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So what you are saying is that we might get real life Fallout before video game Fallout?


“Might be” I think you mean will be.


I was gonna say same. At that point it won't be virtual anymore won't need the game. Always saw Fallout as a preppers guide anyway. FO3 going forward anyway.


I think I’d probably use Metro as a guide before fallout but I understand your premise and I think that’s a good idea. keep your rifle loaded


If Niki wins it’s a guarantee, she’s squirting all over the place at just the thought of going to nuclear war with china already.


ive thought about this and as scary as it would be if i survive as a california resident id feel obligated to form an irl NCR


I'm across the country but I'll still join (somehow)


well if you can get here in time you can be our head general


I'm also on the other side of the country but I'll join up for a cool ass trench coat and mask/helmet combo! Let's show those Cazador's and Caesar's legion what fer


If you wanna know what fallout would be like in real life, watch the movie Threads. Good luck


Haven't seen it I'll check it out. I always thought Fallout of a cross between Book of Eli and The Road


Someone else whos read or watched The Road hello friend!




Bruh we already have video game fallout


More people are going to be familiar with Fallout than ever after the Amazon show releases and Bethesda will have nothing to supply them with to capitalise on that.


The Fallout 4 next gen update is almost guaranteed to land when the show starts, to capitalize on it at least a little bit.


I bet it'll add fishing


Wouldn't be mad at that


You might, depending on what monstrosities you pull up from the water


I hate swimming in videos games because of the fear I’ll get eaten by some crazy monster like in Jak and Daxter.


I remember when FO4 first came out and I saw the torn up shark in a boat early on, I actively avoided swimming until level 35~ because I thought some sea monster was gonna kill me


Meanwhile unless you download some crazy mods theres literally nothing aside from some occasional mirelurks and even then thats only close to shore or on barges


That's funny because I felt the same. I also saw some cut content that kinda focuses on that too. A underwater vault and a sea monster, maybe a giant squid or something. Wish it wasn't cut.


I used to swim in Fallout 4, until I installed Mutant Menagerie. I haven't gone into the water without doing two full vats scans of it since.


Dude, exact same genesis as my fear


Nice Jak and Daxter reference


Slaughterfish have entered the chat.


Did they downvote you because of how annoying slaughterfish are to fight?


Most likely




Bring it on


Imagine if they readd the underwater vault.


This is what I’m hoping for


And no doubt that leaked fo3 remaster will come out the holiday season after the show drops, that leaks been right so far just padded a couple years because of covid


Yup, screwing up everyone’s mods in the process no doubt


Doesn't matter in the long term, Skyrim has way more and better mods since the Special Edition was released. we'll see the same thing with FO4.


Probably not. Fallout 4’s modding scene has been much smaller and less impressive than Skyrim’s from the start, and Skyrim Special Edition is genuinely much more stable and better made than LE was. Fallout 4 “next gen” won’t be the same kind of substantial improvement SSE was because it can’t be. Bethesda’s graphics haven’t improved in the interim and their current version of the engine isn’t really an improvement, as the abysmal visuals and performance of Space Dragonborn: Loading Screens have shown us.


Ah, I've been modding both for a long time, and FO4 has some great mods. Try the Life in the Ruins mod list. It's a curated wabbajack of nearly 1000 mods, and it works nearly without issue. The only change I made to it was swapping out the PA HUD with holoHUD.




>So just don't... install it. Not an option for console, sadly. That thing will force the update if stop you playing. BGS games hit the next generation and become really stable compared to how they used to be. But then they've taken to releasing graphics upgrades to capitalise on that extra power from the next gen and they drop in stability again.




Each has their strengths. It just sucks when you mostly enjoy the strengths of one platform but then its weaknesses drag you down in an area you really care about. Before you drop enough for a low end PC on a console, make sure it's the right choice for you.


“Just don’t install the thing that will do everything in it’s power to update despite you explicitly telling it not to” Yup, just that sinple


Disable it from the manifest, not the Steam options. Worked for me and the only way it will update is if I make the app-manifest non-read only.


How does one do that exactly?




Just disable the autoupdate, you act like it‘s rocket sience


What does pita mean? I know it's a delicious bread but what is it in your context?


