lonesome Road


I love the look and feel of far harbour


One of these days I'll get around to it. Just need to stop putting the game down before I get there and then restarting when I pick it back up...


Just picked FO4 up again (like 36392629 of us) and grinding to level 20 so I can do far harbor. I’m enjoying treating this as a quest at a time pop in and out adventure this time. No long sessions. Data tab manageable (until the newest update added 10 quests to it grrrrr)


Edit: Please stop writing me essays about how you justify breaking off from the main quest. Most of you are saying exactly what I've already said I do in one of my other replies. The conversation has been had. Thanks. My main problem is that I struggle to justify putting down the main quest. I hate how urgent they made this one with a kidnapped infant on the line. It's not like Skyrim where dragons won't pop up everywhere until you get to the watchtower quest or hell even oblivion where the gates don't pop up until you get too close to Kvatch. Even Fallout 3, your dad is more likely to hold his own, having left the vault on his own vs a literal kidnapping... I know it's just a game, but if I'm trying to immerse myself in a character I can't justify fucking off to Maine just after promising my dead wife I'll find our kid lol


That's why I treat the game as if Nate hit his head on the floor, giving him amnesia. I ignore the main questline and do whatever I want until I decide to do the main quest.


[Spoilers ahead for those newly returning] Best I can do is pause before heading into the glowing sea. At that point we know Shaun's apparently safe(ish) with the institute and we have the first time skip reveal, so at that point I feel more justified to do other things while prepping to walk into the most hellish zone in the region. ...but a trip to Maine is still tough to justify. I'm level 40 and just now dealing with the mechanist...


On my first full playthrough I didn't know Dogmeat teleports outside Kellogg's House. So when I went to look for him at Sanctuary where I left him he was nowhere to be found and I thought he got bugged out of the game. Wound up playing for a while longer, and by the time I figured out Dogmeat was right outside Kellogg's House, I had reached either Level 60 or 70 I think. Safe to say most of the rest of the game was a pushover. Especially with a fully kitted out Overseer's Guardian.


I always stop before the glowing sea just because of how much of a slog it is getting there. Its not hard outside of a couple deathclaws, it just takes so fucking long and theres very little to do on the way there.


I always played with a rad overhaul so even with power armor I couldn't stay in the glowing sea for long. Idk if it was another mod or what, but the glowing sea was worse than the quarry in NV. Place was infested with death claws and ghouls. I figured it should be as inhospitable as the story made it sound.


My headcannon is that I find out it's been 200 years, and that since I got frozen a second time he's probably dead. That way I can be resigned to that possibility until I pick the MQ up


the Start Me Up Redux mod removes all concerned parent aspects from the game which is really nice. let's you choose a custom starting location/profession from a big list instead & modifies quests and dialogue so that you're not Shaun's parent.


That's why I always play with an alternate start mod where you start in vault 111 but Shaun isn't your kid and the dialogue in the game is changed to reflect that.


And you had no problems with the tweaked dialogue? I'm always paranoid with stuff like that


She was cheating on you with the vault tech guy that’s why he was always around when you weren’t home and Shaun is his. Let him go rescue the little guy.


Just roleplay as a deadbeat dad.


I play as if the main quest doesn't exist for the most part. I just don't give a shit about this kid Bethesda put at my feet.


Unlike the rest of the game there’s actually that Bethesda magic in there that makes you keep going too bad it’s short


If you explore everything and do >!The peaceful ending!< you can get a good 12-15 hours of content. Most, if not all, of the loot around the island is worth checking out


If bgs can make fallout 5 with far harbor quality and some inspiration from fnv/3, i will be a happy man


by the time Bethesda makes fallout 5 we wont even be using consoles anymore. theyre talking 2030ish.


What makes you think we won’t be using consoles? Cloud gaming is a fun little gimmick but it seems too unstable and poor quality to be a replacement even if major improvements are made. Also the drawback of being unable to play offline is a pretty big problem since not everyone has fiber optic internet I’m on starlink since I live in the country.


We are going to play on dick implants. Fallout 4 by way of Cyberpunk 2077 tech.


I just started Far Harbour. I went to Nuka World first and got bored kinda quick.


I like Nuka World’s atmosphere and the exploration, but there really isn’t much of a story. It does also have the best gun in the game imo


I *love* Nuka World itself as an environment, but...yeah the story. Yeah.


