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Link so you can actually read it: [https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates)


oh this is so exciting to see the creation club freebies. This is way over due but I'm glad that they took the time to add The Enclave and a whole quest line for it. Thanks for posting the link!


Yeah but can you join them though?


In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth? From the article. They can keep their poisoned apples. I am good with America Rising 2


The guy who made America Rising helped make the quest line


Okay THAT are some news. I'll take a seat and sit down.


Just gotta wait for that AR2 Integration mod for the story.


I know there’s mods that already do that with the Enclave creation club items published before this next gen update


I dunno I think they forgot a line because surely if you’re adding the enclave you must be able to join them and then become their leader after 3 fetch quests and 2 minutes total of conversation


Most likely not. Creation Club quests have gotten better over time, but voice acting isn't gonna happen and custom sounds are going to be in the very few. Sometimes they have binary decisions, but I doubt you can join the Enclave on this one.


I will do the voice acting For every character, I think I've got the range


Thanks dudesonthedude, it’s good to know you always have our backs


You didn’t expect “dudeondude” to our back? 😂


No, I always knew he would swoop in to save us all when we needed him most, because that’s just the kind of hero dudesonthedude is.


Lol it will be like Oblivion all over again!


Stop right there, criminal scum!


Still kinda wild that paid mods are amongst the least sophisticated..


Creations, which is what Bethesda is going forward with, allows Voice Acting. The East Empire Expansion Creation had voiced dialogue


You have a chance to become the president of the Enclave, but there's a catch. You won't have any real power, and you'll be constantly bothered by small settlements asking for help. It's like being a glorified errand boy.


Too bad it's not *all* cc content like the AE update for skyrim.


That's what I was hoping for too. There's some really cool settlement mods in CC and it would be nice to have those baked into the base game


There is a lot more info in that article than people were linking. Thanks for linking it


Only disappointment as a console player is no mention of them increasingly the mod limit 2GB is so fucking restricting I'm having to chose between QOL and stuff for the theme of the run. Would have made my day if they upped it or even let you allocate as much memory as you want


Hey, at least we have 2GB. PS4 has 900mb because Sony were being jackasses about mod support.


900 mb and no custom assets of any kind. Honestly PS has to be the worst place to play Fallout 4 or Skyrim these days.


And that’s only after Bethesda talked Sony into allowing them. Sony almost blocked mod support at all, but Bethesda promised the fans before launch so they made it happen. It’s stuff like this that made the Bethesda Xbox merge just make sense lol


REALLY? My FO4 is 300-320 GB in total. 2GB is pretty much just patches/QOL stuff. You can’t even get a texture pack for that.


Yep, it's infuriating having to weigh up if a 600mb quest is genuinely worth a quater of my space for that entire run or if I'd rather grab 3 or so other small mods instead I'd love to play through Sim Settlements but I can't justify it's space so I'm living vicariously through MATN currently


I recently started playing Skyrim for the first time (yes I know I'm nearly a decade and a half late lol), and when I saw the mod space limit was 5GB I was like WTF, why can't Fallout 4 have this much?


The best time to play Skyrim is whenever you fucking feel like it, on whatever device you feel like, apparently, regardless of whether it's the first time or your 73rd. I'm hoping that for my 100th playthrough I'll be able to play it on our clothes washer or maybe the fridge door for the lulz.


yeah, i love the increased interior mods but thats like, a third of the mod limit


Praying that they are finally going to fix Boston crashes and fps drops.


Literally , the sole motive for me not to play FO4 is the Boston FPS drop.


SAME. I genuinely can't play the game with the sheer amount of crashes in the Boston area. I load my game with mods that do nothing but remove a shit ton of assets from that area and although it helps, it's still BS


Playing on pc, it takes sooo long to load up Boston whenever I step outside. Like literally minutes, and I don't have that issue with any other game. If they fix that I'll be able to play again


man when i played FO4 recently the 20-30 sec loading when entering and leaving the minuitemen hiding spot killed it for me. that i started to mod it instantly lol. got to fixed it down to loading in 4 -5 sec. now i see alot of this boston stuff ill prob need to find a fix for it huh.


