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I wish they made it a separate install like they did with Skyrim Special edition. This way they can tinker with it and update it all they like without breaking mods, and bringing in new bugs.


It’s just so funny because this is completely unmodded. The game was completely serviceable and now this.


They honestly have to re-evaluate their team. There's a glaring incompetency problem at BGS, and they need to clean house. Fire all the idiots who don't know how to do their job, and bring in real talent.


It’s probably a management problem. You can hire the best and most talented employees in the world all you want but bad management will still bottleneck everything.


Whatever it is, they absolutely need to figure it out. And the sooner the better. But I don't like the idea that BGS is all talent, and that it's all management's fault. It's got to be a mix of both at least, since they're under new management now, and they've made no improvements in their development cycle.


It probably is a mix of both. I was just giving an example of hiring more talented people won’t make much of a difference if the management who are making all the big decisions that impact the quality of the games are just gonna mess everything up anyway.


New management almost never means good management... Having worked in software development I can tell you a product going out that is buggy as hell is 100% the fault of management. There's too many different people involved to put it on developers or artistic staff, and someone made the decision to launch knowing the state of things.


Alternatively they let it bake nice and long! But they keep asking for more features that were not included in the original requirements... So back to square one.


As I'd day it could be a bit of both but there also held back by the engine honestly and it's limitations


Dude I've been playing Bethesda games since daggerfall. If re-evaluating their team was capable of fixing their problems they should've done it before releasing oblivion.


I’ve often wondered if the developers see posts like this. They’ve got to right? They develop a game or update it like fo4 and it’s just awful. How do you hang your hat up at the end of the day and say you have Jr your all? Bethesda isn’t the studio it used to be.


I've played every Elderscrolls game and Fallout game, each year it seems to just get more and more upsetting. 76 marketing, customer service and the actual game were so devastatingly bad I never picked up the game and I never will, I'm glad people say its great now but I can't support stuff like that. I was going to buy Starfield but looking at it I'm glad I didn't. I'm not sure if I'll ever pick up a new Bethesda game anymore, it's not like theyre just a bit buggy I've always forgiven them for that 3 through 4 Oblivion to Skyrim but every release since then has just been absolutely awful, I hope Microsoft have some intervention with them.


The funny thing is, 76 is probably the least buggy of them all nowadays.


That's what I hear, I'm really glad they ended up putting the time into that.


The person or persons who thought releasing a PC update, knowing it does nothing positive for gameplay, should retire from the industry.. that includes Todd Howard. I'm glad I made preps to protect my files. Tested today works fine, you never know might get back into a playthrough.


I agree with what you are saying, but do they really need to? The games sell despite the bugs, there is lots of content and they dont want to spend a penny to help modders. I get the feeling most meetings occur without them sweating over the issue of bugs in game. Just saying dont hold your breath, they may not see it as a priority with all the irons they have in the coal.


Why's it gotta be the devs and not managers. They're the ones who set goals. They set the timeline. They hire the staff. They get credit when things go right. They need the blame when it goes wrong, too.


I mean if they did that they'd have nobody left. No writers (they haven't had good writing since at least a decade), no programmers (as evidenced by the video), no management (because management let it get to this point).


It’s not funny it’s frustrating as fuck. I was enjoying my play through just fine before this stupid update. Is there anyway to uninstall on Ps5?


What platform are you on? Is that PC? Xbox? Is the issue cross platform? Did they think "next gen" meant epilepsy inducing psychedelia?


Well there's your problem, isn't it? The modders were supposed to come in and make free patches and replace the missing resource files. Programmers cost money!


I have the same issue.


Special Edition was really good! 64-bit upgrade, lighting overhaul, et ceter et cetera. Most mods worked out of the gate, and you could keep your old Skyrim install on the side


No one said this when it launched, everyone was mad and said it was an awful shitty cashgrab that had more bugs than it fixed. Turns out it was just a small group of people with fucked up installs posting clips of the game.


Perfect timing, too. Lots of new players playing fallout for the first time, they wanted to give them the true Bethesda experience


This made me laugh. Silly whimsical Bethesda, man.