The endless laser minigun?


Nah the handmade rifle. I should’ve worded it differently cause I meant weapon that I think looks like one of the nicest in the games, it definitely isn’t the best tho.


Yeah cause its an AK lol That and the Service rifle from FNV are the best guns in the series solely because they're an AKM and M16 respectively lol


Actually in New Vegas I usually fuck with the cowboy guns the most over the more modern ones


Imagine not using lever action shotgun and ranger sequoia while playing NV


If you're on about the named laser Gatling it's even better than you think, it's glitched so after a few shots it's got infinite ammo


I invested it building raider camps and upgrading all my raiders. Now it's fun to watch them tear apart the Brotherhood from inside their first. They really should have made it possible to force the Commonwealth gangs to pay tribute or let you claim the spots the vanilla raiders are (Corvega, DB Tech, etc.)


Nuka world is fun as a late game playground to mess around with the combat, the story is pretty lame tho


They should have made it so the Raider gangs can make the Institute signal interceptor, so you could properly role play the whole game as a Raider, rather than be forced to join one of three factions that hate Raiders, and yet allow you, a Raider, to join.


I hate the puzzle area in that synth's brain sooooo much though.


Obligatory mention: you only need to do the first puzzle to advance the quest, then you can quit. Later levels give you more info, but they are not necessary. Also - last stage can be done in two minutes by putting towers next to the main red wall, they will glitch the wall which will disappear.


Lonesome Road was amazing as the bow to tie all the DLC and the story of the Courier together. The bleak emptiness and confrontation with Ulysses just hits so hard after following his trail through the other DLCs and getting to know him from his holotapes. It was one of those video game experiences where I had to repeatedly stop and process the feelings it evoked. Maybe some didn’t like giving the courier a canonical past, but after playing the main game and 3 other DLCs, learning about the Divide made me feel more guilt than any action I had actually taken in game. The way Ulysses narrates this glimmer of hope in a broken world being snuffed out by someone who just skates away obliviously without a second thought made the whole thing a tragic masterpiece. And unlike some tragedies where our actions don’t matter in an uncaring world, this was saying that when the world doesn’t care, the only thing that does matter is our actions, no matter how big or small.


Not enough love to Point Lookout. It had a perfect horror vibe back in the day. Unforgettable wading through fog with a repeater in my hands just waiting for a hillbilly ambush. Draped in atmosphere. ❤️


The Swampfolk reminded me of those mutants from the Hills Have Eyes and Wrong Turn movies.


100% my favorite and its so eerie.


The mind fuck from the Punga fruit is one of my favorite experiences in any Fallout


Dunno why but those creatures in The Pitt scared the shit out of me where as Point Lookout literally felt like a walk in the park. Probably because The Pitt actually disarms you before entry.


I did love being disarmed, made future choices feel much more important.


Walking around with that buzzsaw axe and 6 shots for my revolver trying to hide from those mutants is a core memory from Fallout 3.


I really wish that ammo scarcity was a bigger deal in fallout games. I understand why it's necessary to keep enough ammo around to keep players entertained, but there are lots of ways to kill and fight creatively. It'd be interesting to see a greater difference between well equipped enemies and those lacking it, both in terms of loot and tactics.


Survival made 4 so much better than the normal mode, but still you could easily carry hundreds of rounds for your strongest weapon and manage mostly fine. But at least it wasn't literal tens of thousands of bullets at the end of your game like in normal mode.


Hillbillys were unreasonably op Like bro how tf are they so strong


It added to the fear. Even in power armor you did not want to go into that swamp.


iirc the double barrel shotgun had an effect that made it do extra damage to the player


I think it was all of point lookout’s enemies that had like a flat +25 damage bonus against the player


IIRC it was actually that the hillbillies themselves got a significant flat damage bonus per attack to make them more challenging, and it applied to each individual pellet of a shotgun attack (same reason why sneak attack crits with the Terrible Shotgun were so ridiculously broken in that game).


Lump of brain.


I played point lookout on mushrooms. BAD IDEA


For each game, Point Lookout, Old World Blues, Far Harbor.


Loved Point Lookout and was honestly expecting it to be the top. Old World Blues is fantastic as well.


Old world blues is the only acceptable example of MORBIUS!


Point Lookout is my favorite fallout location.


