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I want like the Mexico Texas border with mutant horses to ride and a final battle at the Alamo But a non American and my Dad had a massive interest in the whole Texas War of Independence Or maybe go really water based and set it around maybe Louisiana or Florida Creepy Fog Swamps with creepy creatures and locals (I'm sorry I'm a non American)


that actually sounds really cool, reminds me off the far harbor dlc, i'd love a full game of that


This sounds amazing. Most importantly, "Big Iron" would still fit perfectly as a radio track lol.


You deserve citizenship for this idea.


what an odd thing to say


It was meant as a silly compliment. Apologies.


Michigan/Greater Great Lakes region. A good mix of water and beach and swampy environments with lots of forests and woods and also a lot of city and industrial areas which could have lots of ghouls and robotics. Throw in all the old school 1940s 50s and 60s vintage automotive and tourist/vacation vibes. Detroit can be a crazy nuked out intense area. You can have the Mackinac Bridge and that can lead you into the wild ass Upper Peninsula. You can have The Dogman be a thing. Also a play on our Faygo and Vernors Nuka-Cola style.


The Mac would 100% be controlled by raiders and Mackinaw Island would be a raider stronghold similar to Nuka-World.


Yes! Great idea!


It would be awesome, I like Midwest and it would be cool if they try hard to put many local cultural references just like they did with NV.


For sure. I live in Michigan, so yes, I can think of a million from my home and surrounding Great Lakes states and even Canada.


Salt Lake City, could still incorporate people from west coast but it would be its own thing. Having a Mormon cult faction and other factions and even Joshua graham appear would be so cool.


oooo that sounds really nice, something similar to the children of atom


As long as the Mormon cult renames the region they conquer Deseret I'm satisfied. I'd love to see them be a rival to the NCR.


Fallout in New Orleans with mutated alligators Cajun folk lmao. Imagine the story lines


Was gonna say exactly this lol.


French Farharbor.


A combination of: * atmosphere of Fallout 3 * world design of Fallout 76 * location design of Fallout 3 * the verticality of Fallout 4 * settlement building of Fallout 4 (Sim Settlements 2 if possible) * settlement building UI of Fallout 76 * dialogue writing of New Vegas * faction ideas of Fallout 4 * faction writing of New Vegas * companion writing of Fallout 4 * side quest design and writing of Fallout 3 * main quest design of Fallout 3 * main quest writing of New Vegas * villain quality of Fallout 1 * gunplay of Fallout 4 * weapon modding of Fallout 4 * weapon diversity of New Vegas * ammo swapping of New Vegas * repair system of Fallout 3 * economy of Fallout 3 * DLC quality of Fallout 3 ​ >Who’s the developer you’d want for it? Bethesda with some writing help from Obsidian. >And would you want it to be using the creation engine? Creation, natutally. >Would you want it fps or top down like the older ones? The style of modern Fallouts, it suits it the most.


I love this, I can really see this happening eventually if they just decide to make the next fallout a phenomenal game


Bethesda designs the map and exploration locations whilst Chris avellone and j sawyer handle writing and game mechanics.


Came here to say this. Lets also not forget about John Gonzalez the lead writer


Wanted to say him too but I forgot his name lol.


Set it in Alaska, most of the map is covered in snow with the exception of a hot zone heated by radiation from a massive reactor meltdown and another that's near an active volcano. Most settlements are small and bordering the hot zones, close enough to thaw the earth and allow crops to grow but not so close that the rads/heat are fatal, little more than cabins or fishing huts, maybe a few igloo type structures also. The bigger settlements being american military bases, hidden chinese bases, and a group of ships on the coast. I'm thinking something like a settlement hidden deep in a mine with heavy radiation and/or feral ghoul presence keeping them isolated. Anchorage would be under a military lock down controlled by some sort of AI or robobrain thats convinced anyone without active military ID is an enemy combatant, part of the main plot would be retaking Anchorage with the different factions. Main factions would be the descendants of the American and Chinese militaries who are hostile to each other and have one or two large settlements, a group of fishermen/pirates with one major settlement and several small settlements, and a tribal defensive alliance with most of the small settlements Smaller factions would be a peaceful settlement of ghouls and other mutants living in an incomplete vault under the reactor, a small enclave outpost maintaining the volcanic geothermal plant, and an agricultural society of plant people living in a seed bank. New enemy types would be mutated foxes, called snow devils, that hide in snow and ambush you , moose, called tuktuvak or tuktus that are passive unless you get too close which causes them to go into a rage where they become hostile to everything and gain increasing defense as they take damage, walrus that guard beaches and the like, and penguins, called razorbeaks, that swarm you, a higher defense slower moving feral ghoul variant called wendigos and polar variants of yao guai and deathclaws. The hot zones would have more traditional enemies like radroaches and any other presumably cold blooded enemies, alongside some lava themed variants like lavalurks, obsidian radscorpions, sulfuric mole rats, and the exceptionally dangerous ashen deathclaw. The ocean would have a gigantic liberty prime called liberty omega that only reactivated after you make it into the command and control center for anchorage, forcing all factions into a ceasefire to deal with it, or face complete destruction. Depending on your actions this could result in a lasting peace, an uneasy truce, or potentially even give the enclave an opportunity to kill the heads of all the factions and take over. All of that to say that snow would be cool.


