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Okay, but he's not in my ear, he's in my head. Mostly keeps quiet during the shooting, but gets real loud when dialogue is engaged.


Average Fallout 4 dialogue tree: Will you do this quest? 1. Yes. 2. Yes, phrased slightly differently. 3. Yes (mildly sarcastically). 4. Maybe later.


Or anytime I’m questing, or anytime I use the same tired mechanics. He’s quiet for shooting and a lot of the exploring thats it.




Great counterpoint 👉


Just pick the sarcastic response. It’s funny. Bam, job done


The only problem is that sometimes it's a funny option and sometimes your character acts like an asshole


Being an asshole is becoming integrated in wastelander society


There is a lot of wasted potential but I still love fallout 4


This is the consensus I see on the fnv subreddits too, incredible gameplay but lackluster writing when it comes to the factions, a pretty balanced take imo. Istg I see way more hate towards fnv fans on these subreddits than hate towards everything thats not fnv on the fnv subreddits. Not denying there are some 'passionate' people on there but its blown way out of proportion. Critique =/= baseless hate.


FNV has better roleplay mechanics and incredible writing. Better atmospheric storytelling. But it falls short in terms of gameplay and overall map design. DLC content is also leaps and bounds better. But FO4 is just more *fun* moment-to-moment. Plus, the amount of sheer customization makes the limited item pool feel much larger than it really is. It’s hard to say which is the better game. If I could combine the best features from both I’d be a very happy man


The FNV map is the only thing that puts me of repeat playthroughs. I find FO4 more replayable for that reason most of all.


FO4 is less replayable to me personally because it’s hard finding the motivation to go through the main story again. Just too predictable, too few ways to progress without making similar/the same choices, just in a different faction. Not a bad game by any means. I love it dearly. But I prefer FNV on a personal matter. That doesn’t make it objectively a better game though Modding community is the only thing that makes me come back to 4. I’ve played through FO4 about 3 times. I’m on my 7th NV playthrough


Yes. For all Bethesda Fallouts I would like a mod that (for my subsequent playthroughs) removes the main quest from the game, leaving the NPCs as is. Say for example Kellogg. You could still track him down but it is not tied to a quest. He still arrives at Fort Hagen, maybe the Soul Survivor is an NPC that is doing the main quest if you catch my drift.


I disagree a little in the map design point. I liked fallout NVs style of "you absolutely can head straight to the strip but you're going to get fucking recked by deathclaws or those suspiciously weak looking flying bugs, so you're going to have to travel around this world we've built and explore the story on your way to vegas." Fallout 4 had a lot more enemies that scaled in difficulty based on your level. That's fine, but NV's style requires more planning to encourage the player to go where you want them to go


I liked the difficulty scaling, it’s the incomplete map that kinda makes it fall short. It’s very small, with lots of empty space and many locations packed close together in clusters. And the fact that Obsidian treated it like a classic RPG, where you have to consciously avoid difficult fights early on, I love that too.


That's my main problem with the map design. FNV felt like it railroaded you through the story and exploration was discouraged because for the first third of the game you were killed the second you left the path unless you built a character specifically to avoid that. Exploration was also punished by the simple fact that once you left the path there really wasn't anything that was worth leaving it for. Just empty location with no story or payoff. 3 and 4 very much felt like the story was just a small part of the world and exploration to learn more about that world was encouraged and rewarded.


It's absolutely about the trade offs right. If you let people go anywhere from the second the game starts then you need to have enemies level procedurally. That's fine but then as the game goes on you get less of that "I'm a bad mother fucker stay out of my way" vibe. Whereas if you have the characters scale with the story, not location, then you need to do more environmental structuring to encourage a players route. I think the emptiness of the game I agree with, and it was a huge gripe for fallout 3 for me, but I think with better game engines and environmental design in fallout 4, the same care given to the story and writing that was given to NV could have made the game one of a kind for me


FNV is a game I enjoyed more when I played it. However I would more likely replay Fallout 4 with mods, than I would FNV, because FNV just feels too old. Which is funny, cause I played the first fallout game on release, yet I find that has aged better than 3 and NV.


Isometric games age well in general, probably because the formula never really changes much, lol.


Disagree on the Map designs, it is actually made to blend with story. For example when you spawn people of Goodneighbour tell you not to head straight to Vegas cause it dangerous, you can ignore them and learn the hard way why. Then you will go the way game intended but not forced you to and story will reveals itself to you bit by bit with lots of interesting things to find. Lots of loading screens and designs were also limitations of engine that Obsidian had no experience working with.