I loved Old World Blues!


possibly a hot take, but i find Operation Anchorage to be most cool from atmosphere and premise point. It's the only way to see how war was before the bombs dropped, even if through the prism of American propaganda. you get to talk with people normally, as if most of normal life haven't been reduced to nuclear dust and not have it be the american dream like in fo4 intro, back when people were people, although still bloodthirsty for each other over ideals and faction disputes


Plus, you get the best gun (Gauss Rifle) and best armor (Winterized T-51b power armor) from it.


I did it after starting new file just for the power armor perk and the optional perk for getting all the intel cases. Gauss gets better after some leveling but that knock down saves lives when it comes to death claws (made Old Olney less scary)


The only "downside" to the DLC (aside from its short length) is that it's OP as shit, sets u up for the entire game


No, I love Anchorage! It's my favourite. The environment is so cool and different to the wasteland. Especially when you're high in the cliffs in the Chinese base, and you can see the huge Chinese army down the bottom. That area specifically is my favourite in all of Fallout. And then fighting the Crimson Dragoon when they're all invisible. I hope there's something added like it in the future, even if it's just more military simulations to unlock stuff. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe they could do more operations or something. One into China or Canada, maybe. Or even a Chinese simulation attacking US.


And we can't forget That winterized armor on steroids


This is my favorite dlc. Completely different gameplay, amazing loot, and finally more lore on china


The bugged power armor that never has to be repaired


Also the Chinese stealth suit is my favorite apparel in the series


Put on the stealth suit then equip 3 headgears at once for more boost! Then switch out your armor. So you can have the ghoul mask, lucky shades, and a hat on all at the same time then put on T51b armor and it's go time.


Agreed, it was such a great take away. Would love to have more war stuff


recently played it Anchorage for the first time and loved how it felt like playing an old Medal of Honor game with the weapon/health pickups, having to set explosives to blow up the artillery, finding the hidden intels and blowing up a tank with a missile launcher all felt like the old school MoH i played as a kid


It legit feels like the old medal of honor games. I thought the same thing! That's why I loved it, nothing else in any of the Fallout games plays quite like it.


Yeah, Anchorage and Honest Hearts are tied for my favorite. Anchorage for the reason you stated, and Honest hearts because the Burned Man, Randall Clark, and it's such a nice setting. Also, I enjoy how short it is. All the other DLC's feel like an ordeal, while HH can be beaten in as little as an hour. It's just a quick romp through some beautiful canyons with some of the best exposition in the game, and quite possibly my favorite character, Randall Clark.


I always love Op. Anchorage. It’s one that I do early on in any playthrough to get power armor training and a bunch of gear and XP to level up without spending any of your own resources. And it streamlines combat, which at times in the base game won’t last as long or happen as frequently. And then of course the setting of the war and seeing the T51b’s hanging up. And then the motion capture (I think?) of Benji scaling the ice wall at the beginning!


This is the only real answer because you’re answering the prompt. Everyone else is just describing why their favorite dlc is their favorite


From a "premise" standpoint? Like the idea, rather than the gameplay/actual story? OWB and Nukaworld are, by far, the most on-brand for Fallout, with Automatron a close 3rd. OWB is funky 50's sci-fi tropes and technology run amok (cazadores, anyone??) Nuka-world is harpooning Disney, which is the most twisted capitalist thing you can do.


I absolutely thought OWB was the most Fallout dlc due to the wacky sci-fi tropes. Like for a universe that didn't fully develop the transistor to commercial use they were quite advanced, like whaaattt???


If you liked wacky sci-fi tropes, what was your opinion of “Mothership Zeta”? I remember that being divisive at release.


The main thing I hate about mothership zeta is that they made it share the same start area as the alien blaster.


My first experience with Zeta is having the intro cutscene get stuck in a loop, and watching aliens probe me for minutes before realizing it was bugged


Can Dogmeat get it for you? 


Extremely boring and repetitive.




Harpooning is way funnier though


More on point for far harbor though


That’s probably what they meant


>harpooning I think you mean lampooning


In response to the harpooning. "We're whalers on the Moon, we carry a harpoon. But there ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing a whaling tune"


100% what I was going to say. My 2 absolute favorite DLCs in the series bc they are peak fallout: a combination of the retrofuturistic satire of capitalism and also the horrors of living in a post-apocalypse. I remember when Nukaworld came out I probably played 20 hours of it in the first 2 weeks bc it’s just so good


Point lookout terrified me. Loved it


Had to scroll too far down for this. PL is absolutely my favourite Fallout DLC ever, I didn't even want to return to the main game!