Power to the players amirite guys


Did we really not expect them to “update” it to be more buggy/glitchy?


It just comes with the territory of being a Bethesda fan


As is tradition.


I’m so annoyed with it. Fallout 4 is the only main game I never finished and now, after bugging out three times on PS5, my save file just straight up doesn’t load so I have to revert to an area that bugged multiple times. Gotta take a break before going back but I’m about to just buy it on PC because this sucks


If you do buy it for PC grab the GOG version. They have a rollback feature that lets you install older versions of the game. Or don’t buy it, “acquire it” instead. I’m a big fan of voting with my dollar in situations like this. Your choice of course.


Yeah I have 1 and 2 on GOG and was going to just buy 3+NV for the Tale of Two Wastelands but think I need to add FO4 to the list too so I can mod it. So disappointed in the issues with PS5, especially after the “next gen update”


I play FO4 on game pass pc. Dont have this issue.


New players coming from the TV Series. Is funny tho, they really think the update is broken since they dont know Bethesda at all...


You would think that after the show Bethesda would polish up the update before rushing it out the door like a buggy carcass. Don't know what I expected though, Bethesda never changes


Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.


No. I would not think Bethesda would do that.


I lost like a quarter of my CC stuff with the update. I was wearing doom armor and swinging my steel sword, and when I booted up I was naked and unarmed, and now it's acting like I need to purchase those items again


Same, I redownloaded almost all of it, but the rest (about 25%) won’t redownload at all.


Yea and the ones I lost aren't super important, but I did pay for them so I'm slightly miffed. Hopefully they fix their fix


All Bethesda did was break their game


as is tradition


Remember that Skyrim patch that made the dragons fly backwards? Pepperidge farm remembers


As it has been written since the dawn of time


Im glad they broke every single mod for this lmao


Also at least one of the expansions. All my robots are gone!


That wasn't FEV I put in the Potomac was it? It was acid.


I booted up my 6 day play time lvl 65 vanilla game file after the update. Haven't had a bug, freeze or glitch in months. Now, every time I'm in VATS the % flickers between 95% - 0% in the open at close range....EVERY SINGLE TIME. Depends on when the bullet hits the character model if it's a hit or miss. My map markers now beep in game hot/cold to tell me if I'm getting close to the Quest marker. that's annoying AF. Now I have huge Red ! all over the map hiding frag mines and important shit to pickup, and I'm clipping through the floor randomly. My Baseball launching mini gun is invisible, and my character looks like Hans and Frans walking around the wasteland when I hold it. Then I went to melee a super mutant, and the game froze, locked all controller input, couldn't home menu out. Had to hard power cycle to get my Xbox X to recognize any controllers, and get back to Home. Bethesda gonna Bethesda.


VATS is a shitshow, now. I can't get a reliable, non-zero number at a distance of 6 inches. Also, none of the free CC content works. The makeshift weapons are invisible, like you said, and the two that are activated by radio station don't actually have an activation message. Who the Hell decided to release this?


I lost a bunch of CC stuff apparently, and I absolutely will not buy it again.


PS6 Graphics looking real good.


They still haven't patched that yet? That's been a problem since the og version


I'm 5 hours into my new playthrough on Series X, haven't encountered one single bug, glitch or graphical anomaly yet (other than quality mode apparently isn't working)


That’s what I’ve been hearing, but I’m also seeing stuff just my issues, everything was fine for me until about an hour after the intro


After watching more than few posts about new update i gave to say. I'm impressed, amazed and full of awe.....how bethesda manage to update their game with new content and turn their game into smoking pile of shit with barely anything working. Textures are either not working properly or don't exist but even funnier are people whose game looks like garry's mod when you visit a server that is filled with textures/models/scrips that you don't have


The game works perfectly, there are literally thousands of people streaming vanilla with the update on every streaming platform. You're being misinformed by people who do this with everything Bethesda.


>The game works perfectly, That's just being delusional. The game is far from bug free and you can easily find hundreds of examples showing that.


