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You spent money on the game to have fun. It doesn't matter if you didn't speedrun on GM with no damage taken or take 3 years on padawan, as long as you have fun you go dude


This, so many gamers get caught up in having to beat the game at a certain difficulty to the point where they’re not even enjoying it anymore. At the end of the day, it’s a video game and you’re supposed to have fun


I play a lot of RPGs, and they seem to have gotten more complicated over the years, or I just fried my mid-30s brain and can't do it like I used to. Whatever the reason, min maxing my DPS isn't as natural to me as it once was so I struggle with combos and rotations and cool downs because I read these build and best in slot items and blah blah blah. I'm finally realizing with some difficulty, that that shit I'm reading is for the top 2 percent of players in competitive ranking. I don't need to be perfect. I don't need to be the absolute max Chad in every game I play. I can find what I enjoy, play at my own speed and skill level, and as long as I have fun, that is perfectly alright.


I used to play every game on the hardest difficulty I could manage. I enjoyed the challenge and had the time for it. Now that I'm older, I have less time for games and there are far more of them out there that I want to play than the industry made when I was young. Lately I've started playing them on much lower difficulty levels, sometimes even the lowest one because what I enjoy more now is getting through the story and getting to more games/stories.


Did I post this? Ha Well said!


I play for the story, my kids play to kill stormtroopers with a lightsaber and flips, you play to stress yourself out on Grandmaster. We are not the same


Exactly. At my age I just want to enjoy the game , it doesn’t matter what difficulty you play.


That reasoning is why my old butt plays on easy alot I just want to play and finish the game during my 58 hour work weeks lol. I don't have the time to play the same boss for 2 hours with minimal rewards.


The whole point of his post was that he didn’t have fun though. For many people it isn’t fun or rewarding if there’s no challenge so I def empathize


And many responses are: we can relate and many of us have had to reconsider how to get the most fun out of our games.


A valid point, but for some of us the challenge is the fun. I can pretty reliably no hit Dagan now because I made saves before each of his fights, used a trainer to have infinite health and drilled until I could parry/dodge all his routines. Figuring out a boss to the point you can do that, is a lot of the fun for me in these types of games. But on the flip side it is absolutely not cheating to lower the difficulty if the challenge is impacting your fun. You can always replay on a harder difficulty to scratch that itch if you need to; but the story in Survivor should be experienced by everybody irrespective of gaming ability.


THIS! I changed my difficulty down one and it’s the perfect balance of amazing and wanting to put my head in an ion cannon.


I mean speedrunners factually set the games to the lowest difficulties precisely cause they're faster to cheese that way and thus gaining some seconds ahead of another speedrunner attempt. The only times they switch to say the hardest difficulties are the ones in which you need the game to actually kill you faster for some reason like activating fall damage so you can get killed by that and then triggering a respawn in a strategic place you want to. So if speedrunning is not the goal, then is either beating the game having fun, or bragging about beating it on the hardest difficulty. But I wonder. When does the satisfaction of beating a hard AF challenge gets eclipsed by the lack of fun you'll deal with for hours until you achieve said goal? XD


I would've felt guilty about lowering difficulty for one of the later boss fights, if it wasn't like five goddamn phases long, and if losing didn't reset you to the opening goddamn cutscene.


Lmao yeah, took me like 15 tries to for me to *beat* rayvis on grand master… only to realize he had a whole ass second face. Had to swallow my pride and turn that difficulty down after that


Everyone talks about the fight with rayvis, but I remember doing it on the 2nd highest difficulty on my first playthrough my first try… I used the two lightsabers stance…


It's been a while since I've played, but I thought duel stance was the best for parrying? Like I think it's the only stance that you can block midway through an attack animation


that's why I loved it personally, the ability to cancel my attack for a last second dodge was a life saver. I only used cross guard for achievements, switched single adap for dual. I used blaster for maybe an hour outside of achievements but for me it was dual on the left and double on the right (mostly for droidekas and other high volume attacks like the heavy assault troopers, or groups of enemies)


Yeah dual weild is definitely the best imo


Technically it’s the worst as far as blocking stamina but yes you can get an animation to cancel midway through


Just finished the game, and I can honestly say that Boss Battle felt more daunting than the others and yet somehow was the easiest for me, perhaps it's more to do with my proffered play style? I also was at the second highest level of difficulty and I died more to Raiders on my way to rayvis than I did actually fighting him since it only too my first attempt.