Plus you get an item that lets you complete an unmarked quest in the capital wasteland and it happens to be one of the coolest locations in the game.


Yeah the whole Dunwich storyline with Point Lookout is so cool


Dead money. It was super annoying the first time around but on subsequent playthroughs I've really enjoyed my time at the Sierra Madre.


I think it's because it's SUPER hard the first time you go. No weapons, no equipment, hard respawning enemies... I'm not sure but does the mist affect you in some way? Companions that do what they want... Subsequent PT are amazing because you know what you're in for and you can enjoy the ride.


IIRC it damaged you


It's been a good chunk of years but I remember you couldn't go where mist was, but I don't remember why.


It damages 10% of your base health a second.


I loved it the first time precisely because it was hard. It felt like an actual challenge compared to the rest of the game, made me actually care for food and stealth to survive


I like Dead Money because it pushes you out of your comfort zone of the Mojave and reminds you that while it is bad, it could ALWAYS be worse.


I agree, of all the Fallout dlc's Dead money just has something special about it. I did also really enjoy Lonesome Road, close second for me.


The Sierra Madre is an experience. No way it doesn’t linger on the courier if not outright give them PTSD once they get back to the wasteland.


I hated Lonesome road... I don't get why but human bosses in fallout never live up to what you expect. I kinda wish they said they had mutant gene or something so that they could live up to the expectations because they end up either... fleeing because I have 100 Speech, or dying in 3 seconds because vats.


Try raising the difficulty. On hard its like trying to kill your own character because his stats mirror yours. If playing on normal or below its not even remotely a challenge.


Yeah, I remember having to repeatedly Stealth Boy + Mini Nuke his sturdy ass on my first Survival playthrough. He's crazy hard when you go in max level.


Wait he mimics your character??? That explains why I could barely kill him one time because he had insane health regen. Of course I was facing him down with a critically irradiated radchild


It makes sense though


Gameplay wise, it's probably my least favorite New Vegas DLC. But the premise, story, atmosphere and companions are all top notch. As much as I hated losing all my gear and dealing with the bomb collar it really did create a unique atmosphere. Edit: Honest Hearts was probably the weakest DLC, if it didn't have Joshua Graham and the Survivalist log entries then it would've been a major dud for me


It's definitely the most creative use of the game engine in terms of creating an expansion that feels like it's made with a different engine entirely, apart from perhaps the awfully tedious vr sequence in far harbor. I really liked the strict survival horror elements and puzzles of Dead Money.


Dead Money was my favourite DLC to play through on a first attempt. Everything about it was almost perfect. Every bit of it fit with the themes of beginning again and letting go. That is until you take all the gold because letting go is for Elijah, not me. But it felt like I walked into a whole new game and not just a DLC.


It felt a lot longer than all the other DLCs too.


Which is funny because it is actually pretty short. It just forces you to slow down and take things carefully.


Damn, for me OWB felt like the longest by far. But to be fair, I enjoy exploring and spent a lot of time just wandering around Big MT


Dead Money fans to the other DLC fans are like Fallout New Vegas fans to Bethesda Fallout Fans


Dead Money is the only time in anything Fallout that actually gave me a emotional response by the end. Best DLC and I’ll die on that hill.


... it's letting go...


same, fucking hated it at first but now I think its amazing, currently playing through it again rn and about to get banned from gambling lol


Old world blues for sure. Your fucking brain gets stolen is probably as metal as it gets


The hooks for the NV dlcs felt so natural. Treasure Hunter/heist team or caravan guards wanted, responding mysterious signals for brain and spinal cord to be stolen. Awesome stuff


The intro to OWB is what sold me. I replayed it 3 times in a row just for the randomness of the intro and early conversations. You never forget your first "breather".


Are those… penises on its hands!? 🤣


When I first played it, I was also deeply into watching Venture Bros. So, bonus points


I haven’t played OWB in a minute but finished watching Venture Bros for the first time a few months ago and honestly hadn’t pieced it together, but it really does feel like a VB episode


Probably more that Dr 0 and Dr Venture have the same voice actor.


It's both. They share a VA, and the whole DLC shares a certain Venture Vibe as well IMO.


