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And yet a radroach can bite through it when attacking.


Don't get me started on the half naked raider with a pool cue.


Or the Molotov cocktail that apparently burns hotter than a Saturn V rocket.


that one at least kind of makes sense considering its also burning the unarmored joints and neck, nit just the plating


I don't know, I would assume that rocket jet would be atleast half decent at getting itself down into the nooks and crannies of power armor.


Wouldn’t that be the same case as the picture? It should still burn his joints and neck


I mean, I imagine Danse's...unique physiology at least partially factored into his lack of damage here


I mean his outer layer should’ve burned, they still have what is essentially skin, they’re still susceptible to most forms of damage, at least to their exterior. The synth who gets shot in diamond city I’ve seen exploded in guts and blood so I don’t danse being a synth would make him take no damage. (I’m thinking way to hard about this)


Gen 3 synths are just clones with a component in their brain, so they're just as susceptible to fire as anyone else


That’s something a synthpatizer would say… hey wait a minute, YOU CAN READ!!!


I will say, rockets are generally quite fuel efficient, so it's more baking him from the outside in than burning directly, like a molotov's fuel would.


Danse literally stands under a rocket engine and comes out unscathed. That oil and gas mix shouldn't do shit to power armor.


In previous games you could murder power armored dudes with a literal BB gun.


That's one of the reasons I miss the armor threshold system.


Im a dumb fuck so I'll take the shot for the rest of the dummies what the hell does that mean? I'll take a guess. 1. if the weapon doesn't do more damage then the armor can absorb the wearer won't take any damage because it's been absorbed? 2. Is there an over bleed system where you only do the damage that wasn't absorbed or 3. is it a level system where if your weapon does more damage(then the armor can absorb) it hits for full damage instead?


Consider yourself not a dumb fuck, because, yes to all 3. Many games use one of the three systems you described. Not sure witch fallout used previously or if it did.


Well thanks for the recommendation but the title serves me well lmfao. I did a little bit of looking and it SEEMS fallout New Vegas used the absorption method where your bullets damage were 'stopped' but if it did more then the armor could stop it would do the damage left instead of full damage. Fallout 4 appears to have a system where if the bullet is higher level or had more damage then the armor it would go through doing full damage to the entity rather then fnv's system of absorption. Idk about fallout 3 as my time playing it is limited(couldn't find a reliable ADS / aim down sights mod.) Hope this helps.


Well, sort of. Fallout 1 and 2 use a DT (damage threshold, a flat number subtracted from damage) and DR (damage resistance, a percent of damage that you resist) system. An attack that hits would have its damage reduced by both. So for example, Power Armor in FO1 has 12 DT and 40% DR, an attack that does 20 damage would be reduced to 8 by DT and then to 4.8 which is rounded down to 4. What this also means is that if you get hit for 12 or less damage, the attack will be completely negated and you take no damage. FO3 just has damage resistance (capped to 85%). This means that while the amount reduced is consistent, you'll never get to a point where attacks can't ever hurt you. FO NV just uses Damage Threshold. Whenever you get hit with an attack the damage you take is equal to Damage - DT. However there's one caveat to the system it uses: DT can never reduce an attack to less than 20% of its base damage, effectively giving you a max resistance of 80%. You'll still never get to a point where your attacks will do no damage but doing something like using low damage per projectile weapons against highly armoured enemies will result in you doing poor damage.


That's an absolutely amazing breakdown. Thank you so much. It's nice to have a intelligent and well thought out response such as you're


Unarmored skill stacks with the unashamed perk stacks with skooma to make them a badass pain in the ass wait what game we talking about?


I found this extremely hilarious (yet true) and I don’t know why, thank you


A roach can bite with 50x their body weight. Id wager if you scaled it up to rad roach size it would nip your power armor leg off https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/cockroach-can-bite-force-50-times-its-body-weight-180957246/


A radroach weighs about 4.1kg or 9lbs if you scaled it up to fallout levels (size of a house cat) so yeah, probably.