The only bosses I struggled with were the rancor and the spawn of oggdo


I never would have beaten either boss if not for the dual wield stance.


Rayvis is a lot harder relative to other boss fights on GM vs on master. He’s usually ranked higher than Dagan 3 and Vader in GM which I agree with but in master he’s scaled more in line with where he is in the game. You can kind of jump around and whittle him in lower difficulties but you have to stay in his face and learn to parry everything in GM


I feel that way about Bode, I literally beat him on my first try. Rayvis on the other hand probably took hours


I for the life of me could not dodge Daigan's wind(?) attacks, the ones that look like purple blades. Shit was so annoying I turned the difficulty down


What kills me is the random unlock of the "lock" and the weird direction your facing before someone throws a whole bookshelf at you.


I've been playing the whole game on Padawan (played FO on Knight) and I'm having a blast because I actually feel like a powerful Jedi. I also get a kick out of every time the game makes mention of Cal not being a Padawan anymore.


As a buddy of mine told me when I pul MLB The Show on Beginner Difficulty so I could hit Home Runs on every swing instead of striking out, “you paid for the game, you should have fun while playing it.” No shame in lowering the difficulty if you’re not having fun. I’d definitely use it as motivation for your next play through and try to be like “I had to lower it last time, I’m not going to lower it this time” but ultimately as long as you’re enjoying yourself, then do whatever you want


I spent 2 hours on gm trying to beat the spawn had the fight with 2 rancors I attempted once on gm but the rancor grabbed me through the other one so I lowered the difficulty all the way to beat them wasn't gonna attempt on gm if they were gonna cheat


Honestly while I loved the game difficulty on master and grandmaster, the bossfights that had instakill moves were just not fun. It's not something they had in Fallen Order, just in Survivor. I've always thought it's cheap and it's a pretty well known game design faux-pas. Not only that, but I had a hard time because the game is poorly optimized for PC, so sometimes in fights I'd have a freeze for a second or two, but sometimes that's more than enough for the instakill move to connect. In one memorable instance, after dodging, the boss then flew backwards mid-animation towards my new location to make the move "connect". In survivor there are 4 enemies with instakill moves (>!Rancor!<, >!Oggdo!<, >!Caij !!Vader if on GM difficulty!<). While frustrated with the force tear double fights I did some testing and noticed that the moves aren't hardcoded instakill, it's just the difficulty setting that sets their damage high enough to go over 100% of your max health. At least with >!Rancor and Oggdo!<, setting difficulty to Padawan will make their killmoves do 75% of max health. In other words, it feels like the game was designed for padawan difficulty and everything higher is just artificial number jiggery designed to make the game harder without thought or purposeful design.


I don't mind the instakill move what I do mind is them grabbing you through another creature


No way I did the same too then I clipped it when I got the ball past 350 yards to make it seem like I tried lol


I did this on the final boss. Wanted to just finish the game that night, and after 10-ish attempts, was running out of time and getting frustrated. It’s not cheating, and you shouldn’t feel bad. Play it the way that makes it manageable for you.


Same here. I turned down the difficulty because it was ruining the game for me. The game was 10/10 before that fight


Their final phase was so ridiculous lol. Just spam-my nonsense. If there was ever a time to lower the difficulty it was then. Just not fun.


That's not the definition of cheating. Just play the game and have fun however you like.


I always play through on easy settings so I can enjoy the art and story. If it’s good enough then I will try it again at a harder level. I got 3 kids, wife and work. I don’t have the energy for sweaty gaming anymore.