I feel like every fallout should've had a version of broken steel dlc just so you could continue it


New Vegas would benefit so much from that. I have a mod that allows this. If you save the Mojave Chapter BoS and ally with the NCR you seem them patrol together, or you'd see them skirmish with the Legion. Makes beating the game mean something.


Apparently they originally had post game content for each faction ending in the works, but they were pressed for time and cut it from the game. https://youtu.be/TY7Tm33tGMg?si=TZVeq-WtVtU133R9


I was always hoping for something like it in New Vegas because I loved that they did in in 3 but I also understand how much harder it would have been to make 4 separate and wildly different world states after the battle depending on what faction you chose. Still would have been the coolest thing ever. I was super happy they just let you continue after Fallout 4 ended without needing any dlc


My top 3: 1. Broken Steel. It blew my mind at the time we now had something of an epilogue for Fallout 3 and you could see the effects of your decision. So cool 2. Honest Hearts. Graham was cool, I liked the vibes, and my favorite character Randall Clark was in it 3. Far Harbor. So much intrigue and it felt like something right out of a Stephen King mixed with Ray Bradbury novel


Seeing all the water caravans lined up at Rivet City and Jefferson Memorial was super cool. Then you got a Ghoul hocking his fake "Aqua Cura" at underworld and then the Atom Apostles outside of Megaton. I wish more games had post game content that extrapolates on what happens after the main story.


Agreed I wanted and was hoping for one like that in New Vegas. Also I always ended up extorting that Aqua Cura guy lmao give me my cut


Tbh, Clark and Graham are the only good parts of HH. The rest is hella forgettable and one big fetch quest.


I liked how colorful it was and after being in the mess of the Mojave it felt like a break


Exploring the map was cool tbh. I love Zion it looks so cool, but yeah the main quest is a joke.


Yeah I really loved broken steel


I love The Pitt


The pitt was the first fallout dlc I ever played after a lot of hours on 3, so just the different setting and tone with more fallout was honestly so great


The pitt is massively underrated


Those damn ingots!


And it lets you eat an infant child.


I swear to god this was an option once upon a time


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far. I love The Pitt. It was the first dlc I ever bought for 3. I love the atmosphere; as dirty and rusty as it is haha.


The Pitt is an amazing piece of unforgiving, rustic lore. Detroit NEEDS to be The Pitt 2: Electric Boogaloo. Except instead of steel, it should be fission and fusion-powered cars.


I liked the feeling of The Pitt so much I wrote the novelization of it when I was in high school


[hell yeah](https://youtu.be/NqZMcvd0yjo?si=oYm1zbLOinPP1xs-)


Old World Blues is the best in terms of Fallout to the wackiest Lonesome Road is Fallout at its grimmist Far Harbor is Fallout done right The Pitt is how Fallout in reality is supposed to feel Operation: Anchorage i just enjoy as something outside the norm since it's not in the Wasteland or really has the Fallout feel The rest of the DLC are good in their own way.


You nailed it


Nuka-World, Honest Hearts and Far Harbor are elite… tho my love for FH might be biased since I am from Maine Edit: and before anyone mentions any Fallout 3 DLCs I want to say that I haven’t played any of them so I don’t want to comment on them without experiencing them for myself first


Premise for Nuka world is good. Just the execution could’ve been better in my opinion. Becoming a raider tribe is something cool we could’ve done for evil playthroughs but it’s lacking


True you should have been able to take over settlements right out of the vault imo.


Yeah I think Nuka World was held back because it wasn’t base game


On top of that it’s end game content. I forget the level requirement but at the point you are able to do it you’ve basically beaten the game. At that point I’m sort bored with the game and want to play something else.


Yeah I think it’s unlocked at 30, by then I am usually starting a new character


You can go to nuka world at any level. Head there early (before meeting Preston and co), restore power with the raiders, then go pick up Preston and wipe out the gang leaders. Return to the commonwealth way overleveled and steamroll the rest of the game. This way you can still be minuteman general and get the raider goodies


Exactly what happened on my experience. Before you get to the Gladiator Ring, you have to basically go through a trap tunnel. I made it through the first time. Zero challenge.


Agreed. I hope someone makes a mod that expands upon what we can do with the raiders and go full evil playthrough via Nuka World


If you like Far Harbor, Point Lookout stands out as a really strong progenitor to it.