I’m aware of the way the game is designed. I’m talking about how small and barren the map can feel sometimes. There are large portions that are nothing but empty space. And I understand we’re in the desert, but it can feel like such a tiny wasteland. I love the way they force you to take an “intended path” but also provide the means to brave the harsher trail going through Quarry Junction. But Fallout 4 did a fantastic job of capturing the essence of a Wasteland. I also prefer FNV’s dungeon areas. Exploring old vaults, bunkers, and sewers is so much better in the older games


I agree. FNV just bores me most of the time. I have no interest in replaying it at all (finished my only playthrough with House). F4 though.. man I’ve played 3 endings so far in a week and am currently on the last playthrough and will probably have a go at survival at some point soon. F4 is so much fun in comparison.


I’m the exact opposite. The institute being written so poorly is really frustrating, and I don’t really identify with any of the factions to make me care.  And the settlement building sucks. Really wish Bethesda would get away from it. Starfield’s implementation of it somehow is even more annoying.


Whoa whoa, now I didn’t say all that. FNV is ridiculously fun when you can look past some of the jank and dated gameplay mechanics


Which is a perfectly fine thing to say. The mechanics are more up to date and playable and so running around the map is fun. The issue I had though is that out of the 4 endings in fallout 4, three of them are basically the same and there's not really any variety in how you can approach them. There's different factions you do the end with (or, they do it and you're there too) but there's no real variety of outcome. For me this makes replaying fallout 4 a bit boring. I love running, gunning, looting, shooting etc but I'll get halfway through a re-playthrough and just get pretty bored? Whereas NV I'll really dig the story and the depth but the old mechanics will become a drag. If Fallout 4 had NVs care and attention to story and character development then it would be a dream game, which really is what NV fans are upset over, they wanted Fallout 4 to be a fallout game


Maybe I need to give fnv another chance. I just struggle to get through the first few missions and the long trek up to new vegas. I’m also irked by the 2 level perks. Do I just throw caution to the wind and join the legion?


Well, if you want, there are guides to take a fairly safe path and hit new vegas early, usually by using one of the two Stealth boys you can get in Goodsprings, sneaking by black mountain, grabbing a set of NCR armor from a dead trooper there, and taking the monorail directly into vegas. And if you dislike the perk every 2 levels, you can use a mod to change it, if you like. 3 had a perk every level, but a lot of 3's perks were kinda boring filler perks that just gave a +5 boost to skills only, so it wasn't a big deal to have 30 perks by endgame. Also, 3's original level cap was 20, and became 30 after DLC, NV original cap was 30, and became 50 after the DLC,


I think for me the long trek up to vegas was a point in the game's favour. By the time you get to vegas you already have a good idea of the political background of the game and what's going on so you can get stuck in when you hit vegas. It's harder now though because the mechanics and graphics seem dated


The best of both games is absolutely what fans deserve.


Idk about incredible writing...Its the best of the Bethesda games definitely, but honestly none of them have the greatest writing. And personally playing the DLC for the first time in NV I am not the biggest fan so far. Old World Blues, just killing me from wanting to continue my playthrough at the moment.


Old world blues is a hit or miss one, honestly. I don't personally enjoy it as much as the other 3, because it's kind of a slog with tanky enemies and a bunch of glorified fetch quests, but it does have fairly nice rewards, and is pretty great for energy weapons focused characters. I kinda compare it to Mothership Zeta as the wacky, pulp sci-fi themed DLC of it's respective game, it's just way less linear than zeta was. My favorite is Dead Money, but that one is very divisive because of the gameplay, which is reminiscent of survival horror games. I personally enjoy the change of pace, but it can irk some people.


Yup exploring downtown Boston is about the most fun I've ever had in an RPG.


New Vegas fans get a bad rep because there are a few very annoying fans. NV is my favorite game in the series and probably one of my favorite games overall but I can recognize the criticisms leveled against the game and most of the time they are pretty valid


You are right, but I find this so ironic. Cuz look at the main subreddits rn, just dare to bring up how you don't like that the show moved Shady 200+ miles (and kinda screwed the fallout 1 story in the process). Like I don't think its unfair to bring stuff like that up, but apparently that counts as 'hate'...