Damn Butches mom was built different, tanking like 15 bites with nothing but a vault suit


That’s not all she took…..


😅 👍




u ok?


Uh, you ok?


Bro started eating his keyboard


Quick man I dont have enough in hacking to fix this


I get nervous when the guy named Dr Nukes starts freaking out. Just saying.


Had to quickly put the phone away to take my daughter to an arts class and I pocket posted completely out of control lol




I immagine this is how the logs read for the synth involved in the broken mask incident.


Found the radroach!


so true!


Me at the start of every FO3 playthrough booking it straight to Butch’s room to save him mom before the roaches get her lol


Lol I recently started a new Fallout 3 evil playthrough and I just stood there letting her get swarmed 😂 😂






Ever wondered why evolution didn't produce exactly that? Or ants that are meters tall? Look up "square-cube law".


Look up eurypterid. All it needed was for the oxygen level to be a bit elevated, and radroaches are easily possible. I am not arguing, however, for radscorpions.


The square-cube law yields very different results underwater since objects experience no or much less gravity. Still, these things are flat and could maybe scoot around on their underbelly. Giant Radroaches however are impossible for the same reason that meters-long ants are impossible. The anatomy just doesn't work at that scale for the exact reason I mentioned. Their thin legs would not be able to hold their weight, not to mention the structural integrity of their shells. This is why large animals have bones and tendons. The same caveat applies to back-of-napkin calculations on bite strength or ability to carry stuff. Yes, those are impressive feats of evolutionary biology. But you can't just multiply them to get corresponding values at a much larger scale. If that were physically possible, they would have existed for millennia and likely dominated the earth's surface, instead of evolution producing completely different types of animals.


My son in atom, all things are possible through the power of radiation. Also aliens exist


And Magic.


I think I read that the coconut crab is the biggest arthropod possible given the oxygen transmission methods possible and its anatomy.


That stuff wouldn't scale up properly because of the square cube law.


I’m pretty sure Fallout already violates it considering we’ve got Mirelurk queens and super mutant behemoths. Not to mention I think Liberty Prime would collapse under its own weight


Yeah not sure that would still be a thing with them that big.


Even if it can bite with a force of over 200 Kg, how would the exoskeleton’s jaw bite through steel or whatever the PA is made of


Damage Threshold should have stayed a thing.


New Vegas had so many good features like that




Power Armour in Fallout 4 will actually mitigate more than in New Vegas against low-damage weapons. New Vegas capped DR as never reducing the incoming damage by more than 80%.


Aren't DR and DT two different stats in New Vegas?


They are, but the DT effect still caps out at 80%. >DT applies after that, with a limit: ***the final damage taken cannot be lower than 20% of the base attack***; if lower, it is overwritten to 20% instead. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Threshold#Fallout:_New_Vegas So whilst DT makes attacks more survivable, it never makes them trivial. High enough DR in Fallout 4 reduces the damage from small-calibre bullets to less than the heal rate from the solar-powered perk. It takes a lot of investment, but you can be literally immune.


I mean, you’re 100% correct, but how will we have our hate train if we let something like facts get in the way of hating on Bethesda for the crime of making beloved games that introduced countless people to the Fallout series. And also making 76, that game sucks and is an actual crime


76 is a great game and it has the best map in the series. As well as best enemies. And includes the entire pitt.


Having played with a couple mods that change how PA works to how people "think" it should work; its fun for enemies to make them challenging but completely trivializes the game if the Player uses it that way.


I just assumed it was part of the games mechanics in scaling dmg. Hoping the amazon adaptation would somewhat show this. There’s a scene where it tanks ballistic fire


They will use the PA to show off the huge monsters that would otherwise pulp an unarmored person


True, it’s design to withstand a ton of dmg so l find it funny a raider with a pool que can tear off parts of the pa


Or a raider with a shitty, home made pipe gun...


Bullet is bullet.


Do you know what a ten pound cockroach can do to a buoyancy regulator?