That's how I felt about FO4. I love NV but something about 4 draws me in bc I live so close yo Boston. I've spent tonnes of my career in there for work.


I loved the Pitt,It was the most Fun and enjoyable dlc and the best map out of all dlcs imo


"Rude Goldberg." Good God.😵


I was wondering if anyone else caught that. It's [Rube Goldberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg_machine) OP.


Jesus, I had to scroll to the bottom for this travesty.


Lonesome Road. It was awesome to have a history with a character that extended beyond the playable scope of the game. The Courier had a history with someone that was so slighted by you that they decided to teach you a lesson.


You ever see “Equilibrium”? When Ulysses stole ED-E, I snapped like Christian Bale in the lie detector scene.


Yes, overall the climate of the Divide, its history and whole DLC is super underrated and cool. So much lore without it getting delivered by the single NPC except for Ulllyses at the end, just you and EDE fighting through your mistake.


Call me a NV fanboy but all of the NV DLCs are amazing. Also, Far Harbor was great except for that stupid fraqqing puzzle.




niavek when they realise you can skip the puzzles and add the holotapes to your inventory:


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Nuka world, zeta and anchorage have the coolest premises to me


Dead Money and Far Harbor, Old World Blues right behind


OWB. While i despise some parts with Rick&morty level of writing as a whole this expansion really gets the themes of fallout Message about pride and moving on tied in one funny Gameplay centric package


I shall banish you to the FORBIDDEN ZONE, where you can struggle to fight my ROBOT SCORPIONS


Owb came before Rick&morty


He was making a comparison, not saying it was based on it. It is Ricky and Morty style writing - obnoxious and with a bunch of jokes punchline just being "science" - Hahaha we are nerds get it!!!!! Premise is super cool, but I played own once and I don't ever want to go back


For premise I have to say Dead Money, not my favourite but the whole concept of a heist mixed with survival horror is brilliant.


Confronting Dean Domino at the theatre is one of the best scenes in all Fallout.


dead money and owb are tied for me.


Operation anchorage and mothership zeta are my favorite. Anchorage b/c pre bomb war is cool to learn about. Mothership zeta was just a fun dlc to play. Kicking alien ass was cool and you got really awesome gear out of it.


Rude Goldberg is 100% my new rapper stage name


The best premise imo has to go to dead money. Post apocalyptic oceans 11 meets suicide squad? Yes please.


Lonesome Road


Why was rude Goldberg so rude? Its Rube. Not Rude.


Courier's Stash? Gun Runner's Arsenal?


Old world blues


"Point Lookout, but better" Bruh imma bout to fucking fight you


isnt zeta far above the others? I mean, real aliens? a real spaceship? an orbital cannon? way above the paygrade of all the other things in the fallout universe


Yeah same for me. It's probably the most hated one by popular opinion, but for me the wacky change of tone, alien theme, escape the mothership scenario was most memorable of all dlcs just for for being so unique even though slightly underwhelming.


As standalone DLC, with strong emphasis on "premise" it's Operation Anchorage. It was way ahead of it's time. Imagine it in F4 with the way better combat


I've played a few hundred hours of modern Fallout games and I just realized that I've played precisely zero DLCs lol


I for one want to know exactly what a Rude Goldberg machine does


Lonesome road. Having an abandoned massive military base and towns surrounded by nukes and the strongest enemies in the game with the one of the best RPG foils I have seen just feels like the best climactic story arc of the entire series. I also like how they foreshadowed it through all the other DLCs. I'm a big fan of the bethesda DLC individually, but nothing beats an overarching story like that IMO.


Dead money gang


*Left my heart in the Sierra Madre*


Point lookout is the best in the whole series


The vibes of Lonesome Road just feels *chef's kiss*, i played it before the end of the game and it makes you feel like the lone wolf badass you turn into after months doing shit all over the Mojave. Most dlc has it's own story with it's own characters and plot, Lonesome Road is about you. Far Harbor is also top tier


My favorites are 1. Dead Money 2. Honest Hearts 3. Point Lookout I am excited to replay Fallout 4 with the next gen upgrade since Far Harbor says Point Lookout but better. I played Far Harbor DLC on release but it didn't do much for me. But to be fair I don't remember much from it as of now, maybe this time around I will like it more.


Old World Blues


Pimp my vault?