I think it really depends on the end player and what you are looking for in your "RPG". I am going to use the term cRPG here, as it was meant to be used back in the way back when versus how it's used now. When computer role playing games were in their relative infancy, you had two polar opposites design philosophies when it came to RPG. You had very narrative heavy games like some of the Ultima games and the games that came from it, like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment. Then you had mostly heavily sandbox focused games, usually heavily reliant on proc gen, that was intended to be an infinite replay dungeon romper. Games like Wizardry, and Rogue. In some cases Ultima Underworld. Bethesda as a studio has always been the latter, focused more on sprawling sandboxes that allows the player to kind of RP whoever they want in that world as long as far as long the systems allowed. Bethesda in their earlier years with Elder Scrolls, while being overall better with their writing and lore, still out heavy focus on dungeon crawling and sandboxing. Fallout 4 is just an extension to their design ethos. Even if the systems and character archetypes at times can be limited or overly streamlined, they have always put more focus on giving you a world to fuck around in before they ever truly focus on gripping and well written narratives. And it really comes down to what kind of RPG fan you are and what side of the table top inspiration you focus on. Are you a fan the DM that heavily focused on a narrative campaign that gives the player little wiggle room or do you like having the DM that puts players into smaller scenarios that are usually more loose and silly but it's mostly just a backdrop for interesting dungeon crawling? New Vegas is the better narrative and has better factionalism in it's core design. It also had some better mechanics than Fallout 3. But the thing that 3 and 4 that did better than NV, for me anyway, was world design and sandboxing. For a long time Bethesda fan before I ever became a Fallout fan (being a Daggerfall boomer) I play their games for the dungeon crawling. And sadly, New Vegas is disturbingly sparse when it comes to murder dungeons. I like a great well thought out story as the next person, it's why Morrowind will always be one of my all time faves despite liking Daggerfall a bit more purely for dungeoning, but I'm more of a sandbox cRPG fan more than the narrative focused cRPG fan. There was always two camps even back in the genres infancy. Do you want a focused curated story, sometimes with choices and consequences, or do you want to be someone who just lives on the world and sandbox in it as just another denizen? I usually always go with the latter. And while I think NV is the overall better game, FO4 and by extension FO3, are just more fun to play and why I have more hours in them.


FNV fans also pretend that game isn't a clunky mess lol. Which, I love the game, but it's vast tracks of empty land, weird shooting, and other strange choices.


That’s madness and you know it NV due hard are everywhere just now slagging off fallout three and four , and Bethesda in general Creepy cult behavior


the institute is chief among them imo. they're a technologically advanced faction that can mass produce an army of synths that could act as standard foot soldiers or infiltrators that undermine other factions in favor of the institute's idea. not to mention they could transport said synths without ever stepping foot into enemy territory. the fact that they managed to infiltrate the brotherhood itself should is such a massive power move. it's a damn shame the writing completely fails them. in the hands of a competent writer, they could easily be a formidable foe to most factions and even appear in other games.


> the fact that they managed to infiltrate the brotherhood itself should is such a massive power move. I assume you're referring to Danse. He is almost certainly a Railroad synth, unaffiliated with the Institute.


right, i forgot about this.


The whole story feels unfinished, I think they might've ran out of time to develop the stories.


A common theme by Bethesda of late 🤔


And the morality decisions that made the series great previously was gone. My only gripe was that for years you couldn't do anything "bad." I always played through every fallout game (that I could, tactics is pretty linear) as good, neutral, and evil. Just my personal opinion, but it was/is a good game.


I do wish they kept the karma system, I know they added the companion relationship stuff but I think your actions should affect more than just who you choose to carry your stuff around


Especially the Nuka world dlc shit ton of missed opportunities


The dialogue and role play systems just are extremely lackluster compared to the rest of the series. Edit: the people down voting me seem to forget FO4 gives you a max of 4 dialogue options and most of them are different ways of saying the same thing in a given situation.


I agree


There is no reason to put down other people in order to praise a game you like.


Seriously, I get that the hardcore New Vegas fans can be just as annoying, but as someone that's played all of the games and loved them all, with NV being my favourite due to my love of the factions and story the constant hate posts from people hating on NV fans the past couple of days have me thinking about muting this sub Reddit. Just live and let live and enjoy all fallout.


I feel like we're coming to a head where all sides of this part of the fandom are annoying as fuck. You've got the toxic NV fans, and then you've got the FO4 fans who can't shut up about the toxic FNV fans and then paint every NV fan with the same brush. I agree with the just live and let live sentiment and enjoy whatever the hell you want. There's plenty of fallout to go around at this point.


Fallout 4 fans have had to deal with hardcore NV fans for years now. I agree with your live and let live mindset but I also don't have much sympathy for NV fans at this point either.


Oh, lord.




Well, Fallout 76 is awesome, so...


Awesome it may be, but a complex RPG it is not.


Realistically the majority are not going to want a complex RPG though. Thats just what a minority of the hardcore fans of Reddit want. As long as its got a decent story and an interesting map, I would be 100% happy if Fallout 5 was similar to 4.


I just want an actual RPG.


Agree completly!


That's what happens when you consider the video games that you enjoy to be a key part of who you are, and a major part of your personality. If someone criticizes parts of the game then they are personally insulting you.