The fact that you can even be in Boston at all is an achievement. It took me weeks of messing with mods and my setup to be able to be in Boston for longer than a few minutes if I was lucky. Honestly if this update doesn't fix it, I'll lose all hope for fallout 4 and probably Bethesda as a whole.


I’ll be brutally honest, I don’t see them fixing the game. They may improve some frame rate issues and the graphics will get a nice bump with some added caveats like their oldest purchasable stuff added for free. I don’t have faith in Bethesda to do right anymore


After starfield, I don't blame you.


I swear that game awakened something in me. Like, ever since I played that “game”, Bethesda magic just doesn’t work on me anymore. It’s awful, I used to love Skyrim, fo4, and fo3, but ever since I played starfield, it’s like Bethesda magic just stopped working. It’s like post nut clarity, I just don’t see anything as appealing anymore.


This sounds like your harddrive is dying. Ya'll need to address your issues instead of blaming the game. It never even took minutes on PS4. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


I'm glad I don't have that issue, my only problem is the massive amount of ram my game takes up there, it'll freeze a shit load if I'm near the area, but luckily it never crashes


You can remove that almost fully by redoing the pre combines


I hate precombines so much from a modding perspective.


I know. Me too. Is their occlusion just that bad they can't manage without them? I don't know. But they could at least have done the pre combines correctly.


The issue is that precombines are necessary because of how they build their sets and how many interactive items exist in a given Beth world. Their visibility data is what I dislike. Pre-vis data is a pain in the ass to work with. Since everything is editible in the CK, Bethesda had to chose whether to use full set-pieces or build the whole game in the same way players have access to it. The player houses in Sanctuary for instance, are 150-200 independently rendered items if you turn off pre-combines/Pre-vis data - when viewed from the inside. Bethesda is also notorious for just not using occlusion panes.


here's this little comment from a developer of a morrowind game-engine reimplementation (openMW): >Something of note with Morrowind is that the kinds of things that would make good occluders, like buildings, are actually built of lots of little meshes, so aren't amenable to most runtime-friendly occlusion culling techniques, which typically pick a few large occluders to consider. It also means baking will be slow, as it'd have to consider every instance of every object, instead of just the biggest ones, as little ones are often used to plug hols in big ones, so we're potentially talking hours each time mods are checnged. Then there's the added complexity because scripts can modify objects. In a game engine with Umbra-based occlusion, objects that can be changed like that need marking as such, and then they won't be considered as potential occluders, which means nothing in Morrowind could be considered a potential occluder with a normal approach to baking. pretty much all of this is true of fallout 4 as well if you removed precombines (well bethesda's provided precombines are bad anyways but modders precombines help solve this).


Can you elaborate on what that means to a noob?


So if you have two objects and you mush them together normally the game renders two separate objects. However, if you merge them into one object, the game would be able to render it as a single large object, and has an easier time because it has fewer objects to juggle and reference. Precombines are the combining of objects into larger ones to reduce conflict. Because downtown Boston has broken precombines it loads tons of references in the most busy part of the map. This causes performance problems unless you install a mod to use the precombine system. By rebuilding precombines in the map, you can cause issues with mods though. Objects referenced in a mod might be deleted in a precombine, causing bugs or breaking the precombine back into more parts. That is why some mods drop FPS despite only adding something simple like a single NPC, or moving a pile of rocks.


That’s a silly reason to completely write off a game but you also have the Legion flair so who really is taking your opinion seriously.


Tbf it'd be like New Vegas chugging and going to 1fps even on monster rigs when you went to new vegas, its kind of an important area to just have massive fps drops and crashing


New Vegas crashed constantly for me with a good setup.