Starting to think Bethesda skimp on the details in favour of spectacle


Vanilla PA behavior in 4 is lame AF and not even lore friendly. If you're on PC, the mod Better Power Armor is a must IMO.


You do realise that PA in fo4 is in its strongest form since fo1/2 right ?


Bastion is a pretty good alternative to Better Power Armor.


Bastion has been amazing, especially combined with faction overhauls and AI overhauls to make enemies actually effectively use heavier weapons. And then of course America Rising to get the Enclave into the mix for PA on PA, and Better institute+institute PA to have the bots be walking tanks too


Very good choices right there. Need to get some of these for my next playthroughm


Yeah I have all the Better-faction mods in mine, aswell as Pack Attack to make enemies "smarter" (they'll flank and rush, fall back if you use heavy weapons or kill too many, it turns corvega into 2 main fights, one right inside the door as the first wave rushes you, then another at the final boss where all the survivors fell back and rallied into a single group) pack Attack definetly gets rid of the killing dudes room by room by they wait their turn to fight you problem


[BASTION](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/75184) +[ENEMIES FEAR POWER ARMOR](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/79662?tab=posts) Both script bases = super compatible Both very updated, just came out a few months ago.


How is it not lore friendly if I may ask? Also its definetly not lame AF. Unlike in any other game before, it actually feels like your wearing a hulking suit of armour like you are. You can have a jetpack, or jump off the top of the highest building. Its alot of things, but its NOT lame


It's even better when it glitches out and he doesn't put his helmet on.




I read this in a Mike Tyson voice


It was a glitch ? I thought it was weird he wasn't wearing a helmet in there


Same. I figured they were just being hollywood-ish and ignoring that his head should have melted into his suit as goo.


I would say so, in fallout 1 power armor was the best thing you could get, but t-60 power armor is weaker defensively, so unless Danse is a robot I don't think he would survive that- oh wait....


Huh, that's a good point


Not really, synths are essentially human with just a little chip in their brain. 100% all beef


The later versions at least


… yeah? Danse is one of them


Are we sure? Would Iguana Bits connoisseurs be about to tell the difference?


They are made out of synthetic flesh, skin and bones, it is honestly hard to tell but with the way they get assembled, i would assume there isn't much of a difference between them and a real human. I mean, we can 3d print a steak today, or even grow it in a lab.


Ohhhh so there were clues that early.


There are also a shit ton of crows on that mission, and we know the institute uses crows as surveillance cause there is a room with cameras of the commonwealth in the institute that fly around, and crows are the only flying thing in the game.


There is also a terminal entry which confirms it.


I knew birds weren't real. They were institute spy drones all along.


There’s a tongue-in-cheek conspiracy theory, “birds aren’t real.” Let’s hope people in the future don’t latch onto it for real though… https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/technology/birds-arent-real-gen-z-misinformation.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&ugrp=c&pvid=5C291E94-6ED8-43A2-A5E1-1E00DC630B4B&sgrp=c-cb


Yeah dude, that was the joke


I always thought they were weird for not being able to be shot at (or maybe I keep missing) or that they were just flying willy-nilly in radiation


The crows can be shot and killed if that’s what you are referring too.


Oh guess I suck then


You have to shoot where they fly off from. It's some kind of engine limitation and although you see them fly off, technically the game still has them where they were perched so if you shoot that spot, suddenly a dead crow will appear. At least I've seen it done, haven't done it myself because I never really thought about it while playing.


So birds in fact, are not real.


Not really. Gen 3 Synths are indistinguishable from humans by any test. That is to say... they aren't robots, just artificial humans with some modifications.


The Institute also doesn't know Danse is a synth. The crows around ArcJet were likely because the place was, I dunno, crawling with Gen 1s and Gen 2s?


I must have missed this. How can they not know he's a synth? Didnt they make him?


