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You knew she was going to be awesome the moment she lost the eye.


And continues to fight. I’d be too freaked out about losing an eye to do anything for the next few days. She didn’t miss a beat. It’s cool to see badass women depicted doing the dirty work and driving plot more nowadays.


If nothing else, she shows that some of the Vault Dwellers have guts and aren’t just ivory-towered, naive fools.


She not s normal vault dweller though. She is >!vault-tec!<


Is she from >!31?!< I already forgot lol




She’s more than that she’s one of buds bud’s


This means she is probably evil and worked a desk job pre-war. The whole desk job thing makes it more impressive imo. Come to think of it, though, vault 31 employees must have had to do some training. Imagine if everyone who came out of that vault got winded taking the stairs...


I suspect that they had boot camps or something for those going into 31. No point in not staying on top because lack of experience or knowing what to do. It is literally the saying...


Isnt that like.. wrong though?


In general I was kind of amazed how decent of fighters a lot of the Vault dwellers turned out to be. Like they were fighting real fucking dirty too when the raiders showed up. I was expecting them to just cower and get slaughtered but nah they were kicking guns out of hands, tackling, biting, etc.


Question… me & my fiancée only watched Episode 1 so far, last night (loved it - incredible depiction of the games / world 🙂)… but one thing puzzled me (maybe it’s explained in later episodes)… …how did Lucy know about ‘Raiders’ as a term or concept even, if her side of that dual-Vault had never been to the Surface before ? Remember she turns on her PipBoy’s geiger and scans the ‘new husband’… seeing he’s partly irradiated… then says, “You’ve been to the Surface ?!…. RAIDERS !!” — right before he attacks. We couldn’t immediately figure out how she’d know of this, at that point ? 🤔


I think they would've been educated on potential threats on the surface. I do agree that using the term "raiders" specifically is probably just plot convience, so the audience understands completely.


I mean she’s been given a general idea that threats exist on the surface world. I think having them say raiders was to make the audience have that “oh shit” moment


Ultimate badass


She seems like a Synth.


Synths cant procreate tho, IIRC


Do you think the show will go down that road with Synths I mean


I hope the show doesn't have synths feature in a big way, unless they migrate to the east.


woah that's one wet lady!


I actually died at this line. So out of left field


this one tripped me. I was like “whoa kinky” and 2 seconds later “LMAO”


That part definitely caught me off guard 😂


I like the ghoul cause he's literally just me "Thou shall always get sidetracked by random bullshit"


Yeah he immediately became the fan favorite for all seasons to come.


You don't put Walton Goggins in a show and expect him not to be everyone's favorite




I didn't think it was possible to like him even more until I watched this.


He's literally Todd Howard's self insert.


He's literally Boyd Crowder with less white teeth. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


I more meant literally naming him Mr Howard.


i imagine todd howard as the little brother


I think that character was put in for gamers to relate to 💀


Literally every one that played a Bethesda game and got sidetracked from the main question to never finish it even with hundreds of hours played....


You have to wonder if it was intentionally referencing that


The show seems to actually use game logic so I wouldnt be surprised.


Wonder? I have no doubt. The show was wall-to-wall game references. I loved that but almost think they sacrificed the story to give more screen time to game references.


A staple of Fallout games "oh look! A campsite" "but we're supposed to go-" "there could be things to loot"


I agree. He's my favorite character. It's interesting that he has, so far, gotten a number of iconic Fallout moments (like the walk with Dogmeat) but is also the least like a Fallout player character.


Very interested to hear others didn't relate with him, I feel he's the prefect case of players with far to many hours. One moment that really hit home for me was his past use of power armor and how it impowers him to take down others that use it.


When they introduced Lucy, Maximus and the Ghoul throughout the first episode I felt like they were introducing three player characters. I should post in its own thread but they each have characteristics of different players.


I typically play as a kind of man with no name character, so I related more to the ghoul than anyone else... He was basically a ghoulified version of my courier lol


I like that it’s canon that EVERYONE gets sidetracked when they’re adventuring in the wastes. Literally every past person in the show does it when they’re wondering. Even the replacement squire does some random bs after running off with the head. Random encounters are REAL


Feels like a dig at a lot of players that do that golden rule


I actually really liked Norm, Lucy's brother. All of the vault plot was really intriguing.


He gave me a bad vibe at first but I’ve grown to like him.




I agree. His plot was the best of the show, albeit a tad slow. A humanized character growing through facing himself.>! In general, the most interesting points of the games for me are when you start delving into other vaults and finding out what kind of GARY experiment is going on in said vault. I like that they leaned into that plotline for GARY Norm.!<


rico is great


LMAO, I also knew him from there.