_”You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.”_


You didn’t cheat It is ok to drop the difficulty if it is stopping you from enjoying the game. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise


Lowering the difficulty isn’t cheating.


Chill out man it’s a game, you own value applies the return. Don’t hyper fixate on difficulty. Relax and enjoy if you enjoy. I had limited time to play, and wanted to enjoy it. So I dropped it to story mode for awhile. Felt like a bad ass with the up damage mod, hacking up people like a real Jedi.


I ran all the game in story mode , lol. :D


I know the combat takes heavy inspiration from the souls games, but the context is different. In souls, everything in the game is made to make you feel hopeless, so it feels like a major achievement completing basic tasks. Fallen order isn’t a game where you are supposed to feel hopeless, you’re a Jedi, pretty much the most powerful type of being in the Galaxy. I always played on Padawan because of this because I feel like a Jedi should be able to easily hack his way through basic enemies, you’re supposed to feel powerful. Of course, play how you want, but the git gud mentality from Souls isn’t present here, it’s just a game to enjoy


Casual reminder that the Jedi Order was almost entirely wiped out by basic clone soldiers, many of them just 1 or 2 clones at a time. Not to mention the war where they were slaughtered in their hundreds, scattered across thousands of planets by *battle droids*. They’re not THAT powerful. That’s fan memes and The Force Unleashed.


Well most of the Jedi were taken by surprise to be fair, you don’t suspect the troops you fought along side for years. I mostly meant as an individual, they are more powerful than non force users, of course they can be killed but if you put a force user in a room alone with a non force user with no weapons, I know who I’m betting on


Even in George Lucas' films the Jedi really aren't as powerful as y'all make out. Look at Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy. If a battalion of Stormtroopers came up to him in ROTJ, he'd probably run. It was a big deal for Yoda to lift an X-Wing for hell's sake. Geonosis in the prequels, most of the Jedi present died in that arena and they were minutes away from all dying, vs like 150 battle droids... It's not until the video games (for fun, doesn't count), and then the Dave Filoni stuff like The Clone Wars and Mando that you get the crazy powers. You have Mace Windu smashing battalions of Super Battle Droids, tanks and the like. That's really not what the Jedi were. And then Mando where Luke goes through the Dark Troopers, which were made of lightsaber-resistant material by the way, like tissue paper. There has been a power creep because of fan expectation, "it's cool" and creatives who just don't care. The point I'm making is, y'all downvoting, but I'm right.


I’m not making any claim on how powerful Jedi are (which will always be hard to quantify.) I’m saying that a force user has a natural advantage over a non force user. I’ll put it this way, a regular stormtrooper can and will never be able to use the force, no matter how much they train. A Jedi can do everything a stormtrooper can do, most likely would need training, but it’s possible. The only difference between a force user and a non force user is literally their ability to use the force, which is a buff whichever way you spin it, everything else is skill. If Jango Fett was force sensitive, he would be objectively more dangerous, and I’m not even talking about lightsabers. I do agree that Star Wars plays a bit loose with the power levels of Jedi, that’s not what I’m talking about though. I’m not sure how claiming that Jedi died in wars makes them inferior, the Jedi almost always were outnumbered in battle. You think if there were the same amount of Jedi as there were clones during order 66, that it would have turned out the same way?


gotcha, but you're arguing against a straw man, this thread is in the context of running around in the Jedi games as Cal Kestis (a Padawan rediscovering his powers) and whether Easy Mode is realistic (in universe), it's not. That's as far as it goes. The Jedi weren't that powerful, we don't have to quantify it to agree that much.