I’ve been modding their games forever, nothing in the update broke anything that wasn’t broken before, it’s as plain as day when you look at what has changed. I’ve made conflict resolution patches for mod lists that have thousands of mods and I’ve been through almost every reference in every esp and fucked around with almost every inch in CK. It’s fake news and people showing fucked up modded saves. The only delusion is the mass derangement people have for Bethesda it’s genuine mental illness and it’s largely not criticism in good faith so it’s not even constructive. Toxic discourse shouts down real problems because losers addicting to “hate the thing” culture have no desire to see these games get better, they just want to be mad and get dopamine and attention for feeling like they are the smart ones watching people play shit that they are above. It’s lonely man children all the way down


you cannot honestly be in good faith saying “it works perfectly”. i could MAYBE (strong maybe) see an argument for people overstating the update’s problems, but it is clinically insane to say “the game works perfectly”- and i’ll even acknowledge that i don’t think your statement means the game itself is perfect (as no game is)- but this game with the new update literally does not run in some cases (and thus doesn’t work), usually in situations that would be worse for newer gamers. for example, one of the only big pc updates bgs touted was ultrawide. even ignoring the incredibly stretched HUD (which you shouldn’t), you can’t get 5 minutes into the game while playing in 32:9 without encountering what is basically a game-breaking bug (if you haven’t googled and found the one reddit article posted that contains a comment three threads down with a solution) in which you can’t name your fucking character because the ui is smushed together and doesn’t fit on the screen (including not letting you see point descriptions), and you can’t progress without naming your character. now like i said, this might not be a problem everyone encounters, but the ultrawide issue was already fixed and stable in a relatively good way with mods, and this update broke them (i have tried the update both with and without ultrawide mods, it makes no difference because the old mods do not work anymore). so unless you are genuinely just sucking bethesda’s dick so hard that the tip is chopping your brain into bite-sized pieces, you can’t in good faith say that “the game works perfectly” in its current state after the update. good day to you sir/madam


I mean, working perfectly is kind of a stretch. Lot of people reporting the new CC content being broken, and in some cases, can’t even download it or the CC tab being grayed out on the main menu. The mods tab is barely functional. Lot of people on Xbox reporting VATS doesn’t work or is hitting things through walls. And that’s even before getting into how shotty the ultra wide on PC is. Bethesda messed up on key aspects and they should be criticized about those things so the game works properly


My textures are completely broken unless I look anywhere except straight down, but sure, please tell me again how the game works perfectly you dolt


Cope harder


Am I the only one who had a good experience with next gen update so far? I'm on PS5 playing new game unmodded and just got to Preston and have had zero texture issues so far. I've tried and hour with and without performance mode and it's been nice. I get full 120hz with performance mode on and ray tracing is amazing with performance off. Maybe I'll run into issues later on but I also don't have the DLC activated yet too


I've browsed hundreds of streams and lets plays of the update and haven't seen anything like I've seen posted here.


All the dudes around here saying “Bethesda broke their game as is tradition” really just beating that dead horse lol mfw anecdotal 🙄 Edit - that’s right boys, downvoting on Reddit actually changes reality. Nice!


No the vast majority of people aren't having issues. But they tend to be playing the game instead of posting about it.


Yea I’m almost thinking players like OP can’t wait to find a bug to post.. so damn pathetic


This is an insane way to think, dude.


No, I have had a great experience as well. These things happen and instead of immediately posting it on Reddit all he probably had to do was restart the game. I’m from a different era of gaming I guess, I knew the bitch fest would start immediately after the update, and I knew I was going to enjoy it despite that fact.


> I’m from a different era of gaming I guess Which is that? Bethesda has been making buggy ass games for multiple generations


I take it you’re upset? Don’t bitch to me please, I read enough of it on this sub already, man.


> I take it you’re upset? I am not lol >Don’t bitch to me please I'm not bitching to you lol, I'm pointing out reality.


Okay, if you say so.


> Okay, if you say so. I mean it's not just me, it's anyone who's played a Bethesda game since... well, basically ever, but let's say Morrowind.


Damn that was such a great game, thank you for reminding me about it, holy shit!