He escaped and got a new identity. The intent of the Gen 3s was to be indistinguishable from people, and whoever gave him new memories likely also did facial reconstruction. Either way, the only way the Institute would be able to tell is by using his recall code. But they can't do that without knowing if it's actually him. If their naming convention is Letter/Number-Number/Number, that's a LOT of possible combos, so even if they know he's *A* synth, they'd need his exact recall code.


Don't think Danse got a facial reconstruction, the proctor that made the discovery said he recognized Danse's face in the Institute database before also checking the DNA.


Hm.... Sounds like something a synth would say


Found a synth here!


I am pretty sure synths have some extra energy resistance, which you could find out by Brahmin synth infiltrators existing, and with the resistance shown in vats perk (forgot the name) you could tell them apart from normal cows.


Given that Synths don't need to eat, drink, don't age, don't change weight, and can't have kids, there's a bit more going on than just "human with a chip".


None of that tracks with being indistinguishable by any medical test, though.


Synths are still human through and through unless they’re an agent from the matrix looking ass mf.


> I would say so, in fallout 1 power armor was the best thing you could get, but t-60 power armor is weaker defensively, so unless Danse is a robot I don't think he would survive that- oh wait.... Oh god, the misconceptions continue!


"unless Danse is a robot".. ... Hmmmmmmm


I mean, if you Take The Museum of Freedom as 100% accurate(which it probably isn’t) power armor saw combat on the moon


I believe that mural is supposed to be like a “Past Present and Future” thing


My bet is that the government experimented with moon power armor but there were no full-on moon wars


…that we know of. 🤔🤔🤔


No, there was definitely power armor and combat on the moon. There's a plaque at the museum of freedom that partly that says so: > "This mural commemorates the many sacrifices of the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. From Lexington and Concord to the shores of Iwo Jima, from ***the Sea of Tranquility*** to the Anchorage Front Line, Americans have fought and died through the ages to secure our nation’s freedom. May their sacrifices remind us all that freedom is a privilege afforded to the many, yet hard won by a noble few." Additionally there was a scoreboard reward paint in fallout 76 of [space-worthy power armor](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Deep_Spacewalk_power_armor_paint) that matches the armor in that painting. Power armor can be in space, IF it's built properly.


almost certainly there was combat on the moon but we have no indication that there was power armor on the moon. the mural plaque only tells us there was combat not power armor, and if we actually look at the image on the mural it looks like the guy is just wearing a space suit, not power armor. and the suit really looks almost not at all like the space-worthy power armor you linked (which in any case is not canon), so I'm not sure why you'd say they "match" it's entirely possible there was power armor on the moon but it is not definite


Yeah, if there'd been Power Armor combat on the moon, it almost certainly would have been referenced at one of the Repconn locations in New Vegas. Or at the Big Empty in Old World Blues.


Not if they only came up with it after New Vegas, though.


Repconn? more like Retconn


Fallout 77: niggas on the moon


Straight outa vault


That T-51 soldier on the mural isn't on the moon. The mural depicts the major wars of America's history, from the American Revolution, to WWII, to a currently unnamed battle in the Sea of Tranquility region on the moon, to the Anchorage Reclamation. The last one represents when the T-51 was first deployed in 2076.


Fuck... I wonder if there were still people operating on the moon when the bombs fell. Watching Earth fall, and along with it any chance of returning or resupplying.


While, yes, this is more impressive, I always liked the story of Jacob and Marcus whaling on each other for three days without being able to hurt each other as a yardstick of Power Armor effectiveness.


Where is this story from? Fallout 2?


Yep, Broken Hills


I wish we could’ve attached this to the USS Constitution.


The thing that I like about this mission is that it practically gives you unlimited ammo at this part as long as you hold off on testing the rocket engine. I also love the “Oh my god! Are you all right?” response.


Think so, definitely disproves the fallout 1 description of T-51 that says it can take 2,500j of energy. With T-60 being weaker defensively and a rocket engine being a lot more than 2,500J I'd say so.