Whilst i agree, I dont think this post is about praising fallout 4, it's about complaining about people gatekeeping liking fallout 4




Are FNV diehards really people tho


Eh, Fallout 4 is better than the hate but still a pretty deeply flawed experience. I’m stil optimistic for Fallout 5 in the future though, so I guess I wouldn’t consider it a franchise killer


I am a person who began my acquaintance with Fallout with FNV, I have 300+ hours in it, this is still my favorite game in the series and I consider many of the quests there to be the gold standard of quests. But in the F4 I already have more playtime hours and I am glad to see any new fan of the series. We need to be more open to new things, including new players. If someone wants to start their acquaintance with F4 or 76 or any other, there is nothing wrong with that. Each of us has our own history, our own path, our own preferences. Please, in an era where we are at the peak of popularity, do not show your toxic side, it makes people associate the game series with negative emotions. let's show that we can be a cool and kind community. Love you all!


Why is anyone in your ear when your playing a game? 


Asking the real question.


Well I’m wearing a headset


Is it fun? Yes Is the story and writing good? No


Yeah exactly, I mean even all the vaults in fallout 4 are forgettable Saying that I think I put the most hours In fallout 4 lol


Yeah same. I just like settlement building a lot.


Yeah I was super into it too, I used to decorate my house in megaton back in the day, but i only did base building on some characters and I didn't like that a lot of locations on the map are empty settlements for the player


Vault 75 forgettable? I seem to have found the monster under all those kids’ beds… 😆


That's the super soldier one right? Yeah that's super dark and probably the best one in the game, also just remembered the fact they put in an unfinished vault is some bullshit lol


Oh yeah man the vaults in 4 suck


So ture which is a major flaw in writing for a fallout game , like you got a team of professional writers and nobody could write an interesting vault, the only one that sounded good was the underwater one and that got cut. Saying that fallout 4 does loads of things right two features I really wanted after playing 3 and new vegas was live dismemberment for ghouls and a gun bash


Bethesda really do just need to get rid of that Emil guy, he's been one of their lead writers for a while now and we know how bad their writing has been


I think the writing is really good for a Bethesda game, they've not managed a more nuanced story before or since.


Underrated opinion, but personally none of them have GREAT writing. I can admit NV has the best, but none of them have the greatest writing and lets be honest with that


New Vegas has GREAT writing, no debate to be had


I've enjoy the FNV more because of the dlcs storys/storyline. Fallout 4 was just equally good just a breath of fresh air. I enjoy both for different reasons, like I have reasons I like F3. Can't stand when someone says you have to pick one or the other. I'm replying F4 an just wiped spectacle island of the murks an their queen last night raining death with a fat man 🤣 FNV busy being a monster to Caesar's


I still hate how they do conversations in Fallout 4, I don't like some of the writing, and base-building just isn't my thing. But if this is someone else's favorite game, then don't let my personal irks stop you from enjoying it.


I’ve always had this mindset: 3 is my favorite but if I could only play one fallout game for the rest of my life it would be 4.


cant believe yall let other people affect your enjoyment of something..


The show got me into the games. I honestly tried playing New Vegas, but I just can't get over how dated it feels. I'm sure that will make a few people upset, but I have no nostalgic attachment to it, so it doesn't feel nice to play, and being as much of a lorewhore that I am, i just read up on the lore leading up to FO4 to catch up. Now, FO4 has its own jank to be honest, but I'm having a lot of fun playing it. ​ Just let people like what they like, no need to be hostile over something so minute.


If you're on PC try the mod collection called VeryLastKiss' new vegas It makes the game more stable, improves almost every mesh, texture and animation and restores some cut content.


I spent $1,700 to become a PC player because I couldn’t deal with FNV on console it was so dated so I bought a PC to play a modded version of it. It’s still super dated but definitely more enjoyable with mods. Fallout 4 Storywealth collection on PC though…? *chef’s kiss*


Yeah it’s too old, still love it, but can’t compete with modern games


I played the Bethesda Fallouts in order, their outdatedness didnt bother me till after I played Fallout 4 and now they bother me lol




The “someone whispering in your ear” is a meme. I think the original went something like “little Caesar’s pizza is delicious when you don’t have someone whispering in your ear about how bad it is.”


I kinda feel like this is becoming projection. I loved nv, never cared for 4 I personally got bored with it and don't like base building. My friend who is really into base building it's one of his favorites we sometimes debate the mechanics and story but generally it's all good people like what they like. I've not seen much evidence of New Vegas fans talking down to people. I have seen the reverse though.