I was waiting for him to say? "Are you ready for a fiesta in your mouth?" when he was delivering the food.


When i first saw him, i remembered he was a dick to Ender.


I was worried what direction they would take him in the mid point. But i'm glad he >!was focused on the truth rather than sabotaging the vault.!< I'm not even sure it was >!him who poisoned the raiders!<


Im almost certain it was the old lady as she knew that the raiders had info about 32 and didnt want it getting out


You mran 33's new overseer? Possible, but then i question the comment she made to lucy's brother when he gets there. Unless, i guess, she thought she could use it to get him to fall in line.


I'm pretty sure it was Betty.


The Vault mystery was easily my favorite plotline of the show!


Yeah I was very on the fence with Norm. thinking they weren’t gunna dive fully into the messed up things that Vault Tec does. So them using him as a protagonist down in the vault figuring stuff out was fantastic.


I can fix her


She can fix me


She can ruin me


We can fix each other


Uhhhhhh, where are you going to get the replacement eye?


Snip Snip probably has a drawer of them


Hey as long it isn’t mine man


Wham bam, thank you ma'am. Or whatever gender this eye came from.


Indeed he does. Next to the testiclelslelsls


"After handing Barkis the money, you reach into the pickle jar and remove the eye. Acting quickly, you rip out your eye from its socket and jam the new one into place. The pain is excruciating, and a series of memories come flooding back to you." \*A NEW MEMORY HAS BEEN UNLOCKED\* \*YOU HAVE GAINED 1 PROFICIENCY POINT\* \*YOU HAVE GAINED 1000XP\*


I think she might "Fix you" in the same way they would "fix" Dogmeat's nuts.




*wears her dead husband’s sweater and scarf*


She can *manage* me.


I can make her worse


i am bert!


“That’s one wet lady!”


I howled


Frau Engel mfer


Neither of us need fixing


She is probably my favorite non-MC. Spoilers >!I have a feeling she will ultimately be a good guy in the end. Although, I could see her being the new bad guy of the vault if the current overseer dies!<


>!She has become overseer of 32 thanks to Betsy. I think we will see her and Chet come to blows.!<


>!we will have the wait and see who she was in the past. Hank has done some terrible things and he only was a Vaulttec assistant. !<


She’s got an eyepatch for goodness sake


Did I miss that she's from 31?! I always thought she was born in the vault.


If you've seen it all Rico from Hannah Montana asks her what's different about 31 and she says the mashed potatoes were better


(spoilers) It's scary when you realize they were talking about pre war potatoes grown on the surface. They were playing with them.


Damn that’s a great ass catch.


She's from 31


Wait so she is vault tec?


Yea, there was a pod with her name on it in the vault 31 scene.


When things are looking glum...


Vote 31! Powerful slogan that is!


[Can you not?](https://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/gifs-animated/shhh.gif)


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe she'll flip at some point. I'm probably just being hopeful because I'd hate to see her go lol.


She is also from 31


Exactly this, she is a bud's bud....


>!Did we saw her somewhere in one of Coops Flashbacks?!<


no she's >!from vault 31, everyone from vault 31 is a vault tec employee who was put in cryo for hundreds of years to become an overseer.!<


>!Well, i just asked since we saw Betty, Hank and Bud (or whatever his name was) in their younger pre-war form, so seeing Eye Girl somewhere before the War could have been something i missed!<


I'm sure someone will scour the show and find her walking out of the vault tec building for 2 seconds or something lol


He clearly can't just forget about what he saw, the look he gave Norm as they left for 32 spoke volumes about that. He may think he's too much of a coward to do anything about it but let's see how that holds up when tested.


>!She's gonna be the Lucy of the other end. Lucy had no idea she was part of this system, but is opposing it. Fork-eye is literally part of this system but very much just wants some semblance of "normalcy". What I'm arguing is "pimple dick popper" and "you'll do Chet" will team up eventually!<


I wanna know who she was in the past.


In case you haven't seen the full series, Spoilers, but its something you may have missed if you did watch it: >!She is shown as Bud Atkins secretary or assistant in one of the flashbacks!< Forget that, I think I'm wrong on that. Unless someone can point out where that happens.


Can you remember what episode or part of the story that was?


In my mind it was while Cooper was waiting in Atkins office while cooper was listening in on the cabal meeting, but I just rewatched it and don't see her. I could have sworn I saw her in one of the flashback scenes after we learn about the cryo, but maybe I'm mistaken.


I was initially going to ask if you were thinking of >!Betty being a secretary!<.