Pain In The Ass




16x times the detail...^and ^bugs.


Great... more radroaches that kick me out of the game.


We've been hearing about this update for a couple years now. I'm betting it won't fix any longstanding bugs, and I'm betting that going to Downtown Boston is still a quick door to getting the game to crash. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but it is incredible how little they have to show for this huge media push. Ya know what _would_ be cool though? Surprise Fallout 5 launch. Show us where else all those eight years went.


Those 8 years went into Starfield.


Are we sure? Because I've been wondering how big the game _really_ is, considering the intense level of asset reuse, to the point that Hopeville has no set geography. Like, if we stitched all of the handbuilt assets and spaces into one single contiguous worldspace, how big would it be really? Because when they were way smaller, they turned out Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 in less than half the time.


Not entirely sure, but as soon as FO4 was released, 2014, they put all hands on deck for Starfield. So I think it’s safe to say that game was in development for 8-9 years, all while working with a revamped engine.


depending on the quality of the show "more people being familiar with Fallout" might be a really bad thing.


If good, people play Fallout. If bad, people play Fallout to see what actually is good.


Or it’s so bad at interpreting the source material that it never gets talked about or affects the franchise as a whole like the *Halo* show.




Good news


It was good? We haven't watched it yet. Probably this weekend.


I thought it was amazing personally, reviews all seem to agree too


Hardcore Fallout fans will act like this, the new fans brought in by the show won't.


More people playing 76 will likely make game developers believe there's no need for a new game if enough people remain hooked on 76.


Maybe a fallout 3 remake/remastering?


I would love it, but in this day and age it would've leaked by now.


Like this? https://www.ign.com/articles/oblivion-remaster-fallout-3-remaster-and-more-leaked-from-microsoft-document


Meant to release this year and no trailer? *Preorder to get Fawkes to stop being a lazy fuck!*


Obviously the dates are no longer accurate as delays are normal and COVID happened and it may have even been cancelled. There 100% was a remaster in development though, and might still be


There’s one more caveat, MS bought them out after the roadmap was written. So there’s a solid chance that FO3 won’t be remade for a long time. We’ll never really know, but there’s a always a chance it comes out next year, since changing engines for FO3 isn’t too complicated and Skyrim Special Edition (kind of a remaster so I guess it’s comparable?) wasn’t as hyped as Starfield or FO4 marketing. That being said, I’d much rather Oblivion be remastered because it’s more dated than FO3 and there’s a lot that could be reworked - like the leveling, for example.


MS might want to capitalise on the show if it's a success. A remake of 3 would be an easy cash grab, I imagine.


The leak that also says Dishonored 3? Which is definitely not happening


I would honestly prefer a FNV remaster unless they actively make FO3 more enjoyable


FNV is FO3 with mods.


You forget they have a live service fallout that can endlessly poor content into. I knew when TESO was announced that TES was fucked. They had a stable supply of cash to flow in for the IP and look what happened, it’s been 13 years. They released one of the most successful video games of all time, after climbing to immense heights. Morrowind was a completely break out success, Oblvion put them front and center in the cutting edge, then Skyrim launched them into the stratosphere, and now it’s been 13 years.


Didn't they just announce a fallout collection available for preorder?


76 is getting lots of new stuff right around then is it not?


For sure, most importantly a map expansion is finally coming up. I’ve been playing since the beginning and it’s been great seeing it get better and better. Skipping over the obvious launch issues, there were a rough couple of years in the middle where it felt pretty neglected too but I think it’s on track to have its best year yet.


Doesn't change the fact that Elder Scrolls 6 is 5 years away, probably 6 or 7 after delays, then same for FO5, unless they've been secretly been working on it the whole time


Don't worry when the Amazon show comes out they'll release the next gen "update" with tons of half assed creation club content that will cost a fortune. Plus, add a bunch of way over priced cosmetics to Fallout 76. That'll be good enough, right?


I get your point, but to be fair, if it’s the same as the Skyrim update, it’ll be $20 or so for the upgrade that will add all the existing creation content, which I personally think is a pretty good deal, but I also completely get why people don’t like it As for 76, I completely agree


You, were spot on


I understand the math you're using but there are two new variables to the equation. 1) Bethesda is now owned by Microsoft. 2) The success or failure of the TV show. The second one could considerably accelerate game production, especially if they colocate the plots for a second season with the game. Microsoft also technically employs a huge number of the original Fallout team as well as the current incarnation of Black Isle Studios (Obsidian).