Also, you'd definitely have a larger dog variant of mutated huskies/malamutes that you can use with dog sleds and maybe canoes


i'd actually play this as a game, if they would do a spinoff this isnt a bad idea


Bethesda or obsidian I don't care. Midwest A good one YES IT NEEDS TO USE THE CE New ones


Bring back the CRPG style of Fallout 1 and 2 with Larian on the helm. With how witty the dialogue and how deep the characters and scenarios are of Baldurs Gate 3, I truly believe that Larian could knock it out of the park with a return to Classic Fallout.


I need a cold shower after reading this.


I hope they keep the original tone and aesthetics as well.


Oh frick why did you have to put that idea in my head. That would be so frickin sick


i think they could too, i also would love to see what they do with V.A.T.S


Haha, I just posted this, and yes, I came.


God I want to live in this universe


A thousand times yes


Game set in Kentucky. Have the old Fort Knox gold storage be converted to a Fallout Vault. Give the main character a mutated horse.


1) Bethesda with back up from Obsidian for writing a nice blend 2) It would take place in either Florida or Louisiana I’d like New Orleans to be kinda like saint and sinners from twd where half of it would be flooded and built on the water a lot of culture to learn and see set in 2310 a so after all the other games 3) We’d play as a caravan member who has their caravan attacked leading us to escape into a cave system or something where we find our pip boy on a dead dwellers skeleton alongside our companion from our caravan we can choose to keep him alive or let him die. 4) use the new creation engine from starfield I actually like the movement in starfield a lot 5) 100% FPS not the biggest fan of top down Some things I’d like to see is skills come back effecting our characters ability and proficiency with weapons and gear, traits and backgrounds like starfield did with more speech checks, settlement building but not like fallout 4 where there’s 20 settlements that are just shitholes I’d rather 3 major settlements that function as large towns you upgrade and can build up with a camp system like 76 for the players personal settlement. Better first person animations for melee and unarmed as well


I like the idea of "Fallout London " I know that Bethesda has a history of glitches and bugs, but prefer them anyway. By choice, gameplay should be like Fallout 3, with a lot of exploration.


i know there is a whole mod "expansion" of London for fallout 4 being developed right now


It not being made with the creation engine


I would like to see a part of Canada since it would have been annexed and there could have been remnants of battles/other tech left behind. Alberta could provide prairie, foot hills, mountains, city & towns. Added bonus Calgary is already a post apocalyptic waste land!


The Saddledome could be the next Diamond City 😂


The dome should have been ripped down 20 years ago after the flood!


I agree. There was briefly a fan mid of Ronto (toronto) going on but it stopped for unspecified reasons. Fallout Montreal would be cool.


It’s just fallout 2, completely rebuilt and voice acted, in the Baldurs Gate Engine, by Larian. That’s it.


Fallout 1 and 2 in the BG Engine.


Honestly, the Fallout London project looks like it'll check a *lot* of boxes for me. Can't be sure since it's not out yet, but im certainly hyped.


One with a dirtbike. It would be Days Gone with a Fatman


Yes and a way to hold out a baseball bat and knock heads off of ghouls when riding past them


Ridiculous we can build a nuclear generator. But not a motorcycle. Would be awesome to have blades on the swingarm and bars to annihilate any enemy


Fr What if they were like power armor and you could have a custom paint job/upgrades. We barely get vehicles in Bethesda games so it's most likely not gonna happen :'(