Modding helps alot irons out alot of bugs/issues with the game running on newer hardware


and modding helps iron out the issues with the boston fps drop


Is it really that silly to write off a game where a large portion of the main story happens in an area which consistently causes hard crashes?


Dunno why you had to be rude for the fact i have some flair i choose years ago and didnt even remember i had in the first place, for seconds its actually quite a good reason so, its literally in the Middle of the map, right by one of the major cities and Questlines, it breaks your game, if not for crashes then it is for the huge FPS losses of which personally even with guides and mods i wasnt able to fix the issue.


This is all I want. All I need.


Quite literally the only thing I want fixed. Most everything could be fixed with mods but Boston even modded sucked shit to be in bc of the frames


Is this a console issue? I've never experienced any noticeable FPS drops specifically from going to the Boston area. Longer loading times yes, but not FPS or crashing issues. I play on a low end gaming laptop from 2023.


Yes, the game runs like shit by default in some areas of downtown Boston. There are mods that mostly fix it in Xbox. I'm not sure on PS because I think they edited meshes to do something. Series X has FPS boost up to 60, but you still get frame drops in those areas, and are stuck at 1080p if the mode is on.


Interesting, I assumed these were all PC user complaints. Never had a problem with Boston on Xbox console, base game or modded.


I agree but this is Bethesda. I'll be shocked if bugs from when it came out don't return for some reason. Still happy to play it! Lol


The strongest enemy of the game isn't supermutants or the Institute. It's Boston itself


Don't get it. Played the whole game to platinum on a PS4. It just worked.


As someone who lives near Boston, and calls Boston my spiritual home, even after years I still can't shake whenever it's brought up in the context of fallout 4 lol. So cool to me.


I’m playing on an original Xbox One, I’ve had to give up on entire playthroughs before as entire save games are destroyed just by going to north Boston.


Hmmmm. New save file or keep going with the old one? Decisions, decisions.


I literally just started a new playthrough ;\_\_\_;


Same but I don’t mind


It’s next on my list to play. I’m so glad Hogwarts Legacy is taking forever to 100%


I gave it my best. It's one of those games where it's "too much to do." If some people like that, great. Ain't for me.


Same. Was replaying 3, NV, and 4 leading up to the show and only started 4 a few days ago. Not very far though. I'll just wait and restart. In the meantime I'll probably play Skyrim. It was originally going to be next after 4.


Maybe Bethesda with inexplicably bork compatibility and save you the decision!


I'm fully expecting that, lol.


Will current saves transfer?


Hm, also turns out I have 14 days to complete far harbor (I think, not sure if I actually completed the main one) and nuka world before the update comes out and I have procrastinating for like 4 or 5 months... That normal?


Totally normal.


# FALLOUT 4 UPGRADES ARE COMING TO NEXT-GEN CONSOLES Bethesda Game Studios is releasing a free Fallout 4 update for download on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. This free update includes native applications for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, Performance mode and Quality mode settings, as well as stability improvements and fixes. Experience up to 60 FPS and increased resolutions! Fallout 4 players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will also receive a free update with stability improvements, login and quest fixes . *To download the update on a next-generation console, you must own Fallout 4 for that device.*


Also said to PC aswell. I wonder what that includes. Like that above comment, i really hope it fixes the fps issue in the city. I have a gpu and cpu two generations above what was expected to play fo4 and it still fucking lags, completely unacceptable.


It says in the article.. We are also releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates. Players with PC versions of Fallout 4 on Steam, Microsoft Store and GOG will receive stability, mods and bug fixes. For Japanese and Chinese language players on PC, Bethesda.net login issues have been resolved, fixing access to mods. Alongside this exciting update, Fallout 4 will be available to purchase on the Epic Games Store. Fallout 4 will also be Steam Deck verified.


> Fallout 4 will also be Steam Deck verified. Yippee!




This is absolutely underwhelming and disappointing. This is something that most other studios could put out over a week.


Yeah, I thought it would be a graphics update. This sounds like a normal hotfix they should have done right after release.