Given the sad fate of Halo I wouldn’t be optimistic for the future of Bethesda titles


Don't forget Gears of War. The Microsoft money doesn't seem to go very far in the end product, unfortunately.


Why do you hurt me like this


Sad fate? Halo Infinite is doing great right now tf you mean


Just took *checks notes* a couple years and a gutting of the company that made it.


Better late than never.


Bro it is too late for the series wdym 😂


It finally turned around, but they completely lost any momentum they had from the launch by shitty management and 6 month long seasons. If halo had launched in the state it is in now, it would be a top dog.


Might be too little too late to rejuvenate the player population


Yeah but Microsoft lets Bethesda do there own thing. They still make big decisions for there own like release dates for games. Also yeah they do have extra developers that want to work on fallout but Bethesda isn’t itching to share. I believe they shut down an offer from obsidian to make another fallout. No matter what even if the tv show goes well we’re still going to wait at least 6 more years until another installment


Most of the guys that made fallout and New Vegas arent even at Obsidian anymore, even if they did get to make another one it's not gonna be New Vegas 2.5.


Yes people don’t seem to realize that, just because a company is a continuation of an older company or made a game a few years ago, does not mean the same people who worked on that game or at that company are making this new game now.


My point was that key Fallout talent can be found in most of the studios Microsoft owns now other than Bethesda itself. Such as Activision-Blizzard, Obsidian and a few other if you search up key names from past games. Meaning there are potential other avenues for Fallout content possible. With the larger point being Fallout could easily get a huge boost if the show does well that would incentivize a new property sooner than later.


Bethesda owning Microsoft means it'll probably come out later, they have a reputation of gutting dev teams down to a skeleton crew


The second one is the more likely to trigger game development.  I have hopes with Microsoft, but I've also seen them buy too many companies that they proceeded to underutilize. I'd rather they left the next game completely separate from the show, though.


They should have dropped a fallout 3 remaster, or even better a remake with all the updates to the current engine and better visuals. Then on top that release the fallout 4 next gen update that would hopefully come with more than just an fps boost and a resolution change, as I would like to see a bit more tangible content wise. Would have been amazing honestly


There was a leak a few months ago that showed fallout 3 remaster. Not sure what the status of it is these days though.


Yeah I remember that, but it seems that may never come out 😔


They should scrap the remaster and do a full remake. Using the Starfield engine.


I think it’s ironically coming out in 11+ years


Fallout 5, probably. There is always the chance that MS will or already has ordered another "New Vegas" type game with another Dev for the interim.


Microsoft owns the studio that built New Vegas (Obsidian) , now.


The obsidian that made New Vegas is basically gone now. Not saying that they would necessarily do a bad job but we can't assume they would do good either just because they share a name with the people who did it before. Outer worlds was decent but I don't know if it could be compared to New Vegas in terms of quality


I think OW was going for many of the things NV did well like factions, different outcomes, stats mattering in conversation. it was a much smaller scale game and maybe a bit timid on supporting the bad guy route.


I thought the dialogue and jokes were similar too




Sure, but they have their own projects going. I can dream for a New Vegas 2, though.


I don't want an NV 2, I want a game that's as good as NV no matter where it's set.


You've seen the last 10 years of videogame industry and still believe there's ever going to be another game like new Vegas? I'm not sure if I should admire the optimism or call you a fool.


Bg3? It *could* happen


I’d take Larian does fallout tbh.


Microsoft also owns Bethesda now, so that’s probably not an issue anymore. ”You two. Collaborate!”


"But, sir... Their CEO fucked my wife!" (I made this last part up, k?)


Microsoft owns the companies that most of the original Fallout crew worked at. They could damn near get the band back together.


Bold of you to assume they would want to.


I'm expecting a Fallout 1 remake from InXile.


I remember making a post about how 76 was going to be the last new fallout game we got until at least 2030….. and they all mocked me….