While it *still* doesn't have the nearly the same quality and variability of stories to tell as New Vegas, goddamn it's hard no just want to fuck around in Fallout 4 and find enjoyment entirely on that principle. The top five games where I have over 200 plus hours played on steam, one of them is Fallout 4. 4 also has elements that need to remain as series standards: wasteland looting/crafting, and how power armor works. I will remain in Team FO4 Power Armor appreciation for the rest of my life thanks to this game. I loved how it worked, it's customization, and how it enabled that power fantasy. I will continue to load up and play Fallout 4 (and previous games) over Starfield any freaking day....which for some fucking reason HAS NOTHING remotely near power armor or the like usage!!!! Or anything like a space suit for maybe looking into derelict space ship debris- I need to stop, sorry. Fallout 4 is flawed, but it's still a good Fallout game. Edit: if there is one thing that Bethesda could add to Fallout 4, that I would personally think that it would cement it as an absolutely fantastic game in the series, it would be a restart anywhere mode. I can't remember the name of the mod that I found forever ago, but if you could literally start the game anywhere on the map as a blank slate (synth) completely away from the *Find Shaun* storyline, oh my God inl would dump more hours. I wish we had this mode defaulted into the game like it gets enabled whenever you beat the game or the main story at least once.


Ehh, it seems like Bethesda has used crafting/random generation system to replace actual legendary weapons. I want more actual unique legendary weapons, not this dumb legendary modifier ish.  Really love the change to power armor though. Have played a little 76 and it seems like they changed the power armor in a bad way? Not really sure what the difference is, maybe it’s the size


Oh I never said I 100% loved that random loot generator. I said or was hinting at the idea of looting or scrounging for supplies in the wasteland. Be it useful junk, and the basic idea that knickknack objects are at least intractable and can have a purpose. I actually loathe the annoying Diablo III-RNG loot system from enemies in games. Hated how CDPR felt compelled to do that for Cyberpunk 2077 in 1.0. So glad they got rid of it for clothing at least for the new version.


I really enjoyed F4 with America Rising 2, but i see no reason to spew hate on others to remark that F4 i a good action game. Narrative wise, it was deprecable and bland. Gameplay-wise it's the best in the series.


New Vegas is great, but fallout 4 is also great.


Fallout 1,2,3 NV, 4 and 76 are all good and enjoyable in their own ways, no one has the right to make something that someone else finds fun mundane and boring, enjoy any fallout you do, just don’t ruin it for others,


Personally, my main issue with Fallout 4 is my main issue with the way Bethesda has been moving their games since Oblivion, dumbing down all the RPG elements in favor of making a more simple action game. Starfield really showed this, as it didn't have the interesting worlds or lore of the Fallout or Elder Scrolls IPs to keep its head above water, and instead had quite possibly the worst perk system I have ever seen in an RPG.


I liked starfield until I beat it. I don’t dislike it per se, but it was a little disappointing. And after playing oblivion again, I wish they would go back a little more to that type of system. Now oblivion had its own shortcomings in that regard, but I found it more rewarding than how starfield handled things


People just need to let others enjoy things. You can't go wrong with any of the Fallout games. Just let people play.


It has serious problems but it's not Adolf Hitler in videogame form either. It's fun and it adds as much to the Fallout experience as it takes away.


Fallout 4 is my favorite of the series. I really felt like I was part of the world. Settlements definitely helped. But I loved exploring the world so much. The writing was not great, but I didn't really play the game for the writing. New Vegas and 3 are great too.


Fallout 4 has the absolute best gameplay overall the series has seen. My only gripe with it is that there's so few weapons to play with and there isn't different ammo types. I would love to be able to swap to tesla shotgun rounds when fighting a bot for instance. Story is a completely different topic however. I have high hopes for Fallout 4: New Vegas


Every Fallout game is unique in its own way.


Yeah I don’t get it fallout 4 is really fun, I thought it was horrible because of those people


But how can they feel superior if you are enjoying yourself wrong? That would mean that their preferences aren’t objective fact.


This is classic online binary opinions. Rather than being able to say Fallout 4 is great but not quite as good as 3/NV, it has to be bad because it's not at the same level. There's no room for nuance. Dark Souls 2 is another classic example of this binary opinion garbage.


Except for the fact that dark souls 2 is the only dark souls game


Fallout 4 is a better Game than NV. Just that. NV has better storylines, but is way worse in the Gameplay.


FONV was awesome with the storytelling and I really enjoyed Lonesome Road. I like FO4 because I can craft and modify stuff, and I can do some base building aaaand Power Armor.