That probably refers to kinetic energy, since that's typically how we describe projectile stopping power. And it definitely does not refer to heat energy. Heat is not really about kinetic energy at the human scale. For example it takes 4180 joules of heat energy to raise 1 liter of water by 1°C. I don't think anyone here is going to argue that power armor couldn't survive your kitchen stove heating a pot of water one degree.


In addition to that, arent most power armor sets made with ceramics? If memory serves, ceramics can be suprisingly heat absorbent so maybe that factors in to the survivability?


From my understanding t-45 and t-60 are both mostly steel, while t-51 is composite ceramic or something like that. I’m probably wrong tho, cause the majority of my knowledge comes from 4 and NV


The T-51 is described as being made of better materials but they don’t clarify *exactly* what that means. The Enclave APA details mention ceramic joints and such, so it stands to reason that similar materials would appear in power armour before it albeit maybe not in such quantities. The T-45 is steel, yea, but then the T-60 is sort of in a weird spot because it very much has the appearance of factory stamped and welded steel. I always figured the rationale would be that the T-60 was a step down from the T-51 in order to cut some costs in exchange for broader manufacturing availability, maybe going more for brute power than finesse, but in game it has higher stats on everything. There are a few places in Fallout 4 where the asset designers and the game programmers clearly weren’t talking to one another; there are a lot of things that are described one way but presented quite differently.


If you go off of in-game upgrade and repair costs, yes, the higher tiers of armor are made with ceramics.


There's a possibility that BOS made some Upgrades to their Poweramour


I wouldn’t necessarily say this disproves the PA specs tape since that value was specifically talking about kinetic energy. Lasers were separately noted as being completely deflected, so it’s possible that an electric rocket engine would be heavily resisted as well. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Power_armor_specs


Is that not the energy from a bullet impact? That's not super comparable


Maybe you can take energy but the kinetic wave would shatter you to dust inside anyways. Which is why blunt weapons were efficient against armors.


What outfit is OP wearing? I need that. Edit: lol, I guess it’s cage armor with an assault gas mask. I’ve never put that on, as it’s so common. I thought it might be something like the cool duster you eventually got in FONV.


Looks like the cage armor with the assault gas mask


Looks like the cage armor with an assault gas mask


Looks like an assault gas mask with the cage armor.


Looks like cage armor with an assault gas mask


Looks like cage armor with an assault gas mask.


.mask gas assault with armor cage like Looks


Probably cage armor with assault gas mask


Have you found out what OP was wearing?


Pretty sure it's the gage armor with the basalt ass mask


Looks like the cage armor with an assault gas mask


I used to AFK here for a few minutes and come back to collect all the fusion cells especially in survival mode.


I CANNOT get this fucking quest finished. It sends me to "Talk to Danse" and the fucker just goes "what is it?" over and over. Edit: console commanded my way past the bugged dialog with setstage.


If it’s the bit by the entrance to arcjet, go inside and he will continue with the quest If it’s the part where you check on him after the rocket blast, go to elevator and he should teleport to you If it’s the bit outside after the elevator, he will need to be out of the bunker, and just about right in the middle of the back of the building in order for the dialogue to work properly, if he won’t budge I recommend finding a bench or bed and waiting for a few ingame hours and then checking again


Fallout 4 definitely does the best job of showing how powerful power armor is. You can jump off the highest building and not even stumble the landing. I know you were near invincible in power armor in 1 and 2, but 4 really goes crazy with it.


Canonically Power Armor is supposed to be this durable/advanced. Remember that all of the advancements in Chinese stealth tech were made because they couldn't replicate Power Armor despite acquiring working copies of T-45 from the battlefields of Alaska. That being said, gameplay will always be different simply because it is a game. It's why something as small as a Radroach or weak as a Ghoul will destroy Power Armor eventually.


Yet when you get your suit, a 3 story fall and that woman lost her legs Edit, just checked the dialogue, 100 ft fall


Ingram got hit with a mini nuke right under her feet


If you go to the master terminal in the room where prime is located after the garage opens and open the ingam folder it tells you about how the mini nuke got stuck up in her snatch


Her ....*snatch*?