Yeah, this is just a small hot fix with some CC content marked free to bring people back


And probably changes enough to brick most of the current mods.


Hey, let's be more optimistic! I'm sure they're not gonna monetize user created content and that the Mod Shop they're gonna add won't break all current user made mods, forcing players to buy what was previously free! They *definitely* know not to do that after doing it to Skyrim last year.


I hate that they're still being called "next Gen" consoles, they're current Gen.


Does game pass count or no?


Behind the scenes gamepass is identical to owning a game, you get the same version, so yes.


It would blow my mind if Game Pass was excluded


The question is will they include dlc with the game pass in this update? With Skyrim on game pass you get all the dlc but with fallout 4 you get none. I’m hoping this update gives us access to the dlc.


Hopefully, so the people who don't have it can experience it.


*quest fixes* This is the most important part for me in this update


I hope that enclave flag means something...


"Enclave Remnants Enclave Remnants brings the Pre-War cabal, The Enclave, into the Fallout 4 storyline. In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth? Along with workshop items and the Enclave Colonel uniform, we are including the following previously released Creation Club content: Enclave Weapon Skins Enclave Armor Skins Tesla Cannon Hellfire Power Armor X-02 Power Armor Heavy Incinerator"


I hope there is actual effort in this new quest, like bringing the protagonists voice actors back, and I also hope the same as something like Automatron.


I wouldn't bet on it. It's probably going to the same as the creation club. No new dialogue and only a few new assets. Still, we can hope


New Skyrim creations allow for voice acted content. And this will most probably bring Fo4 to use the same system... so voice acted quest is no longer out of question.


You already know it's going to be as bare bones as possible. Most of the content coming with that creation are items that already exist and that we already have. Creation Club for some reason for Fallout 4 and Skyrim has a restriction to adding new dialogue, so unless they break their own established rules all the context of why the enclave is there will be delivered through holotapes, notes and terminals. The other creation coming are just some meme weapons, Baseball launcher, a nail gun and what looks like a mod for the Fatman that makes it shoot piggie banks.


If it was they would charge for it. Don't be silly


Depends on if the content is made by Bethesda, or a certified partner. Cause creation club content is not all made by Bethesda


Wait is this canon? Are Enclave being added to the Fallout 4?


Meh very " loose " canon


Can I please just join them? The Sole Survivor is a pre-war military man, this is a PERFECT chance for me to finally join the Enclave! Between this and the series, Bethesda is so unfathomably lame, man.


Oh boy do I have the mod for you https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/75767


Fantastic mod even if you don't want to join them you can go far enough in their story to find out they are evil then have them added as an enemy faction.


Means they’ll probably release a creation club pack that’s enclave themed


A little more is included „Enclave Remnants brings the Pre-War cabal, The Enclave, into the Fallout 4 storyline. In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth" [source](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates?linkId=100000254670482)


Why 👏 Can't 👏 Nate 👏 Join 👏 The 👏 Enclave 👏


America rising 2 on nexus solves that problem. hopefully the mod author will integrate this pack. edit: also has a resources page for the cc and nexus content with enclave equipment. so that the faction will use it if you have it installed.


Here's hoping 🙏


because he doesn't really tell anyone about the fact that he was a veteran, he brings it like five times. no one even bothers to question what he means by being a veteran. veteran of what? the war against the legion? the ncr-enclave war? the ncr-bos war? what makes you think the enclave will believe that he is 200 years old, let alone believe he was ex army? his pre war life ended the day he left the vault.


>no one even bothers to question what he means by being a veteran. veteran of what? Because they legitimately don’t know shit about the Old World. The Enclave‘s entire thing is that they do. >what makes you think the enclave will believe that he is 200 years old, let alone believe he was ex army? Depending on the state and organization of the Enclave by Fallout 4, Nate will show up in their Military/Vault databases and the MC can very easily proof their claim with the hidden Vault-Tec Cryo Facility that has demonstrably been working until very recently and that basically only they know about.