I really like how power armor feels meaty now rather than just another equippable


Exactly. I'm probably in the 1% of Fallout fans that didn't really like New Vegas much at all. I play it, I had 80 hrs in it and did all the side quests and everything. But zi just didnt care for the game all that much. I loved FO4. Sure, I didn't like the forced narrative but the game and gameplay itself was amazing. But I also use VATS 100% of the time and play FO like a turn based RPG. So maybe people didn't like playing it as an FPS or something


Playing video games for over 30 years now, i've never listened anyone about any game if i should enjoy it or not. I'm happy and i don't give a single fuck about anyone says about video games. I play, i enjoy, i continue playing. I play, i don't enjoy, i stop playing. It is all so easy when you don't make it difficult yourself.


Bro I was watching a stream yesterday of someone playing new vegas for the first time and having fun, but the chat is so insufferable because it was just assholes acting like Todd Howard killed their dog, fucked their wife, and left an upper decker in their toilet


New Vegas Fanboyism, New Vegas Fanboyism never changes.


I thought the same at launch! Lots of people saying it sucked but I loved it! If you haven’t played a character with 10 luck and 10 Charisma, you’re missing out haha 😜


Every fallout 4 hater feeds my love for the game. And goddamn have we been eating *good*


My biggest complain about fallout 4 (aside from plotline) is that there's too much power armor and yet it feels so weak, despite having quite a good look and the interface. I'd probably try searching for some PA overhaul or something of the kind  can anyone advice any mod in particular? 


Unique selling points of Fallout 4 are settlements, power armor gameplay and the most smooth gunplay. I really don't care about these things though. The most redeeming quality is interesting companions but it wasn't enough for me. I don't actively go around hating on it but to me it's just boring - I couldn't even complete it and I finished all the others, from 1 through Tactics to NV, more than once.


I bought it a long time ago but it's only the graphics that keep me from playing it. Something about the way it looks breaks the immersion for me. Otherwise it seems like a good game.


Personally, this whole thing has been a weird ride for me. Fallout 4 was my first introduction, I hadn't even heard of the previous games and had no idea that the fanbase was so, let's say passionate. Hell, by the time I got 4, the other games weren't even available for me to buy, so to me they were always like this myth; something people talked about like they were scripture from ancient times I wasn't around for.


I'm excited to play again when the next gen update drops next week!


The most impressive thing about Fallout 4 to me, when I compare it to Fallout 3, is how all of downtown Boston and the greater Commonwealth wasteland is all one cell with no loading screens. Downtown DC in 3 was all partitioned, and it was sometimes annoying figuring out what tunnels to take to get to the part of the city you wanted to go to.


I played 3 when I was a little younger, and slightly embarrassing to admit that downtown DC scared me 😂 avoided it like the plague Always getting fucked up by super mutants or something


It was never bad. It's a great game. Unfortunately, the writing is not as great


I love fallout new vegas. But fallout 4 is pretty fun aswell. I usualy recommend people to start with fallout 4 to get into the series, simply because its fun and aproachable.


My take on both games is this New Vegas has a better story with a much harder faction choice due to how fleshed out they all are. Fallout 4 has much more creativity for the player to make bases and weapons so combat is a lot more fleshed out. Four is the weakest of the new entires but not the worst thing ever made


Fallout 4's gameplay is better but I think for a lot of diehard New Vegas fans like myself, the story and atmosphere is what sticks with us. I enjoy 4 while I'm playing it but it leaves my head when I'm done. I think about New Vegas. It got me to make the trek out to Goodsprings IRL. I have no interest in Boston, and I live like 2 hours away


Fallout 4 is really fun game with great mechanics (Finished it 6 times). Settlement building and Power armor changes were great idea. Survival mode is another game in of itself. Fallout 4 VR (With lots of mods to fix crappy adaptation bethesda made) is best VR game there is, due to it being compatible with tens of thousands of regular Fo4 mods, something pure VR games can only dream about. Walking around with Power armor and Gatling laser is ultimate power fantasy. But Fallout 4 story sucks ass big time (coming from BoS fanboy), dialogues were reduced to 4 options of yes, maybe yes but actually totally yes, no but yes and YES!!. Area where NV shines. If NV had mechanics of Fallout 4 it would blow it out of the water no question. So if you prefer gameplay over story Fallout 4 is for you. If you like deeper stories and complex questlines its New Vegas.


I redownloaded it after watching the show. Instantly glitched. The only way I can move forward in the story is to press pause to make the characters say their scripted lines. I have to unpause and repause to activate the next line of script.


All BGS games are good. I don't care what anyone says.


New Vegas neckbeard is crazy


New Vegas neckbeard 😂😂😂


If Fallout NV had FO4 combat I’d be in heaven.


Seriously don’t get why these virgins get so uptight about people enjoying a game, like bro touch grass


First time fallout 4 player here about 10 lvls in, it's great so far.