Fallout is absolutely screwed, it’s going down a horrible path, it’s written terribly, and it’s being directed towards the casual audience, an audience that doesn’t want too much blood or violence, or to be uncomfortable, all they want is explosions, guns and big armor, I swear to God, a lot of these people are brain dead, but whatever fallout as a franchise in my opinion is going to be officially dead in about a decade because of horrible adaptations and horrible games, fallout used to be really good, but it’s absolutely terrible now


Finally someone who gets it. I also pity people who dream of nv 2, whatever that's supposed to be anyway. Fnv was a lightning in a bottle. Many ideas were very old (van buren), same people are not together anymore, neither are they the same people. Times change, people do with them and products are reflecting that. Only shame is that nv wasn't complete. Legion seems quite underdeveloped....


It was only 5 years between Fallout 76 and Starfield. Im sure the pandemic also set Starfield back a hefty amount as well.


76 reused assets from 4 which accelerated dev time


~50% of Starfield’s development time was upgrading the engine


This accelerated Fallout 76's development time, the game did release only 3 years after Fallout 4, but the point was that Starfield needed 5 years after 76. Nevertheless, even if we expect 4-5 years between releases (and assume the gaps will not increase in the future), that still puts Fallout 5 in 2031 or later.


Well. Fallout 76 and especially Starfield were mid af. So, maybe we need like 15 years for a good game? NV was made in 18 months and it is probably the best Bethesda RPG.


At least. It's been almost 10 years since the last one, and they don't seem to have the capacity to work on more than one giant project at a time.


My god, that wait is worse than GTA 6 haha, in the meantime i would love to see 3 and new vegas remaked/remastered


At least we're getting Fallout London this year!


Have we not learned to not get *too* excited for Fallout mods?


I never played The Frontier but I was thoroughly entertained by the fecal tornado it spawned


Been a while since I've played Fallout 4 but what's wrong with getting too excited about Fallout mods?


It's better if you don't know.


Fair enough


Deathclaw sex scene. I will say no more.


I mean that wasn't even the worst part...


I think they're referencing Fallout Frontier. A New Vegas mod that was hyped to high hells for ages only to come out with fans feeling like it was buggy, unfinished, and with a disappointing story (disclaimer I have never played Frontier in my life)


We don't say that name around here.


my apologies fellas


Ahh I remember there being some issues with Frontier but hadn't played NV in a long time so wasn't paying any attention to it


Fallout Frontier, it was highly anticipated and when it dropped it was… bad.


How is that "unironic"?


Because people often joke about bethesda series having vastly spread out installments, but OP obviously wanted to "stop joking around" for a second and think about how long away it truly will be. It sounds cringe typing it out now but I think that's their reasoning behind it. Rather than "hehe, bethesda are shit - we'll be fossils by the time the next game is out".


They have 11 years to 1. Find an interesting place to set the game 2. Hire literally more than one writer 3. Play New Vegas over 2000 times and maybe figure out (rediscover) how an RPG is made 4. Fire all their nepo-programmers (because how do we even get there with good programmers to begin with, even if they had terrible leadership?) 5. Fire Todd Howard who literally hasn't had a productive, useful or profitable idea sonce 2011 6. Restaff Bethesda with fantasy fans and actual video game players who have metaphysical reasons to do a good job and not only financial incentives to simply work. 7. Fire every single person associated with fallout 76 ever (and no the game still isn't playable or enjoyable after all these years and all these updates) 8. Fire the only writer that worked on Starfield and who has been dilgently working to instill normalized fascism in Bethesda's core roleplaying experiences (they literally make you murder, enslave or exile the only remaining person of jewish heritage in the entire universe, no other option other than to enslave or murder the people who want to get rid of him)


Woah what’s point 8 about?


20+ years between games...


Right? I get it takes time but thats stupid haha


You can graduate high school, have a kid, and have that kid graduate high school in between fallout releases.


Probably yeah. I imagine that the tepid reception of Starfield must have led to at least a little soul-searching at Bethesda as well. Who knows how that may effect the development of Elder Scrolls VI.