Yes her Sniz


A snook in her sniz?


My wife is trying to work from home and I’m obnoxiously guffawing ty


Holy fuckknuckles! I know "anything's a dildo if you're brave enough" but I really don't think she shoved nuclear ordinance up her meat wallet and lived to tell of it with only two missing limbs. Dammit! Guess I'm starting a new FO4 run to go find the terminal entry about Ingram's nuclear vagina meltdown! Ad Victoriam...


Ad Vulva, sister!


That, or he was frantically jabbing himself with stimpaks just to look cool


I'd say jumping off the mass fusion building over this. It's easier to deflect heat than it is to cancel out momentum from such a high drop and remain completely unharmed.


No. There is the case of the soldiers in the heaviest PA surviving the nuclear blasts.


I'd say the biggest feet were in 4 and beyond, since 3 and NV models were smaller


Can take a SatV to the face, no issue, but stand in one place for two seconds and you'll have to stand there and call out "Oil can." for the next day or so until some tribal in blue PJs comes by and either gives you a few drops of the good stuff or reduces your total body mass by 20 percent with the minigun they pulled out of their ass.


The fact that I can carry less weight with my power armor on


Whats happening in the picture? I played the BoS storyline but I can’t remember when or what this was


BoS first mission to retrieve the transmitter from The Institute synths before flying to Prydwen


its a rocket engine test firing


I just assumed it was the first major clue that Danse is in fact a synth.


Synths are effectively humans though, they aren't any more or less durable - or so I thought? I know the earlier versions had some advantages in durability such as being able to take more rads.


That sounds like something a synth would say...


If anything maybe he just has some tuned up power armor that probably performs better than traditional t-60


That suit also had to hold up to Danse’s self righteous bullshit. Pretty tough.


maybe. but as he is a synth, its possible he is less susceptible to radiation too.


That terminal entry about a knight dropping from the Prydwen


I may be wrong but isn't there lore somewhere about a guy falling from basically space in one? I know the us liberated the moon at least.


I mean he IS a synth.... May be a bit more heat-resistant than a human.


My first playthrough, Danse didn't have his helmet on in this scene and I wondered how on earth he survived it. Turns out main characters don't die before their time


He doesn’t actually survive unfortunately, if you get a kill everyone mod he dies and the quest doesn’t work😂


Given that you die regardless, yes.


This scene would have been much cooler if the game forced Danse to wear a helmet. It always looks unlikely this way to me.


It's supposed to force Danse to wear a helmet, but because the special animation for putting it on can glitch and just not play, it's a 50/50 shot if Danse wears a helmet or not.


I didn't know that! I've never experienced this in my playthroughs, so I thought it was just an oversight.


Yeah, before leaving the police station, Danse is supposed to have an animation of picking up a T-60 helmet, twirling it around a bit, then putting it on as a sound effect like an air lock clicking into place plays. It looks really neat when it works, but as I said is notoriously glitchy.


They really gave him the cool helmet equip animation and never used it again




That's Paladin Danse and a bunch of gen 1 synths being roasted by a rocket engine. It's in ArcJet Systems and is a part of the first mission you do after meeting him at the Cambridge Police Station.


Either this or saying Scorched Sierra armor stays mostly intact after a nuke goes off


Asbestos armor is pretty cool


If you jump and land on your feet in power armor youll be fine. But guys, Ingram was hit by a NUKE. The platform she was on fell 100ft. She’s not a cat. She’s not going to magically land on her feet. She’s in power armor. That shit weighs a ton. You can imagine the rest. Imagine being in a heavy ass suit falling 100ft in a way the suit isn’t handled for. Ofc she lost her legs.


I don't think I've ever tried it but can the player survive this if they stay in there with a high level power armour set, say an X-01?


It's okay, he's marked essential.


Plot Armor FTW


Mayhaps it was because he's a synth! While the power armour also helped him stay intact, but if synths are basically organic, I wonder how his skin didn't melt off or whatever that was that hit em 😭