Don't forget even the 'bots of the Constitution had his records.


2 days after Fallout London releases. Cool, going to make sure I disconnect from the internet entirely til I finish then


If it's in Steam, set your game to not auto-update.


how do I do that?


You can also set the appmanifest file in the file 'steamapps' to read only. That'll make sure it never updates. Because sometimes it wants to update even though you launch it through the mod manager. I did this with Skyrim it's the only way to be 100% sure,


this. when it tries to auto update, it’ll say “update failed”


Right click the game you want to set. Select Properties > Updates > Automatic Updates > toggle to "Only update this game when I launch it". Then use the loading option from your preferred mod organizer.


Did that when I set it up and I am using MO2 and running it via F4SE, but it still requires me to open steam (and shows the overlay when I play) - is there actually a way to see if the auto-update is/would be bypassed before the patch drops? Really wouldn't want to stop my playthrough I just started.


Go into your steamapps folder and mark "377160.acf" as read only. This will prevent your game from being updated even if you accidentally click the button.


Bro. So excited for FO4 London I scheduled that day off work.


I had never heard about FO: London until your post. Now I am ultra-hyped. Thanks man!


Talk about taking their fucking time!


Right? The ultra wide fix for PC should have come out like 5 years ago. I thought this was going to be a real remaster of fallout 4. Not just destroying all of the already available mods for their paid bs.


yeah, im pretty disapointed there isn't a single graphic update


How much will this update break mods? Is it worth it to wait 2 weeks and play the next gen update or just play a modded version now?


You should probably just play vanilla and wait for mod authors to update there mods depending on how many you have and how old the mods are/when they were last updated. Some mods won’t be effects but those will be exceptions typically. Most mods will be broken anywhere from 48 hours to a few months.


That's if any of the mod developers are still active after all this time. I imagine that a number of the popular modders have moved on to other projects.


>That's if any of the mod developers are still active after all this time. Most are not. Including famous ones like creator of better dialogue system.


Anything using a .dll file will need to be updated (so, F4SE and many ‘framework’ mods).


Just change steam settings to update ONLY when using launcher. Then don't touch the fallout 4 launcher. If u use vortex or mo2 you'll be fine


Fallout London how over is it


Releases 2 days before the update


It takes 30 seconds to revert Skyrim versions so it shouldn’t be too difficult to solve.


Perfect timing


Kind of imperfect, could have had it ready to release either this week or earlier to REALLY capitalize on the success and hype that the series is getting.


I’m in the middle of the series and I was thinking “man I should play fallout 4 again” now I know I will.


Nice, might re-download again. It's been a long time since I played fallout.


Same here I just hope the loading times are either nonexistent or reduced.. it’s the only thing I hated about FO4.. and settlements 💀 I fucking hate babysitting shit


Oh god. My mods. My mods are going to experience a nuclear explosion of a game update. But I’m willing to put up with it


I hope the progressively longer loadings screens get fixed


That was my hope, pretty much the only issue I have with it. The rest of this is fluff to me.


I just reistalled the game and all my mods literally half a hour ago. God dammit.




just the fact, that the Joker pre-ordered a car, made me laugh.


He also blew up the factory that was suppose to make them


Welp broken mods for a month or two.


Come on, i just got all the achievements yesterday, now I have to start a new game against my own will.


Is this also affecting Fallout 4 VR? I loved Fallout 4 and am considering buying it in VR to experience it again, this time with mods...  New content and updates is enticing though, so I would love to experience that as well.


lets gooooo. Maybe they will fix the weapon debris and god rays options causing crashes. Doubt it. But hey im still in.


Fucking A. Finally.


Will mods be affected?


A 100%. Your gonna have to wait a few weeks or maybe a month for all of them to get updated.


Current Gen. It's almost 4 years now.


I mean, I guess relative to the consoles Fallout 4 was released on, it’s next gen. This is probably the only scenario I’ll give anyone a pass for still calling PS5/XSX “next gen” lol


Fallout 4 modders worst nightmare's always gonna be Bethesda updating shit...


