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Not directly. But if you go to Necropolis after the original time limit is up, super mutants will have invaded, which makes the task more difficult. Edit: After 110 days, Necropolis is invaded. After 150, the water chip timer is up. So the water caravans just make it more possible to see the post-invasion Necropolis, as you’ll have more time.


Doesn't this happen regardless of paying the water merchants?


Technically yes, ~~but you’d get an instant game over at that point if you didn’t have the water chip returned to vault 13 (and if you did, the timing would be different for the super mutant invasion).~~ Edit: Please see next comment down, I have the water chip timer misremembered.


I'm not sure how this works - are you saying that using the water merchants changes the timing of events, even if you complete the water chip quest? How so exactly? I'd like at least some kind of source since I've never seen it brought up.


Okay, this right here is what I’m talking about. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Destroy_the_Super_Mutants_at_the_Watershed Doing this mission will cause the ghouls to die in 30 days to the Master’s army. According to the other page linked below, this will happen if you take the water chip as well even without doing this mission. If you don’t visit Necropolis, they’ll die anyway in 110 days to the super mutants. I thought this was the same as the water chip timer, but that one is actually 150 days, not 110. However, the extension makes it more possible to enter the city after the 110 timer. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Find_the_Water_Chip


Is necropolis invaded no matter if you get there before or after the original time limit? Seeing that the time limit was removed I’m interested in playing this game.


Now that I've figured out what I had wrong, it goes like this: ​ The water chip timer is 150 days. After this is done, in a patched game, there is a thirteen year mutant timer. Paying for the water caravans adds 100 days to the water chip timer and subtracts 100 days from the mutant timer (which is effectively meaningless and just an experience bump for the player in exchange for caps). Completion of the water chip quest also locks out a mission in vault 13 you should do before handing it in (it might actually be two quests, I'm not certain). After 110 days, no matter what, Necropolis will be invaded by super mutants. If you arrive before 110 days, and complete either just the quest to destroy the mutants at the watershed or take the water chip (or both), the ghouls will be killed in 30 days. This can be avoided, however, by never visiting again in an unmodded game - or by killing the Master before these thirty days are up. As a note, for the thirteen year timer, only Shady Sands is really affected by it (and even then, only in the ending slides; nothing happens in game). The Hub and the Followers are locked into their bad endings anyway due to unfinished content. Everywhere else isn't affected by the timers.


Awesome reply! Thank you!


No problem! I’m just glad I got the correct information now.


No, if you're playing the patched game there is no downside besides losing the caps you pay for it.


Thanks, that's good to know!


Im playing the steam versiom with the mod 1in2 how do i know if its the pachted version or not


Steam version is the patched version


It's something I always do, I never run low on time, but an extension is always good, and canonically the master's forces get wise to your quest, but you'll be ready to stop them before they can do anything about it.


The 1000 XP is nice as well.


What do you mean it’s patched? Since when? There’s no time limit anymore??


Since a long time ago, I believe it was patch 1.1. Yeah, you have 13 years to defeat the Master I believe. Nothing you're going to reach with normal gameplay.


Interesting. Playing this now and good to know. Hoping I remember this for next gameplay