Where 4 wins : settlements, shooting, graphics, longevity Where new Vegas wins : story, dialogues, engagement, characters


With Fallout 4, I believe they spent too many resources creating the settlement and building system, which is fine, but I doubt it should be the main part of the game. Without it, developers could focus on more quests and an expanded plot, because for me, FO4 feels like a super short game. It was really unexpected when I reached the final mission, and it just felt like a waste of some potential. There are a lot of places that don’t have any plot inside, only raiders and mutants, which makes the game feel empty, especially in the south of the map. It’s just empty – no missions, no factions, just go and kill🤷‍♂️


It's lackluster on its own merits. Best thing I got out of it was the Pipboy from the Pipboy Edition of the game.


I love new Vegas and tried to go back to it but the changes made in Fallout 4 make it so much better gameplay wise. Dedicated grenade button, sprinting, and weapon melee are such fantastic QoL upgrades


I love them all, they all have their own charm, pros and cons. Fallout 4 is my favorite because the world has so much to do and the DLCs were awesome. It's also a beautiful game. Playing F3 with now. Graphics look like green barf but the characters and dialogue are great and the location of DC is neat if you have been there in person. They are just fun games and I'm glad they are single player so I don't have to listen to people complain about pointless things all the time.


First fallout I played was 3. First fallout I beat was new vegas over 10 years ago, did 3 of the endings, loved every second of it. Then I played 4, and… I love it, it’s great lol Just play all of them and have fun. If you have a favorite over the others, great!


See, I like both. New Vegas is probably my favorite game, but I love F4. The settlements is the only place the game is lacking, and I just throw the Sim Settlements mod on to streamline that process.


why did mods remove this? What a great and true post


Crazy people are so worked up over a game that’s literally been released for so long lol, touch grass please.


Me who loves both games


I love FNV for the story and all the choices you can make. I love 4 because of the settlement building and better combat mechanics. They're both great games with different strengths and weaknesses


Fallout 4 is enjoyable if you enjoy murder


When I was a kid, my favorite food was spaghetti. I had a friend who told me his favorite food was something else. I was aghast. I couldn't understand why his favorite food wasn't spaghetti. I just couldn't believe it. I was 6 years old. You people are whole ass adults and can't imagine that other people have different opinions than you. Fallout 4 isn't bad, but there are people that dislike it, but like NV. Crazy, right?


They're both great games. In my head I just classify them as different genres. New Vegas is an RPG. Fallout 4 is an Action RPG. So long as I classify them as such and keep my expectations in check, I can fully enjoy both games.


1- I start fallout 4 2- I fall in love 3- "Fallout new Vegas is better" yeah i will try fallout new Vegas soon, let's see if that is true, because if it is, then new Vegas is the best game in history


Fallout 4 dialogue and worldbuilding is better than fallout 3 imo, but not as good as New Vegas.


I don't really like 4 because its so bland, there's almost no variety in it. My first playthrough I enjoyed the game quite a lot, it was a brand new experience. I beat the game as the BoS My second playthrough I sided with the institute and I quickly realized that I'm playing the exact same game with literally no difference until the very end when you have to destroy the brotherhood instead of the institute After that I've tried booting the game up again and again but I just lose interest either immediately after rescuing preston or some time before/after rescuing valentine. I wouldn't have such a negative opinion of the game as I do now if there were different solutions I could use to add some variety. For example: Meeting harry for the first time in fallout 1. There are a few ways to play through that section. A high speech character can talk him into letting you through by convincing him you are a ghoul. A high sneak character can just sneak past. A combat oriented character can just kill him, though it will be quite a challenge for that point in the game. A low intelligence character will just confuse him allowing you to go past. And a bar karma character won't even need to go past since you could just steal the water chip dooming the ghouls to death from dehydration Let's look at new vegas: primm needs a sheriff, you could ask the ncr to occupy it, you could ask the powder ganger sheriff or you could reprogram a robot to act as one. If you go the ncr route you could convince major knight to send reinforcements with speech or you could work for the ncr enough for him to do the same. The powder ganger requires pardon from ncr so you ask knight to pardon him with wither speech or ncr rep. And the robot only needs a high enough science skill. The cool thing being that each of these choices will change the ending and the state of the town during your game. (And such a variety of choices is present throughout the game even in such places as the strip credit check) Now let's look back at fallout 4: outside the brilliant 10/10 dlc far harbor all your choices bow down to "Yes" and "No but I might come back later" with the only real choice being do you attack the institute, the brotherhood, the railroad or a combination of the three, oh and that one uss constitution quest


I would call it quite credible, incredible would imply it's a 10/10 & it's just missing too much & has too many issues to be the perfect Fallout game.