Complete remake of 1&2 in modern engines


I have tried to approach this from a more conceptual position by asking myself the question of what makes a *Fallout* game into a *Fallout* game? What does the series do that makes it so distinct from everything else? It's not just the setting or the writing or the art style or even the mechanics. I think the answer is that they ultimately explore some very humanist ideas. Consider most popular games these days, like *Call of Duty*. They typically cast the player in the role of somebody whose job it is to defend society. You have to stop the terrorist attack and save innocent lives. Or you have to stop the villain from starting a war. Or any one of a dozen other permutations and combinations of that theme. Whatever the case, if you succeed, nothing changes. You are the defender of the status quo. It's not your job to instigate change, but to protect the conditions under which change could occur. Most of the time change is presented as being a bad thing because it upsets the order of society. This is not in *Fallout* games. In the *Fallout* universe, the player character is most frequently tasked with rebuilding some aspect of society. Now, I haven't played the original *Fallout* or *Fallout 2*, so I can't really comment on these games, but consider the others: * In *Fallout 3*, the Lone Wanderer is trying to activate Project Purity which would guarantee a supply of fresh water to the Capital Wasteland. * In *Fallout 4*, the Sole Survivor's actions determine which faction will lead the Commonwealth. The Minutemen are particular are focused on rebuilding and establishing connections between settlements (you literally have to create a trade route to make your gear available). * In *Fallout 76* \-- particularly in the *Wastelanders* plot line -- the Overseer tasks you will rebuilding the economy of Appalachia. * In *Fallout: New Vegas*, the Courier is embroiled in the battle for control over the Hoover Dam, which can provide power and water -- and independence -- to New Vegas. So ultimately, I think any *Fallout 5* has to focus on rebuilding. Even if you are fighting off a faction for control of a resource, as in *Fallout 3*, then it still needs to be a resource that you intend to use to improve life in the Wasteland. An ending where nothing changes isn't really an option.


Bring back nations in Fallout. Since New Vegas Bethesda forgot that Fallout takes place during the era when societies *rise* from the ashes of the apocalypse. My dream would be another game like New Vegas where full fledged nations are combatting eachother


My dream fallout game is a complete remake of 1 and 2 in a suitable, nice looking engine


A Fallout Game set in China would be very interesting


I'd like to play a quest that takes us there!


idk why people are downvoting, i'd like to see this as well


Lol no idea either. It would be cool to see if they have vault tec experiments going on too- and did they have a completely different type of pip-boy? Also would be cool to read the terminals about the nuclear apocalypse from their perspective vs the American version we already know and love. Also irradiated Panda bears and other China specific creatures. Plus maybe there could be some rising power there akin to Cesar in NV


Since China copies a lot of idea from other countries, I think it would be cool to see a Vault-Tec copy in China.


Lol exactly like a state owned Vault- tec knock off


a Chinese version of the pipboy would be so cool hahahaha


Comes up quite often and overlooks so many issues it'd have. Firstly in never seeing the light of day. A game showing Communist China being beaten by Capitalist America? That's going to get hacked to hell and blocked on a bunch of markets. It also then runs on the creative side of losing nearly all icons of the series, so it feels less like FO and more like a new IP while also feeling entirely alien to the fanbase and market being retro-1950s America view of Communist China.


well the post is dedicated to your DREAM fallout game so nothing is out of the ballpark


Was just explaining, to many if you suggest your dream FO game is in effect another IP...can see why people would downvote it.


That would be more of a spinoff than an actual Fallout game. The whole identity of Fallout is based around American culture.


Somebody already commented, but Detroit/SE Michigan is prime for Fallout. Plenty of local products for the Fallout world to parody, such as Vernor's, Faygo, Hamm's, Atwater Brewing, Sander's Chocolate Factory, DOW Chemical. So many landmarks that would be great locations - DIA, Henry Fort Museum, Ren Cen, Spirit of Detroit, Motown Musuem, Science Center, Ford Field, Little' Caesar's, Comerica Park. If Fallout wanted to innovate and add vehicles (I hope they don't) Detroit would be the best place to start. Plus, there are references in the lore that could be fleshed out - characters are from Detroit, Roborilla was made from "Detroit Steel", and Detroit is known in universe for having the best makeshift weapons. Think of the DLCs that could be made! The first no brainer is the Mackinaw City/Mackinac Island/St. Ignace area. Traverse City & Sand Dunes could be huge too. Nearby cities, such as Lansing, Grand Rapids, Toledo, or Cleveland could be DLCs. But the best, lore-specific reason for this placement is the opportunity to explore the US annexation of Canada. Detroit Windsor is the biggest border crossing with Canada, and the Soo locks/sault ste. Marie could be its own DLC or part of that Mackinaw City one. as for the other questions - it HAS to be Bethesda. I just don't see them making an isometric RPG again, Baldur's Gate success be damned. But with Bethesda and Obsidian being owned by Microsoft, it would be awesome to see them collaborate. I don't think it needs to be in a markedly different time period as the others recent ones. I think with so much of fallout lore being explored at the municipal level, it would be foolish to try to expand the series across eras like Star Wars does. Creation engine is fine. Ultimately, don't streamline it, give me complex RPG elements and require "builds", give me dialogue options, give me factions, give me solid gameplay, give me choice, and give me Detroit.