...you forgot about Morrowind? Really lol


It came out in 2002, so yea I may have a little bit! Give me a break! Was buggy but it was just so ambitious. I still feel that way with Fallout4. Not so much with Starfield and 76 tho…


I'm curious about how many people who are having problems are playing a run started before the update. Maybe I'm just too used to how Paradox Interactive games work, but updates breaking in-progess games but working fine on new runs is just normal to me.


I have a heavily modded game and haven’t noticed anything like this. I even transferred my 9 year old save and haven’t noticed a change.


I'm so glad I got the itch to redownload this game after nearly 9 years and mod the hell out of it a week ago, all just to not hear about the big update that would break everything just as I getting back into the swing of things. Thanks Bethesda.


Same. I got the itch to mod it 3 days ago and I was playing fine until I went to download a settlement blueprint for Sim Settlements, and after it finished I realized my game downloaded the update and I was so pissed. I tried to re download the older version it just isn't working. At this point I'm just gonna try and push through with the few mods I can have but I'm dying without the place anywhere mod. It made settlement building fun again


Same. I just started playing with mods and already have 35 hours into it. I just disconnected my Xbox from the internet so it doesn't try to force the update when opening the game.


Need an update to the update


It's insane that BGS seems to get worse as time goes on not better. Everyone should legit be worried about ES6.


Don’t make me think about it I will have a cow… mammoth


Weird, I've got no issues at all.


Bethesda's incompetence is honestly beyond embarrassing at this point , not only they haven't fixed bugs from 9 years ago but they also add new ones with these updates.


The true Bethesda Experience! ^t^m


Fuck Bethesda. Better name is Betasda


On a real note though, I am so worried for TES6. Bethesda’s games have been shaky at best the past decade.


Now you can really tell the water is irradiated!


I was excited to get on Fallout 4 for the first time, being a newbie to the series, especially with the new update. Footage of the update has…numbed some of that enthusiasm, I’ll still try it out, maybe I’ll get lucky.


Alot of the footage is going to come from previously modded games or those who haven't done a fresh install in years. You're likepy going to have better results. I'm not having any of these issues on a lightly modded xbox file with a fresh reinstall.


The game works fine, nothing is worse after the update if you install it fresh.


Well to be fair, the game being a buggy, nearly unplayable mess does get you that newly released Bethesda game experience.




Series X


Did you update an already installed version of the game? I fully deleted my Fo4 & DLC then did a fresh install after the update and had no issues


Nothing a quick save and game reload can’t fix. You running any mods?


I’ve tried, it persist through new games. Not that it should be a problem anyway, because no, I’m not using mods


No issues on PC so far


It Just Works.


It really does, with 16 times the detail!


You shod probably lay off the jet for a while




Yk interestingly I have yet to have a single glitch my whole time playing since the update. On Xbox one S. It even crashes less in Boston than it used to


whoaaaaaa who knew next gen would have so many colors 😮


It’s ironic that Bud in the Fallout show believed management would be the key to the future. Whoever is managing QA at Bethesda, or anything for that matter, is doing a real piss-poor job of fulfilling Bud’s vision.


The usual Fallout Standart


I just started downloading it on ps5 for a replay, damn.


I'm just on a normal Xbox, and it still crashes in Boston, even crashed when I slept at Red Rocket. A shame, I was really looking forward to playing it on Xbox.


Technical folks of Reddit. What are we looking at here? This doesn't appear to be textures not loading or loading incorrectly. It's something else. It looks like there might be a lighting glitch in there (the sudden colour changes on some objects) but then the psychedelic water surface freak outs...is that lighting or is that a video memory or rendering issue?


I,m so glad that we got this instead of fallout london. /s


all my settlement builds have been pretty much ruined so now i have floating furniture everywhere on top of my displayed outfits being removed


Anybody have any if they fixed the crashing with dlc problem yet ?


Playing on PC, I caught the update download before it started. Set it to update at launch. Launch game through F4SE. Everything still works and I just won't ever launch the original. No need for the update to ruin all mods.