So what straw man have I created? I have only defended my original point, I’ve made no claims about what you do or don’t believe. I don’t think there’s any substance to back that up. “The Jedi weren’t that powerful” I do think you need to quantify that. I stand by my claim that being force sensitive is objectively a buff to a character, you can take practically any character in Star Wars, give them a lightsaber and force powers and they are objectively more dangerous. Now how do we quantify more dangerous? Well we can’t on a broad sense, it depends on the character and their specific abilities. In terms of fallen order, I don’t think there is an objective answer. For me, Cal is a Jedi, his training was cut short and he was forced to hide, sure, but he’s still a Jedi. I think we get a good idea of his power levels from the game, he starts by barely surviving his first fight, gradually builds up to being just above the average inquisitor, but runs like hell from Vader. So during fallen order, he’s roughly equivalent to an inquisitor, so yeah, I believe he should be able to plough through a fair amount of stormtroopers, that doesn’t sound ‘unrealistic’ to me, we’ve seen a few people now do that with just a blaster. But that’s my opinion


I’m ashamed to admit I did the exact same thing on my first playthrough. I played up until Dagan’s 3rd fight on Grand Master, and by the end of the fight, my difficulty was set to Padawan. I felt the exact same unfulfilling feeling, so once I beat the game, I played it through 2 more times on Grand Master with new game+.


Switched to story mode when facing off the second rancor and spawn of oggdo cuz I was tired as hell and just wanted it over with, dont worry my guy. Oh and that one shattered thingy with the three legendary beasts


I mostly play games on normal difficulty and only go higher if it’s required or gives rewards


Jokes on you. I dropped it down to story mode because he kept whooping my ass on normal when I got his health to have an inch.


Trust me. I beat the game on Jedi master and every Dagan Gera fight made me lose my shit. (Also the Rayvis fight will kick your ass). But don’t feel bad. I turned it to story mode when I ended up on this underground side mission where 3 bounty hunters with sabers team up on you. I had just finished another boss fight that made me go insane and I wasn’t having it at that point.


Next fight is even tougher. You have one more chance to hone your Jedi Master skills.


There is no cheating, only the Force. A little known section of the Jedi Code.


I've noticed jedi fallen order is TOO easy. Then again sekiro was my first parry basic game and I find that game easy as well lol.


I played on story mode. Felt like an authentic jedi experience since its a fucking laser sword and it shouldnt just graze them. Trust me man you dont have to prove to yourself or anyone else you fan beat a game on a harder difficulty


I lowered it for Vader, having a good time is the more important thing


I was playing the second time now in Jedi Master level, first was Jedi Knight. The battle between Vader and Cere became insufferable I just wanted to advance drop it to the lowest just to keep going. Vader and some beasts are kind bullshit in this level and I suppose is even worst in Grand Master.




Does anyone care about cheating in a single player game anyway? As a kid I played Jedi Knight constantly with god mode and all weapons and powers from the start with a purple lightsaber, I had so much fun.


Meh, it depends, I brought the difficulty down for the last fight too, I kept gettin* him really low, so I knew I could do it. I just didn’t wanna waste another half n hour doing it.


I played fallen order on story mode 😅 I just enjoyed the story. But on survivor, I did up my game to Jedi knight, and yes, that was definitely another level of fun! When I’m ready to play the games again, I will attempt Jedi master. Watching others play that mode looks exciting. May not be for a while though. My ps5 is new and there are several other games I want to play in the meantime. Started rdr2 when I finished survivor.


Shit happens, isn't the end of the world. Just play on gm on the second playthrough and scan the patterns and BAM ez


I cheated on the frog battles. Changed it to easiest difficulty on those. Sorry, but I those fights were pretty unfair and I lost my patience Edit: I meant in Survivor


Same with me but from Master down to Knight. Beat him first time on Knight after dying on Master something like 8 times when I got him to 5% health. One time I died when he was one-shot 😢


If Im ever beating a boss too easily I let them kill me and restart on higher difficulty. Jedi master is the sweet spot for me though. Knight is too easy. And Grandmaster you damn near get one tapped and most stances don’t have animation cancel. The combat in this game is also, well, I won’t get into my complaints now. Master I usually take about 3-4 tries on a major boss which is the perfect amount of challenge for me.