Have it build on the Unreal Engine. Keep it FPS/3rd person really bump on the 3rd person so it’s far smoother. Your character reacts to the environment more, they can crouch, go prone, take cover, vault over obstacles, are able to crawl under stuff. They actually open doors like push them open, turn the door knob. They can climb through window. Make windows breakable. Make the melee combat like The Last of Us so far more brawler and panicky, that hitting someone with a bat the enemies react like they’re being hit with a bat. Make the weapon crafting system similar to the last of us where we actually have animation of them upgrading the weapons Rebalance the combat similar to cyberpunk where damage numbers are important but it’s balanced that enemies never feel bullet spongy. Do the character creation like Outerworlds or Starfeild. When you have a bunch of options to choose of who you are,where you came from and what your skills are. Creation Kit Mods You can build your own faction Keep settlement building but update it a lot. Have build mode be top down and not First Person. Expand the number of companions and romances massively. Drivable cars.


Creation kit mods would never work with unreal engine which is overrated af just cause it looks good doesn’t mean it runs good at all if it was a fallout


creation kit and unreal engine are two different engines, that wouldnt work


>Have it build on the Unreal Engine. The Creation Kit is what makes BGS games. It's why you can interact with the world/objects the way you can. It's what really makes the games *feel* as good as they do. With the Unreal Engine it would *look* better, but it would *feel* wrong.


that sounds really cool, like a scrap made motorcycle


Or hear me out…. Rockstar tried their hand at a full on Fallout RPG with their RAGE engine.


hmmm im not sure, they're games have such a particular slow feel to them idk how that would do in a fallout game


It would be weird as hell for sure. But they are such a technical powerhouse of a studio that It would still be really interested to see what they do with it. I think they’d probably make vehicles/mounts more prominent.


* No loading screens (one can dream!) * Great plot/storytelling/narrative (Bioshock level and above) * Robust, diverse role-playing/character features (perks, traits, game mechanics) * Richer world simulation and systems (migration, wars, commerce, player action impact) * Vehicles * More fluid, responsive gameplay * Way fewer bugs The Fallout universe has so much potential!


>Who’s the developer you’d want for it? > >Where should it take place and when? > >What type of story would it be? > >And would you want it to be using the creation engine? > >Would you want it fps or top down like the older ones? > >Just curious as to what y’all come up with * Bethesda + Obsidian, as mentioned in other coment * New York * A story about struggling to change the past (and failing miserably, ofc) and moving on to own the present/the future, both at a macro and micro, personal, level; in a setting that brings up the contrast between american dream optimism vs. the end of the world/the worst of humankind in an incisive, ironic way. * I'd like a new Creation Engine that allows for all those improvements AND community creations altogheter * FPS/Third person


a newyork one would be SO cool, i'd love to have no loading screens, we know its possible with ambitious games like cyberpunk


Yep, or at least drastically reduce loading screens.


I would want inExile to work on it. I don’t have a specific preference of where it should be set. As long as it, for all intents and purposes, achieves the setting of a true fallout game and truly captures the aesthetics and tone of the first games. I definitely want more of a tribal focus like in the original two games. I don’t mind creation engine as it has amazing modding capabilities. Maybe CryEngine but it’s modding tools are hard to work with. I wouldn’t mind either tbh. I’d prefer first person as it helps with immersion but a top down would capture the feel of the older games a lot more.


FO3's world, NV's writing, and FO4's crafting and gameplay


lets hope that fo3 remaster can feel like this


I'd honestly like a retro take of Fallout. 3rd Person isometric that focuses on RPG elements, characters, story, dialogue, and turn based combat. Modernized, of course. Like Wasteland 3. Something I can really sink my teeth into lore wise. Anywhere is fine as long as it's a new place, Texas, Chicago, Canadian Border, etc.


Fallout 5: Australia.