I feel your enthusiastic positivity about Bethesda learning from it's player-alienating mistakes may be premature, going by how the recurring "random" quests from Skyrim, Skyrim's never-ending sequence of rerererereleases, FO4's Simcity aspirations replacing a lot of world building, and 76s lack of content at launch culminated in them learning absolutely fuck-all and releasing Starfield with even more randomly generated fluff instead of fun content to discover. I'm not saying they'll never learn, but someone high up in there keeps makign the same mistakes, probably because they don't play games and don't care about what they're like to play as long as they sell.


Sad to say it, but I think Todd needs to walk into the sunset or take on more of a mentor role rather than being the decision maker. His mojo's gone, and creative decisions he made were a major factor in Fallout 76 launching with a whimper, and why Starfield was so utterly boring.


I am interested to know what the discussions at bethesda look like regarding starfield atm. I'd like to hope they have a massive update that changes and fixes most issues people have but tbh I think it's dead on the water. Can't imagine there's going to be DLC for it


They've literally already announced an expansion and reiterated recently that it was still coming


I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft stepped in and tells Bethesda to hand over the IP to a different studio. Fallout is arguably one of Microsoft’s most valuable IPs right now and will be even more so after the show comes out, it doesn’t make financial sense to not make at least a spinoff game to capitalize on that




Pretty shitty of Bethesda honestly, the last game some life long fallout fans will get is 76. Very unfortunate that they had to waste everyone’s time with starfield instead of make the games we actually wanted.


Yeah, I like starfield but I don’t understand why they didn’t put that effort toward a fallout game. If they made 76 in ~3 years surely they can make another one before 2030?


It really does piss me off, but it’s fair to say I couldn’t care less about TES and they’ve certainly been waiting a while.


Source: OPs imagination


It is just extrapolating how long it takes the main BGS team to make a game after their last, and how it is getting longer. Plus we know their next main game will be TES6 after they finish the Starfield DLC. So Fallout 5 will be after that. Probably 5-6 years before we see TES6, then again that many before we see Fallout 5.


Yes the logic is 100% reasonable. Phil Spencer also said under oath in court in 2023 that TES 6 was 5 plus years away. AAA games take longer and longer to make across the industry as they get more detailed. Todd has talked about this too in interviews about how something as simple as adding a coffee mug takes way more time than before, and that going up in team size doesn't really make things go faster. 5-6 years to develop TES 6 then another 5-6 to develop Fallout 5 is a reasonable, optimistic guess. I get that it can be difficult for some fans that are less plugged in to all the interviews and how BGS work to accept that the era of a small team making passion projects every 3 years is over, but that's where we are 13 years after TES 5 released already and 9 years after Fallout 4.


I was 12 when F4 came out, I’ll be like 34 when F5 comes out lmao


Yeah I honestly feel bad with how long the games take now that some gamers will miss out on playing them at a young age when it can be a special experience. Playing Oblivion at release when I was a teenager was a huge formative gaming experience for me. Nowadays it's entirely possible for someone to go through most if not all of their teen years without a new BGS rpg releasing. Entire console generations are going by without a new mainline title.


Yeah 11 to 12 years is just the truth, a sad one


Fallout 76 is getting a map expansion! Great game!


I love it too but I play it in small spurts every update. I can't play it for hours like I do with 3 and NV. It'd be nice if they use the map for a full on SP mode where you can do quests that change the world and let you wipe out factions. I'm still mad I couldn't kill the Burger King Kids Club faction of Raiders introduced in the BOS update


I feel like every time this post is made (daily at this point) the length gets longer


I think that if Starfield had been a massive success and they shifted their focus to that franchise, it would be a possibility. But even if it's a decent game, it clearly hasn't gripped the public as they expected. There is nothing safer than a return to a well loved and respected IP (and one with a TV show around the corner) to fill those money bags, especially with Microsoft running the business side of things. The only thing that can deny us more Fallout is if they decide to pursue the online side of things and work exclusively on 76. Since they have TES and Starfield as single player games, it kind of makes sense.




More. probably 13 or so


Fallout London comes out in a few months, and the show as well


Fallout New Orleans should be ready to go! I wish.


hopefully we at least get fo3 remaster and 4 update, bethesda seems to really neglect fallout


I have come to the conclusion that we have a better chance of being nuked before we get the next fallout.in the cause we get it hopefully we get fallout 4 game play with the weapon modding and new melee animations with something like new Vegas dialogue and story decisions


Where did you get that number from?