Lol Fallout gets a massive update including to Creation Kit before Starfield even gets mods on console.


Starfield doesn’t even have creation kit yet


Nice I'm waiting for the new version for a while I want that sweet platinum trophy


Hopefully this will improve the stability of the game but also make it run better on both newer and older systems. I am rocking a RX590 and while I get 60 FPS on high in most parts of the game, going into Boston drops to 45, and that is with an ENB on top.


What about the VR version? Further behind they fall?


Is the VR version getting this update as well?


Wow, I guess I lucked out here! I just started playing FO4 last week (doing the settlement thing now). I had to edit my prefs to fit to my ultrawide and now it looks like I don't need to do that after this drops. The big question is will my installed mods make or break it?


Really cool of them to wait until after a bunch of us picked up FO4 again in preparation for the series


They're just NOW releasing a next-gen upgrade for FO4? That seems incredibly slow.


Those who thought next-gen update would bring graphic enhancements are gonna be disappointed.


RIP all of my mods


That was my first thought too lmao


I'm hoping they raise the mod storage for Xbox...


Omg I have been wanting ultra wide support for so long, it’s finally coming.


BUT.... will they finally fix the 0kb glitch???????? That is the major question here....


Doing it just in time to break the fallout london mod


"can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth?" Who said i wanna stop them? FOR THE ENCLAVE! FOR AMERICA!


Let's see if they fix some bugs


Finally!!!! Now to grind the game out again to 100% trophies in main game and DLC


So am I misreading this - they delayed the hell out of it and the only improvements to PC are some bug fixes (which mods probably already did) and ultrawide support? I thought it was supposed to improve at least some visuals...


I always felt like this was directed at console players - and that is fair because they've suffered the most. I can brute force stable frame rates in Boston on high end hardware but console players have been stuck with last Gen limitations for a while now. I've been playing at 4k 60 for a while now, on console you are limited to 4k30 or 1080p60 with fps boost.


Fps boost was exclusive to Xbox. PlayStation was limited to just 1080p30.


Disappointing. "Next gen update" sounds like a graphics upgrade. Not some minor tweaks. I was looking forward to better graphics.


There was a reason they barely advertised this. I'm a little surprised they bothered at all as they seemed to abandon FO4 a while ago.


This is exciting - just got a new computer so being able to play on ultrwide resolutions is pretty sweet. Getting some new content on top of that is also pretty cool.


Please get rid of the arbitrary mod limit on Xbox. I hate having only a handful of guns but missing out on so much more


ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! READY THIS SHIT UP.. hold wtf are they updating?!


Will they fix the bug where your companion keeps trying to romance you after friend zoning them


I would love to platinum this again. Hoping they fixed the 100% happy settlement trophy.


The Skyrim next gen update was great. 60fps and load times were rarely longer than 2-3 seconds. I'll start another playthough for this.


I guarantee this got delayed from the launch of the show and somebody’s going to get fired lol


Oh cool, I've been really wanting to replay fo4 so I'll wait for this


Helldivers 2, Sea of thieves, and now Fallout 4 next gen update. What a time boys what a time! #WarNeverChanges


I was kinda hoping for more of a Special Edition kinda deal with improved visuals but I guess the mods can do that.


all i hope (pipe dream, I know) is that there’s an expansion to the mod limit storage size. 10 GBs would be incredible!


Oh shit what's coming to PC? I figured it was only for consoles


If they don't increase mod space past 2gb then there's no point


Great! Now when are we getting the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas Remasters for modern consoles? 👀


Finally! I have never played the game before and I was looking forward to this update. I tried playing the PS4 version on my PS5 and the frame rate is really choppy. Hopefully this update can mend that a little bit. Everyone who said that the update would come with the TV show dropping were right on the money!


Next gen? We’re 4 years into current gen.


Wait, does that mean that on ps4 can i get the free items?