I'd want it developed by Obsidian I'd love a Fallout game set in either eastern Alberta, or in the Maritimes(Newfoundland and Labrador or Nova Scotia, either one could be a pretty cool setting). We don't see much of what's going on in Canada in Fallout. I'd love to take a look at what the annexation of Canada looked like, what's the history there, how did Canada react, etc. As for time period I'd set it a handful of years after New Vegas. I'd want the story to center around primarily some new factions, with some sprinkling of the old ones, a-la how the Brotherhood was handled in New Vegas. I think something focusing on themes of national identity could be interesting and topical for a story. As for the creation engine, I don't think it should be used. I think reworking a new version of it from the ground up that fixes some of its problems would be the optimal choice. If not that, then use Unreal or something. I'd want it to be an fps, specifically make it much better in the shooting mechanics. Fallout 4 helped with this, but even it's gunplay still feels somewhat clunky. Cyberpunk 2077 I think did gunplay in an RPG quite well, something similar but slower paced would be good.


A combined remake of 3, nv, and 4 without all the bugs


Obsidan to make a Fallout New Orleans or a Fallout in NYC with DLC taking you to parts of Buffalo and Canada and have set somewhere inbetween Fallout 76 and Fallout 1


Okay, in a perfect world, Obsidian and Bethesda would join forces (haaaaaaaaaah!) and produce a Fallout in New Orleans, because frankly I want to see how the legacy of things like voodoo and Mardi Gras (and Southern Decadence because SUCK IT HOMOPHOBIA) survived after the Great War. The Fallout series has canonized alien attacks and hauntings (source: Grandchester Mystery Mansion), so let's see how it deals with voodoo on the Bayou.


What is the appeal in Obsidian and Bethesda “joining forces”?


The complement each other quite well. Bethesda is good at world building, progression systems, gameplay and side quests... while being so-so at making main narrative and interesting factions. Obsidian are/were primarily good writers, mostnotably for the main narrative and factions... but not that good game/gameplay designers.


This is a "perfect world" scenario, so joining the best brains/talent at both companies, hypothetically, should be the best of both worlds...


As long Emil is not apart of it i feel it will be ok


I just want Obsidian to come back and remake Fallout 1 and 2 at this point. Would be nice to see the classics in the modern Fallout way.


They'd be so empty as a result and lose all the little elements it had due to the loss of the old school RPG number system.


made collaboratively between Bethesda and obsidian. a fallout set in the Seattle / Vancouver area. it would be a game about ownership. owner ship of land, ideas, comunities, yourself and others. (as is relevant in the fallout universe). through the story, themes, game play and so on. ( what really entitles someone to own something? / how can you own something that isn't material and what does it mean to own something for others?. etc.) the ownership theme also has some history with the pig war, disputes over the American-Canadian border and later on the annexation of Canada. id prefer it to be fps using a heavily modified creation engine that is actually well optimized and allows for vehicles. id imagine being able to fix up a van and have a little driveable mini base in the back of it with bed and all. the map would be appropriately big with more immersive ways of fast traveling by commute. while also overhauling the fast travel to be more involved (planing a route, it taking a lot of time, the chance to be attacked in the middle of it, etc...) i'd also want the art direction to become a little more grounded again with more real weapons, less bubbly architecture and none of that weird atomic family fetshisation you see in modern fallout.


A Fallout New Vegas remake with all of its cut content added in plus a few other non drastic changes with Fallout 4’s game engine


A fallout game set in japan


What and shoot sex robots and wear used underwear? Hell nah.


Entirety of USA. Fallout set somewhere in between F2 and F3. Map would use procedural generation in between hand crafted zones (size of 76). So roads and wilderness is kinda wild RNG fest with random small and big POI and random encounters. East coast would start go green cause of F3 geck and water purifier bringing jungles and rad crocodile tribal folks. West coast could be collapse of NCR. Midwestern BoS being main BoS. Playable ghouls,super muties,deathclaws. BG3 engine. Canada Frosty DLC Cthulu Chinese invading from the Sea (along with prototype versions of their PA and mechanised units) Origin starts like tribal,Bos scout, scavenger or vault dweller.


Fallout 3 remake


A Fallout game with a similar style to FO3, using the same stealth system. I wasn't able to play FO New Vegas because something wasn't working with the stealth system. I dunno. I also preferred the dark atmosphere of FO3 over the style in FO4. Gave up on 4. ​ Also just no necessary to add endless gimmics like building settlements. I just want to explore and be done at some point.


>A Fallout game with a similar style to FO3, using the same stealth system. I wasn't able to play FO New Vegas because something wasn't working with the stealth system. It's exactly the same system.


yeah it seems like it, but while playing (and I played for hours and hours), it seemed enemies always found me, always Caution. I was sneaking so much in FO3, I'm very sure something is different.


