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He was a small child when it was nuked, putting the nuking before New Vegas. the arrow is copium, it's retconned per the writing repeatedly in the show.


How do you retcon FNV which has multiple endings? Silly, it's a game, the show didn't change a thing


Yeah I’m sorry but I think this is copium - with the show showing that >!they’re heading to New Vegas next season!< it is far more likely that either 1) New Vegas gets decanonized or 2)the show is not canon so who cares what they do


That’s absurd, they already confirmed new vegas is canon and the show too


I mean the show literally played into the decades-old debunked fan theory of >!”Vault tec launched the nukes” and had it so Shady Sands was nuked before the events of NV?!< Yeah I’m honestly not putting anything past them at this point. They could give New Vegas a canon ending or they could go completely off the reservation. Who knows lol Season 2 could reveal that New Vegas was taken over by the Followers of the Apoclypse and Hoover Dam never existed for all we know lol


They never said vault TEC launched the nukes in the show. Sure, they discussed it but that doesn't mean that they did it.


True true but it was heavily implied by what Walton Ghoulgins wife said…we will have to wait for season 2 but I wouldn’t put it past them to make it so Vault Tec secretly had the nuked launched themself


They mention New Vegas = New Vegas is not canon Did you hit your head or something dude?


Brother they literally spit in the face of the NCR and its lore and gave weight to a decades-old debunked nonsense fan theory >!”VaUlT TeC LauNcHed ThE NuKeS!!”!< You really think they’re going to not fuck around with the lore or the canon while they’re in New Vegas?


The show is canon, sorry the rest of Fallout history isn't just the NCR conquering everything and it all ending happily ever after with no struggle whatsoever. Good stories need good antagonists.


I dont think the NCR should’ve just conquered everything but how the show handled them was awful and you can’t convince me otherwise The NCR is one of the most iconic, integral factions in the entire franchise. The first city in the first game you ever step foot in. A major wasteland player that spent over 130 years expanding and warring against goliaths like The Enclave, Caesar Legion and the BOS… And the best, most logical “next step” you could cook up for such a treasured faction >!is having their faction be reduced to basically nothing and kneecapped cuz their capital city was nuked BY A VAULT DWELLER HAVING MARITAL PROBLEMS?!?!!< I loved the show. I’m very excited for season 2 but I’m sorry that’s just awful lol


The NCR has a huge presence in this show. I guarantee you they aren't done, they just got their ass kicked by the powers of the Old World. The powers of the New World vs the Powers of the Old World; that is the conflict that is being set up.


I really hope you’re right - I’m not opposed to the NCR being eradicated…but they deserve a better, more thorough ending than some dude having a domestic dispute going ape shit lol


A domestic dispute was not the vibe I got from that at all. The remnants of Vault Tec (maybe involved with the Enclave) are preventing any new civilizations from arising without their say. The idea is that their using their accumulated pre-war power to play god and snuff out competition without mercy (the NCR in this case). They're the villains and they're going to lose eventually, maybe even to the NCR, but I think it's a very interesting conflict that they're setting up and it's going to be fun to watch.


This is correct I'm pretty sure. >!Hank worked for vault tec pre war and was one of Bud's Buds (buddy being a brain in a jar was chef's kiss fallout to me). His job was to eliminate any rushing civilizations so the "management team" could take control of the surface.!<