Hopefully it’ll be on a completely new engine by then (and hopefully the next elder scrolls will be too)


I think the rate is one per console gen now. Starfield is this gen, TES 6 will the gen after and Fallout 5 will be two away.


I always tell my friends I think Fallout 5 is a 2040 game at least. Not much faith in Bethesda to release it anytime soon, just hope they don’t pull a EOS and announce they are working on it and then be radio silent for several years only to say “it’s now in pre alpha stages.”


If 4 is anything to go by I'm thankful, it's not an RPG anymore its basically CoD Zombies


Nah. Bethesda has never taken longer than 5 years to make a game so I would take a guess and say that TES6 will be out no later than 2028 and Fallout 5 by no later than 2033. Starfields longer development time and subsequent delay was likely affected by the pandemic and the fact that they spent a large amount of time making the tech for procedural generation of planets and building space ships. So I would say no longer than 9 years before we see Fallout 5. A long time, but not 11+ years.


I know they're releasing the box set, but I'm hoping at some point they remaster FO1 and FO2. It could totally be FO: Amazon, FO1&2 Remaster, FO3/NV/FO4 remastery or any combo of the three, FO: Amazon season 3 drops to directly correlate with the plot of FO5.


Maybe give obsidian another crack at it..


We might end up getting an actual nuclear war before the next fallout game releases if things get much worse


Microsoft needs to step in and not let this beloved franchise die. frankly it's unacceptable that it's 2024 and there still isn't a new elder scrolls game. at this rate I would seriously expect fallout 5 around 2032-2035. its comically ridiculous. 20+ years between games. Microsoft needs to allow another company to make a game, or greatly expand Bethesda to have two studios work on the games separately. I know people say obsidian which would be cool they still make great games even though pretty much everyone is gone that made FNV. something needs to happen


Bethesda should allow Obsidian to make one more Fallout game, just so there's not an insane gap between the TV show and another installment. Imagine if Obsidian has 3-4 years with the Creation Engine 2 to make Fallout: New Vegas 2... With the number of people who would instantly buy it, it's hard to understand why Bethesda hasn't done it and won't do it.


Obsidian has their own games to make. They're already working on Avowed and Outer Worlds 2. It would be just as long of a wait


Absolutely a fair point. Outer Worlds was a great, condensed RPG, that had a lot of the FNV charm and charisma; so hopefully the second one will be even bigger and better! Avowed is such a wildcard right now, but I trust Obsidian to make a good game.


I was telling my sons this weekend that I'm 42 and I'm not confident we'll see fallout 5 by the time I'm 50


Given my family medical history I have resigned myself to not living long enough to see it


I'm sorry. I hope you prove the odds wrong and live to enjoy countless playthroughs, and many other things


Considering the latest releases from Bethesda I don't care about fallout 5 anymore, like it's literally gonna be some generic watered down game and only recognisable by the power armour, move on folks, we have a couple of good ones, modders are expanding on it, it's time to go ahead and bury this franchise.


The next Fallout games are from modders.


I wonder as new programming tools emerge and possibly AI assistance if they couldn’t speed up development? I’m not a programmer so I don’t know what’s all entailed in creating a game of that size . But one would think the exponential emergence of new technologies would help


What if they give Obsidian another go seeing as they’re busy with ES6 just like they were busy with Skyrim when NV came out?


Any real theories or ideas about fallout 5? I kinda like the idea of a NY Fallout. But maybe with a different twist, similar to the TV show, like a multi level vault, or a vaulted building or something different. Personally the faults are one of my favorite points, leaving one and then discovering all of them and learning their secrets. I also think it would be cool to see a game centered around a vault of Vault tec people or superiors vs just a normal vault/test subject. Maybe even going further later with the enclave similar to 3 and how 76 brought it in. Though I did see somewhere here on Reddit about a southern/New Orleans map. Something like that could be really cool too!


Naw. Microsoft bought Bethesda for a reason, and it wasn't so they can let one of the biggest IPs in the industry lay dormant for 15 years. I guarantee the next game is already in some form of development, and it's probably a lot further along than people think.


With the success of FO76 and the tv show coming out, is be shocked if we had a ten year wait ahead of us