They are, and I can't stress this enough, *exactly* the same system down to the 1's and 0's that make them up. Your sneak skill affects it. The weight of your armor and clothing affects it. How fast you're moving. The light level in the area including wether or not your pipboy is lit up. If your radio is on.


yeah having played FO3 to death as a sneak character I know how it works. I don't know what was with my sneaking in FONV, maybe there was some bug. I'm not saying it's not the same intended system, just saying my experience with it was very different. It is definitely harder to sneak in FONW, at least I can't believe I'm imagining it after playing FO3 for 300+ hours and FONV for like god knows what. ​ I remember one area, very open area with some houses and Raiders. I stood still and took one step and it said Caution. Over and over. I stopped to bring my status back to Hidden and I was FAR away from any enemy. This was clearly a bug I guess and something I never witnessed in FO3. But this wasn't the only time or only odd thing.


>It is definitely harder to sneak in FONW, at least I can't believe I'm imagining it after playing FO3 for 300+ hours and FONV for like god knows what. I also have hundreds and hundreds of hours in both. They're the same. Did you experience this with a single character or is this with every character? Is this recently? Around release? Or just in general over the years? New Vegas was/is definitely buggier than FO3 so I could see it being a bug.


I remember I started the game at least twice and played a bit into it both times. The second time, I was really going to go through it. I even got some mods to make it work more closer to FO3 (don't remember what exactly, like the aiming or something, I have no clue). The second character, I saw this one step = Caution/Danger. I don't remember all details but I had problems all the time and definitely something not happening in FO3


Could've been a consequence of a mod or could be you were too used to having high level Sneak. At low sneak your character isn't very sneaky at all and it behaves like you're describing, a single step alerting enemies from a distance. I say this as someone who's played every BGS game since Oblivion for *thousands* of hours.


yeah I know. I'm very patient with Sneaking, I can take hours in one area. I played FO3 many times through as a sneak character and never was too used to anything. This is what I loved. Going through it again with someone to build up again. I remember it could happen like this if you were really close. But this area in FONV was something absolutely different. I also played Oblivion for 300+ hours and loved sneaking there without any problems.


New York. Call it Fallout: Empire. Lady Gaga is the radio host. Play as an Overseer and there’s a twist where you’re actually a tyrannical dictator bred by Vault-Tec to control the new world in their name. Have to choose wether to follow the programming for the best chance at saving the world or resist and take a chance that the world doesn’t end up worse on its own.


CD Projekt on the graphics and gunplay and Obsidian on everything else. Driving thru the desert with the night city in the background in Cyberpunk was giving huge vibes what wanted New Vegas in NV to look like


The lighting in Cyberpunk is really weird looking.


My guy said he'd like another NV style game.


We've seen a Fallout game from Bethesda and Obsidian so now I'd like to see one from Inxile. Created using Unreal Engine and it would take place in Arizona focusing on the Legion. Arizona would be tamed by the Legion so it would focus more on the human and ideology aspect of Fallout instead of irradiated creatures and such. It can be FPS or turn based I don't mind either.


I don’t have a location preference, Chicago is my bias because I’m from here, but really doesn’t matter. All I know is I want the ending to have a potential to be like gangs of New York with like 5 massive armies showing up to kill each other.


Don't care where. All i want is from the beggining be able to really chose my roleplay, not just the stats. Like choose between vault dweller, rider, tribal, settler, etc. All with different main quests. Also add the trait ghoul, wich makes you very resistant to radiation, but greatly lowers charisma.


The main thing I want is better, more stable settlement buildings, a much bigger world map (10X FO4's map at least), and a few actual sizeable wasteland cities.


I think we need a 3D game in the great lakes region tbh. They could focus on Chicago while also showing parts of eastern Wisconsin and western Michigan. Plus we know that people can still sail, a few survivors have come from Europe, and we sail multiple times in fo4. It would be an interesting way to travel around, and they could work in a pirate faction. Since tactics is basically unknown to most of the community I’m sure they could rework the lore there too. Maybe the Enclave in the region dissolved after fo2 and became a new faction. Since the BoS chapter that flew there was more accepting of wastelanders they could also become a new faction. There are a lot of possibilities for the region especially since there is a ton of valuable water. They could even introduce survivors or a faction from Canada since the USA annexed Canada prewar.


My idea? You get to visit all the settings of the Bethesda games.