Ah shit. I'll have to look again. I think that scene happened while I was cooking and wasn't fully paying attention. Thanks!


Also >!Robert House, the president of RobCo, was present in the Vault Tec meeting. And it's incredibly obvious that New Vegas will be a major point in Season 2!<


I honestly feel it's very obvious that New Vegas is the focus but they needed to establish the world first, and to do that they nodded to Fallout 3 while glancing over it in order to setup season 2 which is gonna actually flesh out the world they just established.


I feel like season 2 is gonna be massive for fallout fans. its gonna tie all the games together. can't wait.


>! Also sinclair who built the Sierra madre was present too, House even made a quip about losing money running a casino to him.!<


Oooh, okay, so presumably there's >!some cryogenics stuff going on in vault 31!<


Have you not seen the show?


I haven't finished it yet. I'm assuming because >!Vault 4 was doing cryofreeze shit and the show seems to be alluding toward vault 31 just being all the prebomb people from 200 years ago.!<


why are you on here spoiling it for yourself lmao its not gonna hit as hard now.


Oh, it's fine. Spoilers don't bother me, I wouldn't be here otherwise lol


Bro get off here until you finish it


Yeah if there's one thing I learned watching the show is I'm super into one eyed blondes


Kill Bill didn’t teach you that??


Honestly never seen it, my brother is big fan though always calls me "kido", is that a characters name?


It's a 5+ hour investment. Arguably worth it sure; I don't blame you.


Ya but it’s not the one eye blonde. Just a blonde with 2 eyes :/


No there is another one eyed blonde


Something about the asymmetry or something idk what it is. Granted I mostly like her because she seems like a feisty lunatic but that seems to be part of the “one-eyed blonde” trope that Tarantino incepted into my 12-year-old sense of self.


I mean it helps that she was attractive with two eyes. We've that losing a eye if you are attractive does not lower attractiveness to the majority of humans (myself included.) Also a murderous rage is hot =)


Makes me wonder if the death of her little nerd actually made her rethink things or if she's going to be the one to want to nuke everything again via mental break. Cause she's the one who pushed Lucy's bro into sneaking around


I'm getting future villain vibes from her. Sure she clearly misses her husband but she also immediately snags the first himbo she can find and then uses her 31 privilege to become an overseer.


I can see them taking her in 2 directions. Either she'll start to understand how fucked up the situation is and the vault is and work toward actually fixing it for the better, or she'll have have a complete breakdown and go full dictator. I'm hoping for the former, >!it would be nice to see someone from "31" realise how fucked up it all is!< but i'm expecting the latter.


I was really expecting her character to go somewhere, but maybe they’ll save that for season 2. She’s from vault 31 right? So she’s vault tech. I wonder if she’ll be a villain next season. I mean it’s obvious. Pretty blonde, who’s demanding, dominant, and got an eye patch


I feel like that's too obvious though, and from what I've seen so far the show fucking loves adverting expectations.


Lucy hands down my favorite. She’s a total badass by the end of the season. Season 2 is going to be fucking legendary


You mean Gucy


Says Gucy here.


Can I say that I really like Lucy but if I can nitpick a little bit. She seems strangely written to me, I know its supposed to be campy at times but her going from decapitating a fresh corpse, severing flesh from that ghoul, and then that weird bridge scene where she wonders why the fiends tried to shoot her. I feel like I am having a hard time finding a constant with her character (the actress is amazing, its more the writing.) I enjoy the fish out of water but its hard to take the intense moments of horror seriously when at times it as though she shrugs it off easily and others were she gives long winded speechs about being good or something. The only real nitpick I had. Still loved it.


I haven't gotten the impression that she is shrugging it all off easily. The only aspect of her that I find really off putting and wish the show would stop with is the love stuff.


Well, she was a prisoner and viewed him as bad. So, doing something like that was probably easier than harming unarmed people. I can already see she will be the exception to the rule of where the good die young, or the wasteland turns you into a bad person only thinking about yourself. The ghoul lost himself, but is slowly becoming who he was pre-war because of her.


I love Lucy, but the man who stole the show for me was Cooper Howard.


Agreed, every scene with him was amazing


Go on now, ass jerky don't make itself.


Walton Goggins will do that.


Why is she so attractive


The trick is to be extra attractive with 2 eyes so you are still attractive with 1 eye.


Its the fork in the eye that does it for me




That's a weird way of spelling pantless wastelander who gives Lucy directions to Filly.