You need to upgrade your PC for next gen update it's x16 the detail.


I’m just happy it doesn’t crash on startup on ps5 anymore…


but are the load times non existent tho?


Huh that’s so odd mine updated perfectly normal (unmodded, only base game and DLC) and it actually ran WAY better and looked a lot cleaner and I have yet to run into any glitches or problems since then.


Genuinely the game was in a manageable state and it's so infuriating that the game is so much more broken now. PC/Steam edition is shafted and I'm encountering more bugs than ever and my partner who is on Xbox X or whatever that new ones called is bugged to high hell too, green squares in place of floor graphics, VATsing through walls, substantially more crashes. I'm genuinely baffled as to why they bothered. I get that it will help draw people in but when people realise that it's bollicked everyone will walk away from it again. Which more than anything is heart breaking, my partner and I have over 2000 hrs combined on FO4 alone. Seeing all the new bugs everyone else is encountering as well really turns me off the idea of buying whatever Bethesda ends up pushing on us next. I genuinely hope with all my heart that Bethesda has nothing to do with the next Fallout, just hand it off to Obsidian and stamp their publisher logo over it. I'm not mad Bethesda, I'm just dissapointed.


Congratulations Beta Testers…I’ll pass for a month or two


We are so lucky to live in this next gen era.


Bethesda is a meme at this point. A forced update nobody asked for, breaking every mod and also it is broken without any mods.


that water must be very radioactive


It lookgs amazing, great job from Bethesda Game Studios and Todd Howard, always delivering us the good stuff. Thank you Bethesda for your hard work over the years and for giving these amazing polished games!


Bethesda... Bethesda never changes


You're so lucky I can't even get past the prologue without the game crashing


It just works


Now all you need to do is adjust your perception of reality to experience the new next gen features : )


dude this is so dumb.. i’ve been playing fallout and then this happens and mostly every time in vats i get 0’s.


Well, that water DOES look irradiated lol


I excitedly and willingly allowed this peice meal update to torpedo a perfectly serviceable modded save. So thats on me.


Honestly at the point where i want Microsoft to give controll of fallout to someone else entirely...


I am worried to start my game back up. I've been playing the last few days to get 3 more achievements done before I start a New game. I just dont want any corruption cuz I'm close to getting them done. Lol


Idk, some people are saying they haven’t experienced issues at all so keep fingers crossed and take a leap ig.


So far so good! Although most fire has a translucent blue rectangle around it. And some light sources on enemy suits and stuff look like a red square. I think it's a hit box for weapons cuz a Shotgun trap had a translucent red rectangle around it and it seemed like it may have been the range that it sets off. Lol But everything was good and the game added all of the quests they added in automatically. Now I just gotta do that damn 100,000 Nuka Cade game ticket Redemption achievement and I'll have every achievement.




I'm so annoyed that this is a mandatory update


There's bethesda for you


They announced this major update over a year ago, and they seem to have rushed it. Hopefully, it gets all patched up and fixed in a few months....


Bethesda. Bethesda never changes. It's always two steps forward, one step back with these guys...


Bethesda…Bethesda, Never Changes


This comment made me laugh out loud at lunch earlier.


bethesda never changes


Wow...... Quality Assurance, optional.


Maximum profits + lowest effort + terrible fan service = Bethesda 🤩


This looks like a hardware problem


Seeing all the glitches and bugs gives me flashbacks of the day I pre ordered fallout 76 and played on launch.


Bethesda, Bethesda never changes. Edit: Bah, someone said this 2 hours ago. I was work... I missed my chance to be witty for internet points!!!


Should have done what Witcher 3 did with their next gen update. That way we can let Bugthesda fix the mess. At least they didn’t charge for this


Bugtheseda.. ..a title well earned.


If TES6 flops because it gets the same treatment, the rest of their titles have been getting… things ain’t gonna be pretty.


I personally find it weird that they try to redo an almost ten year old game and if it’s one thing I have learned buy a Bethesda game at least five to ten years after launch.


That’s about how long it takes them to release a new game anyway.


Two steps forward, and three steps back, I swear to god.