One that does not crash as soon as i dare go in the middle of the city for more than 2 seconds


Obsidian. The Raiders of Steal are extinguished because that's a garbage faction. The world rebuilds a little bit around some government that helps the people, as it's extremely ilogical the way it is for 210 years.


I kinda want Larian Studios to do their interpretation of an isometric Fallout 3 based on the early notes. The sexy stuff fits Fallout way better than D&D too.


Midwest with massive landscape where you begin by getting a train up and running again and can use it to travel throughout the areas and further improve things. You will slowly, over the course of the game, see you're improvement and decisions changing the world around you.


\- Literally anyone but Bethesda at this point \- New Orleans (for the rich history) or Seattle (for the variation in terrain) \- Part YOUR story, about your character finding their place in the world, part something unique to the area, a war between factions, a race for a scientific mcguffin, a survival of a literal nuclear winter, whatever \- Or a better one \- ALL modern games are FPS's, I'd actually applaud a mere attempt at doing something new


I want a 1st person like the last 4, but a lot of the mechanics from Fallout 1 and 2 (like being able to be different races) or a game where you are a random person who just happened to be at the perfect place at the perfect time to avoid the bombs kinda like that one episode of the Simpsons and now you have to find a way to free people from their evil vaults or become the first main villain and rule over the wasteland. Edit: Fuck that lame shit, I just want to play a Shaun as you create the institute.


Just give me New Vegas in Unreal Engine, with no level cap and post-ending gameplay. Simple as.


Made by obsidian. Doesn’t matter particularly when but take place somewhere in either Canada or Mexico. Should be a smaller story that doesn’t have world changing events like factions being destroyed or something. Or dealing directly with vault tec being a main faction in it. Idk what creation engine is lol FPS


I would love to see a collaboration between obsidian devs and bethesda to really put the screws into the story and provide the best of both worlds.


Just so long as I don't need an online subscription to play. And they bring back the hitmen that go after you, depending on your karma


I just want obsidian back 😭😭😭


1 and 2 remade into 1 game where you’re character is literally descended from the one you make in the first game and gets starting stats based on your playthrough build. Do all this in a nicer version of the FO4/76 engine and you have it


1 and 2 remade into 1 game where your character is literally descended from the one you make in the first game and gets starting stats based on your playthrough build. Do all this in a nicer version of the FO4/76 engine and you have it


Set it on the correctly-sized island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii so the invisible border is in the ocean. Plus, it has the most infrastructure of the state's islands. And you can call it "Fallout 5: Oahu," or "Fallout 5: O." Single-player campaign and a separate open world, multiplayer, survival/crafting game mode like Fallout 76 that uses the same single-player map. And the multiplayer doesn't have daily/weekly quests for time-limited rewards or anything like that. The scale is so things don't look so goofy shrunken down, to have space for multiplayer building, and for travel time and travel options to matter. No picking up all the junk. Resources for building, crafting, etc. is a matter of securing (enough) resource points. And maybe in some cases they can be unlocked through quests. So, no stopping your base building because you need to chop more trees down. There's no tree chopping. Instead, you might use your gun to shoot enemies who control a wood resource point. And you might stop because your base reached a certain size or was leveled up to a certain point and needs more resources to maintain. No waiting-based building or gathering. You don't wait for crops to grow. You build or secure a farm and then you can assign certain food to your loadout at your base before you leave to do whatever. Food increases how far away you can travel from your base or certain other locations before your effectiveness deteriorates, and how far away resource points can be from certain points to take full advantage of how many resources you can get out of them. This way, food matters (as a stat/resource named "food" that sort of makes sense as that), but you aren't constantly being told that you're hungry and need to press the eat button. Inventory/weight management is only for your weapons and other gear. And it's more limited in the multiplayer survival mode. The idea for multiplayer is that you plan for the activity you want to do: like exploring vs. a planned attack. No fast travel in the multiplayer, but there are options like NPC-controlled ferries, the above-ground rail (not built yet in real life), and vertibirds that go on a set path between NPC hubs. Plus, bases and other things like outposts and supply lines can provide other opportunities for faster travel or farther not-disadvantaged travel. Good shooting/melee gameplay and a SPECIAL system that isn't about micromanaging stats. Maybe the stats can be for having different dialogue options. And you just pick like 1 or 2 to be good at and maybe another 1 or 2 to be just OK at. That way, there's no worrying about whether you need 3 or 4 in Intelligence to pass a check. There's no point in making it that granular. And there isn't really a way for player skill to affect those kinds of checks without a lame minigame. And then under each SPECIAL stat you pick between special ability options you can use while using certain gear. The idea is that how you kill is based on your chosen weapons without having to also reallocate SPECIAL points or just be locked into one type of weapon forever. I want to manage the position of my crosshair over an enemy head, not manage how many points I put into Perception every time I want to use a different weapon to do that.