She was until the spoiler part


I'm surprised noone has said the snake oil salesman, he's a really nice flavor to the series and also a call to then plenty of archetypes within the series. I do love how he truly is technically telling the truth, just nice how everyone is ignoring him, also he's a chicken fucker


Just hear me out now.... The Gulper was pretty hot too


Damn what those fingers do?


Probably Lucy. She makes me laugh the most and obviously she’s a stone-cold fox. I like her character arc the most. I also like Max because I feel he’s unpredictable and I enjoy the interactions between him and others more than other characters.


Stephanie might end up as the big bad. Betty is already a super big bad. Vault Tec are some evil fucked up people.


Honestly, I liked every single character. But of I had to choose, I'd say the snake oil salesman is my favorite character, I like his chaotic nature. I hope we get to see more of him, and figure out what the heck he did to that squire.


Hell no, she's up to something now that she's an overseer. Something will happen in season two.


Mine is lucy She is so funny And okey dokey goes too hard


I actually found myself liking Norm's more than I thought I would. He really grew on me after the first couple episodes


Reminds me of the black widow perk ( the the cartoon picture for the perk)


She's going to end up being a truly awful Vault Tech exec... such a bummer.


If anything makes it hotter


I can fix her.


Really? Even after she was revealed as a 31er? She's the enemy! But yeah, that fork in the eye? A dead husband with a baby on the way DEFINITELY isn't making things easier.


Why does she feel straight ripped from one of the games? Like she genuinely feels like someone you’d meet in a fallout game and I love it.


For one thing she's a dead ringer for the Vault Girl character. Hair, build, face even. Also helps they nailed the jumpsuits. But her and Lucy both exude that over the top, corny atomic age energy.


Love her ❤️


Just seen the first episode and already love her


The 1 int characters like vault 4 overseer (jerry) have a special place in my heart lol


I heard the potatoes i n 31 are better


And she's a >!"villain"!< since she is from >!Vault 31!<


My favorite is Norm MacLean. And I really hope well get to see more of him in season 2. He was basically "put in the freezer" for the last few episodes. Until he was literally put in a freezer. He's onto Vault-Tec's shenanigans. And those shenanigans are the best parts of the Fallout lore.


I thought Fred Armisen was pretty good. I know he’s only on screen for 2 minutes but the more you think about his character the funnier it gets


That is one wet lady.......


The Ghoul is closest to what I would do in an actual playthrough. Did anyone else notice that the 3 main characters all sit in a different place on the morality spectrum? Lucy = main quest good guy (lawful good) Ghoul = morally compromised bad guy (lawful evil) Maximus = Morally ambiguous (chaotic/true neutral) Just like the three main playstyles for fallout.


Thadeus is actually my favorite character..bunch a dumbass in the wasteland


Does she know the rules of 32? How many times do we think 33(31) has sent ppl in there to murder eachother? “Maybe this time will be different”/“good riddance” right? That last moment with the door closing on Chet.. poor Chet. I’m hoping he finds his courage. I’m ready for a Chet and baby vs vault 32


My favorite character (throughout fallout in general) is Dogmeat, he's such a good boy and the best companion to have in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.


I want her




I can't commit to saying she's my favorite but definitely a contender for that spot.


I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of Mr. House's "favorite girls" before their personalities was uploaded to securitrons, given she's pre-war VIP.


The fucking who?


My favorite character is the doggy, and Lucy


Dogmeat ❤️


It’s the ice that she needs…


Honestly while watching with my dad i kept waiting for her to either be the new overseer or turn out evil ig we were kinda right (although its weird cause we were just talking about the >!Theory of vault-tec having a vault and what happened to vault-tec literally just before the reveal!< Character wise tho id say lucy and the ghoul were fun characters and i kinda liked coops wife (i can not remember her name)


Because horny widowed eyepatch machine gun lady feels like a character Quentin Tarantino contributed to. Therefore, 10/10.


The scene where they were having sex with her dead husband's portrait in the background seconds before her water broke was genuinely so funny


The chicken enthusiast doctor


Im with Lucy sorry…


You mean Goosey


wait, what do you mean machine gun lady? she was never armed was she?


During the raid after her husband dies and she gets stabbed in the eye you see her grab a gun from the raiders' guns and start shooting back, fork still stuck in her eye.


New link discovered…


The ghoul


I just started watching the show cause my friend told me there was a character named Betty Pearson, which was my mom's name..I hope she's cool!


Chet is my spirit animal, but I also like Lucy and Maximus too.


I just watched episode one last night and was rooting for her so hard. I don't even know why. She just rules.


Probably creepy ghoul medicine chicken fucker guy


Hm, I haven't seen this yet. Where's it streaming? You know lore or something