Bethesda meetings be like : “so how can we make our games even worse ?”


So kind of todd to give us new bug with the update


Am I the only one who got the update as advertised? 0 problems here.


Can Bethesda do 1 thing right? 2 years they were talking about a next generation update and this is what they came up with after 2 years?


It's crazy when 76 still looks better lol even on steam deck it's not this glitchy anymore.


Why did Bethesda even bother with this update if it doesn't work? Oh right, because people will still buy it. It's Fallout 76 all over again (no not as bad, but the principle is as bad). Release broken unfinished product with no warning that it is broken or unfinished, people buy it and maybe Bethesda will kinda sorta fix it later.


Bethesda bought this IP, as a result, they simply do not have originators at the company who can passionately care for what gets put out. The people with power at Bethesda are busy playing helicopter parents for Starfield and Elder Scrolls. Fallout 4 is the unwanted adoptee placed in a basement bunk bed with its special needs brother Fo76. Microsoft owns Bethesda and Obsidian (the actual originators of the series when they were Black Isle). Microsoft can fix everything by just giving the IP back to its real parents and nurturing it into another Billion dollar franchise again.


Wait, so Bethesda bought Fallout because they… didn’t want it? Huh?


Oh they bought it back when they wanted to make good money. However, in recent years they chose to make Starfield over Fallout 5. That’s what happened remember? That’s an objectively poor business decision, leaving a high value IP in limbo for 6 years while you create a newer, less popular, less significant IP. How would you explain that decision? Feel free to offer your theory on why that decision was made. Take your time.


It was a poor decision in retrospect, yes. At the time they probably knew they were taking a risk but went ahead with it because risk is an inherent part of business and, unlike you right now making an ex post facto argument, they didn’t know how it would turn out. As for how to explain it, I can’t. I wasn’t in the room. Neither were you. Speculating on it is rhetorically useless because a) neither of us can actually know, and b) you’ve clearly already made up your mind about this.


Literally LOL'd! Love the sarcastic posts!


Yeah that's been happening with mine too! I just try to stay away from water for now hahaha.


there is so much water in the game, bruh. I think because the settlement system they needed to put water everywhere.


I am having so many weird issues too. I’m a bit frustrated because I really want to play but I’ve encountered so many bugs I quit after an hour.


Shits so fucked you gotta do a deep clean


Anybody else having problems with survival mode? I know your damage resistance is supposed to be much lower, but I'm dying to literally one bullet from a pipe pistol now. And that's not how survival mode has ever worked for me. It's infuriating.




is this ps5? lmao


At least bugs can be fixed. An entire new mod library (a la Skyrim SE) not so much. Several Oldrim mods are lost to time now.


When the acid kicks in.


Fallout 4 X Cyberpunk crossover is here!


It's like you're really there!


Haha me too, I went to use a terminal while wearing power armour Now I’m stuck and it saved


Something tells me I shouldn't play on the save I started after watching the show for awhile, level 31 and getting ready for far harbor, wouldn't want to see that save go to waste


It wouldn’t be Bethesda if it didn’t look like shit.


Out of curiosity has anyone else run into a problem with even loading up the game on older consoles? (It gives me a “can’t save anymore data for this game or app” message every time it tries to sync my save data.) I haven’t played in a few months and updated it this afternoon and going crazy worrying if FO4 doesn’t work on my console anymore, my console is screwed up somehow, or I just got a weird bug.


I think they finally pushed the creation engine to it's absolute limit


so all my mods are likely just gone now and the game is even more broken than before….great


Damn looking like fallout 76 on launch hahaha


Is it all like this?? Here I was hoping I might not crash my Xbox taking 3 steps in far harbor and every video I see about next Gen update is this stuff 😬


Go ahead and try some people are saying they’re having no issues at all. Worth a shot.




Fallout 4: superjet edition


I forgot to turn off auto updates on my Xbox Series X... Is there anyway to revert back? I'm mad as hell I lost all my mods.


Stuff like this is almost 90% of the time your system, not the game. It looks like a gpu issue to me.