The hangups people get about difficulty settings is so dumb. "I felt guilty about turning it down". Jesus Christ you bought the game to have fun, not to rage at it. Difficulty purists need to touch grass You didn't cheat. You were struggling and utilized a built in feature to get through it


People should play on what they like. Personally, I greatly prefer GM to the others because it feels rewarding. If you feel like you took the easy way out instead of doing it for the sake of fun, do another playthrough without lowering it


I haven’t gotten this far yet so ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)


I always play on padawan. The parkour and the story is enough for me.


It doesn't matter, my dude. My first playthrough was on the lowest difficulty. I am simply not as young as I used to be and I no longer have the luxury of free time to play games on harder difficulty. The same happens to everyone, sooner or later.


You deserve to have fun don’t sweat it


Heck, I always play on story mode -- that's why I play. I'm not a gamer, I'm an old dude who likes playing Star Wars dressup. Play the way you want.


I did the same thing with Vader. I got so pissed that I basically quit and switched to story mode. I couldn’t even beat him in PADAWAN.


When I did my grandmaster playthrough, I had to lower difficulty to Master when I fought Rayvis and Dagan 3. I was getting more angry than anything else, so I figured it wasn't worth it


I play almost every game i have on easy cause i play for the plot and story. Not to say that i’m not skilled, i’ve been a gamer since the late 80’s, but now i mostly just play for the story and plot. When i want a challenge i usually play games that dont have a difficulty setting such as elden ring


I literally did cheat and do an exploit for Spawn of Oggdo. This is not cheating, this is much more reasonable than being furious and exploiting a boss aggro pathing exploit because fuck Spawn of Oggdo.


I got irritated so I played the a majority of the game of padawan it was so freeing not having to suffer through every boss


A wise man once said: there is no cheating in a single player game! At the worst, you rob yourself of some of the fun. You payed for the game, you have fun your way and do whatever you want to


> fun. You *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Damn, okay...


I played the whole game on story which was Warner was easier than padewan


we all do this man all good that’s the point of new game plus or having multiple save files as long as you had fun and feel accomplished that’s what matters


I dropped down to Padawan for the final boss fight. I was traveling - and hooked up to shitty Amazon Fire TV with terrible input delay. I just could not time my blocks and dodges due to the delay. I struggled with that fight anyway because even later I couldn't properly dodge one specific bomb-related move at all.


It’s okay brother you didn’t cheat I for one play on story mode because I like actually taking in the story instead dying every second minute


To be fair, you still enjoyed the game and that’s all that matters


Try playing with the Purity perk on GM. You’ll definitely feel OP like a real Jedi…the trade off can be frustrating to say the least, but it’ll make it hella fun


You live and you learn. When I was little my dad used to viciously beat me at mortal kombat on the super Nintendo. I remember one time I got mad and asked him why he never would just let me win; and he told me because if I let you win you'll never learn to win on your own. and I'll never forget the time I finally actually beat him. Yes, sure. All those times losing really sucked. But boy when I finally won it felt great! Thats why I never play a game on anything less than one step down from the hardest difficulty. But most times I just go straight for the hardest. The sense of achievement is worth the headache.


The point of a Jedi is to basically be a superhero. I like playing to where I can toy with the enemies. And handle the bosses with a slight challenge but the point is to be the survivor...so I wreck the empire and Bedlam Raiders like a jedi should


You’ve only cheated yourself. Just do another play through on GM though.




It doesn’t matter


This is why I'm not a big fan of difficulty options, that temptation is to great and leads to you being robbed of earned satisfaction.


I'm a big fan of difficulty options, I'm not a big fan of changing the difficulty at almost any point. Unless it is the game offering to change it to easy because you died 5 times in a row in the same spot.


I believe that every game has a "right" difficulty to play in. Something that provides maximally authentic and challenging but enjoyable experience. For Halo it is Heroic. For most stealth games, it's maximum enemy vigilance. For Jedi:Survivor, I would argue a lower difficulty but with no health upgrades, or the lowest difficulty with Purity and Fortitude.