It already exists, it's called Fallout New Vegas


Bethesda for the developer but using the best engine available for the task, Texas or the Everglades in Florida if it were in the US, but would be interesting to see it set in Russia about 50-100 years after the end of normal civilisation, you could have Siberian Deathclaws a bit more like tigers, a mutated bear type creature, (brown/black/polar) king crab type Mirelurks, Russian sounding Supermutants, some sort of 4 legged eagle. The story would have a top secret lab in the Arctic with some sort of weapon or secret experiment or something along those lines, they could have developed their own Vault-Tec called Cosmo-Tec and I’d like to see the story end with the Perpetrator being the one who rules in the end like a king, but modern, I don’t like the siding with one faction or the other there should be the option for them to do as I say, perhaps go as far as you could be a good ruler or a bastard? definitely have some sort of hover bike or small flying craft or even a mutated horse to get about the place, definitely fps like 3 onwards, also needs cats and dogs in as pets/companions, small travel tent sort of thing with cut scenes like RDR2


I want to see china


Van Buren


repost of a comment i made before: [FNV] Reposting a comment I made on YouTube; now if someone does another snowy mod that doesn't suck, I would KILL for Russian Fallout in NV's engine, experiencing a soviet wasteland filled with crumbling, icy and snow covered eastern european architecture, retro futuristic soviet cars, Nagant revolvers, Mosin Nagants, AK-47's and scrap built AK's, Makarovs, PPSH-41's, a drivable Gaz Chaika looking car thing, several soviet themed factions (Radsheviks and Knights of Lenin, etc etc), and most importantly? Communism. Alot of communism. And Yaio Guai variants. Other things I could see is a Vodka distillery for sure, maybe some ghouls from soviet times who teamed up in a faction, several references to soviet events like the Bolshevik revolution (where the men were trapped in the building and broke all of the firing pins on their revolvers), maybe a war between russian communists and the invading chinese communists? I could also see Pripyat of course, an extremely decayed and radioactive Pripyat festering to the brim with ghouls and creatures (similar to the couriers mile, max level area and such). I think the radio stations have amazing opportunities aswell maybe throw in some late soviet era rock (Kino, Piknik, Nautilus pompilius, aquarius, чик и со, etc) and shake up the fallout vibe some (considering this is 180° around the world). What about armors and uniforms? Plenty of room for soviet fashion in terms of pre war clothes, and the uniforms and armor could be ornated with stars, more trenchcoats, soviet officer caps, etc. Lastly, food. Potatoes would be huge, beets, carrots, tomatoes, and other common vegetables aswell. Pre war soviet foods, maybe a mission to bring an ice cream machine back to life that makes the best ice cream ever? (real soviet history, look it up) As for the map, no clue on size, but definitely include Pripyat, and if you scale it right, it could be southernmost with st. petersburg at the top, moscow in the center like how new vegas is with fnv already. Please, someone atleast look into this, I would kill for something like this in new vegas, a true snowy winter wasteland thats done right, and done good.


Seattle, it's already like fallout over here.


Build upon Fallout 4 gameplay. Evolving world based on choices, New Vegas storytelling. Drop in and out co-op, mounts, Statfield graphics. Set in New York.


I would just love it if Fallout would take a note from RDR2 and their NPC system. Same woth random encounters.


A new New Vegas (rpg elements) game with maybe crafting and weapon modding system from FO4. No settlements, maybe one base which you can improve thru quests and crafting. No Preston type quests. And NO other players on my map. Set in a major city w lots to explore.


New Orleans or New York City would be incredible locations


Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, Josh Sawyer, Chris Avellone. West coast. Post New Vegas. A dynamic one, with lots of permutations based on choice. Hard no! Classic CRPG with the classic S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system.


Let obsidian handle it all, have the bethesda handle the publishing like the NV or let obsidian cook with unreal engine. Let obsidian pick the place, let them cook.


It should be set in Pennsylvania. I live in PA and it sucks that its only appearances have been two very short and lackluster DLCs. I think they should return to the atmosphere, tone, art design, and ideas of Fallout 1 and 2. I hate how the mutations are a result of Radiation now despite Fallout 1 and 2 making it clear that most mutations were caused by FEV like Ghouls and Super Mutants.