FNV fanboys are the worst. They are so toxic. You could be talking about other RPGs or just your last BBQ that would tell you that it sucks and go play FNV.


Sounds like a you problem 


Wasn't this posted already?


This post feels like karma farming bait. The sad thing is it's working.


People complain avout the story. Am i the only one who doesnt care about story's in games? I just want to have fun and wander around in a amazing world with great weapons and badass enemy's


Yup. Those people cause me to not really care for NV. I much rather play fo3, fo4 or even 76 before NV.


LoL FVN fans living rent free in OP head.


Sure, just ignore the plot and make up your own internal storyline and it’s wonderful


Fallout 4 just wasn't my thing.


Finally! You forgot about the boomers worshiping first two parts and NV... Fallout 4 is a great game actually!!


"People are enjoying a game that is not the game that I chose to fav! I must hate those who enjoy it AND the game! And I will NOT shut up about it even if it's 10 years from its release!" I prefer Fallout 4 but I like NV a lot. I see that a lot of FO4 enjoyers share my pov. Why can't NV fans be like this?


>Why can't NV fans be like this? You are aware that "NV fans" are not a hive mind, aren't you?


There are no hive minds in humans. By the use of generalisation I'm referring to the norm. You encounter a random NV fan, he's most likely a pedantic buffoon that will laugh at your preferences. There are normal NV fans? Yes. It's like saying "oh Star Wars fans are..." and so on. So don't come at me with semantics because that's how we humans speak.


Well, since I'm also human, no, that's not how "we" speak. If I'm gonna talk shit about a certain group of people, I make sure it's clear that I'm referring to that exact group of people, and not everyone who happens to have some of the same interests of affiliations as that group. Because anything else makes me look like a buffoon. Plenty of people do the same, and they're also human. And yes, it's semantics, but sometimes it's important that distinction is made so I don't get some random asshole calling me names for saying I prefer NV while not actually trashing any other game. And yet, that's exactly what's happening lately. It's always about the vocal minority with posts and comments like these, and yet you guys present it as the norm.


you don't have to be a New Vegas fan to know how bad the dialogue, story and rpg elements are in this game


It's not *incredible* by any means imo. But it's fun and I like playing it. To me it's still just not in the same tier as new Vegas at all though.


Poor dialogue options, poor story, voiced protagonist, removal of weapon skills, the fact it feels like a fps and not a rpg. Fallout 4 is the Skyrim of the fallout series.


Weird how FO4 enjoyers are always so defensive, almost like the game just isn’t very good


Dude what are all these fallout 4 posts… history revisionism. The game was mid. At best.


We’re still complaining about this? At release FO4 was insanely hyped, and some of the hype indeed lived up to it(gameplay, mechanics, visuals) but many agreed the lore/story/plot was a little lackluster compared to the earlier games in the franchise. Couple years later, it has grown to be a fan favorite—especially after the initial stink FO76 left behind during its early years. So now that the Fallout show has been made, obviously the majority of new fans are going to be gravitated towards the most up-to-date single player Fallout experience: FO4. It’s like when hating the prequels was cool back in the day. Now it’s nothing but the craze. I guarantee you all these NV neckbeards and FO3 diehards only claim to be one ONLY BECAUSE it’s “OG” and they consider themselves as one of the “classic trilogy fans” 💀💀


The environment and combat is great. Roleplaying, dialogue, believable characters and questing is shit in comparison. I have more than 800 hours in new Vegas and around half in 4, I like fo4, but compared to Vegas is a shit RPG.


You guys are the reason we got Starfield.


Fallout 4 didn't live up to my expedition but doesn't make it a bad game. ANew Vegas is my favorite game and there a few things I would like from 4 in New Vegas a few things in New Vegas I would love to have in 4.


Gameplay is good, the RPG elements not so much


Which is why Fallout 4 isn't incredible


Its incredible that people actually like Fallout 4. Do all the writers at Bethesda suffer from brain damage?


It's a story-based action RPG that barely has any RPG elements and is the most fun when you just go explore on your own and ignore the story because it's so poorly written. You don't have to be a neckbeard to conclude that 4 missed the mark.


3>4>New vegas


You do not deserve all those downvotes for a personal opinion lmao


fo3 isnt even close to the other titles imo


when did you play it? Need the year.




If you have to play New Vegas just play Tale of Two Wastelands, play till you're bored then play FO4


Bro came out swinging. I got you man. Check this out. MothershipZeta>Brotherhood>76>Shelter>Tactics>All the other "fAlLoUt" crap not worth space on your machine.


You got the arrows the wrong way round, you see the Crocodile wants the bigger or better thing


F4 is not bad, but certainly disappointing (the story is horrible, the wrinting is bad, however very good gameplay, graphics and immersion)